1【开心】 你会发现大部分读后续写都是皆大欢喜的结局。因此,如何表达开心,快乐,是我们必须学会的重点。 1. 初级表达 也就是在句子中,能看到直接表达喜悦的词汇,如joy, happiness等。 ① Joy welled up inside her. 她心中涌起喜悦。 ② She was overflowing with happiness. 她洋溢着幸福。 ③ Hearing this, everybody was wild with joy. 听到这句话,每个人都欣喜若狂。 2、高级表达 用表情和动作来表达喜悦。 ① A smile of understanding flashed across his face. 他脸上露出了一种理解的微笑。 ② Laughter lingered around the room. 笑声在房间里萦绕。 ③ She laughed, with her eyes shining with excitement. 她笑了,眼睛里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。(with复合结构) 2 【失望】 “失望”这种负面情绪,在“心灵成长”或者“帮助人”等主题故事的开头和中间,出现相对较多。我们一起来看看有哪些表达! 1. 初级表达 也就是在句子中,能看到直接表达失望的词汇,如disappointment,dismayed等。 ① Overcome with bitter disappointment at his failing to win a prize, he locked himself up in his room. 他对未能获奖感到极度失望,于是把自己锁在房间里。 ② He was dismayed to learn of their disloyalty. 他得知他们对他的不忠,感到很失望。 2. 高级表达 用表情和动作来表达失望。 ① When I saw the pile of dirty dishes, my heart sank. 我看到那一堆肮脏的餐具时,感到很扫兴。(这句话里“my heart sank”,我的心一沉,也间接表达了“失望”。) ② The news that he didn’t win prize immediately threw him into low spirits. 他没有获奖的消息立刻使他精神低落。(这句话里“threw him into low spirits”,把我扔进了这种低落的情绪中,画面感很强。) ③ I feel like all my insides have been drained out and I feel empty and let down. 我觉得我所有的内心都被排干了,我感到空虚和失望。(drain本意是“排出,流干”。“all my insides have been drained out”,内心已经被排光了,流干了,直接对应了后面的empty。) 3 【恐惧】 “恐惧”是一种比较极端的心理,在脱离险境为主题的读后续写中,出现比较多。比如迷路,遇到狼,遇到暴风雨等。 1. 初级表达 ① He turned to me, with his eyes full of horror. 他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。(with复合结构) ② Fear slowly creeps upon her. 恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。(这句话用拟人的修辞手法,恐惧“爬到”身上,非常传神。) ③ A flood of fear welled up in him. 他心中涌起一阵恐惧。(这句话把fear(恐惧)与flood(洪水)联系起来,很亮眼的一个表达。) 2. 高级表达 ① Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied. 她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。(这句话没有直接写“恐惧”,而是用脸色苍白,舌头打结来表现恐惧。) ② She shook all over, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. 她浑身颤抖,觉得如坐针毡。(这里的“她浑身颤动”也可以换成“她的心跳得厉害(Her heart beat so violently)”。
needle针,pin大头针,feeling like sitting on pins and needles翻译成“如坐针毡”,中英文在这个表达上有异曲同工之妙!) 4 【愤怒】 1. 初级表达 也就是在句子中,能看到直接表达愤怒的词汇,如feel/get angry/furious,seized by anger,feel a surge of anger (rage/fury)等。 ① Sam felt very angry. Sam感到非常生气。 ② I was seized by anger. 我愤怒至极。 2、高级表达 用声音、动作等来表达愤怒。 ① His neck and face is flushed. 他气得脸红脖子粗。(利用脸部和脖子表达愤怒) ② The polar bear exposed his sharp teeth, snarling in our ear. 这只北极熊露出锋利的牙齿,在我们耳边咆哮。(通过牙齿和声音来表达愤怒) ③ Boiling with rage, Sheldon shook his fist at me. Sheldon非常生气,向我挥拳头。(通过拳头来表达愤怒) ④ He stamped his foot in anger. 他气得跺脚。(通过脚步动作来表达愤怒) ⑤ His voice trembled with anger. 他气得声音发抖。(通过声音来表示愤怒)