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    这是一份新疆乌鲁木齐市新疆实验中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中英语试题(Word版附解析),共23页。试卷主要包含了 考试结束后,请将答题卡交回等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (卷面分值:150分 考试时间:120分钟)
    1. 本试卷为问答分离式试卷,共10页,其中问卷8页,答卷2页。答题前请考生务必将自己的班级、姓名、座位号、准考证号等信息填写在答题卡上。
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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. What des the man d at hme?
    A. He washes the dishes B. He des the gardening C. He sweeps the flr.
    2. Hw many peple died in the crash?
    A. Nne. B. Tw. C. Fur.
    3. What des the man think f driving t wrk?
    A. It is annying. B. It is satsfactry. C. It is time-wasting.
    4. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A piece f news. B. Sme sldiers. C. The natural envirnment.
    5. When is the man’s flight. leaving fr America?
    A. 11: 00 a. m. B. 11: 20 a. m. C. 1: 00 p. m.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
    6. What is the wman wrried abut the dress?
    A. The size. B. The clur. C. The style.
    7. What will the wman d next’
    A. Try n a dress. B. Leave the place. C. Find a mre stylish dress.
    8. What is the purpse f the survey?
    A. T d a market research. B. T intrduce a new prduct.
    C. T ask peple t apply fr credit cards.
    9. What des the man ask the wman t d?
    A Pay fr his shpping. B. Sign a frm. C. Pay his credit card bills.
    10. Hw did the speakers arrive?
    A. On ft. B. By taxi. C. By car.
    11. What are the speakers prbably ging t watch?
    A. A car race. B. A tennis game. C. A sccer match.
    12. Why did the speakers arrive earlier?
    A. T find Peter. B. T get a gd place. C. T meet the players.
    13. When des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At the end f a term. B. In the middle f a term. C. At the beginning f a term.
    14. What des the wman suggest ding?
    A. Watching a famus film. B. Playing sme gd music. C. Asking everyne t dress up.
    15. What will the speakers discuss tmrrw?
    A. What clthes t wear. B. What games t rganize. C. What music t play.
    16. What fd will the speakers prepare?
    A. Pizza. B. Bread. C. Fried chicken.
    17. What is the purpse f the prjects?
    A. T ffer jbs frm abrad.
    B. T let peple get higher educatin.
    C. T imprve internatinal understanding.
    18. Hw lng is the prject in Japan?
    A. Six mnths. B. Six weeks. C. Three weeks.
    19. What will vlunteers in the secnd prject d?
    A. Wrk with the lcal peple. B. D sme gardening. C. Prvide medical care.
    20. Where will the medical students wrk?
    A. In a language schl. B. In a children’s hliday centre. C. In a centre fr disabled children.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
    There’s a lt t see in Badlands Natinal Park (BADL).
    Castle Trail: A Badlands Natinal Park Favrite.
    We’re kicking things ff with the lngest trail in the park — and it is an excellent ne. This 5-mile jurney takes yu thrugh the backcuntry f Badlands, with the main destinatin being the incredible Castle Rck frmatin. Alng the way, yu’ll hike thrugh grassland. And as always in the Badlands, watch ut fr snakes.
    See Bisn in Sage Creek Wilderness Area
    Are yu as crazy abut wildlife? Sage Creck is fr yu. Lcated in Wall, SD, this is ne f the largest areas f preserved mixed-grass prairie (草原) left in the United States. And it’s ne f the best places fr Nrth American bisn (野牛). But remember t always stay in yur vehicle, and never get ut t apprach a bisn. This is nt nly illegal (非法的), but can cst yu yur life.
    Ascend the Amazing Saddle Pass Trail
    Saddle Pass is a shrt trail, but ne yu wn’t want t miss. One f the mst phtgraphed spts in Badlands Natinal Park is als ne f the clest climbing experiences, hands dwn. Here, yu’ll climb up the Badlands Wall itself int a view f the White River Valley. The trail gets its name frm the shape f the prairie yu’ll travel.
    Badlands Natinal Park’s Tp Hike: Ntch Trail
    As the mst ppular hike in the Badlands, Ntch Trail features a fantastic ladder climb and abslutely breath-taking views. This trail is wrth the difficulty, but it is nt recmmended fr anyne with a fear f heights, and can be dangerus during r after heavy rains. The mst Badlands injuries take place here, s be sure t practice safely.
    1. What makes Sage Creek special?
    A. Its lngest trail.B. Its large prairie.
    C. Its unique scenery.D. Its dangerus climbing.
    2. Which place is named after the shape f a prairie?
    A. Castle Trail.B. Sage Creek.
    C. Ntch Trail.D. Saddle Pass Trail.
    3. What are travelers t Ntch Trail recmmended t d?
    A. Practice safely.B. Take a pair f sunglasses.
    C. Stay in the car.D. Keep away frm the ladder.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    细节理解题。根据“See Bisn in Sage Creek Wilderness Area”部分中的“Lcated in Wall, SD, this is ne f the largest areas f preserved mixed-grass prairie (草原) left in the United States.(这片草原位于SD的沃尔,是美国现存面积最大的混合草原之一。)”可知,塞奇溪的大草原使它与众不同。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Ascend the Amazing Saddle Pass Trail”部分中的“The trail gets its name frm the shape f the prairie yu’ll travel.(这条小径的名字来源于你将要走过的草原的形状。)”可知,鞍口步道是以草原的形状命名的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Badlands Natinal Park’s Tp Hike: Ntch Trail”部分中的“The mst Badlands injuries take place here, s be sure t practice safely.(大多数的荒地伤害都发生在这里,所以一定要安全地进行。)”可知,去Ntch Trail旅游的人被建议要安全进行(攀登)。故选A。
    Duan Jiayang, a 12-year-ld student f a primary schl in Yinchuan, Ningxia, learns the skills required t attend vegetable fields.
    “I learned hw t place the mulch film (地膜),” he says, “It’s nt easy.”
    In China, many parents place a heavy fcus n their children’s gd marks, but career skills have little been cared.
    “Sme parents d everything fr their children,” says Yan Mei, an fficial in a primary schl, adding that many students lack the basic skills which are needed in their daily lives. Fr example, Yan says, sme parents, nt their children, wuld d the schl’s general cleaning.
    Since March last year, the gvernments have launched (发布) a lt f plicies, requiring that clleges, middle schls and primary schls pay mre attentin t teaching students practical skills.
    Fllwing these plicies, the primary schl launched an “agricultural class base” n ne f its schlyards. Students plant fruit and vegetables n an area f land abut 4, 000 m2 in size.
    With May Day hliday cming near, students f varius grades at the schl wrked tgether in the fields, says schl principal Yang B. They planted watermeln, carrt and cm. May Day, als knwn as Labr Day, is celebrated n May 1st in China.
    The schl hpes that students will understand the fd is quite precius s that they will better realize the difficulties that their parents went thrugh.
    4. Which f the fllwing has the similar meaning t the underlined wrd in the first paragraph?
    A. Lk fr.B. Turn up.C. Cut ut.D. Take care f.
    5. What d many parents care mst in the passage?
    A. Children’s life skills.B. Children’s high marks.
    C. Teachers’ skills curse.D. Teachers’ teaching level.
    6. What is the schl’s purpse t hld the planting activity befre Labr Day?
    A. Students shuld learn the basic life skills.
    B. Students shuld enjy themselves at schl.
    C. Students shuld understand the imprtance f labr.
    D. Students shuld realize the difficulties their parents went thrugh.
    7. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Duan Jiayang, a Hard-wrking Student
    B. Schls Fllw the Gvernments’ Plicies
    C. Kids Get a Lessn in Life thrugh Skills Curse
    D. Parents Hpe fr Children’s Gd Results in Schl
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C
    词句猜测题。根据第二段““I learned hw t place the mulch film (地膜),” he says, “It’s nt easy.”(“我学会了如何放置地膜,”他说,“这并不容易。”)”可知,这个学生正在学习一些照顾菜地的技能。由此可知,划线单词attend意为“照顾,照料”,和take care f意思相近。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“In China, many parents place a heavy fcus n their children’s gd marks, but career skills have little been cared.(在中国,许多父母非常重视孩子的好成绩,但很少关心他们的职业技能。)”可知,中国的父母更多关注的是孩子们的好成绩。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第五段“Since March last year, the gvernments have launched (发布) a lt f plicies, requiring that clleges, middle schls and primary schls pay mre attentin t teaching students practical skills.(自去年3月以来,政府推出了许多政策,要求大学、中学和小学更加重视教授学生实用技能。)”以及倒数第二段“With May Day hliday cming near, students f varius grades at the schl wrked tgether in the fields, says schl principal Yang B. They planted watermeln, carrt and cm. May Day, als knwn as Labr Day, is celebrated n May 1st in China.(学校校长杨波说,随着五一假期的临近,学校各个年级的学生一起在地里干活。他们种了西瓜、胡萝卜和玉米。五一节,也被称为劳动节,在中国是在5月1日庆祝。)”可推知,在五一劳动节之前让各个年级的学生在田里一起劳动是为了让学生们明白劳动的重要性,学习更多的生活技能。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第五段“Since March last year, the gvernments have launched (发布) a lt f plicies, requiring that clleges, middle schls and primary schls pay mre attentin t teaching students practical skills.(自去年3月以来,政府推出了许多政策,要求大学、中学和小学更加重视教授学生实用技能。)”可知,本文主要讲述了一些学校开设教授学生实践技能的课程,使学生收获很多,并强调了劳动教育的重要性。 由此可知,C选项“Kids Get a Lessn in Life thrugh Skills Curse(孩子们通过技能课程学习生活)”适合作本文的标题。故选C。
    The lift-ff f any NASA space shuttle(航天飞机)is always a huge event, , but n July23, l999, it was particularly emtinal fr a grup f wmen whse nickname was the “Mercury 13”. On that day, Eileen Cllins became the first wman t cmmand a space shuttle ever.
    Almst Astrnauts: 13 Wmen Wh Dared t Dream is a pht essay bk that tells the stry f thirteen female pilts, knwn as the “Mercury 13”, wh attempted t jin NASA’s astrnaut prgram in the 1960s, when there was an unspken rule in America: yu had t be a man if yu wanted t be an astrnaut.
    They participated in the Wmen in Space prgram, in which they nt nly cmpleted the tests but als, surpassed the results f male astrnauts. Hwever, their ambitin, curage, and achievements were ignred(忽视)by NASA and ther gvernment figures, invlving Vice President Lyndn B. Jhnsn, wh was in favr f stpping wmen frm being astrnauts.
    Of curse, thse 13 wmen never made it t space, but they cntinued t push fr female pilts t be admitted t the space prgram. Because f their curageus struggle, later generatins succeeded.
    Yunger female readers will enjy reading these stries abut wmen wh vercame criticism, prejudice(偏见)and injustice and dared t achieve mre than the rles sciety wished them t play. Nt nly are these wmen excellent rle mdels fr ur girls, they are als a gd reminder f hw hard wmen nce fught fr us, s we can enjy the relative equality tday. I wuld recmmend this bk t any yung wman, especially ne in high schl wh is ready t take n the wrld n her wn, ne wh may be questining where she will take her life and definitely ne wh may be dreaming bigger than mst peple think is apprpriate.
    8. Why didn’t the 13 wmen make it int space in the 1960s?
    A. They didn’t have experience.B. They were stpped by prejudice.
    C. They disbeyed the rules f NASA.D. They didn’t meet the skill requirement.
    9. Which f the fllwing best describes “Mercury 13”?
    A. Curius and calm.B. Generus and helpful.
    C. Creative and imaginative.D. Ambitius and determined.
    10. What can we learn frm the 13 wmen’s stry?
    A. Educatin plays a imprtant rle.B. Lve breaks dwn difficulties.
    C. Helping thers is helping yurself.D. Sticking t dreams makes a difference.
    11. What’s the purpse f the text?
    A. T recmmend a bk.B. T explain a situatin.
    C. T argue ver a scial prblem.D. T tell the public f an event.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. D 11. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Almst Astrnauts: 13 Wmen Wh Dared t Dream is a pht essay bk that tells the stry f thirteen female pilts, knwn as the “Mercury 13”, wh attempted t jin NASA’s astrnaut prgram in the 1960s, when there was an unspken rule in America: yu had t be a man if yu wanted t be an astrnaut.(《几乎是宇航员:13个敢于梦想的女人》是一本摄影随笔书,讲述了被称为“水星13号”的13名女飞行员在20世纪60年代试图加入美国宇航局宇航员计划的故事,当时美国有一条潜规则:如果你想成为一名宇航员,你必须是男性。)”可知,这13名女性在20世纪60年代没有进入太空的原因是被歧视阻碍。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段第二句“Hwever, their ambitin, curage, and achievements were ignred (忽视) by NASA and ther gvernment figures, invlving Vice President Lyndn B. Jhnsn, wh was in favr f stpping wmen frm being astrnauts.(然而,她们的雄心、勇气和成就却被美国国家航空航天局和其他政府官员所忽视,其中包括支持阻止女性成为宇航员的副总统林登·B·约翰逊。)”和第四段“Of curse, thse 13 wmen never made it t space, but they cntinued t push fr female pilts t be admitted t the space prgram. Because f their curageus struggle, later generatins succeeded.(当然,这13名女性从未进入太空,但她们继续推动女性飞行员被允许进入太空计划。由于她们的勇敢奋斗,后人成功了。)”可知,这十三名女性雄心勃勃且坚定。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Of curse, thse 13 wmen never made it t space, but they cntinued t push fr female pilts t be admitted t the space prgram. Because f their curageus struggle, later generatins succeeded.(当然,这13名女性从未进入太空,但她们继续推动女性飞行员被允许进入太空计划。由于她们的勇敢奋斗,后人成功了。)”可知,从这十三名女性的故事中可以学到坚持梦想会带来不同的道理。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Almst Astrnauts: 13 Wmen Wh Dared t Dream is a pht essay bk that tells the stry f thirteen female pilts, knwn as the “Mercury 13”, wh attempted t jin NASA’s astrnaut prgram in the 1960s, when there was an unspken rule in America: yu had t be a man if yu wanted t be an astrnaut.(《几乎是宇航员:13个敢于梦想的女人》是一本摄影随笔书,讲述了被称为“水星13号”的13名女飞行员在20世纪60年代试图加入美国宇航局宇航员计划的故事,当时美国有一条潜规则:如果你想成为一名宇航员,你必须是男性。)”和最后一段第一句“Yunger female readers will enjy reading these stries abut wmen wh vercame criticism, prejudice (偏见) and injustice and dared t achieve mre than the rles sciety wished them t play.(年轻的女性读者会喜欢读这些故事,这些故事讲述了女性克服批评、偏见和不公正,敢于取得比社会希望她们扮演的角色更多的成就。)”可知,这篇文章的目的是推荐一本书。故选A。
    As we all knw, children are fast learners when learning a secnd language. Hwever, adults can study a secnd language as fast as children, a new study reprts. Adults can develp the increased neural (神经的) cnnectins with language study that can avid dementia (痴呆) by fur years, as well as make traveling a lt easier.
    In an examinatin f Spanish secnd-language learners, the researchers fund that after simplest training, the brain activity between sentences that relied n grammatical features unique t each language was similar t that f native speakers. “I think it is the reasn why peple think university freign language teaching is gd. It shws that, even with limited time in the cllege classrm, learning can happen quite quickly and well.” said prfessr Alisn Gabriele, the c-authr f the paper.
    Beynd that, it gives parents mre reasns t study a secnd language as part f a family effrt. Further research has shwn that learning a language as a family effrt imprves everyne’s abilities and gives pprtunities fr learning smething that are mstly absent frm classrm settings. Natinal Legraphic reprts in an interview with Christine Jemigan, authr f Family Language Learning: Learn Anther Language, Raise Bilingual Children, that as fr immersin (沉浸) in language study, practicing a secnd language with peple is the mst imprtant part, and wh talks t each ther mre than a family? Language learners need t be brave. Besides, they shuld ready themselves fr making mistakes and receive thers’ advice.
    Mst peple will be far mre cmfrtable making mistakes arund family members than in a classrm setting. Furthermre, any hme activity. whether that’s gardening. playing in the yard, watching mvies, ging shpping, cleaning, r cking a meal, becmes an pprtunity fr language learning Jernigan suggests preparing vcabulary befre an activity and using it as shrt hmewrk. Jernigan suggests using subtitles (字幕) t, s yu can see which wrds are being used.
    12. What des the new study in paragraph 1 find?
    A. Kids ften travel a lt n their wn.
    B. Adults have learnt a secnd language better than kids.
    C. Adults can study a secnd language as quickly as kids.
    D. Kids are likely t develp the increased neural cnnectins.
    13. What des Alisn Gabriele think f learning a language in the cllege classrm?
    A. It is bring.B. It is successful.
    C. It is challenging.D. It is disappinting.
    14. What is the advantage f learning a language as a family effrt?
    A. Making parents cntrl kids easily.B. Helping kids frm gd learning habits.
    C. Keeping kids fcusing n the classrm.D. Having mre chances t learn in ther situatins.
    15. What shuld language learners d accrding t the text?
    A. Be brave t take mre risks.B. Fit in with new learning envirnment.
    C. Be ready t accept ther’s cmments.D. Spend much time ding hme activities.
    【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“Hwever, adults can study a secnd language as fast as children, a new study reprts.(然而,一项新的研究报告称,成年人学习第二语言的速度和儿童一样快。)”可知,第一段中的新研究发现成年人学习第二语言的速度可以和孩子一样快。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句““I think it is the reasn why peple think university freign language teaching is gd. It shws that, even with limited time in the cllege classrm, learning can happen quite quickly and well.” said prfessr Alisn Gabriele, the c-authr f the paper.(“我认为这就是人们认为大学外语教学很好的原因。它表明,即使在大学课堂上的时间有限,学习也可以很快很好地进行。”该论文的合著者艾莉森·加布里埃尔教授说。)”可知,艾莉森·加布里埃尔认为在大学课堂上学习一门语言是很成功的。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段第二句“Further research has shwn that learning a language as a family effrt imprves everyne’s abilities and gives pprtunities fr learning smething that are mstly absent frm classrm settings.(进一步的研究表明,在家庭的努力下学习一门语言可以提高每个人的能力,并提供学习课堂场景上大多缺乏的东西的机会。)”可知,和家人一起学习一门语言的好处是有更多的在其它场景下学习的机会。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Besides, they shuld ready themselves fr making mistakes and receive thers’ advice.(此外,他们应该做好犯错的准备,接受别人的建议。)”可知,语言学习者应该准备接受别人的评价。故选C。
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    Many peple find it hard t say n, even when they are ver-stressed, ver-bked and just t busy t take n anything else. ____16____ . But it’s imprtant t learn hw t say n t peple and their requests. Being unable can cntribute t mre stress, which may eventually turn t resentment (怨恨).
    ____17____ . This article discusses sme strategies yu can use t set bundaries, prtect yur persnal time and say n mre ften.
    I’m srry – I can’t d this right nw
    Smetimes, it helps t wait and think abut whether yu can take n a cmmitment. It’s usually best nt t rush int things. ____18____ . Mst reasnable peple will accept this as an answer, s if smene keeps pressuring yu, they’re being rude.
    Let me think abut it
    If yu’re uncmfrtable being firm r are dealing with pushy peple, it’s OK t say, “Let me think abut it and get back t yu.” ____19____ .
    This strategy als allws yu t think abut whether yu want t say “yes” t anther cmmitment. T decide, d a cst-benefit analysis and then get back t them with a yes r n.
    If yu wuld really like t d what they’re requesting, but dn’t have the time, it’s fine t say n t all r part f the request but mentin a lesser cmmitment that yu can make. This way yu’ll still be partially invlved, but it will be n yur wn terms.
    A. I can’t d this, but I can d that
    B. If yu struggle with this, then yu’re nt alne
    C. I wish I culd, but I have a lt ging n right nw
    D. This gives yu a chance t review yur schedule and cnsider yur ptins
    E. Luckily, yu can learn hw t say n t peple withut causing hurt feelings
    F. If pressured, reply that it desn’t fit int yur schedule and change the subject
    G. Yu have every right t ensure yu have time fr the things that are imprtant t yu
    【答案】16. B 17. E 18. C 19. D 20. A
    上文“Many peple find it hard t say n, even when they are ver-stressed, ver-bked and just t busy t take n anything else.(许多人发现很难说不,即使是在压力过大、超额安排、太忙而没有时间做其他事情的时候。)”提出许多人很难说“不”,空处应该承接上文,指出如果你也很难说“不”,这是正常的,B项“If yu struggle with this, then yu’re nt alne(如果你为此挣扎,那么你并不孤单)”符合上下文连贯,且句中“this”代指上文提到的内容,故选B。
    上文“But it’s imprtant t learn hw t say n t peple and their requests. Being unable can cntribute t mre stress, which may eventually turn t resentment (但是学会拒绝别人和他们的要求是很重要的。不会说“不”会导致更多的压力,最终可能变成怨恨)”指出学会拒绝别人很重要,如果不会拒绝别人会导致别人怨恨你,下文“This article discusses sme strategies yu can use t set bundaries, prtect yur persnal time and say n mre ften.(这篇文章讨论了一些策略,你可以用来设定界限,保护你的个人时间,并更经常地对别人说“不”。)”指出有一些策略能帮助你学会拒绝别人,空处应用承上启下,学会拒绝别人很重要,所以你要学习一些策略,下文就此提出一些策略,E项“Luckily, yu can learn hw t say n t peple withut causing hurt feelings(幸运的是,你可以学会如何在不伤害别人感情的情况下拒绝别人)”符合上下文连贯,故选E。
    上文“Smetimes, it helps t wait and think abut whether yu can take n a cmmitment. It’s usually best nt t rush int things. (有时候,等待和思考一下你是否能够承担责任是有帮助的。通常最好不要急于求成)”指出在别人提出要求后,你要先思考一下自己是否能承担责任,不要急于求成,下文“Mst reasnable peple will accept this as an answer, s if smene keeps pressuring yu, they’re being rude.(大多数通情达理的人都会接受这个答案,所以如果有人一直向你施压,他们就是粗鲁的。)”指出通情达理的人们会接受这个答案,由此可知,空处应该指出这个答案具体是什么,即如何不急于求成地回答别人,C项“I wish I culd, but I have a lt ging n right nw(我希望我可以,但我现在有很多事要做)”符合上下文连贯,故选C。
    上文“If yu’re uncmfrtable being firm r are dealing with pushy peple, it’s OK t say, “Let me think abut it and get back t yu.” ( 如果你不喜欢强硬的态度,或者和咄咄逼人的人打交道,你可以说:“让我考虑一下,回头再联系你。”)”指出你如果对坚定立场感到不舒服,或者正在和咄咄逼人的人打交道,你可以回答“让我考虑一下,然后再给你答复”,空处应该承接上文,指出这样回答的好处,D项“This gives yu a chance t review yur schedule and cnsider yur ptins(这样你就有机会回顾你的日程安排并考虑你的选择)”符合上下文连贯,故选D。
    此处是本段小标题。由下文“If yu wuld really like t d what they’re requesting, but dn’t have the time, it’s fine t say n t all r part f the request but mentin a lesser cmmitment that yu can make.(如果你真的想做他们要求的事情,但是没有时间,对所有或者部分要求说“不”是没有关系的,但是要提到一个你可以做出的较小的承诺。)”可知,本段主要讲了如果你不能做到别人要求的某一件事时,你可以承诺做另外一件事,A项“I can’t d this, but I can d that(我做不到这件事,但我能做到那件事)”能概括出本段内容,故选A。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    On Nv. 29, 2011, my little sister Lily was brn. The whle family welcmed her arrival with pen arms. We were excited t have a new ____21____ t ur family.
    As she grew, her ____22____ became bvius. We ____23____ she wuld seem t be distant at times and was unable t ____24____ with thers. The smallest things wuld keep her entertained fr lng perids, and she wuld ____25____ the same rutine happily thrughut the day. At the age f three, Lily was taken t the hspital by my parents. We were tld that she was a child with autism(自闭症), and she wuld have ____26____ in cmmunicating and frming relatinships with thers.
    My family were heartbrken t learn that ur lved ne wuld prbably be unable t live a ____27____ life. Unaware f what exactly this wuld bring, we made a decisin t cnsider autism a ____28____. The diagnsis(诊断) brught ur family clser, and we realized a deeper ____29____ fr ne anther.
    Raising a child with a develpmental disability is a(n) _____30_____ experience. Lessns are always drawn frm mistakes, which always happens in daily life. Hwever, thrugh it all, ur family is always there watching ver her, _____31_____ a cmfrtable and safe envirnment fr her at all times. And Lily knws that she has a lving and supprtive family wh can be _____32_____ and her biggest cheerleaders when _____33_____ is achieved.
    Fr thse nrmal peple, my stry might make yu mre _____34_____ what is really imprtant in life. As fr me, autism has actually been a cmbinatin f strength, curage and hpe. It shuld nt be viewed as a burden, but rather as a present t the families frtunate enugh t _____35_____ a different lifestyle.
    21. A. pressureB. satisfactinC. additinD. respnsibility
    22. A. happinessB. carelessnessC. kindnessD. uniqueness
    23. A. reprtedB. expectedC. nticedD. prved
    24. A. fightB. cmmunicateC. mveD. debate
    25. A. repeatB. treatC. shareD. discver
    26. A. skillsB. trubleC. desireD. belief
    27. A. nrmalB. differentC. simpleD. relaxing
    28. A. medalB. testC. punishmentD. gift
    29. A. respectB. anxietyC. appreciatinD. regret
    30. A. encuragingB. learningC. tuchingD. thinking
    31. A. schedulingB. prvidingC. explringD. cntaining
    32. A. kept ffB. depended nC. lked afterD. helped ut
    33. A. cnditinB. intentinC. prgressD. prfessin
    34. A. careful withB. curius abutC. aware fD. interested in
    35. A. experienceB. imagineC. changeD. explain
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. B 31. B 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. A
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:家里有了新成员,我们都很兴奋。A. pressure压力;B. satisfactin满意;C. additin增加的人或事物;D. respnsibility责任。根据“On Nv. 29, 2011, my little sister Lily was brn. The whle family welcmed her arrival with pen arms.”可知,妹妹出生,家里增加了新的成员。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着她的成长,她的独特性越来越明显。A. happiness快乐;B. carelessness粗心;C. kindness善良;D. uniqueness独特性。根据“We ____3____ she wuld seem t be distant at times and was unable t ____4____ with thers.”可知,有时显得冷漠,无法与别人交流,身上的独特性越来越明显。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们注意到她有时似乎很疏远,无法与他人沟通。A. reprted报告;B. expected欺待;C. nticed注意到;D. prved证明。根据“she wuld seem t be distant at times and was unable t ____4____ with thers.”可知,家人注意到了她的一些特别的地方。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们注意到她有时似乎很疏远,无法与他人沟通。A. fight奋斗;B. cmmunicate交流;C. mve移动;D. debate辩论。根据“We were tld that she was a child with autism(自闭症), and she wuld have ____6____ in cmmunicating and frming relatinships with thers.”可知,这里与后文相呼应,莉莉和别人交流有困难。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:即使是最微小的事情也能让她开心很长一段时间,她会一整天都愉快地重复同样的事情。A. repeat重复;B. treat对待;C. share分享;D. discver发现。根据“the same rutine happily thrughut the day.”可知,莉莉喜欢一整天做重复的事情。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们被告知,她是一个患有自闭症的孩子,在与他人沟通和建立关系方面有困难。A. skills技能;B. truble困难;C. desire愿望;D. belief信念。have truble in ding sth.做某事有困难。根据“We ____3____ she wuld seem t be distant at times and was unable t ____4____ with thers.”和常识可知,患有自闭症的莉莉在和他人沟通、建立关系方面有困难。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:得知我们所爱的人可能无法过上正常的生活,我的家人都心碎了。A. nrmal正常的;B. different不同的;C. simple简单的;D. relaxing放松的。根据“We were tld that she was a child with autism(自闭症), and she wuld have ____6____ in cmmunicating and frming relatinships with thers.”可知,莉莉患有自闭症,且和别人交流建立关系有困难,所以莉莉无法过正常的生活。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有意识到这到底会带来什么,我们决定将自闭症视为一份礼物。A. medal奖牌;B. test测试;C. punishment惩罚;D. gift礼物。根据“It shuld nt be viewed as a burden, but rather as a present t the families frtunate enugh t ____15____ a different lifestyle.”可知,这里呼应后文,作者一家把这种病视为一种礼物。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:诊断使我们的家庭更加亲密,我们意识到对彼此更加感激。A. respect尊重;B. anxiety焦急;C. appreciatin感激;D. regret后悔。根据“The diagnsis(诊断) brught ur family clser,”可知,在照顾家人的过程中,彼此更加亲密,所以感激彼此。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:抚养有发育障碍的孩子是一种学习的经历。A. encuraging鼓励;B. learning学习;C. tuching触动;D. thinking思考。根据“Lessns are always drawn frm mistakes, which always happens in daily life.”可知,自闭症患者与正常人不一样,会面临很多问题,这需要家人共同学习。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,在这一切的过程中,我们的家人一直在那里照看着她,一直为她提供一个舒适、安全的环境。A. scheduling安排;B. prviding提供;C. explring探索;D. cntaining包含。根据“a cmfrtable and safe envirnment fr her at all times.”可知,莉莉的家人一直在那里照顾着她,为她提供舒服、安全的环境。故选B。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:莉莉知道她有一个充满爱和支持的家庭,他们是她可以依靠的人,也是她取得进步时最大的支持者。A. kept ff让开;B. depended n依靠;C. lked after照顾;D. helped ut帮助摆脱困境。根据“Hwever, thrugh it all, ur family is always there watching ver her, ____11____ a cmfrtable and safe envirnment fr her at all times.”可知,作者一家一直守护着莉莉,所以莉莉明白她可以依靠家人。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:莉莉知道她有一个充满爱和支持的家庭,他们是她可以依靠的人,也是她取得进步时最大的支持者。A. cnditin条件;B. intentin打算;C. prgress进步;D. prfessin职业。根据“And Lily knws that she has a lving and supprtive family wh can be ____12____”可知,莉莉家人非常爱她,在她取得进步时会为她欢呼。故选C。
    考查短语词义辨析。句意:对于那些正常人来说,我的故事可能会让你们更加意识到生活中什么才是真正重要的。A. careful with当心;B. curius abut好奇;C. aware f意识到;D. interested in感兴趣。根据“what is really imprtant in life.”可知,作者的经历会使读者意识到人生中到底什么东西才是真正重要的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它不应该被视为一种负担,而应该作为一份礼物,送给那些有幸体验到不同生活方式的家庭。A. experience经历,体验;B. imagine想象;C. change改变;D. explain解释。根据“It shuld nt be viewed as a burden,”及全文可知,照顾自闭症患者,整个家庭生活会和普通的正常家庭完全不一样,所以是体验一种不一样的生活方式。故选A。
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
    My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle schl, my sister and I ___36___ (dream) abut ___37___ (take) a great bike trip. When we graduated ___38___ cllege, we finally gt the chance t d it. It was ___39___ (I) sister wh first had the idea t cycle alng the Mekng River frm where it begins t ___40___ it ends. The Dai live near the Lancang River, ___41___ Chinese part f the river that is called the Mekng River in ther ___42___ (cuntry). Wang Wei sn gt them ___43___ (interest) in cycling t. She insisted that we shuld find the surce f the river. She gave me a determined lk. Once she has made ___44___ her mind, nthing can change it. ____45____ (final), I had t give in.
    【答案】36. have dreamed
    37. taking 38. frm
    39. my 40. where
    41. the 42. cuntries
    43. interested
    44. up 45. Finally
    考查现在完成时与主谓一致。句意:从中学开始,我姐姐和我就梦想着来一次很棒的自行车旅行。句子的时间状语为Ever since middle schl,所以句子用现在完成时;主语为my sister and I为复数,所以谓语动词用复数形式。故填have dreamed。
    考查介词。句意:当我们大学毕业的时候,我们终于有机会做这件事了。graduate frm指的是“从……毕业”,此处表示“大学毕业”。故填frm。
    考查固定短语。句意:她一旦下了决心,什么也改变不了。make up ne’s mind意为“下定决心”。故填up。
    第四部分 词汇知识运用(共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 根据句意,选择正确的单词填空
    46. There are tw especially interesting things t _________ abut the Inca civilisatin.
    47. Thugh we can never judge a persn by his r her appearance, the first _________ is always where we start.
    48. Jrdan’s skills were impressive, but the mental _________ that he shwed made him unique.
    49. Upn _________ frm university, he jined a small law firm.
    50. She _________ reading bks t playing vide games during her childhd.
    51. Wh d yu think shuld take the _________ fr the car accident?
    52. The _________ lk n the by’s face suggested the cntents f the new bk made him dubt his quality.
    53. Jiuzhaigu is an _________beautiful place.
    54. In sprts, there is n use _________ t fall dwn r be hurt, because the audience will see thrugh it.
    55. He’ll need an peratin n the _________ leg.
    【答案】46. admire
    47. impressin
    48. strength
    49. graduating
    50. preferred
    51. respnsibility
    52. cnfused
    53. extremely
    54. pretending
    55. injured
    考查动词。句意:印加文明有两件特别有趣的事情值得欣赏。根据“There are tw especially interesting things”可知,此处是指有两件特别有趣的事情值得欣赏,所以应用动词admire表示“欣赏”。故填admire。
    考查名词。句意:虽然我们不能以貌取人,但第一印象总是我们开始的地方。根据“is always where we start”可知,此处是指第一印象,所以应用名词impressin表示“印象”。故填impressin。
    考查名词。句意:乔丹的技术令人印象深刻,但他表现出的精神力量使他与众不同。根据“that he shwed made him unique”可知,此处是指他表现出的精神力量,所以应用名词strength表示“力量”。故填strength。
    考查动词。句意:大学毕业后,他加入了一家小律师事务所。根据“he jined a small law firm”可知,此处是指大学毕业后,所以应用动词graduating表示“毕业”。故填graduating。
    考查动词。句意:她小时候喜欢读书,不喜欢玩电子游戏。根据“reading bks t playing vide games”可知,此处是指更喜欢读书,所以应用动词preferred表示“更喜欢”。故填preferred。
    考查名词。句意:你认为谁应该为这场车祸负责?根据“fr the car accident”可知,此处是指为这场车祸负责,所以应用名词respnsibility表示“责任”。故填respnsibility。
    考查形容词。句意:男孩脸上困惑的表情表明,这本新书的内容使他怀疑自己的品质。根据“the cntents f the new bk made him dubt his quality”可知,此处是指男孩脸上困惑的表情,所以应用形容词cnfused表示“困惑的”。故填cnfused。
    考查副词。句意:九寨沟是一个极其美丽的地方。根据“beautiful place”可知,此处是指极其美丽的地方,所以应用副词extremely表示“极其”。故填extremely。
    考查动词。句意:在体育运动中,假装摔倒或受伤是没有用的,因为观众会看穿的。根据“because the audience will see thrugh it”可知,此处是指假装摔倒或受伤,所以应用动词pretending表示“假装”。故填pretending。
    考查形容词。句意:他受伤的腿需要动手术。根据“He’ll need an peratin n”可知,此处是指受伤的腿,所以应用形容词injured表示“受伤的”。故填injured。
    第二节 根据句意,选择正确的短语填空
    56. This curse seems easy and _________ freshman students.
    57. Yu dn’t have t _________ getting lw grades at the end f the term if yu try yur best nw.
    58. D nt _________. Yu shuld wrk harder t slve the prblem.
    59. It is a shame that their friendship finally _________ and they became enemies.
    60. Even in the middle f his busiest schedule, he _________ three times a week t keep fit.
    61. Many teenagers tday _________ nline games, but they shuld manage their time.
    62. Other famus sights are the Nanputu Temple and the Xiamen Btanical Garden, which _________ mre than 20 areas filled with beautiful plants.
    63. I really wanted t tell him t please be quiet and _________!
    64. Spain _________ Peru in the 16th century and ruled until 1821.
    65. Inca builders cut stnes t exact sizes _________ nthing was needed t hld walls tgether.
    【答案】56. I 57. J
    58. F 59. C
    60. B 61. A
    62. H 63. E
    64. D 65. G
    考查形容词短语。句意:这门课似乎很简单,适合大一学生。分析句子可知,空处作表语,且空后有名词短语freshman students,再结合“This curse seems easy”可推知,形容词短语is suitable fr“适合”符合题意,表示课程适合大一学生。故选I。
    考查形容词短语。句意:如果你现在尽了最大的努力,你就不必担心学期末会得低分了。分析句子可知,空后有动名词短语getting lw grades,再结合“if yu try yur best nw”可推知,形容词短语be cncerned abut“担忧,担心”符合题意,表示担心学期末会得低分。故选J。
    考查动词短语。句意:不要放弃。你应该更加努力地解决这个问题。分析句子可知,句子为祈使句,空处应用动词原形,再结合“Yu shuld wrk harder t slve the prblem.”可推知,动词短语give up“放弃”符合题意,建议不要放弃。故选F。
    考查动词短语。句意:真遗憾,他们友谊最终破裂了,他们成了敌人。分析句子可知,空处作谓语,主语为their friendship,再结合“they became enemies”可推知,动词短语fell apart“破裂”符合题意,表示他们的友谊最终破裂。故选C。
    考查动词短语。句意:即使在最忙的时候,他也每周锻炼三次以保持健康。分析句子可知,空处作谓语,再结合“t keep fit”可推知,动词短语wrks ut“锻炼”符合题意,表示每周锻炼三次。故选B。
    考查固定短语。句意:现在许多青少年都被网络游戏所吸引,但他们应该管理好自己的时间。分析句子可知,空后为名词短语nline games,再结合“they shuld manage their time”可推知,固定短语are attracted t“被……吸引”符合题意,表示被网络游戏所吸引。故选A。
    考查固定短语。句意:其他著名的景点是南普陀寺和厦门植物园,它由20多个区域组成,充满了美丽的植物。分析句子可知,空处作which引导的定语从句的谓语,先行词为the Xiamen Btanical Garden,再结合“mre than 20 areas”可推知,固定短语is made up f“由……组成”符合题意,表示植物园由20多个区域组成。故选H。
    考查动词短语。句意:我真想告诉他,请安静一点,别来烦我!分析句子可知,空处和t构成不定式,作tell的宾语补足语,再结合“please be quiet”可知,动词短语leave me alne“让我一个人待着,不要打扰我”符合题意,表示告诉他别来烦我。故选E。
    考查动词短语。句意:西班牙在16世纪控制了秘鲁,一直统治到1821年。分析句子可知,空处作谓语,空后为名词Peru,再结合“ruled”可推知,动词短语tk cntrl f“控制”符合题意,表示控制了秘鲁。故选D。
    考查固定短语。句意:印加的建造者把石头切割成精确的尺寸,因此不需要任何东西来把墙连在一起。分析句子可知,空前和空后均为完整的句子,固定短语s that“因此”符合题意,引导结果状语从句。故选G。
    第五部分 写作(20分)
    66. 假如你是李华,最近收到了你的美国朋友Jhn的来信。他在来信中说,他刚上高中,不能适应新环境,不知道如何去结交新朋友,因而情绪低落。请你给他回信,内容如下:
    Dear Jhn
    I am really smy t hear that yu feel bad after entering high schl.
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Jhn,
    I am really srry t hear that yu feel bad after entering high schl. I’d like t talk abut it with yu.
    In fact, in yur high schl, yur classmates are als new there and facing the same prblem s yu dn’t have t wrry t much abut it. There is als smething that yu can d t change this situatin. First, try t invite sme f yur classmates t take part in sme activities tgether after schl. This will help yu understand each ther better. Then, help yur classmates when they are in truble and turn t them fr help when yu have difficulty.
    I believe, yu will make many new friends and have a happy schl life there.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    担忧:wrry→cncern abut
    参加:take part in→ participate in
    事实上:in fact→as a matter f fact
    2. 句式拓展
    原句: First, try t invite sme f yur classmates t take part in sme activities tgether after schl. This will help yu understand each ther better.
    拓展句: First, try t invite sme f yur classmates t take part in sme activities tgether after schl, which will help yu understand each ther better.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Then, help yur classmates when they are in truble and turn t them fr help when yu have difficulty.(when引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]There is als smething that yu can d t change this situatin.(that引导的定语从句)A. graduating B respnsibility C. admire D. strength E. injured
    F. impressin G. pretending H. cnfused I. preferred J. extremely
    A. are attracted t B. wrks ut C. fell apart D. tk cntrl f E. leave me alne
    F. give up G. s that H. is made up f I. is suitable fr J. be cncerned abut

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