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    外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案
    外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案01
    外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案02
    外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案03
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    外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案

    这是一份外研版高考英语一轮复习必修第1册Unit5 Into the wild课时学案,共27页。

    ①(2021·天津3月卷)Henry David Threau was happy t withdraw frm scial life, seeking(seek) a harmnius relatinship with nature in the quietness f his life.
    ②Children seek ut regularities and rules in acquiring language.
    ③We seek t help(help) every student discver the jy and fulfillment in the prcess f learning.
    ④I meet with sme difficulties with my English, s I have n chice but t seek yur help(我不得不寻求你的帮助).
    seek t d sth.试图/设法做某事
    seek sth.frm sb.向某人请求/寻求某物
    seek ut 挑选出;物色到
    seek fr/after 追求;寻求
    seek ne's frtune 外出寻找发财机会;闯世界
    helps us t seek the truth 帮助我们寻求真理
    nt seek after cmfrt, persnal fame and gains 不贪图安逸,不追名逐利
    [名师点津] 表示“寻找”的其他短语:lk fr;search fr;hunt fr;in search f。
    ①It's generally acknwledged that educatin shuldn't be measured (measure) nly by examinatin results.
    ②The new bridge under cnstructin, measuring (measure) twice as lng as the ld ne, is due t be cmpleted in 2024.
    ③We sincerely hpe that effective measures can be taken t prtect(采取有效措施来保护) this endangered species frm dying ut.
    take measures t d sth.采取措施做某事
    make sth.t sb.'s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物
    the river measuring 100 meters wide 这条河宽100米
    take measures t fight against light pllutin 采取措施与光污染作斗争
    ①(2021·浙江卷)He built a hugely successful career with little mre than plain ld hard wrk and determinatin(determine).
    ②Jhnsn had made up his mind t give it up, but n secnd thughts he determined t try(try) a third time.
    ③He did the experiment day and night, determined (determine)t find a new cure fr the disease.
    The determined lk n his face shwed that he had enugh cnfidence in himself.
    determine t d sth.决心做某事
    determined adj.坚决的;有决心的;意志坚定的
    be determined t d sth.决心做某事
    determinatin n.决心
    with determinatin坚决地
    determine t wrk twice as hard as befre 决心加倍努力地工作
    be determined t get the wrk dne befre Mnday 决心周一前完成这项工作
    with her talent and determinatin 用她的天赋和决心
    ①(2022·全国甲卷)Frm seeing the wildlife t witnessing sunrises, the whle experience was amazing.(amaze)
    ②(2021·天津3月卷)If yu visit Beijing, yu will be amazed (amaze) at everything here.
    ③(2020·新高考卷Ⅱ) Amazingly (amazing), the trees grw in such a way that their leaves and branches, althugh clse tgether, never actually tuch thse f anther tree.
    ④It amazes me that / What amazes me is that he has made such great prgress in such a shrt time.(amaze)
    ⑤T my amazement, he has made such great prgress in such a shrt time.(amazement)
    amaze vt.使惊讶
    amazed adj.惊奇的;惊喜的
    be amazed at/by...对……感到惊讶
    be amazed t d sth.对做某事感到惊奇
    be amazed that...对……吃惊
    amazement n.惊奇
    in amazement 惊愕地
    t ne's amazement 令某人吃惊的是……
    the mst amazing adventure f my life 我人生中最奇妙的探险
    invite yu t jin us in an amazing jurney 邀请你和我们一起进行一次奇妙的旅行
    be amazed at the scenery and surrundings there 对那里的风景和环境感到惊讶
    ①(2021·全国甲卷)The Xi'an City Wall is the mst cmplete city wall that has survived (survive) China's lng histry.
    ②Sme strange custms have survived frm earlier times.
    ③Earthquakes cannt be predicted, but yur chances f survival (survive) are much greater if yu knw what t d when an earthquake strikes.
    Life isn't abut hw t survive the strm;it's abut learning t dance in the rain.
    survive sth.(经历意外、战争等后)幸存,活下来
    survive n sth.靠某物继续维持生活
    survival n.幸存
    survivr n.幸存者
    struggle t survive n very little mney 靠很少的钱艰难度日
    the nly ne t survive the plane crash 这次空难唯一的幸存者
    [名师点津] survive表示“从地震、火灾、事故等中幸存下来”时,为及物动词,其后不可接介词。
    ①It wn't be easy t put the changes int effect, s we must spare n effrt t d it.
    ②One f the mst effective (effect) ways t imprve physical fitness is grup exercise.
    ③Drivers receive a written ntice when the fine ges int effect.
    ④During his lifetime, Li Bai wrte a great number f excellent pems, all f which have a great effect n Chinese culture(所有的诗对中国文化产生了巨大的影响).
    have an effect n...对……有影响
     effect 实施……;使……生效
    cme/g int effect 开始生效;开始实施
    take effect 生效;开始实施
    effective adj.有效的;产生预期结果的
    the greenhuse effect 温室效应
    the side effect the medicine brings abut 药物带来的副作用
    ①She has turned dwn several invitatins t star at shws in rder t cncentrate n her studies.
    ②Exercise is a great way t reduce pressure.Ding sme exercise every day will als imprve yur pwer f cncentratin (cncentrate).
    ③Cncentrating his attentin n his study,he didn't ntice me cming in.(v.-ing形式短语作状语)
    ④With his attentin cncentrated n his study, he didn't ntice me cming in.(with复合结构)
    cncentrate(ne's attentin / effrts) n (ding) sth.专注于(做)某事
    cncentrate n (ding) sth.集中精力于(做)某事
    cncentratin n.专心;专注
    cncentrated adj.集中的
    cncentrate ur attentin n prtecting the water resurces 把我们的注意力集中在保护水资源上
    cncentrate n their academic wrk 集中精力做他们的学术工作
    ①The dctr tld Bb his heart was in pr cnditin and that he must cut dwn(n) alchl and cigarettes.
    ②It is implite fr children t cut in when their senirs are talking.
    ③Because the main highway was cut ff, there is n cnnectin t the rest f the wrld.
    →With the main highway cut ff, there is n cnnectin t the rest f the wrld.(with 复合结构)
    cut dwn (n) 削减,缩小(尺寸、数量或数目)
    cut in打断(谈话);插嘴
    cut ut删除;剪下
    cut thrugh开辟(出路或通道)
    cut ff中断;停止;切断……的供应
    cut dwn (n) staff s as t save mney 裁员节支
    with mre and mre trees cut dwn 随着越来越多的树被砍伐
    ① (2022·全国乙卷) The mre (much) regularly they can be inspected, the mre (much) railway safety, reliability and n-time perfrmance will be imprved.
    ② It's believed that the harder yu wrk, the better results yu will get(get).
    ③The mre yu knw abut(你对……了解得越多) ur traditinal culture, the mre interested(就越感兴趣)yu are in it.
     “the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越……,就越……”,从结构上看,第一个“the+比较级”是表示条件的状语从句;从句用一般现在时表示将来;第二个“the+比较级”是主句,用一般将来时。
    With winter cming, the weather is getting clder and clder.
    1.(2022·全国乙卷) When I saw Usain Blt running in 2012 Lndn Olympics,I was amazed(amaze).
    2.The farmers have been seeking (seek) higher prices as better prtectin frm freign cmpetitin.
    3.(2020·新高考卷Ⅰ)Write a pem abut hw curage, determinatin (determine), and strength have helped yu face challenges in yur life.
    4.—Hi, Andrew.Hw can yu imprve yur English s much?
    —Oh, it's nthing difficult.The harder(hard) yu wrk at it, the mre prgress yu will make.
    5.After the typhn, peple fund sme tall trees, measuring (measure) mre than 10 meters, lying here and there n the grund.
    6.One f the mst effective(effect) ways t reduce stress is t talk abut yur feelings with smene yu trust.
    1.(2022·浙江1月卷)Mre research is needed t see if imprved fitness culd have a psitive effect n the risk f dementia...
    2.(2021·全国甲卷)In my pinin, when in truble, we shuld seek help frm thse we trust mst.
    3.All these wrries made it impssible fr her t cncentrate n her wrk.
    4.Immediate actin shuld be taken, like stpping cutting dwn trees, t better the envirnment.
    1.(2021·北京卷) It is easier t avid a discussin, but risking talking abut it may eventually(eventual) lead t a better utcme.
    2.(2021·全国乙卷)She recvered(recver), thugh slwly, and was ready fr discharge (出院) after fur weeks.
    3.She heard the news that her belved grandmther passed away,frzen(freeze) with shck.
    4.If I find smene wh lks like the suspect, my immediate reactin(react) will be t tell the plice.
    1.But fr yur errr, it might have been easier fr yu t pass the driving test.After all, yu had high-quality training.
    2.Hld yur hrses.We still need sme time t find a slutin t the difficult prblem.
    3.Children shuld be taught nt t stare at r laugh at the disabled peple.
    4.Ask any Chinese which city is famus fr ice and snw, and the answer is sure t be Harbin.
    1.(2022·全国乙卷)Fr a lng time,this ineffective hiding methd was interpreted as evidence that children are hpelessly“egcentric”(自我中心的)creatures.B
    A.生物 B.人
    2.(2021·天津3月卷)Tw hurs befre my husband came back hme frm anther jb interview, my daughter climbed up t grab a glass vase frm a high shelf.It fell and crashed beside the cake.C
    A.撞(车);撞毁 B.暴跌
    3.(2021·全国甲卷)In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin, we're all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear.A
    A.已准备好 B.地位
    1.(2022·新高考卷Ⅰ) There are nw 700 elderly peple lking after hens in 20 care hmes in the Nrth East,and the charity has been given financial supprt t rll it ut cuntrywide.
    本句为and连接的并列句。第一个分句中lking after hens in 20 care hmes in the Nrth East为v.-ing形式短语作定语,修饰700 elderly peple;第二个分句中t rll it ut cuntryside为不定式短语作目的状语。
    2.(2022·浙江1月卷)In this bk,he argues that as we seek t escape pain r srrw,we're weakening urselves and may lse ur adaptability t deal with pain in the future.
    本句是一个复合句。he argues是主句,其后为that引导的宾语从句;该从句本身又是一个复合句,其中as we seek t escape pain r srrw为时间状语从句,后面为主句。
    [尝试翻译] 在这本书中,他认为,当我们试图逃避痛苦或悲伤时,我们正在削弱我们自己,并可能失去应对未来痛苦的适应能力。
    Since the epidemic brke ut all ver the wrld, the number f peple infected and patients wh have died keeps climbing.It's really a shck.And I was 1.amazed(amaze) at hw quickly the disease spread.Scientists 2.sught (seek) fr a variety f 3.slutins(slve) t treating the disease.4.Frtunately(frtunate), a number f peple have recvered 5.frm the illness.It is reprted that the epidemic has smething t d with the killing and selling f wild animals.With the habitat f wild animals 6.destryed(destry) by humans, either few wild animals can survive r many animals are endangered.Even wrse,sme f them may disappear frever.
    There is n dubt that hunting and killing wild animals actually has 7.a bad effect.Fr ne thing, wild animals are killed fr their fur, 8.which causes the imbalance f nature.Fr anther,due t the cntact between humans and wild animals, epidemics like SARS and Ebla may infect humans easily.
    As far as I am cncerned, sme effective measures must 9.be taken(take) t prtect living wild animals and stp these illegal actins mentined abve.After all, they are ur friends.First, Nature Reserves are suppsed t be built s as t ffer mre living space t wildlife.Secnd,be aware that we never have wild animals fr fd, as they are part f the envirnment.Third, it is high time that we raised peple's awareness t prtect wildlife.In this way,we will be in a psitin 10.t build(build) a harmnius sciety and ensure a sustainable develpment.
    Dear readers,
    I'm glad t give a shrt speech n prtecting wild animals.Accrding t many statistics,we have realized that a variety f wild animals have been killed fr their meat,skins and fur.As a result,s many kinds f animals cannt survive.
    As a matter f fact,prtecting wild animals benefits nt nly thse animals but humans urselves.Therefre,we shuld seek slutins t prtecting wild animals.As fr me,I have vlunteered t call n mre peple t prtect them.Meanwhile,ur gvernment shuld als take effective measures t prtect wild and endangered animals.
    Let's take actin t prtect wild animals frm nw n! Thank yu!
    Li Hua
    Step 1.储备词汇(记牢本单元可用于描写的词汇)
    Step 2.尝试练笔(翻译下面的续写语句)
    The idea f being left alne in the dark big huse made her hair stand n end.
    At midnight smene punded n/kncked at the dr.
    “Mm? Dad?” Where were they? Mlly crawled ut f bed and tipted dwnstairs.
    Fear flded ver her,making her shaking all ver.Her fingers were curled int a fist, nails digging int her palm.(无生命名词作主语+分词短语作状语)
    Mlly felt that the bld in her bdy frze rapidly at the sight f the dark figure utside the glass dr.
    Her heart was racing with fear.She reached fr her cellphne t call the plice, nly t find it ut f pwer.(介词短语)
    A 篇(限时6分钟)
    Fd festivals are a cmmn ccurrence in the UK and take place in all srts f places and at all srts f times.Whatever yur taste,there's a fd festival t match it — n matter hw special.
    This three-day,Lndn-based festival takes place at the end f August r in early September and is a meat lver's paradise.In additin t a range f legally surced meat prducts,frm juicy burgers t tender steaks,attendees can listen t live music,watch butchery demnstratins,and attend infrmal meat-based wrkshps.
    The Natinal Hney Shw
    If yu have a sweet tth,then it culd be that the Natinal Hney Shw,which started in 1923,is the place fr yu.This three-day event attracts many lcal participants wh shwcase their sweet glden hney,sme f which is sld glbally.
    The Orange Sauce Festival
    Have yu heard abut a festival that is devted nly t range sauce? Held in Cumbria,this sweet,fragrant festival has been running fr many years.What attracts peple mst is a cmpetitin t find the best hmemade range sauce.There are thusands f participants frm ver 30 different cuntries acrss the glbe,bringing their lcal snacks t share here.
    The Ginger (姜) and Spice Festival
    If yu'd prefer smething with a little mre kick,then yu culd attend the Ginger and Spice Festival held in Market Draytn.Unlike ther fd festivals,it celebrates its twn's histric cnnectin t Rbert Clive,wh returned frm India with ginger.Because f this,peple here specialize in baking gingerbread,and sell a range f traditinal spices frm mild nes t ht nes.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了英国的四个美食节。
    1.What d Meatpia and The Natinal Hney Shw have in cmmn?
    A.Bth f them have a lng histry.
    B.Bth f them hld wrkshps.
    C.Bth f them riginated frm Lndn.
    D.They are f the same duratin.
    D [细节理解题。根据这两个部分中的“This three-day”可知,它们的持续时间一样。]
    2.If yu are interested in freign fd,which festival d yu like best?
    A.The Meatpia.
    B.The Ginger and Spice Festival.
    C.The Natinal Hney Shw.
    D.The Orange Sauce Festival.
    D [细节理解题。根据The Orange Sauce Festival部分中的“There are thusands f participants their lcal snacks t share here.”可知,该美食节有来自30多个国家的参与者带来他们当地的小吃,由此可知,对外国食物感兴趣的人应该最喜欢The Orange Sauce Festival。]
    3.What is special abut The Ginger and Spice Festival?
    A.It sells spicy fd.
    B.The ginger used in the festival is frm India.
    C.It has smething t d with a histric figure.
    D.The fd is cked by Rbert Clive.
    C [细节理解题。根据The Ginger and Spice Festival部分中的“Unlike ther fd festivals frm India with ginger.”可知,这个美食节是为了庆祝Rbert Clive从印度带姜返回,由此可知,The Ginger and Spice Festival的特殊之处是它与一位历史人物有关。]
    eq \a\vs4\al(B) 篇 eq \a\vs4\al((限时7分钟))
    They say prcrastinatin (拖延) is the thief f time actually deadlines are.New research has fund that if yu want smene t help yu ut with smething,it is best nt t set a deadline at all.But if yu d set a deadline,make it shrt.
    Prfessr Stephen Knwles tested the effect f deadline length n task cmpletin fr their research.Participants were invited t cmplete an nline survey cncerning a charity dnatin.They were given either ne week,ne mnth,r n deadline t respnd.Prfessr Knwles says althugh the tpic f the survey was abut charity,the results are true f any situatin where smene asks anther persn fr help.
    The study fund respnses t the survey were lwest fr the ne-mnth deadline and highest when n deadline was specified (明确规定).N deadline and the ne-week deadline led t many early respnses,while a lng deadline appeared t give peple permissin t prcrastinate.Prfessr Knwles wasn't surprised t find that specifying a shrter deadline increased the chances f receiving a respnse cmpared t a lnger deadline.Hwever,he did find it interesting that they received the mst respnses when n deadline was specified.
    “We interpret this as evidence that specifying a lnger deadline,as ppsed t a shrt deadline r n deadline at all,remves the urgency t act,”he says.“Peple therefre put ff undertaking the task,and since they are inattentive r frget,pstpning it results in lwer respnse rates.”
    He says f the research that it is pssible that nt specifying a deadline might still have led participants t assume that there is an unspken deadline.Prfessr Knwles hpes his research can help reduce the amunt f prcrastinating peple d.“Many peple prcrastinate.They have the best intentins f helping smene ut,but just d nt get arund t ding it.”
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。本文主要阐述了Stephen Knwles教授及其团队的研究发现,该研究主要关注的是截止期限对拖延的影响。
    4.Why did Prfessr Knwles d the research?
    A.T study the rle a deadline plays in prcrastinatin.
    B.T find ut whether peple are interested in charity.
    C.T attract public attentin t the effects f prcrastinatin.
    D.T test the effects f prcrastinatin n task cmpletin.
    A [推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Prfessr Stephen their research.”可知,Stephen Knwles教授为他们的研究,测试了截止期限长短对任务完成的影响,由此可推知,Knwles教授的研究是为了研究截止期限在拖延中所起的作用,故选A项。]
    5.What mst likely lead t prcrastinatin?
    A.N deadlines. B.Shrt deadlines.
    C.Specific deadlines. D.Lng deadlines.
    D [细节理解题。根据第三段中的“The study fund t prcrastinate.”可知,截止期限越长,拖延越严重。故选D项。]
    6.Why d peple prcrastinate when given a lng deadline?
    A.They ppse the deadline.
    B.They are unwilling t act.
    C.They lack a sense f urgency.
    D.They are t busy t remember.
    C [推理判断题。根据第四段中的“We interpret this as the urgency t act”可知,研究发现,与短的截止日期或根本没有截止日期截然相反,指定更长的截止日期会消除采取行动的紧迫性。由此可推断,当被给到长的截止日期时,人们是由于缺乏紧迫感才拖延的,故选C项。]
    7.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A.Prcrastinatin—the Thief f Time
    B.Prcrastinatin—an Urgent Prblem t Slve
    C.Deadline—a Result f Prcrastinatin
    D.Deadline—the Key t Reducing Prcrastinatin
    D [标题归纳题。通读全文内容,特别是第一段中的“New research has it shrt.”可知,文章主要介绍了Stephen Knwles教授及其团队的研究发现,该研究主要关注的是截止期限对拖延的影响,故D项最适合作本文标题。]
    eq \a\vs4\al(C) 篇 eq \a\vs4\al((限时7分钟))
    In rder t help discver spilage(变质)and reduce fd waste fr supermarkets and cnsumers,researchers have develped new lw-cst,smartphne-linked,ec-friendly spilage sensrs fr meat and fish packaging.
    One in three UK cnsumers thrw away fd just because it reaches the use-by date(保存期),but 60% f the £12.5 billin-wrth f fd we thrw away each year is safe t eat.
    The researchers,whse findings were published in ACS Sensrs,say the sensrs culd als eventually replace the use-by date—a widely used indicatr f being fresh and eatable.
    The sensrs cst tw US cents each t make.Knwn as “paper-based electrical gas sensrs (PEGS)”,they detect spilage gases like ammnia (a pisnus gas with a strng unpleasant smell) in meat and fish prducts.The infrmatin prvided by the electrnic nse is received by a smartphne,and then yu can knw whether the fd is fresh and safe t eat.
    Imperial Cllege Lndn researchers wh develped PEGS made the sensrs by printing carbn electrdes(电极) nt a special type f paper.The materials are ec-friendly and harmless,s they dn't damage the envirnment and are safe t use in fd packaging.The sensrs,cmbined with a tiny electrnic system,then infrm nearby mbile devices,which identify and understand the data abut spilage gases.
    Lead authr Dr.Firat Guder frm the Department f Biengineering,said,“Althugh they're designed t keep us safe,use-by dates can lead t eatable fd being thrwn away.They dn't always reflect its actual freshness.In fact,peple ften get sick frm fd-brne diseases due t pr strage,even when an item is within its use-by date.”
    “These sensrs are cheap enugh s we hpe t see supermarkets using them within three years.Our gal is t use PEGS in fd packaging t reduce unnecessary fd waste.”
    The authrs hpe that PEGS culd have applicatins beynd fd prcessing,like sensing chemicals in agriculture and air quality,and detecting disease markers in breath like thse invlved in kidney disease.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一项可以减少食物浪费的新发明——纸质电气气体传感器(PEGS)。该传感器制作环保,可连接到移动设备上,告知人们食物的新鲜度,以此代替食物的日期标签,从而减少食物浪费。同时还介绍了这种传感器的工作方式以及作者对此传感器未来应用领域的愿景。
    8.What is the functin f PEGS accrding t the text?
    A.T imprve the taste f fds.
    B.T imprve the service f stres.
    C.T help supermarkets stre fds.
    D.T help peple test fd freshness.
    D [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Knwn as ‘paper-based electrical gas sensrs(PEGS)’ t eat.”可知,PEGS可检测出食物散发出的有毒气体比如氨气,然后把信息传到智能手机上,告知人们食物是否新鲜和安全。故PEGS的功能是帮助人们检测食物的新鲜度。故选D。]
    9.What rle des the smartphne play while PEGS are functining?
    A.It acts as an electrnic nse.
    B.It reads the data cllected by PEGS.
    C.It helps print the gas sensrs nt paper.
    D.It discvers the spilage gases frm fds.
    B [细节理解题。根据第五段中的“The identify and understand the data abut spilage gases.”可知,移动设备识别了解有关食物变质散发出的气体的数据。故当PEGS运行时,智能手机的作用是读取PEGS收集的数据。故选B。]
    10.What des Dr.Firat Guder say abut use-by dates?
    A.They are nt cmpletely reliable.
    B.They can help reduce fd waste.
    C.They are based n scientific research.
    D.They are nt accepted by the cnsumers.
    A [推理判断题。根据第六段“Lead when an item is within its use-by date.”可知,保质期并不总是反映它的实际新鲜度。故可推知,Firat Guder博士认为保质期不是完全可靠的。故选A。]
    11.What des the authr mainly talk abut in the text?
    A.The prcess f researching spilage sensrs.
    B.A new technlgy in packaging t reduce fd waste.
    C.The applicatin f spilage sensrs beynd fd prcessing.
    D.The influence f use-by dates n supermarkets and cnsumers.
    B [主旨大意题。根据文章内容尤其是第一段“In rder fish packaging.”可知,文章主要介绍了一项可以减少食物浪费的新发明,并且围绕传感器介绍了它的工作方式以及作者对此传感器未来应用领域的愿景。所以作者在文中主要介绍了一项减少食物浪费的包装新发明。故选B。]
    Ⅱ.完形填空 eq \a\vs4\al((限时12分钟))
    While Texans were in the thick f their unprecedented (前所未有的) winter strm,Chelsea Timmns was braving the elements t deliver grceries.She had just tapped “accept” n her final 1 f the day when the strm started picking up.Chelsea 2 and made it t her custmer's hme,but then the wrst happened: Her car was 3 .
    With the rads as 4 as they were,her car slid dwn the driveway. 5 , it stpped just shrt f the huse.Hwever,it gt stuck.The huse wners were bth 6 and cncerned when Chelsea explained what had happened.
    Three f them tried every pssible means t 7 her car,but in vain.That's when the cuple tk the neighbrly next step: They 8 her in.
    Chelsea was 9 cming int a stranger's hme.After spending mre time with the cuple and realizing the strm made 10 t dangerus,she was relieved t accept their 11 .Later,they cked her dinner and 12 ne bedrm.
    Chelsea was tuched and even mre 13 fr their genersity when learning her apartment lst electricity and water as the 14 wrsened.
    “I'm glad that such wnderful peple 15 me.It turned ut t be the best-case scenari.”
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。Chelsea Timmns冒着暴风雪去送货,不曾想自己的车在一所房子前被困住了。热心的房主人主动提供帮助,却徒劳无功。于是,他们决定邀请Chelsea到家里休息住宿,Chelsea被他们的善举深深打动。
    1.A.feedback B.reprt
    C.paycheck D.rder
    D [考查语境推断。根据语境和上文中的“Chelsea Timmns was braving the elements t deliver grceries”可知,暴风雪来临的时候,Chelsea Timmns按下了最后一个订单的“接收”键。feedback“反馈的意见”;paycheck“付薪水的支票,薪水”。]
    2.A.pushed thrugh B.pulled back
    C.hung abut D.tk ver
    A [考查语境推断。根据语境和上文中的“While Texans were in the thick f their unprecedented winter strm”可知,前所未有的暴风雪来临,在这种情况下要想把货物送到顾客家,Chelsea需要穿越风雪。push thrugh“完成,挤着穿过”;pull back“拉回,撤回”;hang abut“徘徊,闲逛”;take ver“接管,接收”。]
    3.A.ut f cntrl B.under guarantee
    C.at rest D.n fire
    A [考查语境推断。根据下文中的“her car slid dwn the driveway”可知,她的车失控了。under guarantee“在保修期内”。]
    4.A.dusty B.icy
    C.empty D.busy
    B [考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“her car slid dwn the driveway”可知,暴风雪中,道路结冰,她的车滑出了车道。]
    5.A.Annyingly B.Instantly
    C.Luckily D.Apparently
    C [考查语境推断。根据语境和下文中的“it stpped just shrt f the huse”可知,尽管她的车滑出了车道,但是幸运的是停在了离一户人家不远的地方。]
    6.A.excited B.satisfied
    C.annyed D.shcked
    D [考查语境推断。根据语境可知,当Chelsea 把情况告诉房主人时,房主人都惊呆了,对她的情况十分担心。]
    7.A.lck B.paint
    C.free D.wash
    C [考查语境推断。根据上文中的“Hwever,it gt stuck.”可知,Chelsea的车被困住了,因此房主人想要帮她把车推出来。]
    8.A.bxed B.filled
    C.dragged D.invited
    D [考查语境推断。根据下文中的“cming int a stranger's hme”可知,眼见车推不出来,房主人邀请Chelsea进屋歇息。]
    9.A.nervus B.cmfrtable
    C.relaxed D.ridiculus
    A [考查常识推断。根据常识可知,贸然进一个陌生人的家里,对一位女士来讲,难免紧张。ridiculus“荒唐的;荒谬的”。]
    10.A.shpping B.travel
    C.accmmdatin D.entertainment
    B [考查常识推断。根据语境和常识可知,暴风雪让出行变得很难。]
    11.A.ffer B.appintment
    C.challenge D.service
    A [考查语境推断。根据语境可知,在意识到暴风雪的威力之后,Chelsea坦然接受了那对夫妇的好意邀请。]
    12.A.decrated B.aired
    C.spared D.bked
    C [考查语境推断。根据语境可知,房主人不仅为Chelsea做了晚饭,还为她腾出一间屋子。]
    13.A.eager B.ready
    C.srry D.grateful
    D [考查常识推断。根据语境和常识可知,房主人的慷慨热情让Chelsea非常感恩。]
    14.A.pain B.market
    C.strm D.cnfusin
    C [考查词汇复现。根据上文中的“While Texans were in the thick f their unprecedented winter strm”可知,随着暴风雪的加剧,屋里水电都停了。]
    15.A.fllwed B.sheltered
    C.called D.cured
    B [考查语境推断。根据语境和上文中的“they cked her dinner and ne bedrm”可知,房主人收留了Chelsea。]
    Ⅲ.应用文写作 eq \a\vs4\al((限时13分钟))
    新华中学近期组织了校园劳动周(Campus Labr Week)活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇简短的英文报道。内容包括:
    In rder t enhance students' awareness f labr,ur schl rganized an activity called “Campus Labr Week” last week.
    The labr week began n May 15th.Sme lectures n labr skills were given n the first day,frm which we benefited a lt.Planting trees and watering flwers were attractins t Senir One.Varieties f ther labr prjects gave us unfrgettable experiences.
    Undubtedly,this event can nt nly enrich ur schl life but als ffer us pprtunities t learn mre daily practical skills!
    1.(行为描写)(2021·新高考卷Ⅰ)Then Jeff nticed steam shting ut f the pt and the lid starting t shake.
    2.(心理描写)(2022·浙江1月卷)I didn't want t give him the satisfactin f my chickening ut.
    3.(人物描写)(2020·新高考卷Ⅰ)Mrs.Meredith was a mst kind and thughtful wman.
    (2022·新高考卷Ⅱ)When he saw a yung child hanging frm a sixth-flr apartment balcny(阳台), Henry ran ne hundred metres, jumped ver a 1.2-metre fence, and held ut his arms t catch the falling child.
    1.(2022·全国乙卷) Try t seek(seek) ut chances t renew friendships.Hw t d it? Just spend face-t-face time tgether whenever pssible.
    2.(2021·全国甲卷)If I want t decrate my website with sme Chinese elements(element), what shuld I d?
    3.The rganizatin, funded (fund) in 2008, aims t prtect the cean ecsystem arund the glbe.
    4.The by jyfully ate up every single bit f the fd n the table, his dg staring (stare) at him with its muth watering.
    5.Seeing the huse destryed(destry) in the fire,the wman was frzen n the spt and then burst int tears.
    1.Many peple have reacted angrily t the news, but I dn't knw what his reactin is.(react)
    2.We need varius kinds f fd,that is t say variety in ur diet.(vary)
    3.She is a determined girl, s we knw that nce she has determined t d smething, she will make her dream cme true with great determinatin.(determine)
    4.T my amazement,the amazing news amazed the whle class and their teachers.(amaze)
    5.Only tw passengers survived the air crash.When they were interviewed, they said their survival was a wnder.(survive)
    at a speed f,cncentrate n,recver frm, be famus fr,cut dwn, manage t d,after all
    1.Yu really shuldn't have reacted t his cmment n yur wrk s vilently.After all he meant n harm t yu.
    2.If yu are trying t acquire a new skill,please cncentrate n gaining sme practical experience.
    3.A light-year is the distance light travels in ne year at a speed f 299,792 kilmeters per secnd.
    4.It was nt until I came here that I realized this place was famus fr nt nly its beauty but als its weather.
    5.She fully intends t cntinue her sprting career nce she has recvered frm her injuries.
    1.很多年轻人来到这座大城市是因为他们想寻求幸福和成功。(the reasn why...)
    The reasn why a lt f yung peple cme t this big city is that they want t seek happiness as well as success.
    It was lsing the game that taught him t practice harder and never give up.
    The mre fat yu take in befre bedtime, the greater burden yu will put n yur bdy at night.
    seek [课本义] v.寻找,寻求 [增补义] vt.试图;征求,请求
    measure [课本义] v.量,测量 [增补义] v.评估;有……长(或宽、高等) n.尺寸;措施
    determine [课本义] v.测定,确定 [增补义] v.决定;决心
    amazing adj.惊人的,了不起的
    survive [课本义] v.活下来,幸存[增补义] v.设法对付
    effect n.影响,结果
    cncentrate [课本义] v.专注,专心 [增补义] v.集结,聚集
    cut dwn 砍倒;削减;缩小
    [教材原句]The mre we knw abut this lvely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural wrld fr a lng time t cme.
    ①with fear恐惧 ②be struck with hrrr感到恐惧 ③be scared silly吓傻了 ④give sb.gse bumps让某人起鸡皮疙瘩 ⑤make sb.'s hair stand n end使(某人)毛骨悚然 ⑥n pins and needles坐立不安,如坐针毡

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