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    这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省前黄高级中学高一11月阶段性测试英语试题含答案,文件包含江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高一11月阶段性测试英语试题原卷版docx、江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高一11月阶段性测试英语试题答案版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共47页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Why was the China Calligraphy Lanting Awards launched?
    A. T hnur the calligrapher Wang Xizhi.
    B. T ffer an insight int the beauty f calligraphy.
    C. T shw sme artists’ utstanding achievements.
    D. T encurage the creatin and study f calligraphy.
    2. Which museum will yu g t if yu are interested in revlutin in art medium?
    A. The Natinal Art Museum f China.B. The Minsheng Art Museum.
    C. The Tang Cntemprary Art Museum.D. The China Natinal Arts and Crafts Museum.
    3. What des the exhibitin Art frm the Silk Rad mainly fcus n?
    A. Buddhist belief.B. Imprtance f the Silk Rad.
    C. Traditinal eastern culture.D. Crss-cultural cmmunicatin.
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. D
    推理判断题。根据What’s n Calligraphic award部分“It inspired the China Calligraphers Assciatin t launch the China Calligraphy Lanting Awards, the cuntry’s tp awards fr the creatin f and thery studies in calligraphy. (这促使中国书法家协会发起了中国书法兰亭奖,这是中国书法创作和理论研究的最高奖项。)”可推知,举办中国书法兰亭奖是为了鼓励书法创作和学习。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Vide art部分“rganized by the Minsheng Art Museum in Beijing. It explres hw vide is reshaping artistic creatin since the 1960s.(由北京民生美术馆主办。它探索了自20世纪60年代以来,视频是如何重塑艺术创作的)”可知,如果你对艺术媒介变革感兴趣,你会去北京民生美术馆。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Mural replicas部分“Murals preserved in grttes and temples alng the ancient Silk Rad shws cultural exchanges between the East and the West ver a lng perid. Art frm the Silk Rad, an exhibitin at the China Natinal Arts and Crafts Museum, shws replicated mural paintings frm 23 caves and Buddhist temples (古丝绸之路沿线石窟和寺庙中保存的壁画展示了东西方长期以来的文化交流。中国工艺美术馆举办的“丝绸之路艺术”展览展示了23个洞穴和佛寺的壁画复制品)”可知,“丝绸之路艺术”展览主要关注东西方长期以来的文化交流,即跨文化交流。故选D项。
    Why d s many f us eat the same thing fr breakfast day after day, yet later in the same day, seek variety in ur chice f fd?
    Tw gals influence all kinds f decisins abut what we eat—hednic and utilitarian gals. Hednic gals drive peple t eat fds that prvide pleasurable experiences and feelings, and utilitarian gals drive peple t eat t efficiently achieve ur aims such as weight cntrl, health, cnvenience r efficiency
    We find that as the day prgresses, peple change frm pursuing practical gals fr breakfast t getting the pleasure frm their afternn and evening meal.
    Where d these gals cme frm? Our research suggests that the different gals we pursue in ur meals are nt due t the different amunts f time available t prepare and eat ur meals. Instead, hw much time we spend eating meals seems t be determined by the gals we pursue.
    We find that culture and bilgy may each cntribute t the gals we pursue at meals. As a reflectin f ur culture, marketing tends t emphasize the practical rather than hednic benefits f breakfast fds. In ver 3000+ prducts’ name descriptins frm Amazn, we find that there are mre pleasure-related wrds (e.g., tasty, savry, delicius) fr breakfast cmpared t practical wrds (e.g., energized, healthy) . The gals we pursue may als cme, in part, in the bilgy f ur natural stimulatin levels. Our level f physilgical arusal (生理唤醒) varies thrughut the day. We are mst energized in the mrning, and ur arusal level declines until we g t sleep. We may prefer less stimulating fds in the mrning t avid feeling verstimulated, and prefer mre stimulating fds later t avid feeling under-stimulated.
    Whether the gals we pursue cme frm ur culture r bilgy, we have cntrl ver the gals t imprve ur diet.
    4. Which f the fllwing shws breakfast is eaten fr the hednic gal?
    A. I rder dumplings because they make me energized.
    B. I rder an egg because it’s a gd surce f prtein.
    C. I rder a tiramisu because I lve its creamy flavr.
    D. I rder bread and milk because it saves me much time.
    5. What is the bilgical reasn fr lack f variety in breakfast?
    A. T increase arusal level
    B. T be mre energetic.
    C. T imprve efficiency.
    D. T avid feeling verstimulatin.
    6. what wuld mst prbably be discussed in the paragraphs fllwing the text?
    A. what ther gals we pursue
    B. why we seek variety in diet
    C. hw t imprve efficiency
    D. what t eat fr breakfast
    7. What’s the best title fr the text?
    A. What Breakfast Tells Us
    B. Breakfast Matters A Lt
    C. Behind Repeated Breakfast
    D. Gals Of The Same Breakfast
    【答案】4. C 5. D 6. C 7. D
    推理判断题。由文章第二段中“Hednic gals drive peple t eat fds that prvide pleasurable experiences and feelings (享乐目标驱使人们去吃能带来愉悦体验和感受的食物)”可知,享乐目标就是吃能带来快乐的食物。故选项C“I rder a tiramisu because I lve its creamy flavr. (我点了一份提拉米苏,因为我喜欢它的奶油味)”符合题意。故选C。
    细节理解题。由文章第五段中“We may prefer less stimulating fds in the mrning t avid feeling verstimulated, and prefer mre stimulating fds later t avid feeling under-stimulated. (我们可能会在早上喜欢刺激性较低的食物,以避免感觉过度刺激,而在晚些时候喜欢刺激性较强的食物,以避免感觉刺激不足。)”可知,早餐缺乏多样性的生物学原因是避免感觉过度刺激。故选D。
    推理判断题。由文章最后一段中“Whether the gals we pursue cme frm ur culture r bilgy, we have cntrl ver the gals t imprve ur diet. (无论我们追求的目标是来自我们的文化还是生理,我们都可以控制改善饮食的目标。)”可知,下文有可能讨论如何提高效率。故选C。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是文章第二段中“Tw gals influence all kinds f decisins abut what we eat—hednic and utilitarian gals. (有两个目标影响着我们所有关于吃什么的决定——享乐目标和功利目标。)”可知,文章主要讨论了饮食的不同目标。故选D。
    The first time yu start t read a pem, yu must relax and read thrugh it withut cncentrating n its meaning. Imagine yu are meeting a persn fr the first time. Yu will just bserve him and listen t his vice, as well as watch his shapes r mvements, but yu have nt yet knwn what he is all abut. Likewise, yu may enjy the sund, rhythms, r wrding, and frm sme first impressins abut a pem.
    On yur secnd reading, yu shuld cncentrate mre n the general meaning f the pem. This time, yu will want t cmpare yur feelings abut the pem by nw with hw yu felt befre. Are they the same? What is different and why?
    Yur third reading will fcus mre n details: the wrds, phrases, r images. Lking up any unfamiliar wrds in a dictinary s that yu can gain a mre accurate understanding. Using the example given abve abut meeting smene, his image will change gradually and slightly as yu meet and learn mre abut him. Therefre, in yur additinal readings, it is a gd idea t cmpare yur understanding each time with the understanding befre.
    A helpful apprach t further understanding a pem is t summarize it in yur wn wrds. Cmpare yur versin f understanding with thse f thers reading the same pem and listen t hw they frm such pinins. Remember, hwever, that there is n exact r right meaning fr a pem, as mst pets have admitted they themselves are nt exactly sure what they meant when writing certain lines r phrases; they have even been heard t say n ccasin that smetimes wrds just seem t “drp frm heaven” and land n the page. That is what awakening the imaginatin is all abut. If yu are lucky, and if yu practice enugh, magical things may happen when yu write and yu may be able t prduce a beautiful pem r ther wrk f art yurself.
    8. Why des the authr give the example f “meeting a persn” ?
    A. T aruse readers’ interest in reading pems.B. T supprt his argument abut reading pems.
    C. T advise pem readers t be relaxed.D. T make his pint easier t understand.
    9. What will yu gain frm the third reading f a pem?
    A. General meaning.B. Rhythm beauty.
    C. Deeper meaning.D. Petic structure.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “ that ” refer t?
    A. Pets themselves dn’t understand their pems.
    B. Beautiful pems drp frm heaven ccasinally.
    C. Petic meanings are pen t different explanatins.
    D. Writing a summary helps understand a pem.
    11. What can we cnclude frm the last paragraph?
    A. Practice and patience make a man perfect.
    B. Petry is an expressin f ne’s will in wrds.
    C. Inspiratin and hard wrk help create great pems.
    D. Luck marches with thse wh give their very best.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. C 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段的首句“The first time yu start t read a pem, yu must relax and read thrugh it withut cncentrating n is meaning.(当你第一次开始读一首诗时,你必须放松去阅读它,不要专注于它的意思。)”以及第一段的后几句“Yu will just bserve him and listen t his vice, as well as watch his shapes r mvements, but yu have nt yet knwn what he is all abut. Likewise, yu may enjy the sund, rhythms, r wrding, and frm sme first impressins abut a pem.( 你只是观察他,听他的声音,以及观察他的形状或动作,但你还不知道他的一切。同样,你可能会喜欢一首诗的声音、节奏或措辞,并形成一些第一印象。)”可知,作者认为第一次读诗不需要做细致的分析和详尽的阅读,只是粗略地去了解。就像刚见到一个人一样,我们只会关注他的声音、外表等等。因此,作者举这个例是为了让读者更好地理解作者所表达的观点。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段前两句“Yur third reading will fcus mre n details: the wrds, phrases, r images. Lking up any unfamiliar wrds in a dictinary s that yu can gain a mre accurate understanding. (第三次阅读你将要更多地关注细节:单词、短语或意象。用词典查找任何不熟悉的单词,这样你可以获得更准确的理解。)”以及最后一句“Therefre, in yur additinal readings, it is a gd idea t cmpare yur understanding each time with the understanding befre.(因此,在你的额外阅读中,将你每次的理解与之前的理解进行比较是一个好主意。)”可知,第三次阅读要更加注意细节内容,这样才能更好地理解一首诗所传递的深刻含义,你才能真正地理解它。故选C项。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段第三和第四句“Remember, hwever, that there is n exact r right meaning fr a pem, as mst pets have admitted they themselves are nt exactly sure what they meant when writing certain lines r phrases; they have even been heard t say n ccasin that smetimes wrds just seem t “ drp frm heaven ” and land n the page.(然而,请记住,一首诗没有确切或正确的含义,因为大多数诗人都承认,他们自己在写某些诗句或短语时并不确定所写的是什么意思;他们有时甚至会说,有时候文字就像是从天而降,落在纸上。)”可知,对于一首诗内容的理解可能会因人而异,而且连诗人都不确定自己想说什么,这也就需要读者自己发挥想象力做出解释了。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“If yu are lucky, and if yu practice enugh, magical things may happen when yu write and yu may be able t prduce a beautiful pem r ther wrk f art yurself.(如果你运气好,并且练习得足够多,当你写作的时候,神奇的事情可能会发生,你可能会自己创作出一首美丽的诗歌或其他艺术作品。)”可知,创造出好的诗或作品需要付出很多努力,当然还需要点运气,这个运气就是所谓的灵感,这样才会有神奇的事发生。故选C项。
    After years f living life cvered up in alchl (酒精), my belief systems were brken int pieces — I n lnger cared, I n lnger felt alive. During my wn jurney t quit drinking, I first learned abut the cnnectin between art and recvery, while witnessing thers n the same path.
    While art cannt directly bring smene int recvery, it can certainly help established bnds and fuel the passin fr life. Last year at the annual cnference fr Wmen Fr Sbriety (清醒), varius grup painting events were arranged, where I learned hw t experience fun withut alchl. I truly believe magic happens when I take pen, clr, r frm. Frm this simple, yet petic cmbinatin, there can be a variety f human respnses. Viewers can be fascinated, drawn int the mind r spirit f the artist. Thus, emtin is felt and inner vice heard.
    Art encurages self-expressin, which is ften limited during active addictin Finding healthy new ways t express emtins and feelings is an imprtant part f recvery. Art is an utlet fr what cannt be spken. Children, fr example, can draw mre abut what they feel since they d nt have the wrds t describe what they are feeling. The same is true fr peple in recvery.
    Better still, peple wh create can becme mre skilled in ther aspects f life frm relatinships t managing stress. Recnnecting t life thrugh art fuels insight, cnfidence and helps heal. When ne is creating, the mind cannt fcus n pain r darkness, but instead the fcus has the pprtunity t change t the abslute present. Imagine a wman, wh decides t stp drinking, sitting at the pttery (陶器) wheel, her mind cnsumed by the feel f the cld clay while the thick water runs ver her cupped bands. Gently, she frms the wet earth int a vase, leaving her mark. On the utside, it can appear as thugh the wman is simply learning a new skill. On the inside, thugh, her mind is free frm being trapped in negative emtins and cncentrates n cnnecting t the nw, t the turning wheel, releasing (释放) unending beauty frm within.
    12. What des “magic” underlined in para.2 refer t?
    A. The energy generated frm the n-site painting.
    B. The instant recvery frm her alchl addictin.
    C. The emtinal tics built between her and viewers.
    D. The dramatic cmbinatin f painting and pems.
    13. Why did the authr mentin children in Paragraph 3?
    A. T shw art can partly fill the emtinal gap.
    B. T emphasize the pwer f speech is t limited.
    C. T indicate addicts actually are similar t children.
    D. T prve emtins can be cnveyed by means f art.
    14. Hw can the wman making pttery relieve her pain?
    A. By changing fcus.B. By expressing herself.
    C. By cnnecting t thers.D. By releasing beauty.
    15. What is the authr’s main purpse in writing the text?
    A. T tell her stry f breaking with alchl addictin.
    B. T shw hw creativity helps recver frm addictin.
    C. T encurage peple t set aside time fr painting.
    D. T argue fr the cncept f living withut alchl.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. A 15. C
    词句猜测题。根据第二段“I truly believe magic happens when I take pen, clr, r frm. Frm this simple, yet petic cmbinatin, there can be a variety f human respnses. Viewers can be fascinated, drawn int the mind r spirit f the artist. Thus, emtin is felt and inner vice heard.(我真的相信,当我使用笔、颜色或形状时,魔法就会发生。从这个简单而富有诗意的组合中,可以有各种各样的人类反应。观众会被吸引,被艺术家的思想或精神所吸引。因此,情感被感受到,内心的声音被听到)”可知,本段中magic指的是现场绘画产生的能量。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Art is an utlet fr what cannt be spken. Children, fr example, can draw mre abut what they feel since they d nt have the wrds t describe what they are feeling.(艺术是无法言说的东西的出口。例如,孩子们可以更多地画出他们的感受,因为他们没有语言来描述他们的感受)”可知,孩子们可以通过画画来表达他们的情感,作者提到儿童是为了证明情感可以通过艺术来传达。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“When ne is creating, the mind cannt fcus n pain r darkness, but instead the fcus has the pprtunity t change t the abslute present.(当一个人在创造时,心灵不能专注于痛苦或黑暗,而是有机会改变到绝对的当下)”以及“On the utside, it can appear as thugh the wman is simply learning a new skill. On the inside, thugh, her mind is free frm being trapped in negative emtins and cncentrates n cnnecting t the nw, t the turning wheel, releasing (释放) unending beauty frm within.(从表面上看,女人似乎只是在学习一项新技能。然而,从内心来看,她的思想摆脱了消极情绪的束缚,专注于与当下、与转动的车轮相连,从内心释放出无尽的美)”可知,做陶器的女人是通过改变关注点来减轻她的痛苦的。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“During my wn jurney t quit drinking, I first learned abut the cnnectin between art and recvery, while witnessing thers n the same path.(在我自己戒酒的过程中,我第一次了解了艺术与康复之间的联系,同时也目睹了其他人走上了同样的道路)”以及第二段“While art cannt directly bring smene int recvery, it can certainly help established bnds and fuel the passin fr life.(虽然艺术不能直接让人康复,但它肯定可以帮助建立联系,激发人们对生活的热情)”可知,作者通过自己的经历讲述了艺术可以使人们摆脱酒精成瘾,激发人们对生活的热情、信心并帮助治愈疾病,作者写作的目的是鼓励人们留出时间去画画。故选C项。
    Have yu ever wndered what the fd yu eat every day can tell yu abut where yu cme frm? Have yu ever wndered why peple frm different parts f the wrld eat different types f fd? D yu ever ask yurself why certain fds r culinary (烹妊的) traditins are s imprtant t yur culture? There is mre f a cnnectin between fd and culture than yu may think.
    On an individual level, we grw up eating the fd f ur cultures. It becmes a part f wh each f us is. Many f us assciate fd frm ur childhd with warm feelings and gd memries and it ties us t ur families, hlding a special and persnal value fr us. ___16___
    ___17___Immigrants bring the fd f their cuntries with them wherever they g and it is a symbl f pride fr their culture and means f dealing with hmesickness. Many immigrants pen their wn restaurants and serve traditinal dishes. Hwever, the fd des nt remain the same. Sme materials needed t make traditinal dishes may nt be available. ___18___. Thse changes can create new flavrs that still keep the culture significance f the dishes.
    Each cuntry r cmmunity’s unique cking reflects its histry, lifestyle, values and beliefs. In China, harmny (和谐) is a vital quality in almst every aspect f life. This is reflected in Chinese cking. ___19___. Als, Chinese peple believe that fd nt nly needs t be nutritius but als needs t lk attractive and clrful.
    As the wrld becmes mre glbalized,it is easier t access cuisines frm different cultures. We shuld embrace ur culture’s fd, but als becme mre infrmed abut ther cultures by trying dishes frm arund the wrld. ___20___.
    A. Fd is a gate int culture, and it shuld be treated as such.
    B. Cmfrt fds allw us t strengthen the relatinship with thers.
    C. On a larger scale, traditinal fd is an expressin f cultural identity.
    D. Almst every flavr is used in a balanced way t create delicius dishes.
    E. They sell dishes t peple frm their hme cuntries and frm different cuntries.
    F. Family dishes ften becme the cmfrt fd we seek as adults at lwer pints f ur lives.
    G. Besides, they have t make small changes abut the riginal dishes t attract a wider range f custmers.
    【答案】16. F 17. C 18. G 19. D 20. A
    空前“Many f us assciate fd frm ur childhd with warm feelings and gd memries and it ties us t ur families, hlding a special and persnal value fr us.(我们中的许多人将童年的食物与温暖的感情和美好的回忆联系在一起,它将我们与家人联系在一起,对我们来说具有特殊的个人价值。)”说明我们把食物和回忆联系在一起,也和家人联系在一起,空格处应该说具体什么食物会有这种作用,F选项“Family dishes ften becme the cmfrt fd we seek as adults at lwer pints f ur lives.(家常菜常常成为我们成年后在人生低谷时寻找的安慰食物。)”说明家常菜是我们在失落时的安慰食物,家常菜和家有关系的,因此和前文的家人相呼应,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
    空后“Immigrants bring the fd f their cuntries with them wherever they g and it is a symbl f pride fr their culture and means f dealing with hmesickness.(无论移民到哪里,他们都会带着自己国家的食物,这是他们文化自豪感的象征,也是处理乡愁的一种方式。)”说明食物和文化是有关的,C选项“On a larger scale, traditinal fd is an expressin f cultural identity.(在更大的范围内,传统食物是一种文化认同的表达。)”说明了传统的食物表达了文化,说明食物和文化之间是有关系的,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选C。
    空前“Hwever, the fd des nt remain the same. Sme materials needed t make traditinal dishes may nt be available.(然而,食物并不是一成不变的。制作传统菜肴所需的一些材料可能无法获得。)”说明移民带去的食物会发生变化,空格处也应该继续说食物的变化,G选项“Besides, they have t make small changes abut the riginal dishes t attract a wider range f custmers.(此外,他们不得不对原来的菜肴做一些小改动,以吸引更广泛的顾客。)”说明了原来的菜会根据顾客的需求发生变化,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
    空前“In China, harmny (和谐) is a vital quality in almst every aspect f life. This is reflected in Chinese cking.(在中国,和谐几乎是生活各个方面的重要品质。这反映在中国烹饪中。)”说明在中国,烹饪中也体现和谐,空格处应该说这种和谐具体体现在哪里,D选项“Almst every flavr is used in a balanced way t create delicius dishes.(几乎每一种味道都以一种平衡的方式被用来制作美味的菜肴。)”说明每一种味道都以一种平衡的方式被使用,这种平衡就体现了和谐,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    空前“We shuld embrace ur culture’s fd, but als becme mre infrmed abut ther cultures by trying dishes frm arund the wrld.(我们应该接受自己文化的食物,但也要通过尝试世界各地的菜肴来更多地了解其他文化。)”说明了要通过尝试世界各地的菜肴来更多地了解其他文化,空格处应该解释为什么要这么做,A选项“Fd is a gate int culture, and it shuld be treated as such.(食物是进入文化的一扇门,我们应该这样对待它。)”说明了食物是进入文化的一扇门,解释了为什么要通过尝试世界各地的菜肴来更多地了解其他文化,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选A。
    When Hlly Frd walked past a lng disused phne bx n the utskirts (郊区) f her hme village, an idea began t frm which ___21___ her lve f baking with a new use fr the bx, which at that pint was ___22___ by almst everyne.
    “It’s been amazing hw much supprt we had,” said Hlly, wh gt___23___ frm the cmmunity cuncil t use the call bx. Others have ___24___ the ‘‘Adpt A Kissk” scheme (方案) run by British Telecm where it is pssible t buy a phne bx fr as little as £1 and ___25___it t new uses.
    “Nbdy tld us it wuldn’t wrk, but a few lcals did think that peple wuld just___26___ themselves t cakes withut paying”
    These ___27___ prved t be whlly unfunded. The hnesty bx has always been used crrectly by custmers, with the bx remaining entirely ___28___.
    “It’s a busy stretch f rad fr traffic in the summer,” Hlly remarks. “And we d get quite a few___29___ that peple leave fr us saying hw much they like the idea.”
    Only pen during the summer mnths, Hlly has turned the bx int layers f ____30____ fr her cakes and ther lcal prduce. Able t make clse t £100 a day, she als ____31____ regular charity bakes (烘烤参会) in the cmmunity.
    “I’m nt sure the hnesty bx apprach wuld ____32____ in a mre urban area. But fr where we live it’s perfect and it’s surprisingly easy t make smething like this happen. It’s imprtant t intrduce the wrk n scial media and t keep yur ____33____ in the idea.”
    Cakes In The Call Bx als puts Hlly in the psitin t judge which cakes mst____34____ the taste f passing travelers with a sweet tth.
    “The brwnies are the g-t, always,” she tells me, “thugh I d like ____35____ the range. I’m wrking n Swedish buns with cardamm at the mment. Maybe next summer they’ll be in the bx!”
    A. inspiredB. cnnectedC. expressedD. recvered
    A. ignredB. defendedC. attackedD. targeted
    A. prmiseB. actinC. allwanceD. agreement
    A. lived up tB. taken advantage fC. thught thrughD. brught ut
    A. applyB. paintC. adaptD. take
    A. helpB. addictC. keepD. enjy
    A. cmmentsB. requestsC. cncernsD. questins
    A. unaffectedB. unlckedC. uncveredD. unstaffed
    A. papersB. ntesC. instructinsD. letters
    A. shelvesB. tablesC. casesD. bxes
    A. cntactsB. runsC. prefersD. cntrls
    A. happenB. matterC. changeD. wrk
    A. self-awarenessB. self-beliefC. self-praiseD. self-supprt
    A. satisfyB. strengthenC. sweetenD. encurage
    A. prvidingB. narrwingC. wideningD. maintaining
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. B 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当霍莉·福特经过家乡郊区一个废弃已久的电话亭时,一个把她对烘焙的热爱和这个电话亭的新用途联系起来的想法开始形成,而当时几乎所有人都忽略了这一点。A. inspired鼓舞;B. cnnected把……联系起来;C. expressed表达;D. recvered恢复。根据句中“an idea began t frm”和下文“Only pen during the summer mnths, Hlly has turned the bx int layers f 10 fr her cakes and ther lcal prduce.”可知,霍莉在废弃电话亭中卖蛋糕和其他当地农产品,她的这一想法把自己的爱好和废弃电话亭结合到了一起。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当霍莉·福特经过家乡郊区一个废弃已久的电话亭时,一个把她对烘焙的热爱和这个电话亭的新用途联系起来的想法开始形成,而当时几乎所有人都忽略了这一点。A. ignred忽略;B. defended支持;C. attacked攻击;D. targeted目标是,针对。根据句中“a new use fr the bx”可推知,这一想法是霍莉首创,其它人都忽略了,没有想到。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们得到了这么多的支持,真是令人惊讶,”霍莉说,她得到了社区委员会的同意,可以使用这个电话亭。。A. prmise承诺;B. actin行动;C. allwance津贴;D. agreement同意。根据句中“It’s been amazing hw much supprt we had”和“frm the cmmunity cuncil t use the call bx”可知,她得到了支持,获得了相关行政管理部门的同意。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:其他人则提出了由英国电信实施的“采用Kissk”计划,在该计划中,人们只需花1英镑就可以购买一个电话亭,并将其改造成新的用途。A. lived up t不辜负;B. taken advantage f利用;C. thught thrugh彻底思考;D. brught ut提出,说出。根据句中“the ‘‘Adpt A Kissk” scheme (方案) run by British Telecm where it is pssible t buy a phne bx fr as little as £1”可知,用人提出电信实施的“采用Kissk”计划,帮助霍莉获得了电话亭的使用权。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:其他人则提出了由英国电信实施的“采用Kissk”计划,在该计划中,人们只需花1英镑就可以购买一个电话亭,并将其改造成新的用途。A. apply应用;B. paint油漆,绘画;C. adapt改造,改装;D. take拿。根据句中“t new uses”可推知,废弃的电话亭要改造后才能作其它用途。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:没有人告诉我们这行不通,但一些当地人确实认为人们会不付钱就随便拿蛋糕吃。A. help给(自己或某人)食物或饮料,擅自拿走;B. addict上瘾;C. keep保持;D. enjy享受。根据句中“withut paying”可推知,这些人是不付钱就随便拿东西吃;help neself“自取,自便”。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这些担忧被证明是完全没有根据的。A. cmments评论,意见;B. requests要求;C. cncerns担忧;D. questins问题。上文“a few lcals did think that peple wuld just 6 themselves t cakes withut paying”提到的是当地人对霍莉的计划的担忧。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:诚信电话亭一直被顾客正确使用,这个电话亭完全没有配工作人员。A. unaffected不受影响的;B. unlcked开锁;C. uncvered揭露,发现;D. unstaffed无职员的。根据句中“The hnesty bx (诚信电话亭)”可推知,霍莉的售卖电话亭是没有职员看守的,靠的是诚信。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们确实收到了很多便条,人们告诉我们他们有多喜欢这个想法。A. papers文件;B. ntes短笺,便条;C. instructins指令,说明;D. letters字母,信件。根据句中“peple leave fr us saying hw much they like the idea”可知,人们用便条给霍莉留言。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这个电话亭只在夏季开放,霍莉把它变成了一层层的架子,用来放她的蛋糕和其他当地农产品。A. shelves书架,架子;B. tables桌子;C. cases情况,箱子;D. bxes盒子,箱子。根据句中“turned the bx int layers”可知,霍莉把电话亭改成了一层层的架子。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她每天能赚近100英镑,还定期在社区举办慈善烘焙会。A. cntacts联系,接触;B. runs开设,举办;C. prefers更喜欢;D. cntrls控制。根据句中“regular charity bakes (烘烤参会)”可知,霍莉举办慈善烘焙会。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我不确定诚信电话亭的方法是否适用于城市地区。A. happen发生;B. matter要紧,重要;C. change改变;D. wrk奏效。根据句中“in a mre urban area”和下文“But fr where we live it’s perfect and it’s surprisingly easy t make smething like this happen”可知,诚信售卖电话亭的想法在霍莉所在的郊区非常成功,但不知道它在城市地区是否也能奏效。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在社交媒体上介绍自己的作品,并对自己的想法保持自信,这一点很重要。A. self-awareness自我意识;B. self-belief自信;C. self-praise自我赞扬;D. self-supprt自我支持。根据句中“t intrduce the wrk n scial media”可推知,尽管上文提到不知道诚信售卖电话亭在城市地区是否也能奏效,但霍莉选择了“自信”,并在社交媒体上介绍自己的作品。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:《电话亭里的蛋糕》也帮助霍莉判断哪些蛋糕最能满足喜欢吃甜食的过路旅客的口味。A. satisfy满足;B. strengthen加强;C. sweeten使变甜;D. encurage鼓励。根据句中“the taste f passing travelers”可知,“满足”口味。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:不过我确实喜欢拓宽业务范围。我现在正在做瑞典小豆蔻面包。也许明年夏天它们就会出现在电话亭了!A. prviding提供;B. narrwing变窄;C. widening加宽,拓宽;D. maintaining维持。根据下文“I’m wrking n Swedish buns with cardamm at the mment. Maybe next summer they’ll be in the bx!”可知,霍莉要做不同品种的产品,拓宽业务范围。故选C项。
    “Can I ask a big favr?” a freign prince asked a yung Chinese craftsman (手艺人) standing behind a stand with varius dugh figurines (面人) ___36___shw. The prince invited the yung man t make ___37___ extra figurine s that he culd present it t each f his children after___38___ (amaze) by the artistry invlved in making dugh figurines.
    The yung man, Lang Jiaziyu, ___39___ is a third-generatin inheritr (继承人) f Beijing “Dugh Figurines Lang”, was brn in 1995. The surname “Lang” is cnnected t the figurines as a traditinal way in China___40___ (express) thanks fr the family’s ___41___ (cntribute) t the craft. Carrying n his family’s famus traditin f making dugh figurines, Lang Jiaziyu is putting new creative ideas and cultural elements int the craft, ___42___ppularity will stay frever yung as a result.
    The dugh figurines initially became well-knwn as a typical flk art fund n the streets, ___43___ needed speedy prductin. Within three t five minutes, a craftsman culd finish a piece f wrk. The main ingredients are dugh, hney and salt. With their simple and basic materials, quick prductin, and small size, the dughfigurines___44___ (gain) ppularity as unique cultural artwrks in Beijing fr many years. A great number f peple have such deep appreciatin fr these small sculptures ____45____ they can be used fr hme decratins and children’s tys.
    【答案】36. n 37. an
    38. being amazed
    39. wh 40. t express
    41. cntributins
    42. whse 43. which
    44. have gained
    45. that
    考查介词。句意:“我能请你帮个大忙吗?”一位外国王子问一位年轻的中国工匠,他站在一个展示各种面塑的摊位后面。n shw是介词短语,意为“展出;展览”,在句中作with复合结构中的宾语补足语。故填n。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:王子对面人的艺术性感到惊叹,于是邀请这位年轻人再做一个面人,这样他就可以送给他的每个孩子了。介词after后用动名词作宾语,且提示词amaze(使惊奇)与其逻辑主语The prince之间是被动关系,用动名词的被动式being amazed。故填being amazed。
    考查定语从句。句意:这位名叫郎佳子彧的年轻人出生于1995年,是北京“面人郎”的第三代传人。分析句子可知,空格处单词引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The yung man,指人,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语,用关系代词wh引导该从句。故填wh。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:“郎”这个姓与这些小面人有关,是中国的一种传统方式,用来感谢这家人对这门手艺的贡献。名词way后常用不定式作后置定语;a traditinal way t express thanks“表达感谢的传统方式”。故填t express。
    考查定语从句。句意:郎佳子彧继承了家族制作面塑的传统,将新的创意和文化元素融入到面塑工艺中,从而使面塑手艺的人气永不过时。分析句子可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the craft,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作ppularity的定语,意思是“面塑手艺的流行”,应使用具有所属关系的关系代词whse引导该定语从句。故填whse。
    考查定语从句。句意:面塑最初作为一种典型的街头民间艺术而闻名,需要快速制作完成。分析句子可知,空格处为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The dugh figurines,指物,关系词代替先行词在定语从句中作主语,用关系代词which引导该定语从句。故填which。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:由于材料简单基础,制作快捷,体积小,面塑多年来作为独特的文化艺术品在北京广受欢迎。分析句子可知,gain(赢得)是句中谓语动词,与主语the dughfigurines之间是主动关系,结合时间状语fr many years可知,讲述从过去持续到现在的事情,用现在完成时态,又因主语是复数名词,所以谓语动词也应使用复数形式。综上,谓语应用现在完成时的主动语态,复数形式。故填have gained。
    46. Last Saturday, she brke my heart ,and I’ m still ______ (收拾心情), but she desn’t admit she is ______ (有错). (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ① picking up the pieces ②. in the wrng
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意:上周六,她伤了我的心,我还在收拾心情,但她不承认自己有错。根据提示的汉语,表示“收拾心情”应为pick up the pieces,分析句子结构可知, pick up the pieces与am构成句子的谓语,且pick up the pieces与主语I之间为主动关系,所以此处应使用现在分词形式,构成现在进行时,表示现在的状态,所以应为picking up the pieces;第二空表示“有错”应为in the wrng在句子中作表语。故填①picking up the pieces②in the wrng。
    47. when yu______ (能处理这些挑战) and ______ (不懈努力), yu will have the pprtunity t acquire great knwledge and enjy persnal grwth. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. are able t rise t these challenges ②. make a cntinuus effrt
    【详解】考查名词,动词和短语。句意:当你能处理这些挑战并坚持不懈努力的时候,你将有机会获得丰富的知识,享受个人成长。“能做某事”可以用be able t d sth表示,主语是“yu”,主句“will have”用了一般将来时,故时间状语从句用一般现在时,be动词用are,“处理”用动词短语rise t表示,“这些挑战”用名词短语these challenges表示,“不懈努力”用短语make a cntinuus effrt表示,其中“不懈”用形容词cntinuus作定语修饰effrt。根据句意及“and”可知,前后时态一致,也用一般现在时。故填①are able t rise t these challenges②make a cntinuus effrt。
    48. Yu may feel anxius that yn are develping at a different rate t yur friends, ______ (迅速长个子)r______ (被远远落在后面) (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. shting up in height ②. getting left far behind
    【详解】考查现在分词。句意:当你和朋友发育速度不一致时,比如迅速长个子或者被远远落在后面,你会感到很焦虑。根据所给汉语提示可知,此处应用动词“sht up in height”,“get left far behind”,且此处作状语,sht和get与主语yu之间为主动关系,故应用现在分词作状语,故填shting up in height,getting left far behind。
    49. ______ (通常) clse friendships will help ______ (踏平有时坎坷的道路) that we are all meant t travel. (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. Mre ften than nt ②. smth ut smetimes rcky rad
    【详解】考查固定短语和形容词。句意:通常情况下,亲密的友谊会帮助我们抚平崎岖不平的道路。“通常”是固定短语mre ften than nt,位于句首的单词首字母要大写,因此第一空是“Mre ften than nt”;“踏平”是smth ut,help d sth.是固定短语,意为“帮忙做某事”,因此smth用原形,“有时”是smetimes,“坎坷的道路”是rcky rad,因此第二空是“smth ut smetimes rcky rad”。故填Mre ften than nt,smth ut smetimes rcky rad。
    50. With true friends, we feel free t share ur jys and sadness______ (最大程度的), because we______ (依赖他们才能得到安慰和保护). (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. in full measure ②. can’t get cmfrt r prtectin withut cunting n them
    【详解】考查介词短语和动词短语。句意:和真正的朋友在一起,我们可以尽情地分享我们的快乐和悲伤,因为如果不依靠他们,我们就无法得到安慰或保护。根据所给中文提示词,①空处,应是固定介词短语:in full measure意为“最大程度的”,②空处可转化为双重否定,即“不依靠他们,我们就无法得到安慰或保护”,所以“不能得到安慰和保护”译为“can’t get cmfrt r prtectin”,“依靠”为固定短语搭配:cunt n,所以“不依靠他们”可用介词withut,译为“withut cunting n them”。故填①in full measure,②can’t get cmfrt r prtectin withut cunting n them。
    51. Here, friendship has a duble advantage —happiness______ (呈现更大意义) and a truble shared becmes a truble halved! (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】takes n greater meaning
    【详解】考查动词短语。句意:在这里,友谊有双重好处——快乐有了更大的意义,分担的麻烦减半。根据所给汉语提示可知,此处应用短语take n greater meaning,且此处作谓语动词,主语为happiness,为单数,根据前文的has可知,此处应用一般现在时,故填takes n greater meaning。
    52. Whether we’re walking t schl, ding hmewrk r just ______ (闲逛), at the weekend, we’re ______ (几乎形影不离) (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. hanging ut ②. hardly ut f each ther’s sight
    【详解】考查动词短语和介词短语。句意:无论是去上学、做作业还是周末出去玩,我们几乎形影不离。根据所给中文提示词,①空处应是动词短语:hang ut意为“闲逛”,根据r可知,空处和walking t schl以及ding hmewrk并列,用现在分词形式,②空处,“几乎形影不离”为固定表达:hardly ut f each ther’s sight。故填①hanging ut,②hardly ut f each ther’s sight。
    53. My father______ (对我希望过高), and my mther is always______ (为了某事烦我). (根据汉语提示补全句子)
    【答案】 ①. has a high standard fr me ②. n my back abut smething
    【详解】考查一般现在时,主谓一致,名词,代词,固定短语,介词。句意:我的父亲对我的要求很高,我的母亲总是因为一些事找我麻烦。根据汉语提示可知,第一空处需要填入“对我期待很高”,也就是说父母对我高标准,standard意为标准,“对于”用介词fr,本句中的“我”作宾格,因此用me;表示“要求高的”用形容词high,本句为陈述事实,所以用一般现在时,主语为“my father”第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单数;所以第一空为has a high standard fr me。根据汉语意思可知第二空需要填入“为了某事烦我”,n ne’s back意为找某人麻烦,烦某人。本句为肯定句,所以“某事”用smething,“关于某事,为了某事”用介词abut。所以第二空为n my back abut smething。故答案为①has a high standard fr me;②n my back abut smething。
    六、单词拼写(共 10小:每小题1分满分10分)
    54. We shuld teach children t wrk i_____instead f nly cunting n thers in everything. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    55. After the earthquake, much f the wrk was dne by _____(志愿者) (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    56. The Beer Festival has a_____many freign turists t the city since last year. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动词。句意:自从去年,啤酒节已经吸引了很多外国游客。根据所给首字母和句意可知,此处应用动词“attract吸引”作谓语动词,且根据空前的has可知,此处为现在完成时has dne,故填attracted。
    57. The questins in the tests are mre and mre f_____; and many f them dn’t have standard answers . (根据首字母单词拼写)
    58. Facing ecnmic dwnturn,______(毕业生) have t fight fr jbs in a highly cmpetitive market. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    59. T_____at bradening the students’ hrizns, the curses are well received by the parents(根据首字母单词拼写)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:这些课程旨在开阔学生的视野,受到家长的好评。根据句意以及首字母提示可知,此处为动词短语be targeted at ding“旨在做某事”,满足句意要求,结合句子结构可知,此处应为非谓语动词作状语,be targeted at和逻辑主语the curses为被动关系,所以为过去分词形式。故填Targeted。
    60. This is the_____(基础) n which ur bilateral relatins shuld cntinue t develp. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    61. 1 dn’t feel like_____(回应)any f her nline messages. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查动名词。句意:我不想回复她的任何在线信息。结合汉语提示可知应该填入respnd的适当形式作宾语,结合短语feel like ding sth.,意为“想要做某事”。故填respnding。
    62. I dn’t think he was actually _____ (道歉). He sunded mre like defending himself. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    63. When my mther fund that I skipped classes, she e_____ with anger. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    64. 假定你是高一学生李华,你正在为期末考试紧张复习,但最近你遇到了一些问题导致无法集中精力学习。于是你给你校的外籍心理老师Kate写一封求助信寻求帮助。要点如下:
    1. 作业多,没有时间运动。
    2. 压力大,难以入睡。
    3. 希望得到Kate的帮助。
    1. 词数100左右。
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。
    Dear Kate,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Kate,
    I am LiHua, a senir 1 student. Recently, I have been busy preparing fr my mid-term exam, but unfrtunately, I find it quite hard t cncentrate n my study. S, I am writing t turn t yu fr help.
    I am encuntering sme prblems which truble me a lt. First f all, I have t spend much time n my hmewrk that I can hardly spare any time t take exercise. In additin, with the high expectatin frm the teachers and my parents, I am always under great stress, which makes it difficult fr me t fall asleep every night. As a result, I can’t fcus n what the teacher says in class.
    Faced with the abve prblems, I am anxius t get yur help. Culd yu please ffer me sme advice n hw t slve them?
    Lking frward t yur reply.
    Sincerely yurs,
    1. 写信的目的
    2. 所遇到的问题(作业多,没有时间运动;压力大,难以入睡)
    3. 希望得到Kate的帮助。
    be busy ding sth./ be faced with/ turn t sb. fr help/ d sb. a favr/ spend…n…/ fall sleep/ take exercise/ fcus n/ cncentrate n/ advice n
    I am LiHua, a senir 1 student.
    I have been engaged in preparing fr my mid-term exam, but unfrtunately, I find it quite hard t fcus n my study.
    I am writing t turn t yu.
    I am cming acrss sme prblems which truble me a lt.
    I have t spend much time n my hmewrk that I can hardly spare any time t take exercise
    With the high expectatin frm the teachers and my parents, I am always under great stress, which makes it difficult fr me t fall asleep every night.
    I can’t fcus n what the teacher says in class.
    Faced with the abve prblems, I am desperately in need f yur help.
    Culd yu please give me sme advice n hw t slve them?
    Lking frward t yur reply
    状语从句连词:because/ if/ thugh/ althugh…
    定语从句连词:which/ that/ when/ where…
    【高级句型1】The reasn why I am under great stress is that my teachers and parents are always expecting t much fr me.我总是处于高压下的原因是老师和父母对我期待太多。why引导定语从句,that引导表语从句。
    【高级句型2】Because f spending much time n my hmewrk, hardly can I take exercise.因为花了很多时间完成家庭作业,我几乎不能锻炼。句中使用了hardly位于句首的部分倒装。
    What’s n Calligraphic award
    Lanting Xu, written by Wang Xizhi, is cnsidered ne f the greatest pieces f Chinese calligraphy. It inspired the China Calligraphers Assciatin t launch the China Calligraphy Lanting Awards, the cuntry’s tp awards fr the creatin f and thery studies in calligraphy. An exhibitin nw at the Natinal Art Museum f China shws such handwritten pieces by 19 artists wh have received Lanting’s lifetime achievement awards, such as Qi Gng, Shen Peng and Ouyang Zhngshi. The exhibitin runs until July 20 ( 9 am — 5 pm ).
    Vide art
    Wrks by 17 pineers in vide art frm China, Japan and Suth Krea are being shwn at Refcusing n the Medium: The Rise f East Asia Vide Art, rganized by the Minsheng Art Museum in Beijing. It explres hw vide is reshaping artistic creatin since the 1960s. It takes viewers t the past and the frntiers f vide art, capturing the differences with film and phts as an independent frm. Featured artists include Katsuhir Yamaguchi, Nam June Paik, Yk On and Chen Shaxing. The exhibitin ends n July 15 ( 10 am — 5 pm ).
    Landscape painting
    Yin Zhayang rse t fame in the late 1990s as a leading figure amng artists f his generatin wh expressed lss, hesitatin and the cruelties f yuth. He has develped a highly persnalized apprach t landscape painting, explring the relatins between individuals and sciety, histry and the present. Rebuilding Ideals, an exhibitin at the Tang Cntemprary Art Museum, reviews Yin’s creatin and methds f thinking ver mre than 20 years. The exhibitin runs until July 7.
    Mural (壁画) replicas
    Murals preserved (保护) in grttes (洞穴) and temples alng the ancient Silk Rad shws cultural exchanges between the East and the West ver a lng perid. Art frm the Silk Rad, an exhibitin at the China Natinal Arts and Crafts Museum, shws replicated (复制) mural paintings frm 23 caves and Buddhist (佛教的) temples, in sme 1,600 kilmeters alng the ancient Silk Rad and dated between the 4th and 14th centuries. It ends n July 31 ( 9 am — 5 pm ).

    2023-2024学年江苏省前黄高级中学高三上学期期中适应性考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省前黄高级中学高三上学期期中适应性考试英语试题含答案,文件包含江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中适应性考试英语试题原卷版docx、江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高三上学期期中适应性考试英语试题解析版docx、听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    浙江省海宁市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月阶段性测试英语试题: 这是一份浙江省海宁市高级中学2023-2024学年高一上学期12月阶段性测试英语试题,共10页。

    江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高一11月阶段性测试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份江苏省前黄高级中学2023-2024学年高一11月阶段性测试英语试卷(含答案),共26页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,首字母填空,书面表达,单词拼写,完成句子等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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