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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.Why des the wman call the man?
    A. T place an rder. B. T reprt a delay
    C. T arrange a delivery date.
    2.What des the wman want the man t d?
    A. Cllect her bk. B. Lend her a bk. C. Buy sme juice.
    3.What is the wman lking fr?
    A. Her handbag.B. Her passprt. C. Her barding pass
    4.What will the weather prbably be like this afternn?
    A. Rainy B. Fggy C. Sunny
    5.What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. A tree. B. A survey C. A cuntry
    6.Hw will the wman g t the meeting center?
    A. On ft. B. By car. C. By taxi.
    7.Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a restaurant. B. In a htel. C. At a train statin.
    8.What did the wman dislike abut the cncert?
    A. The site. B. The singer. C The music.
    9.What did the speakers think f the supprt bands?
    A. Mving B. Surprising. C. Disappinting
    10.What des the man want t deliver?
    A. Sme bks. B. Sme brchures. C. Sme DVDs.
    11.Hw lng will it take the man t send it by Airmail?
    A. Tw days B. Three days C. Within tw weeks.
    12.Hw much shuld the man pay if he uses Internatinal Signed Fr?
    A. ₤9.50. B. ₤11.50. C. ₤13.50.
    13.Hw will the man deliver his package?
    A. By Airmail. B. By Air Sure. C. By surface mail.
    14.What is the mst difficult thing fr the man t play a superher?
    A. Keeping his figure. B. Remembering the lines.
    C. Cmpleting exciting actins.
    15.When did the man start acting?
    A. After getting his first jb. B. When jining a drama club.
    C. Befre studying at university.
    16.What did the man's brthers like t d at weekends?
    A. Play sprts B. Watch films. C. Make psters
    17.Wh runs a business in the man's family?
    A. His mther. B. His father. C. His lder brther.
    18.What did the speaker want t be at first?
    A. A research scientist. B. An English teacher. C. A diving instructr.
    19.Where did the speaker g right after university?
    A. T Australia. B. T Jamaica. C. T Suth Africa.
    20.Hw d mst custmers knw the speaker's cmpany?
    A. Frm magazines B. On the Internet.
    C. Thrugh wrd f muth.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    One-t-ne English tutring persnalised t yu
    English Scre Tutrs is the British Cuncil's ne-t-ne tutring platfrm fr 13-t 17-year-lds.
    ●Build yur cnfidence with fun sessins where yu can learn at yur wn pace.
    ●Find the perfect tutr fr yu ——chse frm ur list f qualified tutrs.
    ●Study when yu want, with sessins available 24/7.
    ●Imprve with persnalised sessins designed arund yu and yur gals.
    Learn at yur wn pace
    We. understand everyne has their wn ways f learning. Sessins n English Scre Tutrs are persnalised t yur level, needs and gals. Tgether with yur chsen tutr, yu will create a learning plan that fcuses n the areas imprtant t yu.
    Our tutrs will get the best frm yu because each sessin is tailred t yu as an individual. Yur sessins will be enjyable and give yu plenty f time t practise speaking.
    Flexible learning
    Chse sessins at times that suit yu. Fit them in arund schl, weekend activities and hlidays, s that yu can learn when yu want t. Yu will get access t a persnalised dashbard t keep track f yur prgress any time.
    $1 intrductin sessin
    We ffer a 30-minute intrductin sessin where yu can chse a tutr and get a feel fr hw sessins will wrk. After this intrductry sessin, yu can decide if yu wuld like t purchase a pack f lessns t cntinue learning. Try yur first sessin fr just $1.
    ●Chse a tutr that yu wuld like t study with.
    ●Understand yur current language level and areas where yu can imprve.
    ●Get a persnalised learning plan.
    21. Wh might attend English Scre Tutrs classes?
    A. A preschl child. B. A university student.
    C. A middle-schl student. D. A wrking wman.
    22. What can yu d t understand hw the sessins wrk?
    A. Call the infrmatin centre.B. Write a letter f inquiry.
    C. Send an email t ask.D. Buy an intrductin sessin.
    23. Which clumn f a website is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. Take an Exam. B. UK-China Yuth Exchange Prgram.
    C. Learn English Online. D. Our Wrk in Arts.
    The student arrived early, sat frnt and center, and std ut in my classrm in mre ways than ne. I’d say that he was abut 40 years lder than his classmates in my undergraduate cmmunicatins class. He eagerly jumped int class discussins, with his humr and wisdm f experience. And he was always respectful f the ther students’ perspectives, as if each f them were a teacher. Jerry Valencia walked in with a smile—and he left with ne t.
    “These students gave me the cnfidence that I didn’t need t feel bad abut my age,” Valencia says.
    One day, I sptted Valencia n campus. He said he wuld have t stp taking classes that semester and reapply fr next year. By then, he hped t have earned enugh mney and have his student-lan papers in rder. He asked seriusly whether he culd still sit in n my cmmunicatins class.
    Sure, I said. But he wuldn’t get any credit.
    N prblem, he said.
    Sn there he was again, back at his ld desk, jumping int ur discussins n hw t find and tell stries in Ls Angeles—a 63-year-ld man with as much energy and curisity as any f the yungsters in class.
    A lt f Valencia’s classmates apparently knew he culdn’t affrd that semester’s tuitin but was still ding the hmewrk. “Here he is, willingly taking a class fr the delight f it and benefit f learning,”says Jessica Espinsa, a 25-year-ld junir. Afterward, I verheard Valencia wanted t stay in schl until he earned a master’s degree, but it had taken him 12 years t finish cmmunity cllege, s he had a lng way t g.
    There is smething splendidly unreasnable abut Valencia’s determinatin t get a fur-year degree and then a master’s. At his current pace, he’ll be 90 when he finally hangs all that paper n the wall. But that desn’t seem especially relevant. He’s fund all the yuthful energy and academic pprtunity stimulating. Valencia’s grade in my class this semester will nt shw up n his transcripts(成绩单). But I’m giving him an A—and in the mst imprtant ways, it cunts.
    24. What made Valencia different frm his classmates?
    A. He was respectful t the teacher.
    B. He activated the class atmsphere.
    C. He was eager t learn despite his age.
    D. He ften put frward different pinins.
    25. Accrding t the authr, why did Valencia cntinue t attend classes?
    A. He treasured the chance f learning.
    B. He wished t shw his determinatin.
    C. He needed the credits t further his study.
    D. He desired t have an A n his transcripts.
    26. Which f the fllwing best describes Valencia?
    A. Mdest and independent. B.Energetic and generus.
    C. Enthusiastic and mtivated. D.Cnsiderate and intelligent.
    27. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. N pains, n gains.
    B.It is never t ld t learn.
    C. Strike the irn while it is ht.
    D.Where there is life, there is hpe.
    When Eugenie Gerge first heard that her friend passed an exam, her heart sank. She’d failed that test weeks earlier, and needed mre wrk t advance her wn career. But instead f anxiety, she called her friend. "I cngratulated her and tld her she inspired me," she says. She was surprised when it changed her attitude, s she culd share her friend’s happiness and experience her wn, in turn.
    Finding pleasure in anther persn’s gd frtune is what scial scientists call freudenfreude, a term that describes the jy we feel when smene else succeeds, even if it isn’t directly cnnected with us. Freudenfreude is like scial glue, says Catherine Chambliss, a prfessr f psychlgy at Ursinus Cllege in Pennsylvania. It makes relatinships "clser and mre enjyable". Sharing in smene else’s jy can als imprve life satisfactin and resilience(适应力) and help peple cperate during a disagreement.
    While the benefits f freudenfreude are plentiful, it desn’t always cme easily. Smetimes, yur lss might last, making freudenfreude feel ut f reach. If yu were raised in a family that paired winning with self-wrth, Chambliss says, yu might misread smene else’s victry as yur wn persnal shrtcming. And factrs such as mental health and verall wellbeing can als affect yur ability t participate in smene else’s jy. Still, freudenfreude is wrthwhile and there are ways t encurage the feeling.
    Instead f an autmatic respnse, freudenfreude is ften an active prcess. T help peple strength enjy-sharing muscles, Chambliss and her clleagues develped a prgramme called Freudenfreude Enhancement Training (FET). They fund that depressed peple wh used the practices fr tw weeks had an easier time expressing freudenfreude, which built up their relatinships and imprved their md.
    Jean Grae, an artist, supprts friends in this mindset. When smene gets a new pprtunity r reaches a milestne, she makes sure t celebrate. Grae says she’s especially mved when anyne cnsidered ‘ther’ succeeds. "It’s truly inspiratinal," she says, "because it lifts us all up and makes us shine.”
    28. What d we knw abut Eugenie Gerge?
    A. She tk pride in passing her exam.
    B. She shared her success with her friend.
    C. She was pleased with her friend’s success.
    D. She was annyed at her failure in an exam.
    29. What des paragraph 3 mainly fcus n abut freudenfreude?
    A. Its great benefits. B. Its disadvantages.
    C. Reasns fr its absence. D. Ways f imprving it.
    30. Why is Freudenfreude Enhancement Training (FET) held?
    A. T test the effect f freudenfreude.
    B. T help peple apply freudenfreude.
    C. T get peple t knw freudenfreude.
    D. T shw the advantages f freudenfreude.
    31. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Hw t experience freudenfreude?
    B. Let’s share what leads t freudenfreude.
    C. Freudenfreude: View thers’success as ur wn.
    D. A win-win: Freudenfreude brings ur wn pleasure.
    Since 2001, rbtic tls have revlutinized the practice f surgery(外科手术). They have greatly reduced the stress and physical demands nrmally placed n surgens and have made certain prcedures pssible.
    One example is “keyhle surgery”, r minimally invasive(微创) surgery, which nrmally requires surgens t stand at awkward angles and make difficult mvements with their hands t make a cut inside the patient. But in June 2022, surgen James Ansell used 3D glasses and tw sticks t cntrl fur rbtic arms t perfrm a prcedure t remve a cancerus tumr. “ said... that this feels like cheating,” Ansell said t The Guardian.
    Anther area f surgery that has had majr technlgical breakthrughs in recent years is telesurgery. Nrmally, telesurgery relies n a wired cnnect in due t cncerns f harming the patient, shuld a wireless cnnectin drp during surgery, but China made several advancements in wireless telesurgery based n 5G technlgy.
    China achieved the first 5G-based remte peratin in March 2019 invlving a brain surgery prcedure between a surgen in Sanya and a patient in Beijing, a distance ttaling nearly 3,000kilmeters. Mre recently, a team f surgens successfully cmpleted remte micrn-level eye surgery n rabbits lcated in a different city. The rabbits were at the Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhu, Guangdng prvince, whereas the surgical team wh (perated n them via a 5G rbt were at the Hainan Eye Hspital in Haiku, Hainan prvince.
    Lking t the future, peple hpe that remte surgery culd becme cmmnplace t help heal injured sldiers n the battlefield while keeping surgens at a safe distance. Sme even believe that rbtic systems, cmbined with AI, culd ne day exceed human surgens.
    But given current technlgical limitatins and the high csts f these rbts which can cst millins f dllars, the cmplete rbt takever f surgery may still be a while ff.
    32. What des the “key hle surgery ”example intend t shw?
    A. Great cmplexity f rbtic surgery.
    B. Physical challenges surgens face.
    C. Surgical prgress enabled by rbtic tls.
    D. Urgent need fr advanced 3D technlgy.
    33. What significant achievement did China make in the field f "telesurgery?
    A. Achieving remte surgery using a wired cnnectin.
    B. Cmpleting successfully remte eye surgery n humans.
    C. Cnducting a 5G-based remte peratin n rabbits verseas.
    D. Perfrming the first wireless brain surgery with 5G technlgy.
    34. What can be inferred frm the text abut rbts in the medical field?
    A. They are quite affrdable.
    B. They are currently in high demand.
    C. They have nt been widely used.
    D. They have gne beynd human capabilities.
    35. What is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Rbtic Surgery Uses 5G Technlgy
    B. Keyhle Surgery Benefits Human Beings
    C. Autnmus Rbt Achieves Great Prgress
    D. Medical Rbtics Revlutinizes Surgery Methd
    Reslving (解决) Cnflict in Friendships
    friendships.___ely a cmmn prblem in life and friendships.___36___ That's because there isn't enugh depth t guarantee all the truble it takes t smth ver the disagreement. Unfrtunately, even when the friendship reaches a deeper level, cnflict cntinues t happen and can break apart a relatinship. Here are sme reslutins.
    Reslve it the day it happens. One rule my parents fllw in their marriage is that they dn't g t bed angry with each ther. They always attempt t reslve things the day it happens s that in the mrning, it's a fresh start with n past grudge (怨恨). I've fund I need a shrt cl dwn perid s that I dn't act in anger.___37___ Whatever yu d, dn't let things ride fr t lng.
    ___38___ Smetimes if yu sit dwn and talk things ver, yu begin t see where the ther persn is cming frm. Realize that everyne has been created differently with varius talents, abilities, and persnality traits. Fr example, yu might be a leader while yur friend is mre f a fllwer. Yu may be frustrated with him r her fr nt being very decisive. Yet it is imprtant t understand that each persn is unique and needs t be appreciated.
    Initiate reslutin. ___39___ Even when yu think the ther persn is wrng,it's nt a bad thing t say "I'm srry if I ffended yu in that way." If yu're hnest and genuine in delivering yur wrds, there's a gd chance yur friend will respnd psitively.
    Mst imprtantly, be lving in what yu d. Try t fcus n peacefully reslving the disagreement. It is nt a mst pleasant task t reslve cnflict in any friendship. ___40___
    A. Dn't expect t much.
    B. Try t see the ther persn's perspective.
    C. Be the first persn in a fight t say srry fr yur part.
    D. Many shallw friendships end up being ruined after an argument.
    E. T say srry bravely when a cnflict breaks ut is a better reslutin.
    F. Hwever, it is wrth the effrts because it results in a deeper friendship.
    G. Fr sme, cunting t ne hundred befre saying anything may be an ptin.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My 5-year-ld daughter Kai walked arund a bus stp, picking up candy wrappers and plastic bttles and thrwing them in the waste bin. We were a visiting family here, but she was cleaning the sidewalk, which didn’t shck me, nr was I __41__ when strangers lked at us.
    Our cleanup prject began when we drve past an empty field ne day and Kai ____42____ the field was cvered by ____43____ballns. We had read abut hw animals culd ____44____ ballns fr fd. “Stp,” Kai said, and I ____45____. Surprisingly, we fund the field was full f much trash ____46____ the ballns. “Can we cme back and clean it?” Kai asked. Then each Friday, we returned t have a(n) ____47____ cleaning.
    Hwever, it seems we can never ____48____ the trash cmpletely. I feel smething clse t____49____! Why are we making kids clean up ur _____50_____? It has everything t d with the planet we adults are leaving fr kids. Plastic pllutin is glbally distributed and micrplastics have even been discvered in human bld. It is nt a _____51_____ stry that we have created trash but ur next generatin cleans up them.
    Nw Kai hpes t becme a marine bilgist t prtect sharks ne day. She still has many years t _____52_____, if adults get serius abut slving plastic pllutin. We shuldn’t leave ur next generatin a _____53_____ planet and expect them t save it.
    The last time ur family was at the beach, we still picked up plastic bttles. Mst _____54_____, thugh, we saw an ctpus (章鱼) playing arund ur feet, a _____55_____ f a harmnius habitat wrth prtecting.
    41. A. embarrassed B.discuraged C.cncerned D.frightened
    42. A. aplgized B.cnfirmed C.sptted D.explained
    43 A. lse B.magic C.prcessed D.abandned
    44. A. trade B.mistake C.replace D.change
    45. A. pulled ver B. blew up C.turned dwn D.gave in
    46. A. due t B.ahead f C.ther than D.instead f
    47. A. fficial B.serius C.ptinal D.regular
    48. A. deliver B.remve C.track D.prduce
    49. A. stress B.cmfrt C.anger D.pride
    50. A. mess B.platfrm C.curt D.huse
    51 A. scary B.pleasant C.histric D.real
    52. A. decide B.struggle C.survive D.cntribute
    53. A. safe B.giant C.distant D.sick
    54. A. persnally B.memrably C.technically D.universally
    55. A. prmise B.threat C.reminder D.favr
    Dujiangyan Dam, 45 km nrth f Chengdu, an ancient technlgical wnder f the cuntry, was riginally cnstructed arund 256 BC by the State f Qin__56__an irrigatin(灌溉) and fld cntrl system as well as a remarkable example f ancient engineering skill. Due t the success f the prject, the dam__57__(autmatic)changes the water flw f the Min River and channels it int irrigatin. Fr mre than 2,000 years, the dam__58__(cntinue)t make the mst f the water prtectin wrks.
    During the Warring States perid,__59__trubled peple living alng the banks f Min River was the annual flding.__60__(aid)by thusands f lcal peple, Qin gvernr and irrigatin engineer Li Bing investigated the prblem thrughly and led a team__61__ (cnstruct)a levee(河堤)t redirect a prtin f river's flw. Then they cut a channel thrugh Munt Yulei t discharge the extra water. With the system finished, n mre flds__62__ (ccur). What's mre, it made Sichuan ne f the mst prductive agricultural regins in China __63__the redirected water frm the Min River culd be used fr irrigatin. If yu visit Dujiangyan, yu will see__64__unusual cnstructin that is like a fish's muth. This famus attractin, Yuzui, tgether with tw ther imprtant parts, namely, Feishayan and Bapingku, __65__(be)designed initially t cntrl the water flw thrughut the year.
    第三节 句子翻译(5分)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文(满分15分)
    假设你是李华,最近, 你班同学就“太空是否值得探索”这一话题展开了一场讨论。请结合下表内容,用英语给校报写一篇文章,介绍班上同学们讨论的情况并表达你自己的观点。注意:
    Outer ce Explratins, YES r NO?
    Recently, ur class had a heated discussin n
    第二节 读后续写(25分)
    It was the day f the big crss-cuntry run. Students frm seven different primary schls in and arund the small twn were warming up and walking the rute(路线)thrugh thick evergreen frest.
    I lked arund and finally sptted David, wh was standing by himself ff t the side by a fence. He was small fr ten years ld. His usual big tthy smile was absent tday. I walked ver and asked him why he wasn't with the ther children. He hesitated and then said he had decided nt t run.
    What was wrng? He had wrked s hard fr this event!
    I quickly searched the crwd fr the schl's cach and asked him what had happened. "I was afraid that kids frm ther schls wuld laugh at him," he explained uncmfrtably. "I gave him the chice t run r nt, and let him decide."
    I bit back my frustratin. I knew the cach meant well — he thught he was ding the right thing. After making sure that David culd run if he wanted, I turned t find him cming twards me, his small bdy rcking frm side t side as he swung his feet frward.
    David had a brain disease which prevented him frm walking r running like ther children, but at schl his classmates thught f him as a regular kid. He always participated t the best f his ability in whatever they were ding. That was why nne f the children thught it unusual that David had decided t jin the crss-cuntry team. It just tk him lnger — that’s all. David had nt missed a single practice, and althugh he always finished his run lng after the ther children, he did always finish. As a special educatin teacher at the schl, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was prud f his strng determinatin.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    We sat dwn next t each ther, but David wuldn't lk at me.
    I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners.
    1-5 BACCB 6-10 ABACB 11-15 BABCA 16-20 ACACB
    21--23 CDC 24--27 DCAB 28--31 CCBD 32--35 CDCD 36--40 DGBCF
    41—45. ACDBA 46—50. CDBCA 51—55. BADBC
    56.as 57.autmatically 58.has cntinued 59.what 60.Aided
    61.t cnstruct 62.ccurred 63.because/as/since 64.an 65.was
    Outer ce Explratins, YES r NO?
    Recently, ur class had a heated discussin n whether ce is wrth explring. Different students have different attitudes twards it.
    70% f us declare researching uter ce is wrthwhile. First f all, peple can attain new knwledge f uter ce thrugh their explratin. Secndly, human beings culd get access t new resurces, thus slving energy shrtage prblems n earth. Thirdly, this explratin culd pssibly bring abut new living ce fr human life in the near future. Hwever, 30% are strngly against it, arguing that it is a waste f mney t d this kind f explratin, which is nt wrth the value. Besides, astrnauts may meet great dangers when wrking in uter ce.
    In my pinin, peple shuld be pineering, and therefre such explratin int uter ce is wrth trying ut.
    We sat dwn next t each ther, but David wuldn't lk at me. With a srrwful expressin hanging n his face, David sat arund mtinlessly and helplessly, his head drping pwerlessly.Clenching my teeth, I tk a deep breath and patted him t get his attentin in a discreet and scrupulus manner. Under his gaze I tk the plunge t persuade him, “N ne will laugh at thse wh pursued success with painstaking effrt. Just believe yurself!"It was nt lng befre David std up determinedly and earnestly, strde t the starting line and gave me a firm lk back.
    I watched as David mved up t the starting line with the ther runners. Within a mment r tw, the big crss-cuntry run began, after which I std still, nly t see David's figure disappearing frm my sight slwly. Immediately, I arrived at the finish line by taxi t wait fr David's arrival. After what seemed like ages, David crssed the finish line, exhausted but thrilled. Seeing this sense, I flip-flpped frm an anxius state t irreversible delight in a flash. Hwever, what mved me mst was the mment that David rushed t me and cnvey his gratitude t me that it was my encuragement that snatched his last hesitatin, fr which it empwered him t have a burning desire t finish the cmpetitin and feel the excitement f cnquering himself.

    江西省宜春市宜丰县2023-2024学年高一上册1月期末英语模拟试题(附答案): 这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰县2023-2024学年高一上册1月期末英语模拟试题(附答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了     B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    江西省宜春市宜丰县宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题: 这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰县宜丰中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题,共5页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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