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    外研版英语七年级上册《Module 3:My school》模块教学设计word版


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    外研版英语七年级上册《Module 2: My school》模块教学设计word版深度学习课堂要素指导下的单元(模块)教学设计模板Module 3 My school外研版七年级英语上册〖Module3 My school学习主题〗第一课时主题Daming’s and Linda’s classes课时内容文本听力材料补充听力材料:《绩优学案》Module3测评卷听力第11—15小题第三课时主题Our school课时内容学校建筑物的图片课内文本材料补充听力文本材料:《绩优学案》Module3测评卷听力第 = 2 \* ROMAN II题16—20小题第二课时主题Our class课时内容分享小学的班级和现在的班级第四课时主题Describing our school课时内容补充材料:学校平面图学生分享自己学校的文章第五课时主题Learning about the schools around the world课时内容文本材料补充视频材料: the schools around the world课标话题个人情况主题中子主题学校信息模块学习主题School information, Know More.Unit1: 主题Describing your classUnit2: 主题Describing your schoolUnit3:主题Around the world——School age第一课时主题Mars-a popular planet课时内容文本听力材料补充听力材料:火星或将成为太空探测“主力场”----《环球阅读》第三课时主题Universe-a Numinous Place.课时内容《小王子》内容简介视频课内文本材料补充听力文本材料:Is There Life in Outer Space第五课时主题Scientists and astronauts — Honorable groups课时内容文本对话材料补充视频材料:中国航天员第二次出仓模块学习规划 学 科英 语年 级七年级设计者雷晓云黄肖蕊教材版本外研版册、章上册Module 3模块总课时5模块主题本模块以“学校”为话题,学生们通过对自己学校的全面认识,掌握 there be句型的结构,及能用这个结构描述事物的存在,能运用介词来描述方位,用英语进行沟通交流,从而达到热爱学校和班级的目的。课标要求《英语课程标准》(2011版)要求本模块掌握 there be句型的结构,及能用这个结构描述事物的存在,能运用介词来描述方位。教材分析1.本模块是本册教材的第三模块,本模块以“学校”为话题,把焦点放在对学校的介绍上,重点介绍学校的设施、布局和教室内的设备。此话题贴近学生生活实际,由于七年级新生对此介绍也比较感兴趣,所以将会激发学生的表达欲望,提高学生英语学习的兴趣。同时以文章为载体,通过学生们对自己学校的全面认识,用英语进行沟通交流,从而达到热爱学校和班级的目的。2.模块的第一单元主要着重对学生听说能力的培养,第一单元对话语境是大明向琳达询问英国学校教室的样子,学生能够使用 there be句型对自己的教室做一些介绍。第二单元则注重对学生读写能力的培养,作者利用学校的平面图向大家介绍学校各个场所的方位,学生们充分借助方位词和 there be句型来展开空间思维想象,并在老师的指导下找出本文的写作特点,即从中心起始、从左侧开始以顺时针顺序写作的方式,以帮助学生形成阅读图式。第三单元从听说读写方面培养学生综合语言运用能力,能够与同学合作,学生能对自己学校进行描述,完成本模块的语言学习和交际学习任务3.本模块的重点是学校话题词汇、方位介词和语法项目 there be句型的肯定句式、否定句式、一般疑问句、特殊疑问形式及其相应的回答。难点是 there be句型中be动词使用的就近原则以及对本句型结构中主语前数量词的提问,以及there be句型的将来时。学情分析通过前面两个模块的学习,学生掌握了部分描述物品的词汇及介绍自己的句型。本模块是在前两个模块的基础上引入到学校与班级这个话题上,这是学生很熟悉也是较感兴趣的话题。对于七年级学生而言,新老学校的对比更便于开展活动。在教师预设的任务中,引导学生在交际中动态生成,学生有话可说,乐于合作分享。这样就有利于他们更好地运用课本知识,达到提高综合运用语言能力的目的。模块目标能够掌握本模块的语音,词汇;语法: there be结构;能够听懂介绍学校的简短对话;能够用 there be句型介绍自己的班级和学校;能够通过描述,判断出图中物体之间的位置关系;能够正确使用表示方位的介词来描述图中物体的位置关系;观察并归纳 there be句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的构成及对数量的提问;学会倾听,积极与他人合作,充分发挥自己的作用。通过本模块的学习,了解不同国家的学校教育,培养热爱学校,热爱班级的意识;能够以书写的方式通过所学相关词汇和句型结构向他人介绍自己的学校。课时学习目标学习重点学习难点学习活动学习评价第一课时1.能够听懂介绍学校的简短对话。 2.能够用“There be"句型介绍自已的班级和学校。1.能够掌握重点的词汇和句型。 2.能够正确朗读对话。1.能够掌握There be句型的结构。 2.能够运用There be句型结构介绍自己的班级和学校。考虑到七年级学生的心理特征,教师更要注重多媒体教学,通过计算机形象、生动、直观地显示出来,从而加深学生对问题的理解,提高其学习积极性。本单元的导人环节是听英文歌曲猜歌词,对学习知识进行铺垫,接着借助图片更进一一步学习词汇和句型结构,然后以文章为载体培养学生的听说能力,最后到语言的输出,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。基本上遵循了听说导入兼顾读写的理念,采用了直观教学和小组合作教学,教学语言符合英语学科的特点,基本完成预定的教学目标。第二课时数词与名词连用时,名词的单复数的使用。能用 there be句型介绍自己的小学班级和初中班级培养学生热爱班级学校,热爱自己的家园的意识1. 重点句型:there be句型的肯定,疑问与否定形式2. 重点话题:介绍小学班级和初中班级,能说出自己的理想班级1. 掌握there be句型。2. 描述自己的班级和学校,能用恰当地道的英语进行写作练习。根据实际情景,运用数字和therebe句型描述小学教室和初中教室。并能发挥想象力,构思并且说出自己理想中的教室。教师评价小组合作评价学生互评第三课时能用表示方位的词来描述图中物体的位置关系掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语、句型和语法难点。能用表示方位的词来描述图中物体的位置关系。通过直观的图片激发学生的学习兴趣,便于学生在阅读时明确文章的主旨。采用小组合作的方式让学生学会描述方位。第四课时1、能够正确使用表示方位的介词来描述图中物体的位置。2、能用方位介词及短语描述自己的学校。3、培养学生热爱学校、热爱家园的意识。1、能掌握重点的词汇和表方位的短语,并能用词汇和表方位的短语表述句子。2、能够熟练的运用方位介词及短语与描述自己的学校。能够正确使用方位介词及短语,根据提供的学校平面图,写出学校的简单介绍。1、根据学校的平面图,老师口头问问题,学生口头回答。2、根据平面图进行英文写作,先口述,再进行写作训练口头评价第五课时1.There be句型表示存在用法总结2.方位介词的用法。3.培养学生的合作态度和善于总结复习的学习方法。1.能听懂、读懂有关学校介绍的短文2.运用方位介词介绍自己的班级或学校1.总结某处有某物表示存在的用法2.方位介词灵活运用1、能根据教学活动充分利用多媒体,增强学生直观性。2、课堂上依据主体性原则,是平面图生活化采用恰当性评价对目标达成进行评价第一课时“ Unit1 There are thirty students in my class ”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图DELC4预备激活先期知识Step11.Ask students to listen to the song.2.Ask students to spell the numbers and write down on the blackboard.3.Ask students to play the game once again to learn new numbers.一.T: Hello, boy and girls. Nice to meet you! First let’s listen to a song and then tell me what words you have heard.Ss: Yes! T: What words have you heard? Ss:classroom, blackboard,...T:OK. Well done!二.T: How many students are there in our class? Ss: Thirty six. T: OK, can you tell me your number? Ss: Of course. T:Now let’s begin with one. One by one. Ss:One. Two. Three.. Thirty-six. T:I’m thirty-seven. I would like to be a member of yours. It’sa really big family. It’s really nice. Today we will learn "There are thirty students in my class.通过歌曲和报数,为后面的数字学习做好铺垫通过师生共同听唱歌曲并说歌词来进行本单元的导入,创设情境,进行词汇与句型的铺垫通过学生轮流报数来热身,调动学生学习的积极性,复习数字,为后面的there be句型结构打好基础。通过老师表达也想成为他们中的一名成员,来增强学生们集体观念。Step21.Show the slides that contain pronunciations to the students.2.Write down the numbers on the blackboard and emphasize special numbers.3.Ask students to read the numbers loudly.T: Children,can you read them? Have a try.Now work in pairs to try to read them.Ss: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety(Try to read them well. ) T: What's in common? Ss:都是以ty结尾。 T:OK. Well done! You have a good observational ability.Now please remember the following chant, which can help you re-member the numbers correctly. 基数词不难记,0一12逐个记;13- 19 有规律, teen结尾记心里;thirteen fifteen eighteen 要瞧仔细;20、30、到90,以ty结尾是整十;twenty thirty  fifty 要重点记,forty去u, eighty少t。以顺口溜的形式记忆,效果较好平时的教学中注重语音训练,培养学生关注发音规则。朗读顺口溜,并有意识地去记忆,突破学生书写英文数字的难点。以小组合作齐读,并评比的方式,有助于增强小组的凝聚力DELC5获取新的知识Step31.Show the pictures to the students. Let the students describe the classroom with the pictures. 2.The teacher will choose one student to cooperate and givethe class an example. 3.Show a picture of furniture and tell the students it is an un-countable noun, 1.T: How many computersare there in our classroom?S: There is a computer in our classroom.T: How many maps of the world are there on the wall? S: There is a map of the world on the wall. 2.T: What’s this? Ss:家具 T:It’s furniture. Please read after me. Ss: furniture T:Can you make a question? 在教室里有多少家具? S1: How many furniture arethere in our classroom?(F)S2: How much furniture arethere in our classroom?(F)S3: How much furniture is there in our classroom? (T)T:OK, very good. Can you give us the reason? S3: Tell the class his/her reason. T: How much furniture is there in our classroom? T: There is a lot of furniture. /There’s some. How much和how many 用法区别,结合新单词学习,巩固,应用练习。借助在Starter Module2中已掌握的How many句型,通过图片来温故单词并学习新单词。并通过furniture一词的学习,来引出how much句型及其回答来突破难点。Step4Play the tape for the students and let them listen and underline the correct answers, then check the answers ers with the whole class, Let the students read the dialogue and complete the table.T: Boys and girls, let’s listen to a piece of conversation and try to find the correct answer.In Linda’s class there are 30/40 students in a class.In Daming’s class there are 20/21 girls.There is/isn’t a computer on the teacher s desk.Are there any pictures in Linda’s classroom?Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. (5)Is there a map of the world in Linda’s classroom?Yes, there is. /No, there isn’t,“there be”句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答的学习,结合听力练习,两者都得到了提高根据学生认知水平,教师有效整合教材,先找同学翻译,再听对话,降低听力难度。借助于4个小题培养学生的听力,再通过一起核对答案来重点学习本课“there be”句型的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其回答。DELC6深度加工知识Step51. Listen and read after the video.2.Let the students work in groups to describe the classroomT:We have learned all the conversations. Boys and girls,it’sour reading time. Please read after the video and you should paymore attention to your pronunciation and intonation Try yourbest to imitate it, clear?描述自己的教室,让自己所学得到巩固提高。通过学生观看生动活泼的对话视频并跟读、模仿,能提高学生的语感,提高对英语语音、语调的感悟力和用正确语音语调进行口语输出的能力。利用对自已教室的描述,培养学生的语言运用能力。通过小组评价:激发学生们竞争意识的同时,也大大激发了学生们的求知欲。特别是优等生,会找老师或者借助于字典来对教室进行更为详尽地描述。此活动也是教师对学生进行爱护班级公共财产教育的好契机。作业设计1. Recite the words and the dialogue frequently(A层) 2.Write a new passage about our class. You can do it like this:(B层) In my classroom, there is a blackboard and there are twenty-four desks. There is a computer on the teacher ‘s desk...作业设计分为两个层次:A:掌握最基本的单词,短语B:能用所学知识写文章,提高综合运用能力板书设计Unit 1 There are thirty  students in my class. It’s really big. computer,furniture,map,picture,television,wall1.There are/aren't… in the picture.2.There is/isn't a/an…in the picture.3.—Are there…in the picture?—Yes,there are./No,there aren't.4.—Is there…in the picture?—Yes,there is./No,there isn't.简单明了,提高学生的直观感受,进一步掌握重难点教学反思在本次的教学活动中,教师充分利歌曲、多媒体等辅助教学,来增强教学的直观性和趣味性。在阅读活动设计中遵循学生的认知规律,有意识地培养学生的阅读能力。同时,教师注重引导学生分析文章的写作特点,帮助学生丰富自己的空间思维。通过观察自己的教室,让学生更进一步了解自己的班级,从而达到使学生更加热爱自己班级的目的。第二课时“ There are thirty students in my class ”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图DELC4预备激活先期知识Step1Teacher:Let’s play a game, when the time is up, you need to say the number quickly and correctly.S1:thirty desks.S2: fifty-five computers.…….0.08秒挑战,说出看到的数字,会的同学迅速起立说出答案,目的检查学生对整十数字的预习情况。一秒钟挑战,说出看到的数字+名字。会的同学迅速起立说出答案,目的是扫清本课单词障碍,并了解名词复数这是个孩子们都喜欢的游戏,考察他们的眼力和对单词的记忆。相信能极大调动孩子们的兴趣,全神贯注参与课堂。Step2Activity4、Pronunciation and speaking /Ʌ/ some /a:/ are classroom /ə / computer teacher/ɜ:/ girl thirtyActivity5The numbers in the dialogue.T: How to say these numbers, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 21, 46?Let Ss match the words with the numbers in Activity6.6. Make Ss sum up the expression of numbers.个位数十几几十几十几twentytwenty- onethreethirteenthirtyfourfourteenfortyforty-sixfivefifteenfifty sixty seventy76eightyninety95?Step 2 Watch and answer让学生观看课动画并回答Is there a computer on the teacher's desk?Step 3 Listen and fill in the blankssay the numbers. Do the exercise.Sum up :词尾- ty.Work in pairs.S1: How many ... are there…?S2: There are …本环节通过反复听读,来巩固学生对新学单词发音的掌握,攻克学生在发音,语音语调上的障碍。同时,强化学生掌握重点句型“there be”的掌握。 (1) 过关重难点词汇,同时渗透音标与语音的教学;(2)巩固数字的表达方式,为听力中出现的数字内容做好知识层面的铺垫,同时引导学生养成善于总结规律的良好习惯; (5)以图文助力学生轻松突破“there be”结构中“be”动词选择这一难点内容,活跃课堂气氛,利用信息技术提升课堂效率。训练学生的在听力的过程中捕捉所需信息的能力。DELC5获取新的知识Step3Let Ss use the numbers to talk about their classroom in Activity7.e. g. A: How many desks are there in our classroom?B: There are forty / 40.Work in pairs.S1: How many ... are there…?S2: There are …结合实物,训练There be 句型。本环节是对本课重点句型的反复操练。同时,使学生能在真实的语境中运用语言。Step4Compare the primary school classroom with junior high school.T: What’s your primary schoolclassroom like?What’s inyour primary school classroom?T: What’s yourJunior high school classroom like?What’s in your Junior high classroom?1.Work in groups, to talk about their classrooms.2.Show their works(作品) to other groups, and talk about them. My classroomprimary school is really ___ in _______. There are _____ students in her class. There’s a ____ of England on the classroom wall. here is _ __ __ furniture. There are ______ girls and ______ boys in his class. There aren’t ___ pictures on the classroom walls.小组合作,处于真实情景,学生更容易把所学运用到生活实际当中。通过比较小学教室和初中教室,让同学们回归到学生的真实生活中,更加娴熟描述自己的班级,绘制学校并能口头、笔头介绍自己的班级。DELC6深度加工知识Step5Game 2 Design your ideal classroom:1. Give Ss some pictures, let them design a picture of their ideal classroom in group.T: What’s your ideal classroom like?What’s in your ideal classroom?(Give them some examples.)2. Get one student of each group to show his work and describe his picture.e. g. A: There is a bookshelf in my classroom.I like it very much because I can read some interesting books after class.B: There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.I like them very much because they can make my eyes relaxing. …3.Let Ss choose:Who is the most popular designer(设计师)?1.Work in groups, to design classrooms.2.Show their works(作品) to other groups, and talk about them.S1: There is / are … in my classroom.I think it is nice/ comfortable/ modern…3. Choose their ideal classroom and designer.运用想象力,构思理想教室,小组合作,互相分享学习。发散学生的想象力,让学生运用所学绘制理想中的教室,不仅加强了本节课知识的记忆,更加打开了学生的思维,鼓励学生思考。作业设计1. Play the game: Design your ideal classroom. Save the picture. 2. Talk about your classroom with your classmates. Use the structures:There is / are … in my classroom.I like…very much because…板书设计Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class. Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class. How many… are there…?There are…There is …. Is/Are there…?Yes, there is/are.No, there isn’t/ aren’t. 教学反思在教学过程中注重学生的听、说、读、写综合能力培养,鼓励他们大胆的说并运用到实际中去1 注重听音示范。对于刚刚上初中的孩子们来说,老师的示范作用非常重要,可为学生打好良好的语音语调基础。在教授单词和操练句型环节,教师自己示范到位,发音清晰准确,同时培养学生认真听、积极模仿的好习惯。本课在朗读环节,我会让学生跟随录音带进行模仿朗读。2 注重创设情景。人与人之间的交流是通过由词构成的句子来实现的。因此单词句型,应在特定的语境中引出,进行情景反应,这样既便于学生理解,印象也深刻。本课我就地取材,利用他们身边的物品,讲授there be句型及相关词汇。 3 重视实际运用。学习句型是为了运用。通过情景的创设,使学生置于真实的语言环境中,他们自然而然联想到所学词汇句型来表达思想,达到学以致用的目的。在运用环节中,教师因地制宜,再次回归到学生的真实生活中,更加娴熟描述自己的班级,绘制学校并能口头、笔头介绍自己小学的学校和现在的学校。 第三课时“ The library is on the left of the playground”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图DELC4预备激活先期知识Step1进入情境 了解主题(Lead-in)I will invite five students to come to the front and stand around me. And the other students try to describe our position correctly.T: stand around me. And the other students try to describe our position. S1 :Jim is in front of Miss Zhang.S2:Lucy is behind Miss Zhang.S3:Lily is on the left of Miss Zhang.S4:Tom is on the right of Miss Zhang.S5:Tony is next to/ near Tom.T:Miss Zhang is between Lily and Tom. Can you tell usTom's position like me?S6:Tom is between Miss Zhang and Tony.T: Well done! You're clever. Label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box. ( Activity 1)通过师生对话,学习新单词,及时了解学生方位介词掌握情况。2. 通过直观的图片激发学生的学习兴趣,便于学生在阅读前明确文章的主旨Step2明确目标 激活已知(Pre-listening/reading)Deal with the words and phrases:behind, between, in front of, on the right.building,dining hall, gate, library, office, playground, science lab, sports hall.Read Betty's words, and write her classmates’ names on their desks. (Activity2)2. Show pictures to the students and learn the new words: building, dining hall, gate, library, office, playground, science lab, sports hall.For example:T:Where shall we have dinner?Ss: In the dining hall.,(The teacher shows the pictures and lets the students read after her.)T: Where shall we have PE?Ss: On the playground.…T:OK. Let’s read these words aloud.Ss: building, dining hall, gate, library, office, playground.通过读和写,进一步检测学生的输出能力。1.学生掌握"behind",“between" , in front of",“on the right"这4个方位词的用法,为下面的阅读理解做好准备。2.利用图片在情境问答中进行词汇教学,将词汇教学进行活化,有助于学生加深记忆。此活动为阅读作词汇方面的铺垫,同时有助于培养学生的联想意识。DELC5获取新的知识Step3学习理解 梳理文本(While-listening/reading)Fast reading: Read and label the map of the school.T:Please look at the map of the writer's school. And thewriter hopes we can help to label the other five buildings? Can you make it?Ss: Of courseT:OK,please read it as quickly as possible. We have five minutes. Let's start.(In five minutes)T:Time is over. First, you can check the answers in pairs.(The students check the answers in pairs. )T:Now,let's listen to the tape and make sure your answers are right.T:Do you have any questions?Ss: No.T:OK. 1 have a question to ask; How does the writer introduce his school to us? If you find it a little difficult to answer, you can observe the map that we labeled. T: Yes, everyone is smart.通过快速阅读,检测学生是否能够读懂并判断物体之间的位置关系。:本活动训练学生通过阅读,找出各个建筑物之间的位置关系并在地图上标出,有助于培养学生空间思维想象能力。再有教师引导学生观察文章是以什么方式来描述校园布局的,为后面的写作做好铺垫。Step4语言操练 实践运用(Exercises)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions.Look at the questions on the screen and try to translate them, then find out the answers from the passage.Check the answers in groups and act them out.Group 1:A:How many buildings are there in the school? B:There are six buildings.Group 2:A: What s on the right of the library?B:It's the playground,Group 3:A: What's in the library?B:There are many books, maps and computers.Group4:A:How many classrooms are there in the classroom building?B: There are 24 classrooms.Group 5:A: Where are the computer room and science labs?B: They are in the science building.学生通过精读文章,是否能在示意图中标出位置关系使用there be 句型,用自己的所学语言知识进行描述。此项活动主要培养学生查找具体语篇信息的能力,通过学生的个体独立阅读和小组合作学习,把里面的重点句式和知识点,通过一问一答的方式,让同学自主解决。从而加深学生对课文的理解,同时巩固课文中的重点句型。DELC6深度加工知识Step5迁移应用 解决问题(Post-listening/reading)(补充材料继续探究主题)Let students do some listening, check students’ listening and writing skills.  = 2 \* ROMAN II.听独白,填信息(共5小题,计10分)本题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据所听内容,用单词或短语完成下列各题。(每空限填一 个单词。) 16. Danny is 13 years oldand he is a .17. Danny's classroom is nice and .18. There is a(n) on the teacher's desk.19. Danny likes .20. There is a big near Danny's house.通过听力训练,进一步巩固并检测学生的听写能力。此项活动运用听力教学,进一步提高学生的语感,巩固词汇掌握情况,促进学生语言学习,培养学生热爱学校、热爱家园的意识。作业设计Read the passagefluently and correctly.(A: Read it 3 times.B:Listen ,then read after the tape 3 times.)Copy and remember the new words by heart.作业设计分两部分,第一部分读或者跟读课文,第二部分复习巩固词汇、短语。学生在完成作业中查漏补缺,巩固提高语言综合运用能力。板书设计Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground.words:building, dining hall, gate, library, office, playground, science lab, sports hall.some phrases.in front of/ behindon the right of/on the left of near/ next tobetween A and B简单明了的板书让学生一目了然,明白本节课学习重难点,增强教学的直观性。巩固并逐步提高学生的语言知识及语言运用能力。教学反思在本单元的教学活动中,,教师充分利用示意图、地图等描述图中物体的位置多媒体等辅助教学,来增强教学的直观性和趣味性。在阅读活动设计中遵循学生的认知规律,有意识地培养学生的阅读能力。思考教学过程中还应多渗透学生的情感教学,从而达到使学生更加热爱自己学校的目的。第四课时“ Describing our school”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图DELC4预备激活先期知识Step1 ReviewAsk students to describe the picture in Activity 3 by using“there be” structure.T:How many students are there in our class?Ss:There are fifty-five students are there in our class.T:This is a map of our school.How many buildings are there in the school?Ss:There are six buildings in the school.Work in pairs and ask questions about the objects in the classroom.A: How many desks and chairs are there in our class?B: There are 56 desks and 55 chairs in our class.Two students from each group are recommended for the corresponding question and answer demonstration.A: How many boys are there in the classroom?B: There are thirty boys in the classroom. 1、How many的用法。2、There be 的用法,通过让同学们展示对话练习,来查看学生们是否已经掌握There be的用法。Step 2:Have a dictationGet the students to write the words and phrases in Unit 2,check them if they have grasped the usage of the points.Studentsdictation the words and phrases in unit 2.重点的词汇方位介词behind,和短语between … and … ,in front of …, on the right/left of…, in the middle of… .针对学生们的听写同桌交换批阅,以便让学生们发现问题,及时整改。DELC5获取新的知识Step 3:Practice1.Read the passage carefully and answer the questions in Activity 4.1)How many buildings are there in the school?2)What's on the right of the library?3)What's in the library? 4)How many classrooms are there in the classroom building? 5)Where are the computer rooms and science labs?2.Ask three students to give their answers.3.Then check the answers.Keys:1 There are six buildings.2 It's the playground.3 There are many books,maps and computers.4 There are 24 classrooms.5 They are in the science building.Look at the passage in Activity 3 and discuss the questions in groups.Group 1:How many buildings are there in the school?Ss:There are six buildings.Group 2:What's on the right of the library?Ss:It's the playground.Group 3:What's in the library? Ss:There are many books,maps and computers.Group 4:How many classrooms are there in the classroom building? Ss:There are 24 classrooms.Group 5:Where are the computer rooms and science labs?Ss:They are in the science building.2. Each group recommends one student to answer the questions given and give reasons.1.针对问题:“What's on the right of the library?”观察图发现:“It's the playground.”2.思考:“ What's in the library?”仔细阅读文章,我们会发现文章中有这句话“There are many books,maps and computers in it.”此项活动主要培养学生查找具体语篇信息的能力。通过学生的个体阅读和小组合作学习,把里面的重点句式和知识点,通过一问一答的方式,让同学们自主解决。从而加深学生对课文的理解,同时巩固课文中的重点句型。Step 4:Writing1.Read the sentences in Activity 5.The library is in front of the office building.It's in front of the office building.—Is the science building behind the library?—No,it isn't.—Are the science labs and computer rooms in the same building? —Yes,they are.2.Answer the questions with short forms.(1)— Where's the playground? —________ in the middle of the school.(2)—Where are the science labs? —________ in the science building.(3)—Is the library behind the sports hall? —No,________.3.Check the answers.Keys:(1)It's (2)They're (3)it isn't4.Have the students read the sentences.5.Answer the questions about your school in Activity 5.—Where's the playground?— It's behind the sports hall.Now write answers to the questions.The playground is behind the sports hall.1.Look at the pictures and practice and answer the general questions.2.Turn around and practice the special questions in pairs with the students opposite3.Ask the class to read these sentences together.1.学习用It代表单数名称来回答。2.学习用they代表复数名词来回答。3.用所学的方位介词以及短语来表述自己学校的设施位置。这部分的练习是为写作的口头输出做铺垫,并根据学校的平面图,描述自己学校设施的位置关系。通过循序渐进的教学,最终通过作文展示语言实践使学生享受学习的成就感。DELC6深度加工知识Step5:Output of knowledge Let's look at the plan of the school and tell the students to write the composition according to the space between the middle and the two sides.2.Students write with black pen, then polish with red pen.1.The English representative is appointed to introduce our school to everyone. The other students listen carefully.2.Let the monitor dictate his composition1.第一段:引出话题,介绍我们的学校。Look at the picture ! This is our school.2. 第二段:介绍学校的基本布局用方位介词或短语。3.第三段:表达对学校的喜爱之情。口述写作时有问题的指出,以便大家共同提高。先口述,再以笔头输出的形式形成作文,最后红笔润色以达到让作文更优美。作业设计Step 6:HomeworkA 层: Fill in page P39 of the Excellent Student Plan and complete the writing "My New School"B层: Write sentences with position prepositions.A层: Finish writing carefully and polish it with red pen.B层: Write the beginning and the conclusion. In the body you will write a sentence or two using orientation prepositions and phrases灵活运用there be 和所学的方位介词和短语来介绍学校的位置,规模,布局。作业的分层布置是让学生将所学新知学以致用,对相关的知识点和基本技能的掌握程度的认可,并通过一定的思维训练,提高学生的学习能力。板书设计Step7:Blackboard DesignM3 My schoolU2:The library is on the left of the playground.The fourth classSentences:—Is the science building behind the library?—No,it isn’t.— Are the science labs and computer rooms in the same building? —Yes,they are.— Where is the playground?—It’s in the middle of the school.Writing:Look at the picture! This is my school.(There are 6 buildings in my school.) in the middle of ... on the left / right of... A is behind B in front of ... next toI like my school .(It’s very big and beautiful.)使学生通过视觉而获取知识,便于学生巩固知识,从而提高教学效果。`教学反思通过本课的学习,教师注重引导学生分析写作特点,帮助学生丰富自己的空间思维,通过自己学校的图片展示,让学生更进一步了解自己的学校,从而达到使学生更加热爱自己学校的目的。第五课时“ Language in use ”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1 进入情境,了解主题(Lead-in)Ss ask and answer the questions using the “there be”.1.Workin pairs andask it2.show some questions语言训练要围绕教学内容,提升语言运用能力通过掌握There be的用法。 Step 2Presentation Language practice:There are thirty students in my class.Are there computers on everyone’s desk?No, there aren’t.Is there a map of the world?No, there isn’t.How many students are there in your class?The library is on the left of the playground.1.Students dictation the words 2.Ask the SsAnswer them目标是课堂重点,按照提示完成的方位介词be和There be针对学生们学情,激发学生学习兴趣,以便让学生更喜欢英语。Step 3Ask and answer Ask and answer the questions about your school according to the pictures.1.Look at the in Activity 3 and discuss the questions2. Each group recommends one student to answer the questions given and give reasons.针对问题,观察图发现、思考此项活动主要培养学生查找具体语篇信息的能力。Step 4Look and answerLook at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Where is the office building? 2. Where is the dining hall? 3. Where is the playground? 4. Where is the sports hall? 5. Where is the science building?1.Look at the pictures and practice and 2.Turn around and practice the special用所学的方位介词以及短语来表述在哪?通过循序渐进的教学,最终通过作文展示语言实践使学生享受学习的成就感。Step5:Fill in the blanks Read passage and fill in the blanks according to the picture.Complete the mapLook at the word map and choose the right places for the word and expressions from the box.Look at the picture ! This is our school.介绍我们的学校Look at the picture ! This is our school.:介绍学校的基本布局用先口述,再以笔头输出填写Step 6Fill in page of the Excellent Student Plan and completethe writing Writesentences with position prepositions.1. Finish writing carefully and polish it with red pen.2.Write the beginning and the conclusion. In the body you will write a sentence or two using orientation prepositions and phrases灵活运用there be 和所学的方位介词和短语来介绍学校的位置,规模,布局。让学生将所学新知学以致用,对相关的知识点和基本技能的掌握程度的认可,并通过一定的思维训练.板书设计Step7M3 My schoolU3:Language in use(There be)句型方位介词 in the middle of ... on the left / right of... behind in front of ... next to3.写作介绍学校使学生通过视觉而获取知识,便于学生巩固知识,从而提高教学效果。`教学反思 通过自己学校的图片展示,让学生更进一步了解自己的学校,并让学生画出学校导图,分析写作特点,从而培养学生的写作,激发学生学习兴趣。

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