牛津译林版六年级上册Unit 5 Signs教案
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Unit 5 Signs 教学设计教学内容 译林版牛津小学英语六年级上册Unit 5 signs story time(第一课时)1.教材分析(1)语篇内容分析:本单元的核心内容是公共标识,本语篇是单元的Story time部分,文章以一个购物中心为载体呈现了四个生活中常见的标识,以对话的形式带出标识的含义,引导学生关注标识,做遵守社会公共秩序的公民。基于此文本,我充分利用学生已有的知识和生活经验,利用白板这一媒体,呈现生活化的真实情境从而穿插听、说、读、写的能力训练,引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,并能够创造性的使用语言。(2)Story time任务分析: Story time是单元核心板块。借助活泼生动的插图和有趣的故事情节,以对话的形式呈现了词汇、句型和日常用语和语言功能。作为语篇,侧重于阅读技巧的指导,帮助孩子运用阅读技巧自主的解构文本。2.学生分析六年级学生除了具有较高的英语知识水平和英语表达能力外,还具有较高的运用信息技术手段搜集资料、阅读英语素材、运用英语进行表达的能力。本课的话题是标识,学生在三年级下册第二课接触过Don’t run/talk/shout/sleep这些用祈使句表达的禁令类标志,同时,他们也有能力在课前预习时上网搜集关于标识的图片和利用“一起作业”平台,一起书上配套的影像资料预习;但是六年级的学生比较害羞,不太愿意表达。因此我设置了层层递进的教学任务,在课中,利用电子白板等现代化教学手段,生生之间、师生之间、学生与白板、资源之间进行深层互动,让学生自主探究文本,解决问题进而跳出文本,最后习得语言并进行有效的输出,即创编对话。3.教学目标知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:What does it mean? It means …. No littering/parking/smoking/…You can /can’t….(2)能听懂、会说、会读词汇:litter, go in, take …into, restaurant, someone, smoke, smell。(3)能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:sign, shopping centre, careful, mean, floor能力目标:(1)通过阅读环节,帮助学生整体把握文章结构。(2)能够通过生成的结构成体理解文章大意,并指导学生运用所学句型创编对话。情感目标:通过文本的学习,了解常见的标识,树立遵守公共秩序的意识。4.教学过程设计Step 1 Greetings and free talk(画面“漫游”,引出课题)1. Get to know each other:T: What do you like doing?(s1, s2…)T: I like taking photos. I took some photos last Saturday. Look. T: What can you see in my photos? (用智能笔圈出标志图案,板书Unit 5 Signs,带读2遍。)T: These are all signs.(学生答)Today, we are going to learn unit 5 Signs.设计意图:“喜好”这个话题让同学们人人都有话可说,因此很容易打开“话匣子”,起到热身效果。此外,这个话题又可以带出文本话题,教师配合利用电子白板的漫游功能,让学生视觉为之一振,从而提起学习兴趣。Step 2: Lead in(“聚焦”人物,探入其境)Brainstorm:Where can you see signs?(点出白板计时器)S1: We can see signs... S2: We can see signs...2.Guessing game T: You can see signs at these places. I have three friends. (聚光灯,出示人物,贴人物头饰于黑板上) They see signs too. Guess, where do they see the signs?(T: It’s a big place. You can buy things there)(.遮盖功能,把白布移开,出示shopping center 图片,带读两遍)设计意图:在第一个环节,我们已经顺利引出话题“Signs”,那么接下来的任务则是顺藤摸瓜,围绕话题找出人物和场景,从而有效进入文本。在头脑风暴和猜谜游戏中我主要运用了电子白板的计时器功能,聚光灯功能,遮盖功能。计时器学生在踊跃发言的同时又有紧张感,可以帮我控制课堂节奏。聚光灯和遮盖功能使得师生之前的信息差被突出,使学生注意力集中。Step 3: presentation and practice (深层互动,解构文本)1. Listen and order: Listen carefully and then order the following pictures.T: They see the signs at a shopping centre, where do they go? Let’s listen. After that, please order the pictures. Ok? What place is it? (用白板书拖拽功能,调出四个地点词条并教授)2. Watch and find:What signs do they see there? T: You order the pictures correctly. But do you know which signs they can see? Let’s watch a cartoon (T plays the cartoon of the story).T: It’s an interesting cartoon. Now let’s move the right sign here. 3. Read and matchT: They see some signs at the shopping centre, but I don’t know the names of the signs? Can you help me? Please read the story, and then match the signs with their names.4. Read and fillNow, you know the names of the signs. What does it mean? (板书,教读)Now please read the story again, and fill in the form. After that, try to tell me what the signs mean.(生填好提前发下去的表格后,进行问答)Wet floor: When we see the sign, we should be careful.No littering: Can we throw rubbish on the floor? We should love our school and keep it clean.No smoking: Smoking is bad for us.5. Read and repeat(跟读课文,注意语音语调的变化以及肢体动作,读的过程中体现感情的句子。)T: Since you have known the meanings of the signs, let’s read the story after the recording. When you are reading, please read loudly and read with emotions.(过程中,师可特别指导某句,How do you read this sentence?)6 Happy readingNow it’s reading time. You can choose one way to read.设计意图:此环节由浅入深分别设置了四个任务:听录音,给地点排序—看卡通,找出对应标识—读课文,标识图文匹配—再读课文,写出表示标识含义的句子。这些活动富有层次感,体现了螺旋式上升的理念。这些活动也是基于电子白板交互性点而设计的。例如视频可以随机更改播放窗口大小,还可随机拖拽,资源使用方便。学生上台拖拽,老师相机而教体现师生,生生,以及生与白板的互动。 Step 4 production (探究运用,彰显风采)1. Ask questionsYou did a very good job. Do you have any difficult points? (聚光灯)(T: I have a question here. Does Tim have any changes? Please find out Tim’s words. T: At first, Tim doesn’t know signs. At last, he knows some signs and he can give people advice.情感升华:people become learned by asking questions.Make a dialogueWell, what happened next? Mike and Helen went home. But Tim and his friend Jack went to another place. Please try to make a new dialogue.Model:Tim: Let’s go to the_________.Jack: Great.Tim: Please don’t ______. Can you see the______?Jack: What does it mean?Tim: It means_____________设计意图:这一环节,我利用白板的漫游功能,让学生深挖文本,聚焦核心人物Tim,通过观察Tim的变化,导出另一情感升华:people become learned by asking questions.激发学生在今后要多问“为什么”。在创编对话化解我给出模板但也允许自主创编,让学生自主运用语言。Step 5 Homework (个性作业,拓展学习渠道)(1) Read and recite the story(2) Search on the internet; try to know more about signs. 板书设计: (备注:左边是思维导图,中间是白板显示屏,右边是主句型板书)
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