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    【单元测试】高中英语人教版(2019) 选修第一册 Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(有解析)
    【单元测试】高中英语人教版(2019) 选修第一册  Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(有解析)01
    【单元测试】高中英语人教版(2019) 选修第一册  Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(有解析)02
    【单元测试】高中英语人教版(2019) 选修第一册  Unit 2 Looking into the Future 单元测试(有解析)03
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    人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试达标测试

    这是一份人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 2 Looking into the Future精品单元测试达标测试,共25页。


    When we long live together, we quickly learn to foresee the near-term behaviors of our co-workers or family members. Our ability to predict the actions of others makes it easier to successfully live and work together. In contrast, even the most intelligent and advanced robots have remained inept at this sort of communication. This may be about to change.
    The study, conducted by Mechanical Engineering Professor Hod Lipson, is part of a broader effort to provide robots with the ability to understand and predict what others want. The researchers first built a subject robot and placed it in a playpen. They programmed the robot to seek and move towards any green circle it could see. But there was a hidden difficulty: Sometimes the robot could see a green circle in its camera and move directly towards it. But other times, the green circle would be blocked by a tall red cardboard box, in which case the robot would move towards a different green circle, or not at all.
    After “researching” its partner on screen long, the new robot was eventually able to get its partner’s goal and path 98 out of 100 times, across varying situations. When starting the experiment, the researchers expected the robot might learn to make predictions about the subject robot’s near-term actions. What the researchers didn’t expect, however, was how accurately it could foresee the moves with only a few seconds of video.
    “Our initial results are very exciting, showing how robots can see the world from another robot’s view,” says Lipson. “The understanding ability of the new robot is perhaps a primitive form of sensing others’ feelings, which we all can do.”
    Meanwhile, he acknowledges there’re many moral questions. The technology will make robot more adaptable and useful and no longer passive instruction-following machines, but when robots ca predict how humans think, they may also learn to control or influence those thoughts.
    1.What does “inept” underlined in the first paragraph mean’?
    A.Careful. B.Smart. C.Active. D.Poor.
    2.What is the experiment designed to find?
    A.How a robot moves toward the targeted object.
    B.Whether a robot can predict other robots’ goals.
    C.Whether robots can work together like humans.
    D.How accurately a robot foresees its partner’s moves.
    3.How does the robot gain the understanding ability?
    A.By communication. B.By following its camera.
    C.By visual observation. D.By experiencing various tests.
    4.What does Lipson think of the new robot?
    A.It bears human characteristics. B.It has some kind of moral values.
    C.It might replace human beings. D.It is an instruction-following machine.

    Are you interested in robot-science? What do you think robots are capable of? Let’s have a review of world-leading technology gathered at the World Robot Conference (WRC) 2022.
    Technology in agriculture
    A fruit-picking robot attracted visitors’ attention. With the help of various sensors and an AI system, the robot can collect fruit according to its ripeness, quality and size. The robot first locates the fruit and then uses sensors to decide whether it is ripe, with a robotic arm picking the fruit gently. The fruit is then categorized, ending up in a basket according to its size. It is said that more robotic technology will be used in agriculture in the future, including robots for daily inspection and weeding.
    Robots fighting Covid-19
    Medical staff conducting nucleic acid tests often find their work toilsome, especially under the summer heat. A nucleic acid test robot developed by Tsinghua University and a Chinese biotech company was presented at the WRC.It looks like a vending machine, but the robot can collect throat swabs (拭子), process samples, as well as produce and upload the results within 45 minutes. The whole process will not require the involvement of humans or laboratories.
    Inventions of the youth
    Those visiting the exhibit also witnessed the intelligence of a new generation. Wang Zirun, a junior student at the school, designed a three-dimensional parking facility model. Since there are usually too few parking spaces in older residential areas, Wang’s work aims to fit more cars into current parking spots. The facility works like a sky wheel with six parking spots. When cars need to be picked up, the facility rotates steadily, placing the car on the ground.
    5.Why is the parking facility designed like a sky wheel?
    A.To make the most of limited space.
    B.To prevent cars from being stolen.
    C.To increase ground parking spaces.
    D.To save building materials.
    6.What can we infer from the text?
    A.Human can be replaced by the robot in the future.
    B.The WRC is intended to inspire the intelligence of a young generation.
    C.All the inventions mentioned have been put into practical use.
    D.Both the fruit-picking robot and the nucleic acid test robot can save manpower.
    7.Where is the text probably taken from?
    A.A travel brochure. B.A science magazine.
    C.A technology textbook. D.A product advertisement.

    Heat is the biggest end use for energy all over the world. It’s also critically important for survival in a country like Finland where the winter is long, cold and dark. And the recent move by Russia to cut off supplies of gas and electricity in response to Finland joining NATO has caused concern.
    There is good news, however, that the world’s fully first working sand battery has been installed in Finland. It is a device which can store sustainably produced heat for months at a time and can be used to keep homes warm in winter. That’s why the new technology was developed by researchers there. Researchers believe it can solve the country’s year-round crisis in power supply, which is a significant issue for green energy.
    The sand battery was installed in the Vatajankoski power plant that runs the heating system for the houses in the area. It works by heating the sand, circulating the heat generated in the sand using a heat exchanger. Researchers used low-grade sand to charge the devices with heat from cheap electricity coming from either solar or wind energy. The sand battery can store energy and heat up to 500 degrees Celsius. which can be used to warm homes during winter when electricity is more expensive.
    It is a cost-effective method because when the battery releases the hot air, it warms the water for the district heating system that is pumped around homes, offices, and the local swimming pool. Sand is an ideal material because it is cheap and readily available everywhere. While other inexpensive items like water can store heat, sand can be heated to much higher temperatures. The sand used is of the lowest quality so it cannot be used in construction thus making it a sustainable choice. Besides, sand-based batteries last longer than other batteries. According to a study, researchers obtained silicon using sand to create a battery that lasts three times longer than lithium-ion(锂离子) batteries.
    “This innovation is a part of the smart and green energy transition. Heat storage systems can significantly help to increase intermittent (间歇性的) renewables in the electrical network,” said Markku Ylönen, cofounder of Polar Night Energy. “At the same time, we can make full use of the heat waste to keep the city warm.”
    8.Why did researchers install sand battery in Finland?
    A.Because Finland is in desperate need of it owing to the climate.
    B.Because people there can use it to keep warm in summer.
    C.Because Russia cut off supplies of gas and electricity there.
    D.Because sand in Finland can generate a great deal of solar power.
    9.How does the sand battery work?
    A.It generates electricity with seawater. B.It stores heat from green energy.
    C.It charges electronic devices. D.The hot air is circulating inside a plant.
    10.Sand is used in this new technology mainly because ________.
    A.other material can’t store heat B.it is thrown everywhere
    C.it is a kind of unsustainable resource D.it is inexpensive
    11.What’s Markku Ylönen’s attitude towards the battery?
    A.Indifferent. B.Negative. C.Positive. D.Neutral.

    Mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions of the last 50 years, but not everything that is said about them is good. Mobiles are frequently blamed for a number of things, from thumb injuries and headaches to house fires. ___12___
    The theory is that the bees navigation (导航) systems are damaged by the radiation that is given off by mobile phones. Bees have a built-in system a bit like GPS and this helps them find their way back to their hive. But recently, thousands of bees have failed to find their way home. ___13___
    The problem was first noticed by beekeepers in America and is a lot more complicated than it at first seems. The important thing about bees is that most of the crops in many countries of the world are pollinated (授粉) by them. ____14____ Many beekeepers in America and Europe have reported losing between 50 and 70 percent of their bees. Jim Piper, a London beekeeper, was recently asked how the problem was affecting him. “My business has been ruined by this,” he explained, “twenty-nine of my forty hives are now empty.”
    ___15___ However, the fact that bees are disappearing in very large numbers is real. And we can’t manage without them. Einstein said that if all our bees disappeared, man would only live for four more years! ____16____ If the mobile phone theory is correct, we need to do something about it immediately—before it’s too late.
    A.Bees are losing their way.
    B.Nobody has proved the theory is true.
    C.More evidence is provided to support the theory.
    D.It is believed they are dying far from their hives.
    E.Without bees, the crops can’t continue to grow.
    F.The situation needs to be evaluated by the world’s best scientists.
    G.One theory even blames mobile phones for the disappearance of bees.

    Do you remember how you felt the first time you rode bike? What about your first heartbreak? ____17____ moments and the emotions they arouse can resonate in our minds for decades, powerfully shaping who we are as individuals. But for those who experience severe trauma(创伤), such painful memories can leave people with life-changing mental conditions. So, what if traumatic memories did not have to cause so much ___18___ ? For now, the work is happening in mice.
    Neuroscientists usually define a singular memory as an engram---a physical change in brain tissue ____19____ a particular recollection. While at MIT in 2013, Steve Ramirez of Boston University and his research partner Xu Liu had a breakthrough: They were able to target the cells that ___20___ one engram in a mouse's brain and then implant a false memory. In their work, mice __21__ in fear to a particular stimulus even when they had not been conditioned in advance.
    In their current work, Ramirez and his colleagues are investigating whether ___22___ memories can be “overwritten” by positive ones. In their experiments, positive memories are created by putting male mice in cages with female ones for an hour, and negative memories are created by putting the mice in cages that deliver brief foot shocks. After a surgical operation on the mice, the researchers find that ___23___ positive memories while mouse is in a cage makes it less fearful. They think that this memory “retraining"may be helping to ___24___ some of the mouse's trauma. ___25___ , it is unclear whether those original fear memories are completely lost or just suppressed(抑制).
    __26__ Ramirez’s team stresses that their work in mice is preliminary(初步的), they see treatment potential for humans down the road. Those suffering from PTSD or depression could have their memories ___27___ , for instance, so that they don't have a strong ___28___ response to painful recollections.
    If it’s one day possible to alter human memory, who should be allowed to receive that treatment? And would the ___29___ system be at a disadvantage if key witnesses and victims cannot remember a crime? These are questions New York University bioethicist Arthur Caplan says are worth thinking about before the technology is ready for human clinical settings.
    As neuroscientists progress with their research, they say these ___30___ issues are being taken into account. Ramirez sees the idea of  ___31___ memories as neither good nor bad. Like water, it just depends on how you use it.
    17.A.Forgettable B.Memorable C.Sustainable D.Believable
    18.A.fruit B.difference C.pain D.movement
    19.A.associated with B.exchanged for C.sentenced to D.deprived of
    20.A.put off B.pick up C.turn on D.make up
    21.A.reacted B.hurried C.stunned D.resolved
    22.A.short-term B.negative C.enjoyable D.reliable
    23.A.deleting B.decreasing C.activating D.pausing
    24.A.recreate B.eliminate C.liberate D.memorize
    25.A.Therefore B.Besides C.Indeed D.However
    26.A.Since B.Unless C.Until D.While
    27.A.removed B.strengthened C.altered D.stimulated
    28.A.emotional B.physical C.controversial D.mechanical
    29.A.immune B.justice C.medical D.commerce
    30.A.mental B.ethical C.criminal D.equality
    31.A.killing B.multiplying C.controlling D.justifying

    Two boys were rescued by a brand new lifesaving drone (无人机) in Australia while lifeguards were still training to use ____32____ device. The ____33____(swim), aged 15-17, had got into difficulties off the coast of Lennox Head, New South Wales (NSW).
    A man walking along the beach spotted the teenagers ____34____(struggle) in heavy waves about 700 metres offshore. Lifesavers instantly sent the drone ____35____(drop) an inflatable rescue pod (救援舱), and the boys made their way ____36____(safe) to the shore. The rescue was considered to be historic, because it was the first time that a drone ____37____(equip) with a flotation (漂浮) device had been used to rescue swimmers like that.
    Lifeguard supervisor Jai Sheridan was piloting (领航) the device when the alarm ____38____(raise). He described the experience as a(n) ____39____ (real) and unbelievable one.
    “The drone certainly proved ____40____(it) today. It is an amazingly efficient lifesaving device,” he told the local newspaper. It took just a minute _____41_____ two to launch the drone, fly it to the rescue site, and drop the pod. However, before that, reaching the teenagers could easily have taken three times as long.

    42.It is widely accepted that cellphones must be turned off or switched to flight m________ before the plane takes off. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    43.He p________ me to buy the house and now I’m very glad he did. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    44.I v_____ took part in a charity program and went to the rural area in Guangxi to train the English teachers there.

    45.I'm sure that ______ (人工的) intelligence will have a promising future. (根据汉语意思填空)
    46.Oil or vinegar may be added to the salad, according to your________(偏爱). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    47.She has acting ________ (潜力), but she needs training. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

    48.Jim’s c______ (不断的) complaint was really beginning to try her patience. (根据中英文提示填空)
    49.We a______ (提倡) recycling paper and plastics. (根据中英文提示填空)

    50.We ______________________(一直与……保持联系)each other by email since then.(根据汉语意思完成句子)
    51.With decades of _______ reform and _______(不断的改革和创新), Shenzhen has adopted many favorable policies for emerging businesses. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    52.If I were you, I would _____________(关上)the television and concentrate on my study. (根据汉语提示完成句子)

    53.He wired me the results of the examination. (同义句转换)
    →He wired _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________.
    54.The project is designed to provide young people with work. (同义句转化)
    The project is designed to ________________________________.

    55.他不小心被工地上的电缆绊倒了。(trip v.) (汉译英)
    57.人工智能的使用很广泛,我们的生活变得更加高效。(独立主格结构) (汉译英)


    ________________________ at 10: 00 tomorrow?
    Most________, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your ________.

    1.D    2.B    3.C    4.A

    1.词句猜测题。根据第一段“When we long live together, we quickly learn to foresee the near-term behaviors of our co-workers or family members.(当我们长期生活在一起时,我们很快学会预见同事或家庭成员近期的行为)”可知,人在一起生活的时间久了,就能知晓对方下一步的动作和意图。根据上文的“In contrast”及下文的“This may be about to change.(这种情况可能即将改变)”和有关机器人的新能力的研究可知,划线词所在句与前面的内容存在对比关系,表示相比之下即使是最智能、最先进的机器人在这种交流上仍然还很笨拙、很不擅长。inept为“缺乏技巧的,无能的,笨拙的”之意。故选D。
    2.细节理解题。根据第二、三段的内容,尤其是第二段的“The study, conducted by Mechanical Engineering Professor Hod Lipson, is part of a broader effort to provide robots with the ability to understand and predict what others want.(这项研究由机械工程教授Hod Lipson进行,是为机器人提供理解和预测他人需求能力的更广泛努力的一部分)”和第三段的“When starting the experiment, the researchers expected the robot might learn to make predictions about the subject robot’s near-term actions.(在开始实验时,研究人员预计机器人可能会学会预测实验对象的近期行动)”可知,实验的目的是要看看机器人是否能够预测机器人的行动和打算。故选B。
    3.细节理解题。根据第三段“After “researching” its partner on screen long, the new robot was eventually able to get its partner’s goal and path 98 out of 100 times, across varying situations. (在长时间“研究”屏幕上的合作伙伴后,新机器人最终能够在不同的情况下,在100次中有98次获得合作伙伴的目标和路径)”可知,机器人通过视觉观察获得了理解和预测其他机器人的行动的能力。故选C。
    4.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The understanding ability of the new robot is perhaps a primitive form of sensing others’ feelings, which we all can do. (这种新型机器人的理解能力可能是感知他人感受的一种原始形式,我们都能做到)”可知,在Lipson看来,这种新型的机器人具有人的特性。故选A。
    5.A    6.D    7.B

    5.细节理解题。根据文章Inventions of the youth中的“Since there are usually too few parking spaces in older residential areas, Wang’s work aims to fit more cars into current parking spots.The facility works like a sky wheel with six parking spots. When cars need to be picked up, the facility rotates steadily, placing the car on the ground.(由于老旧住宅区的停车位通常太少,王子润的作品旨在将更多的汽车安置在现有的停车位上。该设施就像一个空中摩天轮,有六个停车位。当需要取车时,该设备会稳定旋转,将汽车放置在地面上。)”可知,由于老旧住宅区的停车位太少,所以王子润设计了这样一款机器人,旨在将更多的汽车安置在现有的停车位上。由此可推之,王子润的设计目的在于最大程度地利用停车空间。故选A项。
    6.推理判断题。根据文章Technology in agriculture中的“With the help of various sensors and an AI system, the robot can collect fruit according to its ripeness, quality and size. The robot first locates the fruit and then uses sensors to decide whether it is ripe, with a robotic arm picking the fruit gently.(在各种传感器和人工智能系统的帮助下,机器人可以根据水果的成熟度、质量和大小来收水果。机器人首先定位水果,然后用传感器判断它是否成熟,机械臂轻轻采摘水果。)”可知,在各种传感器和人工智能系统的帮助下,机器人可以根据水果的成熟度、质量和大小来收水果。由此可推知,这种机器人的应用可以节省人力。根据文章Robots fighting Covid-19中的“The whole process will not require the involvement of humans or laboratories.(整个过程不需要人类或实验室的参与。)”可知,用来采集核酸的机器人不需要人类或实验室的参与,这也节省了人力。由此可推知,这两种机器人都能节省人力。故选D项。
    8.A    9.B    10.D    11.C

    8.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Heat is the biggest end use for energy all over the world. It’s also critically important for survival in a country like Finland where the winter is long, cold and dark.(热是全世界最大的能源最终用途。这对一个像芬兰这样冬天漫长、寒冷、黑暗的国家的生存来说也至关重要。)”以及第二段中“It is a device which can store sustainably produced heat for months at a time and can be used to keep homes warm in winter. That’s why the new technology was developed by researchers there.(这是一种可以储存持续产生的热量的设备,一次可以储存几个月,可以用来在冬天保持家庭温暖。这就是为什么那里的研究人员开发了这项新技术。)”可知,因为芬兰由于气候原因急需沙子电池,这样可以帮助芬兰在冬天保持家庭温暖。故选A。
    9.细节理解题。根据第二段中“It is a device which can store sustainably produced heat for months at a time and can be used to keep homes warm in winter. (这是一种可以储存持续产生的热量的设备,一次可以储存几个月,可以用来在冬天保持家庭温暖。)”可知,该沙子电池是通过储存持续产生的热量的方式工作的。故选B。
    10.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Sand is an ideal material because it is cheap and readily available everywhere. (沙子是一种理想的材料,因为它便宜而且随处可得。)”可知,使用沙子的原因在于沙子便宜。故选D。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“This innovation is a part of the smart and green energy transition. Heat storage systems can significantly help to increase intermittent (间歇性的) renewables in the electrical network(这种创新是智能和绿色能源转型的一部分。蓄热系统可以极大地帮助增加电力网络中的间歇性可再生能源。)”可知,Markku Ylönen认为该电池能够极大地帮助增加电力网络中的间歇性可再生能源即保持的是积极的态度。故选C。
    12.G    13.D    14.E    15.B    16.F

    15.根据第二段第一句:The theory is that the bees navigation (导航)systems are damaged by the radiation that is given off by mobile phones. 该理论认为,蜜蜂的导航系统受到手机辐射的破坏。再根据下句:然而,事实上,蜜蜂正在大量消失的事实是真实的。可知选项呈上承上启下,故B选项“没有人证明这个理论是正确的”。切题。下句中的however表示转折,起着很大的作用。故选B。

    17.B    18.C    19.A    20.D    21.A    22.B    23.C    24.B    25.D    26.D    27.C    28.A    29.B    30.B    31.C

    17.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:那些记忆深刻的时刻和他们激起的情感可以几十年在我们的头脑中产生共鸣,塑造着我们是谁。A.Forgettable 忘记了的;B. Memorable记忆深刻的; C.Sustainable可持续的; D. Believable 可以相信的。根据上句“Do you remember how you felt the first time you rode bike?”(作者问第一次骑车的时候)可知,作者在讲过去的记忆。故选B。
    18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果这些创伤不会造成如此多的伤害,那会怎么样呢?A.fruit 水果;B.difference不同,影响; C.pain 痛苦; D.movement运动。根据上句“such painful memories can leave people with life-changing mental conditions.(这些痛苦的记忆会给人们带来改变生活的精神状况。)“创伤”应该是痛苦的经历,所以会造成“痛苦”。 故选C。
    19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:神经系统科学家通常定义一个记忆为“一个印迹符号”--在大脑组织中的和一个特定的记忆有关的物理改变。A.associated with 和...有关;B.exchanged for交换; C.sentenced to 判刑;D.deprived of剥夺。“ define a singular memory as ”本句解释的是“memory”的定义,recllection是它的近义词,因此应该是“和它相关的”。故选A。
    20.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他们能够瞄准那个构成记忆符号的细胞,然后植入一个虚假的记忆。A.put off 推迟;B.pick up 捡起;C. turn on打开; D.make up构成。根据“a physical change in brain tissue     3     a particular recollection. ”(科学家对“engram”的定义)可知,那个细胞储存着记忆,构成了记忆符号。故选D。
    21.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在他们的工作中,老鼠会对某个特定的刺激作出惊恐的反应,即使当它们提前没有遭遇到这种情况。A. reacted 反应;B.hurried 匆忙; C.stunned 震惊; D.resolved 决心。根据“They were able to target the cells that    4    one engram in a mouse's brain and then implant a false memory. ”(科学家们在做研究,“往它们体内植入虚假的记忆”),所以应该是老鼠对此作出反应。故选A。
    22.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在他们当前的工作中,他和同事正在调查是否这些消极的记忆可以被积极的记忆改写。A.short-term 长期的;B.negative 消极的;C.enjoyable 快乐的;D.reliable可靠的。根据后文的“ be “overwritten” by positive ones”可知,本空应该是它的反义词。故选B。
    23.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在对老鼠进行外科手术之后科学家们发现,当老鼠在笼子里的时候激活那些积极的记忆会让它不再那么恐惧。A.deleting 删除;B.decreasing 减少;C.activating 激活; D.pausing暂停。根据“positive memories are created by putting male mice in cages with female ones for an hour”,(科学家们对老鼠输入了积极的记忆),所以推测本句指“激活”这些积极记忆。故选C。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们认为这种记忆的“重新训练”有助于去除掉老鼠的一些创伤。A.recreate重新创造; B.eliminate消除; C.liberate 解放;D.memorize记住。根据下文,“it is unclear whether those original fear memories are completely lost or just suppressed”(不知这些原始恐惧是否完全消失)可知,本句指这样做可以“消除”掉一些创伤。故选B。
    25.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,是否这些原始的恐惧记忆完全消除或抑制是不清楚的。A.Therefore 因此;B.Besides 另外;C.Indeed 实际上;D.However然而。根据上文“They think that this memory “retraining"may be helping to    8    some of the mouse's trauma. ”,这样做有助于消除恐惧记忆,下句又讲“能否完全消除还不清楚”,因此两句之间是转折关系。故选D。
    26.考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管他们的团队强调他们在老鼠身上的成果只是初步的,但是他们也看到了在这条路上为人类治疗的潜力。A.Since因为; B.Unless 除非;C.Until 直到;D.While然而。根据从句中“preliminary(初步的)”一词,及主句中“潜力”一词,可推出主从句之间为转折关系。故选D。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,那些遭受抑郁的人们就可以让他们的记忆被转换,以致于他们对痛苦的经历没有一种强烈的反应。A.removed 移除;B.strengthened 加强;C.altered 转换;D.stimulated刺激。根据“Ramirez’s team stresses that their work in mice is preliminary(初步的), they see treatment potential for humans down the road”,“科学家们在对老鼠做实验的成效中,看到了人类治疗的潜能”,所以本句是这种“潜能”应用的例子,就是可以转换人的记忆。故选C。
    28.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:例如,那些遭受抑郁的人们就可以让他们的记忆被转换,以致于他们对痛苦的经历没有一种强烈的反应。A.emotional 情感的;B.physical 身体的C.controversial 传统的;D.mechanical机械的;本空修饰“response to painful recollection”’(人对痛苦回忆的反应),这种反应应该是“情感上的”。故选A。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果关键的证人和受害者不能记得犯罪事件,那么执法系统会处于不利地位吗? A.immune 免疫的;B.justice 公正的,正义,执法制度;C.medical 医疗的;D.commerce商业。根据 “system be at a disadvantage if key witnesses and victims cannot remember a crime? ”意思,证人和受害者不记得犯罪事件后,那么“执法部门”就无法找到确切的犯罪证据。故选B。
    30.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:伴随着神经科学家们的研究进展,他们说这些道德上的问题也正在被考虑中。A.mental 精神的;B.ethical 道德上的,伦理的 ;C.criminal 罪犯的;D.equality平等性。根据“These are questions New York University bioethicist Arthur Caplan says are worth thinking about ”作者提出,如果这种技术应用在人身上后,会出现的各种问题可知,这些问题都属于“道德”方面的。故选B。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ramirez认为这种控制记忆的想法既不是好的,也不是坏的,这取决于你怎样使用它。A.killing 杀害;B.multiplying 繁殖;C.controlling控制;D.justifying证明...合法,辩护。根据“memories can be “overwritten” by positive ones”可知,本文主要讲“改变人的记忆”的问题,所以这里应该是“控制记忆”。故选C。

    32.the    33.swimmers    34.struggling    35.to drop    36.safely    37.equipped    38.was raised    39.unreal    40.itself    41.or

    32.考查冠词。句意:在澳大利亚,两名男孩被一架全新的救生无人机救起,当时救生员仍在训练使用这台设备。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里的名词device指代上文提到的a brand new lifesaving drone,是特指,用定冠词the修饰。故填the。
    35.考查非谓语动词。句意:救生员立即派出无人机降落一个充气救援舱,男孩们安全地前往岸边。send sb./sth. to do“派某人/某物去做某事”是固定短语。故填to drop。
    36.考查副词。句意:见第4题详解。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里需要副词作状语,修饰动词短语made their way。故填safely。
    38.考查时态和语态。句意:警报响起时,救生员主管Jai Sheridan正在驾驶该设备。空处为状语从句的谓语动词,描述过去的动作,主语alarm和动词raise是被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词用was。故填was raised。
    41.考查连词。句意:发射无人机、将其飞往救援现场并放下吊舱只花了一、两分钟。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里指“一、两分钟”的意思,a minute和 two是选择的关系。故填or。
    【详解】考查名词。句意:人们普遍认为,在飞机起飞前,手机必须关闭或切换到飞行模式。switch to表示转换到,后面用名词作宾语,根据首字母可知,是模式mode,flight mode表示飞行模式。故填mode。
    【详解】考查动词。句意:他劝我买这套房子,现在我很高兴那时他让我买。空处为句子谓语动词,根据句意和首字母提示可知,动词persuade“劝说”符合题意,persuade sb. to do sth.“劝说某人做某事”,结合语境和下文did判断此处陈述过去的事情,用一般过去时。故填persuaded。
    【详解】考查副词。句意:我自愿参加了一个慈善项目,去广西农村培训那里的英语老师。take part in为动词短语,需要副词修饰,故填副词voluntarily,“自愿地”。故填voluntarily。
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:我相信人工智能将会有一个光明的前途。根据所给句子和汉语提示可推出是形容词artificial“人工的”,该词作为定语修饰名词intelligence,artificial intelligence“人工智能”,故填artificial。
    【详解】考查名词。句意: 可以根据您的喜好添加油或醋。根据句意和汉语提示,应填preference“偏爱”作宾语,形容词性物主代词修饰名词,,结合句意,用作不可数名词,故填preference。
    50.have been in touch with
    【详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:从那以后,我们一直通过电子邮件保持联系。根据时间状语since then可知,空处谓语动词需用现在完成时态,因为表示持续一段时间,所以空处需用持续性动词短语be in touch with…和……保持联系,主语是第一人称复数we,所以助动词需用have。故填have been in touch with。
    51.     constant     innovation
    52.switch off/turn off
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意:如果我是你,我就会把电视关上,集中注意力学习。所填词在句子中是谓语动词;根据所给汉语提示,此处是动词短语switch off/turn off;would后接动词原形, 故填switch off/turn off。
    53.     the     results     of     the     examination     to     me
    【详解】考查双宾语结构。句意:他把考试结果电报给我。分析句子结构和意思可知,这里考查动词wire后面跟的双宾语结构wire sb. sth.=wire sth. to sb.,表示“电报给某人某事”的意思。故答案为the results of the examination to me。
    54.provide work for young people
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意:这个项目旨在为年轻人提供工作。分析句子可知,原句中涉及固定短语provide sb. with sth.,意为“为某人提供某物”,可转化为它的同义短语provide sth. for sb.,意为“为某人提供某物”,sth.为原句中的work,sb.为原句中的young people。故填provide work for young people。
    55.He accidentally tripped over a cable/(an electric) wire (and fell) on the construction site.
    【详解】考查副词、动词及时态。句子陈述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时;“不小心”使用accidentally,“被绊倒”使用trip over,“电缆”使用a cable wire或an electric wire,“工地上”使用on the construction site。被绊倒意味着摔倒,可以使用动词fall。结合其他汉语提示,故翻译为He tripped over a cable/(an electric)wire (and fell) on the construction site.
    56.In the past/last month, seasonal vegetables have been available on the market in large quantities, and people have more choices because of the great varieties and consumer-friendly prices.
    【详解】考查固定短语和形容词。表示“最近一个月”用“In the past/last month”;表示“时令蔬菜”用seasonal vegetables;表示“上市”可用available on the market;表示“大量”可用介词短语in large quantities;表示“因为”可用because of;表示“品种丰富”用名词great varieties;表示“价格亲民”用名词consumer-friendly prices;故翻译为In the past/last month, seasonal vegetables have been available on the market in large quantities, and people have more choices because of the great varieties and consumer-friendly prices.
    57.With artificial intelligence used widely, our life becomes more efficient.
    【详解】考查独立主格结构,时态和主谓一致。根据提示可知,此处应用独立主格结构。在with独立主格结构中,逻辑主语为artificial intelligence,意为“人工智能”。动词use意为“使用”,和逻辑主语构成被动关系,且动作已完成,所以应用过去分词形式。表示“广泛地”应用副词widely。表示“生活”应用life作主语,表示“变得”应用系动词become。表示“更加高效的”应用形容词比较级more efficient作表语。此处描述客观事实,所以应用一般现在时。主语life为不可数名词。再结合其它汉语意思。故翻译为With artificial intelligence used widely, our life becomes more efficient.。

    58.cool, refreshing breeze    59.exposed to the four winds of heaven    60.a gust of wind    61.the soft and cold wind    62.a rainy season    63.a stormy night    64.continuous/constant rains    65.in the blinding rain    66.fierce/heavy/violent storms    67.a timely/seasonable rain

    【详解】1. 考查形容词作定语。表示“微风”用名词breeze,表示“凉爽清新的”用形容词cool refreshing;结合汉语提示,故翻译为:cool, refreshing breeze。
    2. 考查短语。表示“四面受风”即“接受四个方向来的风”,所以用exposed to the four winds of heaven,故翻译为:exposed to the four winds of heaven。
    3. 考查短语。表示“一阵风”用短语a gust of wind,故翻译为:a gust of wind。
    4. 考查短语。表示“轻柔却寒冷的风”用 soft and cold wind,故翻译为:the soft and cold wind。
    5. 考查短语。表示“多雨的季节”用a rainy season, 故翻译为:a rainy season。
    6. 考查短语。表示“暴风雨之夜”用a stormy night,故翻译为:a stormy night。
    7. 考查短语。表示“连绵不断的雨”用continuous/constant rains,故翻译为:continuous/constant rains。
    8. 考查短语。表示“在茫茫大雨中”用in the blinding rain,故翻译为:in the blinding rain。
    9. 考查短语。表示“狂风暴雨”用fierce/heavy/violent storms,故翻译为:fierce/heavy/violent storms。
    10. 考查短语。表示“及时雨”用短语a timely/seasonable rain,故翻译为:a timely/seasonable rain。
    68.What will he be doing
    【详解】考查动词时态和疑问词。结合句意,该句可用What引导的特殊疑问句表示。由“明天早上十点”和“会在干嘛”可知此处是指将来某个时间正在进行的动作,所以时态应为将来进行时,句型为:What will sb. be doing sth. (+其他)?此处为he,指“他”。句首字母要大写。故填What will he be doing。
    69.     importantly     potential
    【详解】考查副词和名词。根据句意“最重要的是”可知短语为most importantly;表示“潜能”应用名词potential。故填①importantly;②potential。


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