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    Unit 1 Cultural Heritage(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)
    Unit 1 Cultural Heritage(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)01
    Unit 1 Cultural Heritage(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)02
    Unit 1 Cultural Heritage(同步练习)-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册(含答案)03
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    英语必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life课后作业题

    这是一份英语必修 第一册Unit 1 Teenage life课后作业题,共17页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,书面表达,读后续写等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Using Ggle's unique digital technlgy, the stries f sme English Heritage Sites arund the cuntry—frm Tintagel Castle in Crnwall t Chesters Rman Frt n Hadrian's Wall-are brught t life and shared by way f the Ggle Arts & Culture platfrm.
    1、Which heritage can yu chse if yu are interested in uniquesunrise?
    A.Stnehenge Skyscape.B.Osbrne Huse, the Isle f Wight.
    C.Audley End Huse and Gardens, Essex.D.Tintagel Castle, Crnwall.
    2、What d Osbrne Huse and Tintagel Castle have in cmmn?
    A.Bth were built fr their kings.
    B.Bth were built in the same age.
    C.Bth are related t previus rulers.
    D.Bth were palatial hliday hmes fr the rulers.
    3、In which part f a website can yu read the text?
    A.Language.B.Educatin.C.Gegraphy. D.Culture.
    Many f China's ancient architectural treasures crumbled int dust befre Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng began dcumenting them in the 1930s. The husband and wife team were amng the first preservatinists t perate in China, and by far the best knwn. Their effrts have since inspired generatins f peple t speak ut fr architecture threatened by the rapid develpment.
    Becming China's best architectural histrians was n easy accmplishment. The buildings they wanted t save were centuries ld, ften lcated in distant parts f the cuntry. In many cases, they had t jurney thrugh dangerus cnditins in the Chinese cuntryside t reach them. Explring China's remte areas during the 1930s meant traveling muddy, prly maintained(养护) rads by mule (骡子), r n ft. Inns(客栈) were ften dirty, fd culd be plluted, and there was always risk f vilence frm rebels, sldiers and rbbers.
    Their greatest discvery was the Temple f Buddha's Light, in Wutai Cunty, Shanxi Prvince. The breathtaking wden temple was rebuilt in 857 A.D., making it the ldest building knwn in China at the time.
    Liang and Lin crawled int the temple's mst frbidding, frgtten areas t determine its age, including ne hideaway inhabited by thusands f bats and millins f bedbugs, cvered in dust and littered with dead bats. “In cmplete darkness and amng awful smell, hardly breathing, with thick masks cvering ur nses and muths, we measured, drew, and phtgraphed with flashlights fr several hurs. When at last we came ut t take a breath f fresh air, we fund hundreds f bedbugs in ur bag. We urselves had been badly bitten. Yet the imprtance and unexpectedness f ur find made thse the happiest hurs f my years hunting fr ancient architecture.” Liang wrte f the experience in an accunt included in the bk “Liang and Lin: Partners in Explring China's Architectural Past”.
    4、What des the underlined wrd “crumbled” mean in Paragraph 1?
    A.Were stlen. B.Fell dwn.C.Lked ld. D.Clsed up.
    5、On their way t the ancient buildings in the 1930s,what risks did Liang and Lin mainly face?
    A.Transprt and accmmdatins.
    B.Persnal safety and weather.
    C.Cmmunicatin with lcals and fd.
    D.Rad cnditins and funds.
    6、What can we infer frm Liang's wrds in the text?
    A.They cnsidered their wrk was the mst imprtant.
    B.They were well⁃equipped befre entering the temple.
    C.They fund sme surprising things in the temple.
    D.The cnditins inside the temple were cmmn t them.
    7、Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the passage?
    A.Tugh Cnditins in China's Remte Areas
    B.Partners in Dcumenting China's Architectural Treasures
    C.The Reasn fr Liang and Lin's Explratin
    D.The Difficulties China's Architectural Histrians Are Facing
    The traditinal Chinese lunar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms(节气). The year starts frm Beginning f Spring and ends with Greater Cld, mving in cycles. The slar term culture is still useful tday t guide peple's lives thrugh special fds, cultural ceremnies and even healthy living tips.
    Grain Buds(小满)is the 8th slar term f the year. It means that the seeds(种子)frm the grain are becming full. During Grain Buds, the summer harvest is abut t begin. A saying abut rain during this time mentins, “Heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because f the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full f water. This is a gd time t enjy fish. It is als a harvest seasn fr fishermen.
    Frst's Descent (霜降), the 18th slar term f the year, is the last slar term f autumn. The weather becmes much clder than befre and frst begins. The apple is ne kind f recmmended fruit during Frst's Descent. There are many sayings abut apples' benefits (益处) in China, such as “ Eat an apple after meals. Even ld men can be as strng as yung men.”
    Minr Cld(小寒)is the 23rd ne. Fr mst areas f China, it marks the start f the cldest days f the year and peple always start preparing fr Chinese New Year. Accrding t traditinal Chinese medicine thughts, peple need t eat fd that has mre yang energy t prevent cld frm harming their bdies. Anther imprtant traditinal fd fr Minr Cld is Laba prridge (腊八粥).
    8、Which is the last slar term f a year?
    A.Frst's Descent. B.Greater Cld.C.Minr Cld. D.Beginning f Spring.
    9、Which slar term d fishermen like best?
    A.Beginning f Spring. B.Grain Buds.
    C.Frst's Descent. D.Minr Cld.
    10、Which f the fllwing sentences is clsest in meaning t the underlined sentences in Paragraph 3?
    A.An apple a day keeps the dctr away.
    B.It's mre useful fr ld men t eat apples than yung men.
    C.If ld men eat apples after meals, they will never die.
    D.Old men will grw int yung men after eating an apple.
    11、What are the usual practices fr peple in mst areas f China during Minr Cld?
    ①prepare fr Chinese New Year
    ②have Laba prridge
    ③say gdbye t the cldest days
    ④wear warmer clthes
    A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
    Lcal fficials in Beijing prmised t further prtect the city's cultural heritage, in particular the narrw streets knwn as hutngs.
    Hutngs are cmmnly fund in the cities f Nrth China, but they are at risk. Beijing is currently believed t have fewer than 1,000 hutngs, mst f which are near the Imperial Palace. Only 60 years ag, the number was 3,250. In the ld districts f Dngcheng and Xicheng, which cver 62 square kilmeters, sme peple will be asked t mve ut frm hutng huses t avid further damage t the ancient architecture.
    "On average mre than 100,000 peple visit the Imperial Palace during the Natinal Day hliday. The visitrs put pressure n the prtectin f cultural relics," said Huang Yan, directr f the Beijing Municipal Cmmissin f Urban Planning, adding that hutngs shuld be prtected frm human damage.
    The gvernment fcused n hw the prtectin plans were carried ut and hw the management f the cultural heritage wrked. Wang Shafeng, head f the Xicheng district gvernment, said the area has 182 cultural relics, many f which were built as far back as the Yuan Dynasty (1271—1368). The district f Xicheng has 1.28 millin residents in its 57 square kilmeters f land. "The mst efficient way is t decrease the lcal ppulatin t reduce the pssibility f causing harm t the heritage," Wang said.
    "Each cmmunity has been required t reprt the status f its cultural heritage, especially hutngs, and any actin that will damage the heritage will be punished," Wang said.
    N ne knws fr sure hw many hutngs will be left in the cming 100 years.
    12、Hw many hutngs have disappeared in the past sixty years in Beijing?
    A.Less than 1,000.B.Abut 2,000.C.Mre than 3,000.D.Over 4,000.
    13、Accrding t Huang Yan, what is the main cause f the damage t cultural relics?
    A.Visitrs' activities.B.Residents'attitude.
    C.Cmmunities' behaviur.D.The gvernment's plicy.
    14、Which f the fllwing is a useful way t prtect hutngs?
    A.T attract mre visitrs.
    B.T punish anyne damaging them.
    C.T increase the lcal ppulatin.
    D.T frbid everyne getting clse t them.
    15、What will happen t hutngs in the near future?
    A.Only time will tell.B.N ne will remember them.
    C.The number will be grwing.D.Hutngs will disappear cmpletely.
    16、 Mst peple think Chinese martial arts (武术) are all abut kicking and fighting. ①______ It is slw, calm and peaceful.
    Tai chi dates back t the mid-17th century in Wenxian cunty in Henan Prvince. UNESCO added it t its Lists f Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2020. Althugh tai chi is an ancient martial art, it is still quite ppular tday. ②______
    Peple d tai chi as a way t stay fit. Unlike ther exercises, it is "sft"—the muscles are nt tense, the jints are nt fully bent, and yu dn't need t stretch (伸展) yur bdy t much. ③______ Yu can practise it almst anytime and anywhere withut equipment. It is believed that practising tai chi can help us have better cntrl f ur bdies s that we can stand, walk and run better.
    ④______ Yu can cntrl them better. Slw mvements als allw yu t take deep, lng breaths. This is gd fr yur bdies.
    But the benefits f tai chi g beynd the physical side. ⑤______ Tai chi has taught them the value f living mre slwly. Just as a Peruvian wman wh has practised tai chi fr mre than 10 years says, "Practising tai chi is like speaking with my sul."
    A. This means many can d it.
    B. But tai chi is the ther way arund.
    C. It's a practical way fr ne t further balance.
    D. Yu need t keep a healthy balance in all things.
    E. It has ver 100 millin fans in mre than 150 cuntries.
    F. Fr sme peple, it's nt nly a sprt, but als a way f life.
    G. During slw mvements, yu can cncentrate n yur hands and feet.
    I've trained my teenage traveler well. I've never been mre certain.
    Having just celebrated her 16th birthday, my daughter 1 the pprtunity t g t Thailand with Adventures Crss⁃Cuntry (ARCC) n a 2 vlunteer service. What her grup f a dzen teens did in Thailand during that first week f 3 was anxius, exhausting and impressive.
    ARCC has a 4 n cell phne plicy. When the grup met fr the first time at Ls Angeles Internatinal Airprt, leaders 5 all cell phnes. Once a week, the kids were allwed t 6 their cell phnes.
    Less than 24 hurs after landing in Bangkk, they 7 pen⁃air bus⁃like trucks and bumped(颠簸行进) their way alng dirt rads fr a cuple f 8 t the hill tribe village. Their new hme was a village 9 . Desks and chairs were pushed aside t make space fr the kids t 10 at night. In the ht summer days, there were bugs f the flying and crawling(爬行) variety. 11 were finished by filling a bucket with water frm a sft pipe and puring it ver yur head. When my hme 12 rang abut a week after she left, there were n cmplaints(抱怨). She said the shwer was the 13 thing that ever happened t her.
    14 like this can't be gained by reading bks r searching the Internet. They're learned by 15 and ding. All f the teenagers learned that peple, themselves included, can d great things when they put their minds t them.
    17、A.refused B.expectedC.imagined D.gained
    18、A.spring B.summerC.autumn D.winter
    19、A.silence B.cnnectinC.signal D.wave
    20、A.suitable B.rightC.strict D.frmal
    21、A.cllected B.bughtC.quitted D.hid
    22、A.make B.haveC.display D.bring
    23、A.fund B.drveC.checked D.barded
    24、A.weeks B.mnthsC.hurs D.years
    25、A.classrm B.churchC.farmhuse D.family
    26、A.teach B.sleepC.play D.study
    27、A.Meals B.StriesC.Tasks D.Shwers
    28、A.clck B.drbellC.phne D.radi
    29、A.best B.saddestC.hardest D.easiest
    30、A.VlunteersB.ExperiencesC.Opinins D.Vacatins
    31、A.thinking B.callingC.teaching D.traveling
    Bridges made ut f living rts f trees have been put frward fr the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List.
    The rt bridges are in the Meghalaya regin f nrtheast India. The regin gets ①______ lt f rainfall and is ne f the ②______ (wet) areas n Earth, which creates lts f lakes, rivers and waterfalls, ③______ (make) it difficult t build rads. Hwever, fr hundreds f years the lcal Khasi peple have been trying ④______ (they) best t grw rt bridges acrss rivers and streams t make it easier fr them t mve arund the area.
    The bridges ⑤______ (build) by stretching the rts f living trees ver the river and winding them arund bamb structures t guide them in the right ⑥______ (direct). The rts can take up t 20 years ⑦______ (grw) int a cmplete bridge.
    The India gvernment has suggested Meghalaya's rt bridges shuld be added ⑧______ the UNESCO Wrld Heritage List. This means they will get special recgnitin—just like Egypt's pyramids r the Great Barrier Reef in Australia—⑨______shuld attract mre turists and mney t the area. Mrningstar Khngthaw frm Meghalaya said, “We want t spread this knwledge s that future ⑩______ (generatin) will benefit.”
    Once upn a time, tw brthers wh lived n neighburing farms fell int cnflict. It was the first serius disagreement in frty years f farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labur and gds as needed withut a hitch.
    Then the lng cperatin fell apart. It began with a small misunderstanding and then grew int a majr difference, and finally it develped int an exchange f bitter wrds fllwed by weeks f silence.
    One mrning, there was a knck n Jhn's dr. He pened it and fund a man with a carpenter's tlbx. "I'm lking fr a few days' wrk," he said. "Perhaps yu have a few jbs here and there. Culd I help yu?"
    "Yes," said Jhn. "I d have a jb fr yu. Lk acrss the small stream at that farm. That's my neighbr's. In fact, it's my yunger brther's. Last week there was a meadw(草地) between us and he tk his bulldzer(推土机) there and nw there is a stream between us. Well, he may have dne this t anny me but I'll d better. See that pile f wd by the barn(谷仓)?I want yu t build a fence—an 8-ft-high fence—s I wn't need t see his place anymre."
    The carpenter said, "I think I understand the situatin. Shw me the nails and hle digger and I'll be able t d a jb that pleases yu."
    The lder brther had t g t the twn fr supplies, s he helped the carpenter get everything ready and then he left. The carpenter wrked hard all that day measuring, sawing and nailing smething. At sunset when Jhn returned, the carpenter had just finished his jb. Jhn's eyes pened wide and his jaw drpped.
    Paragraph 1:
    There was n fence at all. It was a bridge!
    Paragraph 2:
    They turned t see the carpenter lift the tlbx nt his shulder.
    解析:细节理解题。根据表格第一栏中的“Experience live and special sunrise ver Stnehenge”可知,如果你对独特的日出感兴趣,可以选择Stnehenge Skyscape。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据表格第二栏中的“Take a 360-degree vide tur f Queen Victria and Prince Albert's palatial hliday hme”以及表格第四栏中的“Linked with the legend f King Arthur”可知,Osbrne Huse和Tintagel Castle都与以前的统治者有关。故选C。
    解析:推理判断题。本文主要讲了谷歌网站上关于英国几个遗址的介绍。根据第一段中的“by way f the Ggle Arts & Culture platfrm”可知,通过谷歌艺术与文化平台可以详细了解遗址情况。由此判断出该文章会出现在网站上关于文化的部分。故选D。
    解析:词义猜测题。由此篇文章第一段的内容Many f China's ancient architectural treasures crumbled t dust befre Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng began dcumenting them in the 1930s. The husband and wife team were amng the first preservatinists t perate in China, and by far the best knwn. Their effrts have since inspired generatins f peple t speak ut fr architecture threatened by the rush tward develpment.(20世纪30年代,林徽因和梁思成开始记录中国的许多古代建筑珍宝,在此之前,它们就已。这对夫妻是第一批在中国开展保护工作的人,也是迄今为止最知名的。从那时起,他们的努力激励了几代人为受到急速发展威胁的建筑发声。)可知梁思成和林徽因夫妇是最早采取行动的文物保护者之一,在他们开始保护古建筑之前,许多古建筑已经坍塌,所以划线单词"crumble"意思是"倒塌"。A.be stlen.被盗;B.fall dwn.倒塌;C.lk ld.看上去老;D.clse up.关闭。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。由此篇文章第二段中的关键句Explring China's remte areas during the 1930s meant traveling muddy, prly maintained rads by mule(骡子),r n ft. Inns were ften dirty, fd culd be plluted, and there was always risk f vilence frm rebels, sldiers and rbbers. (在20世纪30年代探索中国的偏远地区意味着用骡子或徒步行走泥泞、维护不善的道路。旅馆往往很脏,食物可能被污染,而且总是有来自反叛者、士兵和强盗的暴力风险。)可知在20世纪30年代,在梁思成和林徽因两人在前往古建筑的路上,主要面临的风险在交通和膳宿方面,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。由此篇文章最后一段中的梁思成说的话Yet the imprtance and unexpectedness f ur find made thse the happiest hurs f my years hunting fr ancient architecture.(然而,我们发现的重要性和意外之处,使那些时光成为我寻找古建筑的岁月中最快乐的时光。)可知他们在寺庙里发现了一些令人惊奇的东西。故选C。
    解析:标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的内容Many f China's ancient architectural treasures crumbled t dust befre Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng began dcumenting them in the 1930s. The husband and wife team were amng the first preservatinists t perate in China, and by far the best knwn. Their effrts have since inspired generatins f peple t speak ut fr architecture threatened by the rush tward develpment.(在林徽因和梁思成于20世纪30年代开始记录之前,中国许多古代建筑珍品已经化为灰烬。这对夫妇是中国最早采取行动的文物保护者之一,也是迄今为止最有名的一对。他们的努力激励了一代又一代的人为受到发展冲击的建筑大声疾呼。)可知,文章主要讲述了梁思成和林徽因夫妇为保护中国古建筑而做出的努力,他们的努力提高了公众保护历史建筑的意识。所以以B. Partners in Dcumenting China's Architectural Treasures.(一对记录中国建筑珍品的伴侣。)作为题目最合适,故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中"The traditinal Chinese lunar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms (节气). The year starts frm Beginning f Spring and ends with Greater Cld, mving in cycles.(传统的中国农历将一年分为24个节气。一年从立春开始,以大寒结束,循环往复。) "可知,中国农历的24节气从立春开始,以大寒结束;因此,一年中最后一个节气是大寒。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Grain Buds(小满) is the 8th slar term f the year.(小满是一年中的第八个节气。)”以及最后三句“Because f the great increase in rainfall, rivers are full f water. This is a gd time t enjy fish. It is als a harvest seasn fr fishermen.(由于降雨量大大增加,河流充满了水。这是享受鱼的好时机。对渔民来说,这也是一个收获的季节。)”可知,小满对渔民来说,这也是一个收获的季节;由此可知,渔民最喜欢的节气是小满。故选B。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据第三段中的“The apple is ne kind f recmmended fruit during Frst's Descent.(苹果是霜降期间推荐的一种水果。)”以及划线句“There are many sayings abut apples' benefits(益处) in China, such as “Eat an apple after meals. Even ld men can be as strng as yung men.”(关于苹果的好处,中国有很多说法,比如·"Eat an apple after meals. Even ld men can be as strng as yung men')"中的“There are many sayings abut apples' benefits(益处) in China, such as”可知,划线句Eat an apple after meals. Even ld men can be as strng as yung men为一句谚语,阐述吃苹果的有益健康,建议大家吃苹果,因此“Eat an apple after meals. Even ld men can be as strng as yung men(饭后一苹果,老头赛小伙)”与A选项“An apple a day keeps the dctr away.(—天一苹果,医生远离我)”所表达的意思一致,都说明吃苹果有益身体健康,建议吃苹果。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“Minr Cld(小寒)is the 23rd ne. Fr mst areas f China, it marks the start f the cldest days f the year and peple always start preparing fr Chinese New Year. Accrding t traditinal Chinese medicine thughts, peple need t eat fd that has mre yang energy t prevent cld frm harming their bdies. Anther imprtant traditinal fd fr Minr Cld is Laba prridge(腊八粥).(小寒是第23个节气。对于中国的大部分地区来说,它标志着一年中最冷的日子的开始,人们总是开始为中国新年做准备。根据中医的思想,人们需要吃更多阳气的食物来防止寒冷伤害他们的身体。另一种重要的小寒传统食物是腊八粥。)”可知,在小寒是24节气中的第23个,标志着一年中最冷的日子开始,人们开始为春节做准备,吃腊八粥,吃更多阳性食物、穿更暖和的衣服来御寒。因此,在小寒期间,中国大部分地区的人们通常的习俗有①prepare fr Chinese New Year(为春节做准备)、②have Laba prridge(喝腊八粥)以及④wear warmer clthes(穿暖和的衣服);故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Beijing is currently believed t have fewer than 1,000 60 years ag, the number was 3,250.”可知,过去60年间,北京的胡同减少了约2,000条。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“The visitrs put pressure n the prtectin f cultural relics”和“hutngs shuld be prtected frm human damage”可知,黄艳认为游客给文化遗迹的保护施加了很大的压力,胡同应该被保护起来,不让人破坏,所以黄艳认为对文化遗迹的破坏的主要原因是游客的行为。故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的“any actin that will damage the heritage will be punished”可知,破坏遗产的任何行为都将受到惩罚,所以惩罚破坏胡同的人是保护胡同的一种有用的方法。故选B。
    解析:①上文说"Chinese martial arts(武术) are all abut kicking and fighting",而空后"It is slw, calm and peaceful"则说某种中国武术是缓慢的、平静的、平和的,故空处与上文应是转折关系。B项"But tai chi is the ther way arund(但太极恰恰相反)"符合语境,故选B。
    ②空前的"Althugh tai chi is an ancient martial art, it is still quite ppular tday"表明虽然太极是一种古老的武术,但它现在仍然很受欢迎,空处位于段尾,应承接上文内容。E项"它在一百五十多个国家拥有超过1亿的粉丝"切题,故选E。
    ③根据下文中的"Yu can practise it almst anytime and anywhere withut equipment"可知,人们在没有设备的情况下几乎可以随时随地练习太极拳,同时结合空前内容可知,A项"这意味着很多人都能做到"切题,故选A。
    ④空后的"Yu can cntrl them better. Slw mvements als allw yu t take deep, lng breaths. This is gd fr yur bdies"说明太极拳缓慢的动作对身体有好处。空处位于段首,总领并引出下文。G项中的"slw mvements"对应下文中的Slw mvements,空后的them指的就是"yur hands and feet",故选G项"在缓慢的动作中,你可以将注意力集中在你的手和脚上"。
    ⑤根据空前的"But the benefits f tai chi g beynd the physical side"以及空后的"Tai chi has taught them the value f living mre slwly"可知,太极拳不仅是一项运动,它还教会人们放慢生活节奏,F项承上启下,符合语境。
    解析:根据后文“In the ht summer days, there were bugs f the flying and crawling variety.”的提示可知作者的女儿是在夏天去做志愿者服务的。故选B。
    解析:根据后文“n cell phne plicy”可知,孩子们的手机被收了起来,一周才允许用一次手机,可知女儿离开的第一周是没有任何信息的。故选A。
    解析:根据后文“Once a week, the kids were allwed t______ their cell phnes.”可知ARCC有严格的不让用手机的政策。故选C。
    解析:根据后文“their cell phnes”可知,孩子们每周可以使用一次手机。故选B。
    解析:根据后文“pen-air bus-like trucks”可知,这些志愿者们坐上像公交车一样的敞篷卡车。故选D。
    解析:根据常识可判断从 Bangkk 到 Village Hill Tribe需要几个小时的时间。故选C。
    解析:根据后文“Tables and chairs were pushed aside t clear flr space fr the kids t at night.”可知,他们所谓的“家”是村里的教室。故选A。
    解析:根据时间状语“at night”可知晚上他们把桌子椅子推到一边,腾出地方来睡觉。故选B。
    解析:根据后面的内容“by filling a bucket with a sft pipe and puring it ver yur head”可知此处指 的是淋浴。故选D。
    解析:根据上下文语境以及后文内容“She said the shwer was the _____ thing that ever happened t her.”可知此处是在打电话。前文多次提到phne,此处属于原词复现。故选C。
    解析:根据前文内容“there were n cmplaints”可知女儿没有任何抱怨,而是说这种淋浴是她曾经历过的最好的事情。故选A。
    解析:根据后文“like this can't be gained by reading bks r searching the Internet”可知作者女儿的这些经历是在书本上和网络上学不到的。故选B。
    32、答案:a;wettest;making;their;are built;directin;t grw;t;that/which;generatins
    解析:①考查冠词。句意:该地区雨量充沛,是地球上最潮湿的地区之一,这造成了许多湖泊、河流和瀑布,使道路建设困难。a lt f"许多",修饰rainfall。故填a。
    ②考查形容词的最高级。句意:该地区雨量充沛,是地球上最潮湿的地区之一,这造成了许多湖泊、河流和瀑布,使道路建设困难。空处修饰areas,为形容词,ne f和the后搭配形容词的最高级wettest。故填wettest。
    ④考查代词。句意:然而,数百年来,当地的卡西人一直在努力在河流和小溪上种植根桥,以方便他们在该地区移动。try ne's best t d意思为:尽某人所能做某事,主语为Khasi peple,形容词性物主代词用their(他们的)。故填their。
    ⑤考查动词时态和语态。句意:这些桥是通过将活树的根延伸到河上,并将它们缠绕在竹结构上,以引导它们走向正确的方向。主语bridges与build构成逻辑上的被动关系,用一般现在时的被动语态。主语为复数。故填are built。
    ⑦考查动词不定式。句意:这些树根需要20年才能长成一座完整的桥。take up+时间+t d sth.为固定结构,空处用不定式。故填t grw。
    ⑩考查可数名词复数。句意:梅加拉亚邦的Mrningstar Khngthaw表示:"我们希望传播这一知识,让后代受益。"generatin(一代人)"为名词单数,此处表示“未来的几代人”,用复数形式。故填generatins。
    Dear Tm,
    Hw is everything ging? It's my hnr t take part in the vluntary wrk fr the maintenance f the Great Wall. I'm writing t share my experience and feeling with yu.
    T start with, we were divided int grups and each grup was led by a specialist t d a particular task. We were asked t fllw the technician t check the spts which were badly destryed. After that, we wuld keep track f the results, including the psitin and the level f destructin. Eventually, we handed in the results t the wrkers specializing in maintenance.
    Frm the experience, I realized hw imprtant it is t prtect the cultural relics in ur daily life.
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1:
    There was n fence at all. It was a bridge! A bridge stretched frm ne side f the stream t the ther! Jhn was abut t cmplain abut it when he fund his yunger brther cming acrss the bridge with hands ut stretched. "It's quite generus f yu t build this bridge after all I have said and dne," said Jhn's brther. The tw brthers met in the middle, taking each ther's hand and hugging each ther.
    Paragraph 2:
    They turned t see the carpenter lift the tlbx nt his shulder. "N, wait! Stay a few mre days. We have mre jbs fr yu," said the lder brther. "I'd lve t stay n," the carpenter said, "but I have many mre bridges t build." Observing the carpenter leaving in the sunset, the tw brthers waved grateful gdbye t him. What a stry setting peple thinking deeply! Every day we have the chice f building a fence r a bridge. One leads t separatin and anger while the ther leads t peace and friendship, which makes the situatin quite pleasant.
    Stnehenge Skyscape
    The English Heritage's Stnehenge Skyscape enables peple arund the wrld t experience the skies abve the stne circle, and learn abut mvements f the sun, mn and planets. Experience live and special sunrise ver Stnehenge, see the jurney f the stars and the mn frm within the stne circle and learn mre abut the design f Stnehenge and hw its builders may have understd their place in the universe.
    Osbrne Huse, the Isle f Wight
    Take a 360-degree vide tur f Queen Victria and Prince Albert's palatial(富丽堂皇的) hliday hme n the Isle f Wight in the cmpany f English Heritage directr Michael Hunter, including the Italian terraces(露台)with views ver the Slent, which reminded Prince Albert f the Bay f Naples, and the Indian-inspired Durbar Rm, designed t shw Queen Victria's psitin as Empress f India.
    Audley End Huse and Gardens, Essex
    Explre the stry f ne f the greatest huses f early 17th-century England deep in the heart f the Essex cuntryside, and flyver the great frmal gardens designed by Capability Brwn.
    Tintagel Castle, Crnwall
    Explre this medieval(中世纪的) castle set high n Crnwall's nrth cast. Linked with the legend f King Arthur, fr centuries this has inspired impressive castle the imaginatins f writers and artists. Discver the early medieval histry f a distant utpst(偏远村镇) trading bjects frm Spain, Nrth Africa and Turkey.

    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage习题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002233_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 1 Cultural Heritage习题</a>,共5页。

    高中英语Unit 1 Cultural Heritage复习练习题: 这是一份高中英语<a href="/yy/tb_c4002233_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 1 Cultural Heritage复习练习题</a>,共4页。试卷主要包含了that/which 3,when 8, the7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage达标测试: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Cultural Heritage达标测试,共22页。试卷主要包含了填空题,词汇互译,单词拼写,语法填空,短文填空,阅读理解等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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