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    这是一份湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期期中联考英语试题(Word版附解析),共19页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间: 2023年11月23日 08: 00 ~ 10: 00 时长: 120分钟 满分: 150分
    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. Hw did the wman get t wrk this mrning?
    A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By bike.
    2. What des the wman have fr lunch?
    A. A sandwich. B. A biscuit. C. Sme ygurt.
    3. What are the speakers ging t d?
    A. Take a walk in the park.
    B. G swimming in a pl.
    C. See sme birds alng the cast.
    4. Where was this picture taken?
    A. On the beach. B. In the muntains. C. In a cffee shp.
    5. Why was the man upset?
    A. He culdn't find his htel.
    B. His hliday was bring.
    C. He waited fr hurs.
    第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    听第6段材料, 回答第6至7 题。
    6. What is the wman trying t buy?
    A. A watch. B. Glasses. C. A battery.
    7. What prblem des the wman face?
    A. The item is expensive.
    B. The man's stre desn't sell the item.
    C. The factry desn't make the item anymre.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。
    8. Wh des Peter lk like?
    A. His aunt. B. His mther. C. His father.
    9. Hw ld is the wman?
    A.16 years ld. B.18 years ld. C. 19 years ld.
    听第8段材料, 回答第10至 12题。
    10. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Weather. B. Green energy. C. Huse decratin.
    11. What kind f pwer des Anna want t use?
    A. Sun. B. Water. C. Wind.
    12. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C-wrkers. B. Husband and wife. C. Salesman and custmer.
    听第9段材料, 回答第13至 16题。
    13. Wh is the man?
    A. A hst. B. A writer. C. A directr.
    14. When will the wman begin t direct the mvie?
    A. In a few years. B. In a few mnths. C. In a few weeks.
    15. Where will they finish filming?
    A. In New Yrk. B. In Hng Kng. C. In Vancuver.
    16. What did the wman tell the man abut the mvie?
    A. The type. B. The title. C. The actrs.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。
    17. Hw many fires have ccurred at the Glasgw Schl f Art?
    A.2. B.3. C.4.
    18. When was the first half f the building finished?
    A.1896. B.1899. C.1909.
    19. Wh graduated frm the Glasgw Schl f Art?
    A. Peter Capaldi. B. Steven Hll. C. Charles Mackintsh.
    20. What are the architects ging t d?
    A. Wait fr a structure reprt.
    B. Recreate the riginal building.
    C. Set up a new schl f art.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中 ,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    Apply fr the 2024-2025 Schl Year
    We are excited yu are cnsidering Marist Schl fr yur child's next year. Marist has tw main entry pints fr students in 7th and 9th grades t which we typically accept 150 and 50students respectively(分别地).
    Marist Schl uses Ravenna, an applicatin management system, fr all aspects f the admissin prcess. Thrugh Ravenna, parents can access the Marist applicatin, submit supprting materials, track applicatin status (状况), and view admissin decisins. Our applicatin fr the2024 -2025 schl year will be available late September with a January 22,2024 deadline.
    Imprtantly, Marist cntinues t require the SSAT as part f the applicatin prcess. On Saturday, January 6, 2024, Marist will serve as a cmmunity test site fr the SSAT. This is the last natinal testing day befre ur applicatin deadline when a first set f SSAT scres is due.
    Imprtant Dates
    21. What is the text?
    A. A curse schedule. B. An applicatin guide.
    C. An academic article. D. A cmmercial advertisement.
    22. What a parent can d thrugh Ravenna?
    A. Take the first set f the SSAT test. B. Register a ttal f 200 students.
    C. Interact with teachers ffline. D. Deal with all parts f the applicatins.
    23. Applicants can submit their supplemental materials by .
    A. December 3,2023. B. January 22,2024.
    C. February 1,2024. D. March 30,2024.
    Gerge Shull was brn in 1874 n a farm in Clark Cunty, Ohi, and his knwledge f plants and hybrids came at an early age. Being needed n the farm, Shull received his early frmal educatin ff and n. Hwever, it was supplemented(增补) by intense hme study s that by 1892he was teaching in a public schl, and later attending Antich Cllege.
    In 1901, he graduated frm Antich and went t the University f Chicag t d graduate wrk. With his knwledge f btany and experience with farming practices, Shull passed a Civil Service exam, and was appinted as a btanical assistant at the U. S. Natinal Herbarium. After earning her dctrate, he was appinted t be in charge f plant wrk at the Statin fr Experimental Evlutin in 1904.
    He began wrking n crn in 1905. Fllwing Gregr Mendel’s example, Shull btained purebred(纯种的) strains f crn thrugh self-pllinatin. The purebred strains were less healthy and prductive, but when he crssed the purebred strains, the hybrid yields were better than any f the parents r thse pllinated in the pen fields. He immediately recgnized the ptential fr using this strategy t imprve crp yields.
    In 1915, Shull accepted a prfessrship at Princetn University. With his encuragement, Princetn University Press began the publicatin f a new jurnal, Genetics. Shull was the managing editr fr ten years. Genetics is still ne f the tp internatinal science jurnals.
    Shull retired in 1942. He and his wife spent mst f their later years with their children and grandchildren.
    24. What can we infer frm paragraph 1 and 2?
    A. Gerge Shull hated frmal educatin.
    B. Gerge Shull benefited frm his hme study.
    C. Gerge Shull had n farming wrk experience.
    D. Gerge Shull wrked as a btanical expert at cllege.
    25. What d we knw abut Gerge Shull's methd f crn breeding?
    A. It was accepted wrldwide.
    B. It was first published in Genetics.
    C. It cmpletely relied n self-pllinatin.
    D. It fcused n crssing purebred strains.
    26. Hw des the authr mainly develp the text?
    A. By fllwing time rder. B. By making cmparisns.
    C. By giving examples. D. By presenting a scientific study.
    27. Gerge Shull’s cntributin t the wrld can be best described as
    A. cnventinal. B. cmmn. C. innvative. D. insignificant.
    Recently researchers are discvering that learning is easier, quicker and mre lng-lasting if it invlves the bdy. T sme extent, the discvery shuld cme as n surprise. Cnsider that many f us prbably began t understand basic arithmetic(算术) by cunting n ur fingers befre learning t cunt in ur head.
    Cnventinal thinking had it that as we grew, we became mre able t think abstractly(抽象地), which might suggest teachers shuld help wean children ff bdy gestures t prepare them fr the adult wrld. But in truth, the physical wrld never really leaves ur thinking. Fr example, when we prcess verbs such as lick, kick and pick, medical scanners shw that the parts f ur brain that cntrl the muscles in ur face, legs and hands becme mre active.
    This thery is called embdied cgnitin(体验认知), and it suggests that what ges n in ur minds cmes frm ur actins and interactins with the wrld arund us. It means that encuraging children t think and learn in a cmpletely abstract way might actually make lessns harder fr them t understand and remember.
    Science is beginning t supprt the idea that actins really might speak luder than wrds in the classrm. Spencer Kelly, a psychlgist at Clgate University in New Yrk, has fund that peple spend three times as much time making gestures when the message they cnvey is particularly imprtant. Kelly has als fund evidence that students like a teacher better when that teacher uses arm and hand mvements t emphasize pints. Meanwhile, Susan Wagner Ck, a psychlgist at the University f Iwa in Iwa City, has fund that children pick up new cncepts mre effectively if they are taught t mirrr and repeat the gestures their teacher uses, and that lessns invlving wrds and gestures live lnger in a student’s memry than lessns using wrds alne.
    28. The underlined phrase “wean children ff bdy gestures” in paragraph 2 means“ ”?
    A. let children be aware f bdy gestures.
    B. encurage children t use bdy gestures.
    C. give children an accunt f bdy gestures.
    D. make children stp using bdy gestures.
    29. Accrding t embdied cgnitin, which f the fllwing statements can be inferred?
    A. Our minds can decide ur actins.
    B. It encurages students t study in an abstract way.
    C. Interacting with the surrundings is imprtant fr ne's cgnitin.
    D. Interacting with the wrld makes lessns harder fr us t learn.
    30. What can we learn frm Spencer Kelly's study?
    A. Yung students like t mirrr their teacher's gestures.
    B. Bdy mvements can raise a teacher's ppularity.
    C. Bdy language is mre pwerful than spken language.
    D. Teachers use few bdy gestures when the message is imprtant .
    31. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. A new finding abut learning. B. Disadvantages f thinking abstractly.
    C. The functin f bdy language. D. A study n classrm teaching.
    The cmmnly held belief that it takes 21 days t frm a new habit can be traced back t a
    1960 bk by plastic surgen Maxwel Maltz called Psych-Cybernetics. In his wrk treating patients wh had gne thrugh facial recnstructin surgery, Maltz nticed that it typically tk arund three weeks fr them t adjust t seeing their new faces in the mirrr. He als fund that individuals wh had lst a limb still sensed “phantm(幻觉的)”pains in the missing arm r leg fr abut 21 days.
    Based n these perceptins(认知) f recvery time after significant physical changes, Maltz therized in his bk that it likely takes a minimum f 21 days fr the neurlgical path ways in ur brains assciated with ld behavirs and habits t g away, and fr new mental images and rutines t take firm rt. This idea f a standardized 21-day frmatin perid fr habits sn became widely accepted.
    Hwever, Maltz was drawing causal inferences rather than cnducting strict scientific research. It wasn't until 2010 that health psychlgist Phillippa Lally at University Cllege Lndn decided t prperly study habit frmatin timelines. She designed a year-lng experiment that tracked 96participants as they each established a single new habit f their chsing. Every day, subjects reprted n whether they successfully perfrmed their intended behavir that day as well as hw autmatic the actin felt.
    Lally' findings revealed that n average, it tk 66 days befre a habit became a nrmal part f a rutine and felt autmatic. But results varied widely, with habits frming anywhere frm 18 days up t 254 days between individuals. Cnsistency (连 贯 性) was the key factr in successfully making a behavir habitual, with smetimes missing days nt stpping verall prgress.
    This landmark study prved the assumed 21-day standard t be false and shwed that a wide range f timelines are nrmal.
    32. What is Maltz's assumptin based n?
    A. A strict scientific research. B. Psychlgical wrk.
    C. His persnal bservatins. D. Carefully designed surveys.
    33. Why did Lally's team cnduct the research?
    A. T supprt Maltz's thery n habit frmatin.
    B. T explre the factrs in affecting habit frmatin.
    C. T identify the timelines fr establishing new habits.
    D. T explain advantages f develping gd behavirs.
    34. What d we knw abut Lally's findings?
    A. It is harder t frm a new habit than t stick t an ld ne.
    B. There are large individual differences in frming habits.
    C. Mst participants tk 66 days t make a behavir habitual.
    D. Occasinal stps have a big effect n the prcess f habit frmatin.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Des It Really Take 21 Days t Build a New Habit?
    B. Hw D We Develp Sme Psitive Daily Rutines?
    C. What Are the Key Aspects t Establish a New Habit?
    D. When Is the Best Time t Start Psitive Daily Rutines?
    第二节(共5 小题;每小题2.5分, 共 12.5分)
    We generally have gals ver the curse f a day r week, and can check them ff ur lists with little difficulty. 36 What if we have gals set fr us by ur bss that we need t achieve but just can't seem t get t? What if yu've prcrastinated(拖延) t lng n yur gals and nw yu dn't even knw where t start?
    * Define the gal
    Identifying the gal and deciding if it is still pssible t d it is the first step. 37 There may be circumstances that prevented yu frm getting it dne. Or maybe sme ther reasn that needs t be addressed. Dn't waste time being hard n yurself. Just start where yu are nw and see what yu can d frm this pint nward.
    * 38
    Begin with priritizing the steps yu'll need t develp a reliable plan. Gathering the tls r skills yu will need is a gd place t start. Remember t ask fr clarity if there is smething standing in the way f understanding the prject. Write ut a schedule t ensure yu are using yur time and energy in a way that will wrk fr yu.
    * Establish new habits
    39 Make steps tward prgress every day t keep ging. Rewards may strengthen yur effrts. Internal rewards might include feeling gd abut yurself, less stress, and accuntability. Sme examples f external rewards culd be that yu get paid fr the jb r receive sme recgnitin fr the wrk yu've dne.
    * Take actin
    Becme a der by remving excuses and making a cmmitted decisin t attain yur gal.Breaking yur tasks dwn t individual steps can help yu stay fcused n the prcess. But with all f yur planning, educatin, tls, and instructrs, the bttm line is yu have t find a way t get ging and d it. 40 And what yu learn alng the way might just surprise yu.
    A. Make a new plan
    B. Reassess yur directin
    C. Then ask yurself why yu didn't d it.
    D. Sme are shrt-term and are achieved quickly and easily.
    E. If yu really want t achieve yur gals, there's n replacement fr actin.
    F. But what abut the bigger gals we dn't really want t d in the first place?
    G. Frming a habit requires repetitin f the desired new actin ver a perid f time.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)
    The mst imprtant day I remember in all my life is the ne n which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan, came t me.
    On the afternn f that 41 day, I guessed frm the hurrying t and frm in the huse that smething unusual was abut t happen, s I went t the dr and 42 quietly n the steps, full f expectatin.
    Befre my teacher came and educated me, I, a deaf, dumb(哑的) and blind 7-year-ld girl, was like a tense and 43 ship withut a cmpass(指南针) feeling its way in a thick fg, nt knwing hw near the 44 was. “Light! Give me light!” was the wrdless cry f my sul, and the light f 45 shne n me in that very hur.
    I felt 46 ftsteps. I stretched ut my hand 47 I wuld t my mther. Smene tk it, and I was held clse in the arms f her wh had cme t 48 all things t me, and mre than all things else, t lve me.
    The mrning after my teacher came, she led me int her rm and gave me a 49 . When I had played with it a little while, she slwly spelled int my hand the wrd “d--l-l”. I was at nce50 in this finger play and tried t imitate(模仿) it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters crrectly, I 51 childish pleasure and pride. Running dwnstairs t my mther I held up my 52 and made the letters fr dll. I did nt knw that I was spelling a wrd r even that wrds existed; I was simply making my fingers g in mnkey-like imitatin. In the days that fllwed I learned t spell in this uncmprehending (不理解的) way a great many wrds, 53them pin, hat and cup. 54 my teacher had been with me several weeks befre I understd that everything has a 55 .
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容( 1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China will establish a pilt free trade zne r FTZ in the Xinjiang Uygur autnmus regin 56 (prmte) high-quality develpment in the central and western regins, and better serve the Belt and Rad Initiative, accrding t a guideline 57 (issue) by the State Cuncil n Tuesday. The pilt FTZ will have three subznes in Urumqi, Kashgar and Khrgs, 58 cvers a cmbined area f 179.66 square kilmeters.
    59 ( take) full advantage f its land and air prts, the Urumqi subzne will strengthen the cnstructin f a land prt-based natinal lgistics (物流) center. It will als becme an imprtant platfrm fr exchanges and cperatin 60 neighbring cuntries in Central Asia. Based n its advantageus lcatin fr internatinal trade and lgistics, the Kashgar subzne will grw 61 (it) exprt ecnmy, placing emphasis n labr-intensive industries. Building n 62 strengths f crss-brder cperatin, the Khrgs subzne will prmte the develpment f crss-brder lgistics, turism, and ther mdern service 63 (industry).
    A high-quality FTZ with high standards 64 (establish) in three t five years, with a greater trade cnvenience, 65 (gd) resurce sharing, effective management, and the ability t drive the develpment f their surrunding areas.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假定你是李华,你的好朋友Tm 是某校的交换生。他来信说因为书写不够美观整洁,在多次考试中作文得分都受到影响,这让他感到十分困扰。请你给 Tm回信,并针对他的问题给出建议。
    1.表示理解; 2.提出建议; 3.表达希望。
    注意: 1.写作词数应为 80左右;
    2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
    Dear Tm,

    Li Hua
    Many years ag, after my cllege graduatin, I finally tk a jb as the head cach at a schl in Baxley, Gergia. It was a small schl with a weak ftball prgram.
    It was a traditin fr the schl's ld team t play against the new team at the end f spring practice and then autumn practice. The ld team had n cach, and they didn't even practice t prepare fr the game. Being the cach f the new team, I was excited because I knew we were ging t win. After all, my team attended at least ne training sessin each week during the spring mnths, and I was delighted t see that they had mastered the basic skills such as shrt pass, crss pass, and man-fr-man marking(盯人防守), mre imprtantly, learning t team up with thers. They trained hard and wanted t win the game. But t ur great disappintment, we were defeated by the ld team which seemed t be bund t lse!
    I culdn't believe we had gt int such a situatin. My team was as embarrassed and depressed as I, lwering their heads and dragging their feet ut f the ftball field. When I gathered them tgether t reflect why we lst the game, sme students cmplained, “In a small schl with a weak ftball prgram, failure is due!” Other students said that they didn't have enugh time t make full preparatins fr it.
    Listening t their reflectin, I was lst in deep thught. Suddenly, a saying ccurred t me, “Winners are made, nt brn.” My team might nt be the number ne team in Gergia, but they were depending n me. I had t change my attitude abut their ability and ptential. Instead f seeing my bys as lsers, I shuld push and encurage them. I shuld als help them t see themselves differently, and build themselves int winners.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    I decided t d everything t help them win the game.

    The autumn practice ended and again we faced the ld team.

    September 2023-March 2024
    Marist Schl admissins events
    Late September 2023
    Marist 2024 -2025 applicatin available in Ravenna
    Octber 2023-January 2024
    Required SSAT testing
    December 3,2023
    Open Huse
    January 22,2024
    Deadline t apply t Marist; preliminary ( 初 步 的 )applicatin and fee, parent and student questinnaires, and a first set f SSAT scres are due
    February 1,2024
    Deadline fr Marist t receive any utstanding supplemental materials, and teacher evaluatins are due
    February 12,2024
    Deadline t submit separate tuitin assistance applicatin
    March 30,2024
    AAAIS cmmn ntificatin date
    April 11,2024
    Deadline t respnd t ffer f admissin
    41. A. imprtant
    B. nrmal
    C. ptential
    D. enrmus
    42. A. bwed
    B. fled
    C. waited
    D. psed
    43. A. excellent
    B. anxius
    C. incredible
    D. artificial
    44. A. directin
    B. rute
    C. destinatin
    D. tunnel
    45. A. lve
    B. favur
    C. visin
    D. pain
    46. A. warning
    B. expanding
    C. wandering
    D. appraching
    47. A. if
    B. as
    C. except
    D. what
    48. A. share
    B. devte
    C. reveal
    D. witness
    49. A. dll
    B. pin
    C. hat
    D. cup
    50. A. distinct
    B. efficient
    C. accurate
    D. interested
    51. A. was ashamed f
    B. was cmmitted t
    C. was cmprised f D. was vercme with
    52. A. chin
    B. hand
    C. cheek
    D. chest
    53. A. ver
    B. within
    C. amng
    D. during
    54. A. But
    B. While
    C. Thugh
    D. Hence
    55. A. rle
    B. name
    C. theme
    D. credit

    湖北省云学名校联盟2023~2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题及答案: 这是一份湖北省云学名校联盟2023~2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题及答案,文件包含英语试题pdf、英语评分细则pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    73,湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题: 这是一份73,湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高二上学期12月联考英语试题,共12页。

    湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期12月联考英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份湖北省云学名校联盟2023-2024学年高一上学期12月联考英语试卷(Word版附答案),共15页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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