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    外研版英语七年级上册《Module 1》模块教学设计

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    外研版英语七年级上册《Module 1》模块教学设计深度学习课堂要素指导下的单元(模块)教学设计模板《Module 1》模块教学设计〖模块学习主题〗第一课时主题A introduction about myself课时内容文本听力材料补充听力材料:《绩优学案》Module 1测评卷听力第1—10小题第三课时主题Some information about myself and my friends.课时内容课内文本材料补充听力文本材料:《绩优学案》Module 2测评卷16—20小题<小鬼当家>影视片段第二课时主题Answer personal information about others课时内容分享查到的其他自我介绍材料补充图片、小组互动:英式发音和美式发音的区别第四课时主题Introduce friends课时内容补充视频材料:我的朋友补充材料:熟知的人物图片第五课时主题My classmates课时内容文本对话材料补充视频材料:钟南山、袁隆平 个人信息简介课标话题个人信息(Personal information)模块学习主题A brief introduction about myself and my classmates.Unit1: 主题Introduce myselfUnit2: 主题Introduce myself and my friends.Unit3:主题My classmates第一课时主题Mars-a popular planet课时内容文本听力材料补充听力材料:火星或将成为太空探测“主力场”----《环球阅读》第三课时主题Universe-a Numinous Place.课时内容《小王子》内容简介视频课内文本材料补充听力文本材料:Is There Life in Outer Space第五课时主题Scientists and astronauts — Honorable groups课时内容文本对话材料补充视频材料:中国航天员第二次出仓第一课时主题Mars-a popular planet课时内容文本听力材料补充听力材料:火星或将成为太空探测“主力场”----《环球阅读》第三课时主题Universe-a Numinous Place.课时内容《小王子》内容简介视频课内文本材料补充听力文本材料:Is There Life in Outer Space第五课时主题Scientists and astronauts — Honorable groups课时内容文本对话材料补充视频材料:中国航天员第二次出仓模块学习规划 学 科英 语年 级七年级设计者XXX教材版本外研版册、章上册第一模块模块总课时5模块主题本模块的主题为“个人信息”介绍自己和他人,符合同学们刚刚升入初中,同学们相互并不熟悉的实际情况。作为初中教材的第一课,本模块具有衔接和导入的作用。课标要求《英语课程标准》(2011版)要求通过本模块的学习能够理解和运用以“个人信息”为话题的语言表达;能运用动词be的一般现在时的陈述和一般疑问形式;能运用代词I,he,she,my,his,her,you,your,it,our等语法项目并能在特定语境中使用;教材分析本模块内容在人物选择上沿用了(英语新课标)小学英语教材中的人物——大明(Daming)和玲玲(Lingling)。同时,根据初中教学的需要增加了新的成员托尼(Tony)和贝蒂(Betty)。本模块的第一单元主要侧重对学生听说能力的培养,本单元以老师Ms Li和Lingling,Daming,Tony,Betty几位学生的自我介绍开始进行“说”的训练,全体学生都会在活动中受到充分的听说训练。第二单元则注重对学生读写能力的培养,以三位学生的自我介绍和介绍朋友为主线,提高学生的阅读能力,并能写关于自己的简单介绍。第三单元从听说读写四个方面培养学生综合语言运用能力。学情分析学习本模块内容需要用到以前所学的打招呼用语,Hello ,询问对方姓名、年龄及应答。学生基本上掌握了这些内容,能促进他们对本模块的学习,学生学习本模块的兴趣和激发点是询问对方来自何地及回应,掌握作自我介绍的表达方式,结识朋友,形成一个学习的集体,互相帮助。模块目标知识目标:掌握本模块所学词汇,能听懂包含自我介绍的简短对话,能运用“be”动词作简单的自我介绍和询问对方个人信息;技能目标:能读懂关于人物介绍的简单文章,能用“主语+be动词”句式对个人情况作简短介绍;情感目标:掌握在作自我介绍时英美人士与中国人的不同对答习惯;培养良好的人际交流态度,交流时要尊重对方的习惯,令对方感觉舒服。课时学习目标学习重点学习难点学习活动学习评价第一课时1.Students understand the conversation about self-introduction;2. Students make self-introduce your personal information, including age and hometown, on different occasionsKey vocabulary:Chinese,from,where,year,about,what about,America,not,English,American,he,ChinaKey structure:My name is...I am.../I come from/I am ...years old.What about..?Where are you from?I am from America.I am American.Ask and answer:A:What’s your name”B:My name’s...A:Where are you from?B:I am from...A:How old are you?B:I’m ...years old.Help students ask and answer about their classmates.第二课时1.Students can understand the dialogue about self-introduction;2. Students introduce their name, age and nationality in English.Key vocabulary:Chinese,from,where,year,about,what about,America,not,English,American,he,ChinaKey structure:be from Beijing in Class 4,how old ... Is Daming from Beijing ? —Yes , he is ./ No , he isn’t .I’m...years old. I’m in Class...1.Work in pairs . Choose the correct answer .( Activity 4)2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box .( Activity 5)3.Listen and repeat .( Activity 6)4.Other activities To choose the best groups.第三课时Learn to respect others when we talk with others.Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.Key vocabulary: everyone,capital,but, very, big, city, small,first,last,first name,last nameStudents get information from the reading material about personal information.In the teaching activities, teachers make full use of the blackboard, projector, multimedia and other auxiliary teaching, to increase the intuition and interest of the teaching.Student engagement in the classroom.第四课时Students can distinguish the case and the correct use of symbols, can use the knowledge to consult your friends, introduce yourself and your classmatesKey vocabulary: everyone,capital,but, very, big, city, small,first,last,first name,last nameKey structures: His / Her name is ...He / She is from ...He / She is ... years old.He / She is in Class 1, Grade Seven.Students get information from the reading material about personal information.Student-centered classroom activities to stimulate students' enthusiasm and interest in learningFinal evaluation is used to evaluate the learning content of each class to understand the students' specific grasp of the content第五课时Students can use the sentence structure of different friends to introduce their situation to different friendsKey structures:1.What’s his/her name? 2.Where is he/she from? 3.What's his/her English name? 4.How old is she/he?introduce a third person to different friendsAsk some students to introduce themselves to the other students.Ask them to talk about the pictures in the PPT.By introducing themselves and classmates in class photos, arouse students' interest in learning, actively answer questions, introduce the teaching theme.课时教学流程设计 第一课时“ Nice to meet you ”教学流程过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1Step 1 Leading inActivity 1. Greet the students as usual.T: I’m  very glad to be here and give you a lesson. Just now, you are puzzled about  my name. Now let me try to introduce myself. My name is Ms Li. I’m a teacher. I’m from China and I’m Chinese. I’m 24 years old.  Nice to meet you.”Boys and girls,do you want to know how to introduce yourself?Today,let’s learn it.Greet the teacher.Learn to introduce themselves.通过询问问题导入新课,到最后学生的语言输出在培养学生的听和说的语言运用能力。初步了解有关自我介绍的词汇及表达,为新课学习及下面的听力做好准备工作。Step2Step 2 ListeningClose the book and listen carefully:1.Listen to the recording to complete the following questions:What’s the main idea of this dialogue?1.Listen and check (√) the number of speakers.(Activity 1)2.Listen again and check (√) the words you hear.(Activity 2)3.  Discuss in groups and finish the exercises.考查学生听后提取信息的能力和理解语篇的能力.简短的听力材料,完成课文第1,2部分听力,为下文的听力做准备。DELC5获取新的知识Step3Listening and reading (12 minutes) Play the tape and ask students to listen to the conversation in Activity 1 carefully.Ask students to listen the conversation again and repeat it. 3.  Discuss in groups and finish the exercisesFind out the sentences of greeting from the textbook Activity1.1)________________2)_____________________3) ______________________Complete the dialogue according to the Chinese prompts.早上好,周老师。 Good _________,Miss Zhou. 同学们再见。 __________, class. 你能拼写出这个单词吗? Can you ______this word?通过问答形式锻炼了学生的反应能力。 带着问题,合上课本听课文,让学生在听的时候更有目的性,训练学生抓取信息能力Step4Step 4:Practice ( 12 minutes)1.. Read the sentences in Activity 3 and then match them. 2.Listen and check them. Keys:1-b,2-c,3-d,4-a Work in pairs and act out the conversation. Explain some language points to them.Do some exercise. Complete the conversation below.(1) —Good morning, Mary! —________________, Han Li! (2) —________________, Jack!      —Good afternoon, Bill!  —_____________, Mr Lin!       —Hello, Zhang Lin! 2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.同学们,再见。__________ 2.同学们,上午好。_____________ 3.徐老师,下午好!___________________ 充分发挥学生在的主体地位。利用当堂检测,测试卷检测学生掌握的程度。从文章中找出原句这一环节,训练学生从听力材料中提取信息的能力。DELC6深度加工知识Step5Work in pairs (5 minutes) Work in groups and then role play.    A: Hello, my name’s … B: Good morning, …1.A: Hello, my name’s … B: Good morning,  2.A: Good afternoon, … B: … A: Goodbye,… B: …Summary (3minutes)   Read these phrases together.(1)  good morning早上好      (2)good afternoon中午好 (3)hello,class同学们好      (4)my name’s我的名字是 (5)goodbye再见 .本活动主要是说的活动,通过问答形式进一步检查学生对话内容的理解,同时学习“be”动词的一般现在时的一般疑问句。作业设计Group A :Learn the new words by heart. GroupB :Act out the conversation in groups. GroupC:Finish off the workbook exercises.  HomeworkHomework课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。板书设计Blackboard Design Module 1 My classmates. Unit 1 Nice to meet you.  A: What’s  your name? B:My name is  …  A: Are  you English/ Chinese/ American? B:Yes, I  am./ No, I’m not. I’m…I’m from…3) A: How  old are you?         B:I’m…years old.  A: What  class are you in?    B:I’m in Class…Grade….  A: Nice  to meet you. B:Nice to meet you, too.Unit 1 Good morning,Miss Zhou. My name's Miss Zhou. 2.Good morning,Miss Zhou. 3.Good afternoon,class.教学反思个人呈现环节,充分激发学生的思维、情感,踊跃发言。通过同桌和小组问答方式使学生掌握听力活动中所展示的语法.第二课时“Nice to meet you”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1进入情境 了解主题(Lead-in)Teachers can introduce themselves in the form of “Brainstorm”. The teacher draws a circle first. Ask the students to guess what it is in English and say it out loud, and then add something like a cloud, let the students continue to guess, during this period, give the students language encouragement or material encouragement to dare to imagine. Finally, the image of a teacher appears, so that the students gradually become aware of today's topic. Compete in groups at the same time.Students observe carefully, and use their brains as the teacher's picture, guess what it is, and actively raise their hands to speak, get the prize of the teacher. Students are divided into groups before class and have a competition in each class to see which group works best in class.Watch the animation or courseware carefully, listen to the teacher's introduction: My name is... l am a... I'm... years old . I am from ... Follow the teacher to learn words about self-introduction.通过“brainstorm”形式导入新课,提高学生的语言表达能力,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。此活动的目的是巩固所学语言点,提高学生的语言表达能力。也为后面的活动做铺垫。Step2明确目标 激活已知(Pre-listening/reading)1. The teacher shows the cartoon or English short film (preferably about self-introduction), introduces or plays the courseware to the students and teaches the new words and sentence structure.What 's your name? My name is....Where are you from ? I 'm from...Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.Assign the teaching “task” of this lesson and ask the students to complete it. The explanation of the task should be detailed, so that every student can understand, and at the same time, it should stimulate the students' thirst for knowledge and confidence to solve the task with language. Try to use English with gestures or written pictures to explain, and explain in Chinese if necessary.1. Listen to the teacher and then answer the questions.What's your name? My name is....Where are you from ? I'm from...Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.2.Students carefully understand the teaching “task”, while making up their minds to win, discuss the detailed content of the task with group members, encourage each other, work together to win the group.通过问答训练,促进学生将所学知识转化为言语技能,并通过多种形式的交际活动,将言语技能逐步发展为初步的交际能力。激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的语言交际能力DELC5获取新的知识Step3学习理解 梳理文本(While-listening/reading)1. Students A ask questions, B answer, B ask questions, C answer......2. let's read the words and ask the students if they don't know the words.3. Let's read and correct the incorrect pronunciation. Listen to the tape and repeat. Review the words you have learned and add two examples after each pronunciation.4. Teacher invites one student to do a demonstration for the other students. Then ask the students to talk to each other in pairs1.Work in pairs. Choose the correct answer.( Activity 4)(1)Is Daming from Beijing ?---Yes,he is ./ No,he isn't.(2)---Is Lingling from Beijing ?---Yes,she is./ No,she isn't.(3) Is Tony from America ?--- Yes,he is./ No,he isn't.(4)---Is Betty English ?---Yes,she is./ No, she isn't.(5)---Are you from China?---Yes,I am./ No,I'm not.2.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.( Activity 5)由易到难,层层递进,为不同层次的学生提供各种语言训练的机会,让他们不断体验参与的乐趣和成功的喜悦,充分调动学生的学习积极性。 分层教学,调动每个学生学习的积极性行,帮助学生体验成功的乐趣。Step4语言操练 实践运用(Exercises)Ask student to work in pairs and practice.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.America,Chinese,English,grade,student.Betty,tony,Daming and Lingling are in class 4 7.Betty is from and Tony is from Daming and Lingling are 1.Play the recording once without stopping in Activity 6.2.Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.3.Listen again and repeat.4.①Read the passage carefully and fill in the form. ②Check their work in groups.③Answer in sentences.学习目标明确,符合新课程要求的三维目标。充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体地位,利用合作探讨的形式来提高学习效率。DELC6深度加工知识Step5迁移应用 解决问题(Post-listening/reading)Complete the dialogueA: Good morning. B: Good morning. Are you a new student here?A:1. . My name is Tony. What about you?B:My name is Tom.Welcome to our school,Tony. A:2. !B:Are you English?A:3. I'm from America.B:4. A:I'm in Class Three.5. B:I'm in Class Three too. Let's go to the classroom together (一起). A:OK.1.Complete the dialogue.2.Check the answers3.Have a reading dialogue.Let two students read and see who reads better.围绕教学内容,提高学生的语言能力。将所学知识转化为语言技能作业设计1.Rrevise all the key points in this unit.2.Finish off the workbook exercises板书设计Unit 1 Nice to meet you.1.—Is he /she from...?—Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isn’t2.—Nice to meet you.—Nice to meet you too.教学反思本节课活动旨在使学生掌握本单元的语音、词汇及表达。学习“ be 动词”的一般现在时的一般疑问句。训练学生口头表达能力。学生在一般疑问句的使用上有待巩固。另外要根据学生的年龄特征、知识背景和理解能力控制语言的输入量和输入深度。第三课时“ unit 2 I am Wanglingling and I’m thirteen years old. ”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1Greeting and ask some questions about the English name.  2.Warming-up: Get two students to do “Ask and answer” about themselves.  Choose an English name they like and say:My English name is...积极参与Motivate the students’ interests for the class.Step23. Read the passage and check the true sentences. Ask the students to read the passage or get the students to follow the recording, and then check the true sentences. Play the recording (again) for the students to listen and reapeat. Do some necessary explanations of the passage.  Students read the passage or  follow the recording, and then check the true sentences.认真思考Preparation for the claa and motivate the ss’ knowledge.DELC5获取新的知识Step34. Complete the table according to the passage.  Check the true sentences.5. " Little reporter " activity.Bring a pen and exercise book and interview a classmate.Use the form of Activity 3 as the problem.Then make a report.Don't take much time so more students can report back.  Complete the table according to the passage.  Check the true sentences.阅读声音洪亮 Get general idea of each paragraph by skimming.Step4Practise: Write sentences for you.  Correct the false sentences.细致阅读,勾画关键词Be able to pay more attention to the detailed information and focus on the key points.DELC6深度加工知识Step5Mind-map.Retell the passage 1.Retell the paragraph 2.协同合作Improve their abilities of speaking and communication.作业设计Homework read the self-introduction, and retell not less than 20 words.板书设计What’s your name? My name is…Where are you from? I’m from…Nice to meet you, … Nice to meet you, too.教学反思在教学活动中,教师充分利用黑板、投影仪、多媒体等辅助教学,提高教学的直觉和兴趣。第四课时“ unit 2 I am Wanglingling and I’m thirteen years old. ”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1Say hello to the students and tell them we are going to play a game. You can say like this: I will divide you into 6 groups and each group will have a picture of a good friend. You work in groups and introduce the person. Let's see which team is the best. Are you clear? Ready?Ask students to read again and tick T or F.Show some exercises and ask the students to complete them. Then teach and explain the new words in the sentences. 1.Show a photo of the friends.2.Ask the ss what kinds of frineds they like.语言操练首先应围绕教学内容,着力于提高学生的语言能力而展开,任何非语言的活动都不可能替代。因而,无论采用什么形式,训练的目的指向应始终聚焦在学生真正练英语,提高能力这一关键点上。通过播放有关同学的照片,激起学生的学习趣。通过观察和回答问题,引入本课教学主题。Step2Have a dictationShow some exercises and ask the students to complete them. Then teach and explain the new words in the sentences.BettyDamingFatheractorBettypolice stationMothermanagerTonyhospitalStudents read the passage or  follow the recording, and then complete the forms.对不同的知识和能力应有不同的学习要求,不能面面俱到却蜻蜓点水,使教学走过场。通过此环节的一系列活动,学生练习了表示年龄,名字,的句型。DELC5获取新的知识Step3Practice1.Have a reading competition.Let two students read the passage in Activity 3 and see who reads better.2.Ask the students to read the passage again and complete the table in Activity 4.3.Check the answers:  1. Do act 1 and check the answers. ( B D A E C )2. Ask the students to read the passage and check the true sentences in act 2.3. After reading, the students check the false sentences in act 2.4. The students read the passage again and underline the correct words in act 3.5. Finish act 4 and check the answers with the whole class.The teacher shows today's useful sentences and explain them.1. This is Lingling and her English name is Lucy.这位是玲玲,她的英文名叫露西。This is ...向别人介绍某人时说 "This is ..." 不用"That is ..."。 如:This is Tom. Tom, this is Jack.这是汤姆。汤姆,这是杰克。注意:this is 不能缩写,而 that is 可以缩写成that's。打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如: 充分发挥学生在课堂上的主体地位,利用合作探讨的形式来提高学习效率,同时教师精讲也是高效课堂的精髓和新课标的要求。Step4family name 姓 = last name 教名与中国习惯不同,大多数英语姓名有三个名字:教名,中间名和姓。他们的姓放在最后。(中间名一般很少用)如果你要称呼别人为……先生,夫人,小姐时,只能在family name也就是last name前加上Mr, Mrs, Miss,如上面的这个名字,你只能称他为Mr. Green,而不能称他为Mr. James。1. The students look at the pictures and write sentences.Finally, ask three or four students to show their answers.2. The teacher makes a model for the students and ask the students to write sentences for themselves with and.细致阅读,勾画关键词Be able to pay more attention to the detailed information and focus on the key points.DELC6深度加工知识Step5Mind-map.Retell the passage 1.WritingModel: My name is Li Ping and I'm from China. I'm Chinese and I'm fifteen years old. I'm in Class One, Grade SevenNow check capital letters and full stops.Module taskLet the students to ask their partners about personal information and make cards for them. The more, the better.Name: __________Age: __________School: __________Date of birth: ___________Birth place: __________Hobbies:___________Favorite color:____________Ask several students to show their performances.利用当堂检测试卷来检测学生掌握的程度,过程中注重小组内成员的互评,利用“兵教兵”实现学生之间的共赢。Improve their abilities of speaking and communication.作业设计采访两个你的新同学,分别问他们以下几个问题:What's your name?Where are you from?How old are you?What's your favourite subject?将你的采访记录整理成一篇为My new classmates的短文。(可适当增加采访问题,全文不少于50单词。)作业布置 1. Finish off the workbook exercises.2. Interview two of your classmates and write a short passage.板书设计板书设计 Module 1 Unit 2What’s your name? My name is…Where are you from? I’m from…Nice to meet you, … Nice to meet you, too.教学反思对学生进行细读指导,完成表格,获取细节信息。在此基础上对文章进行复述,巩固内化生词和核心句型。并引发学生思考,怎样学会和别人交流。提升学生解决实际问题的能力。让学生在潜移默化中接受积极的思想教育与熏陶。第五课时“ Unit 3 Language in use”教学流程步骤过程教师活动学习活动评价要点设计意图Step1进入情境 了解主题(Lead-in)Ask some students to introduce themselves to the other students能说出自己的姓名年龄和国籍复习旧知Step2明确目标 激活已知I用am You用are 单数is复数are is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it丿 系表结构常用它,变问句往前提,句末问号别丢弃,变否定也简单,be后只把not添,疑问否定随你便,句首大写也关键Let the students write sentences with "be"会用be动词的各种形式通过写句子考察学生对be动词的用法是否熟练掌握DELC5获取新的知识Step3学习理解 梳理文本(While-listening/reading)Ask the students to introduce the three people in act 1.You can do it like this:This is Sam.He is twelve. He's from England. He's in Class 1. 会向其他人介绍第三者 复习巩固本单元的语法内容Step4语言操练 实践运用(Exercises)Do act 2-4 by themselves and check the answers in groups.Ask one group the report their answer能熟练准确的运用be的各种形式介绍第三者进一步巩固本单元的语法内容DELC6深度加工知识Step5迁移应用 解决问题补充钟南山和袁隆平的图片,让同学运用所学内容介绍这两个人1. Tell students the difference between Chinese names and English names. 了解西方人的姓和名学习西方文化作业设计写一篇作文介绍钟南山会用本课语法写简单的句子学习名人精神,激发学生爱国情板书设计动词Be的一般现在时:1. 肯定句:主语+ be(am,is,are) +其它。2. 否定句:主语+be+not+其它。3. 一般疑问句:Be+主语+其它?4. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句?本课句型:1) What’s his/her name? 2) Where is he/she from? 3) What's his/her English name? 4) How old is he / she? 学生互问互答学生会问回答简单明了教学反思一、注重课堂的落实。在每一个环节完成后,都要有相应的检验标准。二、课堂指令用语一定简短明确。学生能理解能执行,提高学生的参与度。
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