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    这是一份2023-2024学年四川省成都石室中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,共28页。试卷主要包含了5 分, 满分 7,5 分,满分 37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    英语考试时间共 120 分钟,满分 150 分。英语试题卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)。考试做答时,须将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷、草稿纸上答题无效。
    第 I 卷(95 分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    Hw much shuld the man pay in ttal?
    A. $100.B. $110.C. $115.
    When des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At 5:30.B. At 6:00.C. At 6:30.
    Where will the speakers have their picnic?
    On a rck.B. On the grass.C. In a bat.
    Why des the girl talk with the man?
    T send an invitatin.B. T seek fr help.C. T ask fr permissin.
    What are the speakers talking abut?
    The wman’s family.B. A trip.C. A picture.
    第二节(共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题 5 秒钟。听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
    What des the wman want the man t d?
    Shw the new students arund.
    Wrk part-time after class.
    Attend a Students’ Unin meeting.
    Wh will prbably get in tuch with the man later?
    Betty.B. Ken.C. Ruth.
    听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。
    What happened t the man?
    He gt hurt.B. He lst his car.C. He had an accident.
    What is the man ging t d?
    G fr a business trip.B. Tell his father the truth.C. Visit sme friends.
    听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    Husband and wife.
    Interviewer and interviewee.
    Why des the wman want t change her present jb?
    It’s difficult.
    It ffers a lw pay.
    It requires lng wrking time.
    What will the wman d next?
    G hme.B. Leave fr wrk.C. Buy sme bread.
    听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。
    Why did sme kids feel unhappy at first?
    They didn’t get used t the new envirnment.
    They weren’t willing t take the trip.
    They thught the trip wuld be bring.
    Hw did the children feel abut the guide?
    Bred.B. Satisfied.C. Disappinted.
    What was the children’s favurite activity?
    Sailing.B. Hrse-riding.C. Barbecuing.
    What is said abut the children?
    They had knwn each ther befre.
    They wanted t get tgether again.
    They were all hmesick at first.
    听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
    What d we knw abut the baby?
    It was kidnapped.B. It escaped.C. It had a rare disease.
    What d we learn abut “free milk” prgramme?
    It has been canceled.
    It is ging quite well at the mment.
    It ffered all students milk frm primary schl t high schl.
    What will a sale be held fr?
    Selling sme milk.
    Learning sme skills.
    Raising mney fr a library.
    What will tmrrw’s weather be like?
    It will be sunny.
    It will be wet and ht.
    The pllutin will be light.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    CES is prduced by the Cnsumer Technlgy Assciatin knwn as the place where many cmpanies launch their latest technlgy fferings. Here is a lk at sme f the tp prducts presented at CES 2023.
    All-in-ne cmmunicatin
    Technlgy cmpany Anker annunced the launch f an “all-in-ne” device designed t imprve cmmunicatins fr emplyees wrking frm hme. The Anker Wrk B600 sits n tp f the cmputer display like a traditinal webcam. But it cmbines several elements f cmmunicatin int ne device that includes a camera, speaker, micrphne and a light.
    AirSelfie camera
    Electrnics maker AirSelfie launched its latest self-flying camera designed t take “selfie” pictures. The new device, called Air Pix, is a small, light camera that flies thrugh the air and captures high-quality phtgraphs and vide. Air Pix can fly, frame and take pictures all by itself befre landing back n the user’s hand.
    Labradr’s assistive rbt
    Rbt maker Labradr annunced its Retriever rbt designed t hld things and, as its name suggests, als retrieve(恢复) things. The rbt can be cntrlled by vice cmmands r frm an app n a phne. It can als be prgrammed based n an exact map f a user’s hme. The Retriever is designed “t serve as an extra pair f hands and lighten the lad f everyday tasks in the hme ”.
    Self-driving tractr
    American-based farm equipment manufacturer Jhn Deere presented a fully self-driving tractr equipped with six different cameras and a series f sensrs t guide the tractr thrugh the fields. Farmers can cntrl the vehicle and see the tractr’s prgress in real-time thrugh a mbile device which is t help farmers d mre wrk with less equipment and peple.
    The cmpany nted that such machines can help imprve farming methds as the wrld’s ppulatin grws and fd demand is expected t rise 50 percent by 2050.
    Which peratr’s prduct will telewrking staff be mst interested in?
    AnkerB. AirselfieC. LabradrD. Jhn Deere
    What kind f prduct can effectively help the elderly with mbility difficulties?
    The “all-in-ne” device .B. Self-flying camera.
    C. Retriever rbtD. The fully self-driving tractr.
    What impact will self-driving tractrs have n agriculture in the future?
    Imprving prducts qualityB. Prmting agricultural refrm.
    C. Increasing agricultural investment.D. Reducing the envirnmental pllutin.
    When I was a by we used t live acrss the rad frm a big hill with huge ak trees grwing ut f it. When winter arrived, thick, heavy snw wuld fall, and my tw brthers wuld grab their sleds (雪橇) heading ver t the hill fr a day f fun. I remember watching them with envy because I was still t small t g sledding. Finally, ne winter I was cnsidered big enugh and jined my brthers as they carried their sleds up the lng hill and prepared t ride dwn it.
    The first few trips I rde with ne f my brthers and had the time f my life. It was s exhilarating when the wind whipped acrss my face as I flew dwn the hillside n the wden sled. Near the end f the day I was verjyed t when my ldest brther decided t let me try riding the sled all by myself. I climbed n it full f excitement and lay n my stmach. Then with ne big push my brther sent me dwn the snwy hillside. I was ding pretty well t until I hit an ld stump hidden by the snw and went ff curse, straight twards ne f thse big ak trees. My heart punded in my chest and I culd hear myself screaming. At the last pssible secnd I rlled ff and the sled crashed int the tree. I culd hear my brthers running dwn the hill yelling, “Yu have t steer (操控)! Yu have t steer!”
    Sadly, that wasn’t the last time I failed t steer when sme bstacle kncked me ff curse in my life. Many times prblems, trubles, and my wn failures have sent me crashing int the trees f anger, frustratin, and despair. I am still learning that life isn’t always safe sledding. I am still learning that it is up t me t steer myself back t lve, back t kindness, and back t gdness.
    Life is a trip, but n ne ever said it was a smth ride. Steer well then. Steer straight. Steer yur sul twards the light and the lve we are all meant fr.
    What d we knw abut the authr when he was very yung?
    He lived n a big hill with huge ak trees n it.
    He was frightened t g sledding with his brthers.
    He lnged t g sledding with his brthers.
    He carried his brthers’ sleds as they went sledding.
    Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “exhilarating” in Paragraph 2?
    Delightful.B. Terrifying.C. Ordinary.D. Vilent.
    Why did the authr fall ff his sled?
    Because his sled crashed in an ak tree.B. Because he lst cntrl f his sled.
    C. Because his brther pushed it s hard.D. Because the hillside was snwy.
    What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A Life ut f Cntrl.B. A Life with Curage and Determinatin.
    C. A Life in My Hands.D. A Life f Cincidences.
    Cntrary t ppular pinin, the scientific pursuit fr knwledge is nt a predictable and well- defined prcess. T make new discveries, researchers need the freedm t be creative, fail, and learn by chance. There is the rmantic idea f the scientist wh has an Eureka mment (顿悟时刻) and suddenly arrives at new insights. Anther impressin is that research nly invlves frmal steps. Neither f thse ideas is crrect.
    “Science and art are tw different ways t make smething cmprehensible r imaginable”, says Bichemistry Prfessr Dlf Weijers. “ Frm the utside, the research prcess lks very frmal and the artistic prcess lks smewhat messy. But the scientific prcess can als unfld in an unpredictable way. Creative and assciative thinking is very imprtant fr scientists t gain insight and make cnnectins.”
    There is an intersectin between science and art. This is why Wageningen scientists lk t artists fr inspiratin and exchange ideas abut hw t amplify creative freedm. Weijers and his clleague Jris Sprakel, tgether with ther scientists and artists, have designed a plan t learn frm each ther and t exchange ideas. One example is the recent and special prject in which they measured the frces that act n plant cells. A mlecular ( 分 子 ) sensr was used t visualise the different frces. They revealed the results in clurful images, each representing a different frce.
    What science and art als have in cmmn is that they are tpics f discussin in sciety. There are peple wh say that they d nt value art and peple wh mistrust science. “It ften creates the wrng impressin because nly the results f scientific studies are presented, and peple d nt have any insight int the artistic prcess leading t discvery. As a scientist yu are criticised if yu say that smething is different a few years later. Then yu are viewed as unreliable. But what is ften prly understd is that there are n final results in science, ” says Weijers.
    What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    The purpse f science research.B. The views n science research.
    C. The attitude t science research.D. The hardship f science research.
    What can we knw frm Weijers’s view?
    The research prcess and the artistic prcess are ttally different.
    The scientific prcess always unflds in an unpredictable way.
    Scientists shuld have creative and assciative thinking. D The artistic prcess is t messy t be used in research.
    What des the underlined wrd “amplify” mean in the third paragraph?
    Detect.B. Abandn.C. Imply.D. Increase.
    Why des the authr mentin Weijers’s research n plant cells?
    T display the beauty f clurful images.
    T stress the imprtance f thinking freely.
    T present the findings f his recent prject.
    T shw the cnnectin between science and art.
    Nine ut f every ten humans are right-handed, an imbalance that researchers fr decades have attempted t explain, withut definitive success.
    One f the ideas cnsidered is the fighting hypthesis (假说), which suggests that left-handedness prvides an advantage in fight, althugh with an verall hit t physical health that keeps lefties rare in the ppulatin. Indeed, males-wh histrically have cmpeted mst strngly fr resurces and mates
    - are left-handed at slightly higher rates than females. Mrever, studies suggest that lefties tend t
    utperfrm right-handed peple in fighting sprts as well as in sme ball games that require hand-eye crdinatin like tennis, baseball, and vlleyball.
    Hwever, a big prblem with the fighting hypthesis is that its predicted health disadvantage hasn’t been prven in large studies. On the whle, left-handed peple dn’t seem t suffer frm mre health prblems than right-handed peple, nr d they live shrter lives.
    Nticing this, three scientists cming frm Sweden and the UK prpsed an update t the hypthesis. In an article published in the jurnal Symmetry, they say that right-handed humans actually had a greater fighting advantage ver much f ur species’ histry, which is why they’ve becme far mre numerus.
    Accrding t the researchers, it has smething t d with the psitin f the heart and the idea that humans did mst f their fighting with handheld, pinty weapns fr much f ur species’ existence.
    Abut three-quarters f the heart is situated in the left hemithrax (左胸腔), making the left side f the chest an easy target fr a mrtal blw. The researchers nte that when humans battle with stabbing weapns, the hand used t hld the weapn determines which area f the chest is expsed t an enemy. A left-handed grasp will rtate the left side f the chest t the right, and thus mst f the heart tward an enemy, while a right-handed grip will rtate it away. Generally, this means that right- handed humans might be mre prtected frm a deadly strike.
    But it shuld be nted that this new explanatin fr the predminance f right-handed peple is still very much a hypthesis, and yet unprven.
    Why are mst peple right-handed accrding t the previus hypthesis?
    Because right-handedness has an advantage in the fight.
    Because lefties tend t underperfrm in the cmpetitin.
    Because left-handedness pses a threat t the verall health.
    Because lefties histrically cmpeted strngly fr resurces and mates.
    What can we infer frm the passage?
    Right-handed peple have a higher risk f develping health prblems.
    The researchers have cnfirmed why mst peple are right-handed.
    It’s still under research why mst peple are right-handed.
    The psitin f ur heart decides we are right-handed.
    What will the left-handed grasping weapn pssibly lead t?
    It will prtect humans frm a deadly strike.
    It will expse mst f the heart t an enemy.
    It will turn the right side f the chest t the left.
    It will make the upper chest a target fr a mrtal blw.
    What is the authr’s attitude t the updated fighting hypthesis?
    Objective.B. Negative.C. Psitive.D. Dubtful.
    第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
    Hw t Study fr a Test r Final
    The end f the term is drawing near, and that means final exams are n the way.36The mst imprtant thing yu can d is give yurself plenty f time t prepare. Then fllw this plan:
    Start Early
    Gather all the material yu’ve received during the term. Read thrugh yur class ntes twice.
    Sme things will sund familiar and sme things will sund unfamiliar. That's nrmal.
    Establish a Study Grup r Partner.
    Schedule at least ne meeting time with a study partner r study grup. If yu can’t cmpletely get tgether, then exchange email addresses.37
    Use Old Tests
    Cllect yur ld exams frm the year ( r semester) and make a phtcpy f each ne. Write ut the test answers and cpy each ne again.
    T get the best results, yu shuld make several cpies f each ld exam and keep taking the tests until yu scre perfectly n each ne.
    Build up Yur Class Ntes.
    Organize yur ntes by date and make nte f any missing dates/pages. Get tgether with a study partner r grup t cmpare ntes and fill in any missing material. 39 Everybdy znes ut nce in a while. After yu rganize yur new set f ntes, underline any key wrds, frmulas, themes, and cncepts. Make yurself a new practice test with fill-in sentences and term definitins. Print ut several tests and practice several times. 40 Then exchange.
    Make Use f Old Assignments.
    Gather sme ld assignments and red the exercises. Review the exercises until yu can answer every questin easily.
    Instant messages will wrk well, t.
    Have a set f practice tests.
    Hw can yu give yurself a chance t imprve yur scres?
    Yu might find ne that makes smething clear fr the first time.
    Ask the members f yur study grup t make practice tests as well.
    Dn’t be t surprised if yu missed key infrmatin frm the lectures.
    Have yur friend r study partner raise questins and cmpare them.
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分 45 分)
    第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    In life, we will succeed and fail ften fr reasns that are entirely ut f ur 41 . We can wrk harder than anyne else in the ffice and still nt be 42 . We can be incredibly nice and lve
    smene deeply, and they may nt lve us 43.
    The bttm line is that life is nt 44.
    That is a bitter 45 t swallw fr many f us. As a result, sme peple 46 after being hit by even ne unfair blw frm life. But if we let life’s unfairness 47 us, we will never receive the beautiful blessings that life has 48 fr us.
    My first 49 marriage felt very unfair t me. N matter hw hard I had tried t be a gd wife, I culd nt make the relatinship 50 . I culd have been 51 by that experience. But I believed that I culd be 52 married ne day 53 I always wanted t experience traditinal family life. And then, I met this kind, thughtful, generus man.
    When we are faced with life’s seeming unfairness, we have t let g f the utcme that we have been 54 and keep trying, and ding the right thing. 55 that life is neither fair nr straightfrward. And by knwing that if we remain cnfident, we can drive ur unfair experiences away and use them fr ur benefit.
    第Ⅱ卷(55 分)
    第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Hw Learning Habits Influence Learning Results
    It’s useful and necessary t discuss learning habits. There is a famus saying “Gd habits lead t gd endings”, which shws the 56 (imprtant) f habits.
    “An apple a day keeps a dctr 57 ” als shws hw a healthy everyday habit helps .58 (build) up ur bdy. Thus, gd learning habits can help us gain great learning results, 59 (include) high scres and abundant (丰富的) knwledge. At first, learning habits frm ur ways f thinking and attitudes t the cntent f ur learning. 60 ( bvius), a gd
    41. A. reach
    B. cntrl
    C. date
    D. rder
    42. A. prmted
    B. paid
    C. pleased
    D. prved
    43. A. mre
    B. back
    C. enugh
    D. uncnditinally
    44. A. easy
    B. smth
    C. fair
    D. ideal
    45. A. feeling
    B. wrd
    C. fact
    D. pill
    46. A. died dwn
    B. lked dwn
    C. shut dwn
    D. settled dwn
    47. A. cnfuse
    B. manage
    C. betray
    D. defeat
    48. A. in charge
    B. in return
    C. in place
    D. in stre
    49. A. arranged
    B. failed
    C. happy
    D. trial
    50. A. wrk
    B. start
    C. end
    D. wrsen
    51. A. teased
    B. discuraged
    C. hurt
    D. shcked
    52. A. prudly
    B. casually
    C. happily
    D. shrtly
    53. A. unless
    B. while
    C. because
    D. thugh
    54. A. achieving
    B. affecting
    C. expecting
    D. declining
    55. A. Accept
    B. Assume
    C. Fancy
    D. Cnsider
    habit can help us t speed up t reach ur destinatins. As we can see, develping a gd habit is s imprtant .61 I wuld like t intrduce ne kind f gd learning habits — keep a learning diary every day. We can start the habit by 62 (write) learning summaries and remember t recrd smething 63 (impress) and meaningful. Keep in mind that we can gain this gd learning habit, frm 64 we can benefit a lt.
    What’s mre, I find ut that I still have sme bad learning habits as well. I can nly cncentrate n reading fr a shrt time and I will cnquer this prblem by spending mre effrt .65 . cncentratin practice in future.
    I believe that thrugh my effrts, I can gain gd learning results by having gd habits.
    第三节 单词填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    The new airprt willthe develpment f turism, making it mre cnvenient fr passengers.
    He culdn’t speak English, s he was having a hard time in America because f the language
    The wner f the lst diamnd willanyne wh can find it with 1000 yuan.
    Develping a wine-filled chclate is Mutai’s thirdt get clser t yung cnsumers.
    Traditinal festivals play an imprtant part in Chinese cultural.
    speaking, we receive abut fifty letters a week n the subject.
    It wuld be a gd idea fr visitrs t wander arund Chunxi Rad, as it is the
    center f ur city and is wrth a visit.
    This jb calls fr gd team spirit, the ability t wrk under pressure and a strng sense f r.
    Yu we him an afr the emtinal injury yu have caused him.
    Thanks t advances in technlgy, hw we make friends and cmmunicate with them has changed s.
    It’s understandable that we have sme aabut the examinatin. If necessary, share it with yur parents, teachers r clse friends.
    A large number f buildings were din the big earthquake.
    With his attentin cn his wrk, he didn’t ntice me entering his study.
    We need t keep in mind that it’s better t pthan t cure diseases.
    Early t bed and early t rise is bt a man’s health.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 25 分) 第一节 任务型阅读 (满分 10 分)
    It was a cld December, and things were tugh. Mum had a hard time raising us kids n her wn in ur small cmmunity. We relied n scial assistance t keep us clthed, and althugh ur clthes were secndhand, we thught they were beautiful.
    Lking back, I realized what Mum went thrugh sending us kids t schl. Every mrning she wuld tuck(塞) a new piece f cardbard in ur shes because ur sles(鞋底) were wrn ut. When we gt hme, Mum wuld have French tast ready fr us. Our rent was $100 a mnth, but Mum culdn’t pay it, and we knew we wuld mve ut right after Christmas n the first f January.
    The hlidays were fast appraching, and we were entitled t(有资格获得) $100 fr Christmas frm scial services. It was fur days befre Christmas. Mum said that instead f buying fd, she was ging t use the mney t pay ur back rent. That way we’d have a rf ver ur heads fr a little while lnger. Then she tld us that there wuld be n Christmas gifts.
    What Mm didn’t knw was that I had been selling Christmas trees, sweeping snw and ding part-time jbs t earn enugh mney t buy a new pair f bts—bts that weren’t patched(缝补); bts with n cardbard in it. I knew exactly which bts I wanted. They were ten-inch, Tp-Genuine, Pierre Paris bts, and they cst $23.
    The big day fr getting my bts came n Christmas Eve afternn. I was very excited as I hurried up the shpping center fr it. On the way, I nticed a grcery stre(杂货店).
    What difficult situatin was the authr caught in? (3 pints)
    What wuld the authr d finally? (3 pints)
    What lessn has the authr learnt frm the experience? (4 pints)
    第二节 书面表达(满分 15 分)
    假设你是李华, 最近你校在高一年级举行了以“Hw t cmmunicate with ur parents”为主题的英文作文征文比赛,请你根据以下要点用英语写一篇应征作文。
    注意:1.词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Hw t cmmunicate with ur parents
    成都石室中学 2023-2024 学年度上期高 2026 届半期考试英语参考答案
    36-40 CABFE
    第三部分 英语知识运用第一节 完型填空
    41-45 BABCD46-50 CDDBA51-55 BCCCA
    第二节 语法填空
    56. imprtance57.away58. (t) build59.including60. Obviusly 61.that62. writing63.impressive64.which65.n
    第三节 单词填空
    66. facilitate67. barrier68. reward69. attempt70. heritage
    71. Rughly72. cmmercial73. respnsibility74. aplgy75.significantly
    76. anxiety77. destryed78. cncentrated79. prevent80. beneficial
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 任务型阅读
    What difficult situatin was the authr caught in? (key wrds)
    The family was pr and had n mney fr Christmas, and the authr wanted t buy bts with the mney he secretly made.
    What wuld the authr d finally? (key wrds)
    The authr wuld step int the grcery stre, buy ham, ranges and even sme dazzling Christmas decratins. He r she wuld spend every dime f hard-earned mney and g back hme.
    What lessn has the authr learnt frm the experience? (4 pints) The respnsibility and satisfactin fr the whle family.
    第一部分 听力
    1-5 BAACC
    6-10 ABCBA
    11-15 BCABC
    16-20 BABCA
    第二部分 阅读理解
    第一节 阅读理解
    21-23 ACB
    24-27 CABC
    28-31 BCDD
    32-35 CCBA
    第二节 七选五
    第二节 书面表达(参考范文)
    Recently, a cmpsitin cmpetitin themed “hw t cmmunicate with parents” has been held amng students f Grade One in ur schl.
    As far as I am cncerned, it is f great necessity fr bth parents and children t have gd cmmunicatin, due t the fact that nwadays the mst ppular structure f Chinese families cnsists f nly parents and children. Therefre, fruitful cmmunicatin between different generatins can ensure a mre harmnius family life.
    As fr hw t cmmunicate well with ur parents, here are three appraches which we can adpt. T begin with, listen with great patience when cmmunicating with parents. Yu will benefit a lt frm being a gd listener. In additin, cnflicts will inevitably arise during the cmmunicatin prcess. Remember t stay pen minded and welcme any frm f disagreement. Last but nt the least, always put yurself in yur parents’ shes, and try t be a little bit mre understanding althugh smetimes they may make mistakes.
    Gd cmmunicatin is nt smething ne-sided. Therefre, equal effrts shuld be made by bth parents and children.
    Text 1
    M: A single rm with a bath is $100. Des the price f the rm include the service charge? W: N, sir. There is a 10% service charge.
    M: OK. Here yu are. Text 2
    W: Oh, n! It’s 6 ’clck nw. I haven’t finished these exercises yet.
    M: Dn’t wrry. That clck is 30 minutes fast. Yu still have time t d them. Text 3
    W: Dad, we can sit n the grass fr ur picnic.
    M: It’s t wet. Hw abut n that rck by the tree?
    W: Yeah, OK. But can we g in the bat befre we have the picnic? M: Cme n then.
    Text 4
    W: Dad, it’s Julia’s birthday tday. M: Oh, is she having a party?
    W: Yes. And she’s invited me t spend the night at her place. Is that all right, Dad? M: OK. Just call me when yu want me t pick yu up.
    Text 5
    W: Are the tw bys yur brthers?
    M: Well, just this ne is. The ther is my cusin.
    W: The scenery n it is fantastic. Where did yu take it? M: We tk it when we had a trip t the Niagara Falls. Text 6
    M: Hi, Ruth! What’s up?
    W: Well, the Students’ Unin needs a cuple f vlunteers t shw the new students arund next week. Wuld yu be able t help ut?
    M: That depends n the days yu had in mind.
    W: What abut Saturday? Mst f the new students will prbably arrive n the weekend.
    M: Srry, I have t wrk all day n Saturday. Hw abut Thursday and Friday? I’ve gt bth mrnings free.
    W: I dn’t have the timetable n me. Ken and Betty bth have gt it. I’ll tell Ken t get in tuch with yu later tday.
    Text 7
    M: Hell? Uh, I’m a first-time caller. My prblem is that my father went away n a business trip, and I brrwed his new car, but I had an accident. I was nt hurt but the car was brken.
    W: Where is yur mther?
    M: She is away, visiting sme friends. W: All right. G n.
    M: Well, I tld my father the car was lst... smene had stlen it.
    W: Oh! Yu shuld have tld yur father the truth. He wuld understand abut a car accident, and he wuld be glad yu weren’t hurt.
    M: I’m nt t sure abut that.
    W: Give it a try, yung man, because the truth is always better than a lie. M: OK. I think yu’re right.
    Text 8
    M: Hw are things tnight, Jane?
    W: Very quiet. I’ll be ready t g hme nw. S, hw d yu like wrking at night? M: It’s fine. After three mnths withut a jb, any wrk is OK with me.
    W: I knw what yu mean. Yu must be glad t have a jb again. M: Yu’d better believe it. Hw lng have yu wrked here?
    W: Nt very lng. I was hired right befre Christmas last year. The jb’s nt difficult, but I’d like t find smething better. It’s hard t make ends meet n this salary.
    M: I knw. I’ve gt tw kids and I’m in debt. Luckily, my wife wrks t. The bad thing is she leaves fr wrk right after I get hme.
    W: Oh, that reminds me. My husband asked me t get sme bread at the stre. I’d better g nw.
    They clse at midnight.
    Text 9
    W: Did the children enjy the hliday camp r were they all hmesick?
    M: Well, I must admit sme f the yunger kids were a little bit unhappy because they’d never been away n their wn befre and didn’t knw sme f the ther kids. But sn they recvered. By the last day they didn’t want t g hme because they were having such a great time.
    W: What srt f things did yu d with them?
    M: Well, there were sme trips, including a visit t Hardwick Castle. That was what we did n the first day. I think they were expecting it t be rather bring, especially when they heard they were having a guided tur. But they were wrng — the guide was very interesting. He tld them sme interesting stries and really made the histry f the castle cme alive.
    W: I can imagine — what srt f sprts activities did they d?
    M: Sailing, climbing, hrse-riding and the like. And n the last day we had a barbecue, which was their favurite. The kids enjyed it very much. They all prmised t cme and get tgether again next year.
    Text 10
    W: Gd evening, everyne. My name is Jan Li and this is the ten ’clck news. Here are tnight’s tp stries. A baby by was kidnapped frm a hspital just hurs after being brn. Nw the baby has been fund safe and well in a village huse. Tw men and a yung wman have been arrested and are being questined by plice. Anther piece f news. The gvernment’s “free milk” prgramme fr lcal primary schl children has been extremely successful s far. Accrding t a gvernment spkespersn, the prgramme will help yung bys and girls develp strnger bnes. Smething mre. A sale will take place this Tuesday at Guangming Primary Schl in rder t raise funds fr a new library. Sme f the ld dnated cmputers will be sld at discunt prices at the sale. A new restaurant has been pened in dwntwn. Nw fr tmrrw’s weather. It shuld be bright and sunny all day. The temperature is expected t reach 36 degrees s it will be extremely ht. The air pllutin will be serius as well. I’ll be back with mre details after the break.

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