所属成套资源:中考英语三轮冲刺查漏补缺专项提优练习 (含解析)
中考英语三轮冲刺查漏补缺专项提优练习专题11 句子(含解析)
这是一份中考英语三轮冲刺查漏补缺专项提优练习专题11 句子(含解析),共11页。
句子一、句型转换。1.The film won an award for its amazing photography.(对画线部分提问) the film an award?【答案】Why did; win2.I find tonight’s programmes very exciting.(对画线部分提问) like tonight’s programmes?【答案】How do you3.Look at the blackboard carefully.(改为同义句) look the blackboard.【答案】Take a close; at4.The Olympic Games have been held in many countries so far.(改为同义句)The Olympic Games in many countries so far.【答案】have taken place5.Be careful while you are crossing the street.(改为简单句)Be careful the street.【答案】while crossing6.The reporters interviewed the coach of the winning team after the match.(改为同义句)The reporters the coach of the winning team after the match.【答案】had an interview with7.I don’t know how I can work out the problem.(改为同义句)I don’t know work out the problem.【答案】how to8.She has already finished her homework.(改为否定句)She finished her homework .【答案】hasn’t; yet9.Jack bought the book last Sunday.(改为同义句)Jack the book since last Sunday.【答案】has had10.You must return the magazine to her in two hours.(对画线部分提问) must you return the magazine?【答案】How soon11.The maths problem isn’t easy enough for me to work out.(改为同义句)The maths problem is difficult I can’t work it out.The maths problem is difficult work out.【答案】so; that/too; for me to12.The book is interesting enough for everybody to read.(改为同义句)The book is interesting everybody likes to read it.【答案】so; that13.Little Jim is not old enough to go to school.(改为同义句)Little Jim is go to school.【答案】too young to14.I’d rather be a director.(改为一般疑问句) be a director?【答案】Would you rather15.The girl is so good that we all like her.(改为同义句)She is good girl we all like her.【答案】such a; that16.I’ll get up early to catch the first bus.(改为同义句)I’ll get up early I can catch the first bus.【答案】so that17.I find it easy to learn English well.(改为同义句) easy learn English well.【答案】It is; for me to18.Japanese cameras are sold in this shop.(改为否定句)Japanese cameras in this shop.【答案】aren’t sold19.I was told to take my own food.(改为一般疑问句) to take your own food?【答案】Were you told20.Many animals’ fur is used for making clothes.(对画线部分提问) many animals’ fur ?【答案】What’s; used for21.Chinese invented paper nearly two thousand years ago.(改写成被动语态)Paper Chinese nearly two thousand years ago.【答案】was invented by22.People play basketball all over the world.(改为被动语态)Basketball all over the world.【答案】is played23.He made me do that for him.(改为被动语态)I that for him.【答案】was made to do24.It took Hemingway a few weeks to write the great novel The Old Man and the Sea.(改为同义句)Hemingway a few weeks the great novel The Old Man and the Sea.【答案】spent; writing25.The great man appeared in public for the last time in July, 1976.(改为同义句)The great man in public in July, 1976.【答案】made his final appearance26.Yao Ming is famous both in China and in America.(改为同义句)Yao Ming is famous in China in America.【答案】not only; but also27.You’d better go to different clubs. Don’t stay in the classroom.(改为同义句)You’s better go to different clubs staying in the classroom.【答案】instead of28.The students in our school are polite. They never push in before others.(合并为一句)The students in our school are polite push in before others.【答案】too; to29.The girl gave a rather wonderful speech last Friday.(改为感叹句) wonderful speech the girl gave last Friday!【答案】What a30.I go to the movies once a week.(对画线部分提问) do you go to the movies?【答案】How often31.My sister will take care of my cat when I am on holiday.(改为同义句)My sister will my cat when I am on holiday.【答案】look after32.They didn’t arrive on time because they got up late.(对画线部分提问) they arrive on time?【答案】Why didn’t33.The man is my uncle. He is standing there.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)The man standing there is my uncle.【答案】who/that is34.The telephone is a great invention. People use it all over the world.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)The telephone people all over the world is a great invention.【答案】that/which; us35.I will remember the film forever. I saw it last night.(改为含有定语从句的复合句)I will remember the film last night forever.【答案】that/which I saw36.China is in East Asia.(对画线部分提问) China?【答案】Where is37.Canadians speak both English and French.(对画线部分提问) do Canadians speak?【答案】What language38.I hope you will enjoy yourself during the trip.(改为同义句)I hope you will .【答案】have a good/nice trip39.They are going to Hong Kong soon.(改为同义句)They are Hong Kong soon.【答案】leaving for40.We shall visit Tokyo.(改为同义句)We shall of Tokyo.【答案】take a tour41.Marie Curie was born in the city of Warsaw in Poland.(对画线部分提问) Marie Curie ?【答案】Where was; born42.Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize twice all her life.(对画线部分提问) Marie Curie the Nobel Prize all her life?【答案】How many times did; receive43.Pierre died in an accident in 1906.(改为同义句)Pierre in an accident in 1906.【答案】lost his life44.I remember that I have told her the truth.(改为简单句)I remember the truth.【答案】telling her45.He hopes that he will be back very soon.(改为不定式结构)He hopes back very soon.【答案】to be46.The boy didn’t know what he should do with the broken glass.(改为不定式结构)The boy didn’t know the broken glass.【答案】what to do with47.He can do anything you ask him to do.(改为同义句)He can do he .【答案】whatever; is asked to48.He has many hobbies, like dancing and singing.(改为同义句)He has many hobbies, dancing and singing.【答案】such as49.(2019江苏南通中考)It took then five days to complete the difficult task.(对画线部分提问) did it take them too complete the difficult task?【答案】How long50.(2019四川乐山中考)Read the book carefully, or you will make mistakes.(改为同义句) read the book carefully, you will make mistakes.【答案】If you don’t51.(2019重庆B卷)My aunt likes watching TV plays.(改为否定句)My aunt watching TV plays.【答案】doesn’t like二、根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.我对这次的考试结果不满意。I the result of the exam.【答案】am unhappy/not satisfied /not happy with2.你知道这台收音机出了什么毛病吗?Do you know the radio?【答案】what’s wrong with3.我想知道你为什么这么生气。I want to know .【答案】why you are so angry4.首先,你要读足够的书。 , you should read enough books.【答案】First of all5.他的笔记本电脑完全停止工作了。His notebook computer has .【答案】stooped working completely6.我后悔买了你们的产品。I your product.【答案】regret having bought7.我期盼着很快见到你。I’m you soon.【答案】looking forward to seeing/meeting8.与三十年前的生活相比,中国现在的生活已经改变了很多。 the life thirty years ago, the life now has changed a lot in China.【答案】Compared with9.我们城市的污染变得越来越严重。The pollution is getting in our city.【答案】worse and worse10.看到面前的蛇,这个女孩太紧张以至于不敢动弹。The girl was when she saw the snake in front of her.【答案】too nervous to move11.为了防止风筝飘走,你可以把绳子拴在胳膊上。 , you can tie the rope around your arm.【答案】To prevent the kite from floating away12.当天气变冷的时候,水以冰的形式呈现。When it gets cold, water is ice.【答案】in the form of13.随着科技的发展,世界变得越来越小了。 science and technology, the world is becoming smaller and smaller.【答案】With the development of14.城市里的孩子从不担心没有食物吃。Children in cities never having no food to eat.【答案】worry about15.不管你将遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。No matter what difficulty you will meet with, your plan.【答案】carry out16.地球表面大约四分之三被水覆盖。About water.【答案】three quarters/fourths of the surface of the Earth i covered by17.随着越来越多的人去城市工作,城市正变得越来越拥挤。As more and more people , cities are .【答案】go to cities for jobs; getting; becoming more and more crowded18.我们必须在事情失去控制之前采取行动。We must take action before things .【答案】get/are out of control19.他的新作在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注。 his new book at the book show last week.【答案】No attention was paid to20.这家饭店给旅客提供了高水准的服务。This hotel the visitors.【答案】provides a high level of service for21.我们还没有决定什么时候探望爷爷奶奶。We haven’t decided our grandparents.【答案】when to visit22.如果你在考试中保持冷静,就会考出好成绩。If you in the exam, you will get good grades.【答案】keep (your) cool/keep calm23.每个人都应该在环保方面发挥作用。Everyone should the environmental protection.【答案】play a part in/play a role in24.在周末,小汤姆和他的朋友们要么在家看电视,要么在外踢足球。Little Tom and his friends either at home or outside at weekends.【答案】watch TV; play football25.这位社会工作者经常步行去老年之家帮助老人。The often goes to the old people’s home to help the elderly.【答案】social worker; on foot26.甚至在很小的时候,侯逸凡就对下国际象棋很用心。Evan as a young child, Hou Yifan was very .【答案】serious about playing chess27.乔丹的篮球生涯很成功。Jordan succeeded .【答案】in his basketball career28.自从小时候他就痴迷于玩电脑游戏。He playing computer games since he was a little boy.【答案】has been crazy about29.使我们惊讶的是,她没有勇气来回复这封电子邮件。 【答案】To our surprise, she has no courage to reply to the e-mail.30.你准备参加游泳队的选拔吗?Are you the swimming team?【答案】going to try out for31.最后,她被迫改变了主意。At last, she .【答案】was forced to change her mind32.她别无选择,只能不在意那些嘲笑她的同学。 【答案】She has no choice but to pay no attention to those classmates who laugh at her.33.有人警告你接受挑战前要三思了吗? 【答案】Were you warned to think twice before you take/taking on the challenge?34.让我们惊讶的是,这个5岁的小男孩对绘画表现出极大的兴趣。 【答案】To our surprise, this 5-year-old boy shows/showed great interest in painting.35.许多与我们年龄相仿的孩子不知道如何在爱好和学业之间取得平衡。 【答案】Many children of our age don’t know how to achieve a balance between hobbies and schoolwork.36.人们对冯小刚的电影评价很高。People Feng Xiaogang’s films.【答案】think highly of37.听完这次演讲,我们更多地了解了不同种类的艺术。After listening to the talk, we knew more about .【答案】different kinds of art forms38.要开始上课了,他匆忙进入了教室。He the classroom when the class was ready to begin.【答案】hurried into39.他用这件特殊的乐器奏出了一段令人惊叹的曲子。He made an amazing piece of music .【答案】with the special instrument40.我认为玩电脑游戏是浪费时间。I think playing computer games is just .【答案】a waste of time41.我发现他们对不同的电视节目感兴趣。I find that they different TV programmes.【答案】are interested in42.汤姆经常被错当作他的双胞胎哥哥吉姆。Tom his twin brother Jim.【答案】is often mistaken for43.为了节约在路上的时间,我们避开了高峰期。We save time on the trip.【答案】avoided the rush hour so that we could/in order to44.(2019江苏淮安中考)他们认为一天刷两次牙是一个好习惯。They think it’s a to brush teeth .【答案】good habit; twice a day45.(2019四川眉山中考)我父母不允许我熬夜。I am not allowed to late by my parents.【答案】stay up46.(2019江苏无锡中考)事关重大,你得三思而行。It’s very important and .【答案】you should think twice47.(2019江苏宿迁中考)王俊凯擅长唱歌和打篮球。Wang Juankai singing and playing basketball.【答案】is good at/does well in48.(2019甘肃武威中考)保持健康对每个人而言都很重要。It’s very important for everyone to .【答案】keep healthy49.(2019天津中考)他拿出相机开始拍照。He took out his camera and started .【答案】taking photos50.(2019甘肃兰州中考)当我长大后,我想成为一名工程师。I want to be an engineer when I .【答案】grow up
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