- 专题01 高考英语课标新增词汇背诵与语境训练1-120词----“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝 试卷 1 次下载
- 专题02 高考英语课标新增词汇背诵与语境训练121-240词-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝 试卷 1 次下载
- 专题04 十年高考()阅读290个高频词背诵及单句填空100例-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝 试卷 1 次下载
- 专题05 阅读完形熟词生义语境训练359例-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝 试卷 0 次下载
- 专题06 三年()高考英语阅读完形障碍词汇-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝 试卷 0 次下载
专题03 高考英语课标新增词汇背诵与语境训练241-367词-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝
展开 “词汇达人”2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝
专题03 高考英语课标新增367个词汇背诵与语境测试(241-367)
分组背诵 化整为零
单句填空 活学活用
识词知意 词汇倍增
语境运用 学以致用
01 梦天实验舱发射升空
02 “天宫课堂”第三课
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
241. negotiate vt谈判,协商
242.nevertheless adv 然而;不过
243. noble adj 高贵的,贵族的
244. nowadays adv. 当今,现在
245. nutrition n. 营养,滋养
246.objective n 目的;目标 adj 客观的
247.obviously adv 显而易见地
248.occasion n场合;时机;重大活动;盛会
249.odd adj 奇怪的;偶尔发生的;不成对的
250.online adj 在线的;联网的 adv 在网上
251.opponent n 对手;反对者
252.opportunity n 机会;时机
253.option n 选择
254.organic adj 器官的;有机的
255.original adj 最初的;原创的;创新的 n 原作;原稿
256.overall adj 全部的adv 总共;总的说来
257.overseas adv 在国外adj 海外的
258.panel n 嵌板;镶板;专家咨询小组
259.passion n 激情;热爱
260.peak n 山峰;顶峰 adj 最高的;高峰的 vi 达到最高点;达到高峰
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. You have to negotiate __________ the locals to get better prices to buy what you need.
2. The news may be unexpected; __________, it is true.
3. You must set realistic aims and __________(objective) for yourself.
4. She never complains, but she's __________(obvious) exhausted.
5. It's best not to try a new recipe for the first time __________ such an important occasion.
6. On the whole, people miss the opportunity __________(enjoy) leisure.
7. Several __________(option) are offered for the student's senior year.
8. There's an increased demand for __________(organ) produce these days.
9. Her passion __________dancing never dimmed over the years.
10. __________(original), we had intended to go to Italy, but then we won the trip to Greece.
1. with 2. nevertheless/however 3. objectives 4. obviously 5. on 6. to enjoy 7. options 8. organic 9.for 10. Originally
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
noble, nowadays, nutrition, odd, online, opponent, overall, panel, peak, overseas
11. Jobs __________ are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.
12. If you're staying for more than three months or working __________, a full 10-year passport is required.
13. Norris twice knocked down his __________ in the early rounds of the fight.
14. When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the __________ effect.
15. The __________ numbers are on the left as you walk up the street.
11. nowadays 12. overseas 13. opponent 14. overall 15. odd
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
261.perceive vt 察觉;发觉;看待;理解
262.personality n 个性;人格
263.pessimistic adj 悲观的
264.phase n 阶段;时期
265.philosophy n 哲学;人生哲学
266.player n 选手;演奏者;播放机
267.poetry n 诗歌
268.polar adj 极地的;近极地的
269.pose vi 摆好姿势; n 姿势;假装
270.precisely adv 精确地;确切地
271.prior adj 先前的;早前的
272.priority n 优先事项; 优先权
273.proceed vi继续做;继续进行
274.professional adj 职业的;专业的 n 专业人士;职业选手
275.profile n 侧面 (像);轮廓;简介
276.proof n 证明;证据
277.property n 财产;资产;(房)地产
278.proposal n 建议;提议
279.prospect n 可能性;预期;前景
280.protein n 蛋白质
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. The problem with many modern buildings is that they lack __________(personal).
2. They appeared surprisingly pessimistic __________ their chances of winning.
3. The wedding marked the beginning of __________ new phase in Emma's life.
4. This could pose a threat __________ jobs in the coal industry.
5. Nobody knows __________(precise) how many people are still living in the camp.
6. It is important to enrich the soil prior __________ planting.
7. Women are more likely to give priority __________ child care and education policies.
8. He went to her and stood a moment, not knowing exactly how __________(proceed).
9. Are you for or against the __________(propose)?
10. He is one of this country's top __________(profession) sportsmen.
1. personality 2. about 3. a 4. to 5. precisely 6. to 7. to 8. to proceed 9. proposal 10. professional
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
perceive, philosophy, player, poetry, polar, prospect, property, proof, profile, protein
11. With the temperature rising, __________ ice will melt at a faster rate.
12. Her __________ of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.
13. There is no proof __________ the knife belonged to her.
14. Cecil inherited a family __________ near Stamford.
15. What would cause me __________ somebody as intelligent or stupid?
11. polar 12. philosophy 13. that 14. property 15. to perceive
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
281.protest v抗议n 抗议;反对
282.pudding n 布丁
283.pursue vt 追求;继续从事;追赶
284.qualify v 使具有资格;使合格
285.quote v引用;援引 n 引语;引文
286.rating n 等级;级别
287.reaction n 反应;作用
288.realistic adj 现实的;现实主义的;逼真的
289.recall vt 回忆;回想;召回;收回
290.recently adv 近来;最近
291.recognition n 认出;识别;承认
292.recording n 记录;录制; 录制品
293.region n 地区;行政区;范围
294.release vt排放;释放;发行CD;发布(新闻) n 释放;排放;发行;发布
295.remarkable adj 非凡的;引人注目的
296.resident n 居民;住户
297.resistance n 反抗;抵制
298.resolution n 解决;决心
299.resolve v 解决;决定
300.resource n 资源;财力
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. The building work will go ahead, despite __________(protest) from local residents.
2. She returned to London __________(pursue) her acting career.
3. There is an urgent need for __________(qualify) teachers.
4. There was a violent __________(react) from the public.
5. We have to be __________(realise) about our chances of winning.
6. He __________(recall) that she always came home late on Wednesdays.
7. Until __________(recent) they were living in York.
8. He received the award in __________(recognize) of his success over the past year.
9. It was considered unsafe __________(release) the prisoners.
10. AIDS lowers the body's __________(resist) to infection.
1. protests 2. to pursue 3. qualified 4. reaction 5. realistic 6. recalled 7. recently 8. recognition 9. to release 10. resistance
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
pudding, quote, recall, recording, region, remarkable, resident, resolution, resolve, resource
11. She wants to improve her credit __________ immediately.
12. It was a __________ achievement for such a young player.
13. We must make the most efficient use of the available financial __________.
14. She made a __________ to visit her relatives more often.
15. A quarter of the __________ are over 55 years old.
11. rating 12. remarkable 13. resources 14. resolution 15. residents
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
301.respective adj 各自的
302.response n 回答;反应
303.responsible adj 有责任的;尽责的
304.restore vt 恢复;修复
305.restrict vt 限制;约束
306.reveal vt 揭露;泄露
307.revise v 复习;温习;修订
308.romantic adj 浪漫的;不切实际的;虚构的
309.route n 路线;路程;航线;途径
310.rural adj 农村的;乡村的
311.sample n 样本;样品;试用品
312.saving n 节约;[复数]存款
313.secondary adj 中等的;第二位的
314.series n [单复数同] 一系列;连续
315.setting n 环境;背景
316.shift vi vt 使转移;使改变 n 转移;轮班
317.shortage n 不足;缺乏;短缺
318.sign n 符号;指示牌;手势;征兆 v签名;签字;以手势表示
319.significant adj 重要的;显著的;数量大的
320.site n 地点;遗址;网站
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. Their sons were three and six __________(respective).
2. The product was developed in __________(respond) to customer demand.
3. They are emotionally mature and should behave __________(responsible).
4. The measures are intended __________(restore) public confidence in the economy.
5. I restrict myself __________ one cup of coffee a day.
6. He laughed, __________(reveal) a line of white teeth.
7. It is considered one of the most __________(romance) restaurants in the city.
8. I spent the weekend __________(revise) for my exam.
9. There is a __________(short) of fresh water on the island.
10. There are no __________(significance) differences between the two groups of students.
1. respectively 2. response 3. responsibly 4. to restore 5. to 6. revealing 7. romantic 8. revising 9. shortage 10. significant
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
route,rural,series, sample, secondary, saving, site, sign, setting, shift
11. He stopped, __________ his cane to his left hand.
12. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more __________ areas.
13. We're giving away 2,000 free __________.
14. The snow showed no __________ of melting.
15. Motorists are advised to find an alternative __________.
11. shifting 12. rural 13. samples 14. sign 15. route
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
321.slightly adv 略微;稍微
322.snack n 小吃;点心
323.solution n 解答;解决方法
324.solve vt 解决;解答
325.somewhat adv 稍微;有点
326.source n 发源地;来源;消息来源
327.species n (动植物的)物种;种
328.stability n稳定性;固定性
329.stimulate vt 刺激;激发;促进
330.stomachache n 胃痛;腹痛
331.strategy n 战略;策略
332.stretch v 被拉长;伸;延
333.structure n 结构;构造; 建筑物
334.stuff n 东西;物品
335.subsequent adj 继…之后的;随后的
336.substance n 物质;根据
337.substantial adj 大量的;多的
338.suburb n [复数] 市郊;郊区
339.subway n 地道;地铁
340.sufficient adj 足够的;充足的
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. Each person learns in a __________(slight) different way.
2. The solution __________ last week's quiz is on page 81.
3. Attempts are being made __________( solve) the problem of waste disposal.
4. Your local library will be __________ useful source of information.
5. This species __________(find) in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean.
6. My father wanted me to become a professional and have more __________(stable).
7. The article can be used __________(stimulate) discussion among students.
8. Try __________(stretch) your legs and pulling your toes upwards.
9. __________(sufficient) water resources have slowed agricultural development.
10. It's very convenient to travel to the center of New York __________ subway.
1. slightly 2. to 3. to solve 4. a 5. is found 6. stability 7. to stimulate 8. stretching 9. Insufficient 10. by
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
snack, somewhat, stomachache, strategy, structure, stuff, subsequent, substance, suburb
11. He has become __________ impatient with the woman.
12. The company plans to sponsor television programmes as part of its marketing __________.
13. The restaurant was built on a wooden __________ above the sea water.
14. Developments on this issue will be dealt with in a __________ report.
15. How can such a __________ have an effect on the body?
11. somewhat 12. strategy 13. structure 14. subsequent 15. substance
板块一:分组背诵 化整为零
341.sum n 算术;总数;总和;全部
342.sum up 总结;概括
343.surf v 冲浪
344.surgery n 外科手术; 诊所
345.survey n 调查;测量;勘测 vt 调查;勘测
346.suspend vt 悬挂;暂停;中止
347.sustain vt 保持;维持
348.swimming n 游泳
349.tackle vt 处理(难题);抢断
350.territory n 领土;版图;领地;区域
351.thirsty adj 渴的;缺水的;干旱的;渴求的
352.threat n 威胁;恐吓; 构成威胁的人物
353.threaten vt 威胁;恐吓
354.tone n 音调;语调;语气
355.ultimately adv 最后;最终
356.usually adv 通常
357.variation n 变化;差别
358.vary vi (大小、形状) 相异;不同;变化
359.venue n 举办地点
360.virtual adj 几乎的;虚拟的
361.visible adj 看得见的;明显的
362.vision n 视力;视觉;幻象
363.volume n 卷册;体积;容积;音量
364.warning n 警告;告诫
365.weapon n 武器;兵器
366.Wi-Fi n 无线保真
367.wrap vt包裹;缠绕;围住
板块二:单句填空 活学活用
1. __________(sum) up , there are three main ways of tackling the problem
2. I __________(surf) online looking for information on Indian music when there was a power failure.
3. We __________(survey) 500 smokers and found that over three quarters would like to give up.
4. Julie __________(suspend) from her job shortly after the incident.
5. The evidence is not detailed enough __________(sustain) his argument.
6. Drink whenever you feel __________(thirst) during exercise.
7. He said army officers had threatened __________(destroy) the town.
8. __________(ultimate), you'll have to make the decision yourself.
9. The cost of the alcohol duty __________(vary) according to the amount of wine in the bottle.
10. Diana is taking the opportunity __________(wrap) up the family presents.
1. To sum 2. was surfing 3. surveyed 4. was suspended 5. to sustain 6. thirsty 7. to destroy 8. Ultimately 9. varies 10. to wrap
板块三:选词填空 识词知意
sum, surgery, territory, threat, tone, venue, virtual, variation, visible, volume, warning, weapon
11. Education is the only __________ to fight the spread of the disease.
12. They have refused to allow UN troops to be stationed in their __________.
13. Up to four players can compete in a __________ world of role playing.
14. The most __________ sign of the intensity of the crisis is unemployment.
15. New roads are being built to cope with the increased __________ of traffic.
11. weapon 12. territory 13. virtual 14. visible 15. volume
板块四:语境运用 学以致用
01 梦天实验舱发射升空对接空间站
China successfully launched Mengtian, the second lab module and the last major component of its space station, into orbit on Monday afternoon, getting a step ___1___(close) to completing the space station by the end of this year.
A Long March-5B rocket ___2___(carry) Mengtian blasted off at 15:37 (Beijing Time) from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in south China's Hainan Province.
Mengtian, ___3___ means "Dreams of Heaven," is the last "building block" that allows China's space station ___4___(form) a T-shaped three-module structure.
The module is similar to Tianhe and Wentian in size and ___5___(weigh). It's 17.9 meters long, ___6___ a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters and a takeoff mass of about 23 tonnes.
It consists of a working cabin(舱) for astronauts, ___7___ airlock cabin, a payload cabin and a resource cabin.
Mengtian is ___8___(main) designed for scientific experiments. Unlike Tianhe and Wentian, it doesn't have a sleeping cabin. Instead, it's full of cabinets that can support ___9___(hundred) of experiments.
The module will focus on microgravity scientific research. It ___10___(equip) with multi-disciplinary laboratory cabinets for experiments of fluid physics, materials and combustion science, basic physics and aerospace technology.
4.to form
10.is equipped
02 “天宫课堂”第三课圆满结束
Young students from across China said they have been ___1___(great) inspired by the special lecture given by Chinese astronauts, or taikonauts, from the country's space station held on Wednesday.
The ___2___(education) session is the third one of the series aimed to inspire the younger generation to pursue science. Apart from Beijing, young students from three provinces – east China's Shandong, central China's Henan and southwest China's Yunnan – also attended the space class in ___3___ virtual way.
In Dali City, Yunnan Province, some 100 primary and secondary students ___4___(select) for the rare opportunity. Yunnan is known ___5___ its ethnic diversity. In Dali, there are 13 long-dwelling ethnic groups, and ___6___(representative) from all the groups were present.
During the around-one-hour live streamed session, they first learned ___7___ the taikonauts – Chen Dong, Liu Yang and CaiXuzhe – live and work in the experiment cabinet at the Wentian lab module. Following that, they watched several scientific experiments ___8___(demonstrate) in a micro-gravity environment, including some water-related phenomena. The students also followed along with the taikonauts to do some of the experiments to ___9___(well) understand the universe. Some of them also got the opportunity ___10___(interact) with the taikonauts by asking or answering questions.
4.were selected
10.to interact
03 到底怎么吃盐才健康?美国药监局发布最新指南
FDA issues guidelines to reduce salt in foods
The Food and Drug Administration, citing(引用) an epidemic(流行病) of diet-related illnesses, released new guidelines Wednesday aimed at 1_____(reduce) the amount of salt that Americans consume at restaurants, school cafeterias and food trucks, or when they are eating 2_____(package) and prepared foods at home.
The recommendations, 3_____(issue) after years of delay, seek 4_____(reduce) the average daily sodium (钠) intake by 12% over the next 2 1/2 years by encouraging food manufacturers, restaurants and food service companies to scale back their use of salt.
That goal translates into 3,000 milligrams of salt — 5_____(slight) more than 1 teaspoon — compared to the 3,400 milligrams that Americans typically consume in a day. America's love affair with 6_____(salt) foods has been linked to alarmingly high rates of high blood pressure, a leading risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.
Much of the excess sodium that Americans consume, about 70%, comes from processed and packaged food and meals served at restaurants, according 7_____researchers. The 8_____(guide) will apply to 163 categories of processed and packaged food and provide different targets for, say, rye bread(黑麦面包), salad dressing(沙拉酱) and baby food.
Nutritionists and public health experts commended the FDA for taking on the problem of excess sodium, saying the effort would help 9_____(sharp) the public's focus on the dangers of overindulgence and create pressure on food companies to reduce their reliance 10_____ salt as a cheap flavor booster.
1 reducing 2 packaged 3 issued 4 to produce
5 slightly 6 salty 7 to 8 guidance 9 sharpen 10 on
专题28 高考课标新增18组367个词汇背诵与测试-备战2024年高考英语一轮复习高效复习(全国通用): 这是一份专题28 高考课标新增18组367个词汇背诵与测试-备战2024年高考英语一轮复习高效复习(全国通用),文件包含专题28高考课标新增18组367个词汇背诵与测试-高考英语一轮复习知识清单全国通用原卷版docx、专题28高考课标新增18组367个词汇背诵与测试-高考英语一轮复习知识清单全国通用教师版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共48页, 欢迎下载使用。
专题06 三年()高考英语阅读完形障碍词汇-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝: 这是一份专题06 三年()高考英语阅读完形障碍词汇-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝,文件包含专题06三年高考英语阅读完形熟词新义84例-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝docx、专题06三年高考英语阅读完形核心语块-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝docx、专题06三年高考英语阅读理解障碍词汇-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝docx、专题06三年高考英语完形填空障碍词汇-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝docx等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共77页, 欢迎下载使用。
专题05 阅读完形熟词生义语境训练359例-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝: 这是一份专题05 阅读完形熟词生义语境训练359例-“词汇达人”备战2024年高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝,文件包含专题05阅读完形熟词生义语境训练359例-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝学生版docx、专题05阅读完形熟词生义语境训练359例-“词汇达人”高考英语阅读完形作文词汇宝教师版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共51页, 欢迎下载使用。