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    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Many travelers ften ignre small places in Eurpe, but there are sme hidden nes that ffer impressive architecture and natural scenery. Here are fur places in Eurpe that are wrth a visit.
    Eguisheim, France
    If yu want t see a perfect French village, g t Eguisheim. It has beautiful half-timbered (露明木架的) huses, stne streets and churches in the Middle Ages. Yu can als visit a lvely Christmas market in December. Be sure t check ut the Chapelle Saint-Lén IX. which has painted ceilings and clrful windws with scenes frm Alsace.
    Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
    Lauterbrunnen is a beautiful twn with wden huses and small village churches. But its twering rcks, high muntains, and sme f the tallest waterfalls really stand ut in Eurpe. And please dn’t frget this fun fact that J. R. R. Tlkien was ever inspired by Lauterbrunnen when he was writing abut the Rivendell valley in The Lrd f the Rings.
    Český Krumlv, Czech Republic
    If yu dislike the crwds, enter Český Krumlv, an incredibly pretty twn. This charming twn in the Suth Bhemia regin has red-rfed huses, attractive funtains in the squares, and a well-knwn castle where yu can have a view f the Vltava River. And yu can explre the twn in less than half-an-hur walk.
    Guimarāes, Prtugal
    Afns Henriques, the cuntry’s first king, was brn in Guimarāes. The city center is a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site and has great examples f Prtuguese architecture with beautiful tiles (瓷砖) frm 600 years ag. Even thugh Guimarāes is a bit bigger than the ther places n this list, it still has a charming feel with small shps and pen areas.
    1.What is Eguisheim special abut?
    A.Tiled buildings.B.High muntains,
    C.Half-timbered huses.D.Red-rfed churches.
    2.What is J. R. R. Tlkien?
    A.An artist.B.An architect.
    C.A businessman..D.A writer.
    3.Which ne is the biggest f the fur places?
    C.Český Krumlv.D.Guimarāes.
    Technlgy use seems t be the new wave f addictin hitting peple f all ages. Its extreme use can be cmpared t the use f drugs, which is called Plugin Herin.
    The next time yu’re in a crwded public place, lk at the peple arund yu. It’s hard t find smene wh isn’t glued t the tiny screen, fingers mving at lightning speeds, texting their friends, emailing c-wrkers r listening t music. It may seem ridiculus that smene is that addicted t such a small bject. I’ve seen peple wh seem t be at their wits’ end (不知所措) if their phne r iPad has been taken away, lst r left at hme.
    Sme peple may ask, “What’s wrng with technlgy use? It’s a way fr peple t cmmunicate.” While this is true, the veruse f technlgy isn’t always apprpriate in certain settings. Schls are becming stricter abut the use f cell phnes, iPads and ther electrnics in classrms. Varius wrkplaces have signs hanging n their walls warning emplyees that “Cell phne use is nt permitted” r “Cell phnes are frbidden.”
    Electrnics may be a way fr peple t cmmunicate and stay in tuch with each ther, but the disadvantages may utweigh the benefits. Peple are lsing the ability t hld face-t-face cnversatins with thers. Hwever, it’s hard t avid electrnics in this day and age because almst everything is turning int an electrnic frmat. Bks, riginally meant fr paper design, are nw being transferred (转存) t electrnic frms. Pht albums, and even yearbks, can nw be viewed via the internet. With this grwing trend, future generatins are bund t becme even mre addicted t technlgy.
    Is there a cure fr electrnic addictin? Simply turning electrnics ff fr an hur r tw a day may help t an extent, but it will nt cmpletely rid electrnic addictin. There nly seems t be ne cure left, and it may be the hardest: self-cntrl.
    4.What is Plug-in Herin?
    A.The grwing ppularity f electrnics.
    B.The serius cnsequences f technlgy use
    C.The unreasnable dependence n electrnics.
    D.The future pssibility f technlgy develpment.
    5.The secnd paragraph is intended t __________.
    A.tell peple it is ridiculus t use electrnicsB.persuade peple t quit electrnics
    C.prve electrnics are harmful t pepleD.shw peple’s addictin t electrnics
    6.Why is it difficult t avid electrnics nwadays?
    A.T many things are available in electrnic frms
    B.The design f paper bks is less interesting.
    C.It is a must t use electrnics t keep in tuch.
    D.Fewer chices are left fr cmmunicatin.
    7.In the authr’s pinin, what is the best way t cure electrnic addictin?
    A.Turn ff the electrnics fr an hur r tw.
    B.Be stricter abut the use f cell phnes, iPads and ther electrnics in classrms
    C.Learn t cntrl yurself.
    D.Cell phnes are frbidden in the wrkplaces.
    As part f a U. S. prgram f 30 gigawatts (十亿瓦特) f ffshre wind energy by 2030, seven majr ffshre wind farms wuld be develped n the casts, expected t prduce enugh electricity t pwer mre than 10 millin hmes.
    As part f a plan t address glbal warming, they culd reduce abut 78 millin metric tns f planet-warming carbn dixide emissins, while creating 77, 000 jbs, fficials said.
    In additin t using ffshre wind, the gvernment is wrking t increase renewable energy prductin n public lands, with a gal f at least 25 gigawatts f nshre renewable energy frm wind and slar pwer by 2025.
    Haaland, directr f the Bureau f Ocean Energy Management, said fficials hpe t reduce ptential cnflicts with fishing grups and ther cean users. Cmmercial fishing businesses have said planned ffshre wind prjects ff the East Cast wuld make it difficult t harvest valuable seafd species. Sme cnservatin grups als fear that big turbines (涡轮) will kill thusands f birds.
    Heather Zichal, a climate advisr, said the gal fr ffshre wind was ambitius but achievable. Wind pwer is an essential part f the gal t reach 100% carbn pllutin-free electricity by 2035, she said.
    In a related annuncement, the Energy Department said it is spending $11.5 millin t study risks that ffshre wind develpment may pse t birds, bats and marine mammals, and survey changes in cmmercial fish and marine ppulatins at an ffshre wind site n the East Cast. “In rder fr Americans living in castal areas t see the benefits f ffshre wind, we must ensure that it’s dne with care fr the surrunding ecsystem by c-existing with fisheries and marine life — and that’s exactly what this investment will d,” Energy Secretary Jennifer said.
    8.What d the first tw paragraphs mainly tell us abut the prgram?
    A.It will prvide pwer and jb chances.B.It can bst land prductin f pwer.
    C.It will d slight harm t the envirnment.D.It’s intended t deal with glbal warming.
    9.What’s the fear f sme cnservatin grups?
    A.Sme valuable cean species will disappear.
    B.Offshre energy prductin will be banned.
    C.The existence f seabirds wuld be threatened.
    D.Fishermen wuld see a big drp in their incme.
    10.What did Jennifer say abut the prgram?
    A.It has caused ptential danger t marine life and birds.
    B.Effrts will be made t prtect surrunding cean life.
    C.It will cntribute direct t the gal f carbn-free cean.
    D.A lt f mney has been used in related ffshre research.
    11.Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A.Offshre Energy Is Prmted by Ocean Ecsystem
    B.Ocean Wind Helps Cut Carbn Dixide Emissins
    C.America Pineers t Be Free f Harmful Emissins
    D.U. S. Reveals Ocean Wind Farms t Cut Emissins
    As aging ppulatin gets bigger and dementia(老年痴呆症) mre cmmn, mre families are struggling with a cmplex questin: Hw d yu supprt a lved ne with dementia, especially when yu have a full-time jb and several kids?
    Reg Urbanwski may have an answer t this pressing issue-rbts.
    He and his team managed t develp a new type f rbts named TP rbts. Lking like stand-up vacuum cleaners(真空吸尘器) attached t an iPad, they can be activated remtely via a smartphne and guided remtely by a cntrller app similar t the way a muse is used n a desktp cmputer. All pssess audi and visual cmmunicatin capabilities, allwing the peratr t be “in the rm” t interact with Mm r Dad.
    He believes that caregivers and family members can use a TP rbt t “lk in” n peple with mild dementia. He says, “TP rbts prvide an effective slutin fr reducing caregivers’ burden, especially fr thse wh have career r ther ut-f-hme activities.”
    Urbanwski and his team have carried ut a study that invlves prviding TP rbts fr 15 Trnt families. These rbts are prgrammed t prvide reminders f necessary daily rutine like turning ff the gas, taking medicine and having dinner. They will als help ensure patients are getting the exercise they need t maintain their health and well-being.
    Erin Crawfrd, Prgram Directr with the Alzheimer Sciety f Manitba, says she has faith that TP rbts will prve beneficial, particularly when it cmes t reminding peple with dementia t d certain things at certain times. “It means that family members that can’t be there, fr whatever reasn, knw that thse things are still happening, ”she says.
    12.What can we infer abut TP rbts frm Paragraph 3?
    A.It’s easy t perate.
    B.It can clean the rm.
    C.It’s cnvenient t carry.
    D.It can be used n a cmputer.
    13.Hw will TP rbts help thse with dementia?
    A.By having dinner with them.
    B.By turning ff the gas fr them.
    C.By ding activities with them.
    D.By reminding them t take pills.
    14.What’s Erin Crawfrd’s attitude t the future f TP rbts?
    15.What is the main’ idea f the text?
    A.TP rbts prvide a new cure fr dementia.
    B.TP rbts help t take care f dementia patients.
    C.Caregivers f dementia will be replaced by TP rbts.
    D.Urbanwski and his team are develping a new rbt.
    Fd safety is a prblem in all places arund the wrld and peple in different areas f the wrld prepare fds in different ways. The WHO released five simple rules fr preparing fd in a safe way. 16
    Key 1: Keep clean.
    The first key tells abut the imprtance f washing. Peple shuld wash their hands ften—befre tuching fd, while they are preparing fd, and any time after they g t the tilet. Peple shuld wash all surfaces and equipment used fr preparing fd. 17
    Key 2: 18
    Peple shuld separate raw, r uncked fds frm fds that are already cked and fds that will nt be cked. Peple shuld stre raw meat, chicken, and fish in cntainers, r in separate areas. Raw fds shuld nt tuch prepared fds.
    Key 3:Ck cmpletely.
    Peple shuld ck eggs and meat, like birds, seafd, and animals, especially carefully. These fds may carry mre micr­rganisms than ther fds. Fd like sup must be biled fr at least a minute t make it be cked cmpletely. It is als imprtant that peple re­heat cked fd cmpletely.
    Key 4:Keep fd at safe temperatures.
    When peple are finished with eating, they shuld keep the left fd in a refrigeratr belw 5℃ and shuldn’t stre it fr t lng. At rm temperature, abut 20℃, the amunt f micr­rganisms can increase very quickly. 19 They cannt grw as quickly in a very ht r very cld envirnment.
    Key 5:Use safe water and raw materials.
    20 Damaged r ld fd may develp harmful chemicals as it gets lder.
    A.Separate raw and cked fds.
    B.Eat cked fd immediately while it is still ht.
    C.They call these rules the “Five Keys t Safer Fd”.
    D.Peple shuld use safe water and chse fresh fds.
    E.Keeping everything clean helps peple t avid micr­rganisms.
    F.Peple shuld als prtect cking areas and fd frm insects and animals.
    G.But temperatures abve 60℃ r belw 5℃ cntrl the grwth f micr­rganisms.
    第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分45 分)
    Man’s best friend is being credited with saving his wner’s life during a scare.
    81-year-ld Harry Smith f Prt St. Lucie, Flrida is a man f 21 . He takes his 9-year-ld dg Sarah Jane fr a walk arund the lake acrss the street frm his huse twice a day, every day. Smith, wh uses an electric wheelchair t 22 , was n ne f his regular walks when smething 23 happened. The left wheel f his wheelchair gt 24 in a pit (坑), and as he tried t reverse ut f the dirt, his wheelchair lst tractin. He ended up rlling dwn the 25 and flipping ff his wheelchair int the lake.
    Sensing her wner was in 26 , Sarah Jane began barking ludly as Smith 27 t keep his head abve water. Her persistent barking 28 the attentin f tw neighbrs wrking in their driveway acrss the street, wh rushed ver t see what the 29 was abut. One f thse men was Edward Shuling, wh said he 30 thught the dg may have gtten int a fight with an alligatr, befre he saw Smith’s head sticking ut f the water. Shuling instantly 31 in.
    A secnd neighbr, Aby “Jacb” Chack, was 32 clsely and happened t spt Officer Adam n his way dwn t the water. Tgether, the three men 33 Smith ut f the water and back t safety, much t his and Sarah Jane’s 34 .
    “We are thankful fr Mr. Smith’s dg and the tw bystanders that helped save his life!” the pst reads. “And as the saying remains 35 man’s best friend is his dg.”
    22.A.glance arundB.cme arundC.get arundD.turn arund
    第Ⅱ 卷(非选择题 共50分)
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分 满分15分)
    In the nt-t-distant future, we will be living in smart hmes. These smart hmes will ensure ur 36 (secure), save us energy, and prvide a mre cmfrtable envirnment t live in. We will be using advanced technlgy every day — fr 37 (autmatin) cntrl f just abut everything in ur hme. The future hme will use integrated sensrs 38 (tell) when yu leave hme each mrning, and then g int an energy-efficient mde all by 39 (it). Yur hme will als learn yur daily rutine and 40 (prefer), s everything will be ready fr yu when yu get hme each evening. All cntrls will respnd 41 vice cmmands, s if yu want t change yur rutine, yu just say alud 42 yu want and the hme system will bey. In additin, the smart hme 43 (prgramme) t mnitr yur health every day. Smart hmes will be able t prevent serius damage frm accidents. If there is 44 shrt in the electrical wiring, yur smart hme will detect it and prvide yu with the relevant infrmatin. This way, yu will be able t fix the prblem befre yur hme becmes flded 45 catches fire.
    1. 推荐旅行城市或景点;
    2. 推荐的理由;
    3. 注意事项。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Tm,
    Li Hua
    Mrs. March has fur daughters. They are Amy, J, Meg and Beth. Summer vacatin came, and the girls wanted t relax and nt d any husewrk.
    “May we, Mther?” asked Meg, turning t Mrs. March, wh sat nearby.
    “Yu may try yur experiment fr a week and see hw yu like it. I think by Saturday night yu will find that all play and n wrk is as bad as all wrk and n play.” said Mrs. March.
    “Oh, dear, n! It will be wnderful, I’m sure,” said Meg eagerly.
    The next mrning, Meg did nt appear till ten 'clck. The rm seemed lnely and unclean as n ne had dne their duties that mrning. J spent the mrning n the river, and the afternn reading. Beth spent the mrning with her music, pleased that she had n dishes t wash. Amy sat dwn t draw flwers.
    The secnd day, the third day... they repeated the same life.
    Thugh Mrs. March did her daughters’ duties arund the huse, keeping hme pleasant. It was astnishing what a strange and uncmfrtable state the huse was in with everyne “resting.” The days kept getting lnger and lnger, and the girls became upset mre easily, quarreling quite a bit mre ften.
    N ne wuld admit that they were tired f the experiment, but by Friday night, they realized that they were glad the week was nearly ver. Mrs. March then decided t finish ff the experiment in an apprpriate manner.
    When they gt up n Saturday mrning, there was n fire in the kitchen, n breakfast in the dining rm, and n mther anywhere t be seen.
    “What has happened?” cried J in shck.
    Meg ran upstairs and sn came back. “She says it’s been a hard week fr her, s we mustn’t cmplain, but take care f urselves.” said Meg.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Beth and Amy set the table, while J and Meg gt breakfast…
    “If yu learn a bit f cking, J and Meg. That is quite useful” said Mrs. March...
    1.C 2.D 3.D
    1.细节理解题。根据文章Eguisheim, France部分中的“It has beautiful half-timbered (露明木架的) huses, stne streets and churches in the Middle Ages.(它有美丽的露明木架的房屋,石头街道和中世纪的教堂。)”可知,Eguisheim拥有独特的露明木架的房屋。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland部分中的“And please dn’t frget this fun fact that J. R. R. Tlkien was ever inspired by Lauterbrunnen when he was writing abut the Rivendell valley in The Lrd f the Rings.(请不要忘记这个有趣的事实,J. R. R. Tlkien在写《指环王》中Rivendell山谷的时候就受到了Lauterbrunnen的启发。)”可知,J. R. R. Tlkien是个作家。故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据文章Guimarâes, Prtugal部分中的“Even thugh Guimarâes is a bit bigger than the ther places n this list, it still has a charming feel with small shps and pen areas.(Guimarâes比榜单上的其他地方要大一些,但它仍然有一种迷人的感觉,那里有小商店和开放的区域。)”可知,四个地方中最大的是Guimarâes。故选D。
    4.C 5.D 6.A 7.C
    4.细节理解题。根据第一段“Technlgy use seems t be the new wave f addictin hitting peple f all ages. Its extreme use can be cmpared t the use f drugs, which is called Plug-in Herin. (过度使用科技似乎是新的成瘾形式。过度使用科技产品与吸毒一样,被称之为Plug-in Herin)”可知,Plug-in Herin是指过度使用电子产品的成瘾行为。下文接着通过公共场所的例子说明人们对电子产品的过度使用和依赖,由此可知,Plug-in Herin是指不理性地依赖电子产品。故选C。
    5.主旨大意题。根据第二段“It’s hard t find smene wh isn’t glued t the tiny screen, fingers mving at lightning speeds, texting their friends, emailing c-wrkers r listening t music. (很难发现某个人不盯着手机屏幕,手指快速地翻阅手机,给朋友们发短信,给同事发电子邮件或听音乐)”并结合该段其他内容可知,第二段描写了人们对电子产品终日沉迷的现象。故选D。
    6.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Hwever, it’s hard t avid electrnics in this day and age because almst everything is turning int an electrnic frmat.(然而,在这个时代很难避免电子产品,因为几乎所有东西都变成了电子形式)”可知,当今人们很难避免使用科技产品,因为更多的信息倾向于以电子形式提供。故选A。
    7.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“There nly seems t be ne cure left, and it may be the hardest: self cntrl.(似乎只剩下一种治愈方法,而且可能是最困难的:自我控制)”可知,作者认为最好的治愈电子上瘾的方法是学会控制自己。故选C。
    8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D
    8.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“expected t prduce enugh electricity t pwer mre than 10 millin hmes.(预计将产生足够1000万户家庭使用的电力)”以及第二段“they culd reduce abut 78 millin metric tns f planet-warming carbn dixide emissins, while creating 77, 000 jbs,(它们可以减少约7800万吨导致全球变暖的二氧化碳排放,同时创造77000个就业岗位)”可知,第一、二段讲述美国这个海上风能发电项目,说它将会生产三百亿瓦特的电量,提供很多工作岗位。故选A。
    9.推理判断题。根据第四段“Sme cnservatin grups als fear that big turbines (涡轮) will kill thusands f birds.(一些环保组织也担心大型涡轮机会杀死数千只鸟类)”可知,有些保护组织担心,海洋风能发电机的涡轮会杀死数以千计的鸟。故选C。
    10.推理判断题。最后一段“In rder fr Americans living in castal areas t see the benefits f ffshre wind, we must ensure that it’s dne with care fr the surrunding ecsystem by c-existing with fisheries and marine life — and that’s exactly what this investment will d,” Energy Secretary Jennifer said.(为了让生活在沿海地区的美国人看到离岸风能带来的好处,我们必须确保它与渔业和海洋生物共存,同时保护周围的生态系统——这正是这项投资的目的,能源部长詹妮弗说)”可知,在这个海上风能发电项目的实施过程中,为了让美国沿海地区的人们看到海上风能发电的好处,必须确保项目的实施会关注到周围的生态系统,与渔业和海洋生物共存。故选B。
    11.主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段“As part f a U. S. prgram f 30 gigawatts (十亿瓦特) f ffshre wind energy by 2030, seven majr ffshre wind farms wuld be develped n the casts, expected t prduce enugh electricity t pwer mre than 10 millin hmes.(作为美国到2030年300亿瓦特海上风能项目的一部分,七个主要的海上风力发电场将在沿海地区开发,预计将产生足够的电力供应超过1000万个家庭)”可知,本文介绍了美国准备实施的海洋风能发电项目,包括这个项目的规模、环保方面的测评等。故选D。
    12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Reg Urbanwski和他的团队发明了一种新型机器人,这种机器人可以照顾患有老年痴呆的人,帮助人们解决无法陪在病人身边的问题。同时这些机器人也可以提醒病人做必要的日常工作。
    12.推理判断题。根据第三段“Lking like stand-up vacuum cleaners attached t an iPad, they can be activated remtely via a smartphne and guided remtely by a cntrller app similar t the way a muse is used n a desktp cmputer. All pssess audi and visual cmmunicatin capabilities, allwing the peratr t be “in the rm” t interact with Mm r Dad. (看起来像是在连接iPad上的立式真空吸尘器,它们可以通过智能手机远程启动,并由一个类似于台式电脑鼠标使用的控制器应用程序来远程引导。所有设备都具有音频和视频通信能力,允许操作者“在房间里”与爸爸妈妈互动)”可知,这个机器人可以通过手机启动,通过软件操作,具有音频和视频通信能力,所以可以推断出机器人很容易操作,与选项A“It’s easy t perate. (它很容易操作)”符合。故选A。
    13.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“These rbts are prgrammed t prvide reminders f necessary daily rutine like turning ff the gas, taking medicine and having dinner. (这些机器人被编程来提供必要的日常生活提醒,比如关闭煤气,吃药和吃饭)”可知,TP机器人能提醒痴呆症患者吃药,与选项D“By reminding them t take pills.(提醒他们吃药)”符合。故选D。
    14.观点态度题。根据最后一段“Erin Crawfrd, Prgram Directr with the Alzheimer Sciety f Manitba, says she has faith that TP rbts will prve beneficial, particularly when it cmes t reminding peple with dementia t d certain things at certain times. (马尼托巴州阿尔茨海默症协会的项目主管Erin Crawfrd说,她相信TP机器人将被证明是有好处的,特别是在提醒痴呆症患者在某些时候做某些事情方面)”可知,Erin Crawfrd相信TP机器人将被证明是有好处的,可以看出她对TP机器人的未来发展前景是持积极乐观的态度的,与选项A“Optimistic.(乐观的)”符合。故选A。
    15.主旨大意题。根据第一段“As aging ppulatin gets bigger and dementia(老年痴呆症) mre cmmn, mre families are struggling with a cmplex questin: Hw d yu supprt a lve dne with dementia, especially when yu have a full-time jb and several kids?(随着老龄化人口的增加和痴呆症的日益普遍,越来越多的家庭正在为一个复杂的问题挣扎:你如何照顾一个患有痴呆症的家人,尤其是当你有一份全职和几个孩子的时候?)”可知,第一段提出问题,根据第二段“Reg Urbanwski may have an answer t this pressing issue—rbts. (Reg Urbanwski也许能回答这个紧迫的问题:机器人)”可知,第二段提出机器人能解决这个问题,综合全文可知,文章主要介绍了Reg Urbanwski和他的团队发明了一种新型机器人,这种机器人可以照顾患有老年痴呆的人,帮助人们解决无法陪在病人身边的问题。同时这些机器人也可以提醒病人做必要的日常工作。与选项B“TP rbts help t take care f dementia patients.(TP机器人帮助照顾痴呆病人)”符合。故选B。
    16.C 17.E 18.A 19.G 20.D
    16.根据上文“The WHO released five simple rules fr preparing fd in a safe way. (世界卫生组织发布了安全制备食品的五条简单规则。)”可知,这里提到了安全制备食品的五条简单规则。选项C“他们将这些规则称为“食品安全的五大关键”。”和上文意思一致。故选C。
    17.根据上文“Keep clean. (保持干净。)”可知,这一段要求要保持干净。选项E“保持一切清洁有助于人们避开微生物。”和上文意思一致。故选E。
    18.根据下文“Peple shuld separate raw, r uncked fds frm fds that are already cked and fds that will nt be cked. Peple shuld stre raw meat, chicken, and fish in cntainers, r in separate areas. Raw fds shuld nt tuch prepared fds.( 人们应该将生的或未煮熟的食物与已经煮熟的食物和不会煮熟的食物分开。人们应该将生肉、鸡肉和鱼储存在容器中,或者单独存放。生的食物不应接触已准备好的食物。)”可知,这一段讲的是要把生的食物和熟的食物分开放置。选项A“把生的食物和熟的食物分开。”和下文意思一致。故选A。
    19.根据上文“At rm temperature, abut 20℃, the amunt f micr­rganisms can increase very quickly. (在大约20℃的室温下,微生物的数量会迅速增加。)”可知,此处讲的是微生物的生存环境。选项G“但60℃以上或5℃以下的温度控制着微生物的生长。”和上文意思一致。故选G。
    20.根据上文“Use safe water and raw materials. (使用安全的水和原材料。)”可知,这一段是要求人们使用安全的水和原材料。选项D“人们应该使用安全的水并选择新鲜的食物。”和上文意思一致。故选D。
    21.B 22.C 23.A 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了某天史密斯不幸落水,狗狗Sarah Jane通过大叫引来了附近的两个邻居和警长,在他们三人的共同努力下,史密斯获救。这个故事告诉我们,狗狗是人类最好的朋友。
    21.考查名词词义辨析。句意:佛罗里达州圣卢西港81岁的哈里·史密斯是一个循例的人。A. actin行为;B. rutine例行程序,常规;C. virtue美德;D. character角色。根据下文“He takes his 9-year-ld dg Sarah Jane fr a walk arund the lake acrss the street frm his huse twice a day, every day.”可知,史密斯在生活中是循例的。且下文“his regular walks”也是提示。故选B。
    22.考查动词短语辨析。句意:史密斯使用电动轮椅四处走动,他在一次例行散步中发生了不寻常的事情。A. glance arund环视;B. cme arund苏醒,恢复知觉;C. get arund到处走,传开;D. turn arund转身。根据上文“He takes his 9-year-ld dg Sarah Jane fr a walk arund the lake acrss the street frm his huse twice à day, every day.”可知,史密斯每天都坐着轮椅去散步,四处走走。故选C。
    23.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:史密斯使用电动轮椅四处走动,他在一次例行散步中发生了不寻常的事情。A. unusual不寻常的;B. strange奇怪的;C. difficult困难的;D. puzzling令人不解的。根据下文“The left wheel f his wheelchair gt 4 in a pit (坑), and as he tried t reverse ut f the dirt, his wheelchair lst tractin.”可知,这次史密斯散步时发生了不寻常的事情。故选A。
    24.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他的轮椅左轮卡在坑里,当他试图倒车离开泥土时,轮椅失去了牵引力。A. stuck被困住的;B. separated分开的;C. hit被打的;D. brken坏的。根据下文“as he tried t reverse ut f the dirt”可知,史密斯的轮椅卡在了坑里。故选A。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:最后他滚下了河岸,从轮椅上摔了下来掉进了湖里。A. hill小山;B. bank银行,河堤;C. river小河;D. wheelchair轮椅。根据下文“flipping ff his wheelchair int the lake”可知,史密斯滚下了河岸。故选B。
    26.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当史密斯挣扎着把头露出水面时,莎拉·简意识到她的主人遇到了麻烦,开始大声吠叫。A. dubt怀疑;B. depth深度;C. truble麻烦;D. despair绝望。根据上文“flipping ff his wheelchair int the lake”可知,史密斯掉进了湖里,可得出史密斯遇到了麻烦。故选C。
    27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当史密斯挣扎着把头露出水面时,莎拉·简意识到她的主人遇到了麻烦,开始大声吠叫。A. hurried匆忙;B. waved挥动;C. struggled挣扎;D. jumped跳跃。结合常识和史密斯是残疾人可知,掉入水中时他会挣扎,努力让自己不被水淹。故选C。
    28.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她持续不断的吠叫引起了街对面车道上两个正在工作的邻居的注意,他们冲过去看看噪音是怎么回事。 A. distracted使……分心;B. fcused关注,专注;C. demanded要求;D. caught抓住,赶上。根据下文“wh rushed ver t see what the 9 was abut.”可知,狗的吠叫引起了邻居的注意,catch ne’s attentin“引起某人的注意”。故选D。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她持续不断的吠叫引起了街对面车道上两个正在工作的邻居的注意,他们冲过去看看噪音是怎么回事。A. nise噪音;B. incident事件;C. scene场景,场面;D. event事件,比赛项目。根据上文“Sarah Jane began barking ludly”可知,此处是指狗叫发出的噪音。故选A。
    30.考查副词词义辨析。句意:其中一名男子是爱德华·舒林,他说,在看到史密斯的头伸出水面之前,他最初认为这条狗可能与一只短吻鳄打架。A. additinally此外;B. initially最初;C. eventually最后;D. similarly相似地。根据下文“befre he saw Smith’s head sticking ut f the water.”可知,此处是指爱德华·舒林最初以为是狗在和短吻鳄打架,但当他看到史密斯的头部后明白了是怎么回事。故选B。
    31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:爱德华·舒林立即跳进了水里。A. turned转动;B. fell落下;C. checked核查;D. jumped跳。根据上文“flipping ff his wheelchair int the lake”可知,此处是指爱德华·舒林跳进水里去救落水的史密斯。故选D。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个邻居,阿比·雅各布·查科紧紧地跟在后面,碰巧看到亚当警官在去河边的路上。A. appearing出现;B. fllwing跟随;C. mving 移动,搬动;D. cming来到。根据下文“clsely”推知,此处是指阿比·雅各布·查科紧跟在爱德华·舒林的后面,他也是来救史密斯的。故选B。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:三个人一起把史密斯从水里拖了出来,回到了安全的地方,这让他和莎拉·简如释重负。A. pulled拉;B. seized抓住;C. tre撕碎;D. kicked踢。结合常识可知,此处是指三个人合力把落水的史密斯拉了出来。故选A。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。三个人一起把史密斯从水里拖了出来,回到了安全的地方,这让他和莎拉·简如释重负。A. delight高兴;B. amusement快乐;C. surprise惊讶,惊喜;D. relief宽慰,轻松。根据上文“and back t safety”可知,史密斯安全了,这让他和狗狗都松了口气。故选D。
    35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:正如谚语所说的那样……一个人最好的朋友是他的狗。A. certain确定的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. true真的;D. ppular受欢迎的,流行的。结合句意,此处考查固定表达as the saying remains true (正如谚语所说的那样)。故选C。
    36.security 37.autmatic 38.t tell 39.itself 40.preferences 41.t 42.what 43.will be prgrammed 44.a
    38.考查动词不定式。句意:未来的家庭将使用集成传感器来区分你每天早上什么时候离开家,然后自动进入节能模式。根据“when yu leave hme each mrning”和“The future hme will use integrated sensrs”可知,此处是指使用集成传感器来区分你每天早上什么时候离开家,所以应用t d不定式作目的状语。故填t tell。
    41.考查介词。句意:所有的控制都会响应语音命令,所以如果你想改变你的例行程序,你只要大声说出你想要什么,家庭系统就会服从。respnd t意为“响应”,为固定搭配,所以此处应用介词t。故填t。
    43.考查一般将来时的被动语态。句意:此外,智能家居将被设置每天监测你的健康状况。根据后文“Smart hmes will be able t prevent serius damage frm accidents.(智能家居将能够防止事故造成的严重损害。)”可知,此处应用一般将来时。动词prgramme意为“调好,设置(机器使之按某种方式运作)”,和主语构成被动关系。故填will be prgrammed。
    45.考查连词。句意:这样,你就能在你的房子被水淹或着火之前解决问题。根据“becmes flded”和“catches fire”构成选择关系,所以应用连词r。故填r。
    46.One pssible versin:
    Dear Tm,
    I’m happy t receive yur letter and knw that yu’re cming t China. I’m writing t sincerely express my warmest welcme. I’d like t tell yu smething abut sme places f interest in China. Persnally, ne f the best is the Great Wall. With a histry f ver 2,000 years, it runs like a huge dragn acrss nrthern China, which nw is a wrld-famus turist attractin.
    If yu cme t visit the Great Wall, yu’d better avid weekends r hlidays when it is t crwded with turists, s that yu can enjy its beauty mre peacefully.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    收到你的来信:receive yur letter→hear frm yu
    名胜古迹:places f interest→turist attractins
    就我个人而言:persnally→as far as I’m cncerned
    平静地:peacefully→in peace
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:I’m happy t receive yur letter and knw that yu’re cming t China.
    拓展句:I’m happy t receive yur letter, knwing that yu’re cming t China.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】With a histry f ver 2,000 years, it runs like a huge dragn acrss nrthern China, which nw is a wrld-famus turist attractin.(使用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】If yu cme t visit the Great Wall, yu’d better avid weekends r hlidays when it is t crwded with turists, s that yu can enjy its beauty mre peacefully.(使用了If引导条件状语从句、when引导定语从句和s that引导目的状语从句)
    47.One pssible versin
    Beth and Amy set the table, while J and Meg gt breakfast. Fearing t ask advice, J and Meg did their best alne, and discvered that cking, indeed, was a rather difficult task. They biled the vegetables fr t lng, and was upset t see they were t sft. The bread burned black, the meat was tugh, and rather difficult t cut, and the ptates were nt finished. After the ruined breakfast was finished, they walked ut with the dessert prudly, and watched as each ne tasted the creatin. Unfrtunately, nne f them are satisfied with breakfast.
    “If yu learn a bit f cking, J and Meg. That is quite useful” said Mrs. March. She added that the cmfrt f hme depends n each ding her duties. The girl finally understd that when mther did their wrk, they did quite well, thugh they didn’t think they were very happy. “Dn’t yu feel that it is mre pleasant t help ne anther t make hme cmfrtable and lvely t us all?” “We d, Mther, we d!” cried the girls. “Then, yu must take up yur duties again tmrrw. I knw they smetimes seem difficult, but they becme easier with time.”
    ①.尽力而为:d ne’s best/d everything in ne’s pwer
    ③.互相帮助:help ne anther/help each ther
    ②.骄傲地:prudly/with pride
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. Fearing t ask advice, J and Meg did their best alne, and discvered that cking, indeed, was a rather difficult task. (由that引导的宾语从句,作discvered的宾语)
    [高分句型2]. She added that the cmfrt f hme depends n each ding her duties.(由that引导的宾语从句,作added的宾语)

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    河南省周口市川汇区周口恒大中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题: 这是一份河南省周口市川汇区周口恒大中学2023-2024学年高三下学期开学英语试题,共21页。试卷主要包含了请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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