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    专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)
    专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)01
    专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)02
    专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)03
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    专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019)

    这是一份专题05 阅读理解20篇(名校最新期末真题)-高一英语上学期期末复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019),共13页。试卷主要包含了吃透文章文章大意和中心思想,理解文中具体信息,作出简单判断和推理,准确把握作者的意图、观点和态度, A is fr actin,细节理解题等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    人教版(2019)高一英语上学期期末复习 查缺补漏冲刺满分
    专题05 阅读理解20篇

    1. 先看问题,再读文章
    2. 抓住广告的标题
    3. 逐项比较,得出最佳

    (2022·西藏拉萨·高一期末)The swan is a large, beautiful bird with a long neck, big white wings and wide feet. It is a great flyer because of its strong wings. It is also a good swimmer, swimming quickly and nicely through the water. But on dry land, it’s a different story—the swan’s heavy body and slow walk make it look a bit funny!
    Swans live anywhere there is fresh water, like lakes and slow-moving rivers. They eat water plants and small fish. Swans are very territorial (地盘性的), which means that they protect their homes against any strangers. When swans want to look strong, they stand up tall, show their long necks and open their big wings while letting out big noises.
    In spring, swans make a nest (巢) of tree leaves near the water. They often use the same nest year after year, repairing it when egg laying time comes round. The mother swan lays between five and eight eggs in the nest, and then sits on them to keep them warm and safe until about a month later, cygnets are born. Sometimes the father swan will take the first—born cygnets out onto the water while the mother stays to look after the other eggs. The cygnets are looked after by both parents, who will fight other animals, people or even boats if they think their cygnets are in danger!
    1.To make them look strong, swans ________.
    A.swim quickly B.stand on one leg
    C.move their necks often D.open their wings
    2.About swans’ nests, we know that ________.
    A.they build their nests after spring B.they often use the same nest every year
    C.they use the nests just for laying eggs D.they build their nests under the water
    3.After laying eggs, mother swans ________.
    A.cover the eggs with tree leaves B.stay away and watch the eggs
    C.stay to sit on top of the eggs D.have the father look after the eggs
    4.The underline word “cygnets” in this passage means ________.
    A.the swan nests B.the father swans
    C.the baby swans D.the mother swans

    (2022·甘肃兰州·高一期末)Americans like to visit the national parks. In 1996, over 250,000,000 people visited areas which are managed by the National Park Service. Experts say that by 2012, 500,000,000 people per year will visit the parks. As a result, people are trying to think of ways to protect the parks from the crowds.
    The crowding of the parks has caused several problems. One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To deal with this problem, you may have to book your tickets a few months ahead of time. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees (费) .
    Another problem caused by increased park use is pollution. Some garbage and waste can be cleaned up, and the cleanup can be paid for by increased entrance fees. To cut down on noise pollution and air pollution, the number of cars allowed in parks may be limited. If this happens, people may use buses to travel around the parks. Officials may also limit the use of jet-skis, snow- mobiles, motor-boats, and sightseeing helicopters and planes.
    The parks may also be in danger because of development that is going on around them. For example, around Yellow Stone Park, many hotels, golf courses, resorts, and other tourist attractions have been built. Some of these developments have effect on areas that are used by animals. People will have to learn to agree about ways to protect the parks. If they do not, there will soon be no reason to visit these national treasures.
    5.Which of the following is true according to the text?
    A.Visitors will pay less than before.
    B.The parks are not big enough to hold all visitors.
    C.Visitors may not necessarily buy tickets ahead of time.
    D.Only buses are allowed to enter the parks.
    6.Entrance fees may be increased ________.
    A.because the National Park Service are short of money
    B.only for the development of the national parks
    C.to protect the animals
    D.mainly to limit the number of visitors
    7.What is the most possible meaning of the underlined word “limited” in Paragraph 3?
    A.Enlarged. B.Admitted. C.Controlled. D.Concerned.
    8.What can be inferred from the passage?
    A.High fees may probably keep some people out of parks.
    B.Helicopters and planes will not be used in parks any longer.
    C.The bus will become the only tool in parks in order to cut down pollution.
    D.National Park Service will always welcome as many visitors as possible.

    (2022·黑龙江·牡丹江市第二高级中学高一期末)The tradition of giving gifts didn’t start with the modern holidays we celebrate. Many ancient cultures celebrated holidays with the exchange of gifts. People who love to give gifts often can’t wait until it’s time for the recipients to open their gifts. If you’ve ever been given a gift, you know that part of the fun is the curiosity that builds as you wonder what the gift is.
    The wish to hide the identity of a gift until just the right moment led people to wrap gifts long, long ago. Historians believed wrapping gifts in paper probably started not long after paper was invented thousands of years ago.
    Wrapping paper like what we use today, though, is a much more recent invention. More than 100 years ago, gifts were usually wrapped in heavy brown paper. Before that, cloth was often used. The technology to mass-produce wrapping paper didn’t come along until the early 1900s. The first American gift wrap company— Hy-Sill Manufacturing Inc. — was founded by Eli Hyman and Morris Silverman in 1903. It wasn’t as easy to wrap presents back then as it is today, though, because adhesive tape (胶带) wasn’t invented until 1930.
    Over the years, wrapping paper has developed into what we see in stores each holiday season. But scientists say that the United States alone produces an extra 5 million tons of waste over the holidays, most of which is from wrapping paper and shopping bags. To cut down on this waste, some people carefully unwrap presents, so that the wrapping paper can be reused. Others have started to use reusable gift bags instead of wrapping paper.
    9.What is the interesting part of people giving a gift?
    A.Hiding their gifts and their feelings.
    B.Giving the recipients a surprise.
    C.Letting the recipients open gifts at once.
    D.Following a century-old tradition.
    10.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
    A.People didn’t know wrapping paper until 1903.
    B.Heavy brown paper has been used to wrap gifts for 100 years.
    C.Technology made wrapping paper widely available.
    D.Adhesive tape was first created by gift wrap companies.
    11.What do scientists worry about?
    A.The future of reusable gift bags.
    B.The waste produced by Americans.
    C.Wrapping paper’s influence on the environment.
    D.People’s admiration for wrapping paper.
    12.What does the text mainly tell us?
    A.The popularity of wrapping gifts.
    B.The start of wrapping gifts in paper.
    C.The problems caused by wrapping paper.
    D.The story behind wrapping paper.

    (2022·黑龙江·牡丹江市第二高级中学高一期末)Last night at work, a girl came in and sat at the bar. She asked for a cup of water and a menu and eventually ordered a bacon cheeseburger which costs roughly $12 at my restaurant.
    After eating for a few minutes, she asked me for a napkin (餐巾) and a pen. I saw her writing on the napkin but didn’t think anything of it. When I turned around, she was gone. As I went to clear her plate, I noticed that she had left a $100 bill along with a note that read, “Today marks my 14th day of chemo (化疗) along with my 26th birthday. Life’s been good to me so far, and I think I will pass my luck on to someone else. Have a great night!”
    I have never been so touched by a stranger in my entire life. About 3 months ago, my own mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, so this hit very close to home. Having just witnessed my mother completed her first 5-week cycle of chemo, I know the pain and exhaustion this young woman is feeling. On top of the chemo, she was selfless enough on her own birthday that she gave a stranger a gift.
    This young woman has completely touched my soul and has affected my life in a way that I will never forget. I hope to see her again one day, so I can tell her how much her random act of kindness has touched me and finally changed my life.
    Thank you for being such a beautiful person and I pray that you get well.
    Thank you for making the world a better place.
    13.The author might work as a ______.
    A.singer B.doctor C.cook D.waitress
    14.How did the girl offer her kindness?
    A.By giving some economic support to someone in need.
    B.By offering free chemo to someone else.
    C.By buying a dinner for someone else.
    D.By writing a letter full of kindness.
    15.What does the underlined phrase “hit very close to home” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.To make somebody go home.
    B.To know somebody’s address.
    C.To have a strong effect on somebody.
    D.To send food to somebody’s home.
    16.Why does the author want to see the girl again?
    A.To thank her for the money she left.
    B.To tell her what effect she has on the author.
    C.To tell her she is very beautiful.
    D.To wish her good luck in getting well.

    (2022·江苏淮安·高一期末)Emma Rosen had one of the best and most sought-after jobs in the civil service in the UK. 20,000 candidates (候选人) applied, but fewer than 1,000 were offered jobs. But it turned out that she didn’t like sitting at a desk all day, and she struggled to see how what she was doing would make much difference to anything.
    Instead of going to work every day and complaining about her job until she reached retirement age, Emma decided to find out what made her happy, what her skills were, and what sort of career would need them. She wrote a list of the jobs she had wanted to do since childhood and set about getting two-week placements (安排) in all of them over a year.
    She was 24 years old, and she wanted o have tried out at least 25 different jobs before her 25th birthday. She spent the months before she quit her job saving up her year off, and. spent all her free time setting up the different jobs.
    A year later, Emma said her favorites were the jobs that were more creative, relevant to travel or were outdoors. “Things like travel writing, archaeology, farming, working with the police, being a blogger, an explorer and an author,” she said.
    “Considering that I am now working as a writer and speaker, communication skills in both verbal (口头的) and written form have been the most important. There were also plenty of more technical skills that I learned, like website design, social media management, building a commercial brand and conducting interviews.”
    Emma added she also saw her softer people-focused skills improve. “I could be very adaptable, quickly build relationships and accept change—I could walk into a new team or situation and get on well with everyone. Finally, there were things like showing that I was active, an independent and creative thinker as well as an innovative problem solver—I could certainly show that I could think outside the box!”
    17.What does the underlined word “sought-after” mean in the first paragraph?
    A.Complicated. B.Desirable. C.Ordinary. D.Traditional.
    18.Why did Emma quit her job in the civil service?
    A.The job made no difference to anything.
    B.The job made her complain all day long.
    C.She was struggling to do the current job.
    D.She was eager to realize her self-worth.
    19.Which of the following best describes Emma’s favorite jobs?
    A.They are care-free and popular ones in civil service.
    B.They are only the ones needing communication skills.
    C.They are where creativity and skills were badly needed.
    D.They have nothing to do with travel or outdoors.
    20.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?
    A.Emma benefited much from experiencing a variety of jobs.
    B.Emma acquired technical skills to build a commercial brand.
    C.Emma was flexible enough to change situations to her favor.
    D.Emma thought independently to be a creative problem solver.

    (2022·江苏淮安·高一期末)Who was it on the top floor?
    The lamp lit up a man’s face. Pip didn’t recognize it, but the expression showed that its owner was pleased to see Pip.
    Suddenly Pip knew who he was when he sat down in a chair near the fire! The convict in the churchyard years ago!
    “You helped me, Pip,” said the man. “I have never forgotten it.”
    Pip felt none for him, saying, “If you’ve come here to thank me, it isn’t necessary. You must understand... But you are tired. Would you like something to drink before you go?”
    “Thank you. I know, you are no longer what you used to be. It doesn’t hurt to ask how you managed to live such a life as a gentleman.”
    “I have a benefactor,” Pip replied, embarrassed.
    “Could I guess your income?” said the convict, smiling. “Is the first figure five?”
    Pip’s heart started to beat very fast.
    “And do you have a guardian whose name begins with the letter J?”
    Suddenly Pip understood why the man was there. He stood up and held the back of a chair. The man took Pip’s hands and kissed them. But Pip still remembered that this man was a criminal.
    “You’re like a son of me, Pip. I was working for you in Australia,” the man went on. “I’m happy you are spending my money.”
    Pip smiled and listened weakly.
    “It wasn’t easy for me to see you and stay with you here. I was sent away for life. If they find me back in London, they’ll hang me.”
    Feeling even worse and too confused, Pip just said, “You are tired. You need a good sleep. Good night.”
    After an hour or two, something started to become clear to Pip. Miss Havisham had no interest in his future or plans for him and Estella. She was using them to take her revenge on men!
    21.What does the fifth paragraph imply?
    A.Thanks to Pip came much too late to be accepted.
    B.Pip was excited enough to speak quite out of breath.
    C.The man didn’t know Pip was already a gentleman.
    D.Pip actually declared the visitor to be unwelcome.
    22.What do we know about the man’s character in the passage?
    A.He was affectionate. B.He was proud.
    C.He was disgusting. D.He was cruel.
    23.What truth did Pip finally find out?
    A.He once helped the man hidden on the top floor.
    B.The man was taken away from England for life.
    C.Not Havisham but the man was his benefactor.
    D.Once a convict, always a dangerous convict.
    24.What might still puzzle Pip?
    A.Where the man came from. B.How the man became a criminal.
    C.Who was the benefactor of him. D.What risk the man took to see him.

    (2022·新疆·兵团第一师高级中学高一期末)Floyd Norman, 81, was just 20 years old in 1956 when Walt Disney Studios employed him. He was the first African-American artist to be employed by the company. “It wasn’t something he set out to do as a goal,” Erik Sharkey said. Sharkey is a codirector of the documentary Floyd Norman: An Animated Life. “It sort of happened by his pursuing(追求) the thing that he loved.”
    Norman’s first assignment was on Sleeping Beauty. He drew the characters positions that made them appear to move. A few years later, he helped bring the animated sequences(连续镜头)in Mary Poppins to life.
    While at the studio, Norman liked to create gag(诙谐)drawings that he would post around the office. His coworkers, including Walt Disney, appreciated the humor. Disney assigned Norman a job on The Jungle Book. Norman drew the “Trust in Me sequence, in which Kaa, the snake, hypnotizes(迷惑)the boy, Mowgli. It was cool to be in that room with Walt - as long as he didn’t spot you. He might ask you a question,” Norman says in the documentary, “I thought he was always going to ask me: What are you doing here?”
    In 1966, Norman left Disney to start Vignette Films with three friends. They made educational movies, including a series devoted to black history. But Norman never stopped drawing. He worked on Scooby-Doo, Jonny Quest, and Josie and the Pussycats. He also drew a Mickey Mouse comic strip(连环漫画)for Disney. In 1997, he joined Pixar to work on Toy Story 2.
    Today, Norman is back at Disney. where he is an inspiration to young artists. But he is not ready to call himself a pioneer. “I never saw myself as anything special,” Norman says. “I was just another artist looking for a job.”
    25.How did Norman make history according to Sharkey?
    A.By aiming high.
    B.By following his dreams.
    C.By setting long-term goals.
    D.By working for a world-class company.
    26.How did Walt Disney find Norman’s drawings?
    27.What did Norman do after he left Disney?
    A.He became a moviemaker.
    B.He taught young artists to draw.
    C.He wrote a book about black history.
    D.He pursued advanced study on drawing.
    28.Which of the following can best describe Norman?
    A.Honest and responsible.
    B.Optimistic and sensitive.
    C.Determined and talented.
    D.Considerate and generous.

    (2022·新疆·兵团第一师高级中学高一期末)First of all, an advertisement has to be powerful and attract people’s attention. You need a strong image (形象) that is eye-catching, a catchy slogan, a joke or something shocking. In advertising we talk about the AIDA method. A is for attention. I is for interest. D is for desire (渴望). A is for action. An ad needs to do more than just get our attention. It also has to be effective. It must get us interested, make us want the product and motivate us to go out and buy it.
    —Michael Hamilton, advertising executive
    Advertising has changed over the years. Adverts are no longer just informative and focused on the product. Many of the adverts that we see today are short stories telling inspirational tales that are often amusing, humorous and highly-developed. People do not want to remember that life can be boring. They want to see something original and creative. The adverts take away the ordinariness of everyday life and take us to somewhere unusual or romantic (浪漫的).
    —Miranda Hoyles, head of a US advertising agency
    Many people talk about advertisements that are exciting and interesting. But for me, an immediately recognisable logo (标识) is really important. Good logos have been built up so they are recognisable. Part of what makes a good advert is a clear symbol that people immediately identify with the company. A good slogan also helps you make a connection. The real thing makes you think of Coca-Cola immediately. It’s also important to ensure that your slogan does not end up bothering(烦扰) everyone.
    —Christie Peterson, illustrator
    29.According to Michael Hamilton, a good advert should _______.
    A.keep up with the times
    B.excite people’s imagination
    C.be attention-getting and persuasive
    D.be product-centered and informative
    30.What does Miranda Hoyles say about adverts today?
    A.They reflect everyday life.
    B.They are business-focused.
    C.They are complex and boring.
    D.They involve some excellent ideas.
    31.Which of the following is Christie Peterson’s main concern about advertising?
    A.Creative stories.
    B.Public recognition.
    C.The slogan and logo.
    D.Special visual effects.

    (2022·江西九江·高一期末)A tornado is a disaster; the death and damage it may leave behind is heartbreaking. And while the arrival of a hurricane is known in advance by days of warning, tornadoes strike suddenly. Those in the path of a tornado may have 15 minutes’ warning, if that. That makes safety measures for tornadoes important for survival.
    What can you do to protect your family from something like that?
    Before a storm
    • If you live in an area where tornadoes often strike, consider building a safe room in your home or make a bedroom or bathroom strong enough.
    • Pack an emergency preparedness kit (应急箱) that will meet the needs of you and your family for three days. You should put food and water for three days, batteries, first-aid kit, local maps and toilet paper in an emergency preparedness kit. Other things to consider include sleeping bags or blankets, books, puzzles and games for children.
    • Pay special attention to weather. Look for the following danger signs: dark, greenish sky, a large, dark cloud, loud noise.
    Safety measures during a storm
    • In a public building, go to a shelter area such as a safe room, basement or the lowest building level.
    • If you’re in a mobile home, get out quickly and go to the lowest floor of a nearby building or a storm shelter.
    • If caught in the open, lie down in a lower area and cover your head with your hands.
    Safety measures after a storm
    • Pay attention to the danger created by tornado damage such as broken glass and broken electrical wire (电线). These are all dangerous.
    • Check for injuries, but don’t try to move someone who is seriously injured unless they are in immediate danger of death or further injury.
    32.Why does the author speak of a hurricane?
    A.To make the topic more attractive.
    B.To introduce more natural disasters.
    C.To stress a hurricane also causes damage.
    D.To show it is important to prepare for a tornado.
    33.What should be put in your emergency preparedness kit?
    A.A pencil. B.A world map.
    C.A battery. D.A phone card.
    34.What should people do when a tornado strikes?
    A.Stay still when in the office. B.Leave a mobile house at once.
    C.Cover your ears if in the open air. D.Prepare an emergency preparedness kit.
    35.What is the text mainly about?
    A.Safety measures for tornadoes. B.Some danger signs of tornadoes.
    C.The damage caused by tornadoes. D.The importance of a shelter in tornadoes.

    (2022·江西九江·高一期末)As the saying goes, “Without music, life would be a mistake.” Music is very important in our lives and here are four of the greatest musicians in history.
    Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 — 1827)
    Born in Bonn, Germany, Beethoven never held an official position in Vienna. He supported himself by giving concerts, teaching piano, and the sale of his compositions. The last 30 years of Beethoven’s life were filled with a lot of hard times, the first of which was his deafness. Beethoven’s music greatly influenced the next generation of musicians.
    Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 — 1750)
    Bach, “the father of modem music”, was born in Eisenach, Germany. His parents died when he was nine years old, and in 1695 he went to live with his brother Johann Christoph, who was an organist (风琴手) in Ohrdruf. He stayed there until 1700. Seven years later, he moved back to Weimar, where he served as court (宫廷) organist for nine years. His music greatly influenced classical music.
    Frederic Chopin (1810 — 1849)
    Chopin was born in Zelazowa Wola, Poland. He showed a talent for the piano at a very young age. Chopin began composing when he was still a child, but some of his early works have been lost. He gave his first public concert in 1818. Chopin was considered as the leading musician of his time.
    Franz Schubert (1797 — 1828)
    Schubert was born and died in Vienna. Unlike most of his predecessors (前辈), Schubert was not a great performer. He never had much money but he was very productive. He wrote his first masterpiece when he was only sixteen. However, he died young, before his talents had even been known.
    36.Where was Beethoven born?
    A.In Vienna. B.In America. C.In Germany. D.In Poland.
    37.Who is called “the father of modem music”?
    A.Bach. B.Beethoven. C.Schubert. D.Chopin.
    38.When did Chopin give his first public concert?
    A.In 1707. B.In 1818. C.In 1810. D.In 1828.

    (2021·辽宁沈阳·高一期末)A serious problem for today’s society is who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their lives. It is not only a financial problem but also a question of the system we want for our society. I would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem.
    First, employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees. To make this possible, a percentage of profits should be set aside for this purpose. But when a company must take life-long responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a commercial disadvantage due to higher employee costs. Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual. This means each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the poor.
    In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of the elderly. This could be financed through government taxes to increase the level of pensions. Furthermore, some institutions (慈善机构、福利院)should be created for senior citizens, which can help provide a comfortable life for them. Unfortunately, as the present situation in our country shows, this is not a truly viable answer. The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young .
    One further solution is that the government or social organizations establish some working places especially for the elderly where they are independent.
    To sum up, all these options have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore , it is reasonable to expect that some combinations of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations.
    39.What is the passage mainly about ?
    A.The problem faced by the old in society
    B.Why we should take responsibility for the old
    C.How we can improve the lives of the old
    D.Where the old can go to get their pensions
    40.According to the passage , how can the government help to improve the lives of retired people ?
    A.Set aside some profits to help people with problems after they retire.
    B.Increase savings levels of people during their working years.
    C.Increase the discounts(打折)for food and transport for the old.
    D.Make available pensions for those who have retired.
    41.The underlined word “viable” most probably means ________ .
    A.impossible B.practical C.useful D.successful
    42.What can be concluded from the passage ?
    A.Taking care of the old is mainly an issue (问题) of the old.
    B.Employers should allow their workers to retire at a later age.
    C.Becoming independent should be the goal of most old people.
    D.There is no single solution to the problems of the old.

    (2022·山东·泰安市基础教育教学研究室高一期末)A man sat at a metro station in Washington D.C.and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
    Three minutes went by, and a middle-aged man noticed there was musician playing. A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him. They stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet their schedule.
    The one who paid the most attention was a 3-year-old boy. His mother followed him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
    In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded(鼓掌), nor was there any recognition.
    No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most beautiful pieces ever written, on a violin worth 3.5 million dollars.
    Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theatre in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
    This is a real story. Joshua Bell’s playing in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment.
    One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?
    43.Why did few people stop to listen to Joshua Bell playing?
    A.People were in a hurry.
    B.They were not interested in music.
    C.It was too cold in the subway.
    D.The performance was not good enough.
    44.What did the parents do when children stopped to look at the violinist?
    A.They would applaud for the performance.
    B.They would urge them to continue walking.
    C.They would stop to enjoy the music.
    D.They would give him some money.
    45.Why did Joshua Bell play in the metro station?
    A.To make more money.
    B.To practise his skills in playing music.
    C.To made an advertisement for his concert.
    D.To find out people’s reaction under such a circumstance.
    46.What is the purpose of the passage?
    A.To tell us the importance of music.
    B.To show us how to play music.
    C.To set us to think about our life.
    D.To report a subway performance.

    (2022·山东·泰安市基础教育教学研究室高一期末)“The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing deadline to face!” owner Takuya Kawai tweeted. “It’s in order to maintain a level of focus and tense atmosphere at the cafe! Thank you for your understanding.”
    The cafe, which only opened a few days ago, charges customers by time used, and is equipped with USB ports, computer stands, and free Wi-Fi. Struggling writers can also bring their own food and drinks, or have it delivered there since coffee and water are the only things that they can get, but it’s pretty strict when it comes to the actual writing.
    When entering the cafe, customers must write down at the reception desk(前台)how many words they plan to write and by what time they plan to finish. Every hour, a member of the staff will come by to check on their progress and apply a predetermined pressure level to help move things along.
    For example, choosing the “S” level will have the cafe staff pushing you to get the work done more often, while the “M” level includes a more mild way.
    However, the craziest rule of the Manuscript Writing Cafe is that writers are not allowed to end their work until reaching their goal or until the place closes down for the day, whichever comes first. It’s not clear how the cafe carries out this rule, but it is meant to keep customers from announcing high targets that they won’t be able to meet.
    While some found it interesting, others said that it was too much pressure.
    “If it were me, I would no longer be able to leave the store and would end up having to live there,” one person commented.
    47.What is the purpose of opening the cafe?
    A.To provide a good atmosphere for writing.
    B.To earn a lot from writers.
    C.To open a different cafe and attract people.
    D.To gather people who love writing.
    48.What does paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 mainly talk about?
    A.The service offered by the cafe.
    B.The introduction of the cafe.
    C.The unique rules in the cafe.
    D.The charging standard of the cafe.
    49.What can we infer from the passage?
    A.Many writers have the problem of finishing writing in time.
    B.The rules are useful for effective writing.
    C.Food and drinks are not allowed in the cafe.
    D.Writers cannot leave the cafe unless they finish writing.
    50.What is people’s attitude towards the cafe?
    A.Favorable. B.Supportive.
    C.Doubtful. D.Varied.

    (2022·陕西·西安市第八十九中学高一期末)The icy waters surrounding Antarctica have long been called the Southern Ocean by scientists and the media. However, it never received the official recognition-until now. On June 8, 2021, the National Geographic Society announced that from now on, there would be five oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean was not just an extension of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. It had the unique characteristics required to deserve its own name.
    Unlike the other oceans, whose boundaries (边界) are defined by the surrounding continents, the extent of the Southern Ocean is determined by the Antarctic Circumpolar (ACC)—the Earth’s longest and strongest ocean current. The ACC was established 34 million years ago when Antarctic broke off from South America, enabling the water to freely flow around Earth’s southernmost tip. Its water is colder and less salty than the ocean waters to the south and provides a unique habitat for thousands of species. The ACC also significantly impacts Earth’s climate.
    Alex Tait, a National Geographic Society geographer, says the recognition affects the Society’s desire to draw public attention to protecting the Southern Ocean’s unique ecosystem. “We’ve always labeled it, but labeled it slightly different from other oceans,” Tait explains.“This change is taking the last step and saying we want to recognize it because of its ecological separation,”
    Tait believes the official recognition of the Southern Ocean will influence how children see the world.“I think one of the biggest impacts is through education,” he says.“Students get information about the ocean world through what ocean they’re studying. If they don’t include the Southern Ocean, they can’t Tearq the specifics of it and how important it is."
    51.How did the Southern Ocean get its official recognition?
    A.By being recorded in books.
    B.By being given new official name.
    C.By being regarded as one of the five oceans.
    D.By being admitted by the international media
    52.What does Alex Tait think of the Southern Ocean getting its new identity?,
    A.It will cause great changes in the global ecosytemn.
    B.It will greatly impact Earth’s climate.
    C.It will help protect the species in Antaptica.
    D.It will make the ocean better known.
    53.What is the best title of the passage?
    A.People now truly care about the oceans.
    B.Earth now officially has five oceans.
    C.The features of the Southern Ocean.
    D.The impact of the Southern Ocean.

    (2022·陕西·西安市第八十九中学高一期末)From classic books like A Wrinkle in Time to classic movies like Back to the Future, children and adults both have been fascinated by the concept of time travel for hundreds of years. But is it even possible?
    Time travel sounds simple: you just move back and forth between different points in time like you would between diffierent points in space. You could jump forward into the future, or you can jump back to sometime in the past.
    Exactly how would this be done? Most artistic works that feature time travel finish it with the help of a special device usually called a time machine. The time machine features whatever technology has been developed to transport people successfully to other points in time.
    But could time travel really happen? Some scientists believe that parts of Albert Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity might allow for the possibility of time travel. These theories are complex and very hard to understand. They involve unusual astronomical things like black holes and wormholes. Traveling faster than the speed of light might also be required.
    It can be fun, though, to think about what problems might be presented by time travel. It may create an absurd situation. For example, let’s say that you travel back in time to the day your parents met. What if your showing up on the day your parents met caused a ripple (连锁反应) in time that led to them not meeting? If they had never met, you would never have been born. If you had never been born, how could you ever exist to travel back in time to cause the problem you just caused? Though it may sound confusing, we hope that any scientist who ever manages to make time travel possible works out these problems in advance.
    54.What kind of film is Back to the Future most likely to be?
    A.An action film. B.A fantasy film C.A historical film D.A romantic film
    55.What does the author mainly do in Paragraph 2?
    A.Add a topic.
    B.Give an example.
    C.Explain a concept.
    D.Make a conclusion.
    56.What is some scientists’ judgment on the possibility of time travel based on?
    A.Previous similar cases.
    B.Accurate scientific research.
    C.Some scientific theories.
    D.Advanced space technology.
    57.What does the author think of time travel?
    A.It will certainly come true one day.
    B.It is an possible and absurd idea.
    C.It will change some historical events.
    D.It may cause confusion with time and space.

    (2022·全国·高一期末)Daylight saving is a seasonal time change, which is used in about 70 countries around the world, including most of Europe and the UK. It is designed to create an extra hour of daylight for people to enjoy at the end of the day during the warmer months. So our clocks are moved forward at the start of daylight saving. This means that while our clocks might show 8 p.m. during daylight saving, we are actually enjoying a 7 p.m. level of daylight. So we effectively have an extra hour of light at the end of the day — to go for a walk with our family, play outside with our friends and not have to turn on the electric lights at home. Digital devices like mobile phones, tablets and computers automatically (自动地) change, while items like clocks and some watches need to be changed by hand.
    George Vernon Hudson, an insect expert from New Zealand, came up with the idea of daylight saving in 1895. He suggested shifting (转移) the time by two hours, but his idea didn’t catch on. Seven years later, a British builder called William Willett took the idea to England’s government as a way to prevent the nation from wasting daylight. His suggestion got some high support but was refused by the British government.
    Then in 1916, two years into World War I, the German government started looking for ways to save energy. “They remembered Willett’s idea of moving the clock forward and thus having more daylight during working hours,” David Prerau, author of Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time told National Geographic. “While the British were talking about it year after year, the Germans decided to do it more or less by an official order.”
    England and almost every other country that fought in World War I soon followed suit. In those days, coal was the main source of energy people used in their homes. Needing energy in homes for one less hour a day during daylight saving meant more coal could be used in the war effort.
    58.What will happen to our clocks when daylight saving begins?
    A.They will stop for one hour. B.They will be an hour fast.
    C.They will break and need repair. D.They will move backward automatically.
    59.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?
    A.When England started daylight saving. B.Why daylight saving time was created.
    C.What benefit daylight saving brought. D.Who came up with the idea of daylight saving.
    60.What can we learn about David Prerau?
    A.He disagreed with Willett’s idea.
    B.He wrote a book about daylight saving.
    C.He was a reporter of the magazine National Geographic.
    D.He persuaded the government to practice daylight saving.
    61.Why did the German government decide to use daylight saving?
    A.To put more energy into the war. B.To follow the lifestyle in England.
    C.To make people enjoy more daylight time. D.To produce more goods and services.

    (2022·湖南·宁乡市教育研究中心高一期末)On the evening of April 8, Dunhuang Academy and Huawei jointly launched a brand-new technology-driven tour experience at the Mogao Grottoes. Using Huawei’s newly-released (发行) Hetu artificial intelligence platform, coupled with the output of the Digital Dunhuang project, visitors to the Mogao Grottoes can enjoy a fantasy experience prior to entering the attraction.
    Zhao Shengliang, director of the Dunhuang Academy, said that it has been cooperating with Huawei since March 2019. Using Huawei’s latest Hetu technology, visitors are able to see the detailed contents of the Dunhuang Art Murals (壁画) outside the caves, through their Huawei mobile phones. This will reduce the time tourists spend inside the cave, aiding the protection of the cultural relics, while at the same time helping to increase the amount of information visitors can obtain. It is also considered to be a new way of promoting Dunhuang Art.
    The Dunhuang Academy has used digital technology to preserve the research and exploration of Dunhuang Grottoes since the early 1990s. It has collected a wealth of data and has realized the goal of sharing of digital Dunhuang globally. It has played an important role in the protection and research of cultural site, as well as promoting the development and progress of related work.
    The Huawei Hetu platform unites Dunhuang’s study findings, high-resolution images of the site’s murals and virtual, three-dimensional models with the real Mogao Grottoes. It has not only re-created the real tour of the scenic spot, but also developed a new way of digitally experiencing the grottoes. When people visit the site, they not only have the experience of seeing the real grottoes, but they can appreciate the admirable artworks more clearly and in greater detail.
    In the future, Dunhuang Academy will continue to cooperate with Huawei to create more colorful virtual content to enrich the experience of Mogao Art on the platform, helping people around the world get to know Dunhuang Art better.
    62.Which is NOT the advantage of the Hetu technology?
    A.Help to protect the cultural relics. B.Decrease the cost of the visitors.
    C.Offer more information to tourists. D.Reduce the time visitors spend inside the cave.
    63.What does the underlined word “preserve” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Protect. B.Recommend. C.Explore. D.Improve.
    64.What’s the author’s attitude towards the cooperation between Dunhuang and Huawei?
    A.Doubtful. B.Negative. C.Hopeful. D.Indifferent.
    65.What is the main idea of the text?
    A.Huawei Newly Released Hetu AI
    B.Dunhuang Grottoes Attract Tourists
    C.Dunhuang Academy Protects Grottoes Well
    D.AI Tech Helps Tourists Enjoy Dunhuang’s Art

    (2022·江苏苏州·高一期末)Cuckoos (布谷鸟) are masters of cheating. When it comes to raising young, they don’t spend the energy building a nest (鸟巢), protecting eggs or feeding children. Instead the female passes these roles on to other birds. They don’t raise their own young. Usually, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, fooling other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs.
    To succeed in doing this, a female cuckoo watches over her chosen nest to observe feeding times. When the host parent leaves its nest in search of food, the cuckoo quickly lays her eggs among those already in the nest. Sometimes, she will even destroy and remove one of the host’s eggs to make room for her own.
    Cuckoos are medium-sized birds with long tails, and often have gray or brown backs. When they hatch (孵化) and begin to grow in a host’s nest, the difference between the two can be obvious to an onlooker. Often the cuckoo is twice the size of its foster parents, but still continues to receive food from them.
    The cuckoo imposter (冒名顶替者) is usually the only baby bird that the host parent has to care for. This is because when the cuckoo hatches after around 11 days, it gets rid of all the other eggs in the nest. It will lift each egg onto its back before throwing them one by one over the edge of the nest. Even then, the non-biological parent will continue to treat it as one of its own.
    Also, cuckoos have developed to produce eggs that are similar in color to their main hosts’. This reduces the chances of eggs being attacked. Female cuckoos have been known to take host birds’ attention away after laying their eggs by producing a noise similar to Eurasian sparrowhawks, scaring birds away from returning to the nest and allowing time for the cuckoo to make her escape unnoticed.
    66.What do mother cuckoos usually do when it comes to raising their young?
    A.Attend to eggs. B.Build a new nest. C.Rely on other birds. D.Learn feeding skills.
    67.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A.Other cuckoos. B.Baby cuckoos. C.Its host parents. D.Its birth parents.
    68.What can be inferred about the cuckoo imposter?
    A.It usually hatches out earlier than the other eggs in the nest.
    B.It throws all the other eggs out of nests with its mother’s help.
    C.It often makes a noise to scare other birds away from the nest.
    D.It looks much larger than other eggs in the nest before hatching.
    69.Which can be the best title for the text?
    A.How cuckoos fool other birds B.How cuckoos protect their children
    C.How cuckoos destroy others’ nests D.How cuckoos produce eggs in host nests

    (2022·福建福州·高一期末)The plot of the story of “The Million Pound Bank Note” centers on the impossibility of encashing (兑现) a high valued bank note by a common man. Within this story it is narrated (叙述) that only two such notes were ever issued and anyone who walks into a bank to cash that note will get himself in trouble. So, do such million pound bank notes really exist? Let’s do a bit of digging around for the purpose of satisfying the curiosity over this question.
    Such high valued pound bank notes do exist, and they were usually used for transactions (交易) within banks. The Bank of England used “one million” and “hundred million” pound bank notes to keep parity (等价) with bank notes issued by Scottish and Northern Irish banks. These notes — the one million ones were called “giants” and came in A5 size and the hundred million ones were called “titans” having an A4 size — were more like IOU documents (legal forms that describe a loan between a lender and a borrower) and they were special issues from the Bank of England to meet the requirement of backing the value of everyday notes issued by banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
    Nine such one million pound notes were issued in connection with the Marshall Plan (the US’s post-war aid program to Western Europe), equal to the loan from the US after World War II (WWII) in 1948. After cancellation (取消), of these nine only seven were destroyed and two survived with private collectors. Such high valued notes are not usually found in the normal transactional scenes and it is believed that notes worth eight billion pounds were printed in these heavy denominations (面额) in total.
    Mark Twain can create humor from narrations of unrealistic (不现实的) and often funny simple situations and “The Million Pound Bank Note” is a nice example of his storytelling abilities.
    70.Why does the author mention “The Million Pound Bank Note” in paragraph 1?
    A.To bring up the topic. B.To question the readers.
    C.To retell the famous story. D.To support the topic.
    71.What can we learn about “giants” and “titans”?
    A.They were the same size. B.They were sold at a discount.
    C.They were issued by banks in Scotland. D.They were mainly used within banks.
    72.What do we know about the nine 1948 one million pound notes?
    A.Seven of them were destroyed in WWII.
    B.Two of them became private collections.
    C.All are worth eight billion pounds now.
    D.All were used by the public at that time.
    73.What does the author want to do in the last paragraph?
    A.To show Mark Twain’s humor.
    B.To praise Mark Twain and his work.
    C.To introduce “The Million Pound Bank Note”.
    D.To uncover Mark Twain’s attitude towards society.

    (2022·福建福州·高一期末)While tea may have originated in Asia, now there are many countries all around the world that have tea woven into their food culture and traditions. This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.
    Chinese tea culture         
    Since China is viewed as the birthplace of tea, it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich with history and tradition. Today, Chinese tea continues to be used in Chinese medicine and is commonly consumed on both casual and formal occasions both for personal enjoyment and to represent Chinese cultural traditions.
    Japanese tea culture
    Japan also has a long history with tea, especially Japanese Matcha, which is a kind of ground green tea that is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years became popular in western culture.
    British tea culture
    When many people think about tea, British tea culture is what comes to mind. A hot cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the afternoon as a pick-me-up for the day. Even though tea may not be native to England, this British tea tradition is still going strong today.
    Moroccan tea culture
    When you visit Morocco, it is hard to miss the outstanding tea culture that is such a large part of Moroccan hospitality. Before any gathering, negotiation, or sale of a product, a pot of mint tea is always prepared and served among the host and guests. This is an expression of Moroccan tradition and hospitality, which should always be accepted by guests as a sign of appreciation and respect to the host.
    74.Why can tea find its way into various food cultures?
    A.It originates in Asia. B.It forms different ceremonies.
    C.It gets people connected easily. D.It allows people to sit together.
    75.What do Chinese and Japanese tea cultures have in common according to the text?
    A.They have a long history.
    B.They are used in medicine.
    C.They are famous for ground green tea.
    D.They’ve long gained worldwide recognition.
    76.Why are the Brits keen on tea in the afternoon?
    A.To get new energy. B.To bring out respect.
    C.To show hospitality. D.To observe a tradition.

    1.D    2.B    3.C    4.C
    1.细节理解题。由文章第二段的“When swans want to look strong, they stand up tall, show their long necks and open their big wings while letting out big noises.(当天鹅想要看起来强壮时,它们会站得高高的,露出长长的脖子,张开大翅膀,同时发出巨大的噪音)”可知,当天鹅想表现强壮时,它们会张开翅膀。故选D项。
    2.细节理解题。由文章第三段的“In spring, swans make a nest of tree leaves near the water. They often use the same nest year after year, repairing it when egg laying time comes round. (春天,天鹅在水边用树叶筑巢。它们经常年复一年地使用同一窝,在产卵期到来时对其进行修复)”可知,天鹅每年会用相同的巢。故选B项。
    3.细节理解题。由文章第三段“The mother swan lays between five and eight eggs in the nest, and then sits on them to keep them warm and safe...(母天鹅在巢中产卵五到八枚,然后坐在蛋上以保暖和安全)”可知,母天鹅下蛋后就会坐在蛋上准备孵化。故选C项。
    4.词句猜测题。由文章第三段“The mother swan lays between five and eight eggs in the nest, and then sits on them to keep them warm and safe until, about a month later...(母天鹅在巢中产卵五到八枚,然后坐在蛋上以保暖和安全,直到大约一个月后...)”可推测,孵化一个月后,“小天鹅”就出生了。所以猜测cygnets是“小天鹅”。故选C项。
    5.B    6.D    7.C    8.A

    5.细节理解题。根据第二段的句子“The crowding of the parks has caused several problems. One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. (公园的拥挤造成了几个问题。 一个是没有足够的空间来容纳所有想要使用公园的人)”可知,对于想要使用公园的人来说,公园的空间是不足的。故选B项。
    6.细节理解题。根据第二段的句子“One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To deal with this problem, you may have to book your tickets a few months ahead of time. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees(一个是没有足够的空间来容纳所有想要使用公园的人。 为了解决这个问题,你可能需要提前几个月订票。 公园管理局也可能提高门票费用)”可知,提高门票的费用主要是为了限制游客的数量。故选D项。
    7.词句猜测题。根据句意和句中的短语cut down on(削减,减少)以及the number of cars可知,划线词limited的意义为“被限制;被控制”。故选C项。
    8.推理判断题。根据第二段的句子“One is that there is not enough space for all of the people who want to use the parks. To deal with this problem, you may have to book your tickets a few months ahead of time. The Park Service may also raise entrance fees(一个是没有足够的空间来容纳所有想要使用公园的人。 为了解决这个问题,你可能需要提前几个月订票。 公园管理局也可能提高门票费用)”可以推出,公园的门票费用高了,一些人可能就不去公园了。故选A项。
    9.B    10.C    11.C    12.D

    9.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“If you’ve ever been given a gift, you know that part of the fun is the curiosity that builds as you wonder what the gift is. (如果你曾经收到过一份礼物,你就会知道其中的一部分乐趣是当你想知道礼物是什么时产生的好奇心。)”可知,当人们收到礼物时,其中的一部分乐趣就是好奇心带来的惊喜,所以人们送礼物的有趣之处在于引起他的好奇心,给他一个惊喜。故选B。
    10.推理判断题。根据第三段第四句“The technology to mass-produce wrapping paper didn’t come along until the early 1900s. (大规模生产包装纸的技术直到20世纪初才出现。)”可知,大规模的生产包装纸技术使得包装纸被广泛使用。故选C。
    11.推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“But scientists say that the United States alone produces an extra 5 million tons of waste over the holidays, most of which is from wrapping paper and shopping bags. (但科学家表示,仅美国在节日期间就会多产生500万吨垃圾,其中大部分来自包装纸和购物袋。)”可知,科学家担心包装纸会带给环境压力。故选C。
    12.主旨大意题。根据第二段第二句“Historians believed wrapping gifts in paper probably started not long after paper was invented thousands of years ago. (历史学家认为,用纸包装礼物可能是在几千年前纸被发明后不久开始的。)”可知,讲述了包装纸的由来和发展。再结合最后一段第二句“But scientists say that the United States alone produces an extra 5 million tons of waste over the holidays, most of which is from wrapping paper and shopping bags. (但科学家表示,仅美国在节日期间就会多产生500万吨垃圾,其中大部分来自包装纸和购物袋。)”可知,包装纸会带来很多垃圾。所以,本文主要介绍了包装纸的由来和发展以及带来的环境污染等背后的故事。故选D。
    13.D    14.A    15.C    16.B

    13.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“She asked for a cup of water and a menu and eventually ordered a bacon cheeseburger which costs roughly $12 at my restaurant. (她要了一杯水和一份菜单,最后点了一个培根芝士汉堡,在我的餐厅大概要12美元。)”以及第二段第四句“As I went to clear her plate, I noticed that she had left a $100 bill along with a note. (当我去清理她的盘子时,我注意到她留下了一张100美元的钞票和一张便条。)”可知,作者是一家餐厅的服务员。故选D。
    14.细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“She asked for a cup of water and a menu and eventually ordered a bacon cheeseburger which costs roughly $12 at my restaurant. (她要了一杯水和一份菜单,最后点了一个培根芝士汉堡,在我的餐厅大概要12美元。)”以及根据第二段第四、五、六句“As I went to clear her plate, I noticed that she had left a $100 bill along with a note that read, “Today marks my 14th day of chemo (化疗) along with my 26th birthday. Life’s been good to me so far, and I think I will pass my luck on to someone else. Have a great night!” (当我去清理她的盘子时,我注意到她留下了一张100美元的钞票和一张纸条,上面写着:“今天是我化疗的第14天,也是我26岁的生日。到目前为止,生活一直对我很好,我想我会把我的运气传给别人。祝你晚上愉快!” )”可知,女孩吃饭需要12美元,但是她留下了100美元作为礼物给陌生人。女孩给需要帮助的人一些经济支持。故选A。
    15.词句猜测题。根据第三段前两句“I have never been so touched by a stranger in my entire life. About 3 months ago, my own mother was diagnosed with lung cancer, so this hit very close to home. (我这辈子还从没被陌生人这么感动过。 大约3个月前,我的母亲被诊断出肺癌,所以这件事hit very close to home.。)”可知,首先,作者从未如此被陌生人感动过。其次,作者因为女孩的行为想到了自己的母亲也正经历病痛,所以触动很大。由此可推知划线短语为“对作者触动很大”。故选C。
    16.细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“I hope to see her again one day, so I can tell her how much her random act of kindness has touched me and finally changed my life. (我希望有一天能再见到她,这样我就可以告诉她,她随意的善举是如何打动了我,并最终改变了我的生活。)”可知,作者因为女孩的随意善举生活有了变化,由此可知,作者想再次见到女孩时告诉她,她对作者产生的影响。故选B。
    17.B    18.D    19.C    20.A

    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Emma Rosen想知道自己所做的事情会产生多大的影响,因此她辞掉了公务员工作,体验了25份不同的工作,从中获益匪浅。
    17.词句猜测题。根据第一段的“20,000 candidates (候选人) applied, but fewer than 1,000 were offered jobs.(两万名求职者提出申请,但只有不到1000人得到了工作机会。)”可知,这份工作很抢手,也就是很多人想要得到的,划线词sought-after意为“广受欢迎的”,和Desirable“最值得拥有的”意思相近,故选B。
    18.推理判断题。根据第一段的“she struggled to see how what she was doing would make much difference to anything(她努力想明白,她所做的事情会对其它事情产生多大的影响)”和第二段的“Emma decided to find out what made her happy, what her skills were, and what sort of career would need them.(艾玛决定弄清楚什么能让她快乐,她的技能是什么,什么样的职业需要这些技能。)”可知,艾玛辞去公务员的工作是因为她渴望实现自我价值。故选D。
    19.细节理解题。根据第四段的“A year later, Emma said her favorites were the jobs that were more creative, relevant to travel or were outdoors. “Things like travel writing, archaeology, farming, working with the police, being a blogger, an explorer and an author,” she said.(一年后,艾玛说她最喜欢的是那些更有创意、与旅行或户外活动有关的工作。她说:“比如旅行写作、考古学、农业、与警方合作、做博主、探险家和作家。”)”可知,艾玛最喜欢的工作是最需要创造力和技能的工作,故选C。
    20.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“There were also plenty of more technical skills that I learned, like website design, social media management, building a commercial brand and conducting interviews.(我还学到了很多技术技能,比如网站设计、社交媒体管理、建立商业品牌和采访。)”和最后一段的“Emma added she also saw her softer people-focused skills improve.(艾玛补充说,她还发现自己以人为本的软技能有所提高。)”可推断出Emma从经历过的各种工作中获益匪浅,故选A。
    21.D    22.A    23.C    24.B

    21.推理判断题。根据第五段的“Pip felt none for him, saying, “If you’ve come here to thank me, it isn’t necessary. You must understand... But you are tired.Would you like something to drink before you go?(Pip对他没有任何感觉,他说:“如果你是来感谢我的,那就没有必要了。你必须明白……。 但是你累了。你走之前想喝点什么吗?”)”可知,第五段暗示了皮普实际上宣布客人不受欢迎。故选D。
    22.推理判断题。根据倒数第六段的“The man took Pip’s hands and kissed them.(那人握住皮普的手,吻了吻。)”可知,那个男人是充满深情的,故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据最后一段的“After an hour or two, something started to become clear to Pip. Miss Havisham had no interest in his future or plans for him and Estella. She was using them to take her revenge on men!(一两个小时后,Pip开始明白了一些事情。Havisham小姐对他的未来,对他和Estella的计划都不感兴趣。她是在利用他们来报复男人!)”和倒数第五段的“I’m happy you are spending my money.(我很高兴你花我的钱。)”可知,Pip最后发现的真相是他的恩人不是Havisham,而是那个男人,故选C。
    24.推理判断题。根据倒数第五段的“I was working for you in Australia(我在澳大利亚为你工作)”可知,Pip知道那个人是从哪里来的;根据倒数第五段的“I’m happy you are spending my money.(我很高兴你花我的钱。)”可知,Pip知道谁是他的恩人;根据倒数第三段的“If they find me back in London, they’ll hang me.(如果他们发现我回到了伦敦,他们会绞死我的。)”可知,Pip知道那人为了见他冒了多大的风险,因此文章里没有提到的是这个人是如何成为罪犯的,也正是Pip仍然感到困惑的,故选B。
    25.B    26.A    27.A    28.C

    25.细节理解题。根据第一段“It sort of happened by his pursuing(追求) the thing that he loved.”(这在某种程度上是因为他追求自己热爱的东西。)由此可知,根据夏基的说法,诺曼是追随自己的梦想创造历史的。故选B项。
    26.推理判断题。根据第三段“His coworkers, including Walt Disney, appreciated the humor.”(他的同事,包括沃尔特·迪斯尼,都很欣赏这种幽默)可知,沃尔特·迪士尼认为诺曼的画很优秀。故选A项。
    27.细节理解题。根据第四段“In 1966, Norman left Disney to start Vignette Films with three friends. They made educational movies, including a series devoted to black history.”(1966年,诺曼离开迪士尼,和三个朋友一起创办了维尼特电影公司。他们制作了教育类的电影,包括一部讲述黑人历史的系列电影。)由此可知,诺曼离开迪士尼后做了成了电影制作人。故选A项。
    28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Floyd Norman, 81, was just 20 years old in 1956 when Walt Disney Studios employed him. He was the first African-American artist to be employed by the company”(弗洛伊德·诺曼现年81岁,1956年沃尔特·迪士尼电影公司聘用他时,他只有20岁。他是该公司雇用的第一位非裔美籍艺术家。)和第二段“A few years later, he helped bring the animated sequences(连续镜头)in Mary Poppins to life.”(几年后,他使得《玛丽·波平斯》中的动画序列栩栩如生。)以及倒数第二段“In 1966, Norman left Disney to start Vignette Films with three friends. They made educational movies, including a series devoted to black history. But Norman never stopped drawing.”(1966年,诺曼离开迪士尼,与三个朋友一起创办了维尼特电影公司。他们制作了教育电影,包括一系列专门讲述黑人历史的电影。但诺曼从未停止画画)可判断出,诺曼是坚定而有才华的。故选C项。
    29.C    30.D    31.C

    29.细节理解题。根据第一段“An ad needs to do more than just get our attention. It also has to be effective. It must get us interested, make us want the product and motivate us to go out and buy it. (广告需要做的不仅仅是吸引我们的注意力。它还必须是有效的。它必须让我们感兴趣,让我们想要产品,并激励我们出去购买)”可知,根据迈克尔·汉密尔顿的说法,一个好的广告应该是吸引注意力和有说服力的。故选C项。
    30.细节理解题。根据第二段“Many of the adverts that we see today are short stories telling inspirational tales that are often amusing, humorous and highly-developed. People do not want to remember that life can be boring. They want to see something original and creative. The adverts take away the ordinariness of everyday life and take us to somewhere unusual or romantic (浪漫的). (我们今天看到的许多广告都是讲述励志故事的短篇故事,通常是有趣、幽默和高度发展的。人们不愿意记住生活可以是无聊的。他们想看的是原创和有创意的东西。广告带走了日常生活的平凡,把我们带到不寻常或浪漫的地方)”可知,米兰达·霍伊尔斯认为今天的广告包含了一些很好的想法。故选D项。
    31.细节理解题。根据第三段“But for me, an immediately recognisable logo (标识) is really important. (但对我来说,一个立即可识别的标志真的很重要)”以及“A good slogan also helps you make a connection. (一个好的广告语也能帮助你建立联系)”可知,标志和广告语克里斯蒂·彼得森对广告的主要担忧的问题。故选C项。
    32.D    33.C    34.B    35.A

    32.推理判断题。根据第一段“And while the arrival of a hurricane is known in advance by days of warning, tornadoes strike suddenly. Those in the path of a tornado may have 15 minutes’ warning, if that. That makes safety measures for tornadoes important for survival.(虽然飓风的到来可以提前几天得到预警,但龙卷风却会突然袭击。那些在龙卷风路径上的人可能会提前15分钟得到警告。这使得应对龙卷风的安全措施对生存至关重要。)”可知,飓风在到来前会提前几天就有预警,而龙卷风是突然发生的,这使人们对龙卷风提前做好应急准备非常重要,由此推断提到飓风的目的是为了说明龙卷风更难提前为之做好准备。故选D项。
    33.细节理解题。根据 Before a storm 部分第二条中“You should put food and water for three days, batteries, first-aid kit, local maps and toilet paper in an emergency preparedness kit.(你应该把三天的食物和水、电池、急救箱、当地地图和手纸放在应急准备包里。)”可知,应急箱里面要放入水、食物以及备用电池等。故选C项。
    34.细节理解题。根据 Safety measures during a storm 部分的第二条“If you’re in a mobile home, get out quickly(如果你在移动房屋里,赶紧出去)”可知,龙卷风发生的时候要立即离开活动的房屋。故选B项。
    36.C    37.A    38.B

    【详解】1.细节理解题。根据Ludwig van Beethoven (1770—1827)部分中第一句“Born in Bonn, Germany, Beethoven never held an official position in Vienna.”(出生于德国柏林,贝多芬从未在维也纳担任公职。)可知,贝多芬出生于德国。故选C。

    2.细节理解题。根据 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685—1750)部分中“Bach, ‘the father of modem music’”可知,巴赫是“现代音乐之父”。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据Frederic Chopin (1810—1849)中“He gave his first public concert in 1818.”可知,在1818年,弗雷德里克•肖邦举办了第一场公开演唱会。故选B。
    39.C    40.D    41.B    42.D

    39.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“A serious problem for today's society is who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their Lives.(当今社会的一个严重问题是,谁应该为我们的老年人负责,以及如何改善他们的生活。) ”和“I would like to suggest several possible solutions to this problem. (我想提出几个可能的解决方案。)”及后面段落给出一些改善老人生活的建议,由此可知,文章主要介绍怎样提高老人的生活质量。故选C。
    40.细节理解题。根据题干中的“the government”定位答案于第四段,此段第二句明确指出“This could be financed through government taxes to increase the level of pensions. (这可以通过政府税收来筹集资金,以提高养老金水平。)”可知,政府通过税收增加为退休人员提供养老金。故选D。
    41.词句猜测题。根据题干中的“viable”定位答案于第四段,此段最后一句“The government can seldom afford to care for the elderly, particularly when it is busy trying to care for the young. (政府很少有能力照顾老人,尤其是在忙于照顾年轻人的时候。)”可知,由于政府忙于照顾年轻人,没有资金照顾老人,所以这措施是行不通的,没有可操作性,viable在此处意为“实际的、切实可行的(practical)”。故选B。
    42.推理判断题。文章第二至第五段提出了五种提高老人生活质量的建议,最后一段说“To sum up, all these options have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore , it is reasonable to expect that some combinations of these options may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to our elderly generations. (综上所述,所有这些选择都有优点和缺点。因此,我们有理由期望,可能需要将这些选择结合起来,以提供我们希望为我们的老一辈提供的照顾。)”可推断,解决老人问题没有单一的方法。故选D。
    43.A    44.B    45.D    46.C

    43.细节理解题。由文第二段最后一句“They stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet their schedule.”(他们停留了几分钟,然后就匆忙投入到自己日常繁忙的行程中)可知,人们很匆忙,故选A项。
    44.细节理解题。由文第三段最后一句“All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.”(无一例外,所有的父亲都逼着孩子离开)可知,父母催促孩子离开,故选B项。
    45.细节理解题。由前六段的的叙述了人们的反应以及由第七段最后一句“Joshua Bell’s playing in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment.”(Joshua Bell在地铁拉小提琴是华盛顿邮报组织的一次社会实验的一部分)可知,约书亚·贝尔会在地铁站表演是为了看看人们在这种情况下的反应,故选D项。
    46.推理判断题。由文最后一段“One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?”(实验的一个可能的结论之一是:如果我们无法停留片刻去听世界上最好的小提琴家之一演奏有史以来最好的音乐,我们会错过多少其他的东西呢?)可知,作者想要表达的是人们需要停下来思考生活,否则会错过很多东西,故选C项。
    47.A    48.C    49.B    50.D

    47.推理判断题。由第一段第一句“The Manuscript Writing Cafe only allows in people who have a writing deadline to face!”(The Manuscript Writing Café只允许那些需要赶稿的人进入)和倒数第二句“It’s in order to maintain a level of focus and tense atmosphere at the cafe!”(这是为了维护咖啡店里的专注注水平和紧张氛围)可知,这个店的目的是为了营造写作氛围,故选A项。
    48.主旨大意题。由第二段最后一句“Struggling writers can also bring their own food and drinks, or have it delivered there since coffee and water are the only things that they can get, but it’s pretty strict when it comes to the actual writing.”(努力的读者可以自带食物和水,或者在店里点单,咖啡和水是唯一可以得到的东西,但是对于写作这件事则相当严格)和第三段第一句“When entering the cafe, customers must write down at the reception desk(前台)how many words they plan to write and by what time they plan to finish.”(当进入咖啡店,顾客必须在前台写下他们打算写多少字以及完成的截止时间)可知,二、三段主要介绍咖啡店一些独特的规则,故选C项。
    49.推理判断题。由第五段第一句“However, the craziest rule of the Manuscript Writing Cafe is that writers are not allowed to end their work until reaching their goal or until the place closes down for the day, whichever comes first.”(然而,手稿咖啡厅最疯狂的规则之一是,作者们在完成目标之前或者这个地方关闭之前不可以结束工作,不管哪个先发生)可知,这种规则有助于作家们逼着自己提高写作效率,故选B项。
    50.推理判断题。由倒数第二段 “While some found it interesting, others said that it was too much pressure.”(一些人认为这家店很有意思,而其他人则认为压力太大了)可知,人们对这个店的态度是不同的,故选D项。
    51.C    52.D    53.B

    51.细节理解题。根据第一段中“On June 8, 2021, the National Geographic Society announced that from now on, there would be five oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean was not just an extension of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. It had the unique characteristics required to deserve its own name.”(2021年6月8日,国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)宣布,从现在开始,世界上将有五大洋:大西洋、太平洋、印度洋、北极和南大洋。南大洋不仅仅是太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的延伸。它具有独特的特点,值得有它自己的名字。)可知,南大洋被视为五大海洋之一而通过官方认证的。故选C项。
    52.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Tait believes the official recognition of the Southern Ocean will influence how children see the world. “I think one of the biggest impacts is through education,” he says. “Students get information about the ocean world through what ocean they’re studying. If they don’t include the Southern Ocean, they can’t Tearq the specifics of it and how important it is."”(泰特认为,官方对南大洋的承认将影响孩子们看待世界的方式。“我认为最大的影响之一是通过教育,”他说。“学生通过他们正在学习什么海洋获得关于海洋世界的信息。如果他们不包括南大洋,他们就无法了解它的细节和它的重要性。”)可知,亚历克斯·泰特认为南大洋获得新身份这一情况将使它更广为人知。故选D项。
    53.主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“The icy waters surrounding Antarctica have long been called the Southern Ocean by scientists and the media. However, it never received the official recognition-until now. On June 8, 2021, the National Geographic Society announced that from now on, there would be five oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean was not just an extension of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans. It had the unique characteristics required to deserve its own name.”( 长期以来,科学家和媒体一直称南极洲周围的冰冷海水为南大洋。然而,它从未得到官方的承认,直到现在。2021年6月8日,美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)宣布,从现在开始,世界上将有五大洋:大西洋、太平洋、印度洋、北极和南大洋。南大洋不仅仅是太平洋、大西洋和印度洋的延伸。它具有独特的特点,配得上自己的名字。)可知,文章主要讲的是南大洋的官方承认以及它给人类带来的影响。故文章最好的标题为“地球现在正式有五大洋”。故选B项。
    54.B    55.C    56.C    57.D

    54.细节理解题。根据第一段“From classic books like A Wrinkle in Time to classic movies like Back to the Future, children and adults both have been fascinated by the concept of time travel for hundreds of years. But is it even possible?”(从《时间的皱纹》这样的经典书籍到《回到未来》这样的经典电影,数百年来,儿童和成人都对时间旅行的概念着迷。但这有可能吗?)可知,无论是书籍《时间的皱纹》,还是电影《回到未来》内容都是关系时间旅行的,这一类的书籍或者电影属于科幻类。故选B项。
    55.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Time travel sounds simple: you just move back and forth between different points in time like you would between different points in space. You could jump forward into the future, or you can jump back to sometime in the past.”(时间旅行听起来很简单:你只是在不同的时间点之间来回移动,就像你在不同的空间点之间移动一样。你可以跳到未来,也可以跳到过去的某个时刻)可知,本段是对时间旅行这个概念的解释。故选C项。
    56.细节理解题。根据第四段中“Some scientists believe that parts of Albert Einstein’s theories of special and general relativity might allow for the possibility of time travel.”(一些科学家认为,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的狭义相对论和广义相对论的部分理论可能允许时间旅行的可能性。)可知,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的狭义相对论和广义相对论为时间旅行提供了理论支持。故选C项。
    57.推理判断题。根据最后一段“It can be fun, though, to think about what problems might be presented by time travel. It may create an absurd situation. For example, let’s say that you travel back in time to the day your parents met. What if your showing up on the day your parents met caused a ripple (连锁反应) in time that led to them not meeting? If they had never met, you would never have been born. If you had never been born, how could you ever exist to travel back in time to cause the problem you just caused? Though it may sound confusing, we hope that any scientist who ever manages to make time travel possible works out these problems in advance.”(不过,想想时间旅行可能会带来什么问题也会很有趣。这可能会造成一种荒谬的局面。例如,假设你穿越回你父母相遇的那天。如果你在父母见面的那天出现,在时间上引发了涟漪,导致他们没有见面怎么办?如果他们没有相遇,你就不会出生。如果你从未出生,你怎么可能存在回到过去造成你刚刚造成的问题?虽然这听起来可能令人困惑,但我们希望任何曾经使时间旅行成为可能的科学家都能提前解决这些问题)故可推知,作者认为时间旅行可能会造成时间和空间的混淆。故选D项。
    58.B    59.D    60.B    61.A

    58.细节理解题。根据第一段中“It is designed to create an extra hour of daylight for people to enjoy at the end of the day during the warmer months. So our clocks are moved forward at the start of daylight saving.(它的设计是为了在温暖的月份里为人们在一天结束的时候多创造一个小时的日光。所以我们的时钟在夏时制开始时被调快)”可知,当夏令时开始时,我们的时钟会被调快一个小时。故选B项。
    59.主旨大意题。根据第二段“George Vernon Hudson, an insect expert from New Zealand, came up with the idea of daylight saving in 1895. He suggested shifting (转移) the time by two hours, but his idea didn’t catch on. Seven years later, a British builder called William Willett took the idea to England’s government as a way to prevent the nation from wasting daylight. His suggestion got some high support but was refused by the British government.(来自新西兰的昆虫专家乔治·弗农·哈德森在1895年提出了夏令时的想法。他建议把时间改两个小时,但他的想法没有被接受。七年后,一位名叫威廉·威利特的英国建筑商把这个想法告诉了英国政府,作为一种防止国家浪费日光的方法。他的建议得到了很高的支持,但被英国政府拒绝了)”可推知,第二段主要讲的是是谁想出了夏令时的主意。故选D项。
    60.细节理解题。根据第三段中“David Prerau, author of Seize the Daylight: The Curious and Contentious Story of Daylight Saving Time told National Geographic.(《抓住日光:夏令时的奇妙而有争议的故事》的作者大卫·普雷罗告诉《国家地理》杂志)”可知,David Prerau写了一本关于夏令时的书。故选B项。
    61.推理判断题。根据第三段中“Then in 1916, two years into World War I, the German government started looking for ways to save energy.(1916年,也就是第一次世界大战爆发的第二年,德国政府开始寻找节约能源的方法)”可推知,德国政府决定使用夏令时是为了把更多能源投入战争中。故选A项。
    62.B    63.A    64.C    65.D

    62.细节理解题。根据第二段中“This will reduce the time tourists spend inside the cave, aiding the protection of the cultural relics, while at the same time helping to increase the amount of information visitors can obtain.(这将减少游客花在洞穴内的时间,帮助保护文物,同时帮助增加游客可以获得的信息量)”可知,B选项“降低游客的成本”不是河图技术的优势。故选B。
    63.词句猜测题。根据划线词下文“It has played an important role in the protection and research of cultural site, as well as promoting the development and progress of related work.(它在文化遗址的保护和研究,以及促进相关工作的发展和进展方面发挥了重要作用)”和划线句“The Dunhuang Academy has used digital technology to preserve the research and exploration of Dunhuang Grottoes since the early 1990s.(从20世纪90年代初开始,敦煌研究院就使用数字技术来perserve对敦煌石窟的研究和探索)”可推断,数字技术的应用是为了保护对敦煌石窟的研究和探索。preserve与protect意思相近。故选A。
    64.推理判断题。根据最后一段“In the future, Dunhuang Academy will continue to cooperate with Huawei to create more colorful virtual content to enrich the experience of Mogao Art on the platform, helping people around the world get to know Dunhuang Art better.(未来,敦煌学院将继续与华为合作,创造更加丰富多彩的虚拟内容,丰富莫高窟艺术在平台上的体验,帮助世界各地的人们更好地了解敦煌艺术)”可推知,对于敦煌与华为的合作,作者的态度是充满希望的。故选C。
    65.主旨大意题。根据第一段“On the evening of April 8, Dunhuang Academy and Huawei jointly launched a brand-new technology-driven tour experience at the Mogao Grottoes. Using Huawei’s newly-released (发行) Hetu artificial intelligence platform, coupled with the output of the Digital Dunhuang project, visitors to the Mogao Grottoes can enjoy a fantasy experience prior to entering the attraction. ( 4月8日晚,敦煌研究院与华为联合推出了一项全新的技术驱动的莫高窟旅游体验。利用华为新发布的“河图”人工智能平台,加上数字敦煌项目的输出,游客可以在进入莫高窟前享受一种梦幻体验)”结合文章还介绍了这项技术的一些优势,以及数字技术的应用对于敦煌石窟文化保护和研究发挥的重要作用,最后提到敦煌学院将继续与华为合作,创造更加丰富多彩的虚拟内容,丰富莫高窟艺术在平台上的体验,帮助世界各地的人们更好地了解敦煌艺术。即文章主要讲述人工智能科技帮助游客欣赏敦煌艺术。故选D。
    66.C    67.C    68.A    69.A

    66.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Instead the female passes these roles on to other birds. They don’t raise their own young. Usually, they lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, fooling other birds into thinking the cuckoo eggs are theirs.(相反,雌性把这些角色传递给其他鸟。它们不抚养自己的孩子。通常,它们把蛋下在别的鸟的巢里,让别的鸟以为布谷鸟蛋是它们的。)”可知,在孵化幼鸟的时候,布谷鸟总是依赖其他鸟类。故选C。
    67.词句猜测题。根据划线前半句“Often the cuckoo is twice the size of its foster parents,(通常情况下,布谷鸟的体型是养父母的两倍)”可知,虽然和亲鸟差别很大,但布谷鸟有鸟仍能从养父母那里获得食物。所以划线单词them指的是“养父母”。故选C。
    68.推理判断题。根据第四段“The cuckoo imposter (冒名顶替者) is usually the only baby bird that the host parent has to care for. This is because when the cuckoo hatches after around 11 days, it gets rid of all the other eggs in the nest. It will lift each egg onto its back before throwing them one by one over the edge of the nest.(冒充布谷鸟的雏鸟通常是宿主父母需要照顾的唯一雏鸟。这是因为当布谷鸟在11天后孵化时,它会把巢中所有其他的蛋都扔掉。它会把每个蛋背在背上,然后把它们一个一个地扔出巢穴的边缘。)”可知,当布谷鸟孵化出来的时候,其他蛋还处于孵化状态。因此可推断,布谷鸟比鸟巢中其他鸟类孵化的要早。故选A。
    69.主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“Cuckoos (布谷鸟) are masters of cheating.(布谷鸟是欺骗的大师。)”以及文章主要内容可知,文章主要介绍了布谷鸟是如何欺骗其他鸟类为其孵化幼鸟的。所以“How cuckoos fool other birds(布谷鸟是如何欺骗其他鸟类的)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。
    70.A    71.D    72.B    73.B

    70.推理判断题。作者在首段先描述了《百万英镑》的故事梗概,接着提出疑问“So, do such million pound bank notes really exist?(那么,这样的百万英镑钞票真的存在吗?)”,并在第二和第三段对这一提问进行了解释。所以作者在第一段提及《百万英镑》就是要引出本文所探讨的话题——现实生活中是否真实存在面值百万英镑的钞票。故选A。
    71.细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,giants和titans分别指的是面值一百万英镑和一亿英镑的巨额钞票,它们的规格大小不同,但均由英格兰银行发行。并根据第二段中的“Such high valued pound bank notes do exist, and they were usually used for transactions (交易) within banks.(这种高价值的英镑纸币确实存在,它们通常用于银行内部的交易。)”和第三段中的“Such high valued notes are not usually found in the normal transactional scenes(这种高价值的票据通常不会出现在正常的交易场景中)”可知,这两种类型的钞票一般只在银行内部进行交易。故选D。
    72.细节理解题。根据第三段“After cancellation (取消), of these nine only seven were destroyed and two survived with private collectors.(在被取消之后,这九中中只有七张被毁,两张被私人收藏家保存了下来。)”可知,1948年的9张百万英镑中其中两张被私人收藏家收藏。故选B。
    73.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Mark Twain can create humor from narrations of unrealistic (不现实的) and often funny simple situations and “The Million Pound Bank Note” is a nice example of his storytelling abilities.(马克·吐温可以通过对不现实的、常常是有趣的简单情景的叙述来创造幽默,《百万英镑》就是他讲故事能力的一个很好的例子。)”及全文可知,作者通过首尾呼应的方式,以简述小说《百万英镑》的情节开始,再以评价《百万英镑》展示了马克·吐温精彩的幽默叙事能力为结尾,既向读者介绍了现实生活中真实存在面值百万英镑的钞票,又称赞了马克·吐温的叙事能力及其小说《百万英镑》的成功。故选B。
    74.C    75.A    76.A

    74.细节理解题。根据第一段“This is one of the very special parts of tea as it has a way of connecting people all over the world in different ways and ceremonies that finally all results in a group of people sitting together and enjoying a cup of tea.(这是茶的一个非常特殊的部分,因为它通过不同的方式和仪式将世界各地的人们联系在一起,最终使一群人坐在一起,享受一杯茶。)”可知,茶能融入各种饮食文化,是因为它使人们很容易地联系在一起。故选C。
    75.细节理解题。根据Chinese tea culture中的“Since China is viewed as the birthplace of tea, it is no wonder that Chinese tea culture is rich with history and tradition.(由于中国被视为茶的诞生地,所以中国茶文化具有丰富的历史和传统也就不足为奇了。)”以及Japanese tea culture中的“Japan also has a long history with tea, especially Japanese Matcha, which is a kind of ground green tea that is commonly used in Japanese tea ceremonies and only in recent years became popular in western culture.(日本的茶也有悠久的历史,尤其是日本抹茶,这是一种研磨的绿茶,日本茶道中普遍使用,直到近几年才在西方文化中流行起来。)”可知,中国和日本的茶文化共同点在于它们有很长的历史。故选A。
    76.细节理解题。根据British tea culture中的“A hot cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey tea serves with a little milk and a biscuit in the afternoon as a pick-me-up for the day.(下午,一杯热腾腾的英式早餐或格雷伯爵茶,配上一点牛奶和一块饼干,可以作为一天的提神剂。)”可知,英国人喜欢下午喝茶是因为人们可以从中获得新能量。故选A。


    专题05 阅读理解15篇(名校最新期中真题)-高一英语上学期期中复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019): 这是一份专题05 阅读理解15篇(名校最新期中真题)-高一英语上学期期中复习查缺补漏冲刺满分(人教版2019),共10页。试卷主要包含了吃透文章文章大意和中心思想,理解文中具体信息,作出简单判断和推理,准确把握作者的意图、观点和态度等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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