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    2023北京丰台初三二模英语 试卷
    2023北京丰台初三二模英语 试卷01
    2023北京丰台初三二模英语 试卷02
    2023北京丰台初三二模英语 试卷03
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    1.My brother shared ________ coming holiday plan happily yesterday.
    A.his B.her C.my D.their
    2.I often go to Capital Library of China ________ Saturday mornings.
    A.to B.in C.at D.on
    3.There are only 24 days until the final exam, ________ we’d better study harder.
    A.or B.for C.so D.but
    4.—Lily, ________ I use your computer? Mine doesn’t work.
    — Of course, here you are.
    A.may B.must C.should D.need
    5.—Mum, I broke my dad’s glasses. What should I do?
    —Tell him the truth, or he will be even ________ with you.
    A.angry B.angrier C.angriest D.the angriest
    6.— ________ is it from your home to the subway station?
    — Quite near. It’s about 5 minutes’ walk.
    A.How long B.How often C.How far D.How many
    7.The children ________ the house when their mother came home from work.
    A.will clean B.have cleaned C.are cleaning D.were cleaning
    8.—Grandma, do you like your new smart phone?
    —Of course. I ________ how to download music since I had it.
    A.learn B.will learn C.learned D.have learned
    9.—Alice, please turn down the TV. I ________ a meeting online.
    —Oh, sorry, Dad.
    A.have B.had C.am having D.have had
    10.—Tom, I want to see a movie this Sunday. Let’s go together.
    —Ok. I ________ with you if I am free.
    A.go B.will go C.went D.have gone
    11.—Daming, where are Betty and Tony?
    —They ________ to hang flags in the hall by the head teacher.
    A.asked B.were asked C.will ask D.will be asked
    12.— Jim, do you know ________?
    — Yes, Grandpa. Let me get it for you.
    A.where the newspaper is B.how the newspaper is
    C.where is the newspaper D.how is the newspaper


    When I was about 12 years old, my friends and I decided that we wanted a pet mouse. The pet shop wouldn’t sell us one unless we had a 13 from a parent, so, having the neatest handwriting, I forged (伪造) one. My deception (骗局) was soon 14 and everything went terribly wrong.
    My mum felt that the punishment should fit the crime, so she made me write letters to a few selected relatives. One of them was my uncle who I’d only met a few times when I was a little kid. I wrote a 15 letter detailing my life and listing my interests.
    My punishment was complete. During the following days I nearly forgot about it, but I suddenly got a 16 from him one day. “How lovely it is to hear from you, “he said, and went on to tell me all about his life in his letter. He’d love to hear about what subjects at school I enjoyed. And so we started a correspondence (通信) that went on for several years.
    He turned out to be the most attractive man. Then out of the blue, he 17 .
    My mum heard of the bad news and was sad as they had not really spoken for years.
    I went upstairs and took out a box of letters, the last one being from just a few days before he had passed. My mum 18 herself reading them and knowing that although she hadn’t been in touch, I had grown 19 to him by writing to him. In fact, I then became friends with his wife, who I also wrote to for many years.
    I often think about how an act of childhood led to such rich 20 that lasted for many years. It encouraged me to write to lots of other people in fact, and it’s something I keep up with to this day. So, I’d encourage you to put pen to paper and see where it leads.
    13.A.paper B.letter C.bill D.card
    14.A.shared B.changed C.discovered D.repeated
    15.A.long B.simple C.boring D.strange
    16.A.photo B.reply C.gift D.call
    17.A.painted B.noticed C.died D.smiled
    18.A.protected B.praised C.enjoyed D.comforted
    19.A.close B.patient C.strange D.similar
    20.A.advice B.experience C.knowledge D.communication

    信息匹配。下面的材料分别介绍了四项不同的夏日嘉年华活动。请根据1-3小题中所描述的 Jo,Archie和 Rosa 三人各自的需求,为他们分别推荐最适合他们的活动,将所对应的序号A、B、C、D填写在相应的位置上。
    21 . Jo is good at cooking and would really like the chance to learn new ways to cook from an expert.
    22 . Archie really enjoys watching films. He loves his dog and would like to find a festival that allows pets.
    23 . Rosa is interested in modern dance music. She wants to understand the technology behind the music more.
    A.World Food FestivalFood lovers, this is your festival. Come and discover a variety of tastes from different countries. Jenny Morell, writer of this year’s best-selling cake baking book will be giving a class. You’ll need to book your place quickly for that. You can buy copies of her cooking book after the class.
    B.Pet Festival
    You’ll be amazed by some of the animals at our festival this year. We have the usual “Strangest pet” competition and it’s a good opportunity to bring your pet and get advice on training. Look out for our special guest, too, the famous robot dog, Woofer, from this summer’s hit movie Dogs in Space!
    C. Theatre Festival
    It’s back again! Our famous international theatre festival. All our big theatres will be involved. You can walk through the city center and find some street performances for free, and even get involved—ideal if you’ve always wanted to be on stage!
    D.Science Festival
    For all you young scientists, come and get your hands on the latest technology at this year’s festival. There’s a special focus on electronic music and the chance to try making your own music, if that’s not enough, you can be sure to be amazed by our robot theatre performance.



    Some of my earliest memories involve sitting with my dad in his study every night when he came home. I’d watch as he put his personal items away: his watch, wallet and comb would always take up the same spot (位置) on the table.
    Dad’s comb was green. Every night, he would smile, hand me the comb and say: “Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?” I was more than happy to do it. Every time I proudly returned the comb to Dad, he would smile at me, and place it on top of his wallet.
    About two years later, Dad started his own business.
    That was when things started to change. Dad’s business wasn’t doing so well. He didn’t come home as much as he used to — just a couple of times a week. And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad. Why didn’t he listen to Mum and just stick to his old job? Over the years, I stopped waiting for him to come home.
    Today, I’m no longer a kid. Dad’s business has also started to get back on track (轨道). Two days ago, Dad came home early. As usual, I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said: “Hey, would you like to help me clean my comb? It’s been a while since I last cleaned it.” I looked at him a while, then took the comb and headed to the sink (水槽).
    It’s a new comb. I punch a few drops of soap and brush the comb. It hits me then: why, as a child, helping my dad clean his comb was such a joy. That tradition meant that my dad was home early to spend the evening with Mum and I. It meant he would play games with me. It meant a happy and loving family.
    I pass the clean comb back to Dad. He looks at it and smiles. But this time, I notice something different. My dad has aged, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family.
    Dad carefully places his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years, he still organises his personal items in the same way. I guess some things never change.
    24.The writer was happy to ________ when she was a little girl.
    A.sit with her dad in his study B.help her dad clean the comb
    C.watch her dad put items away D.carry Dad’s bag into his study
    25.How did the writer feel after Dad started his own business?
    A.Lonely and nervous. B.Bored and calm. C.Worried and tired. D.Mad and upset.
    26.The writer realised that ________ at last.
    A.some family traditions should be continued
    B.kids should help parents do some housework
    C.her father’s love to the family has never changed
    D.personal items should always be in a fixed place

    The term ecology (生态) comes from a Greek word that means “the study of the house”. Ecology is the study of how all living things interact (相互影响) with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live together on this planet and it is our home. Today, we also understand ecology to mean taking care of Earth so that humans, plants and animals can all thrive(兴盛). However, we can damage the environment. Sometimes the damage cannot be changed back to what it was before.
    Ecology is a huge area of study. It covers every part of a living creature’s ecosystem that affects(影响) its ability to live. Ecology considers how a living thing reacts to climate and soil conditions. It also studies how much clean water is available (可用的) and the amount of natural resources. By learning about how living things, including humans, affect each other, we can make smart decisions that protect all living things and the resources they need.
    There are many things that children can do to help make sure that their world stays healthy. The decisions you are making today can affect the future.
    Conservation(节约) is one area of ecology where we can all make a difference. It does not matter how old we are or where we live. Conservation means using Earth’s limited resources wisely so that they don’t run out. When you are home, take a moment to think about how you use resources. Many people waste resources. Leaking toilets, half-filled dishwashers or clothes washers, and unattended hoses all waste precious water. If you leave lights on and appliances running in rooms where they are not being used, you are wasting energy.
    There’s another way we can help conserve Earth’s resources. We can show our support of businesses that make their products using methods and materials that do not damage Earth. By buying their products, we are telling them that we appreciate (感谢) their efforts to be Earth-friendly.
    We need to take the time to learn about how to save resources. More importantly, we must then put into practice what we learn. Children can do their part. They can show their families some ways to save resources. Together, we can all make a difference.
    27.What can we learn about ecology?
    A.It shows how to use clean water on Earth.
    B.It covers every part of all living creatures.
    C.It studies how many natural resources available.
    D.It considers how climate and soil conditions change.
    28.The writer may agree that ________.
    A.we should learn how to save resources and take actions
    B.we need to do many things to help make smart decisions
    C.we had better use up Earth’s limited resources for better life
    D.we can buy more products to show our support of businesses
    29.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
    A.Ecology: Using Resources Wisely B.Ecology: Buying Green Products
    C.Ecology: Taking Care of Earth D.Ecology: Affecting Each Other

    On 20 July 1969, the world celebrated an important moment in history when American astronaut, Neil Armstrong, became the first man to walk on the moon, making a giant leap for humanity. For more than 50 years, human beings have tried many times to understand the space environment. These efforts have paid off. Today, we are in a better position to understand our universe in which we live, thanks to space exploration.
    Space exploration has triggered advances in science and technology which have benefitted humans and improved the quality of life on Earth. These benefits are related to space technology such as satellite communications, global positioning system(GPS) and weather forecasting. The development of satellite technology, for instance, makes telecommunications possible, connecting people from different parts of the world through satellite television, phones, radio and Internet access. Today, space technology also enables us to have virtual (虚拟的) meetings and lessons, making work and study from home possible during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    With the excitement and curiosity generated (产生), space exploration is attracting young people to careers in engineering, science, technology and mathematics, which creates innovations (创新) in science and technology. In countries such as America, Canada and Europe, space exploration has also generated jobs in fields related to engineering, technology and science. Even if interested youngsters do not end up in a job in these areas, space technology enriches their imagination about the possibility of life beyond Earth and space travel. To this end, space exploration continues to encourage human imagination, inspiring (激励) people to write stories and create movies, photographs and songs about space exploration.
    Although there are many benefits, space exploration has often been criticized (批评)for its high cost. According to the University of Florida, it costs about $500 million to launch (发射) a space shuttle and many argue that this money could be better spent on solving the problems on Earth such as hunger, pollution, diseases and climate change. Although space exploration cannot directly provide immediate solutions to these problems, it generates many useful technologies and new knowledge in sciences necessary to improve the conditions of human life on Earth.
    Every year, about a thousand innovations in the space programmes find their way into earthly technology that leads to better farming; better medical instruments; and more energy-efficient vehicles(交通工具). As a result, the money spent on space exploration does finally benefit human beings.
    There is no doubt that space exploration has produced many benefits for humanity. It has also encouraged many to understand Earth and the universe in a deeper way. In the coming decade, we can continue to expect more exciting discoveries. We may eventually even find another planet where humans can live.
    30.The words “triggered advances” in Paragraph 2 probably mean” ________” .
    A.led to great progress B.slowed down the speed
    C.set back future growth D.caught up the development
    31.What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?
    A.The benefits created by space exploration.
    B.The high-tech jobs generated by space exploration.
    C.The imaginative art works inspired by space exploration.
    D.The abilities youngsters developed through space exploration.
    32.According to the writer, the money spent on space exploration ________.
    A.solves the worst problems on Earth directly B.benefits humans through space programmes
    C.fails to improve the conditions of human life D.limits the development of earthly technology
    33.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?
    A.To introduce technology programmes in space exploration.
    B.To compare different jobs generated by space exploration.
    C.To present the benefits brought by space exploration.
    D.To encourage people to carry on space exploration.


    When you talk about, or even think about Iron Man, the first image that pops into your head is the red and gold suit worn by Tony Stark. It provides Stark strength, protection against most attacks (攻击) and the power of flight. Iron Man is just a story, but the suit is not. Engineers call it an exoskeleton (外骨骼). It is the protective or supporting structure covering the outside of the body.
    In fact, the exoskeletons were used in hospitals at first. They have changed the lives of many people with injuries (受伤) or illnesses that affect movement. A disease had paralyzed Stacey Kozel and she could not walk anymore. But in 2016, she went hiking with an exoskeleton. In recent years, more and more exoskeletons have been used in factories. It is easy for people to do the tiring or dangerous work with the exoskeletons. “We usually pay attention to efficiency (效率). Using the exoskeletons saves us much time and money. The workers can make more products at the same time. “One factory manager said. “Also, wearing the exoskeletons can reduce the risk of injury. “What’s more, exoskeletons can be used in rescue (救援) operations, providing workers with a lot of strength to lift heavy objects while protecting them from being hurt by falling weights.
    However, the global spread of exoskeletons remains difficult. For one thing today’s exoskeletons are expensive because they need to be charged (充电) regularly. For another, most exoskeletons can help people do only one type of movement. A company called SuitX is developing new forms of exoskeletons now. The company hopes people of all ages can use their products in the future.
    That would be really cool, but some people worry that the technology will divide humanity. People who can afford exoskeletons will become stronger and achieve more than those without suits. We may end up with two classes of humanity: the superhumans and everybody else. That wouldn’t be fair. Also, researchers have found that when people work in exoskeletons, muscles (肌肉) compete with each other, causing the brain to work less efficiently. Over time, it can also cause harm to the body.
    So will exoskeletons harm or benefit humanity? No one knows for sure. More research is needed.
    34.What is an exoskeleton?

    35.What did Stacey Kozel do with an exoskeleton in 2016?

    36.Why are today’s exoskeletons expensive?

    37.Would you like to have an exoskeleton? Why or why not? (List at least two reasons)

    假如你是李华,你校英语社团公众平台计划做一期主题为“榜样人物”的 系列推送。请你用英语写一篇文章,推荐你心中的一位榜样,并写明推荐理由。
    提示词语: admire, patient, face the difficulty, encourage, advice
    ● Who is your role model?
    ● Why do you want to recommend (推荐) him/her?
    Everyone has a role model in his heart. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    提示词语: helpful, solve, cheer sb. up, realise, support
    ● What experience can you share about helping others?
    ● What have you learnt from the experience?
    The world is beautiful because of kindness.

    考查代词辨析。his他的;her她的;my我的;their他们的。根据“My brother shared”可知此处指哥哥分享自己的计划,用表示男性的形容词性物主代词his指代。故选A。
    考查介词辨析。to用于指两个时间点之间的时间;in用于指某个较长的时间(年、月、季节);at用于指某一特定的时刻;on用于指具体某一天,如星期几的早、中、晚。空格后为“Saturday mornings”,故应搭配介词on。故选D。
    考查比较级。根据“Tell him the truth, or he will be even...with you.”可知,如果不告诉爸爸真相的话,爸爸会更生气,even后加形容词比较级,故选B。
    考查特殊疑问句。How long多长时间,问一段时间;How often多久一次,提问频率;How far多远,提问两地之间的距离;How many多少,对复数名词数量提问。根据下文“It’s about 5 minutes’ walk”可知,此处是在对距离进行提问,故选C。
    考查动词时态。根据when以及came可知,从句用一般过去时,主句表示过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,用过去进行时was/were doing的结构,故选D。
    考查现在完成时。learn一般现在时;will learn一般将来时;learned一般过去时;have learned现在完成时。根据“since I had it”可知,时态为现在完成时“have/has done”,由于主语I,所以应是have learned。故选D。
    考查动词时态。根据“please turn down the TV”可说明爸爸现在正在网上开会,所以让爱丽丝把电视声音关小点,故选C。
    考查动词时态。if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时:will do,故选B。
    考查时态与被动语态。分析句子可知,答语中的“They”指的就是问句里的“Betty and Tony”;由“by the head teacher”,可知主语“They”与谓语动词是被动关系,所以要使用被动语态;根据对话情景,他们悬挂旗帜的动作不可能发生在将来,所以要用“一般过去时的被动语态”,故选B。
    考查宾语从句。句子为宾语从句,故应用陈述句语序,C、D选项可排除。根据下文“Let me get it for you”可知,此处是在问报纸在哪儿,故选A。
    13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.D

    paper纸;letter信;bill账单;card卡片。根据“having the neatest handwriting, I forged (伪造) one”及“My mum felt that the punishment should fit the crime, so she made me write letters...”可知,此处是指伪造了一封父母同意我买宠物的信。故选B。
    shared分享;changed改变;discovered发现;repeated重复。根据“My deception (骗局) was soon ... and everything went terribly wrong.”可知,此处是指骗局被发现了。故选C。
    long长的;simple简单的;boring无聊的;strange奇怪的。根据“detailing my life and listing my interests.”可知,信的内容详细介绍了我的生活及兴趣,所以应该是一封长信。故选A。
    photo照片;reply回复;gift礼物;call通话。根据“How lovely it is to hear from you”可知,作者收到了舅舅的回信。故选B。
    painted绘画;noticed注意;died死;smiled微笑。根据“I went upstairs and took out a box of letters, the last one being from just a few days before he had passed.”可知,舅舅去世了。故选C。
    protected保护;praised表扬;enjoyed享受;comforted安慰。根据“reading them”可知,母亲通过读着作者与舅舅之间的信来安慰自己。故选D。
    close亲近的;patient耐心的;strange奇怪的;similar类似的。根据“by writing to him.”可知,我通过写信与舅舅变得亲近了。故选A。
    advice建议;experience经历;knowledge知识;communication交流。根据“It encouraged me to write to lots of other people”可知,此处是指通过写信与他人有了丰富的交流。故选D。
    21.A 22.B 23.D

    【导语】本文是根据Jo, Archie和 Rosa 三人各自的需求,为他们分别推荐最适合的活动。
    21.根据“Jo is good at cooking and would really like the chance to learn new ways to cook from an expert.”可知,乔擅长烹饪,非常希望有机会向专家学习新的烹饪方法,所以选项A“美食爱好者们,这是你们的节日。来发现来自不同国家的各种口味吧。珍妮·莫雷尔,今年最畅销的蛋糕烘焙书的作者将要上课。你需要尽快预订你的住处。你可以在课后买她的烹饪书。”与之相匹配,故选A。
    22.根据“Archie really enjoys watching films. He loves his dog and would like to find a festival that allows pets.”可知,阿奇真的很喜欢看电影。他喜欢他的狗,并希望找到一个允许宠物的节日,所以选项B“今年我们的动物节上的一些动物会让你大吃一惊。我们通常会举办‘最奇怪的宠物’比赛,这是一个带上你的宠物并获得训练建议的好机会。也要注意我们的特邀嘉宾,著名的机器狗,Woofer,来自今年夏天的热门电影《太空狗》!”与之相匹配,故选B。
    23.根据“Rosa is interested in modern dance music. She wants to understand the technology behind the music more.”可知,罗莎对现代舞曲很感兴趣。她想更多地了解音乐背后的技术,所以选项D“对于所有的年轻科学家来说,来参加今年的科学节,掌握最新的技术。这里特别关注电子音乐,还有机会尝试制作自己的音乐,如果这还不够,你肯定会对我们的机器人剧院表演感到惊讶。”与之相匹配,故选D。
    24.B 25.D 26.C

    24.细节理解题。根据原文“he would smile, hand me the comb and say: ‘Be a good girl and help Daddy clean it, OK?’”可知,父亲会让小时候的作者帮忙清理梳子。故选B。
    25.细节理解题。根据原文“And when he did come home, it was always late and I’d already be in bed. I started to get mad”可知,当作者的父亲开始创业之后,作者生气和苦恼了。故选D。
    26.推理判断题。根据原文“My dad has aged, yet his smile is still as heartwarming as before. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family”可推断,作者父亲对家人的爱一直未变。故选C。
    27.C 28.A 29.C

    27.细节理解题。根据“Ecology considers how a living thing reacts to climate and soil conditions. It also studies how much clean water is available (可用的) and the amount of natural resources”可知生态可以研究有多少自然资源可用。故选C。
    28.推理判断题。根据“Conservation(节约) is one area of ecology where we can all make a difference.”(节约是一个我们都可以有所作为的生态学领域)以及“Many people waste resources. Leaking toilets, half-filled dishwashers or clothes washers, and unattended hoses all waste precious water. If you leave lights on and appliances running in rooms where they are not being used, you are wasting energy.”(许多人浪费资源。漏水的马桶,半满的洗碗机或洗衣机,无人看管的水管,都在浪费宝贵的水。如果你在不用的房间里开着灯,开着电器,你就是在浪费能源。)可知A选项“我们应该学会如何节约资源并采取行动”是作者所同意的,故选A。
    30.A 31.A 32.B 33.D

    30.词义猜测题。根据“which have benefitted humans and improved the quality of life on Earth”(造福人类,提高地球上的生活质量)可知太空探索引发了科学技术的进步,所以“triggered advances”和“led to great progress”同义,故选A。
    31.段落大意题。根据“With the excitement and curiosity generated (产生), space exploration is attracting young people to careers in engineering, science, technology and mathematics, which creates innovations (创新) in science and technology.”以及“To this end, space exploration continues to encourage human imagination, inspiring (激励) people to write stories and create movies, photographs and songs about space exploration”可知第三段主要讲述了太空探索带来的好处。故选A。
    32.细节理解题。根据“...this money could be better spent on solving the problems on Earth such as hunger, pollution, diseases and climate change. Although space exploration cannot directly provide immediate solutions to these problems, it generates many useful technologies and new knowledge in sciences necessary to improve the conditions of human life on Earth.”可知作者认为,花在太空探索上的钱通过太空计划使人类受益。故选B。
    33.推理判断题。根据“There is no doubt that space exploration has produced many benefits for humanity. It has also encouraged many to understand Earth and the universe in a deeper way. In the coming decade, we can continue to expect more exciting discoveries. We may eventually even find another planet where humans can live.”(毫无疑问,太空探索给人类带来了许多好处。它还鼓励许多人以更深入的方式了解地球和宇宙。在接下来的十年里,我们可以继续期待更多令人兴奋的发现。我们甚至可能最终找到另一个人类可以居住的星球。)可推知作者写这篇文章的主要目的是鼓励人们进行太空探索。故选D。
    34.It is the protective or supporting structure covering the outside of the body. 35.She went hiking. 36.Because they need to be charged regularly. 37.Yes, I would like to have an exoskeleton because it can be used to do some tiring or dangerous work and help people with injuries or illnesses that affect movement.(言之成理即可)

    34.根据原文“Engineers call it an exoskeleton (外骨骼). It is the protective or supporting structure covering the outside of the body”可知,外骨骼是覆盖身体外部的保护或支撑结构。故填It is the protective or supporting structure covering the outside of the body.
    35.根据原文“But in 2016, she went hiking with an exoskeleton”可知,2016年她穿戴着外骨骼去徒步旅行。故填She went hiking.
    36.根据原文“For one thing today’s exoskeletons are expensive because they need to be charged (充电) regularly”可知,外骨骼很贵的原因是它们时常需要充电。故填Because they need to be charged regularly.
    37.本题为主观题,无标准答案,言之成理即可。故参考答案为Yes, I would like to have an exoskeleton because it can be used to do some tiring or dangerous work and help people with injuries or illnesses that affect movement.
    Everyone has a role model in his heart. The person I admire most is the monitor of my class. He spends much time and energy on study. He is always active in class and finishes his homework on time, so he can get good grades. He is thought to be helpful and selfless because he is willing to share his learning experience with us. He is also caring and understanding. Whenever I feel upset, he listens to me patiently and put himself in my shoes. When I meet problems, he encourages me to face the difficulties and helps me find the solutions.
    With his help and guidance, I better myself little by little. I am proud to have such a wonderful friend. He is the role model in my heart.
    ①spend time on sth花时间做某事
    ②encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事
    ①He is always active in class and finishes his homework on time, so he can get good grades.(so 连接两个句子)
    ②Whenever I feel upset, he listens to me patiently and put himself in my shoes. (时间状语从句)
    The world is beautiful because of kindness. When you reach out to those in need, you can also feel good.
    My friend Jane used to be a shy girl. In order to help her become more confident, I encouraged her to take part in an English competition. In preparing, I helped her correct the mistakes in her speech. During practice, she often forgot the words because of nervousness. Then I did my best to cheer her up when she was about to give up. I gave her some advice on how to perform well. I also listened to her speech over and over again until we felt satisfied. In the end, she finished the speech contest excellently. She thanked me because she thought I was the one who made her better.
    From this experience, I realised that an act of kindness can give people strength and I can also perfect myself in the process of helping others.
    ①take part in参加
    ②because of因为
    ③do one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大的努力做某事
    ①In order to help her become more confident, I encouraged her to take part in an English competition.(动词不定式作目的状语)
    ②She thanked me because she thought I was the one who made her better.(because引导的原因状语从句以及who引导的定语从句)


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