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    2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit1 Cultural Heritage整单元完整教案
    2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit1 Cultural Heritage整单元完整教案01
    2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit1 Cultural Heritage整单元完整教案02
    2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit1 Cultural Heritage整单元完整教案03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教学设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教学设计,共31页。

    2019新人教高中英语必修二Unit 1Cultural Heritage整单元完整教案
    Unit 1Cultural Heritage-- Listening and Speaking教案
    Analysis of the teaching material:
    The listening text is an interview about an international youth cultural heritage protection project. More than 20 high school students from seven countries participated in the project. The reporter interviewed two participants Stephanie and Liu Bin. By listening to the text, students can understand the significance of cultural heritage protection, and teenagers can use their knowledge, combine their own interests and advantages, etc. to participate in the action of cultural heritage protection.
    Teaching aims:
    1. Guide students to understand the content of listening texts in terms of the whole and key details;
    1. Cultivate students' ability to guess the meaning of words in listening; discuss with their peers how to participate in cultural heritage protection activities.
    2. Enable students to use the functional items of "starting a conversation", which is used to smoothly start a conversation or start a new topic.
    Teaching key points:
    1. Enable students to master the skill of guessing words.
    2. Help students master some knowledge about making a project.
    Teaching difficult points:
    1. Enable students to master the skill of guessing words through the context.
    2. Enable students to talk freely using what they have learned in this listening text.
    Teaching procedures:
    Step I Lead-in
    The teacher is advised to talk with the meaning of the word “Heritage”.
    Boys and girls, before our listening, let’s work in pairs and discuss the meaning of the word “Heritage”.
    What does the word “heritage” mean? Share your ideas about your understanding of it and you can use examples to illustrate your meaning.
    Heritage means the traditional beliefs, values, customs, etc. of a family, country or society.
    For example, the Great Wall is the heritage of China.
    Step Ⅱ Listening
    Activity 1 Warming up
    Before listening,show the following pictures to the students to arouse their interest, and then ask them 3 questions.

    1. Where do you think the students in Picture 1 are?
    2. Can you guess what they are doing
    3. From the activity title“Take part in a youth project”,what do you think the project is about?
    Suggested answers:
    1.They are at the top of Mount Tai.
    2.From the two pictures,we can guess after they have gathered some information about Mount Tai, they are making a presentation and talking about Mount Tai.
    3.Because they are talking about Mount Tai,which plays a very important role in our culture,the project they are taking part in may be concerned with the promotion and protection of Mount Tai.
    Activity 2 First listening
    Listen to the conversation, choose the main idea and tell me why.
    A. Students from different countries are working creatively to protect a temple in China.
    B. Youths from seven countries are working together to protect cultural relics on Mount Tai.
    C.Doing a project on cultural heritage protection in China is interesting and exciting.
    Suggested answer:
    B Because we can hear the following words in the conversation: Mount Tai; 23 senior high school students from seven countries; protect; preserve their cultural heritage.
    Activity 3 Second listening
    Listen again and try to answer the following questions.
    1.What are the students doing
    2.What are they going to use the app for?
    3.What should they do to make the app?
    Suggested answers:
    1. They are creating an app about Mount Tai.
    2. They want to promote Mount Tai and use the app to teach teenagers about Mount Tai.
    3. They should visit Mount Tai,take pictures,read about the mountain and write texts, visit local schools and talk to Chinese students.
    Activity 4 Third listening
    Listen again and help the reporter to complete the interview notes.
    1. We’re part of_____________________________________________.
    2. There are______________ senior high school students from_____________ countries.
    3. Mount Tai is one of the most____________________ mountains in China.
    4. The mountain and the temple have been_____________ for over 3000 years, so it’s a great example of how people_____________ their cultural heritage. We feel so___________ to have a chance to do something.
    5. We want to__________ Mount Tai;__________, we want to tell teenagers in other countries about the mountain and Chinese culture.
    6. For example,this game is about the six cypresses that were planted on Mount Tai during the Han Dynasty. You learn about__________ and also the life in China over 2,000 years ago.
    7. There are 22__________ and some 1,800__________with writing on them.
    Suggested answers:
    1. an international youth project 2.twenty-three/23;seven/7
    3.famous 4.protected;preserve;proud 5.promote;that is 6.the trees 7.temples;stones
    Activity 5 Skill-practice
    Try to guess the meaning of the underlined words and write the Chinese meaning in the brackets. And then think about how you can guess the meaning of new words.(红色为学生作答部分)
    1. The palace was destroyed years ago. By studying old photos of the former palace, they have made the new one look exactly like the old one.先前的(The meaning is not given but is guessed using context).
    2.It will be very hard but also be very brittle—that is, it will break easily.易碎的(The meaning is explained in the following sentence or definition.)
    3. The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past. 划时代的事件(The example of the word is used in the sentence or nearby)
    4.Our maths teacher claims that all the problems he gives us are simple ones,but we feel that they are intricate. 复杂的(The word with the opposite meaning is used in the sentence or nearby sentences.)
    5.Children often try to emulate or copy the behavior that they see on TV.模仿(The word with a similar meaning is used in the sentence or nearby sentences.)
    Activity 6 Fourth listening
    Listen to the conversation again and use the context to guess the meaning of the words below. Tick the reason why you were able to guess the words.(红色为学生作答)
    The world is an example of a group/type I know

    The world is explained by the speaker

    The word means the opposite of a word I know

    The world means the same as a word I know

    I know the general meaning of the word

    The speaker gives an example of the word

    Activity 7 Summary
    Help the reporter to complete the news report based on what you hear and the interview notes.
    International Youth Camp Members Create Mount Tai App
    Tai'an,18 June 2019.A group of high school students who are taking part in an international youth camp at Mount Tai are creating a(n) app about China's most famous mountain. The purpose of the camp is to promote Mount Tai by introducing it to young people in a fun and easy way. The students are making an app about Mount Tai and taking photos of the temples and stones. The volunteers also visit middle school in the area in order to talk to local teenagers. Liu Bin, a member of the camp, says that he is proud to help Mount Tai as people have done for more than 3000 years.
    Step Ⅲ Speaking
    Activity 1 Report broadcasting
    Suppose you are a reporter. Please broadcast the above news to your classmates.
    Activity 2 Discussion and Talking
    Work in pairs, discuss the following questions and voice your opinion.
    1. Would you like to take part in a project like this? Why or why not?
    2. The app teaches teenagers about Mount Tai and even has a few games about cultural relics. What do you think of the idea of designing games? What other ways can you think of to protect the cultural heritage?
    Suggested answers:
    Activity 1 The answer may vary.
    Activity 2
    1. Yes. It is everyone's duty to protect our cultural heritage.
    2.Games can draw more people to the activities about the cultural protection. But games can make people addicted and distract their attention from what they should be doing. We can try our best to find out more healthy ways to protect our cultural heritage, such as enriching the forms of showing our cultural heritage, establishing laws, paying attention to the inheriting of our culture and so on.
    Step IV Pronunciation(P3)
    1. Listen and tick the word that you hear.
    2. Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined words
    3. Listen and Repeat.
    Search for more ways to protect the cultural heritage on the Internet and write them down
    Unit 1 Cultural Heritage--Reading and Thinking教案
    Analysis of the teaching materials:
    This section focuses on “Understanding how a problem was solved”, which is aimed to guide students to analyze and discuss the challenges and problems faced by cultural heritage protection during the construction of Aswan Dam, as well as the solutions. On the basis of understanding, students should pay attention to the key role of international cooperation in solving problems, and attach importance to the balance and coordination between cultural heritage protection and social and economic development. Students are encouraged to face challenges actively, be good at cooperation, and make continuous efforts to find reasonable ways and means to solve problems.
    Teaching aims:
    1. Enable students to understand the main information and text structure of the reading text;
    2. Motivate students to use the reading strategy “make a timeline” according to the appropriate text genre;
    3. Enable students to understand how a problem was solved and express views about the cultural heritage protection and think critically.
    4. Enable students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;
    Teaching key points:
    1. Guide students to pay attention to reading strategies, such as prediction, self-questioning and scanning.
    2. Help students sort out the topic language about protecting cultural relics and understand the narrative characteristics of “time-event” in illustrative style.
    3. Lead students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community.
    Teaching difficult points:
    1. Enable students to identify the text type and its language features.
    2. Lead students to express views about the cultural heritage protection.
    Step I Lead-in
    Activity 1 Watching a video
    To show a video about the Abu Simbel and the Aswan Dam to students and then let them fill in the blanks according to what they watch.
    Build a__________across the Nile River.
    There was a__________ ,though. And it was a big one.
    The Abu Simbel was priceless in ancient _____________Keep it ancient_____________.
    Suggested answers: dam; problem; temple; treasures.
    Activity 2 Look at the title and the pictures, and then predict what the passage will be about.
    Q: What will be talked about?
    The text is mainly about some problems and solutions about the protection of the temples.
    Step Ⅱ Analyzing the textual pattern
    Activity 1 Read quickly and figure out the key words of each paragraph.
    • Paragraph 1: challenge
    • Paragraph 2: proposal led to protests
    • Paragraph 3: committee established
    • Paragraph 4: brought together
    • Paragraph 5: success
    • Paragraph 6: spirit
    Activity 2 Read the first paragraph and tell me what purpose it carries.
    Suggested answer:
    To introduce the topic: keeping the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.
    Activity 3 Read the second paragraph and answer the following questions.
    1. Why did the Egyptian government want to build a new dam?
    2. Did people support the proposal? Why (not)?
    3. What did the government do to deal with the problem?
    Suggested answers:
    1. To control floods,produce electricity and supply water to more farmers in the area.
    2. No. The proposal led to protests,because water from the dam may damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics.
    3.They turned to the UN for help.
    Activity 4 Read the third paragraph and answer the question.
    What did the UN do to help protect the cultural relics?
    Suggested answer:
    They established a committee,asked for contributions and raised funds. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests and then made a proposal. Finally, they signed a document.
    Activity 5 Read the fourth paragraph and answer the questions.
    1. Whom did the project brought together?
    2. How were the temples and other cultural sites saved?
    Suggested answers:
    1. It brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world.
    2.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.
    Activity 6 Read the fifth paragraph and answer the questions.
    1. What was the result of the project?
    2. Why was it a success
    Suggested answers:
    1.It was considered a great success.
    2. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
    Activity 7 Read the sixth paragraph and answer the questions.
    1. What's the spirit of the Aswan Dam project?
    2. Why did Egyptian turn to the UN for help?
    Suggested answers:
    1.The spirit is to prevent world cultural heritage sites from disappearing.
    2.Because if a problem seems too difficult for a single.
    StepⅢ Analyzing the situational context.
    Finish the timeline with the information from the text and tell me how the text is developed.

    Therefore, the text is developed in ______________ order, and its purpose is to______________.
    Activity2 Main idea
    Based on the above analysis, we can find out the main idea of the text is about_____________________________________________ .
    Activity 3 Relationship
    What is the role of relationship involved in the text?
    Activity 4 Conclusion
    Suggested answers:
    Activity 1 1959:The government asks the UN for help.
    1960:The project starts.
    1961:The first temple is moved.
    Over the next 20 years:The temples and cultural relics are being rescued.
    1980:The project is completed.
    Thread:different time stages
    Transition:the progress of rescuing the temples
    Therefore,the text is developed in time order,and its purpose is to illustrate.
    Activity2 the rescue of the temples
    Activity3 The Egyptian government, the UN, together with the governments and environmentalists from around the world
    Activity 4 Field: To tell readers the process of rescuing the temples.
    Tenor: The Egyptian government, the UN, together with governments and environmentalists from around the world.
    Mode:In chronological/time order and Problem-Solution Pattern.
    Step Ⅳ Pragmatic Analysis& Critical Thinking
    Activity 1 Pragmatic Analysis
    1. There are so many cultural relics to be rescued. When we rescue them and have problems, what can we learn from the passage?
    2. Who do you think its target readers are?
    Activity 2 Critical Thinking
    1. A lot of money was spent to protect the temples. Do you think it was worthwhile? Why?
    2. Why do you think so many countries contributed funds and offered help to the Egyptian project?
    Suggested answers:
    Activity 1
    1.If the problem is too difficult for a single nation,we can turn to the global community for help. Cultural relics need the protection of the whole world.
    2. Its target readers may be those who are interested in protecting cultural relics.
    Activity 2
    1. I think it was worthwhile to spend money on protecting the temples because their value is priceless in terms of cultural heritage.
    2.I think that many countries helped because Egyptian history and relics are world-famous and are highly valued around the world as part of our shared cultural history.
    The outline of the passage
    Introduce the topic:

    A big challenge—the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites.
    List the evidence:
    In the 1950s the government wanted to build a new dam.
    In 1959, the government asked the UN for help.
    In 1960, the project started/began.
    In 1961 the first temple was moved.
    Over the next twenty years, the temples and cultural relics were being rescued.
    In 1980, the project was completed/ended.
    The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today.
    StepⅥ Homework:
    Review what we have learned and find out the key language points in the text.

    Unit 1Cultural Heritage-- Discovering Useful Structures教案
    Analysis of the teaching material:
    This teaching period mainly deals with grammar “restrictive relative clauses.” To begin with, teachers should lead students to revise what they have learned about the relative pronouns and relative adverbs. And then, teachers move on to stress more special cases concerning this grammar, such as the “preposition+relative pronouns which and whom” and cases where we can omit the relative pronouns. This period carries considerable significance to the cultivation of students’ writing competence and lays a solid foundation for the basic appreciation of language beauty. The teacher is expected to enable students to master this period thoroughly and consolidate the knowledge by doing some exercises.
    Teaching aims:
    1. Guide students to review the basic usages of relative pronouns and adverbs of attributive clauses.
    2. Lead students to learn to use some special cases concerning restrictive relative clauses flexibly.
    2. Enable students to use the basic phrases structures flexibly.
    3. Strengthen students’ great interest in grammar learning.
    Teaching key and difficult points:
    1. Help students to appreciate the function of relative pronouns and adverbs of attributive clauses in a sentence
    2. Instruct students to write essays using the proper relative pronouns and adverbs of attributive clauses.
    Teaching procedures:
    Step I Lead-in
    Play a game:The teacher describes one or two of the teachers and let the students guess. At first, the teacher provides vague description on purpose. It's hard for the students to guess. Then the teacher leads the students to know how to describe a person in greater detail.
    T:Class,you have so many teachers,and they are my colleagues. Do you know who my best friend is among them, and who borrowed a book from me yesterday? Listen:My best friend is a woman. Can you guess who she is?
    T:She wears a pair of glasses and always likes to wear a green skirt.
    Ss:Ah,our Chinese teacher.
    T:Yes,your Chinese teacher is a woman who wears a pair of glasses and always likes to wear a green skirt.In fact, she is also a person to whom I can always turn for help because she is always ready to help others. And who borrowed a book from me yesterday,do you want to know
    T:The teacher who borrowed a book from me yesterday is a man. Do you know who he is?
    T:And he wears a moustache and every one of you would like to talk to him because he is very humorous.
    Ss:Yes,he is our physics teacher.
    T:That's right. Your physics teacher is a person who wears a moustache and is very humorous. He is also a person to whom every one of you would like to talk.
    So my question is why you can't guess the answers when I only told you their sexes?
    Ss:We can't get enough information. T:How can you guess the answers quickly?Ss:If you describe him or her in a more detailed way.
    T:Then how can I describe him or her in a more detailed way?
    Ss:Use more relative clauses.
    T:That's it. And this is also what we'll learn in this period.
    StepⅡObservation and analysis
    Activity 1 Analyze and summarize the usages of the relative pronouns.
    1. There were deep cracks which/that appeared in the well walls.
    2.1)The team (that/which)Lang Ping had built was falling apart.
    2)Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China's present is connected with its past.
    3.1)The player who/that was known as“Air Jordan”changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps.
    2)We kept seats for those who might arrive late.
    3)This is the best film that I've ever seen.
    4.1) She is my friend (whom/who/that) I always turn to for help.
    2)He is the only person with whom I want to share the story.
    5.1)Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.
    2)The room whose window faces south is mine.






    Activity 2 Analyze and summarize the usages of the relative adverbs.
    1. There comes a time when(in which)the old must give way to the new.
    2. Temples and other cultural sites were put back together again in a place where(in which) they were safe from the water.
    3.There are many reasons why (for which) the cultural relics should be protected.

    in/on/at... which
    for which

    Activity 3 Complete the passage using proper relative pronouns and adverbs.
    There was a time 1.________people near the Nile suffered a lot, so the government wanted to build a new dam to solve the problem. However, water from the dam would likely destroy some cultural relics. That was the reason 2.________the proposal received protests. After listening to those 3.________were worried about the problem,the government turned to the UN for help. The project also brought together governments and contributions made environmentalists 4.________a great difference. With their help, temples and other cultural relics 5.________were taken down were moved. Then they were put together again in a place 6.________they were safe from the water. The project was considered a great success 7. ________people were proud of. When faced with difficulties, we can turn to others with 8.________miracles(奇迹)can be created.
    Suggested answers:
    1.when 2.why 3.who 4.whose 5.which/that 6.where 7.which/that 8.whom
    Activity 1 Rewrite the sentences using relative clauses.
    1. The river was polluted seriously. It runs through the centre of the city.
    2.I have been to the city twice. You just visited the city.
    3.Double 12 Day is coming. On that day my mother will spend a lot of money.
    4.I will visit Mount Tai.At the top of it I can enjoy the beautiful sunrise.
    Suggested answers:
    1.The river which/that runs through the centre of the city was polluted seriously.
    2.I have been to the city twice which/that you just visited.
    3.Double 12 Day is coming when my mother will spend a lot of money.
    4.I will visit Mount Tai at the top of which/where I can enjoy the beautiful sunrise.
    Activity 2 Divide each of the following compound sentences into simple ones.
    Example:There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.
    →There comes a time. During the time the old must give way to the new.
    1.Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.

    2.After listening to the scientists who had studied the problem,and citizens who lived near the dam,the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.

    3.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water.

    4.Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO, which runs a programme that prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.

    Suggested answers:
    1. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics. The cultural relics were an important part of Egypt's cultural heritage.
    2. After listening to the scientists and citizens, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959. The scientists had studied the problem. The citizens lived near the dam.
    3.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together again in a place.In this place they were safe from the water.
    4.Perhaps the best example is shown by UNESCO. UNESCO runs a programme. The programme prevents world cultural heritage sites around the world from disappearing.
    Step Ⅳ Language use
    Activity 1 Use the relative clauses to describe the pictures.

    Suggested answers:
    Picture 1:The Great Wall is a long wall that was built to defend the country thousands of years ago, which winds its way into the distance under the sun at sunset.
    Picture 2:Mount Tai is a famous mountain that/which is high enough to reach the sky and attracts thousands of visitors.
    Picture 3:The kite which has a shape of an eagle is a gift that my grandpa bought for me from Weifang.
    Picture 4:The girl who is looking up with her palms put together against her face is my little sister who is only5 years old.
    Activity 2 Group work: Translate the Chinese poem into English using relative clauses.
    My Dream
    I want to be a tree_______________________________
    looking back on the history and cherishing now;
    I want to be a bird singing in Mount Tai
    I want to be the wind one day
    I want to be an amazing Guqin,
    bringing touching music to the world________________!
    Suggested answers:
    which stands by the Great Wall;where I can enjoy the sunrise and fly high;which takes a beautiful kite far away;where we live
    Step V Homework
    Finish Activity 2 on page 6 and Activity 1,2,3 and 4 on pages 62---63.
    Unit1Cultural Heritage-- Listening and Talking 教案
    Analysis of the teaching material:
    Listening and Talking introduces the theme of “Talk about history and culture”.
    The listening text is a dialogue between two tourists and tour guides when they visit the Kremlin, Red Square and surrounding buildings. The dialogue focuses on the functional items of “starting a conversation”, which is used to politely and appropriately attract the attention of the others, so as to smoothly start a conversation or start a new topic. The purpose of this section is to guide students to understand the history and current situation of Chinese and foreign cultural heritage in their own tourism experiences or from other people’s tourism experiences, explore the historical and cultural values, and be able to express accurately and appropriately in oral communication.
    Teaching aims:
    1. Enable students to practise listening for the main idea and details.
    2. Acquire some main information of the Kremlin, Red Square and St. Basil’s Cathedral.
    3. Explore the language structures of how to start the history and culture of a certain place.
    4. Use the relative words and phrases to talk about the history and culture of a certain place.
    Teaching key and difficult points:
    StepⅠ: Listen to the tape, which is about a dialogue between two tourists and a tour guide when they visit the Kremlin, Red Square and surrounding buildings for the first time, and then ask the students to solve the following tasks.
    Activity1. Listen to the conversation and answer
    (1).Where are the speakers? On a street.
    (2).What are they doing?Sightseeing.
    (3).What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
    Tourists and a tour guide.
    Activity 2 Listen again and complete the fact sheet with the words you hear.
    The kremlin and red red squake,Moscow
    ✷The Kremlin was actually built between the ________ and________ centuries.
    ✷The palace is where____________________________________ lives.
    ✷The Saint Basil’s Cathedral looks like a flame, and it is the ____________of Russia.
    ✷Red Square is considered the_________________________ of Moscow.
    ✷Red Square is used for parades,_______________________, and even ice hockey games, and it used to be a marketplace a long time ago.
    Suggested answers:
    14th17ththe President;symbol;centre;concerts
    Activity 3 Introduce places in greater detail
    Finish the following relative clauses according to the given information.
    1.the Kremlin/a special government area/built between the 14th and 17th centuries/the President lives here
    The Kremlin is_____________________________________________________
    2.the Saint Basil's Cathedral/looks like a flame/a symbol of the country
    The Saint Basil's Cathedral____________________________________________
    3.Red Square/the centre of Moscow/used to be a marketplace/a place for music concerts,parades and even ice hockey games
    Red Square is______________________________________________________
    Suggested answers:
    1.a special government area which was built between the 14th and 17th centuries and where the President lives
    2.which is a symbol of the country looks like a flame
    3.the centre of Moscow which used to be a marketplace and now is a place for music concerts,parades and even ice hockey games
    Activity 4 Third listening
    Listen again and fill in the blanks.
    Tour guide: OK,here we are: the Kremlin and Red Square!
    Tourist 1:_________________________________________the Kremlin exactly?
    Tour guide:The Kremlin is a special government area. Inside,there are five palaces and four cathedrals.It's where the President lives,too.
    Tourist1:__________________________________________the Palace Museum in Beijing.
    Tour guide:_____________________________________________The Kremlin was actually built
    around the same time between the l4th and 17th centuries.
    Tourist 1:_____________________________________________________,with the colourful round towers? I’ve seen so many photos of it.__________________,like a flame.
    Tour guide: That's Saint Basil's Cathedral. People all over the world think of Russia when they see it.It's like the Eiffel Tower in France or the Great Wall in China,a symbol of the country.
    Tourist 2:________________________ can you tell me more about Red Square?
    Tour guide:___________________________________the centre of Moscow,and there have been many important parades and events held here. It also used to be a marketplace a long time ago.
    Tourist 2:_________________________________________________
    Tour guide:_________________________________the photos of an ice hockey game._______________children can skate on Red Square in winter?
    Tourist 2:___________________________________________________
    Tour guide: Yes.Red Square is also a place for music concerns. People have a lot of fun here.
    Suggested answers:
    Excuse me, but what is/Wow... a little bit like/Yes. I guess you could say that./ What’s that building over there/ It looks so pretty/Forgive me for asking, but/ Well, it’s considered/ Oh,really? How amazing!/ I see that you’re looking at/ Did you know that/ No way! That’s so cool!
    Activity5 Summary
    Classify what you hear in the above task and fill in the table.

    Expressions to start a conversation
    Expressions to respond
    What you hear in the dialogue
    Exercise me, but what is...?
    What’s that building over there...?
    Forgive me for asking, but...?
    I see that you’re looking at...?
    Did you know that...?
    Wow... a little bit like...
    Yes. I guess you could say that
    It looks so pretty...
    Well, it’s considered...
    Oh, really? How amazing!
    No way! That’s so cool!
    Other expressions you can think of
    I beg you pardon, but...
    Exercise me. Could you please tell me about...?
    That’s so interesting!
    It is said that...

    StepⅡ Talking
    Activity1 Describe the following pictures using relative clauses.
    Activity 1 Describe the following pictures using relative clauses.

    The Forbidden City is a palace _______________________________________
    The valuable vase _____________________________is called “blue porcelain”. 

    The Terra-cotta Army were found in 1974,__________ some farmers were digging a well. 
    The Terra-cotta Army were in fact 8,000 statues_________________________. 
    Suggested answers:
    The Forbidden City is a palace where the emperors of China lived in the past and now a big museum where thousands of valuable articles are stored.
    The valuable vase which is decorated with beautiful blue designs is called“blue porcelain”.
    The Terra-cotta Army were found in 1974,when some farmers were digging a well.
    The Terra-cotta Army were in fact 8,000 statues which were used to guard the tomb of the emperor Qinshihuang.
    Activity 2 Work in groups.Choose a cultural site that you like and role-play a conversation between some tourists and their tour guide according to the given information.During the process,pay attention to how to start a dialogue and how to respond.

    ·served as the home of emperors
    ·the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government
    ·the valuable vase is called “blue porcelain”

    ·8,000 statues were made to...(tomb)
    ·Each statue has a different face,why?
    ·In 1974,some farmers found it when digging a well.
    Tourist A:I beg your pardon,but is this the Xuanyuan Mirror?Could you please tell me about it?
    Tour guide:Yes,it is.It is said that it’s a mirror that can tell right from wrong!...I see that you’re looking at that carving on the roof.Did you know that it’s called chiwen—one of the nine sons of the Chinese dragon?
    Tourist B:No,I didn’t.That’s so interesting!
    Suggested answers:
    1. Tourist:Forgive me for asking, but what was the forbidden City used for in history?
    Tour Guide: Well, it is said that the Forbidden City served as the home of emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government for almost 500 years.
    Tourist:I see that you're looking at that valuable vase. Do you know anything about it?
    Tour Guide:It's called“blue porcelain”.Some 1.17 million pieces of art are thought to be stored in the Forbidden City, so it is also called“the Palace Museum”.
    Tourist:That's really amazing!
    2. Tourist:Forgive me for asking, but what was the Terra-cotta Army used for?
    Tour guide:Well,it is said that the Terra-cotta Army was made to guard Qinshihuang's tomb. I see that you are looking at the different faces of the statues. Do you know why?
    Tourist:I have no idea.
    Tour guide:Researchers think that each statue is a copy of a real soldier.
    Tourist:It's so amazing! Excuse me,but when was it found
    Tour guide:It was found in 1974,when some farmers were digging a well.
    Step Ⅲ Homework
    When we introduce the tourist sites, we are proud of the treasures that our ancestors left us. It's our duty to pass them down to the next generation. However, some of them are faced with many problems. What should we do to preserve world heritage? Have a research on the Internet and write down your opinions.
    Unit1Cultural Heritage--Reading for writing教案
    Analysis of the teaching material:
    This section focuses on “Understanding how a problem was solved”, which is aimed to guide students to analyze and discuss the challenges and problems faced by cultural heritage protection during the construction of Aswan Dam, as well as the solutions. On the basis of understanding, students should pay attention to the key role of international cooperation in solving problems, and attach importance to the balance and coordination between cultural heritage protection and social and economic development. Students are encouraged to face challenges actively, be good at cooperation, and make continuous efforts to find reasonable ways and means to solve problems.
    Teaching aims:
    1. Enable students to understand the main information and text structure of the reading text;
    2. Motivate students to use the reading strategy “make a timeline” according to the appropriate text genre;
    3. Enable students to understand how a problem was solved;
    4. Enable students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;
    Teaching key and difficult points:
    1. Guide students to pay attention to reading strategies, such as prediction, self-questioning and scanning.
    2. Help students sort out the topic language about protecting cultural relics and understand the narrative characteristics of “time-event” in illustrative style
    3. Lead students to understand the value of protecting cultural heritage by teamwork and global community;
    Teaching procedures:
    Step I Lead-in
    Show some digital pictures of the Mogao Caves to introduce the topic.
    Step Ⅱ Reading
    Activity 1 First reading
    Read the news report first,and then answer the following questions.
    1. What are the researchers and scientists trying to do?What modern technology are they using
    2. Why are so many people interested in the Mogao Caves
    3.What do you think of the researcher's opinion in the last paragraph
    Suggested answers:
    1. The researchers and scientists are trying to increase knowledge and appreciation of China's ancient cultural heritage. They are using digital photography to record a collection of images.
    2.People are interested in the Mogao Caves because they have long been a meeting point for different cultures
    3.I agree with the researcher's opinion. Understanding our own and other countries’ cultural heritage is a great way to understand ourselves and others.
    Activity 2 Second reading
    Read the text again and finish the table.(红色为学生填写部分)
    A News Report
    Write a title to get the reader’s attention
    Attractive and outstanding
    Lead sentence
    Tell the readers who, what, where, and why
    Inclusive and general
    Explain what the person or group does
    Concrete, objective and true and persuasive
    A short summary
    Inclusive and general
    Activity 3 Organisation and language
    Read the text again and mark the 6 parts in it.
    A.lead sentence导语 B.Direct quote 直接引用语 C.Paraphrase 解释  D.Background information背景信息
    E.Reporting verbs引述动词 F.Words to show comparison/contrast 表示比较/对比的词
    Suggested answers:
    A:A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together...China’s ancient cultural heritage.
    B:“Appreciating one’s own cultural heritage...communication and understanding.”
    C:They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from...in 1994.
    D:The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different cultures and are part of the history of many countries.
    F:Today,the caves are just as international as they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road.
    Activity 4 Underline the relative clauses that the writer uses to identify the following.
    Suggested answer:
    A:...the Mogao Caves,which were a key stop along the Silk Road... 
    B:As one researcher who is working on the project explains... 
    C:...at the time when people travelled the Silk Road. 
    Activity 5 Summary
    Summarize the structure of a news report using the following mind map.

    A News Report
    Lead Sentence

    Step Ⅲ Writing
    Here are some interview notes about a person or group who works to protect our cultural heritage.You can choose one of them and write a news report.
    Chen Lei,Wuhan     
    ·senior teacher
    ·takes photos of old buildings
    ·wants to preserve cultural heritage
    ·interviews old people
    ·writes about the buildings
    ·visits schools to tell students about...
    Protectors of the Past,Wuhu     
    ·protect old houses
    ·help repair buildings
    ·look for cultural relics
    ·show cultural relics to the public
    ·raise money
    ·repair temples and cultural relics
    Activity 1 Have a brainstorm and finish the outline.
    1.Your choice is ________________________________________________ 
    2.Think about an attractive headline:_______________________________
    3.Write a lead sentence:_________________________________________
    4.Think about the theme of your news report:________________________
    5.To make your news report more persuasive,you can add _______________            to your writing. 
    6.To make your sentences more advanced,you can use____________________             clauses that we’ve learned in this unit. 
    Suggested answers:
    1.Chen Lei 2.A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
    3.Chen Lei is a senior teacher who takes photos of old buildings in Wuhan in order to preserve the city’s cultural heritage. 
    4.To praise Chen Lei and tell people the significance of what he has done. 5.direct quotes 
    Activity 2 Complete your drafts.Then exchange drafts and use the checklist to give feedback on each other’s draft.
    □Is there a title?
    □Does the lead sentence tell the reader about the situation?
    □Has the writer included details and explanations?
    □Are there quotes and paraphrases?
    □Does the writer use relative clauses to identify people,places,things,times,etc.?
    □Does the writer end with a short summary?
    □Are there any grammar or spelling mistakes?
    Activity 3 Revise and polish your drafts and share with your partners.
    Suggested answers:
    One possible version:
    A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
    Lead Sentence
    Chen Lei is a senior teacher who takes photos of old buildings in Wuhan in order to preserve the city’s cultural heritage.
    Every day,Chen Lei takes his camera and walks patiently through the older parts of the city.Over the years he has taken thousands of pictures of old buildings to create a record for his fellow citizens in the present and future.Another important part of his project is the interviews he conducts with elderly residents.Often these stories help to bring the interesting histories of the buildings to life,giving them their place in the human stories of Wuhan’s citizens.He writes about the buildings,their inhabitants and the stories that weave them together.He also visits schools to tell students about their cultural heritage.
    Neither people nor buildings last forever,but Chen Lei’s photos can help us remember them.The stories that accompany them also help build a picture of life for future generations to hear and add to their own stories,too.
    StepⅣ Homework
    Write a news report about Li Hua who works to protect our cultural heritage using the following notes and you can add details to make the news report more concise and detailed.
    ▪Name: Li Hua
    ▪Place: Xi’an
    ▪Profession: a senior high school teacher
    ▪wants to preserve cultural heritage:
    ▪protect old houses
    ▪takes photos of old buildings
    ▪helps repair buildings
    ▪looks for cultural relics
    ▪ interviews old people
    ▪ shows cultural relics to the public
    ▪ writes about the buildings …


    英语必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教学设计及反思: 这是一份英语必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage教学设计及反思,共5页。教案主要包含了单元内容分析,学科核心素养,教学重点,课时划分等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music教案设计: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 Music教案设计,共22页。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions教学设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions教学设计,共23页。

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