小学英语沪教牛津版(五四制)四年级上册unit 3 I have a friend教学设计
这是一份小学英语沪教牛津版(五四制)四年级上册unit 3 I have a friend教学设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教学重难点,教学方法,教学用具,教学过程等内容,欢迎下载使用。
Oxford English 4AM2U3 I have a friendPeriod 1 Animal friends – The lion and the mouse一、 教学内容分析:本课选自牛津英语四年级第一学期Module2 Unit3 I have a friend第三课时The lion and the mouse。 因为是上海课标版的教材,对老师和学生来说很陌生,但是本课的故事是大家耳熟能详的寓言故事<The lion and the mouse>, 但是书本上的故事是以句段形式出现,缺少连贯性,因此我在此内容的基础上进行了扩充,使之成为一篇完整并符合逻辑的故事。二、 学情分析: 本课虽为四年级的课,但是因考虑到学生水平的差异性,故选用五年级学生来上。五年级学生已经具备了一定的语言能力和阅读能力,为这一课的学习做好了铺垫。三、 教学目标1、知识目标:1)、能了解、听懂、读懂词汇 afraid, sharp, teeth, bite,并在老师的帮助下尝试进行描述。2)、能听懂、读懂核心句型He/She has…,并进行描述。3)、能运用句型It has… 进行口头描述。4)、能在故事情境学习中,富有情感地按角色朗读,表现出动物的情绪变化。2、技能目标1)、在语境中,能读懂故事,借助关键信息尝试讲述或表演故事。2)、能简单说说对朋友的理解。3)、语音正确、表达基本流利、内容较完整。3、情感目标:体会到真正的朋友应该是互相帮助、互相关爱的。四、教学重难点1、教学重点:1)、通过语音提示模仿和正确朗读核心词汇: afraid, sharp, teeth, bite。2)、运用句型It has… 进行口头描述。3)、能在故事情境学习中,富有情感地按角色朗读,表现出动物的情绪变化。2、教学难点:通过板书内容,复述故事或表演再现故事情境。五、教学方法:对话教学、情境教学、合作学习。六、教学用具:白板课件、单词卡片、课本主要人物图片及头饰。七、教学过程:Step1. Pre-reading1、Let’s sing<Walking in the jungle>2、T:Listen!What animal is it?(It’s a lion.) Look at the mind map,can you make a riddle? (猜谜语,It’s a mouse.)3、引出课题《The lion anf the mouse》4、给出两幅图片,一幅是故事开始,一幅是故事结尾,让学生说出How does the mouse feel? (picture1:sad, picture 2: happy)(设计意图:通过歌曲热身,创造语言环境,告诉学生丛林里有许多动物,听声音猜猜这是什么动物?再用思维导图让学生编谜语,唤醒学生语言表达能力。通过给出故事的两幅图片,让学生对故事大概有所了解,提起学生兴趣,为什么小老鼠最后开心了呢?发散学生思维,引发学生思考。一系列的问题一步步进入故事的学习,为后面故事的阅读奠定基础。)Step 2. While-reading1.What makes the mouse happy? Please read the text very fast and find the answer.(设计意图:小老鼠为什么最后开心了呢?让学生快速浏览文本,对故事有个初始的了解,得出:The lion and the mouse are friends,so the mouse is very happy.)But we konw the lion is big and strong, he is the king of the forest. The mouse is very small. Can they be friends? Why? How? Look at the first picture of this story, Who can read it? Find the key words.Look at the picture 2, what are the key words?According to the key words, retell these two paragraphs. (设计意图:用找关键词的学习方法帮助学生记忆故事内容,然后让学生看着板书来描述狮子和老鼠的特征,为后面的复述故事打好基础。)T: The lion has big friends,but the mouse has no big friends.One day, the mouse says something to the lion, let’s listen. The mouse wants to make friends with the lion. Does the lion agree? (No) But we know they are friends at last. How can they be friends? Read picture 3-5 and fine the answer.Read and underline. 利用思维导图一步一步问问题,让学生带着问题理解故事。Q1:The lion is in the net(贴词条:in a net), how does the lion feel?(It is afraid.)Q2:How do the big friends do? How does the mouse do?(The big friends go away.贴词条:go away)(The mouse is there.)Q3:How can the little mouse help the lion? (It can bite the net.It can help the lion.贴词条:bite the net) Q4:Now how do the lion and the mouse feel? (They feel happy.) Work in pairs: Now they are friends, they are very happy. So what will they say? Discuss with your partner.(设计意图:用思维导图引导学生理解故事,思路清晰、理解顺畅,有效的帮助学生理解了这个故事。最后小老鼠救了狮子,狮子会说什么?小老鼠会说什么呢?培养了学生发散思维的能力。)Step 3. Post-reading1.It’s a very nice story about friends. Now let’s retell the story by the key words.2.Listen and imitate.3.Let’s act.4.What do you know or learn from this story?(A friend in need is a friend indeed....)5.This story is about friends.What are friends for?( Friends should know each other, help each other,play together and love each other.)(边说边贴词条.)6. Make a story. The mouse is in the forest. She is eating the rice.A black cat sees the mouse.He chases the mouse. And the mouse is afraid. She yuns fast and falls into a hole. The lion is coming...(设计意图:让学生复述故事,表演故事后,说出对这个故事的理解,进一步对学生进行情感态度价值观的教育。最后创编故事,这次是老鼠遇到了困难,狮子又是怎么做的呢?创编对学生来说是一个挑战,如果课堂完不成可以课后进行辅导并完成。) Step 4. Homework.Read the story to you parents or friends.Try to retell the story.Describe a friend.
这是一份英语unit 3 I have a friend教学设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教学目标,教学重难点,教学过程,板书设计等内容,欢迎下载使用。
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