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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省深圳市教育集团高一上学期期中考试英语试卷含答案,文件包含深圳市教育集团2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试docx、答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Vlunteering is a great way fr teenagers t make a difference and meet new peple. There are many different types f vlunteer pprtunities fr teens available. Here are a few vlunteer pprtunities that yu culd encurage yur teen t take up.
    Help a lcal fd bank
    Fd banks always welcme dnatins and new vlunteers. They prvide perfect vlunteering pprtunities fr thse wh are interested in helping the hmeless. Yur teen wuld be invlved in anything, frm preparing meals t wrking behind the scenes t repackage dnated fd items, serving fd, and carrying bxes.
    Help at a sup kitchen
    A sup kitchen is ne f the places where the hungry can get free r affrdable meals (usually sup and bread). Mst sup kitchens run primarily n dnatins and the genersity f peple. As a sup kitchen vlunteer, yur child may be made t clean the tables and utensils(餐具), help distribute fd, ck fd, and mre.
    Vlunteer fr Meals n Wheels
    By vlunteering fr Meals n Wheels, yur teen will deliver nutritius meals t the elderly r the disabled. It’s perfect fr teens wh have just received their driving license and lve any reasn t get behind the wheel! They can make a massive impact in a shrt amunt f time. Alternatively, yur teen can als vlunteer in their kitchen and prepare meals fr delivery. With a simple gesture, yur teen can bring millins f smiles t peple’s lives.
    Wrk with Habitat fr Humanity
    Habitat fr Humanity’s missin is t build r imprve a place that smene culd call hme. Besides helping the cmmunity, yur teen will learn valuable skills such as repairing, fundraising, painting, and building. Yu can sign them up fr lng-term prjects r a ne-time prgram.
    1. What d a fd bank and a sup kitchen have in cmmn?
    A. They we their wrk partly t kindhearted peple.
    B. Vlunteers need t price the fd.
    C. They prvide fd fr vlunteers.
    D. The lcatins are apprachable.
    2. Wh wuld be the mst suitable fr Meals n Wheels?
    A. Lucy, wh likes cking.
    B. Linda, wh likes drawing.
    C. Jack, wh can drive a car.
    D. Peter, wh can make peple smile.
    3. Which wuld yu chse if yu want t learn sme skills?
    A. A lcal fd bank.
    B. A lcal sup kitchen.
    C. Meals n Wheels.
    D. Habitat fr Humanity.
    Leek Twn Warrirs was a girls’ ftball team which used t get rutinely defeated every time they turned ut, until James Henry stepped in tw years ag. He tk the jb when the previus cach quit and transfrmed the team’ s frtunes. With the help f his assistant Andy Austin, they started training hard in April 2020.
    Sme players had never kicked a ftball befre jining the team, s training them tk hurs f hard wrk and patience. After a gd few weeks, they gt dwn t training and really started t take it in what the cach wanted. “I insist n ding the basic stuff well and letting the girls decide what they feel they need t wrk n.” James said.
    James’ first seasn was ruined by the pandemic, which frced him and Andy t get creative with training. They rganized team-building activities with the girls t help them bnd n and ff the field. James then spent the sessins they culd hld fcusing n the basics f ftball like passing and shting, bringing the girls up t a gd standard.
    James watched the girls develp ver the curse f last year, and in September they played their first match f the new seasn. They wn the game, and since then went n an unbeaten run f eight games. The team’s star player, 15-year-ld Chelsea, has als impressed the audience individually, becming the tp screr in the league with incredible 30 gals.
    James said, “All the effrt that the girls, we caches and parents have put in t get this pint has been enrmus. If I hadn’t had the supprt f Andy helping me every week, this wuld have been an impssible task. S I’m incredibly grateful t have him n side. All we want is t bring mre girls int the game and shw that it’s nt all abut having the best players; it’s abut hard wrk and giving everyne the chance t play.”
    Why did James Henry take ver the sccer team?
    Because he wanted t try his frtune.
    Because the frmer cach had left the psitin.
    Because the frmer cach recmmended him.
    Because he hped t fulfill his champin dream.
    5. What did James d t change the situatin?
    A. Pick experienced players.
    B. Develp players’ patience.
    C. Lay stress n basic skills.
    D. Make decisins fr the girls.
    6. What did the team achieve after James was in charge?
    A. They wn the league champinship.
    B. They std ut in James’ first seasn.
    C. They scred 30 gals in the seasn.
    D. They bade gdbye t the past and wn regularly.
    7. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Talent is the key.
    B. Jint effrts matter.
    C. Every dg has his day.
    D. Time and tide wait fr n man.
    A happy beagle (小猎犬) called Bella lves Amazn bxes. It tears int them while ignring ther delivery bxes. Little Bit, a trtiseshell cat, is similarly cnsumed — but by scks. It raids (偷袭) the laundry basket in the middle f the night and als paws thrugh the pen suitcases f huse guests, wh almst always find themselves missing a sck in the mrning. Pets d sme pretty weird things. But these strange behavirs ften make perfect sense t the pets, said scientists wh study animal behavirs. “These behavirs are nt invented n the spt,” said Carl Siracusa, a prfessr at the University f Pennsylvania Schl f Veterinary Medicine. The pets are ding behavirs that their wild ancestrs did, but they’ve changed them a bit t fit their new lives as pets.
    Dgs can be trained t rll ver and play dead. But their ancient instincts frm their wlf ancestrs are still there. Instincts, r instinctive behavirs, are behavirs that are dne withut thinking. They dn’t have t be learned. Fr example, sme dgs will scratch the grund after pping(排便). But they’re nt trying t bury their pp. They want ther animals t ntice it. “They are depsiting smell in thse areas,” Siracusa said. “It’s almst like drawing a picture with a big red marker arund it,” he added.
    Cats, n the ther hand, almst always bury their waste. “They are cvering their tracks,” says Mnique Udell, an expert n human-animal interactins wh wrks at Oregn State University. Cats are predatrs, meaning they hunt ther animals fr fd. But ther animals hunt them, t. S they dn’t want t be seen r smelled. Mikel Delgad, the funder f a Califrnia-based cat behavir cnsulting service, said that many ther cat behavirs, arise frm cats’ wild rigins.
    While dgs share many behavirs inherited (继承) frm wlves, they’ve als develped a few f their wn. “Puppy dg eyes”, the inncent lk that many humans are helpless t resist, is ne. Over the time perid that they’ve lived with peple, dgs have develped certain muscles arund their eyes. This helps them make the adrable expressins that win ver humans. Like wlves, dgs als like t lick faces. Humans think their pets are kissing them, but they are nt. “It’s hw wlf puppies get fd frm their parents’ muths,” Siracusa said. “It als can be a sign f submissin. When a lwer-ranking individual appraches a higher-ranking ne, it gets dwn real lw and licks the dminant ne t say: ‘I’m nt a threat t yu.’”
    8. What has been dne t intrduce the tpic in Paragraph 1?
    A. Telling a stry.
    B. Presenting examples.
    C. Presenting research results.
    D. Criticizing pets’ bad behavirs.
    9. Which can best replace the wrd “depsiting” in Paragraph 2?
    A. leaving B. hiding C. remving D. detecting
    10. Which statement summarizes the third paragraph?
    A. Cats are interested in burying their waste.
    B. Humans like the fact that their pet cats bury their waste.
    C. Pet cats bury their waste because their wild ancestrs did s.
    D. Cats have changed a lt after becming pets.
    11. Hw d wlves shw submissin t dminant wlves?
    A. Wlves run energetically arund dminant wlves.
    B. Wlves shw dminant wlves “puppy dg eyes”.
    C. Wlves beg fd frm dminant wlves.
    D. Wlves lick dminant wlves’ faces.
    A new study suggests that science rle-playing may help tighten the gender(性别) gap in science, technlgy, engineering, and math(STEM)educatin and careers fr wmen simply by imprving their identity as scientists.
    Frustrated by the gender gap in STEM, in which sme fields emply at least three times mre men than wmen, Crnell graduate student Reut Shachnai wanted t d smething abut it. Reut said the idea t help fster(培养) yung girls’ interest in science came t her during a lecture in a class she was taking n Psychlgy f Imaginatin.
    Reut designed an experiment t test if assuming the rle f a successful scientist wuld imprve girls’ persistence in a “sink r flat” science game. The game itself was simple yet challenging: a cmputer screen prjected a slide with an bject in the center abve a pl f water. Kids then had t predict whether the bject wuld sink r flat.
    She studied 240 fur-t-seven-year-lds, because this is arund the time kids first develp their sense f identity and capabilities. They were divided int tw grups. Children in the“stry” grup learned abut the successes and struggles f a gender-matched scientist befre playing the game. Bys heard abut Isaac Newtn and girls were tld abut Marie Curie. Children in the “pretend” grup were tld t assume the identity f the scientist they just learned abut.
    All kids played at least ne rund f the game. N matter what grup they were in, girls gt the answers right just as ften as bys --nearly 70% f the time. Bys, hwever, didn’t really benefit frm the stries r make-believe. Besides, girls pretending t be Dr. Marie persisted twice as lng at the sink-r-flat game, playing just as much as the bys did.
    Reut’s teacher Tamar Kushnir said, “Rather than merely hearing abut rle mdels, children may benefit frm actively perfrming the type f actins they see rle mdels perfrm. In ther wrds, taking a few steps in the rle mdel’s shes, instead f merely bserving her walk.”
    12. Why did Reut design a “sink r flat” science game?
    A. T handle the gender gap in STEM.
    B. T attach imprtance t STEM.
    C. T draw kids’ attentin t STEM.
    D. T cmpare bys’ and girls’ persistence.
    13. What can we infer frm the sink-r-flat game?
    A. Kids enjyed listening t scientists’ stries.
    B. Bys avided playing make-believe games.
    C. Girls perfrmed as well as bys in science.
    D. Children fllwed Dr. Marie t explre science.
    14. What is Tamar Kushnir’s attitude twards kids’ assuming identity as scientists?
    A. Supprtive.B. Dubtful.C. Indifferent.D. Negative.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Girls shuld get recgnitin like bys
    B. A fine example has bundless pwer fr kids
    C. Girls can wrk n mre science games
    D. Make-believe exercises benefit girls in STEM
    Find it hard t get started? Try these suggestins t help yu rise and shine and be effective(有效率的) frm mrning till night.
    ● Get up earlier
    Sleeping in(睡懒觉) can be a hard habit t break. Actually, it invlves tw things — ging t bed earlier and getting up earlier. Start ff by ging t bed 15 minutes befre yur usual turn-in time and setting yur alarm the same number f minutes earlier the next day. 16 .
    ● Have a gd stretch(伸展) in bed
    Befre yu even pen yur eyes, stretch every extremity (四肢) fr 15 secnds. Lift yur arm and begin by stretching each finger, next yur hand, and then yur arm. 17 . End with a neck and back stretch that gets yu ut f bed. By ding this, yu will enhance the flw f bld thrugh yur system, prviding yur tissues with extra xygen.
    ● 18
    The fewer chices yu have t make, the better. Befre ging t bed, decide what yu’re ging t wear, wrk ut which rute yu’ll take t wrk and what yu’ll pack in yur bag.
    ● Cnsult (查阅) yur mrning calendar
    Hang a large whitebard in yur kitchen. On it, write dwn all yu need t knw fr that particular day, frm dctr appintments t what yu’re ding with yur friends. Check it carefully while yu sip yur first cup f cffee r tea. 19 .
    ● Get mving
    20 . But if yu can get yurself int the habit, exercising in the mrning can give yu energy t jump-start yur day.
    A.Plan ahead
    B.Mve n t yur tes, feet and legs
    C.It will help yu t structure (精心组织) yur day
    D.Spend less time chsing things when packing
    E.Mrning exercise can get yu refreshed(神清气爽的) quickly
    F.If yu’re a night wl, an early mrning jg might sund like punishment
    G.Gradually reset yur sleep cycle until yu get t yur desired wake-up time
    第二部分 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Several mnths ag, a trnad fiercely hit ur city withut any signs befre. We hadn’t 21 fr it in advance, s we were just frced t g int ur 22 actins. I happened nt t be in the classrm when it attacked. Hearing the alarm screaming, I rushed 23 as fast as I culd back t the classrm.
    Never did I imagine that we wuld put ur regular 24 t use. Never did I imagine that my students had 25 against the wall and cruched (蹲) dwn n their knees. Their eyes were bviusly filled with 26 as they asked if their parents, pets, and friends wuld be kay. I, alng with ther teachers, tried ur best t 27 them, thugh we actually didn’t knw what the 28 wuld be.
    I culdn’t 29 the trnad any mre. Hwever, I’m very prud f my students wh perfrmed s well. In such a 30 and dangerus situatin, they behaved beynd their ages. Never in my life had I seen them 31 instructins s quickly, withut any hesitatin. Thugh sme tears were drpping and sme hearts were beating fast, the kids were incredibly 32 . I’m extremely prud that they struggled t calm dwn because f their 33 in me.
    Because f the trnad, I realized that my jb as a teacher meant a lt. Behind every well-behaved students are a lng line f teachers wh have made it their life’s 34 t educate them with safety, curage, calmness and trust. Thugh the trnad has presented 35 , I’m sure we can handle them ne by ne.
    第三部分 基础知识选择题(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
    36. Mst players f the basketball team, _______ had tried their best t play the game, were sleeping sundly.
    A. whichB. whC. whereD. that
    37. All the apples _______ fell dwn frm the tree were eaten up by the pigs.
    A. whichB. they C. thatD. as
    38. _______ is widely accepted, in the Middle, East Arabs greet each ther by tuching nses, but this is nt a plite way f greeting in ther cultures.
    A. AsB. ItC. WhichD. What
    39. Sales directr is a psitin _______ cmmunicatin ability is just as imprtant as sales.
    A. where B. whichC. whseD. when
    40. Between the tw halves f the ftball game is a 15-minute break, _______ the audience can have a rest.
    A. when B. where C. which D. that
    41. Lk at the ink wash painting _______ ur bss spent a great frtune. Isn’t it breath-taking?
    A. thatB. whichC. fr whatD. n which
    42. America has mre than fifty states, _______ , Kentucky, is the place _______ Abraham Lincln was brn.
    A. ne f them; where
    B. ne f them; that
    C. ne f which; that
    D. ne f which; where
    43. I shwed an ld friend f mine arund the city, _______ surprise, the changes had been s great.
    A. whseB. whichC. t whichD. t whse
    44. _______ t cmpete in the Olympic Games fr the first time?
    A. When d yu suppse wmen were allwed
    B. When d yu suppse wmen allwed
    C. When d yu suppse were wmen allwed
    D. D yu suppse when wmen were allwed
    45. Green turism _______ n harm t ur envirnment and will be a new way fr us t enjy urselves.
    A. d B. des C. did D. ding
    46. As a matter f fact, it was her hardwrking spirit _______ mtivated me t wrk tgether with her.
    A. that B. hw C. which D. what
    47. With China’s traditinal tea-making added t UNESCO cultural heritage list, frty-three items _______ the intangible cultural heritage list in the past few decades.
    A. entered B. have entered C. enter D. are entering
    48. In the z if a child _______ int the water and can’t swim, the dlphins may cme up _______ him.
    A. will fall; t help B. falls; t help C. will fall; help D. falls; helping
    49. When I _______ yur age, I _______ hrses every day.
    A. was; am used t ride
    B. was; used t ride
    C. were; use t ride
    D. am; used t riding
    50. Helen _______ her key in the ffice s she had t wait until her husband _______ hme.
    A. had left; came
    B. has left; cmes
    C. left; had cme
    D. had left; wuld cme
    51. Unless I have t be ut f twn, each week I take my mther t d her shpping and visit the dctr, prviding _______ and transprtatin.
    A. salary B. credit C. cnfidence D. cmpany
    Miss Zha, a famus prfessr _______ in Chinese histry, will be invited t give a lecture cncerning the histry f the Silk Rad.
    senir B. fluent C. expert D. pwerful
    During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members ften gather tgether t share a meal, _______ the mn and enjy mn cakes.
    respect B. bserve C. admire D. recgnize
    When I turned the handle and fund the dr was pen, a terrible thught _______ me that smene had brken int my huse.
    struck B. swept C. tapped D. affected
    Each player has t play t their _______ and understand what they can d t help the team t win.
    strengths B. path C. style D. respnsibility
    第四部分 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    What is senir high schl life like? The path befre yu 56 (lead) t a wrld full f challenges: a new envirnment, new knwledge and new ways f thinking. Hwever, the pprtunity lies in each challenge. 57 yu rise t the challenges, yu will have the pprtunity 58 (acquire) great knwledge and enjy persnal 59 (grw). Mst imprtantly, yur time and effrt at senir high schl will pen the dr t yur ptential. In this sense, 60 (realize) yur ptential means that 61 is imprtant and necessary fr yu t make the mst f ur schl resurces. Take advantage 62 yur classes, learn frm yur teachers and classmates, and make use f ur schl 63 (facility). Gd study habits, useful skills and a psitive attitude are 64 (equal) imprtant. As a senir high schl student, yu must make effrts t imprve yur cmmunicatin and prblem-slving skills. Last but nt least, always lk n the bright side 65 never lse hpe, even in difficult situatins. In time yu will find yurself develping int a well-runded individual.
    第五部分 用所给词汇的正确形式填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    66. When it was my turn t d___________(发表) a speech, I was s nervus and embarrassed.
    67. Having a p___________(乐观的) attitude twards life can be helpful in lifting yur spirits.
    68. The mst attractive e___________(比赛项目) in the sprts meet was the gymnastics cmpetitin.
    69. The exhausted dancers were a___________(惊奇的) t see a full and nisily excited huse when the curtain rse.
    70. Tw grups f students were sent t a___________(安排) the bks in the library.
    71. The u___________(独特的) feature f China's histry is the inheritance f a lng unbrken civilizatin and culture.
    72. A new schl and a new grup f classmates ffer mre chances t e___________(探索) sme new interests.
    73. O___________(组织) by the Students’ Unin, the next activity in the series will be scheduled in May.
    74. Out f c___________(好奇), she pened the envelpe t find nthing but a piece f white
    75. It is highly r___________(建议) that we keep a balanced diet t take in as much nutritius and diverse fd as pssible.
    第六部分 完成句子(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
    I can't ___________ ___________my wrk (集中精力于)with all that nise ging n.
    Peple wh ___________ ___________ ___________ (沉迷于) the web ften becme inactive in real life.
    Shall I ___________ yu___________(把...比作) a summer’s day? Yu're lvelier and milder.
    The curse, which___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(由...构成) 12 tw-hur sessins, will start next Mnday.
    The biggest benefit f being a captain is that it teaches me t be respnsible and ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ (树立榜样) lwer grade students.
    ___________ ___________ (即使) yu were busy with yur research wrk, yu still spared sme time t help me revise my applicatin.
    Are yu ___________ ___________ ___________(期待) attending such a camp in yur summer vacatin?
    Anyne wh takes interest in the prgramme can ___________ ___________(报名) at the schl website.
    A simple gesture f kindness can ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(对...有影响) anther persn’s whle life.
    The laughter had nt yet quite died frm his face, but his eyes widened
    ___________ ___________(震惊).
    第七部分 应用文写作(满分20分)
    可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Dear Wang Peng,

    Li HuaA. paid
    A. agency
    A. suddenly
    A. games
    A. mixed up
    std ut
    lined up
    spken ut
    A. panic
    A. encunter
    A. prblem
    A. hate
    A. simple
    A. fllw
    A. frtunate
    A. trust
    A. reward
    A. chances

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