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    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT01
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT02
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT03
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT04
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT05
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT06
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT07
    高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT08
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money课堂教学课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 5 The Value of Money课堂教学课件ppt,共35页。PPT课件主要包含了Workbook等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Learning bjectives
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:get the main idea f the play script thrugh reading;grasp language features f the play script;identify sme elements f a play script;write a new scene fr the play where Henry will try t use the bank nte;cperate with grup mates actively thrugh writing yur play scripts tgether.
    Review what we have learned abut The Millin Pund Bank Nte and make predictin.
    Where will Henry g? What will happen t him?
    Read the scene and answer the questins.
    Why wuld the wner be willing t wait fr a lng time t get paid?
    Where des Henry g? What des he want?
    What d the clerks shw Henry at first? Why?
    What makes the peple in the stre change their attitudes twards Henry?
    He ges t a tailr’s shp. He wants new clthes.
    They shw him ready-made clthes, because he lks pr and these clthes are cheaper.
    They change their attitudes after seeing the millin-pund nte because they think that he is rich.
    Perhaps he thinks that Henry will cme back and buy a lt mre clthes in the future r tell his wealthy friends abut the shp.
    Read again and filling in the fllwing blanks.
    2. The clerk gives him a cheap cat.
    3. The clerk becmes angry because Henry can’t pay at nce.
    2. The wner cmes ver and changed his attitude at nce.
    3.They bring Henry t anther part f the shp and begin measuring him, ffering t make many suits fr him.
    4. They are glad t wait a lng time t get paid.
    Is it right t judge peple by their clthes? Why r why nt?
    Read the scene and figure ut the structure f the play.
    turning pint
    Underline the sentences that shw hw peple’s attitudes change twards Henry.
    rudeimpatientangrylk dwn upn/satirize (讽刺)
    Over-plitepatientflattering (奉承的,拍马屁的)plite
    Read the scene again and find an example fr each f the fllwing elements. Then discuss with yur partner hw t write each element.
    Character names
    stage directins
    lines f dialgue
    title f play
    title f the play
    act & scene
    narratr & narratin
    character names
    Summarize the scene.
    The Millin Pund Bank Nte
    title scenenarratin character names stage directins lines f dialgue
    beginning develpment turning pintclimax ending
    Hw t write a new scene fr a play?
    Use what yu have learnt t write a new scene fr the play where Henry willtry t use the bank nte.
    Wrk in grups. Brainstrm a place that Henry will g t, and what difficulties he might face.In yur grup:A Make a list f the characters.B Make an utline f the events in the scene.C Decide hw the characters’ feelings change during the scene.D Think f an exciting ending.E Write the dialgue.F Write the stage directins which tell the actrs what t d r hw t say smething.
    In yur grup, use this checklist t help yu revise the draft.
    Are all the elements f a play included and in gd rder?D the characters use suitable language?Are the stage directins clear and useful?Is the plt clear and exciting enugh?Are there any grammar, spelling, r punctuatin errrs?
    Perfrm yur scene befre the class.
    Henry Ges t the Barbers(Henry is smiling as he leaves the restaurant. He has had mre than enugh t eat. As he is walking dwn the street, he sees a sign fr a place that cuts hair. In a shp windw, he lks at his wn hair. Since it is t lng, he decides t get it cut.) Henry: Gd afternn, I’d like t get a cut, if I may. (The barber takes ne lk at Henry and cntinues cutting anther man’s hair.) Er ... I’d really like t get a haircut. As yu can see it’s much t lng.Barber: (in a rude manner) Yes, I can see that. Indeed, I can.Henry: Fine, well, I’ll just have a seat then.(After sme time, the barber finishes cutting the ther man’s hair, takes his mney, and then turns t lk at Henry.) Barber: Lks like it’s been a lng time. Yu must be a sailr.Henry: Er ... nt quite. But I was at sea fr a lng time.Barber: All right, then, get in the chair and I’ll see what I can d.
    Sample Writing
    Henry Ges t the BarbersHenry: Thank yu.Barber: Where did yu say yu were frm?Henry: I didn’t, but I’m frm San Francisc.Barber: Well, yu’re a lng way frm hme.Henry: Yes, t lng.(They bth becme quiet. After his hair is cut, the barber tells Henry hw much he must pay. Henry shws the barber the bank nte.)Barber: (lks shcked) Why, Mr ... Henry: Adams. Henry Adams. I’m srry, I dn’t have any small bills.Barber: Why, Mr Adams, f curse yu wuldn’t! (wearing a big smile) Nthing t wrry abut! Nthing at all! Please cme back any time, even if yu nly need tw little hairs cut! It will be my hnur t serve yu!
    Assessing Yur Prgress
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:check and cnslidate what yu have learnt in this unit when it cmes t vcabulary, such as bet, ccasin, and case;get mre infrmatin abut The Millin Pund Bank Nte;check and cnslidate what yu have learnt in this unit when it cmes t grammar, like mdal verbs and the past future tense;imprve yur ability f self-evaluatin and reflectin.
    Cmplete the script belw using the wrds in the bx.
    betcasedwnstairsdutyccasinsught t settle tailr
    Cmplete the passages with suitable mdal verbs r the crrect frms f theverbs in brackets. Add nt if necessary.
    1. The saying “Dn’t judge a bk by its cver” means that we _________ judge the value f smething just based n its external appearance. This is a useful principle t remember when we meet new peple. We ______________ treat everyne we meet fr the first time nicely, n matter hw they lk. Mst f us _________ like t be judged n ur appearance, because it ______ be unfair t us. S we ______________________ remind urselves t give new peple we meet a fair chance. Anybdy _______________ be smene wh is wrth getting t knw. In fact, this persn ________________ end up becming yur gd friend if yu _________________ take a chance and get t knw him r her!2. Three rich men talked abut their ideas fr next year. One said he _____________________________ (make) even mre mney and keep it in the bank. Anther said he __________________________ (give) half f all his mney t the gvernment t help pr peple. The third man said he als _____________________________ (make) mre mney, but he _________________________ (use) half f this new mney t build a new hspital fr his hmetwn. Which f these ideas d yu think is the best and why?
    shuld / ught t
    must / shuld / had better
    might / culd
    may/ might / culd
    wuld / wuld dare
    wuld make / was ging t make
    wuld give / was ging t give
    wuld use / was ging t use
    What did yu learn abut plays and scripts that yu did nt knw befre?What did yu learn abut the value f mney and wealth in sciety? What part f this unit was the mst difficult? What part was the mst interesting? Overall, I thught this unit was ◯ interesting ◯ meaningful ◯ s-s ◯ difficult.
    judge srt sptsuittailr
    1. We shuld all try t be the _____ f persn wh maintains a balance between their incme and expenses well.2. Sam ______ the film DVDs accrding t genres (体裁), like actin, cmedy and hrrr.3. All students are required t dress frmally n this ccasin, s each by must wear a _____ and tie.4. The directr f the pera decided immediately during the wman’s auditin (试唱) that the rle ______ her perfectly.5. They invited a famus singer-sngwriter t be ne f the _______ n the newest seasn f that ppular talent shw.6. I feel that we shuld nt ________ peple n the basis f hw they lk r hw much mney they have. Qualities like kindness and hnesty shuld nt be ignred.7. He wn a Best Actr award fr a film rle that had been specially _______ fr him. Critics (评论家) said this had been the best perfrmance f his career s far.8. The schl hired an experienced ______ t make the lifelike dinsaur cstumes the students needed fr their perfrmance.9. This is the ____ where they filmed that scene frm Frrest Gump with him saying “Life is like a bx f chclates. Yu never knw what yu’re gnna get.”10. She became a prfessinal actress after she was ________ by a talent scut (星探) wh saw her perfrm in a schl play.
    What des each wrd mean as a nun and a verb? Cmplete the sentences using the crrect frms f these wrds.
    in case in a direct manner by accident as a matter f fact in that case
    I came t lve stage design ___________. When I was in the ninth grade, my teacher Ms Weaver asked me t jin her stage design team fr a play. I tld her that I didn’t knw anything abut stage design. But Ms Weaver said, “Give it a try, _______ yu have a talent fr it!”, s I became part f her team. And _________________, Ms Weaver turned ut t be right — I was gd at stage design! Ms Weaver was strict and spke _________________, but she was always encuraging and inspiring. Fr example, if we culd nt figure ut what kind f stage design t create fr a scene, she wuld say, “___________, think abut the plt frm a different pint f view. Yu never knw what will pp int yur mind!” I have t say, learning stage design greatly bradened my mind. And thanks t Ms Weaver, I began t have mre cnfidence in my wn creativity, and I develped such a strng interest in stage design that I realised I wanted t spend the rest f my life ding it.
    as a matter f fact
    Cmplete the passage with the phrases in the bx.
    by accident
    in a direct manner
    In that case
    settle whisper duty patience judge permissin hesitate seek
    Wearing blue jeans, Gary std in frnt f an expensive tailr’s shp. After ___________ fr several mments, he finally went in and asked t see the suit in the windw. The shp assistant lked dwn n Gary because f the way he was dressed. Glancing at him impatiently, he ___________ t the wner nearby. With the wner’s ___________, he said that the suit had already been sld. Gary was angry that he was being _______ by his clthes. The next day he returned t the same shp, dressed mre prperly this time. After _______ ut the assistant, he asked t see an expensive-lking suit n an upper shelf. Nt realising wh Gary was, the assistant was eager t carry ut his ______ prperly this time. With great _________ and difficulty, he climbed up t bring the suit dwn, aplgising fr keeping Gary waiting. The mment Gary lked at it mre clsely, hwever, he said he did nt like it. He enjyed himself making the assistant bring almst everything in the shp t him befre he finally _______ n buying a tie. Wuld yu d the same if yu were Gary?
    Cmplete the passage with the crrect frms f the wrds in the bx.
    1. 我坐在歌剧院外面的台阶上,欣赏着它的外观,想起多年前在这里看演出的那一天。(stair, pera, external)2. 作者暗示,在一定程度上,男女主人公对最后的悲惨结局都负有责任。(indicate, t ... extent, tragic)3. 作为一个制片人,他的职责之一是为这部剧中的角色寻找最佳演员,包括银行职员、裁缝、酒店经理、服务员、仆人这样的小角色。(duty, seek, clerk, tailr, servant)
    One f his duties as a prducer is t seek the best actrs fr the rles in the play, including minr rles such as the bank clerk, tailr, htel manager, waiter, and servant.
    The authr indicates that t sme extent the her and herine are bth respnsible fr the tragic situatin in the end.
    I was sitting n the stairs utside the pera huse, admiring the external appearance f the building and remembering the day I saw a shw there many years ag.
    Translate the sentences int English using the wrds and phrases in brackets.
    4. 这部剧讲的是小伙子买小船周游世界的故事以及他回到家乡定居之前的冒险经历。(settle dwn, sail)5. 得知女儿想考戏剧学院,他们每月都存一点儿钱,这样女儿上大学就不需要申请贷款了。(set aside, lan)6. 当店员看到那张百万英镑的钞票时,吃惊得说不出话来。他恢复常态后,因为不能兑开钞票而连声道歉。(nrmal, make aplgies, break the nte)
    The clerk was speechless in amazement when he saw the millin-pund nte. When he returned t nrmal he made a thusand aplgies fr nt being able t break the nte.
    Knwing their daughter planned t g t a drama schl they set aside sme mney every mnth s that she wuld nt need t apply fr student lans fr cllege.
    The film tells the stry f a yung man wh bught a small bat t sail arund the wrld and the adventures he had befre he went back t his hmetwn and settled dwn.
    PrjectGive a perfrmance f a scene frm the play
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:learn abut basic steps f dramatic perfrmance;prepare a perfrmance f a scene frm the play thrugh cperatin with yur grup mates;perfrm yur scene fr the class;imprve yur ability f art appreciatin.
    Learn abut basic steps f dramatic perfrmance.
    prducer (制片人)directr (导演)main actrs and the extras (演员)set decratr (布景师)prp persn (道具师)cstume manager (服装师)
    chse scriptchse members f the casta rehearsala dress rehearsala perfrmance
    Yu are ging t perfrm ne f the scenes frm The Millin Pund Bank Nte, r ne that yu wrte yurself.
    1. Chse a scene t perfrm.
    2. Chse the prducer and the directr.The prducer is the rganiser f a play. He r she hires peple, and makes sure that everyne has what they need fr their jbs.The directr guides the actrs.3. (The prducer) Decide n:the main actrs, including the narratrthe extras (actrs withut speaking parts)the set decratr (the persn wh makes the set)the prp persn (the persn wh prvides r makes the prps)the cstume manager
    4. Have a rehearsal.The actrs shuld practise and remember their lines. They shuld payattentin t their facial expressins, gestures, intnatin, and actins.The directr shuld help the actrs.The prducer shuld help the set decratr, the prp persn, and the cstume manager t get everything they need.5. Have a dress rehearsal.The actrs perfrm tgether dressed in their cstumes. The set, prps, music, etc. shuld be ready at the same time.
    6. Perfrm yur scene fr the class.
    7. After all the scenes have been perfrmed, the class shuld then give awards fr the best scene, best prducer, best directr, best actr, best cstumes, etc.

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        高一英语 人教版(2019)必修三 Unit 5 Reading for Writing & Assessing Your Progress课件PPT
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