- 【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod1LanguageSkillsPractice课件 课件 0 次下载
- 【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod2LanguageinUse课件 课件 0 次下载
- 【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod1LanguageSkillsPractice教案 教案 0 次下载
- 【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod2LanguageinUse教案 教案 0 次下载
- 【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod3CultureCorner教案 教案 0 次下载
【中职专用】高中英语 语文版2021·基础模块3 Unit9PreparingfortheFirstJobPeriod3CultureCorner课件
语文版 基础模块3 第3课时 Culture Corner/Unit 9 : Preparing for the First Job/Learning objectivesknowledge objectivesability objectivesemotional objectiveslearn to make necessary preparations fol starting the first jobmake a speech on our basic working skillsget to know how attitude influences work performanceLead-in职场建议1.The salary you accept when you take the job is the one you need to live with for at least a year.职场建议2.When you were in school, making a mistake on a test or a paper or handing in work late only affected you.职场建议3.Being smart and having potential is no longer enough 职场建议4.You have to book time off around holidays.职场建议5.Two weeks is the most time you can take off at once in many workplaces. 职场建议6.Unlike in school, great performance on the job isn’t just about waiting for assignments and doing them.职场建议7.You need to look politely interested in meetings, no matter how boring the topic.职场建议8.Your attitude really matters.职场建议9.A lunch “hour” is often 30 minutes.职场建议10.Your boss wants you to get to the point. Task 1Read and learnFirst Day Working Tips Your first day at a new job can be one of the most stressful things. So what can you do?Task 1Read and learnAsk Questions Most problems that pop up early in a job are due to lack of communication. Do politely ask for help when you need it. The company is new to you--nobody expects you to know where everything is and how the company systems work on Day One.Task 1Read and learnPrepare It's much easier to handle the stress of a new job when you're ready for it, so start preparing the night before. A healthy sleep of eight hours ensures that you'll be bright and eager to work on Day One.Task 1Read and learnPlan You should have a good idea of what the company is like after the interview. Take a few hours to do further research. Make sure to know at least the basic products or services the company is selling.Task 1Read and learnMake Friends After being given the tour and filling out the necessary forms, seek out your co-workers, introduce yourself, and get to know them.Task 1Self-checkRead and tick (√ ) the following words and phrases you knowTask 1Self-checkCheck and tick (√ ) summaryRead and learnSelf-checkFirst Day Working Tips/homework/Thank you~