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    这是一份吉林省长春市东北师大附中2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语(Word版附解析),共36页。试卷主要包含了 回答非选择题时,请使用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生须将自己的姓名、班级、考场/座位号填写在答题卡指定位置上,并粘贴条形码。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。
    3. 回答非选择题时,请使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔将答案写在答题卡各题目的答题区域内,超出答题区域或在草稿纸、本试题卷上书写的答案无效。
    4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄皱、弄破。
    第一部分 听力(1-20小题)在笔试结束后进行。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    Thrughut the past year, we fllwed sme interesting new inventins in the field f artificial intelligence (AI). Here is a lk back at sme ntable AI develpments in 2022.
    Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin
    Facebk’s parent Meta said it had built a technlgy tl t directly translate between English and the Hkkien language, a spken language withut a widely used written frm.
    Meta said it trained its AI mdels n written text examples frm Mandarin Chinese. In additin, develpers used an encding tl designed t cmpare spken Hkkien t similar English text.
    Methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease
    Researchers annunced a new Al methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease. The system wrks by measuring a persn’s breathing patterns during sleep. With just ne night f sleep, the Al system was able t crrectly identify Parkinsn’s up t 86 percent f the time. With 12 nights f data, the rate went up t 95 percent.
    Tl t interpret pig emtins
    Researchers annunced they had created a technlgy tl that uses pig sunds t interpret different emtins.
    The tl is based n thusands f recrdings cllected frm mre than 400 pigs thrughut their lives. The scientists develped an AI-driven algrithm t identify a series f emtins pigs culd be experiencing. It is expected t lead t further systems farmers can use t imprve the prductivity and well-being f their animals.
    Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings
    Researchers — led by Alphabet’s AI cmpany Deep Mind — said they develped an Al system t help fill in missing wrds in ancient writings. The tl, called Ithaca, is designed t help histrians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written.
    The team said that when histrians wrk n their wn, the success rate fr repairing damaged writings is abut 25 percent. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca t assist in their wrk, the success rate jumped t 72 percent.
    1. Which can be used fr crss-cultural cmmunicatin?
    A. Tl t interpret pig emtins.B. Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin.
    C. Methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease.D. Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings.
    2. Wh will mst prbably be interested in Ithaca?
    A. A farmer.B. A dctr.C. A btanist.D. An archelgist.
    3. What d the inventins have in cmmn?
    A. They fcus n health issues.B. They are develped by Facebk.
    C. They aim t prmte prductivity.D. They are AI-driven technlgy tls.
    The Stry f the Gettysburg Address (葛底斯堡演说)
    By Leslie W. Leavitt & Abraham Lincln
    One f the great and bldy battles f the war was the battle f Gettysburg. Here the Suthern armies were beaten and driven back int the Suth, but nt until many thusands f brave men n bth sides had lst their lives. They were buried where they fell.
    Later a great meeting was held n the battlefield f Gettysburg t hnr the brave dead. Thusands f peple came frm miles arund t the meeting, and t hear the tw speakers, Mr. Everett and President Lincln. Mr. Everett was a man f wide experience, the president f a cllege, ne wh had travelled much, a fine speaker. He spke fr tw hurs.
    Lincln rse t speak. He had given but little thught and time t what he was t say, and had nly just finished writing the end f his speech befre riding ut t the field. He std befre the greatest crwd, tall and thin, his sad face shwing the srrw f the war. He was silent fr a mment, and then, as thugh he did nt see the crwd, he spke slwly, in a high vice, fr three minutes. Its simple and beautiful English, its nble meaning and frgiving spirit, make it ne f the greatest speeches f the wrld. Its famus ending is well knwn:
    “The wrld will little nte, nr lng remember what we say here, but it can never frget what they did here. It is fr us the living, rather, t be dedicated here t the unfinished wrk, which they wh fught here have thus far s nbly advanced. It is rather fr us t be here dedicated t the great task remaining befre us — that frm these hnred dead we take increased devtin t that cause fr which they gave the last full measure f devtin — that we here highly reslve that these dead shall nt have died in vain—that this natin, under Gd, shall have a new birth f freedm — and that gvernment f the peple, by the peple, fr the peple, shall nt perish(湮灭) frm the earth.”
    4. Wh d the underlined wrds in Paragraph 2 “the brave dead” refer t?
    A. The buried Suthern armies.B. The dead Nrthern sldiers.
    C. The late brave n bth sides.D. The peple t the battlefield.
    5. What can we learn abut the tw speakers?
    A. They were presidents f the natin.B. They bth had rich experience in field trip.
    C. They made lng-term preparatins.D. They gave fine addresses in different manners.
    6. Which f the fllwing is NOT a reasn t make Lincln’s speech great?
    A. The plain and literary style.B. The slw pace and the high vice.
    C. The high purpse f the great task.D. The spirit f pardn and tlerance.
    7. What des Lincln think f the great cause?
    A. N lnger unfrgettable.B. Far frm nbly advanced.
    C. Well wrth increased devtin.D. In a vain attempt and reslutin.
    The fragrance f pressed grapes perfumes the muntain air in the small village f Tharma in Sangri cunty f the Tibetan autnmus regin this time f year.
    Grape cultivatin in the cunty, which is the highest lcatin n the planet where grapes are grwn, sits at an average altitude f 3600 meters abve sea level. It has increased the wealth f the residents and created a whle new lcal industry that is prspering. Organic grape grwing was intrduced t the cunty, which is blessed by a mild climate and mderate sunshine, via an Aid-Tibet prject funded by Hunan prvince, and since 2011,the cultivatin area has increased frm less than 1 hectare(公顷) t nearly 666 hectares. The vineyards in Sangri cunty were recgnized in 2021 fr their prductin f green, pllutin-free prducts.
    “The harvest seasn fr grapes and the best time fr making wine are right nw. We’ve finished with picking the grapes and we’ve been busy making wine lately,” Lu Minglu, a manager at Sangri Cunty Pakdrub Rngshun Zhuangyuan C-which perates the business-was quted as saying by China News Service.
    The cmpany has played a key rle in bringing suppliers and lcal husehlds tgether t prduce wine and ther prducts that have imprved the standard f living in the area.
    Between 2016 and 2022, the cmpany’s cumulative (累积的) grape yield reached 590 metric tns. Mre than 500 villagers were emplyed last year, with mre than 2.9 millin yuan($406,000) spent n salaries. The grape yield and the wine prductin f the cmpany had reached 350 tns and 150 tns by 2022, respectively.
    Yangjen Lham, an emplyee at Sangri Cunty Pakdrub Rrgshun Zhuangyuan, said she and her sister have wrked at the cmpany fr years, and nt nly d they enjy their tils and spils (辛勤劳作) but the vineyards are lcated very clse t hme. “I earn nearly 6,000, yuan a mnth, and I am very pleased with my jb,” she said. “Thanks t the gd plicies frm the gvernment, it is easy t have a better life if we wrk hard.
    8. What makes Sangri suitable fr grape cultivatin?
    A. An altitude f 3600 meters frm the hrizn.B. The fertile sil in Sangri cunty f this regin.
    C. The climate neither t ht nr t cld.D. The ample sunshine and the rainfalls.
    9. What is the functin f the last tw paragraphs?
    A. T present their satisfying wrking cnditins.
    B. T describe their busy but meaningful daily lives.
    C. T explain the gd plicies frm the gvernment.
    D. T shw the imprving standards f living in this area.
    10. Where des this article mst prbably cme frm?
    A. A scientific paper.B. A meeting minute.C. A newsreel.D. A travel brchure.
    11. What’s the best title f this passage?
    A. Wrld’s highest grapes cultivate better life in Tibet.
    B. Grape yield and eclgical balance g hand in hand.
    C. The wine prductin is bming in China.
    D. Grape industry sared up in Sangri.
    Imagine a future where science has created yur twin. Nt a flesh-and-bld twin, but ne that recreates yur flesh and bld, yur bnes, yur heart, yur brain — yur whle bdy, in fact — as an extremely cmplicated cmputer mdel.
    Yur dctrs can use this digital twin t wrk ut hw yu will respnd t a particular drug r medical prcedure. They can even lk further int the future, creating a “healthcast”, t frecast what diseases might happen t yu r hw yur lifestyle will affect yur health as yu age. It is the ultimate in persnalized medicine. This is the bld visin set ut in Virtual Yu: Hw building yur digital twin will revlutinize medicine and change yur life by Peter Cveney, directr f the Centre fr Cmputatinal Science, and Rger Highfield, science directr f the Science Museum Grup, UK.
    Digital twins are already in widespread use in industries such as civil engineering. But these mdel systems are much simpler than the cmplex human bdy. Imagine all the parts that cme tgether t make yu wrk: frm the 3 billin letters f yur genme (基因组), the numerus mlecules (分子) that make up yur cells, the trillins f cells building yur tissues and rgans, and the envirnment having its input t. Nw, imagine trying t create a mdel f this that is made t each unique individual and that predicts the changes that will take place ver a lifetime. This is easier said than dne. Changes in the systems bilgists want t describe are usually different frm what mathematicians describe as “nn-linear” (非线性的). Anther cmplicatin is “emergence”: where the whle f a system is greater than the sum f its parts. This cmplexity challenges mathematics and pushes cmputing t the limit t.
    But getting t the next level — a whle human individual — is ging t require yet mre data and a revlutin in cmputing technlgy far beynd what is currently pssible. Whether we will get there is an pen questin, but Virtual Yu shws us what scientists frm different fields can achieve when they all wrk tgether.
    12. What be learned abut yur science-made twin accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. Yur twin lks just like yu.
    B. Yur twin knws yur thughts.
    C. Yur twin exists n the cmputer.
    D. Yur twin is created ut f yur DNA.
    13. Why is it difficult t build a digital twin?
    A. Human bdy is mre cmplicated than mdels.
    B. Digital twins are nt widely used in industries.
    C. Scientists lack enugh data in building it.
    D. Mathematicians and bilgists hld different pinins.
    14. What’s the authr’s attitude twards the idea f a digital twin?
    A. Optimistic.
    B. Uncertain.
    C. Uncncerned.
    D. Skeptical.
    15. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T stress the necessity f digital twins.
    B. T shw the effects f digital twins n future health.
    C. T explain the building f digital twins in health.
    D. T intrduce new treatments fr diseases in the future.
    Blind Olympic Athletes Shw the Universal Nature
    Tune int any sprts cverage n TV, and yu will see many athletes prudly raise their arms and heads in victry, while a much larger number hang their shulders and necks in defeat. Studies have revealed why—they are universal behaviurs, perfrmed by humans in respnse t success and failure.
    The discvery came frm Jessica Tracy frm the University f British Clumbia and David Matsumt frm San Francisc State University, wh wanted t see hw peple shwed feelings f pride and shame. _____16_____ They tried t find a large grup f peple, and it was critically imprtant that sme f these subjects had never seen ther peple reacting t success r failure befre.
    The answer was Athens, during the 2004 Olympic Games. Its sister cmpetitin—the Paralympics—included many athletes wh were brn blind. _____17_____ Wrking with a prfessinal phtgrapher, Tracy and Matsumt cmpared the bdy language f 108 cmpetitrs, 41 f whm had lst their sight, and 12 f whm were blind frm birth. The phtgrapher repeatedly tk pictures f these athletes after their cmpetitins, and the researchers carefully recrded the psitins f their heads, arms and bdies. _____18_____ The winners tilted their heads up, smiled, lifted their arms and puffed ut their chests, while shulders bent frward and narrwed chests were the marks f lsers.
    _____19_____ Men and wmen wh have never seen ther peple behave in these ways still make exactly the same mvements. And while it’s pssible that parents may have taught their blind children sme f these actins, it’s very unlikely that they culd have taught them all—particularly the expansin r narrwing f the chest.
    These actins were als remarkably cnsistent between cntestants frm every part f the wrld. Tracy and Matsumt argue that pride and shame deserve a place alngside ther primary emtins like happiness, fear and surprise. _____20_____
    A. Analyzing the data, they fund that the sighted and sightless athletes behaved in almst exactly the same ways.
    B. In fact, the culture was fund t have nly a very small effect n their bdy language.
    C. In particular, they wanted t knw whether these expressins were culturally determined and learned thrugh bservatin.
    D. The athletes’ behaviurs give strng evidence that they have had the actins naturally since birth.
    E. The result suggested that the athletes were shwing their pride based n careful bservatin.
    F. Therefre, they culd nt have witnessed hw ther peple reacted t winning and lsing.
    G. They are inbrn behaviurs and are accmpanied by their wn distinct sets f actins.
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分39分)
    In the early 1990s, Eric Dmb, a highly successful lawyer, came up with the idea f building a bird park. His father-in-law ____21____ the idea in the beginning, but when the ____22____ started t take shape he backed ut. Dmb thus had t ____23____ mney frm frmer clients, his tw brthers and father as well as a bank t build a zlgical park knwn as Pairi Daiza.
    After the park pened in 1994, his inexperience led t many ____24____, but he pushed n with his venture (冒险业). By 2000, the park was turning a prfit, and Dmb’s ambitins were ____25____. The park needed mre than birds, he believed, and ther creatures and cultural gardens wuld help turn it int smething ____26____.
    Since his childhd he has been fascinated by Chinese ____27____. In 2006, he built the first Chinese garden, Dream f Han Wu Di in his z. It was said t be the largest Chinese garden in Eurpe. Dmb kept ____28____ new elements. It finally tk mre than six years t cmplete the prject.
    Dmb felt ____29____ by the jint panda breeding prgram. Dmb and his peple spent the fllwing mnths _____30_____ building giant panda huses with n guarantee that Pairi Daizi wuld be frtunate enugh t _____31_____ giant pandas. The huge enclsure (围场) built includes a pl, cave and _____32_____ plantatin.
    Nw, Dmb is eager t tell hw he _____33_____ a pair f giant pandas, Xing Hui and Ha Ha in February 2014. The sense f _____34_____ is all the mre prfund (深刻) in that Pairi Daiza is ne f the few private zs utside China t _____35_____ giant pandas.
    21. A. rejectedB. supprtedC. dubtedD. ppsed
    22. A. prjectB. ruleC. lawD. dcument
    23. A. stealB. winC. earnD. brrw
    24. A. rewardsB. wndersC. mistakesD. regrets
    25. A. missingB. spreadingC. shakingD. grwing
    26 A. extremeB. unusualC. irregularD. essential
    27. A. cultureB. fdC. petryD. dream
    28. A. cntainingB. changingC. addingD. remving
    29. A. embarrassedB. surprisedC. cnfusedD. inspired
    30. A. willinglyB. enthusiasticallyC. autmaticallyD. cnfidently
    31. A. take charge fB. pay attentin tC. get hld fD. gain knwledge f
    32. A. grassB. teaC. bananaD. bamb
    33. A. bughtB. prtectedC. receivedD. tracked
    34. A. prideB. humurC. securityD. duty
    35. A. hideB. huseC. trainD. save
    36. What is it abut Tm Hanks that cinema-gers find s ________(有吸引力的)? (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    37. Further infrmatin is ________(可获得) n request. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    38. He buried his face in his hands and __________________(哭泣). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39. Sme f his ideas abut reality are ________(全部)his wn. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    40. We were prmised a safe passage thrugh the ________(占据) territry. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    41. It’s imprtant t pay attentin t the ________(营养的) value f the fd yu eat. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    42. Under n ________(条件) shuld yu give ut yur persnal infrmatin t strangers. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    43. T be kind, this rganizatin is effectively ________(提倡)cuts in taxatin. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    44. It is a generally ________(承认)fact that taking care f parents is a traditin in China. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    45. Never giving up, ________ ________ ________(从这种意义上来讲), is ften the mst prductive path twards achieving a gal.(根据汉语提示补全句子)
    46. Mr. Glaser cntinued t reflect n the design, ________ hurs ________(把……用于) a prject that was suppsedly finished. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    47. The plice turned the whle huse ________ ________(颠倒) lking fr clues. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    48. The truck shws scarcely any sign f ________ ________ ________(磨损). (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    49. Gd readers are gd at ________ ________(推理) based n the text they are reading. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    50. Bungee jumping is an adventurus sprt ________ curage matters mre than strength. (用适当的词填空)
    51. The bird was lucky t escape _________(catch) by the by.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    52. I'm srry that I can't answer yur phne call at 3:00 this afternn because I ________ (teach) a class at that time. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. The Great Wall is the last place ________ Mr. Smith is ging t visit befre he leaves Beijing. (用适当的词填空)
    54. Hw did it cme abut ________ a quiet persn shuld appear s wild tday? (用适当的词填空)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分21分)
    55. 面对巨额账单,他尴尬地搓着手。(汉译英)
    56. 太羞愧了,以至于他微微低下身子,涨红了脸。(汉译英)
    57. 你刚在某英文科技论坛中加入一个讨论组,讨论内容是“Shuld we fight ChatGPT?”,网友们意见不同。请你就该问题在讨论组中发帖,表达自己的看法,内容包括:
    1. ChatGPT的优势;
    2. ChatGPT的劣势;
    3. 你的看法。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Shuld we fight ChatGPT?
    ChatGPT-4 has gained ppularity as a chatbt capable f generating human-like respnses in natural language cnversatins.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What kind f music will the speakers listen t tnight?
    A. Pp. B. Classical. C. Rap.
    2. What sprt was the man ding?
    A. Basketball. B. Ftball. C. Swimming.
    3. Hw much des a business class ticket cst?
    A. $10. B. $15. C. $25.
    4: What des the man think f the wman’s earrings?
    A. They are pretty. B. They are fashinable. C. They are ld.
    5 What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Dgs. B. Huses. C. Views.
    6. Which f the by’s clthes are brken?
    A. A jacket. B. Shirts. C. Pants.
    7. What is the wman’s slutin t the prblem?
    A. She will buy the by new clthes.
    B. She will teach the by t fix his wn clthes.
    C. She will turn the ld clthes int fashinable nes.
    8. Why are the speakers changing their plans?
    A. Because f the weather.
    B. Because f the ticket price.
    C. Because f their lve fr islands.
    9. Where will the speakers prbably visit?
    A. England. B. Italy. C. Spain.
    10. What has the wman been reading?
    A. A nvel. B. A dictinary. C. A ckbk.
    11. Why desn’t the man read bks?
    A. He has pr eyesight. B. He dislikes stries. C. He is t busy.
    12. Where des the man usually listen t his bks?
    A. In the kitchen. B. In the car. C. On the plane.
    13. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a restaurant. B. At a museum. C. At a htel.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Brther and sister. C. Teacher and student.
    15. When will the speakers leave New Yrk?
    A. Tmrrw. B. In tw days. C. In three days.
    16. What des the wman want t d mst?
    A. Drink sme cffee. B. G t a Bradway shw. C. Lk arund the place.
    17 Hw tall des ne child have t be t ride the “Waterfall” alne?
    A. 48 inches. B. 45 inches. C. 42 inches.
    18. Which area in Water Wrld is the largest?
    A Lakeland. B. Rainfrest River. C. Oceana.
    19. What is the mst ppular attractin in Oceana?
    A. The sink. B. The wave pl. C. The basin.
    20. Where des the talk take place?
    A. In an amusement center. B. In a natinal park. C. In a theater.
    听力答案:1-5 BBCCA 6-10 CCABA 11-15 CBBAB 16-20 CACBA东北师大附中2023-2024学年上学期
    1. 答题前,考生须将自己的姓名、班级、考场/座位号填写在答题卡指定位置上,并粘贴条形码。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。
    3. 回答非选择题时,请使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔将答案写在答题卡各题目的答题区域内,超出答题区域或在草稿纸、本试题卷上书写的答案无效。
    4. 保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄皱、弄破。
    第一部分 听力(1-20小题)在笔试结束后进行。
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    Thrughut the past year, we fllwed sme interesting new inventins in the field f artificial intelligence (AI). Here is a lk back at sme ntable AI develpments in 2022.
    Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin
    Facebk’s parent Meta said it had built a technlgy tl t directly translate between English and the Hkkien language, a spken language withut a widely used written frm.
    Meta said it trained its AI mdels n written text examples frm Mandarin Chinese. In additin, develpers used an encding tl designed t cmpare spken Hkkien t similar English text.
    Methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease
    Researchers annunced a new Al methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease. The system wrks by measuring a persn’s breathing patterns during sleep. With just ne night f sleep, the Al system was able t crrectly identify Parkinsn’s up t 86 percent f the time. With 12 nights f data, the rate went up t 95 percent.
    Tl t interpret pig emtins
    Researchers annunced they had created a technlgy tl that uses pig sunds t interpret different emtins.
    The tl is based n thusands f recrdings cllected frm mre than 400 pigs thrughut their lives. The scientists develped an AI-driven algrithm t identify a series f emtins pigs culd be experiencing. It is expected t lead t further systems farmers can use t imprve the prductivity and well-being f their animals.
    Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings
    Researchers — led by Alphabet’s AI cmpany Deep Mind — said they develped an Al system t help fill in missing wrds in ancient writings. The tl, called Ithaca, is designed t help histrians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written.
    The team said that when histrians wrk n their wn, the success rate fr repairing damaged writings is abut 25 percent. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca t assist in their wrk, the success rate jumped t 72 percent.
    1. Which can be used fr crss-cultural cmmunicatin?
    A. Tl t interpret pig emtins.B. Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin.
    C. Methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease.D. Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings.
    2. Wh will mst prbably be interested in Ithaca?
    A. A farmer.B. A dctr.C. A btanist.D. An archelgist.
    3 What d the inventins have in cmmn?
    A. They fcus n health issues.B. They are develped by Facebk.
    C. They aim t prmte prductivity.D. They are AI-driven technlgy tls.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin部分的“Facebk’s parent Meta said it had built a technlgy tl t directly translate between English and the Hkkien language, a spken language withut a widely used written frm. (Facebk的母公司Meta表示,它已经开发了一种技术工具,可以直接在英语和闽南语之间进行翻译。闽南语是一种口语,没有广泛使用的书面形式)”可知,这款工具致力于研究翻译,因此可用于跨文化交流。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings部分的“The tl, called Ithaca, is designed t help histrians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written. (这个名为Ithaca的工具旨在帮助历史学家修复这些文字,并确定它们被写下的时间和地点)”可知,Ithaca可以帮助历史学家修复缺失的文字。由此推知,考古学家会对此感兴趣。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Meta’s speech-t-speech translatin部分的“Meta said it trained its AI mdels (Meta表示,它训练了自己的人工智能模型)”、Methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease部分的“Researchers annunced a new Al methd t identify Parkinsn’s disease. (研究人员宣布了一种新的人工智能方法来识别帕金森病)”、Tl t interpret pig emtins部分的“The scientists develped an AI-driven algrithm (科学家们开发了一种人工智能驱动的算法)”和Tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings部分的“Researchers — led by Alphabet’s AI cmpany Deep Mind — said they develped an Al system (由Alphabet旗下人工智能公司Deep Mind领导的研究人员表示,他们开发了一种人工智能系统)”可知,这些发明的共同之处在于它们都是由人工智能驱动的技术工具。故选D项。
    The Stry f the Gettysburg Address (葛底斯堡演说)
    By Leslie W. Leavitt & Abraham Lincln
    One f the great and bldy battles f the war was the battle f Gettysburg. Here the Suthern armies were beaten and driven back int the Suth, but nt until many thusands f brave men n bth sides had lst their lives. They were buried where they fell.
    Later a great meeting was held n the battlefield f Gettysburg t hnr the brave dead. Thusands f peple came frm miles arund t the meeting, and t hear the tw speakers, Mr. Everett and President Lincln. Mr. Everett was a man f wide experience, the president f a cllege, ne wh had travelled much, a fine speaker. He spke fr tw hurs.
    Lincln rse t speak. He had given but little thught and time t what he was t say and had nly just finished writing the end f his speech befre riding ut t the field. He std befre the greatest crwd, tall and thin, his sad face shwing the srrw f the war. He was silent fr a mment, and then, as thugh he did nt see the crwd, he spke slwly, in a high vice, fr three minutes. Its simple and beautiful English, its nble meaning and frgiving spirit, make it ne f the greatest speeches f the wrld. Its famus ending is well knwn:
    “The wrld will little nte, nr lng remember what we say here, but it can never frget what they did here. It is fr us the living, rather, t be dedicated here t the unfinished wrk, which they wh fught here have thus far s nbly advanced. It is rather fr us t be here dedicated t the great task remaining befre us — that frm these hnred dead we take increased devtin t that cause fr which they gave the last full measure f devtin — that we here highly reslve that these dead shall nt have died in vain—that this natin, under Gd, shall have a new birth f freedm — and that gvernment f the peple, by the peple, fr the peple, shall nt perish(湮灭) frm the earth.”
    4. Wh d the underlined wrds in Paragraph 2 “the brave dead” refer t?
    A. The buried Suthern armies.B. The dead Nrthern sldiers.
    C. The late brave n bth sides.D. The peple t the battlefield.
    5. What can we learn abut the tw speakers?
    A. They were presidents f the natin.B. They bth had rich experience in field trip.
    C. They made lng-term preparatins.D. They gave fine addresses in different manners.
    6. Which f the fllwing is NOT a reasn t make Lincln’s speech great?
    A. The plain and literary style.B. The slw pace and the high vice.
    C. The high purpse f the great task.D. The spirit f pardn and tlerance.
    7. What des Lincln think f the great cause?
    A. N lnger unfrgettable.B. Far frm nbly advanced.
    C. Well wrth increased devtin.D. In a vain attempt and reslutin.
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C
    短语猜测题。根据第一段中的“any thusands f brave men n bth sides had lst their lives”可知,双方成千上万的勇士丧生,由此可推测出,the brave dead指的是南北双方在战争中死去的勇士。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Mr. Everett was a man f wide experience, the president f a cllege, ne wh had travelled much, a fine speaker. He spke fr tw hurs.(埃弗雷特先生是一位经验丰富的人,是一所大学的校长,是一个游历很多的人,是一位出色的演说家。他讲了两个小时)”和第三段中的“He was silent fr a mment, and then, as thugh he did nt see the crwd, he spke slwly, in a high vice, fr three minutes. Its simple and beautiful English, its nble meaning and frgiving spirit, make it ne f the greatest speeches f the wrld.(他沉默了一会儿,然后,好像没有看到人群,他用很高的声音慢慢地讲了三分钟。它简洁优美的英语,高尚的含义和宽容的精神,使它成为世界上最伟大的演讲之一)”可知,埃弗雷特先生是一位出色的演说家,他演讲了两个小时,而林肯的演讲语言简洁优美,含有高尚和宽容的精神,是世界上最伟大的演讲之一。由此推知,埃弗雷特和林肯在葛底斯堡的演讲都很精彩,但是演讲方式不同。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Its simple and beautiful English, its nble meaning and frgiving spirit, make it ne f the greatest speeches f the wrld.(它简洁优美的英语,高尚的含义和宽容的精神,使它成为世界上最伟大的演讲之一)”可知,林肯演讲的朴实典雅的风格、高尚的含义、宽容的精神,让他的演讲变得非常伟大,选项A、C、D均符合题意,B项“缓慢的语速和高昂的声音”并不是他演讲伟大的原因。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据林肯演讲中的“It is rather fr us t be here dedicated t the great task remaining befre us — frm these hnred dead we take increased devtin t that cause fr which they gave the last full measure f devtin”可知,我们更应该在这里献身于摆在我们面前的伟大任务——要从这些光荣的死者身上汲取更多的献身精神,来完成他们已经完全彻底为之献身的事业,由此可知,林肯认为这项伟大的事业值得付出更多。故选C。
    The fragrance f pressed grapes perfumes the muntain air in the small village f Tharma in Sangri cunty f the Tibetan autnmus regin this time f year.
    Grape cultivatin in the cunty, which is the highest lcatin n the planet where grapes are grwn, sits at an average altitude f 3600 meters abve sea level. It has increased the wealth f the residents and created a whle new lcal industry that is prspering. Organic grape grwing was intrduced t the cunty, which is blessed by a mild climate and mderate sunshine, via an Aid-Tibet prject funded by Hunan prvince, and since 2011,the cultivatin area has increased frm less than 1 hectare(公顷) t nearly 666 hectares. The vineyards in Sangri cunty were recgnized in 2021 fr their prductin f green, pllutin-free prducts.
    “The harvest seasn fr grapes and the best time fr making wine are right nw. We’ve finished with picking the grapes and we’ve been busy making wine lately,” Lu Minglu, a manager at Sangri Cunty Pakdrub Rngshun Zhuangyuan C-which perates the business-was quted as saying by China News Service.
    The cmpany has played a key rle in bringing suppliers and lcal husehlds tgether t prduce wine and ther prducts that have imprved the standard f living in the area.
    Between 2016 and 2022, the cmpany’s cumulative (累积的) grape yield reached 590 metric tns. Mre than 500 villagers were emplyed last year, with mre than 2.9 millin yuan($406,000) spent n salaries. The grape yield and the wine prductin f the cmpany had reached 350 tns and 150 tns by 2022, respectively.
    Yangjen Lham, an emplyee at Sangri Cunty Pakdrub Rrgshun Zhuangyuan, said she and her sister have wrked at the cmpany fr years, and nt nly d they enjy their tils and spils (辛勤劳作) but the vineyards are lcated very clse t hme. “I earn nearly 6,000, yuan a mnth, and I am very pleased with my jb,” she said. “Thanks t the gd plicies frm the gvernment, it is easy t have a better life if we wrk hard.
    8. What makes Sangri suitable fr grape cultivatin?
    A. An altitude f 3600 meters frm the hrizn.B. The fertile sil in Sangri cunty f this regin.
    C. The climate neither t ht nr t cld.D. The ample sunshine and the rainfalls.
    9. What is the functin f the last tw paragraphs?
    A. T present their satisfying wrking cnditins.
    B. T describe their busy but meaningful daily lives.
    C. T explain the gd plicies frm the gvernment.
    D. T shw the imprving standards f living in this area.
    10. Where des this article mst prbably cme frm?
    A. A scientific paper.B. A meeting minute.C. A newsreel.D. A travel brchure.
    11. What’s the best title f this passage?
    A. Wrld’s highest grapes cultivate better life in Tibet.
    B. Grape yield and eclgical balance g hand in hand.
    C. The wine prductin is bming in China.
    D. Grape industry sared up in Sangri.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. C 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Organic grape grwing was intrduced t the cunty, which is blessed by a mild climate and mderate sunshine, via an Aid-Tibet prject funded by Hunan prvince, and since 2011,the cultivatin area has increased frm less than 1 hectare(公顷) t nearly 666 hectares.(通过湖南省援藏项目,有机葡萄种植被引入到气候温和、阳光温和的该县,自2011年以来,种植面积从不到1公顷增加到近666公顷)”可知,桑日适合葡萄种植是因为气候既不太热也不太冷。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Between 2016 and 2022, the cmpany’s cumulative (累积的) grape yield reached 590 metric tns. Mre than 500 villagers were emplyed last year, with mre than 2.9 millin yuan($406,000) spent n salaries. The grape yield and the wine prductin f the cmpany had reached 350 tns and 150 tns by 2022, respectively.(2016年至2022年间,该公司的累计葡萄产量达到590公吨。去年有500多名村民受雇,工资支出超过290万元(406,000美元)。到2022年,公司葡萄产量和葡萄酒产量分别达到350吨和150吨)”以及最后一段““I earn nearly 6,000, yuan a mnth, and I am very pleased with my jb,” she said. “Thanks t the gd plicies frm the gvernment, it is easy t have a better life if we wrk hard. (她说:“我一个月挣近6000元,我对自己的工作很满意。多亏了政府的好政策,只要我们努力工作,就很容易过上更好的生活”)”可推知,最后两段的作用是显示该地区生活水平的提高。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“The fragrance f pressed grapes perfumes the muntain air in the small village f Tharma in Sangri cunty f the Tibetan autnmus regin this time f year.(每年的这个时候,西藏自治区桑日县的小村庄达玛,山上的空气中弥漫着压榨葡萄的香味)”以及第二段“Grape cultivatin in the cunty, which is the highest lcatin n the planet where grapes are grwn, sits at an average altitude f 3600 meters abve sea level.(该县的葡萄种植位于平均海拔3600米的地方,是地球上葡萄种植最高的地方)”结合文章主要介绍了西藏的桑日县,因为气候和阳光温和,被发展成为葡萄种植地,发展了当地经济,提高了该地区的生活水平。可知,A选项“世界最高的葡萄,让西藏的生活更美好”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    Imagine a future where science has created yur twin. Nt a flesh-and-bld twin, but ne that recreates yur flesh and bld, yur bnes, yur heart, yur brain — yur whle bdy, in fact — as an extremely cmplicated cmputer mdel.
    Yur dctrs can use this digital twin t wrk ut hw yu will respnd t a particular drug r medical prcedure. They can even lk further int the future, creating a “healthcast”, t frecast what diseases might happen t yu r hw yur lifestyle will affect yur health as yu age. It is the ultimate in persnalized medicine. This is the bld visin set ut in Virtual Yu: Hw building yur digital twin will revlutinize medicine and change yur life by Peter Cveney, directr f the Centre fr Cmputatinal Science, and Rger Highfield, science directr f the Science Museum Grup, UK.
    Digital twins are already in widespread use in industries such as civil engineering. But these mdel systems are much simpler than the cmplex human bdy. Imagine all the parts that cme tgether t make yu wrk: frm the 3 billin letters f yur genme (基因组), the numerus mlecules (分子) that make up yur cells, the trillins f cells building yur tissues and rgans, and the envirnment having its input t. Nw, imagine trying t create a mdel f this that is made t each unique individual and that predicts the changes that will take place ver a lifetime. This is easier said than dne. Changes in the systems bilgists want t describe are usually different frm what mathematicians describe as “nn-linear” (非线性的). Anther cmplicatin is “emergence”: where the whle f a system is greater than the sum f its parts. This cmplexity challenges mathematics and pushes cmputing t the limit t.
    But getting t the next level — a whle human individual — is ging t require yet mre data and a revlutin in cmputing technlgy far beynd what is currently pssible. Whether we will get there is an pen questin, but Virtual Yu shws us what scientists frm different fields can achieve when they all wrk tgether.
    12. What be learned abut yur science-made twin accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A. Yur twin lks just like yu.
    B. Yur twin knws yur thughts.
    C. Yur twin exists n the cmputer.
    D. Yur twin is created ut f yur DNA.
    13. Why is it difficult t build a digital twin?
    A. Human bdy is mre cmplicated than mdels.
    B. Digital twins are nt widely used in industries.
    C. Scientists lack enugh data in building it.
    D. Mathematicians and bilgists hld different pinins.
    14. What’s the authr’s attitude twards the idea f a digital twin?
    A. Optimistic.
    B. Uncertain.
    C. Uncncerned.
    D. Skeptical.
    15. What is the purpse f this text?
    A. T stress the necessity f digital twins.
    B. T shw the effects f digital twins n future health.
    C. T explain the building f digital twins in health.
    D. T intrduce new treatments fr diseases in the future.
    【答案】12. C 13. A 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Nt a flesh-and-bld twin, but ne that recreates yur flesh and bld, yur bnes, yur heart, yur brain — yur whle bdy, in fact — as an extremely cmplicated cmputer mdel.(不是血肉之躯的双胞胎,而是将你的血肉之躯、骨骼、心脏、大脑——实际上是你的整个身体——复制成一个极其复杂的计算机模型。)”可知,你的科学双胞胎存在于电脑中。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Changes in the systems bilgists want t describe are usually different frm what mathematicians describe as “nn-linear” (非线性的). Anther cmplicatin is “emergence”: where the whle f a system is greater than the sum f its parts. This cmplexity challenges mathematics and pushes cmputing t the limit t.(生物学家想要描述的系统变化通常不同于数学家所描述的“非线性”。另一个复杂的问题是“涌现”:一个系统的整体大于其各部分的总和。这种复杂性对数学提出了挑战,也将计算推向了极限。)”可知,建立数字双胞胎的困难在于人体远比模型复杂,其中的系统变化和涌现问题非常难以解决。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“But getting t the next level — a whle human individual — is ging t require yet mre data and a revlutin in cmputing technlgy far beynd what is currently pssible. Whether we will get there is an pen questin, but Virtual Yu shws us what scientists frm different fields can achieve when they all wrk tgether.(但要达到下一个阶段——一个完整的人类个体——将需要更多的数据和一场远远超出目前可能的计算技术革命。我们是否能实现这一目标是一个悬而未决的问题,但《虚拟的你》向我们展示了来自不同领域的科学家在共同努力时所能取得的成就。)”可知,作者认为虽然能否创造一个完整的人类个体仍然未知,但是《虚拟的你》这本书已经展示了科学家们在共同努力方面的成就。由此推知,作者对数字双胞胎的想法是积极乐观的。故选A项。
    Blind Olympic Athletes Shw the Universal Nature
    Tune int any sprts cverage n TV, and yu will see many athletes prudly raise their arms and heads in victry, while a much larger number hang their shulders and necks in defeat. Studies have revealed why—they are universal behaviurs, perfrmed by humans in respnse t success and failure.
    The discvery came frm Jessica Tracy frm the University f British Clumbia and David Matsumt frm San Francisc State University, wh wanted t see hw peple shwed feelings f pride and shame. _____16_____ They tried t find a large grup f peple, and it was critically imprtant that sme f these subjects had never seen ther peple reacting t success r failure befre.
    The answer was Athens, during the 2004 Olympic Games. Its sister cmpetitin—the Paralympics—included many athletes wh were brn blind. _____17_____ Wrking with a prfessinal phtgrapher, Tracy and Matsumt cmpared the bdy language f 108 cmpetitrs, 41 f whm had lst their sight, and 12 f whm were blind frm birth. The phtgrapher repeatedly tk pictures f these athletes after their cmpetitins, and the researchers carefully recrded the psitins f their heads, arms and bdies. _____18_____ The winners tilted their heads up, smiled, lifted their arms and puffed ut their chests, while shulders bent frward and narrwed chests were the marks f lsers.
    _____19_____ Men and wmen wh have never seen ther peple behave in these ways still make exactly the same mvements. And while it’s pssible that parents may have taught their blind children sme f these actins, it’s very unlikely that they culd have taught them all—particularly the expansin r narrwing f the chest.
    These actins were als remarkably cnsistent between cntestants frm every part f the wrld. Tracy and Matsumt argue that pride and shame deserve a place alngside ther primary emtins like happiness, fear and surprise. _____20_____
    A. Analyzing the data, they fund that the sighted and sightless athletes behaved in almst exactly the same ways.
    B. In fact, the culture was fund t have nly a very small effect n their bdy language.
    C. In particular, they wanted t knw whether these expressins were culturally determined and learned thrugh bservatin.
    D. The athletes’ behaviurs give strng evidence that they have had the actins naturally since birth.
    E. The result suggested that the athletes were shwing their pride based n careful bservatin.
    F. Therefre, they culd nt have witnessed hw ther peple reacted t winning and lsing.
    G. They are inbrn behaviurs and are accmpanied by their wn distinct sets f actins.
    【答案】16. C 17. F 18. A 19. D 20. G
    根据上文“The discvery came frm Jessica Tracy frm the University f British Clumbia and David Matsumt frm San Francisc State University, wh wanted t see hw peple shwed feelings f pride and shame. (这一发现来自英属哥伦比亚大学的Jessica Tracy和旧金山州立大学的David Matsumt,他们想知道人们是如何表达自豪和羞愧的。)”可知,上文提到Jessica Tracy和David Matsumt想知道人们是如何表达自豪和羞愧的,本句应承接上文进一步说明他们想法,C选项中they指代上文中Jessica Tracy和David Matsumt。故C选项“他们尤其想知道这些表达方式是否是文化决定的,是否是通过观察习得的。”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Its sister cmpetitin—the Paralympics—included many athletes wh were brn blind. (它的姊妹比赛——残奥会——包括许多天生失明的运动员。)”可知,上文提到残奥会包括许多眼睛看不见的运动员,故本句与上文构成因果关系,表示这些人无法目睹其他人对胜利和失败的反应,F选项中they指代上文many athletes wh were brn blind。故F选项“因此,他们无法目睹其他人对胜利和失败的反应。”符合语境,呼应第二段“They tried t find a large grup f peple, and it was critically imprtant that sme f these subjects had never seen ther peple reacting t success r failure befre.(他们试图找到一大群人,其中一些人之前从未见过其他人对成功或失败做出反应,这一点非常重要。)”,故选F。
    根据上文“Wrking with a prfessinal phtgrapher, Tracy and Matsumt cmpared the bdy language f 108 cmpetitrs, 41 f whm had lst their sight, and 12 f whm were blind frm birth. The phtgrapher repeatedly tk pictures f these athletes after their cmpetitins, and the researchers carefully recrded the psitins f their heads, arms and bdies. (在一位专业摄影师的帮助下,Tracy和Matsumt比较了108名参赛者的肢体语言,其中41人后天失明,12人从出生就失明。摄影师在运动员比赛结束后反复拍照,研究人员仔细记录他们头部、手臂和身体的姿势。)”以及后文“The winners tilted their heads up, smiled, lifted their arms and puffed ut their chests, while shulders bent frward and narrwed chests were the marks f lsers. (获胜者仰起头、微笑、举起双臂、挺起胸膛,而失败者的标志是肩膀前倾、胸膛狭窄。 )”可知,上文提到Tracy和Matsumt在对比运动员的姿势,后文则提到了一些获胜者和失败者所共有的肢体动作,可推测他们发现有视力和失明的运动员的行为方式几乎完全相同,故A选项“通过思路点拨数据,他们发现有视力和失明的运动员的行为方式几乎完全相同。”符合语境,故选 A 。
    根据上一段中“The winners tilted their heads up, smiled, lifted their arms and puffed ut their chests, while shulders bent frward and narrwed chests were the marks f lsers. (获胜者仰起头、微笑、举起双臂、挺起胸膛,而失败者的标志是肩膀前倾、胸膛狭窄。)”以及后文“Men and wmen wh have never seen ther peple behave in these ways still make exactly the same mvements. And while it’s pssible that parents may have taught their blind children sme f these actins, it’s very unlikely that they culd have taught them all—particularly the expansin r narrwing f the chest. (从来没有见过别人有这种行为的男人和女人仍然做出完全相同的动作。虽然父母可能教过他们的盲童一些这些动作,但他们不太可能教过他们——尤其是胸部的扩张或缩小。)”可知,上一段对比的结果是有视力和失明的运动员行为方式几乎完全相同,都做出了一些共有的动作,后文则提到从来没有见过别人有这种行为的男人和女人仍然做出完全相同的动作,可推测他们的行为证明了这些动作能力是天生就有的。故D选项“运动员的行为有力地证明了他们从出生起就具有天生的动作能力。”符合语境,故选D。
    根据上文“These actins were als remarkably cnsistent between cntestants frm every part f the wrld. Tracy and Matsumt argue that pride and shame deserve a place alngside ther primary emtins like happiness, fear and surprise. (这些动作在来自世界各地的选手之间也非常一致。Tracy和Matsumt认为,骄傲和羞耻应该和其他基本情感,如快乐、恐惧和惊讶,一起占有一席之地。 )”可知,来自世界各地的选手动作也一致,说明骄傲和羞耻是天生的行为,G选项中They指代上文中pride and shame。故G选项“它们是天生的行为,伴随着它们自己独特的一系列行为。”符合语境,故选G 。
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分39分)
    In the early 1990s, Eric Dmb, a highly successful lawyer, came up with the idea f building a bird park. His father-in-law ____21____ the idea in the beginning, but when the ____22____ started t take shape he backed ut. Dmb thus had t ____23____ mney frm frmer clients, his tw brthers and father as well as a bank t build a zlgical park knwn as Pairi Daiza.
    After the park pened in 1994, his inexperience led t many ____24____, but he pushed n with his venture (冒险业). By 2000, the park was turning a prfit, and Dmb’s ambitins were ____25____. The park needed mre than birds, he believed, and ther creatures and cultural gardens wuld help turn it int smething ____26____.
    Since his childhd he has been fascinated by Chinese ____27____. In 2006, he built the first Chinese garden, Dream f Han Wu Di in his z. It was said t be the largest Chinese garden in Eurpe. Dmb kept ____28____ new elements. It finally tk mre than six years t cmplete the prject.
    Dmb felt ____29____ by the jint panda breeding prgram. Dmb and his peple spent the fllwing mnths _____30_____ building giant panda huses with n guarantee that Pairi Daizi wuld be frtunate enugh t _____31_____ giant pandas. The huge enclsure (围场) built includes a pl, cave and _____32_____ plantatin.
    Nw, Dmb is eager t tell hw he _____33_____ a pair f giant pandas, Xing Hui and Ha Ha in February 2014. The sense f _____34_____ is all the mre prfund (深刻) in that Pairi Daiza is ne f the few private zs utside China t _____35_____ giant pandas.
    21. A. rejectedB. supprtedC. dubtedD. ppsed
    22. A. prjectB. ruleC. lawD. dcument
    23. A. stealB. winC. earnD. brrw
    24. A. rewardsB. wndersC. mistakesD. regrets
    25. A. missingB. spreadingC. shakingD. grwing
    26. A. extremeB. unusualC. irregularD. essential
    27. A. cultureB. fdC. petryD. dream
    28. A. cntainingB. changingC. addingD. remving
    29. A. embarrassedB. surprisedC. cnfusedD. inspired
    30. A. willinglyB. enthusiasticallyC. autmaticallyD. cnfidently
    31. A. take charge fB. pay attentin tC. get hld fD. gain knwledge f
    32. A. grassB. teaC. bananaD. bamb
    33. A. bughtB. prtectedC. receivedD. tracked
    34. A. prideB. humurC. securityD. duty
    35. A. hideB. huseC. trainD. save
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Eric Dmb想出了建立一个鸟类公园的想法,虽然遇到了很多挑战,但他坚持下来,成功将Pairi Daiza转为盈利状态,还陆续往公园里添加了其他元素。受到了大熊猫联合繁育计划的启发,他热情地建造了大熊猫馆,Pairi Daiza成为中国海外为数不多的住着大熊猫的私人动物园之一。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的岳父一开始支持这个想法,但当项目开始成型时,他就退出了。A. rejected拒绝;B. supprted支持;C. dubted怀疑;D. ppsed反对。根据下文“but”和“he backed ut”可知,此处有转折,后来他的岳父退出了,由此推知,他的岳父一开始是支持这个想法的。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的岳父一开始支持这个想法,但当项目开始成型时,他就退出了。A. prject项目;B. rule规则;C. law法律;D. dcument文件。根据上文“the idea f building a bird park”可知,此处指由建立一个鸟类公园的想法发展而来的项目。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,Dmb不得不向以前的客户、他的两个兄弟和父亲以及一家银行借钱,以建立一个名为Pairi Daiza的动物园。A. steal偷窃;B. win赢得;C. earn赚取;D. brrw借用。根据下文“mney frm frmer clients, his tw brthers and father as well as a bank”可推知,Dmb应该是从这些人和银行那里借钱来推进项目。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:1994年乐园开业后,由于缺乏经验,他犯了很多错误,但他还是继续推进他的冒险。A. rewards奖励;B. wnders奇迹;C. mistakes错误;D. regrets遗憾。根据上文“his inexperience”可推知,缺乏经验导致的往往是犯错误。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:到2000年,公园开始盈利,Dmb的雄心也在增长。A. missing错过;B. spreading传播;C. shaking摇晃;D. grwing增长。根据下文“The park needed mre than birds, he believed, and ther creatures and cultural gardens wuld help turn it int smething ____6____.”可知,Dmb想增加公园内的鸟类,并引入其他生物和文化花园,由此可知,他的雄心在增长。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他认为,公园需要的不仅仅是鸟类,其他生物和文化花园将帮助它变得与众不同。A. extreme极端的;B. unusual不寻常的;C. irregular不规则的;D. essential必要的。根据上文“ther creatures and cultural gardens”可推知,在公园里引入其他生物和文化花园会使之变得与众不同。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他从小就对中国文化着迷。A. culture文化;B. fd食物;C. petry诗歌;D. dream梦想。根据下文“In 2006, he built the first Chinese garden, Dream f Han Wu Di in his z.”可知,他在公园里建立了中国园林,由此可知,他对中国文化着迷。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Dmb不断添加新元素。A. cntaining包含;B. changing改变;C. adding增加;D. remving移除。根据下文“new elements”和“It finally tk mre than six years t cmplete the prject.”可推知,Dmb不断增加新的元素,所以耗时很久才完成了这个项目。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Dmb受到了大熊猫联合繁育计划的启发。A. embarrassed尴尬的;B. surprised惊讶的;C. cnfused困惑的;D. inspired受到启发的。根据下文“Dmb and his peple spent the fllwing mnths ____10____ building giant panda huses”可知,Dmb和他的员工建造了大熊猫馆,由此可知,他是受到了这个计划的启发。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几个月里,在并不能保证Pairi Daizi能有幸负责大熊猫的情况下,Dmb和他的员工热情地建造了大熊猫馆。A. willingly乐意地;B. enthusiastically热情地;C. autmatically自动地;D. cnfidently自信地。根据下文“Nw, Dmb is eager t tell hw he ____13____ a pair f giant pandas, Xing Hui and Ha Ha in February 2014.”可知,Dmb对于养育大熊猫充满了热情,由此可知,他和员工应该是热情地建造了大熊猫馆。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:在接下来的几个月里,在并不能保证Pairi Daizi能有幸负责大熊猫的情况下,Dmb和他的员工热情地建造了大熊猫馆。A. take charge f负责;B. pay attentin t注意;C. get hld f掌握;D. gain knwledge f获得……的知识。根据上文“giant panda huses”和常识可推知,他们建立大熊猫馆的目的是为了能收到大熊猫,负责大熊猫的生活。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:巨大的围场包括一个水池、洞穴和竹林。A. grass草;B. tea茶;C. banana香蕉;D. bamb竹子。根据上文“giant pandas”和常识可推知,以竹子为食的大熊猫需要的是竹林。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:现在,Dmb迫不及待地想告诉大家他是如何在2014年2月收到一对大熊猫“星徽”和“好好”的。A. bught购买;B. prtected保护;C. received收到;D. tracked追踪。根据上文“Dmb felt ____9____ by the jint panda breeding prgram.”可推知,Dmb应该是参与了大熊猫联合繁育计划,收到了中国送来的一对大熊猫。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为Pairi Daiza是中国海外为数不多的住着大熊猫的私人动物园之一,这种自豪感更加深刻。A. pride自豪;B. humur幽默;C. security安全;D. duty责任。根据上文“Nw, Dmb is eager t tell hw he ____13____ a pair f giant pandas, Xing Hui and Ha Ha in February 2014.”可知,Dmb对于能够养育大熊猫非常热情,由此可知,他会有一种自豪感。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为Pairi Daiza是中国海外为数不多的住着大熊猫的私人动物园之一,这种自豪感更加深刻。A. hide隐藏;B. huse为……提供住所;C. train训练;D. save拯救。根据上文“ne f the few private zs utside China”和常识可推知,私人动物园能做的应该是为大熊猫提供住所,负责照顾它们。故选B。
    36. What is it abut Tm Hanks that cinema-gers find s ________(有吸引力的)? (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    37. Further infrmatin is ________(可获得) n request. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    38 He buried his face in his hands and __________________(哭泣). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39. Sme f his ideas abut reality are ________(全部)his wn. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    40. We were prmised a safe passage thrugh the ________(占据) territry. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    41. It’s imprtant t pay attentin t the ________(营养的) value f the fd yu eat. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    42. Under n ________(条件) shuld yu give ut yur persnal infrmatin t strangers. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:无论如何你都不应该把你的个人信息给陌生人。结合“Under n”可知,“条件”应用名词circumstance,作Under的宾语,且需用复数形式,构成固定短语under n circumstances,意为“决不,无论如何都不”。故填circumstances。
    43. T be kind, this rganizatin is effectively ________(提倡)cuts in taxatin. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    【详解】考查动词和时态。句意:出于善意,这个组织实际上正在倡导减税。结合空前的is和句子意思可知,本句用现在进行时,且动词advcate意为“提倡”,与主语this rganizatin为主动关系,故用advcating。故答案为advcating。
    44. It is a generally ________(承认)fact that taking care f parents is a traditin in China. (根据汉语提示拼写单词)
    45. Never giving up, ________ ________ ________(从这种意义上来讲), is ften the mst prductive path twards achieving a gal.(根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. in ②. this ③. sense
    【详解】考查短语。句意:从这个意义上说,永不放弃往往是实现目标的最有效途径。“从这种意义上讲”为短语in this sense,作状语,故填in this sense。
    46. Mr. Glaser cntinued t reflect n the design, ________ hurs ________(把……用于) a prject that was suppsedly finished. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. devting ②. t
    【详解】考查固定搭配和非谓语动词。句意:格拉泽先生继续反思这个设计,把几个小时用在一个本应已经完成的项目上。意为“把……用于……”,为固定搭配。分析句子结构,句子的谓语为cntinued,所以空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语Mr. Glaser和devte之间是主谓关系,所以这里应用现在分词的一般式,作伴随状语。故填devting;t。
    47. The plice turned the whle huse ________ ________(颠倒) lking fr clues. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. upside ②. dwn
    【详解】考查动词短语。句意:警察把整个房子翻了个底朝天寻找线索。结合“turned the whle huse”和“颠倒”可知,此处用动词短语turn sth. upside dwn,意为“把……颠倒过来,把……翻得乱七八糟”。故填①upside;②dwn。
    48. The truck shws scarcely any sign f ________ ________ ________(磨损). (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. wear ②. and ③. tear
    【详解】考查短语。句意:卡车几乎没有任何磨损的迹象。“磨损”为名词短语wear and tear,作宾语,故填wear and tear。
    49. Gd readers are gd at ________ ________(推理) based n the text they are reading. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. making ②. inferences
    【详解】考查固定短语和非谓语动词。句意:好的读者善于根据他们正在阅读的文章进行推理。make inferences意为“进行推理”,inference(推论,推断的结果)为可数名词。空前有介词at,这里应用动名词,作宾语。故填making;inferences。
    50. Bungee jumping is an adventurus sprt ________ curage matters mre than strength. (用适当的词填空)
    51. The bird was lucky t escape _________(catch) by the by.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】being caught
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:那只鸟很幸运,没有被那个男孩抓住。escape ding固定搭配,意为“逃避做某事;逃脱做某事”,由by可知,此处表示“被抓住”,应用动名词的被动语态,故填being caught。
    52. I'm srry that I can't answer yur phne call at 3:00 this afternn because I ________ (teach) a class at that time. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】will be teaching
    【详解】考查时态。句意:很抱歉,今天下午3点我不能接你的电话,因为我那时一直在上课。由句意可知,at 3:00 this afternn是将来时,这个时间点一直在上课,所以用将来进行时,表将来某一时刻或某一阶段内将/正要发生的动作。故填will be teaching。
    53. The Great Wall is the last place ________ Mr. Smith is ging t visit befre he leaves Beijing. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:长城是史密斯先生离开北京前要参观的最后一个地方。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词place,先行词指物,关系词在从句中作宾语,且先行词被the last修饰,只能用关系代词that引导从句。故填that。
    54. Hw did it cme abut ________ a quiet persn shuld appear s wild tday? (用适当的词填空)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分21分)
    55. 面对巨额账单,他尴尬地搓着手。(汉译英)
    【答案】Facing the huge bill, he rubbed his hands in embarrassment.
    【详解】考查非谓语动词、固定短语和时态。根据汉语提示并分析句子结构,“面对巨额账单”可翻译为非谓语动词短语,作状语。“面对”可表示为face;“巨额账单”可表示为huge bill;“尴尬地”可表示为in embarrassment;“搓着手”可表示为rub ne’s hands。face和逻辑主语“他”(he)之间是主谓关系,所以这里应用现在分词。根据句意,这里表示过去的动作,应用一般过去时。故本句可翻译为:Facing the huge bill, he rubbed his hands in embarrassment.
    56. 太羞愧了,以至于他微微低下身子,涨红了脸。(汉译英)
    【答案】S ashamed was he that he lwered his bdy a bit with his face turning red.
    【详解】考查结果状语从句、倒装句、with复合结构。根据汉语中的“太……以至于……”可知,这里应用引导结果状语从句,s后跟形容词或副词,当s连同其修饰的成分位于句首时,主句应用部分倒装,即将助动词、be动词或情态动词提到主语之前。“羞愧”可表示为ashamed,为形容词,可作be动词的表语;“微微低下身子”可表示为lwer ne’s bdy a bit。句中的“涨红了脸”可表示为with复合结构,其中“脸”(face)和“涨红”(turn red)之间是主谓关系,所以应用现在分词。故本句可翻译为:S ashamed was he that he lwered his bdy a bit with his face turning red.
    57. 你刚在某英文科技论坛中加入一个讨论组,讨论内容是“Shuld we fight ChatGPT?”,网友们意见不同。请你就该问题在讨论组中发帖,表达自己的看法,内容包括:
    1. ChatGPT的优势;
    2. ChatGPT的劣势;
    3. 你的看法。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
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    Shuld we fight ChatGPT?
    ChatGPT-4 has gained ppularity as a chatbt capable f generating human-like respnses in natural language cnversatins.
    【答案】Shuld we fight ChatGPT?
    ChatGPT-4 has gained ppularity as a chatbt capable f generating human-like respnses in natural language cnversatins. While it ffers several benefits, there are als drawbacks that need t be cnsidered.
    Its multiple advantages cntribute t its widespread use. Firstly, it saves users’ time by prviding quick and accessible infrmatin. Secndly, it ffers assistance in learning and prblem-slving, which is particularly valuable fr students seeking immediate guidance.
    Despite its benefits, ChatGPT has certain limitatins like the ptential fr misinfrmatin r biased respnses. Anther issue is the lack f emtinal understanding, s it smetimes prvides insensitive r inadequate answers, diminishing the quality f the cnversatin.
    In cnclusin, ChatGPT-4 is a pwerful new AI technlgy that has the ptential t revlutinize the way we cmmunicate with machines. Hwever, cnsidering its disadvantages, it is crucial t address these challenges and cultivate respnsible, safe, and beneficial use f ChatGPT.
    首先:firstly→ first f all
    虽然、尽管:despite → in spite f
    最后: in cnclusin→ finally/at last
    考虑到:cnsidering→ given/in view f
    原句:Despite its benefits, ChatGPT has certain limitatins like the ptential fr misinfrmatin r biased respnses.
    拓展句:While there are many benefits, ChatGPT has certain limitatins like the ptential fr misinfrmatin r biased respnses.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】While it ffers several benefits, there are als drawbacks that need t be cnsidered.(运用了while引导的状语从句和that引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Secndly, it ffers assistance in learning and prblem-slving, which is particularly valuable fr students seeking immediate guidance.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What kind f music will the speakers listen t tnight?
    A Pp. B. Classical. C. Rap.
    2. What sprt was the man ding?
    A. Basketball. B. Ftball. C. Swimming.
    3. Hw much des a business class ticket cst?
    A. $10. B. $15. C. $25.
    4: What des the man think f the wman’s earrings?
    A. They are pretty. B. They are fashinable. C. They are ld.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Dgs. B. Huses. C. Views.
    6. Which f the by’s clthes are brken?
    A. A jacket. B. Shirts. C. Pants.
    7. What is the wman’s slutin t the prblem?
    A. She will buy the by new clthes.
    B. She will teach the by t fix his wn clthes.
    C. She will turn the ld clthes int fashinable nes.
    8. Why are the speakers changing their plans?
    A. Because f the weather.
    B. Because f the ticket price.
    C. Because f their lve fr islands.
    9. Where will the speakers prbably visit?
    A. England. B. Italy. C. Spain.
    10. What has the wman been reading?
    A. A nvel. B. A dictinary. C. A ckbk.
    11. Why desn’t the man read bks?
    A. He has pr eyesight. B. He dislikes stries. C. He is t busy.
    12. Where des the man usually listen t his bks?
    A. In the kitchen. B. In the car. C. On the plane.
    13. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a restaurant. B. At a museum. C. At a htel.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Brther and sister. C. Teacher and student.
    15. When will the speakers leave New Yrk?
    A. Tmrrw. B. In tw days. C. In three days.
    16. What des the wman want t d mst?
    A. Drink sme cffee. B. G t a Bradway shw. C. Lk arund the place.
    17. Hw tall des ne child have t be t ride the “Waterfall” alne?
    A. 48 inches. B. 45 inches. C. 42 inches.
    18. Which area in Water Wrld is the largest?
    A. Lakeland. B. Rainfrest River. C. Oceana.
    19. What is the mst ppular attractin in Oceana?
    A. The sink. B. The wave pl. C. The basin.
    20. Where des the talk take place?
    A. In an amusement center. B. In a natinal park. C. In a theater.
    听力答案:1-5 BBCCA 6-10 CCABA 11-15 CBBAB 16-20 CACBA

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