展开高考英语俗语表达Flame★add fuel to the fire/flames:火上浇油★an old flame:旧情人★shot down in flames:一通咒骂 [to be judged harshly and rejected.]【例】1.I thought I'd written a fine campaign speech, but it was shot it down in flames by my team.2.I can't believe I was shot down in flames in front of the board of trustees!★drawn to (something) like a moth to a flame:形容被某事深深吸引【例】I had always liked art, and once I got to college, I was drawn to textile design like a moth to a flame.★burst into flame:点火;着火;突然烧起来【例】The rug burst into flames as soon as the candle landed on it.★go up in flames:毁于一旦;破灭;着火【例】My presentation went up in flames when the slideshow stopped working and I forgot the rest of my speech.★flame war:口水战;互联网上的激烈争论【例】The message board administrators suspended everyone involved in that flame war.★stoke the flames (of something):拱火;激化矛盾【例】The last thing we want is to stoke the flames with some ill-conceived response to the tragedy.Hunt★witch hunt:政治迫害★have a dog in the hunt:在比赛中支持某个特定的人 [一般在否定句中使用]【例】A: "Are you going to watch the big game tonight?"B: "Nah, my team's not playing, so I don't have a dog in the hunt."★hunt high and low (for someone or something):到处找【例】We've been hunting high and low for an apartment we can afford, but the housing market in this town is atrocious.★run with the hare and hunt with the hounds:两面讨好【例】Many have criticized the government of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds regarding the territorial dispute between the two nations.★hunt down:追捕到,穷追直至找到(罪犯、敌人等)【例】The police have vowed to hunt down the perpetrators of this crime.★hunt and peck:[美国口语]看着键盘打字★hunt after:寻找;追求;探求;追猎High★a lost ball in the high weeds:形容毫无头绪【例】I was like a lost ball in the high weeds out there because I don't normally play second base.★be in high gear:引申为全力进行;积极开展;如火如荼【例】We've expanded our development team and are in high gear working on our next project.★a high profile:高调;引人注目的形象,焦点★be living high on the hog:生活得很阔气,过奢侈的生活【例】They've been living high on the hog ever since David won the lottery.★end (something) on a high note:用一个令人愉快/成功的方式来结束一件事【例】After winning the Oscar, she decided to end her acting career on a high note.★climb on (one's) high horse:趾高气扬;不可一世【例】My sister was a troublemaker as a teenager, yet she always climbs on her high horse and lectures me about everything.★get off high horse:放下身段/架子;别自以为是★have friends in high places:有位高权重的朋友;有路子★by hell or high water:采取一切必要的手段【例】By hell or high water, I am going to make it to your wedding!Low★at a low ebb:处于低潮;衰败【例】The economy is at a low ebb with no hope of recovery in the near future.★all-time low:(股票价格等的)历史最低点[反义词:all-time high:史上最高]★be in low spirits:情绪低落 [反义词:be in high spirits:兴高采烈]★keep a low profile:保持低姿态;避免引人注目★be in low water:缺少资金;手头拮据【例】I'm in low water until I get paid next week, so is there any chance we can postpone our night out?★low man on the ladder/low man on the totem pole:资历最浅/最没地位的人【例】I know I'll be low man on the ladder with this internship, but it will at least give me a place to start my career!★low-hanging fruit:容易实现的目标★the lowest of the low:品德最差或社会最底层的人Heat★beat the heat:解暑;避暑★catch heat from someone:把某人惹火 [To be the target of someone's anger]【例】If I miss curfew again, I'm really going to catch heat from my parents.★dead heat:势均力敌;不分上下【例】Their race times have been so close lately that I bet they'll be in a dead heat the whole time.★If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.如果你扛不住压力/能力不行,你就走人别干。★put the heat on someone:施压;威胁逼迫【例】We need to put the heat on those guys so that they finally pay their debt to us.★white heat:白热化【例】He has been working at white heat to finish his midterm paper before the deadline.★turn up the heat on:加大对某人的压力;做某事更有决心 [反义词:take the heat off someone]【例】The company started turning up the heat with its expansion into the mobile phone market.Steam★a head of steam:初见成效【例】That infusion of cash gave our business the head of steam it needed to keep producing at this level.★blow off steam:发泄不满【例】When work gets frustrating, I like to go bowling to blow off some steam.★be steamed up:(变得)非常气愤,非常激动【例】I'm steamed up after hearing her talk about you like that.★employ a steam engine to crack a nut:大材小用;杀鸡用牛刀★pick up steam:(信念、计划、项目等)变得越来越重要,开始发展壮大【例】They've been sluggish in the first half, but the team has finally started picking up steam.★run out of steam:失去势头;精疲力竭【例】After spending hours working on this project, I'm running out of steam—can we take a break?★have steam coming out of (one's) ears:形容某人非常愤怒【例】Dad is going to have steam coming out of his ears when he sees that huge dent you put in his car door.★gather steam:高涨 [To gradually grow in strength, momentum, power, influence, etc]【例】They've been sluggish in the first half, but the team has finally started gathering steam.Cut★cut one's eyeteeth (on something):获得世事经验【例】Jen may be young, but she cut her eyeteeth at a prestigious journal, so her perspective and expertise will be invaluable to us.★a cut above:优于;比……高一等/胜一筹【例】Your shirt is beautiful, but mine is a cut above yours.★be cut out for:适合;有天赋做某事【例】Dad says I'm not cut out for the military, but I think I can thrive in that environment.★can't cut the mustard:不符合条件【例】I need a new worker from the temp agency—the one you sent over keeps mixing up orders and just can't cut the mustard.★cut (one's) comb:挫某人的锐气;灭……的威风【例】I'm really proud of this accomplishment, so stop trying to cut my comb!★cut (one's) own throat:自食其果;自寻死路【例】I know you're mad at your dad, but don't cut your own throat here—running away is only going to make your life harder.★cut corners:走捷径【例】Don't cut corners on this project—it has to be done thoroughly, no matter the cost.★cut no ice with someone:某事物对某人不起作用,无影响【例】I'm sorry, but that ridiculous rationale cuts no ice with me and will not change my mind. Ice★(someone) could sell ice to Eskimos:形容某人口才了得,非常有说服力,销售技巧高超【例】I can't believe you were able to sell an extra 200 units to the hospital.You could sell ice to Eskimos!★be (walking) on thin ice:如履薄冰;处境不妙 [近义词:walk on eggs]【例】You're walking on thin ice by continuing to come in late.If the boss notices, you'll be fired.★break the ice:打破沉默(或僵局)【例】Everyone was deathly silent after John went ballistic and left the meeting.I tried breaking the ice with a joke, but it didn't help.★home-ice advantage:主场优势★like a pig on ice:笨手笨脚的;摇摆不定的[Very clumsy and unsteady.]【例】Josh looked like a pig on ice after stepping onto that slippery patch.★there is no cow on the ice:比喻不用担心(某事或某物)【例】I know you're upset about burning the roast, but it's really not a big deal.There's no cow on the ice.Pot★a chicken in every pot:象征美好富裕的未来 [胡佛总统1928年在总统竞选时使用]【例】I fear there will not be a chicken in every pot during this economic downturn.★a pot of gold:一大笔金钱【例】You're not going to find a pot of gold going into this business, but it's definitely lucrative enough to make a living.★every pot has a lid:姻缘天注定【例】If those two weirdos found love, I guess it really is true that every pot has a lid.★a watched pot never boils:心急吃不了热豆腐【例】Would you stop refreshing the page? The results will be posted soon enough, and a watched pot never boils!★get/pour/put a quart into a pint pot:做不可能做到的事★in the melting pot:仍在变化的;尚未定型的【例】The project is in the melting pot at the moment, so we’d better wait for a while before we make any decisions.★pot is calling the kettle black:五十步笑百步Store★be in store:即将发生【例】There are many adventures in store for you, but first you must complete your training.★lie in store:将发生(某种情况)【例】No one knows what lies in store, but we can try to prepare accordingly.★be like a kid in a candy store:形容对周围的事物过于兴奋,以致表现出可笑的行为【例】Liam loves football so much that he's like a kid in a candy store any time he steps into the stadium.★dime store:折扣商店★set great store by:重视;认为……极为必要【例】My brother is not one to set great store by obeying social rules or etiquette.★mom-and-pop store:夫妻店;家庭经营的小零售店★give away the store:(在谈判、交易中)让步【例】You have to make your business attractively affordable, but you can't give away the store or you'll never turn a profit.Iron★(as) hard as iron:非常坚硬;极其坚强【例】A lifetime of manual labor made the muscles in my father's arms as hard as iron.★an iron fist in a velvet glove:外柔内刚★have a lot of irons in the fire:同时有几件事要办,形容很忙【例】I have a lot of irons in the fire at work right now and it's going to be tricky to balance all of them over the next few weeks.★cast-iron stomach:铁胃;健康的胃【例】You must have a cast-iron stomach if you're eating pickles with peanut butter!★iron out the wrinkles:解决小问题【例】Our latest software update is nearly finished—we just need to iron out a few wrinkles before it's ready for release.★new off the irons:崭新的【例】She insists that the tune is new off the irons, but I could swear I heard it during my time in France last summer.Market★be in the market for:想要购买★a buyer's market:买方市场[指商品供过于求,卖主之间竞争激烈,买主处于主动地位的市场。]★a seller's market:卖方市场[指商品供不应求,买主争购,卖方掌握买卖主动权的市场。]★bring one's pigs to market:做自己擅长的事【例】She's a talented writer, but she's not disciplined enough to bring her pigs to market.★corner the market on (something):垄断市场【例】That company is so popular right now that they've really cornered the market on video games.★flood the market:涌入市场【例】Don't get one of those cheap phones that seem to be flooding the market these days.★glut on the market:供应过剩【例】Mobile phones are a glut on the market these days, which is why they're so affordable.★like a blind dog in a meat market:失控★flea market:跳蚤市场Horse★(as) healthy as a horse:形容非常健康★a dark horse:黑马;实力难测的竞争者★a one-horse town:简陋的小镇[英文释义:A very small and unremarkable town that is typically regarded as dull or boring.]【例】I can't wait to graduate high school and get out of this boring, one-horse town!★a stalking horse:用以掩人耳目的人或物;借口【例】I'm afraid that this deal is just a stalking horse for a more nefarious long-term plan.★a Trojan horse:特洛伊木马,内奸;比喻隐藏的危险★don't put the cart before the horse:不要本末倒置★beat a dead horse:白费口舌;徒劳;在已经失去意义的问题上白花力气★clothes horse:室内的晾衣架;很会打扮的人;穿衣过分讲究的人★hold one's horses:稳住阵脚;忍耐;沉住气★be on one's high horse:趾高气扬;藐视他人[Don't ride the high horse:不要摆架子]Job★a Job's comforter:指好意安慰却使他人更加痛苦的人【例】Larry is a real Job's comforter.I know he was just trying to offer comforting words, but he made Maggie feel worse about her financial situation.★a hatchet job:恶意中伤;批评【例】The movie critic did a real hatchet job on the new film in last week's paper.★inside job:内贼作案【例】The robbery must have been an inside job—only three people have access to the safe.★be sleeping on the job:不努力工作;逃避责任【例】If the boss finds out you've been sleeping on the job, you're going to end up getting fired!★do a snow job on (someone):花言巧语欺骗某人★lie down on the job:磨洋工;偷懒★a dead-end job:没有前途的工作Chance★a sporting chance:极大的可能【例】I've seen him practice, and there's a sporting chance he'll win the competition.★a one-in-a-million chance/have Buckley's chance of doing:形容概率很小【例】Considering you only studied for 10 minutes, you have a one-in-a-million chance of passing this test!★chance (one's) arm:冒险一试★fancy (one's) chances:认为有(成功)的可能 [To think that one is likely to succeed.]【例】I fancy my chances in the competition because I know I can run faster than the other girls.★have a dog's chance:形容机会很小★a snowball's chance in hell:某件事情发生的可能性很小,几乎不可能【例】He has a snowball's chance in hell of getting the job.Wood★a babe in the woods:不谙世事;初出茅庐【例】By this time I wasn't such a babe in the woods, and one thing I insisted on was that they provide a contract.★cannot see the wood for the trees:一叶障目,不见泰山★dead wood:枯木;无用的人;无用的物【例】Based on these consistently low numbers, it's time to cut the deadwood out of your department.★don't halloo before you are out of the woods:未离困境莫先高兴★knock on wood:祈祷好运【例】Hopefully, knock on wood, we'll continue to avoid sickness this winter.★fields have eyes, and woods have ears:隔墙有耳;没有不透风的墙Fair★a fair field and no favour:公平无私;一视同仁★A fair exchange is no robbery:公平交易并非强夺★a fair crack of the whip:(做某事的)合理机会;机会均等【例】Julie's not asking for special treatment, just give her a fair crack of the whip at the tryouts.★a fair shake:公平的待遇 [give sb a fair shake:一视同仁]【例】This new pay deal means a fair shake for all the workers.★by fair means or foul:不择手段【例】They will do everything they can to win, by fair means or foul.★fair and square:光明正大地★fair cow:指令人不悦、惹人恼怒的物或事【例】This wind is a fair cow—let's go inside.★fair play:公平竞争 [foul play:严重犯规]Play★play by ear:见机行事;随机应变★play a hunch:凭直觉做决定【例】There's no penalty for guessing, so if you're not positive which answer is correct, just play a hunch and don't second-guess yourself too much.★play for one's own hand:为私利而做某事★If you play with fire, you get burned:玩火者必自焚★give (something) full play:充分发挥某物★be child's play:轻而易举★make a play for sth:设法获得某物★play the market:投机倒把★come into play:开始发挥重要作用Hour★(one's) finest hour:某人鼎盛时期/春风得意之时★a bad quarter of an hour:不愉快的短暂时刻【例】The team performed brilliantly—there wasn't a bad quarter of an hour in the entire match.★at the eleventh hour:在最后一刻【例】I was shocked that they reached an agreement at the eleventh hour after weeks of squabbling.★bankers' hours:指工作时间短【例】You won't be able to reach her on a Saturday—she keeps banker's hours.★rush hour:上下班高峰期★improve the shining hour:充分利用自己的时间;利用良机★keep late hours:熬夜;晚睡★(the) man/woman of the hour:当红人物【例】Janet was woman of the hour at the office after securing the biggest customer their business had ever had.crowd★crowd the mourners:施压;操之过急 [To pressure or try to influence someone.]【例】If you crowd the mourners, no one will help you.★go with/follow the crowd:随大流【例】Dress in the way you like and try not to follow the crowd.★stand out from the crowd:脱颖而出★Two is company, three's a crowd:俩人结伴,三人不欢。★play to the crowd:迎合大众;取悦观众【例】Rather than acting in a way that best suits the role and the play as a whole, he prefers to play to the crowd and soak up the spotlight when he can.★pass in a crowd:过得去,马马虎虎【例】The jacket isn't anything special, but it would pass in a crowd.★far from the madding crowd:远离尘嚣【例】Having to go to big events like this always make me long to be far from the madding crowd.Work★a cold piece of work:形容某人难相处/难对付★a nasty piece of work:难相处的人或难处理的事【例】I hear Amy's boyfriend is a cold piece of work.★(throw/put) a spanner in the works:出难题;从中捣乱【例】It'll really put a spanner in the works if the board decides not to increase our funding for this project.★All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻★dirty work:让人不开心的工作;苦活★busy work:琐碎杂事★donkey work:艰苦单调而又无趣的工作★drive/run/work yourself into the ground:把自己弄得精疲力竭★have (one's) work cut out for (one):面临艰巨的任务【例】I knew I had my work cut out for me when I saw how messy the play room was.Letter★a bread-and-butter letter:一封感谢款待的信【例】Now that you're back from your stay with Auntie Jean, be sure to write her a bread-and-butter letter.★a dead letter:一纸空文;形同虚设【例】In this conflict, international humanitarian law is a dead letter.★a Dear John letter:分手信★a poison pen letter:匿名信★a man of letters:文人;学者;作家★a red-letter day:值得纪念的日子;喜庆的日子★stick to/follow the letter of the law:遵守法律条文 Day★a black day:倒霉的日子★Even a broken clock is right twice a day:瞎猫碰上死耗子[释义:Even people who are usually wrong can be right sometimes, even if just by accident.]★a one-day wonder/nine days' wonder:昙花一现的人(或事物)★a seven-day wonder:昙花一现;轰动一时的人或事★be as clear/plain as day:显而易见★call it a day:结束;到此为止【例】This package is the last one.Once we get this shipped, we can call it a day.★day-tripper:当天结束旅程的旅客【例】They save money by being day-trippers and avoiding costly hotel fees.★Rome was not built in a day:罗马不是一天建起来的/伟业非一日之功;不积跬步无以致千里★seize the day:把握今朝;及时行乐Person★a big person:大人物;重要的人物★a people person:善于交际的人;人缘好的人★a morning person:(习惯)早起的人 [同义词:early bird]★day person:白天精力充沛、兴致勃勃的人★a night person:夜猫子 [同义词:night owl;nightbird]★a person Friday: 非常能干的助手★no respecter of persons:一视同仁;不偏待人【例】A: "Did you hear that the CEO has cancer?" B: "Well, cancer is no respecter of persons."★feel like a new person:如获新生MondayMonday morning quarterback:放马后炮的人,事后诸葛亮 [同义词:second guesser]【例】A Monday morning quarterback has never led any team to victory.Monday feeling/Monday blues:周一综合征,指在周末休假后星期一不想工作的那种心情Fridaya person Friday: 得力助手 [girl Friday; man Friday]【例】I'm getting so swamped with administrative tasks—I really need a person Friday do to the grunt work so I can focus on the big picture.Friday face:神色不佳的人【例】I see that you had got your friday face on today.when two Fridays come together/it'll be a frosty Friday in July:形容不可能的事【例】A: "When are you going to help me clean out the garage?"B: "How about when two Fridays come together?"JanuaryJanuary and May:老夫少妻;老牛吃嫩草to have January chicks:老来得子It'll be a long day in January:指“不可能发生的事情”【例】It'll be a long day in January when that car dealer gives an honest price.(as) slow as molasses in January:形容某人很磨蹭March(as) mad as a March hare:形容人极度疯狂或非常愚蠢AprilApril showers bring May flowers:四月雨五月花;苦尽甘来/吃得苦中苦方为人上人April weather:喜怒无常【例】I cannot bear my manager, because he is always like April weather.MayMay-December romance:忘年恋JuneMaybees don't fly in June:停止变卦/停止想法不要再变来变去【例】I wish you would make decision and stick to it.Maybees don't fly in June!Julya cold day in July:指“某事发生的概率极低”