Getting outside of your comfort zone may be tough at first, but facing unfamiliar challenges can make you happier and more fulfilled in the long run. To help you out, we’ve rounded up some of the best, most effective strategies for stepping out of your comfort zone and adding more excitement to your life.
Do small daily activities that you normally wouldn’t do.
Challenge yourself in small ways every day. ____1____ Once you’ve made stepping out o£ your comfort zone into a daily routine, it’ 11 be much easier to handle bigger challenges.
If you’ re stuck in a boring life, break the pattern! Look for things in your life that feel repetitive or monotonous (单调的). If you always go to the same coffee shop each morning, try the other one across the street instead. Changing up your routine helps bring new experiences into your life.
Do some research to get more information.
You’ll be more comfortable trying new things if you’re informed. This new activity might feel like you’ re facing a big question mark at first. To answer all your questions, go online and read about it. ____3____, and can even help you get excited for the change! Make sure the information you find is reputable to ensure you’ re knowledgeable and prepared.
Break the activity down into small steps.
____4____ If you’re feeling frightened by the challenge you’ve picked, make it a multi-step process that will let you slowly climb that mountain. Conquering your fears gradually can help ease you into new challenges. ____5____. You start in the shallow end and work your way to the deepest part of the pool with time!
A.Think of it like learning how to swim
B.Change your usual habits to mix it up
C.This will leave you feeling a little less lost
D.You don’t have to do the activity all at once
E.You could start up a conversation with a stranger
F.Keep those positive possibilities at the front of your mind
G.Look for ways to step outside of your comfort zone by taking tiny actions
There is a definite link between gratitude and happiness. ____6____ Let’s take a look at the positive benefits of gratitude and how you can learn to develop gratitude in your daily life.
What happens to our bodies when we’re grateful?
Much scientific evidence has shown that gratitude has far-reaching effects on our health. When people are thankful and are happy with things as they are, their physical health reflects that. ____7____ Researchers over the years point to lower stress, reduced pain and improved immune systems as a result of being thankful. ____8____ It increases self-confidence, enhances positive emotions and makes us more optimistic. when we feel deeply grateful, our bodies are producing all sorts of wonderful chemicals.
Activate gratitude regularly
The best way to make gratitude a habit is not to wait for special moments. Some people have been told by their specialists they can keep stress and anxiety at bay by keeping a gratitude journal, journaling every day is also correlated with an increase in happiness.
____9____ Just pay attention. Start identifying things you might value too lightly. Then, take a moment to be thankful for then. Be sure to consider positive actions and events that might seem small. For example, be thankful for the warm cup of tea you are enjoying,
Do gratitude exercises
During busy workdays when we are pressed for time, there are doable ways to fit gratitude into your schedule. ____10____ Take a walk and be thankful for each item you see: trees, flowers, the sky, birds. Get a magazine or old photos and make a collection of everything you’re grateful for.
A.They’re more likely to exercise, eat better, and take care of their health.
B.Your goal is to add this science-backed habit to increase your happiness.
C.Gratitude has a strong positive impact on psychological well-being as well.
D.Happiness is about how good you feel and how satisfied you are with your life.
E.Choosing to be thankful may well be an accessible way to boost your happiness.
F.Apart from journaling, here are other possible activities to help you stay on track.
G.But if you’re not ready for that kind of commitment, there’s an easy way to begin on the road to being grateful.
Selecting the right career is not as simple as it looks. Mainly in high school, most of the students are focused on finding the best college without even thinking about where they will land after completing college.
____11____ It is one of the common questions every student comes across in the early days. Most of the students answer based on what they have learned about a career from their teachers or parents or elders. Besides, there are students who make up answers or are totally unaware of what they want to achieve.
There are different surveys around the states. 52% of the students find the right career option only after joining college graduation or at the end of the college graduation. ____12____ High school is the best time to make the right career plan. Depending on the plan, high schoolers can join the right course, get the right training, and build the tight skills. All of these can lead them to the right career path. ____13____
Before high schoolers find the right path, they can learn and explore different career options. Most of the time students change their minds multiple times after they are introduced to a new career option. They are also likely to switch as they start finding different career options related to their interest. ____14____ You can explore different occupations, learn various things about different sectors, and many more. During that stage, students are more curious about learning new things. ____15____ And investigating different occupations and sectors encourages them to become more curious about their future goals.
A.Success doesn’t happen by chance.
B.In fact, it’s never too early to start career planning.
C.Limiting yourself to one career is not a good choice.
D.They are bound to land in the desired industry finally.
E.Most people blame others if they fail in their life or in their career.
F.High schoolers are often asked what they wish to do when growing up.
G.High school students should look into what they want to achieve in their career.
Ways to Help the Troubled Monarch Butterflies
The monarch butterfly (帝王蝶) is considered an endangered species. Scientists say the dropping number of monarchs is due to climate change, loss of living places and the use of pesticides — chemicals that kill insects — and herbicides — chemicals that kill plants. ____16____
One of the quickest and best ways to help is to plant milkweed on your land. Milkweed is a kind of plant that has white juice. Monarch butterflies eat milkweed and lay their eggs there. ____17____ However, not all milkweed is the same. It is important to choose the right kind of milkweed. Planting tropical milkweed in the United States is a problem because it is not native to the country. It blooms or flowers for longer periods of time. This can make it harder for monarchs to know when it is time to migrate (迁徙).
Other plants, especially those with flowers that have honey, can be helpful to adult monarchs. These plants can be good-quality food for the butterflies. ____18____ Invasive plants can do more harm than good to monarchs. It is a good idea to include plants that flower late in the growing season. These plants can help give monarchs the energy they need for their yearly migration in autumn.
____19____ Chemicals can harm insects, including monarchs. They can also harm birds. Natural or organic poisons may also be harmful. Use them after dark, when butterflies are not as active. When the morning arrives, the product will be dry and not as effective. The butterflies will be safe.
Another way to help monarchs is to create a butterfly water feeding area. Add water to sand in a sunny area. ____20____ Butterflies can rest on the stone, take in the sun and drink the water from the pool. And you can sit and enjoy the beautiful monarchs.
A.They need milkweed to survive.
B.Find an appropriate place for milkweed.
C.Set a flat rock in the middle of the area.
D.You can grow your own ones from seeds.
E.Be sure to choose plants that are native to your area.
F.Next,think about the chemicals you use in your own garden.
G.But there are things that people can do to help the beloved black-and-orange insects.
While we enjoy the convenience the modern technology has brought to us, there has been a growing realization that while we may have innumerable followers and friends on social media, those in the real world are far more limited. Sharing feelings and problems in real conversations and confrontations is increasingly hard. Therefore, we feel lonely. The only way to break away from it is to reconnect with the self and the people who surround us. ____21____. Here’s what we can do.
Connect with your own self
____22____. Developing a conscious and mindful approach is an essential element towards ensuring there is no disconnectedness from people who surround you and the life you build for yourself.
Learning to say ‘no’ to the people and activities that are beyond your ability. Doing this does not mean you are being unfriendly or irresponsible. It is a necessary reallocation of energies to provide emotional help to oneself and others.
Do the things you love
Invest in yourself by engaging with your interests and passions. ____24____, but taking care of what you need is also essential.
Make time.
____25____. Learn to make full use of it and invest time in the people you love and care about. Career goals are often not enough to provide complete fulfilment. Building meaningful relationships is vital.
A.Draw boundaries
B.Offer help whenever possible
C.Do not allow time to become something missing
D.This requires us to relook, reconsider and adapt
E.Life is always full of opportunities and challenges
F.Self-awareness is a key to understanding your needs and desires
G.It is significant to work towards being available for people around you
A new government report has some bad news about sea levels on the U.S. coastline. ____26____ The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and six other agencies created the report.
“The sea level rise is upon us,” said Nicole LeBoeuf, director of NOAA’s National Ocean service. ____27____ “That’s because the United States coasts are home to a lot of economic activity and 40 percent of the U.S. population,” LeBoeuf explained.
____28____ “The greatest rise in the U.S. will be on the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast. The West Coast and Hawaii will be below the average,” said William Sweet, who is the report’s lead writer. The report predicts 0.6 meters of sea level rise in St. Petersburg, Florida. But the study predicts just 0.36 meters in Los Angeles, California.
Cities, such as Annapolis, Maryland, and Miami Beach, Florida, already experience a few minor floods every year during high tides, but those will be replaced by several “moderate (中等的)” floods a year by about 2050. “Higher sea levels mean more floods,” Sweet said, “____29____ And many of our major metropolitan (大都市的) areas on the East Coast are going to be increasingly at risk.”
Climate change is the major cause of the sea level rise. ____30____ To avoid the potential consequences of the sea level rise, great efforts should be made to reduce the negative effects of climate change.
A.She warned that the cost would be high.
B.But climate change can be slowed down.
C.Sea levels rise more in some places than others.
D.Some cities won’t be affected by the sea level rise.
E.Areas that haven’t been flooding are starting to flood.
F.People today are greatly concerned about this problem.
G.It says they’re expected to rise by at least 0.25 meters in the next 30 years.
In recent years, there has been a great deal of discussion about empathy(共情). It has been argued that a lack of empathy has led to several social problems. ____31____ It is a complex construct. According to psychologist Mark Davis, there are three important types of empathy. Let’s explore each type and the possible impact of each.
This is a more cognitive(认知的) form of empathy, and it involves being able to see things from others’ perspectives. ____32____ Our research shows that perspective-taking is very important in social interactions and for leaders because they need to understand the people they lead and manage to motivate them effectively.
Empathic Concern
It is what we most commonly think of as being empathic. This is being able to “read” other people’s emotions and feelings and to feel appropriate concern for them. Counselors and therapists need it to deeply understand clients’ feelings but not actually experience the other’s emotions. ____33____
Personal Distress
This is indirectly experiencing others’ emotions. If they are happy, we feel happy; if they’re sad, we cry with them. ____34____
____35____ In reality, we all have some level of each of the types of empathy. The key is to understand how we are empathic with others and realize the strengths and limitations of each type of empathy.
A.It is partly emotional and partly cognitive.
B.We need experience personal distress, but too much of it may not be a good thing.
C.Yet empathy isn’t as simple as “more empathy is better”.
D.This helps us understand where other people are coming from—their attitudes, viewpoints and emotions, to some extent.
E.Empathy is not just the ability to understand someone’s feelings.
F.These types of empathy represent different aspects of our personalities.
G.This is the reason to teach the next generation what it means to have empathy.
Some people are confident and full of wisdom while remaining true to their beliefs, which comes from self-awareness. Now we’ll share how to develop self-awareness so you can practice mindful living.
Self-awareness is a continuous process that involves constant changes. Those with a growth mindset may be more likely to experience change more frequently. So, make it your goal to often pause and think about who you are and where you are and build toward where you’re going.
Be more of a listener
The most common mistake that a lot of us make is that we always want to be heard. But how can we better understand ourselves if we don’t take the time to listen and accept feedback from others? ____37____. Listening will give you a true sense of how other people perceive your character, giving you a better understanding of who you are.
Take a 3rd-person point of view of self- awareness
When someone has made mean remarks about you, you likely feel hurt. But have you tried taking the perspective of a 3rd-party? ____38____. Negative thoughts can prevent you from having a sense of self-awareness.
Treat yourself
____39____, which shifts the shape of who you essentially are. Whatever situations you are in, your goal should always be to come back to yourself. That’s why you should plan to treat yourself well for your mental and physical wellbeing. Take yourself out and enjoy your favorite meal quietly. Or sit or sleep the whole day and do nothing at all. ____40____
A.Spend time with yourself
B.Keep checking within yourself
C.Life can be pretty challenging
D.Self-awareness typically comes in periods of calm
E.The journey of self-awareness requires self-examination
F.This way, you will be able to avoid being over-critical of yourself
G.Be ready to take in all perspectives that different individuals have about you
In our daily lives, we need to look at where we focus our time and energy. ____41____—our health, our children, problems at work, the national debt, or the nuclear war. We could separate those from things in which we have no particular mental or emotional involvement by creating a “Circle of Concern”.
____42____, it becomes apparent that there are some things over which we have no real control and others that we can do something about. We could identify those concerns in the latter group by limiting them within a smaller Circle of Influence.
Proactive (积极主动的) people focus their efforts on the Circle of Influence. ____43____. The nature of their energy is positive, enlarging and magnifying, causing their Circle of Influence to increase.
Reactive people, on the other hand, focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern. ____44____, the problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no control. Their focus results in blaming and accusing attitudes, reactive language, and increased feelings of sadness.
____45____—to be a better listener, to be a more loving marriage partner, to be a better student, to be a more cooperative and dedicated employee. Sometimes the most proactive thing we can do is be happy, just to genuinely smile. Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice. There are things, like the weather, which our Circle of Influence will never include. But as proactive people, we can carry our own physical or social weather with us. We can be happy and accept those things that at present we can’t control, while we focus our efforts on the things that we can.
A.Our time and energy are limited
B.We each have a wide range of concerns
C.They focus on the weakness of other people
D.They work on the things they can do something about
E.As we look at those things within our Circle of Concern
F.There are so many ways to work in the Circle of Influence
G.Now that it’s a good idea to focus on your Circle of Concern
Sometimes it seems like there are never enough hours in the day. But with a bit of time management, you can make time for the things you need to do, like housework. Here are some tips on how to manage your time for housework.
___46___ Don’t try to do too much in one day or week. Spread out your housework over a period of days or weeks so that it doesn’t seem so overwhelming. “I’m going to clean the entire house today” rarely goes well and will just make you feel defeated.
Make a list. Once you know what needs to be done, make a list of the tasks and prioritize them. ___47___ You can also create checklists for things throughout the house so you can just move from one task to another.
Try to clean as you go. Have you ever noticed dishes are easier to wash if you wash them off immediately? This doesn’t mean that you have to clean up every single thing as soon as you finish using it. ___48___ This will save you time in the long run and help keep your house more organized.
Use your time wisely. ___49___ For instance, if you are vacuuming(用真空吸尘器),move all the furniture in the room first so that you don’t have to keep stopping and starting. Don’t dust before you vacuum; you’ll just have to redo everything later.
Reward yourself. When you’ve finished all your tasks, give yourself a pat on the back or a good treat like a good cup of coffee. This will help you stay motivated and look forward to the next time you have to do housework. ___50___
A.Set realistic expectations.
B.Set aside some time each day or week for housework.
C.But if you can, try to put things away and tidy up as you go.
D.Make sure you use your time wisely and take breaks between tasks.
E.Make sure you are using your time efficiently while you are cleaning.
F.Housework is always going to be a bit of a heavy task, but it shouldn’t be terrible.
G.This will help you focus on what needs to be done first and prevent you forgetting anything.
In this article, we want to present why nature conservation and the promotion of sustainable development principles are important.
Environmental protection prevents natural disasters. Nature struggles for balance. This is how forests absorb CO2, grow and change it into oxygen. This provides an opportunity for life and also slows down climate change. The destruction of forests greatly changes the climate of entire regions, or even causes powerful floods. ____51____
Environmental protection stimulates research and technological innovation. The idea for the first flying machine was inspired by bird observation. The rainforest is the richest source of many medicines. Almost every animal and plant has its own technical secrets. ____52____ With the disappearance of ecosystems and wildlife species, the base for scientific research and technical improvement is nowhere to find.
Protecting the environment is protecting people. The loss of natural resources leads to economic crises, wars or diseases. ____53____ For example, the reduction of the population of bees will affect not only the production of honey, but also the whole food production system. No bees — no honey, no fruit, very few vegetables. This leads to hunger, disease, migration and war.
____54____ We meet with like-minded people. Any local success — the rescue of an endangered population for reserves — becomes a cause for global joy and inspires more participation.
We humans are part of nature and its cycles ourselves. Our impact on ecosystems has noticeable influence on our daily lives. But it can be predicted and avoided if you think with your head and act carefully. ____55____ Even small deeds can improve the state of nature and our life on the planet.
A.People spy on them and copy.
B.We are strongly dependent on it.
C.Respect for ecosystems helps to avoid such troubles.
D.And positive change can be promoted in the same way.
E.Taking part in environmental protection is a source of joy.
F.We consume the world’s natural resources in our daily life.
G.Even small changes in the ecosystem can cause huge disasters.
The New York Times reported that phone calls have made a comeback during the pandemic. Verizon, an American wireless network operator, told the Times that it’s now handling an average of 800 million wireless calls daily during the week. That’s more than double the calls made on Mother’s Day, which is one of the busiest days of the year for phone calls. ____56____ Similarly, AT&T Inc. reported that the number of cell calls has increased by 35%.
____57____ And there’s nothing like creating a big family get-together by cramming everyone on a screen. It’s great that you can see the people you’re talking to.
But sometimes, something gets lost when video is involved. Video calls and apps are “undeniably brilliant,” writes the Guardian. “But there’s a performance involved, distractions, and people coming and going. If you want to actually say something to someone, just call them. ____58____”.
If you are old enough, you might remember having one phone for the whole family. “The shared family phone served as an anchor for home,” Luke Fermandez, a computer-science professor at Weber State University says. “With smartphones, we have gained mobility and privacy. ____59____”
But now so many of us are turning back to our phones to find family. In Dickinson, the city council members shared the city phone book in late March to call residents to check in. Council member Katie Pinkie wrote in the Dickinson Press, “They shared stories of faith, friendly and health. The people I called to check in on ended up helping me more. ____60____ “What would happen if we all used this time of the social distancing to reconnect the old-fashioned way?” Landline or mobile phone, start dialing.
A.Before Caller ID, you did not know who was calling.
B.Many of us are also talking to our families on video chat.
C.Everybody had a handle on everyone else’s business field.
D.However, the value of the home has been reduced considerably.
E.Nothing can beat a comforting human voice straight into the ear.
F.They gave me a sense of purpose for the week and unknowns ahead.
G.In addition, the length of calls is up 33% now compared to an average day before the outbreak.
Cycling is a healthy and fun activity that can be enjoyed by anyone. It is also cheap and very good for the environment. Are you wondering whether you should start cycling?
It will improve your cardiovascular(心血管的)health. ____61____ That's because when you're cycling, your heart will beat much faster than it usually does, which is something that promotes good heart health.
It will strengthen and tone your muscles. Working out regularly will help you to keep a lean body. When you are cycling you are not only exercising the muscles in the front of your legs, but also in your back, arms, and core. ____62____ A number of studies have shown that the more someone cycles, the healthier their muscles are.
____63____ There is a lot of scientific research that supports the idea that exercising helps to decrease stress levels. Therefore, if you find that you are getting stressed too often, then you should consider purchasing a bike and going for a cycle two to three times a week.
It improves your brain power. Cycling is an activity that helps with the formation of brain cells in your hippocampus(海马体), the area of your brain that is used for memory and starts to decline once you pass thirty. ____64____ Researchers also have found that just a 5% increase in cardiorespiratory(心肺的)fitness from jumping on a bike can lead to a 15% increase in mental tests.
It will help you lose weight. If you want to burn off those extra calories, then cycling is a great way to do so. A person who cycles at a speed of 10mph for an hour will burn around 260 calories. ____65____
A.It helps to ease your anxiety.
B.It will keep you self-motivated.
C.It really is a total body workout.
D.So, you'll be desperate to go out there and buy yourself a bike.
E.Charles Hillman claimed that cycling helps to decrease the risk of memory loss.
F.Those who cycle a lot are less likely to suffer from heart attacks or have a stroke.
G.However, just because you hope to keep the pounds off via cycling, you aren't allowed to eat whatever you like.
The “WHO Quit Tobacco App” is the latest tobacco control initiative (倡议) by the WHO South-East Asia Region. ____66____ Its aim is to help people quit tobacco use in all forms, including smokeless and other newer products.
Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director, WHO South-East Asia Region said that tobacco is deadly in every form and that new approaches such as the “Quit Tobacco App” are much needed to support people to give up tobacco. ____67____ However, they are unable to quit for various reasons.
Every year, tobacco, which is the world's leading cause of preventable death, kills nearly eight million persons. In the WHO South-East Asia Region, tobacco claims 1.6 million lives- This region is among the largest producers and consumers of tobacco products, The Region continued to have the highest 432 million tobacco users. ____68____
Some additional challenges to tobacco control include the growing use of new and emerging products such as Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) or electronic cigarettes, sheesha (水烟) or hookah, among others.
In order to monitor tobacco use prevalence (流行) and tobacco control policies, the Region has expanded tobacco surveillance. ____69____ Meanwhile, Timor-Leste, Nepal, Maldives, India, and Sri Lanka have attached large-sized graphic health warnings to tobacco packs.
____70____ Countries such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka are working towards moving tobacco farmers away from growing tobacco. Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste have established and scaled-up tobacco cessation services.
A.Thailand was the first in Asia to carry out Plain Packaging.
B.The “WHO Quit Tobacco App” helps users to set their targets.
C.These people may be aware of the fact that tobacco is harmful.
D.ENDS or electronic cigarettes have been banned in six countries.
E.These users account for 29 per cent of the population in the Region.
F.It was started during WHO's year-long “Commit to quit” campaign.
G.The very act of quitting smoking can do a lot to improve a person’s overall health.
When you feel down, you are expecting to receive support or comfort from your friends. Your friends feel the same way. However, it may be not easy to cheer up your friends when you can’t be by their side. ____71____
Ask if there’s anything you can do to help. Different people prefer to be comforted in different ways. Ask if there’s anything specific you can do to help your friends.____72____ While you’re talking on the phone, say something like, "What can I do to help? I’m always here if you need anything.
____73____ This simple gesture can really brighten your friends’ day. If your friends are in need of comfort, send them frequent reminders that you’re thinking of them. Share something that reminded you of them. It will let your friends know that they’re still important in your life even if they’re far away.
List why you think they’re special.____74____ Send them a list of all the reasons why you think they’re amazing. Whether it be their kind and compassionate (富有同情心的) nature, their sense of style, or their ability to find the coolest music, tell them why you are so grateful to know them. After reading what you have listed, they will feel encouraged.
Send them a gift. Surprise them with something special to make their day. Arrange for flowers to be delivered to their apartment or mail them one of their favorite albums. ____75____ A homemade gift, like a knitted (针织的) scarf or a piece of artwork, will lift their spirits all the same.
A.Send a gift to them to celebrate their success.
B.Thankfully, there are many ways you can help.
C.Therefore, you can visit them to cheer them up.
D.Text them to let them know they’re on your mind.
E.You don’t have to go all out in terms of spending.
F.If they’ve been down on themselves lately, they may need a reminder.
G.The question alone will show you care, and they will appreciate your kind offer.
What is empathy?
Empathy is the ability to share and understand the feelings or emotions of others.
Types of empathy
There are three different ways to think of empathy. First, there is affective empathy. This is the ability to share the emotions of others. For example, someone watching a scary movie may feel scared when a character is scared. Second, there is cognitive empathy. This is the ability to understand the feelings of others. A good example is a counselor. Counselors may understand that someone they are speaking to is sad, but that does not mean the counselor becomes sad. Finally, there is emotional regulation. ____76____. For example, doctors need to control their emotions when doing surgery on a patient. They cannot be afraid of hurting them or sad for them because they are sick.
Depending on the situation
____77____ . It may not always be positive. For example, strong positive empathy feelings for members of our own family might lead to negative emotions like hate toward those we see as a threat. ____78____. For instance, people might feel more empathy for people who look or act like them. People who are good at reading others’ emotions might also trick other people for their own benefit.
Measuring stick
____79____ . These typically ask people to tell how much they agree with certain statements. They might say they strongly agree or they disagree. One statement might be, “It affects me very much when one of my friends is upset.” This would measure how much affective empathy someone normally feels.
Our brain has evolved to be able to quickly change under different circumstances. ____80____ . It can help us to understand others so we can help them. Sometimes, though, we need to be able to switch off our empathetic feelings to protect our own lives and those of others.
A.Having empathy is very useful
B.Empathy is often measured with surveys
C.This refers to the ability to control one’s emotions
D.Sometimes it could be helpful to feel less empathy
E.People experience pleasure when their opponent fails
F.Sometimes we may feel too much empathy for our own groups
G.Empathy helps humans respond appropriately to different situations
There is no doubt that adding more fish to your diet is something that a lot of people look to do. After all, there are so many health benefits that are naturally associated with eating more fish. At the same time, many people find it difficult to add fish to their diet in the way that they would like. ____81____
In the first place, let’s begin with some of the benefits of eating more fish. Fish has been spoken about as being part of a healthy diet for a long time now. ____82____ Many types of fish are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, as well as various types of vitamins like D and B2. Each fish has its own positive qualities, so it is certainly worth looking up what sort of benefits that you can expect to receive.____83____
If you are struggling to add more fish to your diet at all, it may be a good idea to get it done straight away in the morning rather than waiting around any longer than necessary. This can be done by simply having some smoked salmon on top of bread. Alternatively, you can try having some roasted salmon with some fruit such as a pineapple for a change.
Use fish in simple dishes
Sometimes, people are simply afraid of eating more fish as they do not really know how to add it to their diet. One possible way of getting around this is by having fish in simple dishes. For example, rather than having your usual chicken or beef hamburgers, you can try putting some cod (鳕鱼) in there instead. ____84____ So it is going to be ready for use whenever you need it for a meal.
Hopefully, the information that you have received about fish has helped to convince you that it is certainly something that needs to be included into more and more meals. ____85____ Some simple preparation work ahead of time can certainly help you out in a significant way here.
A.Start with fish at breakfast.
B.Include a more fish-filled diet.
C.Also, you can cook some cod in advance.
D.You can read the blog post to get some help.
E.There are plenty of reasons why this is the case.
F.Plus, it does not have to be very difficult to do so.
G.Hopefully, the information above might be useful for you.
Boosting your emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ, involves identifying and managing your own emotions, as well as evaluating and controlling the way in which you react to those of others. ____86____ It can also improve your relationships with loved ones and your social interactions. Here are some tips you can use to start improving your EQ.
● Identify your emotions.
Identifying your emotions takes practice and is an important foundational step in building emotional intelligence. Regularly recognizing and naming your emotions throughout the day is a good way to develop your EQ. ____87____ You could even go a step further, and try to determine how the presence of certain emotions affects your behavior and productivity.
● Consider your response.
____88____ Taking responsibility for the way you behave towards others and, possibly even more importantly, how you treat yourself, is a crucial aspect of emotional intelligence.
● ____89____
Empathy is a cornerstone of EQ. It is defined as the ability to identify and share the thoughts, feelings or emotional state of another person. A little empathy goes a long way. It is important to demonstrate empathy towards people other than just those with whom you find it easy to get along.
● Listen actively.
Engage in the moment and acknowledge what other people are saying. ____90____ Active listening involves asking open-ended questions such as ‘When?’ ‘How?’ ‘Do you mean...?’ or ‘Could you tell me a bit more about that?’. Active listening also calls for avoiding questions that would get only a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.
Developing your emotional intelligence can not only help you reduce your stress, but also leave you with more time to connect with, and continuously improve your relationships with, those around you.
A.Show your care.
B.Put yourself in other people’s shoes.
C.You just don’t know what they might be going through.
D.You must remember you can choose how you react to a situation.
E.Besides, trying to identify exactly what you are feeling can do the trick.
F.Try to avoid just waiting for your turn to talk about yourself and your story.
G.Exploring and improving these skills can help you to succeed in your career.
All parents have sky-high hopes for their children. We want them to be confident and satisfied. What can parents do to help their kids grow up to lead happy lives? Experts advise:
____91____. A study found that students whose parents paid attention to their abilities were far more likely to do well in school-and in life-than students whose parents didn’t show such support. So celebrate your kids’ achievements, no matter how small they are.
Praise their efforts. ____92____. Still, they are praised for trying their best. Ten-year-old April Cutler, for example, has had trouble with math since the second grade. “She usually gets C’s on her report card, but last year she was determined to get A’s and worked hard at it,” says her mom. “When the first grading period ended, April was disappointed when she got a B in math,” Lueille continues. “But my husband and I told her we were very proud that she’d improved. That inspired her to try even harder. ____93____.”
Let them make decisions and mistakes. ____94____. And allowing kids to make wrong decisions-so long as doing so won’t harm them-helps kids learn from their mistakes.
Encourage them to solve their own problems. As they grow, children need practice in communicating and standing up for themselves. One of the best places to learn these skills is at home. ____95____ the next time your child runs to tell you that her brother is blaming her.
A.Applaud their achievements
B.Step back and let them work it out
C.She got a B plus for the next period
D.Kids won’t always come out on top
E.Setting too high a goal makes kids feel discouraged
F.Give advice on how to help kids become mature
G.Making his/her own decisions builds his/her confidence
Studying smarter, not longer, matters now more than ever, with students in many countries having to manage their time and study more on their own. ____96____ The good news: Science points to ones that really work.
Use pictures. Pay attention to drawings, graphics, chart and other visual aids in your class materials, psychologist Mark McDaniel says. “____97____ And if there aren’t pictures, creating them can be really, really useful.”
Find examples. Abstract concepts can be hard to understand. It tends to be far easier to form a mental image if you have a concrete example of something, psychologist Cynthia Nebel says. For instance, sour foods usually taste that way because they contain an acid.____98____ But if you think about a lemon or vinegar, it’s easier to understand and remember that acids and sour go together.
____99____ Psychologist Nate Komell “definitely did cram (临时抱佛脚)” before big tests when he was a student. He still thinks it’s a good idea to study the day before a big test. But research shows it’s a bad idea to cram all your studying into that day. Instead, allow time between study sessions and you’ll learn and remember material better.
Dig deeper. It’s hard to remember a string of facts and figures if you don’t push further. Ask why things are a certain way. How did they come about? Why do they matter? Psychologists call this elaboration. “It’s asking a lot of how and why questions about it,” Nebel says.____100____
Try adding just one new study skill each week or two. It may seem odd at first. But, by the time week two rolls around, it becomes a normal thing.
A.Reread books and notes.
B.Space out your studying.
C.They really boost your memory of the material.
D.Yet many students have never learned those skills.
E.In other words, don’t just accept facts at face value.
F.On its own, that concept might be hard to remember.
G.It’s like telling students to learn to swim by “just swimming.”
1.上文“Challenge yourself in small ways every day.(每天从一些小的方面挑战自己。)”提到了从小事挑战自己,G选项中“tiny actions”是关键词,与上文的“small ways”相呼应,构成顺承关系,所以G选项“通过采取微小的行动,寻找走出舒适区的方法”符合语境。故选G项。
2.下文“If you always go to the same coffee shop each morning, try the other one across the street instead. Changing up your routine helps bring new experiences into your life.(如果你每天早上都去同一家咖啡店,那就去街对面的那家吧。改变你的日常习惯会给你的生活带来新的体验。)”提到了改变你的日常习惯,B选项中“Change”是关键词,与上文构成顺承关系,所以B选项“改变你平时的习惯,把它混在一起”符合语境。故选B项。
3.上文“To answer all your questions, go online and read about it.(要回答你所有的问题,请上网阅读相关书籍。)”提到了上网阅读书籍,C选项中“less lost”是关键词,与上文构成因果关系,所以C选项“这会让你感觉不那么迷茫”是上网阅读书籍的结果,符合语境。故选C项。
4.下文“If you’re feeling frightened by the challenge you’ve picked, make it a multi-step process that will let you slowly climb that mountain.(如果你对你所选择的挑战感到害怕,那就把它变成一个多步骤的过程,让你慢慢地爬上这座山。)”提到了把挑战变成多步骤的过程,所以D选项“你不需要一次完成所有的活动”能引起下文,符合语境。故选D项。
5.下文“You start in the shallow end and work your way to the deepest part of the pool with time!(你从浅的一端开始,随着时间的推移,你的方式到池的最深的部分!)”提到了水池,A选项中“swim”是关键词,与下文的“pool”相呼应,所以A选项“把它想象成学习游泳”符合语境。故选A项。
6.根据空前“There is a definite link between gratitude and happiness.(感恩和幸福之间有明确的联系。)”可知,此处讲述的是感恩与幸福之间的关系,E项“Choosing to be thankful may well be an accessible way to boost your happiness.(选择感恩很可能是提高幸福感的一种便捷方式。)”明确了这种关系,点明感恩可以提升幸福感,是对上文的观点作进一步的说明,符合语境。故选E项。
7.根据空前“When people are thankful and are happy with things as they are, their physical health reflects that.(当人们心存感激并对现状感到满意时,他们的身体健康反映了这一点。)”可知,此处讲述的是感恩对身体健康的影响,A选项“They’re more likely to exercise, eat better, and take care of their health.(他们更有可能锻炼,吃得更好,能照顾好自己的健康。)”具体阐述了心存感激并对现状感到满意的人如何更好地管理自己的健康的,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
8.根据空后“It increases self-confidence, enhances positive emotions and makes us more optimistic.(它增加了自信心,增强了积极的情绪,使我们更加乐观。)”可知,此处的自信,情绪以及乐观均属于感恩对人的心理方面的影响,C项中“Gratitude has u strong positive impact on psychological well-being as well.(感恩对心理健康也有很强的积极影响。)”讲的是感恩对人心理健康的积极影响,符合语境,as well意为“也”,是解题的关键信息。故选C项。
9.根据空前段落中“Some people have been told by their specialists they can keep stress and anxiety at bay by keeping a gratitude journal, journaling every day is also correlated with an increase in happiness.(有些人被他们的专家告知,他们可以通过写感恩日记来控制压力和焦虑,每天写日记也与幸福感的增加有关。)”描述的是可以通过写感恩日记可以增加幸福指数,F选项中的“Apart from journaling”承接上文中的内容,引出下文话题。故选F项。
10.根据下文中的“Take a walk and be thankful for each item you see: trees, flowers, the sky, birds.(散步,感谢你看到的每一件物品:树木、花朵、天空、鸟儿。)”以及“Get a magazine or old photos and make a collection of everything you’re grateful for.(买一本杂志或老照片,收集你感激的一切。)”均是在日常生活中的小事中练习感恩,而选项G中的“there’s an easy way to begin on the road to being grateful.(有一个简单的方法可以开始感恩的道路。)”说明的就是“感恩可以从一些简单的方法开始”,由此引出下文。故选G项。
11.根据上文“Mainly in high school, most of the students are focused on finding the best college without even thinking about where they will land after completing college.(主要是在高中,大多数学生都专注于寻找最好的大学,甚至不考虑完成大学学业后会去哪里)”及下文“It is one of the common questions every student comes across in the early days. Most of the students answer based on what they have learned about a career from their teachers or parents or elders. (这是每个学生在早期遇到的常见问题之一。大多数学生的回答是基于他们从老师、父母或长辈那里学到的职业知识)”可知,设空处提及一个高中生职业规划的问题。由此可知,F. High schoolers are often asked what they wish to do when growing up.(高中生经常被问到他们长大后想做什么)能够呈上启下,符合语境。故选F。
12.根据上文“52% of the students find the right career option only after joining college graduation or at the end of the college graduation.(52%的学生在大学毕业或毕业后才找到正确的职业选择)”及下文“High school is the best time to make the right career plan.(高中是制定正确职业规划的最佳时机)”可知,高中是制定正确职业规划的最佳时机,而不是等到大学毕业或毕业后。由此可知,我们应该尽早作出正确职业规划。B. In fact, it’s never too early to start career planning.(事实上,开始职业规划永远都不为时尚早)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选B。
13.根据上文“Depending on the plan, high schoolers can join the right course, get the right training, and build the tight skills. All of these can lead them to the right career path.(根据计划,高中生可以参加正确的课程,接受正确的培训,并建立严密的技能。所有这些都可以引导他们走上正确的职业道路)”可知,D. They are bound to land in the desired industry finally.(他们最终一定会进入理想的行业)是早做职业规划产生的积极结果,能够承接上文,符合语境。故选D。
14.根据上文“They are also likely to switch as they start finding different career options related to their interest.(当他们开始寻找与自己兴趣相关的不同职业选择时,他们也可能会改变)”及下文“You can explore different occupations, learn various things about different sectors, and many more. During that stage, students are more curious about learning new things.(你可以探索不同的职业,了解不同行业的各种知识,等等。在这个阶段,学生们对学习新事物更加好奇)”可知,在高中生找到正确的道路之前,他们可以学习和探索不同的职业选择,学习新事物。由此可知,C. Limiting yourself to one career is not a good choice.(把自己限制在一个职业上不是一个好的选择)能够承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
15.根据下文“And investigating different occupations and sectors encourages them to become more curious about their future goals.(调查不同的职业和行业会鼓励他们对未来的目标更加好奇)”可知,此处在讲述对未来职业生涯的思考和探索。由此可知,G. High school students should look into what they want to achieve in their career.(高中生应该考虑他们想在职业生涯中取得什么成就)能够开启下文,符合语境。故选G。
16.根据上文内容“Scientists say the dropping number of monarchs is due to climate change, loss of living places and the use of pesticides — chemicals that kill insects — and herbicides — chemicals that kill plants. (科学家表示,帝王蝶数量的减少是由于气候变化、栖息地的丧失以及杀虫剂(杀死昆虫的化学物质)和除草剂(杀死植物的化学物质)的使用。)”可知,帝王蝶数量正在减少。而下文则介绍了一些帮助帝王蝶的方法。选项G“But there are things that people can do to help the beloved black-and-orange insects. (但是人们可以做一些事情来帮助这种受人喜爱的黑橙色昆虫。)”承上启下,符合文意。故选G。
17.根据上文内容“Monarch butterflies eat milkweed and lay their eggs there. (帝王蝶以马利筋为食,并在那里产卵。)”可知,帝王蝶依赖马利筋而存活。选项A“They need milkweed to survive. (它们需要马利筋才能生存。)”符合上文。故选A。
18.根据空后内容“Invasive plants can do more harm than good to monarchs. (入侵植物对帝王蝶来说弊大于利。)”可知,帝王蝶不能食用入侵植物。选项E“Be sure to choose plants that are native to your area. (一定要选择你所在地区土生土长的植物。)”与下文内容一致。故选E。
19.空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Chemicals can harm insects, including monarchs. They can also harm birds. Natural or organic poisons may also be harmful. (化学物质会伤害昆虫,包括帝王蝶。它们也会伤害鸟类。天然或有机毒物也可能是有害的。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是化学物质对帝王蝶的危害。选项F“Next,think about the chemicals you use in your own garden. (接下来,想想你在自己的花园中使用的化学物质。)”与下文内容一致。故选F。
20.根据下文内容“Butterflies can rest on the stone, take in the sun and drink the water from the pool. (蝴蝶可以在石头上休息,晒太阳,喝池里的水。)”可知,作者建议在蝴蝶饮水的地方放一块大石头。选项C“Set a flat rock in the middle of the area. (在区域中间放一块平坦的石头。)”与下文内容一致。故选C。
21.前句“The only way to break away from it is to reconnect with the self and the people who surround us.(摆脱它的唯一方法是重新联系自我和我们周围的人)”提出摆脱孤独的方法,后句“Here’s what we can do.(以下是我们该怎么做)”是引出具体做法,所以此空就应该是继续阐述这个方法。再结合第一段是以第一人称行文的,D项“这需要我们重新审视、重新考虑和适应”符合语境,讲述这个方法对人们的要求。故选D。
22.本段主旨句是“Connect with your own self(与你自己建立联系)”,结合下文“Developing a conscious and mindful approach is an essential element towards ensuring there is no disconnectedness from people who surround you and the life you build for yourself.(发展一种有意识的方法是确保你与周围的人以及你为自己建立的生活没有脱节的基本要素)”中的“conscious and mindful approach”可知,F项“自我意识是理解你的需求和欲望的关键”符合语境,F项中的self-awareness既符合本段主题,又呼应下文。故选F。
23.分析文章结构可知,设空处是第三段的小标题,所以答案应该在A、B项中选择。结合第三段的第一句“Learning to say ‘no’ to the people and activities that are beyond your ability.(学会对别人和超出自己能力以外的事情说不)”可知,本段主要讲述要了解什么能做,什么不能做,A项“设置界限”符合语境。故选A。
24.结合本段的小标题“Do the things you love(做你喜欢的事)”和空后的but转折关系以及essential和significant的近义词提示可知,此处是讲述和别人有关的事情虽然重要,但顾及自己的需求也很重要,G项“努力为你周围的人腾出时间是很重要的”符合语境。故选G。
26.上文“A new government report has some bad news about sea levels on the U.S. coastline.(一份新的政府报告中有一些关于美国海岸线海平面的坏消息。)”可推测,空格处将指出坏消息。选项G“It says they’re expected to rise by at least 0.25 meters in the next 30 years.(它表示,预计在未来30年内,它们将上升至少0.25米。)”使用it指代前文的政府报告,指出了担忧的事情,符合语境。故选G项。
27.下文“That’s because the United States coasts are home to a lot of economic activity and 40 percent of the U.S. population,(这是因为美国海岸是许多经济活动和40%美国人口的家园,)”可知LeBoeuf指出了美国海岸的重要性,可推测如果海平面上升损失应该会很大。选项A“She warned that the cost would be high.(她警告说代价会很高。)”符合语境。故选A项。
28.下文“The greatest rise in the U.S. will be on the Gulf of Mexico and East Coast. The West Coast and Hawaii will be below the average(墨西哥湾和东海岸将是美国海岸上升最快的地区。西海岸和夏威夷的速度将低于平均水平,)”可知此段描述的是各地海岸上升程度的不一致。选项C“Sea levels rise more in some places than others.(一些地方的海平面上升幅度比其他地方大。)”符合语境。故选C项。
29.上文““Higher sea levels mean more floods,” Sweet said,(Sweet说:“更高的海平面意味着更多的洪水,”)”可知越来越多地方遭遇了洪水。选项E“Areas that haven’t been flooding are starting to flood.(以前没涨过洪水的地方开始涨洪水。)”与上文语义关联,符合语境。故选E项。
30.上文“Climate change is the major cause of the sea level rise.(气候变化是海平面上升的主要原因。)”可知,要抑制海平面上升,可能需要从气候变化着;下文“To avoid the potential consequences of the sea level rise, great efforts should be made to reduce the negative effects of climate change.(为了避免海平面上升的潜在后果,应该作出巨大努力来减少气候变化的负面影响。)”可知,气候变化的负面影响能够通过努力减少。选项B“But climate change can be slowed down.(但是气候变化可以放缓。)”与上下文关联紧密,符合语境。故选B项。
31.根据下文“It is a complex construct.(它是一个复杂的结构)”可知,共情是一个复杂的系统,C项“共情不是简单到越多越好”与下文语意一致,下文It指C项中的“empathy”,且C项中的“simple”与下文“complex”对应。故选C。
32.根据上文“This is a more cognitive(认知的) form of empathy, and it involves being able to see things from others’ perspectives.(这是一种更加认知的共情形式,它包括能够从他人的角度看问题)”中的关键词“see things from others’ perspectives”可知,Perspective Taking是指从别人的角度考虑问题,这样更能理解别人的观点,D项“在某种程度上,这有助于我们了解其他人的态度、观点和情绪”与上文语意契合。故选D。
33.根据上文“Counselors and therapists need it to deeply understand clients’ feelings but not actually experience the other’s emotions.(咨询师和治疗师需要它来深刻理解客户的感受,但不实际体验对方的情绪)”可知,同情性关怀不涉及实际体验对方的情绪,A项“它是部分情感,部分是认知”承接上文,进一步阐述其概念,符合语境,故选A。
34.根据本段标题“Personal Distress(个人悲伤)”可知,本段主题为“个人悲伤”,B项“我们需要体验个人悲伤,但是体验过多不是好事”与本段主旨吻合。故选B。
36.空处为本段小标题。根据下文“So, make it your goal to often pause and think about who you are and where you are and build toward where you’re going.(所以,经常停下来想想你是谁,你在哪里,并朝着你要去的地方发展,作为你的目标)”可知,本段建议要不断检查自己的内心。B选项“不断检查自己的内心”可以作为本段小标题。故选B。
37.上文“But how can we better understand ourselves if we don’t take the time to listen and accept feedback from others?(但是,如果我们不花时间倾听和接受他人的反馈,我们怎么能更好地理解自己呢?)”指出我们要倾听别人的反馈,才能成为更好的自己,下文提到“Listening will give you a true sense of how other people perceive your character, giving you a better understanding of who you are.(倾听会让你真正了解别人如何看待你的性格,让你更好地了解你是谁)”可知,在倾听之后,你能正确意识到你是谁。故空处句子应承上启下。E选项“自我意识的旅程需要自我反省”可以起到承上启下的作用,符合题意。故选E。
38.上文提出“But have you tried taking the perspective of a 3rd—party? (但是你有没有尝试过从第三方的角度来看待?)”这样一个建议,由此推知,下文陈述这样做的好处。F选项“这样,你就可以避免对自己过于挑剔”符合题意,This way指的是前一句建议的所提到的做法。故选F。
39.下文“which shifts the shape of who you essentially are. (这改变了你本质上是谁的形态)”是非限制性定语从句,指代横线处的句子可与改变我们的本质,再由后文的“Whatever situations you are in”可知,生活可能是充满挑战的。C选项“生活可能是充满挑战的”符合文意,正是这样充满挑战的生活改变了我们。故选C。
40.空处位于段末应承接上文。根据上文“Take yourself out and enjoy your favorite meal quietly. Or sit or sleep the whole day and do nothing at all. (这就是为什么你应该计划好好对待自己,以保障你的身心健康。把自己带出去,安静地享受你最喜欢的一餐。或者整天坐着或睡觉,什么都不做)”可知,自我意识通常出现在人们平和的时候。D选项“自我意识通常出现在平静时期”符合题意,periods of calm呼应上文的quietly,do nothing at all。故选D。
41.空后说“our health, our children, problems at work, the national debt, or the nuclear war(我们的健康,我们的孩子,工作上的问题,国家债务,或者核战争)”,这些都是我们关注的事情,B选项“We each have a wide range of concerns(我们每个人都有各种各样的关注)”引出了下文我们关注的事情,因此B选项引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
42.根据下文“it becomes apparent that there are some things over which we have no real control and others that we can do something about(很明显,有些事情我们无法真正控制,而有些事情我们可以做些什么)”可知,空后的内容是我们在审视一些事情时所发现的,E选项“As we look at those things within our Circle of Concern(当我们观察我们的担忧圈内的那些事情时)”引出了下文在观察完关注圈内的那些事情后的发现,因此E选项引起下文,符合语境,故选E。
43.空前说“Proactive (积极主动的) people focus their efforts on the Circle of Influence.(积极主动的人把精力集中在自己的影响圈上。)”,D选项“They work on the things they can do something about(他们致力于他们能做的事情)”中的They指代的是前面的“Proactive (积极主动的) people”,且承接上文,继续说这些积极主动的人会做的事情,因此D选项承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
44.空前说“Reactive people, on the other hand, focus their efforts on the Circle of Concern.(另一方面,被动的人把精力集中在关注的圈子里。)”,空后说“the problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no control.(环境中的问题,以及他们无法控制的情况。)”,这说明被动的人把精力集中在一些不好的事情上,C选项“They focus on the weakness of other people(他们只关注别人的弱点)”说明了被动的人会怎么做,且说明他们关注的是不好的事情,因此C选项承上启下,符合语境,故选C。
45.空后说“to be a better listener, to be a more loving marriage partner, to be a better student, to be a more cooperative and dedicated employee.(做一个更好的倾听者,做一个更有爱的婚姻伴侣,做一个更好的学生,做一个更合作、更敬业的员工。)”,F选项“There are so many ways to work in the Circle of Influence(在影响圈里有很多工作方式)”中的“many ways”指的是空后的那些方法,说明了影响圈里有很多工作方式,因此F选项引起下文,符合语境,故选F。
46.空处为本段主旨句。根据下文“Don’t try to do too much in one day or week. Spread out your housework over a period of days or weeks so that it doesn’t seem so overwhelming.(不要试图在一天或一周内做太多的事情。把家务活分成几天或几周来做,这样就不会让你觉得压力太大)”可知,本段建议要定合理的家务目标。A项“设置现实的目标”符合本段主旨。故选A项。
47.根据上文“Make a list. Once you know what needs to be done, make a list of the tasks and prioritize them.(做一个列表。一旦你知道需要做什么,就把任务列出来,按优先顺序排列)”和后文“You can also create checklists for things throughout the house so you can just move from one task to another.(你也可以为家里的事情创建清单,这样你就可以从一个任务转移到另一个任务)”可知,列家务清单有助于有条理地做事情,并且不容易忘记事情。G项“这将帮助你专注于首先需要做的事情,并防止你忘记任何事情”符合文意。故选G项。
48.根据上文“Try to clean as you go. Have you ever noticed dishes are easier to wash if you wash them off immediately? This doesn’t mean that you have to clean up every single thing as soon as you finish using it.(尽量立即打扫。你有没有注意到,如果你立即洗掉盘子会更容易洗?这并不是说你用完每一件东西就必须清理干净)”以及后文“This will save you time in the long run and help keep your house more organized. (从长远来看,这将节省你的时间,并帮助保持你的房子更有条理)”可知,我们应该尽量在用完东西后立刻清理,虽然有点麻烦,但从长远来看有助于节省时间。C项“但如果可以的话,试着在东西用完后立即清理并整理”符合文意。故选C项。
49.根据上下文“For instance, if you are vacuuming(用真空吸尘器),move all the furniture in the room first so that you don’t have to keep stopping and starting.(例如,如果你在用真空吸尘器,先把房间里所有的家具都搬开,这样你就不用不停地停和开始了)”并结合本段主旨可知,此处建议我们在做家务时要有效利用时间,且下文举例进行了说明。E项“确保你在清洁时有效利用时间”符合文意。故选E项。
50.根据上文“Reward yourself. When you’ve finished all your tasks, give yourself a pat on the back or a good treat like a good cup of coffee. This will help you stay motivated and look forward to the next time you have to do housework.(奖励自己。当你完成了所有的任务,给自己一个鼓励或一杯好咖啡。这将帮助你保持动力,并期待下次你不得不做家务)”可知,做家务也可以是一件快乐的事情而不是糟糕的事情。F项“家务活总是有点繁重,但不应该太可怕”符合题意,对上文进行总结。故选F项。
51.空格前“The destruction of forests greatly changes the climate of entire regions, or even causes powerful floods.(森林的破坏极大地改变了整个地区的气候,甚至导致了强大的洪水。)”讲的是破坏森林会造成一些严重后果,C选项“Respect for ecosystems helps to avoid such troubles.(对生态系统的尊重有助于避免这些麻烦。)”提出尊重生态系统的必要性,其中的“avoid such troubles”承接前一句的内容,且是对本段的总结,呼应主题句,因此C选项符合语境,故选C。
52.本段主题句是“Environmental protection stimulates research and technological innovation.(环境保护激励研究和技术创新。)”,空格前一句说“Almost every animal and plant has its own technical secrets.(几乎每一种动植物都有自己的技术秘密。)”,A项“People spy on them and copy.(人们监视他们,模仿他们。)”中的them指代前一句中的“technical secrets”,且指出人们通过对它们的技术秘密进行研究,应用于人类本身,呼应本段主题,因此A选项符合语境,故选A。
53.空格处与前一句是递进关系,G项“Even small changes in the ecosystem can cause huge disasters.(即使是生态系统的微小变化也会造成巨大的灾难。)”与前一句动词都是“导致、造成”,都在说明一个现象造成了结果,其中的“Even small changes in the ecosystem”是对“The loss of natural resources”的更进一步说明,“cause huge disasters”呼应前一句的“economic crises, wars or diseases”,灾难的具体内容通过下文蜜蜂的例子加以具体说明,因此G选项承上启下,符合语境,故选G。
54.空格处为本段落的主题句。由空格后的“We meet with like-minded people. Any local success—the rescue of an endangered population for reserves—becomes a cause for global joy and inspires more participation.(我们会遇到志同道合的人。任何地方的成功——为保护区拯救濒危物种——都会成为全球的喜悦,并激发更多的参与。)”可知,本段主要讲的是参加保护环境的活动可以给人带来快乐,E选项“Taking part in environmental protection is a source of joy.(参与环保是一种快乐的源泉。)”说明参加环保活动可以给人带来快乐,因此E选项可作为本段主题句,故选E。
55.空格后说“Even small deeds can improve the state of nature and our life on the planet.(即使是小小的行为也能改善自然状态和我们在这个星球上的生活。)”,说明我们的行为可以带来积极的变化,D选项“And positive change can be promoted in the same way.(积极的改变也能以同样的方式被促进。)”中的“positive change”即是下文的“improve the state of nature and our life on the planet”,且说明了我们的行为能带来的积极变化,因此D选项承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
56.根据上文“The New York Times reported that phone calls have made a comeback during the pandemic.(据《纽约时报》报道,在疫情期间,电话已经恢复。)”可知,本段讲的是电话再次成为人们沟通的桥梁。G项“In addition, the length of calls is up 33% now compared to an average day before the outbreak.(此外,与疫情爆发前的平均一天相比,现在的通话长度增加了33%。)”中的“calls”在上文中有原词复现以及G项中的“before the outbreak”与上文中的“during the pandemic”形成了对照。承接上文说明人们使用电话的情况。故选G。
57.本空为段首句,为一段的主要内容。根据下文“And there’s nothing like creating a big family get-together by cramming everyone on a screen. It’s great that you can see the people you’re talking to.(没有什么比把所有人都挤在屏幕上更能创造一个大家庭了。你可以看到和你说话的人,这很好。)”可知,这一段主要讲的是视频联系方式。选项B“Many of us are also talking to our families on video chat.(我们中的许多人也在与家人视频聊天。)”符合题意。故选B。
58.根据上文“But there’s a performance involved, distractions, and people coming and going. If you want to actually say something to someone, just call them.(但这是一场表演,让人分心,人们来来往往。如果你真的想对别人说点什么,就打电话给他们。)”可知,视频电话会分心,而真的想沟通,直接打电话就好。选项E“Nothing can beat a comforting human voice straight into the ear.(没有什么能比一个悦耳的人声直接进入耳朵更好的了。)”说明直接打电话被大多数人所接受,故选E。
59.根据上文““The shared family phone served as an anchor for home,” Luke Fermandez, a computer-science professor at Weber State University says.(韦伯州立大学计算机科学教授Luke Fermandez说:“共享的家庭电话就像是家庭的锚。”)”以及 “With smartphones, we have gained mobility and privacy.(有了智能手机,我们获得了移动性和隐私。)”可知,以前家庭都是一部电话,而现在智能手机会让我们有各自的隐私。选项D“However, the value of the home has been reduced considerably.(然而,家庭观念却在减弱。)”说明的是所带来的的影响。故选D。
60.根据上文“The people I called to check in on ended up helping me more. (我打电话询问的人最终给了我更多的帮助。)”设空处是对上文的进步解释说明。选项F“They gave me a sense of purpose for the week and unknowns ahead.(他们给了我对未来一周和未知未来的目标感)”中的 “They”指代上文的The people,而“gave me a sense of purpose”与上一句中的“ended up helping me more”相照应。故选F。
61.由上文“It will improve your cardiovascular(心血管的)health.”(它会改善你的心血管疾病健康)以及下文“That's because when you're cycling, your heart will beat much faster than it usually does, which is something that promotes good heart health.”(这是因为当你骑自行车时,你的心跳会比平时快得多,这有助于促进心脏健康。)可知选项承接上文继续说明骑自行车的好处,而F选项的“heart attacks”(心脏病)与上下文意义相衔接,F. Those who cycle a lot are less likely to suffer from heart attacks or have a stroke.(经常骑自行车的人患心脏病或中风的可能性较小。)符合语境。故选F。
62.由上文“When you are cycling you are not only exercising the muscles in the front of your legs, but also in your back, arms, and core.”(当你骑自行车时,你不仅要锻炼腿部前部的肌肉,还要锻炼背部、手臂和核心部位的肌肉。)这里涉及的“the muscles in the front of your legs,your back, arms, and core”(腿部前部的肌肉、背部、手臂和核心部位的肌肉)其实就是指C项的“a total body workout”(一种全身锻炼),可知C. It really is a total body workout.(这真的是一种全身锻炼。)符合语境。说明这种运动的性质。故选C。
63.由下文“There is a lot of scientific research that supports the idea that exercising helps to decrease stress levels.”(有很多科学研究支持锻炼有助于降低压力水平的观点。)可知,选项在说明骑自行车有助于缓解你的焦虑。此句应该与中的“decrease stress levels”相关联,而A项的“ease your anxiety”(缓解焦虑)刚好相符。A. It helps to ease your anxiety.(这有助于缓解你的焦虑。)符合语境。故选A。
64.由上文“Cycling is an activity that helps with the formation of brain cells in your hippocampus(海马体), the area of your brain that is used for memory and starts to decline once you pass thirty.”(骑自行车是一项有助于海马体脑细胞形成的活动, 大脑中用于记忆的区域,当你超过30岁时开始衰退。)可知此句应该描述与“memory”(记忆)有关,结合后文“Researchers also have found”(研究人员还发现),此句应该涉及某位研究人员,E. Charles Hillman claimed that cycling helps to decrease the risk of memory loss.(查尔斯·希尔曼声称骑自行车有助于降低记忆力丧失的风险。)符合语境。故选E。
65.由上文“A person who cycles at a speed of 10mph for an hour will burn around 260 calories.”(一个人以每小时10英里的速度骑车一小时,可以燃烧大约260卡路里。)可知骑自行车可以减少体重,G. However, just because you hope to keep the pounds off via cycling, you aren't allowed to eat whatever you like.(然而,仅仅因为你希望通过骑自行车减掉体重,你就不能吃任何你喜欢的东西了)符合语境。说明了减少体重和饮食的关系。故选G。
【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了烟草在东南亚地区造成的危害,以及该地区所采取的一些措施, 尤其是“WHO Quit Tobacco App”这个世卫组织东南亚区域最新的烟草控制举措。
66.上文“The “WHO Quit Tobacco App” is the latest tobacco control initiative by the WHO South-East Asia Region.(“世卫组织戒烟应用程序”是世卫组织东南亚地区最新的烟草控制倡议。)”说明一种最新的烟草控制倡议,F项“它始于世卫组织为期一年的“承诺戒烟”运动期间。”进一步介绍这一倡议的相关信息,符合题意。故选F。
67.下文“However, they are unable to quit for various reasons.(然而,由于各种原因,他们无法戒烟。)”说明一些人因为各种原因无法戒烟,C项“这些人可能知道烟草有害的事实。”说明一些人知道烟草有害却无法戒烟,与下文构成转折关系,符合题意。故选C。
68.上文“The Region continued to have the highest 432 million tobacco users.(该区域继续拥有最高的4.32亿烟草使用者。)”说明这一区域有最高数量的烟草使用者,E项中These users指代的是432 million tobacco users,E项“这些用户占该地区人口的29%。”符合题意说明多占比例。故选E。
69.下文“Meanwhile, Timor-Leste, Nepal, Maldives, India, and Sri Lanka have attached large-sized graphic health warnings to tobacco packs.(与此同时,东帝汶、尼泊尔、马尔代夫、印度和斯里兰卡在烟草包装上贴上了大尺寸的图形健康警告。)”说明一些国家采取措施,在烟草包装上贴上健康警告,A项“泰国是亚洲第一个推出普通包装的国家。”说明泰国是第一个采取相关措施的国家,符合题意。故选A。
70.下文“Countries such as Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka are working towards moving tobacco farmers away from growing tobacco. Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Timor-Leste have established and scaled-up tobacco cessation services.(孟加拉国、印度、印度尼西亚和斯里兰卡等国正在努力让烟农远离烟草种植。不丹、尼泊尔、马尔代夫、斯里兰卡和东帝汶已经建立并扩大了戒烟服务。)”说明国家采取戒烟措施,扩大戒烟服务,D项“烟头或电子烟已在六个国家被禁止。”说明国家所采取的戒烟措施,符合题意。故选D。
71.根据空前“However, it may be not easy to cheer up your friends when you can’t be by their side.(然而,当你不能陪在朋友身边时,让他们高兴起来可能并不容易。)”及下文提到的几个方法可知,选项B“Thankfully, there are many ways you can help.(值得庆幸的是,有很多方法可以帮助你。)”承上启下,符合题意。故选B。
72.根据空前“Ask if there’s anything specific you can do to help your friends.(问问你的朋友是否有什么特别的事情你可以做来帮助他们。)”可知,作者建议你主动询问朋友是否需要帮助。选项G“The question alone will show you care, and they will appreciate your kind offer.(这个问题本身就会显示出你的关心,他们也会感谢你的好意。)”中的“the question”与上文一致。故选G。
73.此空为段首空。根据下文“If your friends are in need of comfort, send them frequent reminders that you’re thinking of them. Share something that reminded you of them.(如果你的朋友需要安慰,经常提醒他们你在想念他们。分享一些让你想起他们的事情。)”可知,本段指的是与朋友保持联系。选项D“Text them to let them know they’re on your mind.(给他们发短信,让他们知道你在想他们。)”符合题意,与下文一致。故选D。
74.根据下文“Send them a list of all the reasons why you think they’re amazing.(给他们发一份清单,列出你认为他们很棒的原因。)”以及本段最后一句“After reading what you have listed, they will feel encouraged.(读完你所列出的原因,他们会感到受到鼓舞。)”可知,这里指的是朋友心情不好,低落的时候你该怎样做。选项F“If they’ve been down on themselves lately, they may need a reminder.(如果他们最近情绪低落,他们可能需要提醒。)”符合题意,与上下文一致。故选F。
75.根据空前“Arrange for flowers to be delivered to their apartment or mail them one of their favorite albums.(送花到他们的公寓,或者寄给他们一本他们最喜欢的相册。)”可知此时可买礼物送给朋友。再根据下文“A homemade gift, like a knitted (针织的) scarf or a piece of artwork, will lift their spirits all the same.(一件自制的礼物,比如一条编织的围巾或一件艺术品,同样会振奋他们的精神。)”可知,礼物无需多贵,心意到了就可以。选项E“You don’t have to go all out in terms of spending.(在支出方面,不必倾尽所有。)”与上下文一致。故选E。
76.由上文“Finally, there is emotional regulation. (最后,还有情绪调节)”和下文“For example, doctors need to control their emotions when doing surgery on a patient. (例如,医生在对患者进行手术时需要控制自己的情绪)”可知,同理心可以帮助人们进行情绪调节,换句话说,同理心可以帮助人们控制自己的情绪,承接上下文,C选项“这是指控制自己情绪的能力”引出下文医生要控制自己情绪的例子。故选C项。
77.由上文“Depending on the situation (视情况而定)”和下文“For example, strong positive empathy feelings for members of our own family might lead to negative emotions like hate toward those we see as a threat. (例如,对家庭成员强烈的积极同理心可能会导致负面情绪,比如对我们视为威胁的人的仇恨)”及“For instance, people might feel more empathy for people who look or act like them. (例如,人们可能会对长相或行为与他们相似的人产生更多的同理心)”可知,下文讲在不同的情况下,同理心让人们做出不同的反应,承接上下文,G选项“同理心有助于人类对不同情况做出适当反应”切题,引出下文的几个例子。故选G项。
78.由下文“For instance, people might feel more empathy for people who look or act like them. (例如,人们可能会对长相或行为与他们相似的人产生更多的同理心)”可知,F选项“有时我们可能会对自己的群体产生太多的同理心”切题,承接下文讲对于与自己相似的群体,人们会产生更多的同理心。故选F项。
79.由上文“Measuring stick (衡量标尺)”和下文“These typically ask people to tell how much they agree with certain statements. (这些通常要求人们说出他们对某些陈述的认同程度)”可知,B选项“同理心通常通过调查来衡量”切题,引出下文关于“同理心需要询问人们对某些陈述的认同程度来衡量”的内容。故选B项。
80.由下文“It can help us to understand others so we can help them. (它可以帮助我们理解他人,从而帮助他们)”可知,A选项“同理心非常有用”切题,承接下文讲同理心的益处。故选A项。
81.由上文“After all, there are so many health benefits that are naturally associated with eating more fish. At the same time, many people find it difficult to add fish to their diet in the way that they would like. (毕竟,多吃鱼对健康有很多好处。同时,许多人发现很难按照自己喜欢的方式在饮食中添加鱼)”可知,多吃鱼对健康有益,但人们往往很难做到多吃鱼,该空应该讲什么方法能帮助人们多吃鱼,D选项“你可以阅读博客帖子以获得帮助。”切题,承接下文讲“帮助人们在饮食中添加鱼的方法”的内容。故选D项。
82.由上文“Fish has been spoken about as being part of a healthy diet for a long time now. (长期以来,鱼一直被认为是健康饮食的一部分)”和下文“Many types of fish are filled with omega-3 fatty acids, as well as various types of vitamins like D and B2. Each fish has its own positive qualities, so it is certainly worth looking up what sort of benefits that you can expect to receive. (许多种类的鱼富含ω-3脂肪酸,以及各种维生素,如D和B2。每一种鱼都有自己的优点,因此,你可以期待从中获得什么样的好处,这当然值得一看)”可知,下文通过讲鱼的优点,解释了上文说为什么鱼被认为是一种健康饮食。由此可知,该空讲为什么人们认为鱼是健康饮食的一部分,承接上下文,E选项“出现这种情况的原因有很多。”切题。故选E项。
83.由第二段讲了“鱼被认为是一种健康饮食,有许多好处”和下文第三段中的“If you are struggling to add more fish to your diet at all, it may be a good idea to get it done straight away in the morning rather than waiting around any longer than necessary. (如果你正在努力在你的饮食中添加更多的鱼,那么最好在早上马上完成,而不是在必要的时候等待太久)”可知,作者建议吃鱼要从早上开始,A选项“早餐先吃鱼。”切题,引出下文要早上吃鱼的内容。故选A项。
84.由上文“One possible way of getting around this is by having fish in simple dishes. For example, rather than having your usual chicken or beef hamburgers, you can try putting some cod (鳕鱼) in there instead. (一种可能的解决方法是在简单的菜肴里放鱼。例如,你可以试着在汉堡里放一些鳕鱼,而不是吃你通常吃的鸡肉或牛肉汉堡)”可知,上文讲如何在饮食中添加鱼的一种方法——在汉堡里放一些鳕鱼,C选项“另外,你可以提前煮一些鳕鱼。”呼应了上文的“cod”,承接上文,讲在饮食中添加鱼的另一种方法。故选C项。
85.由上文“Hopefully, the information that you have received about fish has helped to convince you that it is certainly something that needs to be included into more and more meals. (希望你收到的关于鱼的信息能帮助你相信,鱼肯定是需要被纳入越来越多的食物中的东西)”和下文“Some simple preparation work ahead of time can certainly help you out in a significant way here. (提前做一些简单的准备工作肯定能在很大程度上帮助你)”可知,下文讲通过做一些简单的准备工作,有助于把鱼添加到饮食中,说明把鱼纳入饮食中并不困难,承接上下文,F选项“此外,这样做并不一定很困难。”切题。故选F项。
86.由上文“Boosting your emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ, involves identifying and managing your own emotions, as well as evaluating and controlling the way in which you react to those of others. (提高你的情商,它包括识别和管理你自己的情绪,以及评估和控制你对他人情绪的反应方式)”和下文“It can also improve your relationships with loved ones and your social interactions. (它还可以改善你与亲人的关系和你的社交互动)”可知,上文建议读者去提高情商技巧,下文说明培养情商的好处,由下文“also”可知,该空也讲培养情商的好处,承接上下文,G选项“探索和提高这些技能可以帮助你在职业生涯中取得成功。”切题。故选G项。
87.由小标题“Identify your emotions (确定你的情绪)”,上文“Regularly recognizing and naming your emotions throughout the day is a good way to develop your EQ. (在一天中定期识别和命名你的情绪是发展你的情商的好方法)”和下文“You could even go a step further, and try to determine how the presence of certain emotions affects your behavior and productivity. (你甚至可以更进一步,尝试确定某些情绪的存在如何影响你的行为和工作效率)”可知,本段建议可以通过确定自己的情绪来提高情商,承接上下文,E选项“此外,试图准确地确定你的感受来达到目的。”呼应本段中心“确定你的情绪”。故选E项。
88.由小标题“Consider your response (考虑一下你的反应)”和下文“Taking responsibility for the way you behave towards others and, possibly even more importantly, how you treat yourself, is a crucial aspect of emotional intelligence. (对自己对待他人的方式负责,可能更重要的是,对自己如何对待自己的方式负责,这是情商的一个关键方面)”可知,针对如何对他人负责和如何对自己负责,人是有不同的反应的,本段建议可以通过针对不同情况下的应对方式来提高情商,承接上下文,D选项“你必须记住,你可以选择如何应对一种情况。”切题。故选D项。
89.该空概括小标题。由下文“Empathy is a cornerstone of EQ. It is defined as the ability to identify and share the thoughts, feelings or emotional state of another person. (同理心是情商的基石。它被定义为识别和分享他人想法、感受或情绪状态的能力)”和“It is important to demonstrate empathy towards people other than just those with whom you find it easy to get along. (重要的是要表现出对他人的同理心,而不仅仅是那些你觉得容易相处的人)”可知,下文讲人们可以通过拥有同理心(即对他人想法、感受或情绪状态有共情能力)来提高情商,换句话说,要设身处地为他人着想,承接下文,B选项“设身处地为他人着想。”切题。故选B项。
90.由小标题“Listen actively (积极倾听)”,上文“Engage in the moment and acknowledge what other people are saying. (参与到当下,认可别人在说的东西)”和下文“Active listening involves asking open-ended questions such as ‘When?’ ‘How?’ ‘Do you mean...?’ or ‘Could you tell me a bit more about that?’. (主动倾听包括提出开放式问题,如‘何时?’‘怎么做?’‘你是说……?’或者‘你能再多告诉我一点吗?’)”可知,本段建议可以通过积极倾听来提高情商,积极倾听的重心在于听别人说,所以要避免以谈论有关自己的事为重心,承接上下文,F选项“尽量避免等待轮到你谈论自己和你的故事。”切题。故选F项。
91.空格处是本段的主题句,由空格后的“So celebrate your kids’ achievements, no matter how small they are.(所以庆祝你孩子的成就,不管他们有多小。)”可知,本段主要讲的是父母要庆祝孩子的成就,A选项“Applaud their achievements(赞赏他们的成就)”说明要为孩子的成就鼓掌,和本段主题相符合,故选A。
92.空格后说“Still, they are praised for trying their best.(尽管如此,他们还是因为竭尽全力而受到表扬。)”,说明空格处会提到他们尽力了却没有成功,D选项“Kids won’t always come out on top(孩子们并不总能脱颖而出)”说明孩子不是总能成功,有时候努力了也不会成功,因此D选项引起下文,符合语境,故选D。
93.空格前说“That inspired her to try even harder.(这激励她更加努力。)”,空格处应说到她更努力后所取得的结果,C选项“She got a B plus for the next period(下一学期她得了B +)”点明了她更加努力后成绩进步了,取得了好结果,因此C选项承接上文,符合语境,故选C。
94.本段主题句是“Let them make decisions and mistakes.(让他们自己做决定,自己犯错。)”,空格处应说到像前面这么做的好处,G选项“Making his/her own decisions builds his/her confidence(自己做决定会建立起他/她的信心)”承接上文,说明了让他们自己做决定的好处,因此G选项符合语境,故选G。
95.本段主题句是“Encourage them to solve their own problems.(鼓励他们解决自己的问题。)”,说明本段是要孩子学会自己解决问题,空格后说“the next time your child runs to tell you that her brother is blaming her(下次你的孩子跑过来告诉你她哥哥在责怪她的时候)”,因此空格处应说孩子跑来求助时该鼓励孩子自己解决这个问题,B选项“Step back and let them work it out(退后,让他们自己解决)”说明了要让孩子自己解决问题,符合本段主题,故选B。
96.根据前文“Studying smarter, not longer, matters now more than ever, with students in many countries having to manage their time and study more on their own.(更聪明地学习,而不是更长时间地学习,现在比以往任何时候都更重要,因为许多国家的学生不得不管理自己的时间,更多地自己学习)”和后文“The good news: Science points to ones that really work.(好消息:科学指出了真正有效的方法)”可知,这里介绍好多学生没有掌握学习的技能。D选择项“Yet many students have never learned those skills.(然而,许多学生从来没有学过这些技能)”符合题意,故选D。
97.根据前文“Pay attention to drawings, graphics, chart and other visual aids in your class materials, psychologist Mark McDaniel says.(心理学家马克·麦克丹尼尔说,在课堂材料中注意绘画、图形、图表和其他视觉辅助材料)”可知,本段介绍的是注意图片对记忆的好处。C选择项“They really boost your memory of the material.(它们真的能提高你对材料的记忆)”符合题意,故选C。
98.根据后文“But if you think about a lemon or vinegar, it’s easier to understand and remember that acids and sour go together.(但是如果你想到柠檬或醋,就更容易理解并记住酸和酸是一起的)”中的But可知,这里介绍单纯的记忆很困难。F选择项“On its own, that concept might be hard to remember.(就其本身而言,这个概念可能很难记住)”符合题意,故选F。
99.根据后文“Instead, allow time between study sessions and you’ll learn and remember material better.(相反,在学习之间留出时间,这样你就能更好地学习和记忆材料)”可知,本段介绍的是要合理安排学习时间。B选择项“Space out your studying.(把你的学习空间隔开)”符合题意,故选B。
100.根据本段开头“Dig deeper.(挖掘更深)”和前文““It’s asking a lot of how and why questions about it,” Nebel says.(“这是在问很多关于如何和为什么的问题,”内贝尔说)”可知,本段介绍的是我们深入学习,要学会钻研。E选择项“In other words, don’t just accept facts at face value.(换句话说,不要只接受事实的表面价值)”符合题意,故选E。