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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words说课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words说课课件ppt,共48页。PPT课件主要包含了 DDT等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Lk at the infgraphic belw and answer the questins.
    infrmatin+graphic (图表)
    Facts abut DDT:DDT was first prduced in 1874 and was later used as pesticide.It stays in the envirnment.It is highly pisnus t living rganism, including humans.Nw banned in many cuntries, it is still used in sme fr malaria(疟疾) cntrl.
    is sprayed nt plants
    Hw des DDT reach the human bdy in the fd chain?
    leaks thrugh the sil and int rivers and lakes
    is absrbed by the plants
    is cnsumed by animals
    cntaminates fish
    What harm des DDT cause?
    DDT is highly pisnus t living rganism, including humans.
    a bk that led t the banning f DDT
    1874年,德国Zeidler合成了DDT。1936~1939年,瑞士化学家保罗·赫尔曼·穆勒(Paul Hermann Müller,1899~1965)发现了DDT的杀虫效能和使用价值,1943年传播国外,1944正式发表。DDT是第一个重要的有机氯杀虫剂,在第二次世界大战后一段时间内,大量应用于农业和卫生保健,起过很大的作用,瑞士化学家保罗·赫尔曼·穆勒Müller因此获得1948年的诺贝尔医学奖。
    Fr dzens f years, human beings have paid a heavy price fr it : a large number f birds have died ut ; Germ cells have been damaged ; Varius chrnic diseases have appeared… 几十年来,人类为此付出了沉重的代价:大量鸟类灭绝,生殖细胞受损,出现各种慢性疾病……
    Pesticides were yesterday’s gspel, but tday’s disaster.
    Rachel Carsn, writer, scientist, and eclgist, grew up simply in the rural river twn f Springdale, Pennsylvania. 
    1941: Under the Sea-Wind 1951: The Sea Arund Us 1955: The Edge f the Sea 1962: Silent Spring
    Read the bk review n Silent Spring. Predict what will be mentined in the passage.
    Bk Review: an article in a newspaper r magazine giving pinin n a bk.
    Read fr structure
    Basic infrmatin
    the authr, year f publicatin, theme, main idea,reasn fr publicatin
    Cntent f this bk
    Influence f this bk
    Cmments n this bk
    Features f the writing
    Read fr details
    Organise infrmatin frm the passage and cmplete the ntes abut Silent Spring.(P92)
    Rachel Carsn
    Year f publicatin:
    Carsn aimed t alert peple t ______________________________________n natural ecsystems.She wished t see pesticides used in a ________________________________________________________________way.
    the damaging f human activity
    mre respnsible, limited and
    carefully mnitred
    __________________________ said that Carsn’s research is nt precise. Carsn appeared in public and n televisin t _______________________.
    Features f the bk:
    Carsn wrte a lt f _______________________________________________________ in the bk.The arguments are strng, and the language is _______________________.
    Oppsing vices:
    scientific infrmatin, examples
    and research
    beautiful and elegant
    The pesticide industry
    defend her claims
    Influence f the bk:
    __________________ was banned and the EPA was established in the US.Carsn earned a psthumus____________________________.The bk changed the wrld by increasing peple’s ___________________________.
    The use f DDT
    Presidential Medal f Freedm
    envirnmental awareness
    1. Why did many peple get puzzled and disturbed?A.Because they didn't speak f birds again.B.Because the feeding statins were destryed.C.Because mst birds were gne.D.Because birds vices were unusual.2.What can we learn abut Rachel Carsn?A.She was brn in 1962.B.She was a writer by prfessin.C.She thught pesticides were harmful.D.She used t many pesticides daily.
    3. What caused a great increase in the awareness f prtecting the envirnment?A.Carsn's research.B.The fire­ant prgram.C.The green mvement.D.Sme gypsy mths.4. Wh supprted Carsn's research strngly?A.Mst writers.B.Mst scientists.C.Mst critics.D.Mst fficials.
    Think & Share
    1. Why was silent spring s successful?
    It alerted the general public t the dangers f DDT.
    It cuased a great increase in envirnmental awareness. Its impact was immediate and far-
    2. Why did sme peple challenge Carsn’s findings?
    Because they were cncerned abut the negative impact n their pesticide industry. It wuld harm their interst.
    Rachel Carsn received her Presidential Medal f Freedm psthumusly in 1980.
    Read the excerpt frm President Carter’s award speech and write an acceptance speech fr Rachel Carsn.
    I accept the prize with prfund gratitude.I can't tell yu hw hnured I am t receive this award and t be cunted amng the many distinguished recipients wh have received it in the past.Thank yu, Mr President, members f the Cmmittee. I am very happy t be here with yu tday t receive the... I feel hnured, humbled and deeply mved that yu shuld give this imprtant prize t me as I am n ne special. But I believe the prize is a recgnitin f the true value f my effrts, lve, cmpassin which I try t practice.I thank yu all fr this amazing award tnight. Let us nt take this planet fr granted. I d nt take tnight fr granted. Thank yu s very much.
    Useful expressins
    The pening f the bk
    The aim f the bk
    Sme unsuccessful slutins
    The bk’s impact
    The bk deserves t be reread
    cmments n this bk
    Language Pints
    1 There was a strange stillness. The birds, fr example - where bad they gne? Many peple spke f them, puzzled and disturbed. The feeding statins in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were mribund; they trembled vilently and culd nt fly: It was a spring withut vices. “一片古怪的寂静笼罩着这里。小鸟都飞到哪里去了?许多人淡论着,茫然困惑,惴惴不安。后院的饲养站已经鼓遗弃,为数不多的几只鸟也奄奄一息;它们浑身打战,无法飞翔。这是一个寂静的春天。
    1 On the mrnings that bad nce thrbbed with the dauwn chrus f rbins, catbirds, dves, jays, turens, and scres f ther bird vices there was nw n sund; nly silence lay ver the fields and wds and marsh.原本喧闹的情晨,再也没有了知更鸟,北美猫鸟,鸽子、松鸦、鹬鸡的奏鸣曲以及其他小鸟的鸣叫声;只留下一片寂静,笼罩在田野、树林和沼泽的上空。
    2 Rachel Carsn was a scientist by prfessin, but these lines frm the pening chapter f her 1962 bk Silent Spring,“A Fable fr Tmrrw", shw her talent as a writer. By imagining a wrld withut birds, she aimed t alert nt nly the scientific cmmunity but als the general public t the damaging effects f human activity n natural ecsystems - in particular, t the harmful use f pesticides, such as DDT. 蕾切尔.卡森本是一位科学家,但是1962年,她在《寂静的春天》一书的开篇章节“明天的寓言”中的这段描写,展现了她作为作家的天赋。通过想象一个没有鸟儿的世界,她想要警告科学界,提醒公众,人类活动已经对自然界生态系统造成了破坏性的后果,尤其是使用DDT之类的杀虫剂给自然界带来了严重的危害。
    2 She believed that the chemical industry was knwingly causing harm t plants, animals and even humans, and wished t see pesticides used in a mre respnsible, limited and carefully mnitred way.她认为化学工业正在明目张胆地对动植物,甚至对人类本身造成伤害,她希望人们在使用杀虫剂时能够更加负责、节制,并且严加监管。
    3 Carsn urged pcple t make themselves aware f the facts and d smething abut the situatin. Silent Spring cntains a lt f scientific research and case studies. The bk details the gypsy mth eradicatin prgramme, which killed birds, in additin t gypsy mths. Anther case study was the fire-ant prgramme that killed cws, but nt fire ants. 卡森敦促人们认清事实,并且为此做出努力。《寂静的春天》中含有大量的科学研究和真实案例。在灭除舞毒蛾项目这一-案例中,她细致讲述了人们在消灭舞毒蛾的同时,也杀死了鸟类;另一个案例则是在开展消灭火蚁计划时,人们杀死的是奶牛,而非火蚁。
    3The bk als gives dzens f ther examples f eradicatin prgrammes that did nthing t reduce the prblems they were riginally designed t slve. The 50 r s pages at the end f the bk list Carsn's surces, shwing hw thrugh and precise she was as a scientist.书中还讲了几十个其他灭除计划的案例,都未能像预期那样解决问题。这本书最后的五十几页列出了卡森的资料来源,显示出她作为一名科学家的周密和严谨。
    4 Carsn's message was very alarming, causing a great increase in envirnmental awareness. Its impact was immediate and far reaching: the use f DDT was banned and the Envirnmental Prtectin Agency (EPA) was established in the US. Silent Spring was therefre regarded as a milestne in the launch f the green mvement in the Western wrld. It als earned Carsn a psthumus Presidential Medal f Freedm and put her face n the 17-cent US stamp.卡森所述的事实让人们十分担忧,大大提升了人们保护环境的意识。这本书的效果立竿见影,并且影响深远:DDT被禁用;环境保护署也在美国成立。《寂静的春天》因此被视为西方发起绿色运动的里程碑,这使作者在去世后获得了“总统自由勋章”的荣誉,美国17美分的邮票上也印上了她的头像。
    5 Silent Spring was nt, hwever, received psitively by everyne. Thugh Carsn's research was strng and was supprted by mst scientists wh reviewed her wrk, the bk quickly became a target fr critics in the pesticide industry. They said that Carsn did nt understand the science behind her arguments because she was a marine bilgist rather than a chemist. 但并不是所有人都支持《寂静的春天》。虽然卡森的研究很有说服力,而且得到多数审阅过这本书的科学家的支持,但是这本书很快成为了杀虫剂行业批判的对象。他们说卡森并不理解她论证背后的科学原理,因为她是一位海洋生物学家,而非化学家。
    5 Sme als said that her wrk was mre emtinal than scientific. These were attempts t damage Carsn's reputatin and stp her wrk frm influencing public plicy, but she remained determined t stand by her research. Carsn appeared in public and n televisin t defend her daims - and tday, mre than 50 years after it was published, the vice f Silent Spring is still ringing lud and clear.还有一些人说她的作品过于情感化,科学性并不强。他们想要通过破坏卡森的名声来削减她的作品对公共政策的影响,但卡森仍然坚持自己的研究,在公众面前、在电视节目中捍卫自己的观点。时至今日,《寂静的春天》已经出版五十多年了,但它的影响力依旧深远绵长。
    6 Persnally, I enjy Carsn's bk. She made a crucial but ptentially difficult-t-understand subject interesting and accessible t millins f peple. This is nt s much because f the quality f her arguments, strng thugh they are, but because f the beauty and elegance f her writing. 而我个人也十分喜欢卡森的书。她把一个至关重要但十分复杂的问题用简单有趣的方式传达给了数百万人。这并不都是因为她书中高质量的论点是多么强有力,而是因为她美丽和高雅的文笔让读者喜欢。
    6 Her bk nt nly changed the wrld; half a century later it remains a bk that deserves t be reread tday, s that we can nce again feel urselves warm t the fire f its passinate message. Fr unless we d listen t Rachel Carsn's warming, ne day we may wake up t the strange and quiet hrrr f anther silent spring.她的书不仅在当时改变了世界,就是在半个世纪后的今天,它仍然值得人们重新阅读,以感受她充满感情的文字带给我们如火焰般的温暖。因为如果我们不听从卡森的劝告,可能有-天在我们醒来之后,真的会面对一个古怪而又相当恐怖的寂静的春天。
    There was a strange stillness. The birds, fr example — where had they gne? Many peple spke f them, puzzled and disturbed.
    On the mrnings that had nce thrbbed with the dawn chrus f rbins, catbirds, dves, jays, wrens, and scres f ther bird vices there was nw n sund; nly silence lay ver the fields and wds and marsh.
    scres f 很多,大量
    Rachel Carsn was a scientist by prfessin, but these lines frm the pening chapter f her 1962 bk Silent Spring, “A Fable fr Tmrrw”, shw her talent as a writer.
    by prfessin 以...为职,以...为业the pening chapter 第一章
    By imagining a wrld withut birds, she aimed t alert nt nly the scientific cmmunity but als the general public t the damaging effects f human activity n natural ecsystems — in particular, t the harmful use f pesticides, such as DDT.
    the scientific cmmunity 科学界the general public 普通百姓,公众in particular 特别地
    aim v.旨在; 决定; 力求达到; 针对; 瞄准n.目标,意图; 瞄准; 准确性
    aim t d sth.= aim at ding sth. 力争/旨在做某事be aimed at (ding) sth. 旨在(做)某事
    alert v.提醒;使(某人)意识到  adj.警惕的;警觉的;机警的  n.警报,警戒;警戒期间;警戒状态
    be alert t ... 对…警惕的/警觉的/机警的alert sb. t sth. 提醒某人注意某事
    She believed that the chemical industry was knwingly causing harm t plants, animals and even humans, and wished t see pesticides used in a mre respnsible, limited and carefully mnitred way.
    cause harm t 对...造成危害
    Carsn urged peple t make themselves aware f the facts and d smething abut the situatin.
    urged sb. t d sth. 敦促某人做某事make sb. aware f sth. 使某人知道/了解...
    The bk als gives dzens f examples f ther eradicatin prgrammes that did nthing t reduce the prblems they were riginally designed t slve.
    dzens f 许多,很多
    The 50 r s pages at the end f the bk list Carsn’s surces, shwing hw thrugh and precise she was as a scientist.
    precise adj.精确的;一丝不苟的
    precisin n.准确,精确
    with precisin 精确地,准确地
    precisely adv.精确地;恰好地;细心地
    Carsn’s message was very alarming, causing a great increase in envirnmental awareness. Its impact was immediate and far-reaching: the use f DDT was banned and the Envirnmenta) Prtectin Agency (EPA) was established in the US.
    envirnmental awareness 环境意识far-reaching adj.影响深远的
    卡森所述的事实让人们十分担忧,大大提升了人们保护环境的意识。这本书的效果立竿见影,并且影响深远: DDT被禁用;环境保护署也在美国成立。
    Sme als said that her wrk was mre emtinal than scientific. These were attempts t damage Carsn’s reputatin and stp her wrk frm influencing public plicy, but she remained determined t stand by her research.
    reputatin n. 名誉,名望
    have a reputatin fr... 以……而闻名earn/establish/build a reputatin赢得/确立/树立声誉damage/ruin sb.'s reputatin 有损/毁坏某人的名声live up t ne's reputatin 名副其实,名不虚传
    stand by 信守(诺言),遵守(协定);坚持某事物;支持;袖手旁观
    I stand by what I said earlier.我坚持早先说的话。She still stands by every wrd she said.N matter what happens, I will stand by yu.He culd nt stand by and watch the by being hurt.他不能袖手旁观,看着那个男孩受伤。
    stand ut 出色,杰出;显眼,突出stand fr代表;主张,支持;容忍stand up t sth.能承受,经受得住,耐(……)
    This is nt s much because f the quality f her arguments, strng thugh they are, but because f the beauty and elegance f her writing.

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words课堂教学ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words课堂教学ppt课件,共31页。PPT课件主要包含了First Snow等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future图片课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future图片课件ppt,共26页。PPT课件主要包含了understand,自动的,节肢动物,AlphaGo,P50,built,reserching,that,based,easier等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future课文课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future课文课件ppt,共45页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading,仔细检查,Summary,writing,Characters,Setting,Plot,Ending,weather,background等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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