小学英语沪教牛津版(六三制三起)四年级下册Unit 1 Touch and feel教案
这是一份小学英语沪教牛津版(六三制三起)四年级下册Unit 1 Touch and feel教案,共3页。教案主要包含了第一课时,教学目标,教学重难点,教学准备,教学过程,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Unit 1 Touch and feel 【第一课时】【教学目标】1.帮助学生学习Look and learn中的生词。2.通过Ask and answer, Listen and say巩固所学单词。【教学重难点】词汇:hard, soft, thick, thin.【教学准备】课件、音频【教学过程】Pre-task preparations1.出示不同食物和饮料并通过问题引导学生用形容词对这些物品进行描述。T: (show around a cake) What is it? Can you describe it? What shape is it?S1: It's a cake. It's big and round. (write big and round on the blackboard)S2: It's sweet and nice.T: (write sweet and nice on the blackboard)…2.对着食物和饮料做饥饿状,然后问学生,他们是否也感到饿,如果是,想吃什么东西。T: (look at the cake and put two hands on the stomach) Oh, I'm hungry. I want to eat the cake.T: (to S1) Are you hungry?S1: Yes, I'm hungry too.T: What do you want?S1: I want a cake/some bread.While-task procedures1.顺接上一个教学活动中最后一个学生的话语引出hard和soft。T: Are you hungry?S1: Yes, I'm very hungry.T: Look, I have some biscuits and some cakes. What do you want?S1: I want a cake.T: Me too. I like the cake. Let me touch it. Oh! It's soft, (write soft on the blackboard) Now touch the biscuit, please.S1: (touch the biscuit)T: Is the biscuit soft?S1: (touch the biscuit) No, it isn't soft.T: You're right. The biscuit is hard. (write hard on the blackboard)请学生跟读soft和hard。然后请学生分别触摸一本厚的书和一本薄的书,引出单词thick和thin。最后请学生跟读Look and learn中的单词。2.提问学生生活中具有这些触觉的物品还有哪些。把学生说到的物品写在相关形容词旁边。T: My T-shirt is soft. What things are soft too?S1: My hair is soft.Soft: T-shirt, hair...然后把挂图贴在黑板上,让学生看图描述物品。S1: The book is hard and thick.3.对子活动。请学生分别用刚学过的形容词描述教室里或生活中的物品。两个学生依次说句子,谁无法继续,谁就输了游戏。教师在教室内来回走动巡视,必要时给学生帮助。S1: My book is thin.S2: My book is thin too.S1: My pencil is hard.S2: My pencil is hard too.4.让学生看Ask and answer的图片,示范如何用所学的单词描述图片中的物品。T: Touch the window. It's hard.然后出示一些玩具和文具的实物,把它们放在一个袋子或盒子里,请个别学生上来摸一摸,用It's ...句型说一说,根据物品的触觉猜一猜。S1: (touch an object)Ss: Is it hard?S1: No. It's soft.Ss: What is it?S1: It's a ... (take the object out)Ss: Yes/No. It's...Post-task activities1.请学生拿出预先准备好的物品,两人一组进行对话。S1: Touch the toy bear. It's soft.S2: Touch the book. It's hard.2.请学生在预先准备的白纸上画上他们喜欢的物品并写几个句子描述物品。S1: (draw an apple and write) It's big. It's hard. It's sweet. It's an apple. I like the apple.然后,请学生在全班交流他们所画的物品和所写的句子。【板书设计】Unit1 Touch and feelsweet and nicehard, soft, thick, thin
这是一份小学英语沪教牛津版(五四制)二年级下册unit 2 Touch and feel教案,共2页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
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