英语五年级下册Module 2 Work and playUnit 6 Holidays教案
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Module 2 Unit 6Holidays 设计理念: 《英语课程标准》的基本理念是突出学生主体,尊重个体差异;采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。这就要求教学中,学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功所带来的自信,满足与愉悦。教学中,我通过视频剪辑,情境再现,表格提示,活动创设,任务布置等手段为学生巧妙地设计了各种任务,任务内容由简到繁, 由浅显到复杂, 由一句话自己就能完成到需要几句话或与他人合作才能完成,让学生在学习,合作,探究的过程中促进语言实际运用能力的提高和积极的学习态度的形成。 教材分析:本节课教学内容是上海教育出版社出版的(三年级起点)五年级英语下册Module 2 Unit6第一课时。在小学英语教学中,提倡“听、说领先,读、写跟上”。 本课的教学内容是关于Kitty一家去三亚度假的计划和打算的对话。这一话题深入学生的生活,学生非常喜欢谈论此话题。所以,本课教学设计侧重听说训练,因为先从口语训练开始一个单元的学习,可使课堂教学自然化,有利于培养学生学习语言的良好习惯。同时为第二课时的读写训练开山辟路。在这节课里,学生要学习单词:holiday,clear, island, seafood, hotel以及核心句型 Where will we stay? How long will we stay in Sanya? 并能在适合的情景中自由运用。本课时的主要句型是一般将来时的特殊疑问句。教学中,在具体的语境中将反复呈现这些新的句型, 并在学生理解之后, 通过各种情景的创设帮助他们慢慢掌握并恰当的运用。 学情分析:本节课所对应的学习者是五年级学生。他们已经具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力和实践应用能力。从知识储备上看,他们已经掌握了一些词汇,相当的句型和日常用语。如今,愈来愈多的家庭利用假日旅行,学生对世界充满好奇,充满想象,希望凭借自己的努力,凭借已有的语言能力,积极地参与到教学活动中, 并成功顺利的完成各项任务, 从而体验成功的喜悦。针对他们这一心理特点,遵循倡导体验参与的基本理念,“学中用,用中学”的原则思路,教学采用多种活动途径,多种情景再现,使得语言教学不突兀,同时又能提升气氛、调动兴趣,有效地提高课堂效率。 教学目标:1. 知识目标:1)能够听、说、读、写核心词汇:holiday, clear, island, seafood, hotel , how long, go swimming2)能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的核心句型:Where will we stay? How long will we stay in Sanya?3)能够流利地朗读对话,能分角色进行朗读, 能与同学交流自己的旅行计划。2.能力目标:1)能在语境中正确运用核心词汇和句型。2)能用特殊疑问句How/Where/What/How long will…?询问他人的度假计划和打算, 并能用I will… 句型正确应答。3)通过Holiday plan的设计练习,帮助学生综合运用新学的语言知识。3.情感目标:1)在课堂活动中,调动学生的学习热情,激发学生说英语的兴趣。2)在小组活动体验中,培养学生互助、合作学习的意识,提高学生运用语言的能力。3)让学生感受城市的魅力, 体会旅游度假的愉悦。 教学准备:1.单词,句子卡。2.自制多媒体教学课件。3.学生设计“假日计划”用纸。 教学重点:1.能够听、说、读、写核心词汇holiday, clear, island, seafood, hotel , how long2.能够听懂、会说、会读、会写本课时的核心句型:Where will we stay? How long will we stay in Sanya? 教学难点:1.正确运用一般将来时的特殊疑问句。2.疑问句How long的正确提问和回答。 教学过程: (一)热身复习 文化感知 Let’s play Train games. Where you are going?(投影播放音乐)设计意图:教育心理学表明,当教学能引起学生的兴趣时,就可以最大限度的调动学生的学习积极性,使学生在学习时能集中注意力,从而更好地感知,记忆,并获得更多的知识。所以,我设计了这个生动活泼的“Train games”游戏。让学生在平等,合作,积极向上的课堂氛围中,建立和谐的师生关系,激发学生的求知欲。(二)话题推进 学习新知1.观看短片,激发爱国热情,学习新词:holidayT: Are you happy? I will be very happy this weekend because I’m going out for a holiday. Please watch! Where am I going? T:Right! I’m going to Beijing.(教师播放图片动画) Beijing is the capital of China. It is a wonderful place for a holiday. I get there by car. I will visit the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. I’ll have Roast Duck. It tastes great. So Beijing is a wonderful place for a holiday.教师演示课件:What’s meaning?(课件出示:a time of rest from work , school.)学生跟读。 T:Where is it? What do you think about Shanghai?师:Shanghai is a wonderful place for a holiday.图文提示,操练句型,引出课题… is a wonderful place for a holiday.多媒体演示图片, 教师引导T: In the world , there are many beautiful places. What do you think about these places? 教师小结, 板书课题。Nowadays, more and more people go out for a holiday with their children. Today we’ll learn how to make a holiday plan. Unit 6 Holidays设计意图:图文提示,调取学生记忆中的美好,让学生开心的畅谈自己心目中的美丽城市, 回忆或畅想愉快的假日生活, 让课堂从开始就充满风光无限的美好场景, 激发浓厚而持久的愉悦兴致。2.播放动画,观看三亚宣传短片T:Kitty’s family are talking about their holiday. Please watch and then answer these questions.Where are they going? How do they get there? What will they do there? 学生逐题回答。(播放掌声, 适时鼓励,激发热情,提高注意力)T: Why do they go to Sanya? Please watch carefully, and then tell us what you know about Sanya.(播放精心剪辑的三亚宣传片)T:What do you know about Sanya now?设计意图: 多媒体动画具有生动,形象的特点,可以虚拟实景。教学中通过播放动画, 让学生整体获得文本信息,较为快速准确地初步感知对话的大体脉络和指向。然后通过观看三亚短片, 让学生了解书本以外的知识,掌握本课的主线背景, 激发学生学习的兴趣, 突出教学重点。最后,交流观片收获,培养学生获取和整理信息的能力和本领。3.创设情景,学习单词和核心句型。学:island演示课件:Look! A piece of land completely surrounded by water, we say “island”. This is Hainan island. Sanya is on the island.教师板书island, 然后说:More islands for you . Look!(出示更多的岛,看图学说)学:clear多媒体演示图片:Look at the sea. How is it?教师演示另一张图片,追问: Can you see the fish and stones? 边演示边解说:Easy to see and clean, we say: clear,课件出示,学说:clear water, beach with clear water 和句子:Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water.学生听音模仿。学:seafood 课件出示大海图片:The sea in Sanya is beautiful and rich. There are many marine life. We can cook some of them.课件出示食物图片 They are delicious food in Sanya. Look! sea,food, together. Seafood (课件演示:sea+food=seafood, 并学说seafood) Do you know these seafood? What is it?(课件演示, 学生试着说:fish, shrimp, octopus)T:Look! What are they doing?T: Look at their faces. Are they happy? Why? (课件出示:The seafood there tastes great.)播放录音学生模仿。 及时的汇总巩固Now listen and repeat. Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water.We’ll go swimming there. We’ll also have seafood .The seafood there tastes great! 学生听音模仿,并朗读。学习hotel T: Listen! Where will they stay?S:Hotel (播放发音学生模仿) 教师演示课件,引出a hotel by the sea,然后教师出示单词卡,学生一个接一个的说。板书:hotel 听课文录音, 学生模仿对话 看图说短语Let’s see more hotels. The hotel is on the mountain , we can say a hotel on the mountain… Let’s chant .I’ll stay in a hotel , by the sea. A hotel by the sea.I’ll stay in a hotel, in the tree. A hotel in the tree. I’ll stay in a hotel, in the country. A hotel in the country. 设计意图:通过多媒体演示,多层次,多角度,多途径地讲解和操练新词和句型。通过拓展教材,利用情景为学生呈现和提供更多的视听说练的机会,把学生的各种感官充分的调动起来,通过讨论,游戏,操练等教学手段让学生最大程度的获取信息,应用信息。大量信息的输送势必提高学生的口语表达能力,突破本课教学难点。4.进入情境,突破核心句型 课件演示,学生看图根据情景回答:Now we will see a film, How do we get there? We get there on foot. 课件播放句型Where will we stay?We will stay in the cinema.(学生看图回答) 播放Where will we stay?句子录音两遍后:(学生逐一说句子)教师出示句子示范, 并板书句型: Where will we stay? 学生在小组内自编对话,然后汇报。 Look at these pictures. You can choose one, and then make new dialogues. 设计意图:利用多媒体创设情境,把学生带入大自然, 带入生活, 让学生认识周围世界的过程充满情感,让教师的讲解更加得心应手, 让学生的听说更有的放矢。 教师演示,引导学生看图说话。Ok, boys and girls , let’s go to Guilin. How do we get there? We get there by plane. How long will we stay in the plane? Look! The plane will take off at 9:oo, and land at fourteen. Think it over! How long will we stay in the plane? Right, 5hours. We’ll stay there for five hours. 播放课文相关内容的录音,学生模仿。 Read the table and make new dialogues.Let’s go to the US. Look! Begin: on the fifth of May ,stop: on the 10th of May, now how long will we stay in the US? --For six days. --Right. Now make new dialogues in your group. Begin!设计意图:从生活中选取到“桂林” 旅行这一场景,作为学生观察的主体,并配以教师对飞机起飞和降落的语言描绘,帮助学生理解How long。最后,通过选取源于生活的3个典型场景,对核心句型进行综合操练,让学生始终沉浸在丰富的外语环境中,以达到最佳学习效果。(三) 语用实践 巩固新知1.观看动画, 模仿朗读。Just now you did a good job. Now please open your book and turn to page 36 , listen and repeat. Now act the dialogue out. Prepare in your group. 设计意图:读的过程是对学生进行全方位的阅读训练,让学生的收益不仅在读上,而是在读的过程中,总结心得,感悟学习。角色扮演过程是对学生是否能用准确的语言表述问题,解决问题的检测。2.Listen and enjoy(播放Flash,带领学生边说边跳,愉悦心情)设计意图:课程已接近尾声,学生的注意力已经开始分散, 此时通过韵律欢快,内容熟悉的小chant,和老师一边说唱,一边律动,促发学生多感官,激发学习兴致,缓解疲劳,适时引出度假中天气因素的考虑与有关穿着的讨论,为学生提供更多的语体,提高会话实效。 (四)综合拓展 激活语言1. 引导学生齐读, 巩固成果。Today we’ve learned how to make a holiday plan. A good holiday plan needs: Where to go ? 2. How to go? 3. Where to stay? 4. How’s the weather? 5. What to wear? 6. How long to stay? 7. What to do? 2. Now summer is coming. What are you going to do this summer? You can make a holiday plan on the paper in your group. And then put them on the blackboard.Now let’s talk about your plans.讨论提示: 1.Where are you going ? 2.How is the weather? 3.What will you wear? 4.How do you get there? 5.Where will you stay? 6.How long will you stay?7. What will you do ? 设计意图:小组合作完成假期计划,发挥学生的主观能动作用,锻炼学生的思维能力,提高学习成果, 扩大学习收获。(四) 总结评价 作业夯实 小结: Today we’ve talk about how to make a holiday plan. You all did a good job. Homework: 1. Read and recite “Listen and say” on page 36. 2. Make a new dialogue about summer holidays.设计意图:作业朗读和背诵课文是为了达到课后巩固所学对话集相关内容,培养学生时时说英语的好习惯。配以将课上的 “假日计划” 改编成对话这一活动让教学成果更夯实。 六、板书设计 Unit 6 Holiday 图片Where will we stay? 图片 islandhotelHow long will we stay in Sanya? 图片seafood