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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Wh did David visit n hliday?
    A. His friends.B. His parents.C. His relatives.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a shp.B. In a library.C. In a train statin.
    3. What des the wman wrry abut?
    A. A taxi.B. The mney.C. Her dictinary.
    4. What was the man busy ding?
    A. Travelling.B. Visiting friends.C. Ding hmewrk.
    5. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A. Chse a majr.B. Prepare his exam.C. Help her with maths.
    6. Why des the man want t be a dctr?
    A. T g t big cities.
    B. T wrk fr peple in the village.
    C. T help his parents live a better life.
    7. What is the wman’s plan?
    A. T learn architecture.
    B. T read a lt f bks.
    C. T becme a prfessr.
    8. What is directly respnsible fr the extinctin f animal species?
    A. Plluted air.B. Glbal warming.C. A shrtage f drinking water.
    9. Hw will we save the earth?
    A. Be friendly t sea life.B. Stp using plastic bags.C. Eat mre green vegetables.
    10. Hw des the man find the machines in the gym?
    A. Hard t chse.B. Safe t use.C. Simple t start.
    11. What des every machine have?
    A. Instructins.B. Trainers.C. Price.
    12. When is the gym busy?
    A. In the evening.B. In the afternn.C. In the mrning.
    13. Hw ften will the man prbably g t the gym?
    A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.
    14. What des the wman think f science?
    A. Easy t learn.B. Far frm daily life.C. Useful in slving prblems.
    15. What des the wman want t knw?
    A. The entire wrld.
    B. The imprtance f science.
    C. The mst valuable inventins f science.
    16. What is prbably the tpic f the dialgue?
    A. A hbby.B. A majr.C. A dream.
    17. What is prbably the relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Wife and husband.B. Teacher and student.C. Cnductr and passenger.
    18. When did Alfred Nbel die?
    A. Octber 21, 1833.B. December 10, 1896.C. December 10, 1901.
    19. Hw much prize did Tu Yuyu prbably get frm the 2015 Nbel Prize?
    A. One third.B. One furth.C. The ttal sum.
    20. Wh is prbably the speaker?
    A. A prfessr.B. A driver.C. A musician.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    With its Victrian charm and windswept beauty, Blck Island appeals t bth utdrsy travelers wh want t hike, bike, bat and explre and t thse wh simply want t abandn reality back n the mainland.
    See Mhegan Bluffs
    As dramatic as any scenery in New England, the Mhegan Bluffs are 150-ft cl ay cliffs n the suth side f Blck Island. Unfrgettable Atlantic Ocean views await thse wh descend a wden staircase mre than 140 steps t the sliver f sand belw. The nly prtectin yu’ll need when yu g t this spt is sunscreen.
    ADDRESS: 121 Mhegan Trail, New Shreham, RI 02807, USA
    PHONE +1 401-466-5009
    Climb t the Tp f Sutheast Light
    Blck Island’s Sutheast Light seemed dmed t fall int the sea. Ersin threatened this 1874 brick beacn until it was safely mved in land in 1993. The lighthuse’s small museum is pen free t the public between Memrial Day weekend and the secnd Mnday in Octber, and fr a fee, yu can ften venture t the tp f the twer n a tur: the 360-degree island views are wrth it.
    ADDRESS: 122 Mhegan Trail, New Shreham, RI 02807, USA
    PHONE: +1 401-466-5009
    Meet Extic Animals
    At Abrams’ Animal Farm, yu can meet a variety f animals frm abrad. This free mini/z is ppular with families. Be sure t wander ver t nearby Nrth Light Fibers, where friendly alpacas(羊驼)are als eager t meet yu.
    ADDRESS: 1 Spring St, New Shreham, RI 02807, USA
    PHONE: +1 401-466-2421
    Paddle the Great Salt Pnd
    T fully appreciate Blck Island’s eclgical wnders, yu’ll want t get ut n the water. Pnd and Beynd Kayak ffers tw-and-a-half-hur small grup ecturs f the Great/Salt Pnd that are perfect fr even inexperienced paddlers. Yu’ll be able t ask questins and hear lcal insights, in additin t spying n wildlife and yster farms.
    ADDRESS: 216 Ocean Ave, New Shreham, RI 02807-7710, USA
    PHONE: +1 401-578-2773
    21. Where can yu enjy the 360-degree island views?
    A. Mhegan Bluffs.B. The Tp f Sutheast Light.
    C. Abrams’ Animal Farm.D. The Great Salt Pnd.
    22. If yur family want t visit a free mini z, which address will yu g t?
    A. 121 Mhegan Trail, New Shreham.B. 122 Mhegan Trail, New Shreham.
    C. 1 Spring St, New Shreham.D. 216 Ocean Ave, New Shreham.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A stry.B. A magazine.C. A textbk.D. A guidebk.
    Dangerus drivers can be anywhere. Drunk, sleepy and distracted driving can smetimes end tragically, ntes Jeesung Lee, 17. This rising high-schl junir in Suth Krea attends St. Jhnsbury Academy Jeju. He wndered whether AI culd help warn peple f such drivers. A system he’s designed can nw warn drivers when ther drivers near them are acting dangerusly.
    Jeesung’s system can find cars traveling at dangerus speeds r suddenly switching lanes(车道). His cmputer prgram then sends a message t cellphnes in the area. It can text drivers t watch ut. Live vide surveys many majr rads arund the glbe, ften fr traffic reprts, especially t assess what happened after an accident ccurs, Jeesung ntes. His AI-based prgram instead aims t head ff accidents.
    It mnitrs streaming vide in real time. Jeesung trained his cmputer prgram with publicly available vides shwing car accidents. He then tested his system using vide it hadn’t seen. It crrectly identified dangerus driving sme 80 percent f the time, the teen nw reprts. It als sends ut warnings less than tw secnds after sptting risky driving.
    Yu can’t get thse warnings just yet. T d s, Jeesung wants t use GPS t pinpint the lcatins f phne users. That wuld require permissin frm Suth Krea’s gvernment, he ntes. But the system shuld prve quick and reliable, Jeesung says. And it shuld cst little, he adds. It needs n additinal hardware. And his system can be used with existing cameras.
    Car accidents are a lending curse f death and injuries. Jeesung hpes a system like his can limit these. He sims t cntinue imprving and testing the system in Jeju and eventually g glbal.
    24. What caused Jeesung t design the system?
    A. Feeling sleepy in class.B. Playing cmputer games.
    C. Seeing dangerus drivers.D. Acting wrngly after drinking.
    25. What is the purpse f Jeesung’s design?
    A. T speed up cars.B. T stp accidents.
    C. T reprt accidents.D. T survey main rads.
    26. What can we infer frm paragraph 4?
    A. The system will be cheap.
    B. Existing hardware is f little use.
    C. Jeesung can knw the lcatins f phne users.
    D. Suth Krea’s gvernment has given Jeesung permissin.
    27. What can we learn abut Jeesung?
    A. He is warm-hearted.B. He is ambitius.
    C. He has a lt f mney.D. He has an expensive car.
    We usually hear the term addictin used when talking abut drugs r alchl. But researchers are finding that certain fds can trigger(引发)the same feelings as drugs. It all cmes dwn t what’s happening in the brain. When we feel a happy rush, it’s due t a fld f the feel-gd chemical in ur brain. Drugs and alchl can cause a similar high. S, it turns ut, can sme ppular snack fds.
    “We’re designed t find carbhydrates(碳水化合物)and fats reinfrcing,” says Ashley Gearhardt. She’s a psychlgist. “Evlving(进化)such tastes helped ur ancestrs vercme famine when we culdn’t find enugh t eat and make sure we survive,” she explains. That critical rle shaped the brain’s reward system, making us hard-wired t enjy carbhydrates and fatty fds.
    The prblem isn’t with all fds cntaining carbhydrates and fats. Fruit is full f sugar. Oats and ther whle grains have lts f carbhydrates. Nuts and meat have fat. But such unprcessed fds—eaten in a frm that’s similar t hw they grew—als cntain ther nutrients, such as fiber, that slw digestin. That limits hw quickly ur bdies can absrb the nutrients. Ckies, candy, sda, fries and ther highly prcessed fds lack thse additinal nutrients. Such fds cntain ingredients that have been highly changed frm their natural state. They’re full f easy-t-absrb carbhydrates and added fats. What’s mre, they ften cntain ingredients that dn’t naturally ccur tgether. “Sugar and fat dn’t cme tgether in nature,” Gearhardt says. But highly prcessed fds ften “have unnaturally high levels f bth carbhydrates and fat.” When we eat these fds, we get a quick “hit” f carbhydrates and fats that give the brain a bst. That makes us want t eat them again and again.
    “Pay attentin t what yu eat,” Gearhardt says. “It’s best t get plenty f nutritius fds fr yur mind and bdy. That desn’t mean yu can’t have a dnut r pizza nw and. then. Just be sure yu’re aware f what yu’re eating.”
    28. What directly makes us happy accrding t paragraph 1?
    A. Addictin t fds.B. Snack fds.
    C. Chemical in ur brain.D. Sme alchl.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “famine” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. A lack f fd.B. A lt f difficulty.
    C. Enemies.D. Diseases.
    30. What d we knw abut carbhydrates and fats?
    A. Ckies have less carbhydrates and fats.
    B. Unprcessed fds have mre carbhydrates and fats.
    C. Humans are brn t be tired f carbhydrates and fats.
    D. Prcessed fds have unnatural carbhydrates and fats.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Be Aware f Unprcessed FdB. Avid Unprcessed Fd
    C. Eating HabitsD. Snack Fd Addictin
    Ocean water can be used t cl buildings. This idea culd help cities reduce their carbn ftprint and slw climate change. Althugh plentiful, cean water is t salt y t drink. But it culd serve as an imprtant and still largely untapped resurce fr many castal cities. The idea came t Zi Zhang shrtly after she mved frm Michigan t Hng Kng a few years ag t get a PhD in engineering.
    In 2013, Hng Kng built a system that used seawater t cl part f the city. The system pumps cld seawater int a plant with heat exchangers. The seawater absrbs heat t chill(冷却)pipes full f circulating water. That chilled water then flws int buildings t cl their rms. This type f system tends t use far less energy than typical air cnditiners. Zhang wndered: Hw much water and energy had this way saved Hng Kng? And why weren’t ther castal cities ding this? Zhang and her team set ut fr answers. The grup fcused n Hng Kng and tw ther big castal cities: Jeddah and Miami. The idea was t see what it might lk like if all three adpted city-wide saltwater systems. The cities’climates were quite different. But all three were densely ppulated, which shuld minimize sme csts.
    All three places wuld save lts f freshwater, the researchers fund. Miami culd save 16 percent f the freshwater it uses each year. Hng Kng, with mre nn-drinking-water needs, was saving up t 28 percent. Estimated energy savings ranged frm just 3 percent in Jeddah t 11 percent in Miami. These savings came frm the mre efficient saltwater air cnditining. Als, the cities wuld need less energy t treat salt y wastewater than they have been using t treat sewage nw.
    Thugh cstly t build, saltwater-cling systems culd pay ff in the lng run fr many cities. And because these systems use s much less electricity, they’re greener and emit(排放)less carbn-rich greenhuse gases. Scientists refer t this as a type f decarbnizatin(脱碳).
    32. What is Zi Zhang’s idea abut sea water in paragraph 1?
    A. Using sea water t ck.
    B. Using cean water t cl buildings.
    C. Using sea water t stp climate change.
    D. Using cean water get rid f carbn ftprint.
    33. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. The functins f sea water.B. The energy use in buildings.
    C. The purpse f Zi Zhang’s research.D. Hng Kng’s sea water use system.
    34. What is the aim f using numbers in paragraph 3?
    A. T prve Zi Zhang’s idea.B. T attract readers’ attentin.
    C. T shw the writer’s cautin.D. T explain Zi Zhang’s thery.
    35. What is the authr’s attitude tward the research?
    A. Objective.B. Ignrant.C. Dubtful.D. Apprving.
    Gd nte-taking can be very imprtant t academic and prfessinal success. 36 Hwever, yu may nt be sure hw t take ntes. T d s, use nte-taking techniques fr written texts r presentatins such as lectures, seminars(研讨会), and meetings.
    37 Keep yur ntes rganized by writing imprtant details at the tp f each page. Include infrmatin such as the date, bibligraphic(书目的)infrmatin, and page number f yur ntes. Nting details can make it easier fr yu t return t yur ntes and get imprtant infrmatin.
    Use yur wn language. 38 Avid nting anything in the text verbatim, r wrd fr wrd, unless it is a phrase r qute yu may later use. Taking ntes in yur wn wrds actively engages yur brain, helps yu better understand the text, makes yu mre likely t retain the infrmatin, and may minimize the risk f plagiarism(剽窃).
    Develp yur wn system f signs and abbreviatins that can help yu mre quickly take ntes and review them. 39
    Skip lines n the paper fr later review. As yu write yur keywrds and ideas dwn, leave space between each line. 40 This helps yu quickly have and identify all f the relevant material t that keywrd r thught.
    A. Nte details at the tp f yur paper.
    B. Ntes can help yu finish prjects prperly and pass tests.
    C. Write dwn key facts, ideas, and details in yur wn wrds.
    D. Summarize what yu’ve written n the page in 2-4 sentences.
    E. Think abut the text yu’re reading r the lecture yu’re listening t.
    F. Fr example, “SM” fr “scientific methd,” r “GH” fr “gender histry.”
    G. Having extra rm allws yu t make additinal ntes that yu may nt understand.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Kevin Hyde, wh has been sailing his whle life, recently invited Je DiTmmass t Flrida n his sailbat. The first part f their 41 went well, and they stpped fr a 42 in the Outer Banks.
    That’s where things went 43 . Suddenly they fund themselves inside a heavy strm at sea. “I’ve never heard winds s bad my whle life!” Je 44 . As the cean churned(剧烈翻滚)arund them, the 50-ft mast(桅杆)f the sailbat 45 , and their radis didn’t 46 either, leaving them at the mercy f the strmy sea.
    When Kevin and Je’s families 47 tuch with them, they reprted them missing t the Cast Guard. Sn, a full 48 began, but rescuers weren’t even sure which 49 t start lking fr them.
    Flating fr days with n mast, gas, r electricity, Kevin and Je prayed fr 50 . By the 10th day at sea, they were feeling mre 51 than ever.
    Just when it seemed that all was lst, they gt 52 frm a huge internatinal ship called the Silver Muna. 53 , an attentive crew member 54 the tiny sailbat. Captain Neeraj Chaudhary immediately stpped his ship. Rescuing the men was exciting fr all invlved and even the ship’s captain cried when the men were 55 abard his ship.
    41. A. friendshipB. jurneyC. lifeD. day
    42. A. mealB. discussinC. restD. plan
    43. A. wrngB. badC. wildD. smth
    44. A. recalledB. shutedC. thughtD. smelled
    45. A. brke awayB. brke inC. brke utD. brke ff
    46. A. replyB. wrkC. stpD. escape
    47. A. keptB. fundC. leftD. lst
    48. A. behavirB. searchC. discverD. inventin
    49. A. persnB. batC. directinD. radi
    50. A. rescueB. fdC. waterD. free
    51. A. luckyB. regretfulC. excitedD. desperate
    52. A. attacksB. helpC. emailsD. letters
    53. A. LuckilyB. SrrwfullyC. InterestinglyD. Patiently
    54. A. studiedB. designedC. destryedD. sptted
    55. A. blwnB. expandedC. pulledD. exprted
    第二节(共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    In China, the 56 (traditin)slar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms. The slar terms 57 (create)thusands f years ag t guide agricultural prductin. Slar term culture is still useful tday t guide peple’s lives.
    Start f Autumn 58 (reflect)the end f summer and the beginning f autumn. Althugh autumn just begins, ht weather will nt cme t 59 end. The perid f ht days after Start f Autumn, usually 60 (last)fr 30 days, is called “Autumn Tiger.” Because f decreasing precipitatin(降水), it is even 61 (ht)during this perid than during Majr Heat.
    On the first day f the Start f Autumn, usually peple will weigh 62 (them)and cmpare their weight t 63 it was at the Start f Summer. If ne has lst weight during the summer, then at the beginning f autumn, he 64 she needs t eat many different kinds f delicius fd, especially meat.
    In Shandn g prvince, peple make dumplings during the Start f Autumn, and they call it “Eating the Autumn”. On the day f Start f Autumn, senir 65 (member)f the family will stand in the middle f the hall, praying fr the harvest in autumn.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear Bb,
    Hw is everything ging? _____________________________________________________________________
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    The tw kids were whispering. Their dad, Jasn, culd hear them, but they didn’t knw that. Jasn listened intently.
    “…and nw I can’t sleep,” he heard his daughter say. “It’s kay, Ashley. Mm and Dad are sleeping. I’ll help yu,” Tdd said. “Thanks,” said Ashley.
    Jasn silently pened his bedrm dr. His wife was asleep, and he decided nt t wake her up. He watched as the tw slinked(溜)dwn the stairs. He fllwed, unseen, unheard. The kids went t the living rm. He watched as his sn, Tdd, put a blanket n the flr. He watched as Tdd arranged the cuch pillws n the blanket, against the cuch. Ashley sat n the blanket and held her favrite teddy bear.
    “I’ll be right back,” whispered Tdd. Jasn held still as Tdd went t the kitchen. He quietly watched as Tdd carefully made tw peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And he watched as Tdd went back t the living rm and sweetly handed his sister a sandwich. Ashley gave Tdd a smile. Jasn wndered what shw the kids wuld watch n televisin s late at night. He decided t find ut befre making his presence knwn. He did nt expect t see what he saw next.
    Ashley turned n a small flashlight. Tdd picked up a bk that Jasn hadn’t nticed befre. One f the tw had carried it dwnstairs. “Okay, Ashley, this was ne f my favrites when I was little,” said Tdd. Jasn smiled in his hiding place in the dark. Tdd was nly nine. He watched, unable and nt wanting t lk away. Tdd read in a vice just abve a whisper while Ashley sat and listened and very quietly chewed. Her head rested n her brther’s shulder, and she lked s peaceful. Culd these really be the same children wh had been fighting nly a few hurs earlier?
    Tdd read anther bk, which Jasn had als nt seen earlier. Then Tdd said, “That’s/all we can d, Ashley. My teacher said we have t get at least eight hurs f sleep. Give me a secnd t eat my sandwich, kay?”
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Jasn saw the brther was making sure that he did what his teacher said. _______________________________
    Jasn went quietly int his rm and pened his jurnal. _____________________________________________
    1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A
    11. A 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. C 16. B 17. B 18. B 19. A 20. A
    Text 1
    W: Hi, David. Where did yu g n hliday?
    M: I went t Beijing with my parents.
    W: What did yu d there?
    M: We visited the Great Wall and sme relatives!
    Text 2
    M: Lk at this ne, Lucy. I really like it and it’s cheap as well.
    W: That is the right size. Put it back n the hanger and let’s g and pay fr it.
    Text 3
    M: What is wrng with yu? Yu lk s upset.
    W: I left my dictinary in a taxi, and I am anxius whether I can get it back. Yu knw, my mther bught it fr me last week.
    Text 4
    W: S schl has started again and hw was yur hliday?
    M: I had a busy time. I wanted t travel and visit my friends in my hmetwn but I had t finish all f the hmewrk.
    Text 5
    M: Hi Sally. Hw are yu?
    W: I am fine, what abut yu?
    M: Yeah fine. What abut yur preparatin fr the upcming annual exam?
    W: Pretty gd, but I am struggling with mathematics. I hpe yu can help me befre the exam.
    Text 6
    W: Why d yu want t becme a dctr?
    M: Actually I am frm a tiny village. I spent my early childhd there and I have seen the village life frm s clse. Peple suffer a lt because f lacking gd dctrs. Still, there are lts f prblems. I want t wrk fr them.
    W: That’s a nble reasn.
    M: Yeah, my parents are encuraging me t becme a dctr and they are ging t help as much as they can. What are yu ging t be?
    W: I have a plan t study n architecture. I think I am pretty gd at design and drawings. I have a dream t wrk in the cnstructin industry t.
    M: That’s an amazing plan. What is the reasn behind chsing this particular prfessin?
    W: I am nt sure, I just like it. And I am reading lts f bks related t the architect and the basics. I think I am ging t enjy the prfessin. I lve it by the way.
    Text 7
    M: I think we need t be careful abut water mstly. We will face a shrtage f drinking water. S we need t stp wasting and plluting the water.
    W: Yeah, that’s als true fr air pllutin. Have yu seen the data n glbal warming?
    M: Yes, glbal warming is true and sme peple dn’t even believe it. We need t be careful and stp plluting the envirnment. Otherwise, maybe mther earth will nt be the same after 50 t 100 years. We have already spiled many things.
    W: I agree with yu. many animal species have extincted frm nature just because f huge changes in the climate. And glbal warming is directly respnsible fr that.
    M: What d yu think we shuld d t save the envirnment?
    W: First f all, we need t g green and stp using plastic materials. It’s a huge threat t sea life and it ruins the land.
    M: I agree with yu. It was great talking t yu, dear.
    Text 8
    W: S, is this yur first time using a gym?
    M: Yeah. I never thught abut it befre.
    W: Let me shw yu arund quickly. These are ur strength-training machines.
    M: Yu see, this is why I dn’t like gyms. There are s many machines! I never knw where t start.
    W: That’s kay. It’s actually quite simple. Every machine has instructins, yu see? S it tells yu which muscle grup it targets, and explains hw t d the exercise safely.
    M: D peple nrmally use all the machines in a visit?
    W: It depends. If yu want t build yur muscle strength, then it’s better t fcus n ne bdy part each time yu cme.
    M: Des it get busy?
    W: Yeah, in the evenings. If yu can cme in the middle f the day, it’s generally quite quiet.
    M: Okay, s shuld I cme every day?
    W: N, nt necessarily! Yu need rest days as well. Hw ften were yu thinking f cming?
    M: I dn’t knw…Once r twice a week, maybe? Is that enugh?
    W: I’d say three times a week is better. If yu nly cme nce a week, yu wn’t really get much benefit frm it.
    M: Alright, I guess I’ll try.
    Text 9
    M: Hw are yu, Jane?
    W: I am gd. What abut yu, Sir?
    M: I am fine t. S I have heard yu are s much interested t learn abut science.
    W: Yes sir. I was passinate abut science frm a very yung age.
    M: This is very gd. I think every student shuld be like yu. S what d yu think is the mst interesting thing abut science?
    W: Science is inventing new things fr making human life easy and simple. That’s what I lve mst abut science. There are thusands f prblems and science cmes with a slutin.
    M: Yu are right. Science has a huge impact n ur life. We are cvered with science. Nw we can’t decline the imprtance f science in ur life.
    W: Sir, what are the mst valuable inventins f science?
    M: T them, cmputer, electricity, and mtr engine are three biggest inventins and these three things have changed the entire wrld and brught lts f revlutin in different times.
    W: Oh yeah, I can understand nw. Thank yu s much, sir, fr sharing.
    Text 10
    W: Dear class. This time I will tell yu abut the Nbel Prizes. Alfred Nbel was brn n Octber 21, 1833 in Sweden and died n December 10, 1896, in Italy. He funded the Nbel Prizes. The first distributin f the prizes tk place n December 10, 1901, the fifth anniversary f Nbel’s death. After Nbel’s death, the Nbel Fundatin was set up t carry ut his will.
    Each Nbel Prize cnsists f a gld medal, a dcument, and a sum f mney, the amunt f which depends n the incme f the Nbel Fundatin. A Nbel Prize is either given entirely t ne persn, divided equally between tw persns, r shared by three persns. In the latter case, each f the three persns can receive a ne-third share f the prize r tw tgether can receive a ne-half share.
    Tu Yuyu, a Chinese scientist, received the 2015 Nbel Prize fr Physilgy r Medicine, shared with ne Japanese scientist and ne American scientist.
    【语篇解读】这是一篇应用文,介绍了美国 Blck岛的4个景点。
    21. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据Climb t the Tp f Sutheast Light部分“ can ften venture t the tp f the twer n a tur: the 360-degree island views are wrth it.”的描述可知。
    22. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据Meet Extic Animals部分的“This free mini z is ppular with families.”和“ADDRESS: 1 Spring St, New Shreham, RI 02807, USA”的描述可知。
    23. D 【解析】推理判断题。根据第1段“ Island appeals t bth utdrsy travelers…”的描述可知。
    【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了Jeesung Lee设计预防车祸事故的系统的故事。
    24. C 【解析】细节理解题。据第1段中的“Dangerus drivers can be anywhere. wndered whether AI culd help warn peple f such drivers.”可知。
    25. B 【解析】细节理解题。据第2段的“His AI-based prgram instead aims t head ff accidents.”可知。
    26. A 【解析】推理判断题。据第4段的“And it shuld cst little, he adds. It needs n additinal hardware. And his system can be used with existing cameras.”可知。
    27. B 【解析】推理判断题。据全文,尤其是最后1段中的“He aims t cntinue imprving and testing the system in Jeju and eventually g glbal.”可知。
    28. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第1段的“It all cmes dwn t what’s happening in the brain. When we feel a happy rush, it’s due t a fld f the feel-gd chemical in ur brain.”可知,C选项符合题意。
    29. A 【解析】猜测词义题。根据第2段的“when we culdn’t find enugh t eat and make sure we survive”可知。
    30. D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第3段的“Such fds cntain ingredients that have been highly changed frm their natural state. They’re full f easy-t-absrb carbhydrates and added fats.”和“have unnaturally high levels f bth carbhydrates and fat.”可知。
    31. A 【解析】标题。据全文,尤其是最后一段可知。
    32. B 【解析】细节理解题。据第1段的“Ocean water can be used t cl buildings. This idea came t Zi Zhang...”可知B项正确。
    33. C 【解析】文章大意题。据第2段的“Zhang and her team set ut fr idea was t see...”可知答案为C。
    34. A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第3段的主题句“All three places wuld save lts f freshwater, the researchers fund.”可知,A项正确。
    35. D 【解析】推断观点态度题。据最段的“Thugh cstly t build, saltwater-cling systems culd pay ff in the lng run fr many cities.”可知D项正确。
    36. B 【解析】逻辑关系题。据前面的“Gd nte-taking can be very imprtant t academic and prfessinal success.”可知。
    37. A 【解析】逻辑关系题。考查主题句。据后一句“Keep yur ntes rganized by writing imprtant details at the tp f each page.”及本段内容可知。
    38. C 【解析】逻辑关系题,据主题句“Use yur wn language.”可知C项正确。
    39. F 【解析】逻辑关系题。据前面的“Develp yur wn system f signs and abbreviatins”可知F项正确。
    40. G 【解析】逻辑关系题。据主题句“Skip lines n the paper fr later review.”可知G项正确。
    41. B 【解析】考查名词及语境理解。据前面的“invited Je Di Tmmass t Flrida”可知。
    42. C 【解析】考查名词及语境理解。据前面的“stpped”可知。
    43. A 【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。据后面的“Suddenly they fund themselves inside a heavy strm at sea.”可知。
    44. A 【解析】考查动词及语境理解。前面的“I’ve never heard winds s bad my whle life!”是事后回忆的内容。
    45. D 【解析】考查动词短语及语境理解。据后面的“leaving them at the mercy f the strmy sea”可知。
    46. B 【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。据后面的“leaving them at the mercy f the strmy sea”可知。
    47. D 【解析】考查动词及语境理解。与下文的“they reprted them missing t the Cast Guard.”相呼应。
    48. B 【解析】考查名词及语境理解。与后面的“but rescuers weren’t even start lking fr them”相呼应。
    49. C 【解析】考查名词及语境理解。与本句的前后呼应“but rescuers weren’t even sure which... t start lking fr them”相呼应。
    50. A 【解析】考查名词及语境理解。据前面的“but rescuers weren’t even sure...”可知。
    51. D 【解析】考查形容词及语境理解。desperate的意思是“绝望的”,与前面的“Flating fr days with n mast, gas, r electricity... By the 10th day at sea,”相呼应。
    52. B 【解析】考查名及语境理解。得到“帮助”与后面的获救内容相呼应。
    53. A 【解析】考查副词及语境理解。与下文的被海员发现相呼应。
    54. D 【解析】考查动词及语境理解。与后面的“Captain Neeraj Chaudhary immediately stpped his ship.”相呼应。
    55. C 【解析】考查动词及语境理解。与前面的“Rescuing the men was exciting fr all invlved...”相呼应。
    56. traditinal 【解析】考查词性转化。形容词traditinal作定语。
    57. were created 【解析】考查谓语动词的被动语态。
    58. reflects 【解析】考查主谓一致。
    59. an 【解析】考查固定搭配及冠词的用法。cme t an end的意思是“结束了”。
    60. lasting 【解析】考查现在分词做状语。
    61. htter 【解析】考查形容词比较级的用法。
    62. themselves 【解析】考查反身代词的用法。
    63. what 【解析】考查宾语从句的连接词。
    64. r 【解析】考查连词的用法。r的意思是“或者”。
    65. members 【解析】考查可数名词的复数形式。
    Dear Bb,
    Hw is everything ging? I can’t wait t share with yu what I learned during my summer hliday. I learned t swim. Yu may feel surprised that I began t learn it at this age. Right. It was really a challenge fr me. I learned frm a swimming class and my classmates there are s yung. They learned fast but my cach was s nice and she encuraged t get familiar with water and then learned t flat n water. Eventually I vercame the difficulties and nw I can swim well. Frm this experience I understand mre deeply the Chinese saying: never t late t learn.
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    Jasn saw the brther was making sure that he did what his teacher said. Jasn tried t hld his laugh. He watched the tw kids pick up the blanket and the bks, put the pillws back, and g quietly up the stairs. He waited a while befre he went up the stairs t check n the kids. He fund bth f them were in their wn beds, fast asleep. He even nticed the smiles n Ashley’s and Tdd’s faces. They must have been in a beautiful dream.
    Jasn went quietly int his rm and pened his jurnal. He turned n the lamp and was sure t keep the light n the lwest setting t avid waking up his dear wife. He wrte: “Tnight I witnessed Tdd being s gd t Ashley...” he cntinued until he had put dwn everything he had just seen. Cntent, he put the jurnal away, turned ff his lamp, and went t sleep. In his dream he saw his sn and daughter grwing up happily and taking gd care f each ther.

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