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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What will the by d first?
    A. Play ftball. 8 B. G t the Finish his hmewrk.
    2. Where is the necklace nw?
    A. In the kitchen. B. In the bedrm. C. In the sitting rm.
    3. What is the wman prbably related t Henry?
    -A. His wife. B. His bss. C. His clleague.
    4. What is the wman ging t d next?
    A. G t the restaurant. B. Type the dcument. C. See a dentist.
    5. What des the man mean?
    A. He missed the TV prgram.
    B. He desn't like the prgram at all.
    C. He experiences a pwer failure every night.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    6. Hw much did the flwers cst accrding t the man?,
    A.35 dllars. B. T much mney. C. Little but wrth it.
    7. V/hat des the( mar) think f the Wman)?
    A. Cnsiderate. B. Special. au, E C. Meaningful:
    8. What's wrng with the wman's rm?
    A. It's a little dark. B. It's smelly. C. It's nt quiet.
    9. What is the wman's final decisin?
    A. Mving t anther rm.
    B. Checking in anther htel.
    C. Waiting fr a nn-smking rm.
    听下面一段对话,回答第 10 至 12题。
    10. Whm des the wman chse jewelry fr?
    A.. Herself. B. Her friend. C. Her mther.
    11. What des the wman want t buy?
    A.A ring f size 6 and a lng necklace.
    B. A ring f size 7 and a shrt necklace.
    C. A ring f size 7 and a lng necklace.
    12. What d we knw abut the necklace?
    A. It's cheaper than the ring.
    B. Its price depends n its quality.
    C. The lnger ne is mre expensive than the shrter ne.
    13. When can peple enjy the art exhibitin2
    A. On Mnday. B On Tuesday. C. On Thursday.
    14. Hw des this year's ballet perfrmance differ frm that f last year?
    A. Admissin is free.
    B. It will be at the theater.﹖
    C. There will be tw perfrmances.
    15. Where will the mask party be held?
    A. In the piazza. B. In the cncert hall. C. In the theater.
    16. Hw much is a family ticket fr The Little Prince?
    A.$8. B.$10. C.$15.
    17. Wh usually reads the mrning annuncements?
    A. Mr. McKinney. B. Timmy. C. Principal Jhnsn.
    18. When is the last day f schl?
    A. May 20th. B. Next Wednesday. C. One mnth frm tday.
    19. Fr what des the speaker aplgize?
    A. The cmputers. B. The hmewrk. C. The library hurs.
    20. What will take place n Saturday afternn?
    A. A sftball game. B. A baseball game. C. A basketball game.
    第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分 50分)
    第一节(共15 小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    City f Ls Angeles Department f Recreatin and Parks
    Park Services Divisin Park Film Office
    Salary-$21.17 per hur
    Jb Lcatin
    Travel and wrk in any lcatin within the City f Ls Angeles Recreatin and Parks
    Jb Descriptin
    Park Activity Mnitr is a part-time, n-call, as needed psitin. Park Activity Mnitrs are respnsible fr verseeing(监督) film prductin cmpanies, students, press, and nn-prfit rganizatins that have been issued a permit(许可证) t film at the City f Ls Angeles Recreatin and Parks.
    Jb Activities
    ensuring rules are being fllwed
    freseeing safety issues r unusual cnditins
    preventing damage by users
    prviding gate and traffic mnitring
    cmmunicating with event rganizers, city persnnel and ther mnitrs
    checking and determining acceptability f cmpleted wrk after activities
    Required Skills
    Applicants must be prfessinal, plite, and dependable, and custmer service fcused. Must wrk with large grups and have excellent written and spken cmmunicatin skills, Mnitrs must be able t wrk independently with little f ne direct instructin.
    Applicants must have a high schl diplma and be at least 18 years f age
    A valid Califrnia Class C Driver License
    Must be able t physically functin in pr wrking cnditins ut f drs, have gd hearing and ability t stand and walk fr lng perids
    Hw t Apply
    Send a resume ( 简 历 ) t darin. nakamura @ lacity. @lacity.rg and nicle.rbttm@lacity.rgrbymailtParkFilmOffice,4730 Crystal Springs Drive, Ls Angeles, CA 90027.
    21. What d we learn abut the jb?
    A. It pays by the day. B. It is a weekend jb.
    C. It is limited t a park D. It may be dne at any time.
    22. Which f the fllwing is an activity the Mnitr shuld d?
    A. Stpping users causing damage.
    B Giving permits t film cmpanies.
    C. Helping with the making f rules
    D. Ensuring traffic safety during filming.
    23. What shuld an applicant be able t d?
    A. Have great reading skills.
    B. Direct large `grups easily.
    C. Have gd cmmunicatin skills.
    D. Drive with cnfidence frm experience.
    In university I had a part-time jb at a shp that sld dughnuts and cffee. Situated n a blck where several buses stpped, it served the peple wh had a few minutes t wait fr their bus.
    Every afternn arund fur 'clck, a grup f schlchildren wuld burst int the shp, and business wuld cme t a stp. Adults wuld glance in, see the crwd and pass n. But I didn't mind if the children waited fr their bus inside. Smetimes I wuld hand ut a bus fare when a ticket went missing ——always repaid the next day. On snwy days I wuld give away sme dughnuts. I wuld lck the dr at clsing time, and we waited in the warm shp until their bus finally arrived.
    I enjyed my yung friends, but it never ccurred t me that I played an imprtant rle in their lives --- until ne afternn when a man came and asked if l was the girl wrking n weekends arund fur 'clck. He identified himself as the father f tw f my favrites.
    "I want yu t knw I appreciate what yu d fr my children. I wrry abut them taking tw buses t get hme. It means a lt that they can wait here and yu keep an eye n them. When they are with the dughnut lady, I knw they are safe," I tld him it wasn't a big deal, and that I enjyed the kids.
    S I was the Dughnut Lady. I nt nly received a title, but became a landmark.
    Nw I think abut all the peple wh keep an eye n my wn children. They becme, well, Dughnut Ladies. Like the men at the skating rink(滑冰场) wh let my bys ring hme, Ur the bus driver wh drve my daughter t her stp at the end f the rute at night but wuldn't leave until I arrived t pick her up, Or that nice plice fficer wh tk pity n my bys walking hme in the rain when I was at wrk ---even thugh the phne rang all the next day with calls frm curius neighbrs.* Was that a plice car I saw at yur huse last night?"
    I ha t wasn't a plice car. That was a Dughnut Lady.
    24. Accrding t the passage, the authr smetimes .
    A. Sld bus tickets t the children.
    B. Did business with the children's help.
    C. Prvided schlchildren with warm shelters.
    D. Called the children's parents t pick them up.
    25. By saying "... it wasn't a big deal,"(in paragraph 4) the authr meant that .
    A. She hadn't dne anything very significant.
    B. She hadn't made a lt f mney frm the children.
    C. She hadn't spent plenty f time with the children.
    D. She hadn't fund it hard t get alng with the children.
    26. Accrding t the authr, thse wh are Dughnut Ladies.
    A. wrk in the dughnut stre fr a while
    B. are always ready t extend a helping hand
    C. prvide free dughnut stre fr the dr
    D. are curius abut the happenings arund
    27. What des the passage suggest?
    A. Taking respnsibility is a virtue.
    B. Devtin c-exists with reward.
    C. Running a business requires skills.
    D. Acts f kindness are never t small.
    Jace Tunnell, the funder f Nurdle I trll and Reserve Directr at the University f Texas Marine Science Institute, is listening t the same questin ften.
    I hear every day, smebdy says, ‘What is a nurdle?’" he said.
    Tunnell explained nurdles are tiny balls f plastic that are typically used t make almst every plastic item we use. s they're everywhere! He said nurdles are usually spilled(溢出) during transprt frm carg ships r railrad cars. “These things wuld be ut here fr hundreds f years if we're nt picking them up,' Tunnell said while n a recent Nurdle Patrl cleanup alng Galvestn Bay.
    Since 2018, Nurdle Patrl has grwn t thusands f vlunteers wrldwide. Many peple -vlunteer with Nurdle Patrl and wrk fr the Galvestn Bay Fundatin. Nurdle Patrl grups uplad their findings t the nnprfit's website map. It’s marked in clrs t shw where the highest cncentratin f nurdles is fund.
    “They lk natural, and birds think that they're fd," Tunnel l said. ·Birds, fish, sea turtles and ther sea animals can eat nurdles and finally die frm hunger because f a false sensatin f fullness and lack f nutritin.”
    I ended up finding 123 nurdles in 10 minutes. That's high cncentratin,” Tunnell said abut a recent cleanup. “I plan t take thse t an elected fficial and say, 'Lk, these are what I fund n ur beaches here. We need t d smething abut this.). S, it kind f puts in mtin change that can happen."
    Nurdle Patrl has sent ut hundreds f kits(工具包) glbally, many t schls and vlunteer rganizatins, with infrmatin abut gathering nurdles and reprting the findings safely. Anyne can request a kit thrugh their website.
    28. What d we knw abut the nurdle?
    A. It is easily brken dwn. B. It is a small piece f plastic.
    C. It was invented by Tunnell. D. It is mainly used t make ships.
    29. What d Tunnell's wrds in paragraph 5 mainly stress?
    A. The unique lk f nurdles. B The number f nurdles in the sea.
    C. Nurdles' harm t sea animals' fd. D. Nurdles' impact n sea animals.
    30. What des Tunnell want t d?
    A. Draw a map f nurdles' cncentratin.
    B. Call the gvernment's attentin t nurdles.
    C. Organize mre cleanups alng the beaches.
    D Share his findings n Nurdle Patrl's website.
    31. What is the best title fr the text?
    A Grup surveys the level f pllutin in the sea
    B. Grup takes actin t reduce the use f plastics
    C. Grup tries t deal with pllutant harming wildlife
    D. Grup lks fr vlunteers fr its beach cleanups
    A recent survey fund children wuld rather be nline influencers than astrnauts. It made headlines and led t plenty f cmplaints abut “kids these days”. Is influencing a prmising career path? The lifestyles we see advertised n scial media are enticing, but under the shining appearance lie uncertain incme, pay inequality, disability and mental health issues.
    Successful influencers will be the first t claim that anyne can make it in the industry. Hwever, scial media ecnmy experts uncvered a huge incme gap between successful influencers and everyne else. Fr mst peple trying t becme an influencer, their passin prjects f cntent creatin ften becme free wrk fr brands.
    Mst influencers are self-emplyed, ften experiencing incnsistent incme and a lack f prtectin that cmes with lng-term emplyment. The risks f self-emplyment are increased in the influencer industry by an absence f industry standards and little pay tranrency(透明度) Influencers are ften frced t assess their wn value and determine fees fr their wrk. As a result, cntent creatrs ften undervalue their wn creative labur, and many end up wrking fr free.
    influencers are als ften at the mercy f algrithms(任由算法摆布) =-- the behind-the-scenes cmputer prgrams that determine which psts are shwn, in which rder, t users. Platfrms share little detail abut their algrithms, yet they finally determine wh and what gains visibility(可见性) and influence n scial media. The threat f invisibility is a cnstant surce f insecurity fr influencers, wh are under cnstant pressure t feed platfrms with cntent. If they dn't, they may be “punished by the birhythm ---having psts hidden r displayed lwer dwn n search results.
    Cnstant nline presence leads t an e f the mst cmmn issues in the influence r industry: mental health cncerns. Influencers can cnnect t their platfrm wrkces and audience at any time f day r night, which can lead t them verwrking. Cupled with the fear f nline criticism, it cntributes t mental and physical health issues.
    Althugh becming an influence r may lk appealing t mre and mre peple, the industry's dark underside needs t be made visible and imprved thrugh enhanced emplyment regulatin(管理) and industry-led cultural change.
    32. What des the underlined wrd “enticing” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Imaginative. B. Similar. C. Traditinal. D. Attractive.
    33. What might lead t many influencers undervaluing their creative wrk?
    A. Their belief in winning thrugh quantity.
    B. Mney paid by the industry is ften hidden.
    C. Their eagerness t make their wrk visible nline.
    D. There're few emplyment pprtunities in the industry.
    34. Why d. the influencers feel stressed accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. They are ften punished by platfrms.
    B. They have little knwledge f platfrm algrithm.
    C. They find it difficult t create new cntent cnstantly.
    D. They have t wrk ut the rder f psts t be displayed.
    35. What is the authr's purpse in writing this text?
    A. T describe the life f self-emplyed cntent creatrs.
    B. T stress the imprtance f visibility in the nline wrld.
    C. T reveal relatinships between platfrms and influencers.
    D. T shw the dark side f wrking as an nline cntent creatr.
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5 分)
    Fear f missing ut r FOMO is characterized by“ a desire t stay cntinually cnnected with what thers are ding".
    Researchers have fund that FOMO leads us t check scial media mre frequently, leading t a negative cycle that can be hard t break. 3 Yur md will be easily influenced by thers and yur life starts t be cntrlled by the utside wrld. Hwever, the situatin can be imprved if yu take the fllwing advice.
    37 Try t reduce ur screen time, fcus n building yur wn path t success and d what yu like. Live in the mment, and yu will find nthing is missing ut in ur life!
    It is cmmn t pst n scial media t keep a recrd f the fun things yu d. 3: If this is the case, yu may try t keep a persnal jurnal f yur best memries, either nline r n paper. Keeping a jurnal can help yu t shift yur fcus frm public apprval t private appreciatin f the things that make yur life great. 39
    Yu may find yurself seeking a greater cnnectin when yu are feeling depressed r anxius, and this is healthy. Feelings f lneliness are actually ur brain's way f telling us that we want t seek ut greater cnnectins with thers and increase ur sense f belnging 40 Larking with families, making plans with a gd friend, r creating a grup uting can help yu t shake that feeling that yu are missing ut.
    A. Yu actually can't miss anything.
    B. Especially the yung are addicted t scial media.
    C. Rather than fcusing n what yu lack, try nticing what yu have.
    D. This shift can smetimes help yu t get ut f the cycle f FOMO.
    E. As a result, it will lead t feelings f depressin, lneliness, and bredm.
    F. Hwever, yu may find yurself nticing t much abut peple's pinin n yur experiences nline.
    G. Rather than cnnect with peple n scial media, why nt arrange t meet up with smene in persn?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1分, 满分 15分)
    阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Whether it is a relaxing walk r a pwer ne, taking a walk usually nly lasts a small duratin f time. I his was nt the 41 fr Tm Turcich, thugh.
    On April 2,2015. Tm decided t walk arund the wrld by himself. It wasn't a 42 thught. His childhd friend died . 43 at the age f 17 due t a jet ski accident. 44 by hw shrt life was, he was fueled by a strng 45 t live every day t its fullest.
    Tm's walk 46 as a l ne jurney. But quickly, he fund himself missing 47 n the rad. And s, while making a stp in Austin, Texas, he 48 Savannah, a rescue dg Since then, the pair have been making their way acrss brders, cntinents and seas, 49 25,000 miles in all.
    Traveling always has sme ups and dwns. Tm 50 numerus unexpected delays alng the way. He was 51 due t severe weather in Panama and became very ill in Sctland. Als, he had n 52 but t wait ut pandemic(疫情) lckdwns in many cuntries. But n the 53 side, he met many kind peple and 54 the beauty f nature in different parts f the wrld.
    Tm 55 smething few peple have succeeded in, which helped him gain a much larger understanding f the wrld.
    41. A. rutine B. case C. reasn D. intentin
    42. A. nvel B. wise C. simple D. sudden
    43. A. unexpectedly B. instantly C. eventually D. undubtedly
    44. A. Trn B. Mved C. Struck D. Surprised
    45 A. enthusiasm B. desire C. pride D. curisity
    46. A. started B. prgressed C. prved D. remained
    47. A. neighbrhd B. childhd C. citizenship D. cmpaninship
    48 A. fund B. sptted C. adpted D. saved
    40. A. cvering B. measuring C. ccupying D. equaling
    50. A. respnded B. accepted C. experienced D. ignred
    51. A. blwn away B. carried away C. backed up D. held up
    52. A. respnsibility B. ptin C. right D. pprtunity
    53. A. bright B. invisible C. mral D. rugh
    54. A. missed B. enjyed C. recalled D. preserved
    55. A. discvered B. renewed C. suffered D. challenged
    第二节 (共10 小题: 每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    Is It the Pig frm Angry Birds?
    An ancient clay pig statue(雕像) has becme 56 ht tpic, fr it lked exactly like Green Pig, a main character in Angry Birds, a ppular mbile game. The artwrk 57 (discver) under the ruins f an ancient settlement 58 (date) back nearly 5,000 years in suth-western China.
    Archaelgists(考古学家) fund the tiny pig statue 59 (accident) while digging in the remains f a small ancient cmmunity utside Guanghan in Sichuan prvince.
    The village was situated abut eight kilmeters utside Sanxingdui, a Brnze Age
    kingdm. 60 came int being arund 5,000 years ag, and the pig statue is thught t be 3,200 years ld. The pig statue has been described 61 “cute, vivid and delicate” by the researchers, wh say it represents the advanced standards f the regin's prehistric residents.
    Chinese Internet users expressed their amazement. On Weib, ne persn expressed his 62 (admire) excitedly: “It is the pig frm Angry Birds!” Anther cmmenter jked: “The pig in Angry Birds. Yu have infringed(侵犯) the .”
    The research team claimed 63 (find) tracks f cntinuus human activity n this site frm 5,000 years ag t the 64 (dynasty) f Ming and Qing. Officials plan t dig 7,000 square metres f the site, which is fficially named Guanghan Jint Ruins. By the end f June, they 65 (dig) 4,500 square metres.
    第四部分 基础知识(共三节,满分25分)
    第一节 单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. Universities shuld be abut the (获得) f knwledge, wisdm, and understanding.
    67. The tp ne third f all high schl g are entitled t an educatin at Califrnia State University.
    68. The (日程安排) fr the talks has been agreed, but the lcatin is still in dispute.
    69. Just t give yu an example f his g he gave me his ld car and wuldn't take any mney fr it.
    70. The 2023 Nbel Prize ges t Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman in r f their achievement in the field f physilgy and medicine.
    71. The chances are yu haven't fully decided what yu want frm yur career at the mment, in which case yu're (绝对地) nt cut ut t be a bss yet!
    72. Having a sense f humur is very imprtant because it can help ease the t between peple.
    73. The yungest child f the family tends t be utging, (有冒险精神的), ptimistic, creative and less ambitius than thers in the family.
    74. The museum has been equipped with special f fr blind and partially sighted visitrs.
    75. See t it that the frame is (牢固地) fixed t the grund with nails and blts.
    第二节 单句语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题1分,满分 10分)
    76. We are all fr yur prpsal that the discussin f the methds t be used in research (put) ff till next Friday.
    77. The reputatin(名声) f public high schls is usually measured by the number f students high schls send t the best universities.
    78. The engineer and his sn held frequent meetings (cncern) technical prblems.
    79. This wrd (rigin) frm a Latin wrd and the riginal meaning is quite different frm what it is tday.
    80. I think we'd better take the subway instead f driving tmrrw t avid (stick) in the rush hur traffic.
    81. English is a “fixed wrd rder” language each phase has a fixed psitin.
    82. I was s angry that I avided her during schl all day, and I still dn't feel like (respnd) t any f her nline messages.
    83. One day in the future, yu will find yurself (grw) int a well-runded individual.
    84. Thugh badly (fright), she remained utwardly cmpsed.
    85. Why can't yu realize the part they have played in ur life?
    第三节 选词填空(共 10 小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)
    take advantage f lay ut sht up think thrugh pick up the pieces
    in the wrng n the rcks in full measure hang ver guard against
    live up t
    86. Nw India is pening its markets and participating in the wrld ecnmy .
    87. I need t have a chance t get my head tgether and everything.
    88. There's still a big questin mark him abut his future with the team.
    89. The buildings in this area are in an rderly fashin.
    90. He said he wuld try his best t the praise and make Chinese culture knwn t the wrld.
    91. the tw-day hliday, he basked in the spring sunshine with his family.
    92. The value f the painting by the French artist ver the past few years.
    93. He realized he was and prmised t turn ver a new leaf.
    94. Yu must wash yur hands when preparing fd t spreading disease.
    95. I need sme time t f my life after the accident.
    第五部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1.提供建议; 2.表达期待。
    1. 词数 100 左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总数。
    Dear Tm,

    Li Hua
    听力: 1-5 CBCBA 6-10 BACAC 11-15 CBACB 16-20 CBCAC
    阅读理解: A 篇: DAC B篇: CABD C篇: BDBC D篇: DBBD
    七选五: ECFDG
    语法填空: a; was discvered; dating; accidentally; which; as; admiratin; t have fund; dynasties; had dug
    单词拼写: acquisitin; graduates; schedule; genersity; recgnitin; definitely; tensin; adventurus; facilities; securely
    单句语法填空 be put; that/wh/whm; cncerning; riginates; being stuck; where; respnding; grwing; frightened; which/that
    选短语填空 in full measure; think thrugh; hanging ver; laid ut; live up t; Taking advantage f; has sht up; in the wrng; guard against; pick up the pieces
    Dear Tm,
    Hw is everything ging n with yu? Mre than delighted t hear that a Chinese sng: appreciatin activity will kick ff in yur schl and yu are in charge f the Chinese part, I'm writing t put frward sme practical suggestins.
    First f all, when it cmes t sngs with Chinese elements, classical music is bund t be highly recmmended, which is always accmpanied with traditinal musical instruments t immerse audience in the charm f it. In additin, it will be a wise chice t intrduce sme representative Chinese singers like Jay Chu wh d well in China style cmpsitin and can have audience arrested. Last but nt least, it is als advisable t add sme backgrund infrmatin f the chsen sngs and singers, which is f great significance t students' thrugh understanding f Chinese music.
    It wuld be better if yu culd take my prpsal int due cnsideratin. I d hpe yur culture festival will g smthly and be warmly welcme by all the participants!
    Li Hua
    Text 1
    W:Dick, if yu can finish yur hmewrk befre 6:00,I will take yu t the cinema.
    M:I'm sure I can. But I'd like t g t the park t play ftball.
    W:OK. But yu must return hme befre 8:00.
    Text 2
    W: Oh, dear. I can't find my necklace nw. I remember I put it in the sitting rm.
    M: It is in the bedrm. Yu left it here when ur daughter called yu t the kitchen.
    Text 3
    M:Henry had never expected he wuld be awarded a hliday abrad. That's awesme.
    W: Wrk hard and yu will have the luck. Our bss has always been friendly and generus t hard-wrking wrkers.
    Text 4
    M:Hey, Emily. We're ging t Susie Q's Restaurant fr lunch. D yu want t cme alng?
    W: Srry, I can't. I have t type the dcument fr Sctt. He's having a dentist appintment.
    Text 5
    W: Did yu watch that cmedy special n TV last night? I dn't think I ever laughed s hard.
    M:Dn't even talk t me abut it. The nly night I really wanted t watch smething and we had a pwer failure in my building.
    Text 6
    M: Yur flwers are s lvely! Are they fr smene's birthday? Or are yu ging t decrate yur new huse?
    W:Neither. They are fr my brther. Tday is his graduatin day.
    M:They must have cst yu a frtune.
    W:I paid 35 dllars fr them.
    M:Oh, that's expensive.
    W: Yes, but they are wrth it. Tday is a meaningful day fr my brther and I want it t be special.
    M:That's very nice f yu. I really wish I had a sister like yu.
    Text 7
    M:Can I help yu?
    W: Yes. I'd like t mve t anther rm, if pssible.
    M:Of curse. Is there anything wrng with yur rm, madam?
    W:Yes. It faces the street, s it's pretty nisy.
    M:I see. Let me check. Yes, I can mve yu t a rm n the ppsite side. That shuld be much quicker. But there's n sunshine getting in, s it's a little dark.
    W:OK. And is it a nn-smking rm?
    M:I'm srry, but it's nt. All f them are ccupied at the mment.
    W: That's t bad. I hate the smell f smke. But at least it will be quieter.
    Text 8
    M:Gd afternn. Can I help yu with anything?
    W: Yeah. Can I lk at this ring?
    M: Sure. Let me get it ut fr yu. What is yur size?
    W:I believe I'm a six. But I'm nt chsing fr myself. My mm's birthday is cming, and ne f my friends suggested I send her sme jewelry. She is a seven.
    M:I see. Here yu g.
    W:D yu have any necklace that wuld g well with this?
    M:Actually, we have many t chse frm. They are ver there.
    W: This necklace is a little shrt. D yu have ne that is lnger?
    M: Yes. Why dn't yu try this ne n?
    W:This ne is much better. Can I try n the ring with this necklace?
    M:Sure. Here yu g.
    W:If yu dn't mind me asking, hw much d they cst?
    M: The ring is $1,500. But the necklace ranges frm $600 t $3,000, which mainly depends n its quality. Of curse its size and length als cunt.
    Text 9
    M:Next week, there will be an annual flk festival. A lt f prgrams will be shwed then. Will yu cme?
    W:Er, what prgrams are there this year?
    M: There will be a free art exhibitin n Mnday. It will be held in the Art Schl, and I've heard that mst f the wrks n the shw are painted by the students in ur twn.
    W:Really?I will g and see. Well, what else is n the prgram?
    M: There are several traditinal prgrams every year, such as ballet perfrmance. But it is a little different frm that f last year. This year there will be tw perfrmances at the theater, the first n Tuesday at 6:00 pm and the secnd n Thursday at the same time. This prgram is s ppular that the audience need t bk the tickets in advance.
    W: Oh, I saw it last year. There were s many peple at the theater that I culd hardly see the dancer. Are there any ther particular new prgrams?
    M:Er, yes, there will be a mask party. It will be held n Friday evening. Everyne is welcme, but every participant shuld be dressed in fancy dress.
    W:That's funny. Where will it be held?
    M:It was planned t be held in the pizza(广场), but nw it has been changed t the cncert hall.
    W: Great. I will g. Er, are there any living theaters?
    M: Yes, The Little Prince will be held n Wednesday. It is als at the theater. Yu can g t see it frm 2:00 pm t 4:30 pm r 6:30 pm t 9:00 pm.
    W:Hw much will the ticket cst?
    M: Well, the ticket csts $10 fr adults, $8 fr students and senirs, and $15 fr a family.
    W: Excellent. I will g with my family.
    Text 10
    Hell, this is Principal Jhnsn with the mrning annuncements. Our usual reader Timmy is ut sick tday, s I'm reading in his place. I hpe yu've all had a great start t the week! This Mnday has started ut warm and sunny, s let's hpe it stays that way. I knw we've had sme strange weather in the last few weeks. We have just ne mnth f schl left befre summer break, s make sure yu've turned in all f yur hmewrk. The last day t turn in an assignment is Friday, May 20th. The last bys' baseball game will be held at 6:00 pm this Wednesday. Please shw up t supprt the team! If yu've had prblems using the cmputers in the library, they shuld be fixed by Thursday. We're srry fr any truble this may have caused. This evening, the girls' sftball team will be playing their last game, and ver the weekend, the basketball team is playing McKinney Schl n Saturday afternn. That's it fr the mrning annuncements. I hpe everyne has a great Mnday!

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