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    2 UNIT 1  Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points-(新教材)高中英语人教版必修2 (1) 教案
    2 UNIT 1  Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points-(新教材)高中英语人教版必修2  (1) 教案01
    2 UNIT 1  Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points-(新教材)高中英语人教版必修2  (1) 教案02
    2 UNIT 1  Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points-(新教材)高中英语人教版必修2  (1) 教案03
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    2 UNIT 1  Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points-(新教材)高中英语人教版必修2 (1) 教案

    Section Ⅱ Listening and Speaking & Reading and Thinking—Language Points preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.保护区(经典佳句)You can keep the books for 3 weeks as long as you preserve them well.这些书你可以借三个礼拜,条件是你必须好好保存。(1)preserve...from (doing)... 保护……免受……(2)be well preserved 保养/保护/保存良好(3)preserve one’s eyesight 保护视力①The local government has built a natural preserve to protect this endangered animal. 为了保护濒临灭绝的动物,当地政府已建立了自然保护区。②We have taken effective measures to preserve our natural resources.我们已采取有效措施保护自然资源。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①They were determined to preserve the children from harm.②The organization was set up to_preserve_(preserve) endangered species from dying out. application n.申请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序)(经典佳句)She was very unhappy to know that her application for the position was refused.知道申请这个职位被拒绝了,她很不高兴。(1)apply vt.          应用;运用vi. 申请;请求apply (to...) for... (向……)申请……apply oneself to (doing) sth. 致力于(做)某事(2)applicant n. 申请人①If you are interested, please send an application email when you are free.如果您感兴趣,请在您有空的时候发送申请邮件。②(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)If you want to apply for membership, you’d better fill in the application form.如果你想申请成为队员,你最好填申请表。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①I’d appreciate it if you could take my application(apply) into consideration.②Over the next few months, he applied himself to improving(improve) the technique.③(2018·浙江卷6月)You have much experience in voluntary work so that I find it a good idea for you to_apply(apply) for the position.[链接写作]——完成句子④(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)我对中国画展很感兴趣,所以写信申请当一名志愿者。Being very interested in the Chinese painting exhibition, I’m_writing_to_apply_for the position as a volunteer. take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)(教材P3) Would you like to take part in a project like this?你愿意参加这样一个项目吗?(1)take an active part in    积极参加……(2)play a part in 在……中起作用; 在……中扮演角色①Many athletes are dreaming of taking part in the Olympic Games and winning gold medals for their homeland.许多运动员梦想着参加奥运会,为他们的祖国争夺金牌。②Nowadays women are taking an active part in social activities.妇女现在正积极参加社会活动。③Any student who is interested in this activity is welcome to take part.欢迎对这项活动感兴趣的学生参加。[链接写作]——完成句子(2018·全国卷Ⅲ)就我个人而言,身体健康最重要,因此,我们经常在新建的体育场参加各种各样的课外活动。In my opinion, health is the most important thing in our daily life.As a result, we often take_part_in_all_kinds_of after­school activities in the newly­built stadium.(1)后面不接宾语时,不用加介词in。(2)part前有形容词修饰时,须加不定冠词。 give way to 让步;屈服(教材P4)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.新旧更替的时代已经到来,在走向未来的过程中,我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。give away    泄露;赠送;免费给予give back 归还;恢复give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交give up 放弃;认输give off 放出,散发(光、热、烟、气味等)The company finally gave way to the customer’s complaints.面对顾客的投诉,公司最终还是让步了。[即学即练]——用give的相关短语填空①The children were requested to give_in their examination papers at once.②At the beginning, learning English seemed so difficult that I wanted to give_up without even trying.③The bad bananas are giving_off a bad smell, so you’d better throw them away.④That weekend, we went to a nearby neighborhood and gave_away a lot of money to the people there. balance n.平衡;均匀 vt. 使平衡(教材P4)Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.找到并保持人类进步和保护文化遗址之间的平衡是一个巨大的挑战。(1)balance A against B     权衡/比较A和B(2)keep/lose one’s balance 保持/失去平衡(3)balanced adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的keep/eat a balanced diet 保持饮食均衡①Before making the final decision, you’d better balance the advantages against the disadvantages.在你做出决定之前应当权衡利弊。②The driver stopped the bus so suddenly that all the passengers nearly lost their balance.司机突然停车,所有的乘客几乎失去了平衡。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①Keeping a balanced(balance) diet and taking exercises regularly is considered as a healthy lifestyle.②We must balance the gains against the losses before making a decision.[链接写作]——完成句子③(2017·全国卷Ⅲ)学习与社会生活保持平衡很重要,因此你最好加入这个队。It_is_very_important_to_keep_a_balance between study and social life, so you’d better join the team. lead to 导致(教材P4)Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions.然而,巨大的挑战有时会带来伟大的解决方案。lead sb.to do...       使某人做……lead sb.to... 带某人去……lead the way 带路lead sb.by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子走①As the old saying goes,“All roads lead to Rome.”常言道,“条条大路通罗马。”②Too much work and too little rest often leads to illness.工作太多而休息太少常导致疾病。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①The discovery of new evidence led to the thief’s being caught.②In class I will divide the students into small groups and lead them to_practice(practice) speaking English in an interesting way.[链接写作]——完成句子③众所周知,成功在于努力,而懒惰导致失败。As we all know, success lies in hard work while_laziness_leads_to_failure. proposal  n.提议;建议(教材P4)But the proposal led to protests.但该提议引发了抗议。(1)make a proposal        提出建议come up with a proposal 提出建议(2)propose vt. 提议,建议propose doing/to do sth. 建议做某事①He made a proposal that the meeting should be put off.他建议会议延期。②A professor has proposed that a fund (should) be established to raise money.一位教授建议设立基金会来筹集资金。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①I propose going/to_go(go) out for a walk after supper.②The proposal that everyone (should)_make(make) efforts to make our country stronger is necessary.proposal/propose后接的that从句谓语通常用“(should+)动词原形”形式。 likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地(教材P4)Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage.来自大坝的水可能会破坏一些寺庙和文物,这些文物是埃及文化遗产的重要组成部分。(1)sb./sth.be likely to do sth.=It’s likely that sb./sth...    很可能……(2)be unlikely to...=It is unlikely that... 不可能……You are likely to suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.=It is likely that you will suffer from bad health if you keep smoking.如果继续吸烟,你的身体健康可能会受到损害。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①I have learned that Mr.Brown disagrees with you.Your suggestion is unlikely(like) to be accepted under present condition.[链接写作]——句型转换/完成句子②If you grow up in a large family, you are more likely to develop the ability to get on well with others.→If you grow up in a large family, it_is_more_likely_that you develop the ability to get on well with others.③(2018·全国卷Ⅰ)如果你不懂中国的餐桌礼仪你有可能使你的朋友感到尴尬。It_is_likely_that you make your friends feel embarrassed if you don’t know China’s table manners. turn to 向……求助;致力于;翻到(书的某页);转向(教材P4)...the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.……1959年,政府向联合国寻求帮助。[一词多义]——写出下列句中turn to的含义①Whenever you are in trouble, you can turn to the police for help. 求助于②If you turn to page 40, you will find it. 翻到③More and more people turn to computer science. 从事于turn down       关小;拒绝turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)turn off 关上(水、煤气、电灯等)turn out 结果是,证明是;生产出turn up 开大;出现[即学即练]——用turn的相关短语填空④The meeting has already begun, but the chairman hasn’t turned_up yet.⑤Tom turned_down the invitation to the party last weekend because he was too busy.⑥It turned_out that the job was much harder than we had thought.[链接写作]——词汇升级⑦(普通表达)I often ask my classmates or teachers for help.As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies.(高级表达)I often turn_to my classmates or teachers for help.As a result, I have made steady progress in my studies. limit n.限度;限制 vt.限制;限定(教材P4)A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.成立了一个委员会来限制对埃及建筑的破坏,防止文物的丢失。(1)limit...to...     把……限定在……的范围内be limited to sth. 受限制于某物(2)within the limits of 在……的范围内there is a/no limit to 对……是有限的/无限的set a limit to... 限制……(3)limited adj. 有限的①The length of the article should be limited to 400 words or so.文章的长度应当限制在400字左右。②He was born in a poor family, and only received a limited education in his childhood. 他出生在一个贫困家庭,只在童年时接受过有限的教育。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①There is a limit to one’s life, but no limit to serving(serve) the people.②I’ll help as much as I can, but there is a limit to what I can do.[链接写作]——完成句子③他的英语水平非常有限以至于不能理解以英语为母语的人说的话。His English is_so_limited_that he can’t understand what the native speakers say. prevent...from... 阻止;不准(经典佳句)Once he has made up his mind, no one can prevent him from carrying out the plan.一旦他下定决心,没有人能阻止他执行这个计划。(1)prevent/stop/keep...from doing sth. 阻止……做某事(2)protect...from 保护……不受……侵袭; 挡住;防御(3)keep...doing sth. 使……一直做某事①His advice prevented/kept/stopped me from making a serious mistake.他的忠告使我避免犯一个严重的错误。②No one can prevent this plan from being carried out.谁也不能阻止这个计划的实施。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①He wears sunglasses to protect his eyes from the sunlight.②We should take effective measures to prevent the river from being_polluted(pollute).③They were stopped from entering(enter) the burning building.(1)在主动语态中keep...from...中的from不可省略,prevent...from...和stop...from...中的from可省略。(2)在被动语态中,上述几个短语中的from都不可省略。 loss n.丧失;损失(经典佳句)Unfortunately, I’m at a loss whether I should bring a small gift or not when I call on him.不幸的是,我不知道拜访他时我是否应该带点小礼物。(1)make up for the loss   弥补损失at a loss 不知所措,困惑suffer a loss 遭受(……的)损失(2)lost adj. 失去的;丧失的;迷惑的be lost in 全神贯注;沉浸于①The loss of his lovely son was a great blow to him.可爱的儿子的去世对他是一个巨大的打击。②He had never suffered such a great loss, so he almost lost heart.他从没遭受过如此重大的损失,因此他几乎失去了信心。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①The women work in the loud noise all day long, which leads to hearing loss(lose).②Lost(lose) in thought, he didn’t know his classmates had left the classroom.[链接写作]——完成句子③他已承认错误并许下诺言要弥补损失。He has admitted his mistakes and promised to make_up_for_the_loss. contribution n.贡献;捐款;捐赠(教材P4)The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. 该集团要求不同的部门捐款,并在国际社会内筹集资金。(1)make a contribution to...  对……做出贡献(2)contribute vi.&vt. 捐献;捐助contribute...to... 把……贡献给……contribute to... 导致……;向…… 投稿;有助于……①(2018·北京卷)In a word, I was proud of making great contributions to spreading Chinese culture.总之,我为自己对传播中国文化做出的巨大贡献感到自豪。②It was generous of her to contribute such a large sum to the charity.她很大方,向慈善机构捐助了这么一大笔钱。③Eating too much fat can contribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure.摄入太多的脂肪会导致心脏病和高血压的发生。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.②He has made great contributions(contribute) to the space development program.③Your contribution(contribute) will certainly make the event a huge success.[链接写作]——完成句子④(2017·全国卷Ⅰ)了解唐朝的历史有助于你理解这些诗。Knowing the history of the Tang Dynasty will contribute_to_your_understanding the poems. donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)(教材P4)Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project.50个国家向该项目捐赠了近8 000万美元。(1)donate...to...    向……捐赠……(2)donation n. 捐献;捐赠;捐款;捐赠物make a donation to... 向……捐赠(3)donator n. 捐赠者①Luckily, many people and organizations donate a lot of money to help them receive college education.幸运的是,许多人和组织捐了大笔钱帮助他们接受大学教育。②The businessman made a donation of large amounts of money to my school.那个商人向我校捐了很多钱。[链接写作]——完成句子/句式升级这位老人向学校捐赠了很多钱,让学生们重返教室。①(普通表达)The old man donated_a_lot_of_money_to the school.It enabled the students to return to their classroom.②(高级表达)The_old_man_donated_a_lot_of_money_to_the_school,which_enabled_the_students_to_return_to_their_classroom.(定语从句) attempt n.&vt.企图;试图;尝试(教材P5)Why did the Egyptian government want to attempt the building of the dam?为什么埃及政府想要尝试建造大坝?(1)make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 尝试做某事at one’s/the first attempt  (某人)第一次尝试(2)attempt to do sth. 企图做某事;尝试做某事①If you fail at the first attempt, there is no need to care about that.如果你第一次尝试失败的话,也没必要担心。②In my view,parents are making an attempt to protect their kids by giving whatever they require.就我个人而言,父母们正在通过给孩子要的任何东西来保护他们的孩子。[链接写作]——一句多译(2018·北京卷)由于每个外国学生都试着自己泡茶,整个茶馆很快活跃起来。①Soon the tea room became lively with every international student attempting_to_make their own tea.(attempt v.)②Soon the tea room became lively with every international student making_an_attempt_to_make their own tea.(attempt n.) make sure 确保;设法保证(教材P5)We must protect the temple and make sure that no damage is done.我们必须保护寺庙,确保不造成任何损害。make sure of         确信……be sure that... 确信……be sure to do sth. 确信做某事①Please make sure you return the book before September 1st.请确保在9月1号前还书。②Please call the station to make sure when the earliest train leaves.请给车站打电话以弄清楚最早的火车何时出发。[链接写作]——完成句子①Next time you come to Beijing, be_sure_to_let_me_know (一定让我知道) in advance.②I_am_sure_that(我确信) he will be admitted to Tsinghua University this summer.③David had prepared carefully for the chemistry exam so that he could be_sure_of(确信) passing it at his first attempt. worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的(教材P5)Do you think it was worthwhile?你认为值得吗?(1)It is worthwhile doing/to do sth. 做某事是值得的。(2)worth adj. 有……的价值,值得……的be worth doing 值得去做①I’d like to spend the money on a worthwhile career.我想把钱花在有价值的事业上。②It is worthwhile to spend/spending two hours reading the book.花两小时读这本书很值。[链接写作]——一句多译就我个人而言,这本书很值得读。 ①As far as I’m concerned, the book is_well_worth_reading.(worth)②In my opinion, it_is_worthwhile_reading/to_read_the_book.(worthwhile)not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,连接并列成分(教材P4)Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。not only...but also...“不但……而且……”,连接并列成分。(1)用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅……而且……”;其中的also有时可以省略。(2)若连接两个句子,且not only位于句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装。(3)遵循“就近一致原则”的其他并列连词:either...or...      不是……就是……not...but... 不是……而是……①They are not only experienced and knowledgeable, but also patient and understanding.他们不仅经验丰富,知识渊博,而且有耐心,善解人意。②Not only do smartphones take up our valuable time, but also they do great harm to our health. 智能手机不仅占用我们宝贵的时间,而且非常有害于我们的身体健康。③Not only the twins but also their friend Tom likes playing football.不仅是这对双胞胎,他们的朋友Tom也喜欢踢足球。[即学即练]——单句语法填空①Not only John and Tom but also their sister, Mary, takes(take) great interest in the piano lessons now.②Neither the teacher nor the students are(be) satisfied with the result.[链接写作]——完成句子③(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)参观这次剪纸展览,我们不但能欣赏到民间艺术作品,而且会学到很多。Visiting this paper­cutting exhibition, we will not_only_enjoy_the_folk_art_works,_but_also_learn_a_lot.eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 品句填词1.I want to contribute(贡献) my effort to such an outstanding company.2.Of the two plans, the former(前者) is more useful than the latter.3.Some believe that we are supposed to hold some creative(有创造性的) activities to celebrate traditional culture.4.As is reported, an old temple(寺庙) in my hometown will be rebuilt next month.5.He marked the places on a map, which gave him a valuable clue(线索) about the cause of the disease.6.I believe this activity will promote(促进) better communication and understanding between us.7.(2019·全国卷Ⅰ)I’d appreciate it if you could take some time to go through my application(申请).8.So far, a committee(委员会) has been set up to organize social events in the college.9.(2019·天津卷)A dog’s eating habit requires regular training before it is properly established(建立,形成).10.Mr.Smith looked angry when I spoke of his daughter’s bad conduct(品行) in school.eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 完成句子1.既然你对中国传统文化感兴趣,我认为这个节日对你而言将是个有价值的经历。Now that you are interested in traditional Chinese culture, I think this festival will be a_worthwhile_experience_for_you.2.大雨使他的生意遭受巨大损失。The heavy rain made his business suffer_a_great_loss.3.为纪念她的父亲,她向大学捐赠许多钱以建立一个新图书馆。She donated_a_great_deal_of_money_to_the_college to build a new library in_memory_of her father.4.我坚信你一定能实现被重点大学录取的梦想。I do believe that you are_sure_to_achieve_your_dream of being admitted to a key university.5.人们相信努力工作能导致成功。It is believed that working hard can lead_to_success.6.直到我来这儿我才意识到,这里不但以美而闻名,而且以气候而出名。It was not until I came here that I realized this place was famous for not_only_its_beauty_but_also_its_weather.eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 课文语法填空It is a big challenge 1.to_find(find) and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites.However, big challenges can sometimes lead 2.to great solutions.When the Egyptian government proposed 3.building(build) the Aswan Dam, they were faced with various problems, including destroying an important part of Egypt’s 4.cultural(culture) heritage.As a result, the government turned 5.to the United Nations for help in 1959.A committee 6.was_established(establish) to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the 7.loss(lose) of cultural relics.Finally, a document was signed and the work began in 1960.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together in a safe place.When the project was completed, it was considered as a great 8.success(succeed).Not only had the countries found a path to the future 9.that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.Therefore, if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the 10.global(globe) community can sometimes provide a solution.eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅰ) 单句语法填空1.In my opinion, it is worthwhile spending/to_spend(spend) a lot of time talking with our parents.2.As for your advice, I’m sure to_consider(consider) it and give you reply in time.3.To help the students to learn Chinese better, our school has decided to donate some books to your Chinese class.4.To return to the problem of water pollution, I’d like you to look at a study conducted(conduct) in Australia in 2012.5.Do remember that medicine should not be put within the reach of small children.6.Tu Youyou has made great contributions(contribute) to the development of science,but she doesn’t care much about money and reputation.7.It is generally believed that every effort should be made to_preserve(preserve) world peace.8.An accident is likely to_happen(happen) if you are not careful enough.9.I believe that we can achieve more with limited(limit) resources.10.So many people around the world are learning or using English, so it is_considered(consider) as a global language.eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅱ) 阅读理解ABefore I had my child, I thought I was going to let her fall and fail and make mistakes and learn from them.But from the moment she was born, without really realizing it, I’ve been preventing her from hearing her own inner voice that tells her to “Go for it.” Every time she tried to take a bigger step in the playground, I was in fear.Every time she got curious and ran off to see something, I’d yell,“Watch out.” “Slow down.” “Be careful.”Although I hate parenting terms, I see now that I’ve been a helicopter parent.The more I started watching her at play, the more I started to hear my words echoing(回荡) back at me:“Watch out.”“Slow down.”“Be careful.”My husband taught her to ride a bike and he said,“Stay straight, look ahead, and then you can do it.” It suddenly hit me that I was always telling her what not to do.I’m not saying I didn’t offer encouragement, or love her success, but I may have reduced the happiness brought by achievements because I was too worried to enjoy the moment and celebrate it with her.I really came to know all this recently during a hike with friends and their particularly adventurous sons.The boys were practically flying down the ramp(斜坡) and I felt myself start to warn my child to slow down.They were running down hills, and my mouth opened to ask her to be careful again.She was listening to her voice, trusting herself to take a chance, and I was about to ruin it.I smiled and watched with pride as she began to really enjoy her time, climbing and moving with ease.【解题导语】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者以前总是紧盯着女儿,生怕她会摔倒受伤,后来她明白应该让女儿自由玩耍。1.Before her daughter was born, the author ________.A.didn’t know how to raise a childB.thought mistakes were dangerousC.didn’t think she’d be a good parentD.thought she’d let her child take risksD 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的Before I had my child, I thought I was going to let her fall and fail and make mistakes and learn from them.可知,在女儿出生前,作者以为自己会让她冒险的。2.Who can most probably be called helicopter parents?A.Parents watching extremely closely their kids’ actions.B.Parents not playing together with their kids.C.Parents often staying away from their kids.D.Parents not wanting to try something new.A 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段的Every time she got curious and ran off to see something, I’d yell,“Watch out.” “Slow down.”“Be careful.”Although I hate parenting terms, I see now that I’ve been a helicopter parent.可知,这种父母是指那些紧盯孩子一举一动生怕他们会出意外的父母。3.What does the author’s husband like doing?A.Making achievements in life.B.Trying to enjoy every moment of life.C.Encouraging their daughter to try new things.D.Playing with their daughter as often as possible.C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的My husband taught her to ride a bike and he said,“Stay straight, look ahead, and then you can do it.” It suddenly hit me that I was always telling her what not to do.可知,作者的丈夫喜欢鼓励女儿尝试新的东西。4.What does the passage mainly show?A.Being a parent is very difficult.B.Girls are very different from boys.C.Parents should ensure their children’s safety.D.Parents should let their children play freely.D 解析:主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,本文主要是讲作者一开始担心害怕女儿会发生意外,后来终于明白应该让女儿自由玩耍,这表明了父母应该让孩子们自由玩耍,而不是时刻担心他们。BPaper cutting is one of China’s most popular folk arts.Archaeological(考古学上的) finds show that the tradition started in the 6th century; it is even supposed that the beginning of paper cutting is even a few centuries earlier.Paper cuts have special importance at festivals and on holidays.To get rid of(摆脱) the old and bring good luck, people put up paper cuts on the windows on the Eve of the Spring Festival.Paper cuts are not produced by machine, but by hand.They are done all over China, but are different in the method in different areas.There are two methods of making paper cuts—by using scissors(剪刀) or knives.As the name suggests, scissors cuttings are made with scissors.Several pieces of paper (up to eight pieces) are placed together.The patterns are then cut with pointed scissors.Knife cuttings are made by putting several pieces of paper on a table.Following a pattern, the artist cuts the patterns into the paper with a knife.In the past, paper cuts were usually made only by women and girls.They used scissors and paper to cut all kinds of pictures such as apple trees, peach blossoms, mice, fighting roosters(公鸡) and rabbits eating carrots.This used to be one of the skills that every girl was to master.Professional paper cutting artists are, on the other hand, almost always men who can make a living by working together in workshops.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了中国最为流行的民间艺术之一——剪纸。5.How long has paper cutting lasted at least?A.About 600 years.B.About 1,500 years.C.About 2,000 years.D.About 2,700 years.B 解析:推理判断题。根据第一段可知,考古发现显示剪纸起源于六世纪,甚至有人认为还要早上几个世纪。由此可以推知,剪纸至少有约1 500年的历史了。6.People put up paper cuts on the windows in order to________.A.make them look more beautifulB.show others their excellent skillsC.bring them good luck in the new yearD.sell them on the Eve of the Spring FestivalC 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句To get rid of(摆脱) the old and bring good luck...可知,人们把剪纸贴在窗户上,是为了摆脱老旧的东西,带来好运。7.What does the third paragraph mainly tell us?A.Two kinds of paper cuts.B.Paper cuts are made by hand.C.Paper cuts are made by machine.D.The process of making paper cuts.A 解析:段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段介绍了两种不同的剪纸方法——剪刀剪纸和刻刀剪纸。8.Paper cuts are usually about________.A.family members of the artistsB.sports and social activitiesC.fights between animalsD.things in our daily lifeD 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的...such as apple trees, peach blossoms, mice, fighting roosters(公鸡) and rabbits eating carrots.可知,剪纸的内容大多是日常生活中常见的事物。eq \a\vs4\al(Ⅲ) 七选五If you’ve ever had a bad night of sleep, you know it’s difficult to stay awake in class when you’re tired.Classrooms can be boring and dark.1.________ To keep yourself awake, you can try to participate in class.Participate in class discussion.Ask and answer questions about the lecture.2.________ Actually, it might be helpful to set a goal of answering or asking at least 3 questions per class.This is because talking will help you stay alert(警觉的).Take detailed notes.This is a good way to help you focus on the lecture and stay engaged.Listen closely to the lecture and try to take as detailed notes as possible.You can use different pens to mark different sections.3.________4.________ Listening actively is a great way to force yourself to stay awake because it requires engagement(参与) of your mind as well as your body.Even if you don’t take notes, listening actively can help you keep your eyes open for the contents of the lesson.Interact with your classmates.5.________ Engage in conversation and contribute meaningful points.Try to sit yourself near students who always volunteer to speak in class and you will have a lot to say in discussion.A.Listen actively to the lesson.B.Some people may refuse to take notes.C.And your teacher’s voice might make you sleepier.D.Try to take notes carefully to help you stay awake.E.Group discussions are a great time to keep you awake.F.This will help if you’re bored with the content of the lecture.G.You can also change colors occasionally to keep your mind alert.【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了在课堂上保持清醒的几点建议。1.C 解析:此空设于段中,与本段第一句构成解释关系。本句和前一句都是对第一句进行解释,说明前一天晚上休息不好对第二天上课的影响。2.F 解析:此空设于段中,与前一句存在逻辑上的指代关系。本句中的This指代的是前一句中的Ask and answer questions about the lecture.。3.G 解析:此空设于段尾,是对前一句的进一步补充。本句前一句讲,你可以用不同的笔来标记不同的部分,此句进一步补充说明你也可以偶尔换一下笔的颜色来使你保持警觉。4.A 解析:此处设于段首,是本段的主题句。本段后面的内容主要就是围绕积极主动地听讲而展开的。5.E 解析:此空设于段中,是对前一句的解释。本句是通过举例对第一句中的Interact with your classmates.进行进一步解释。
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