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    这是一份2023-2024学年广东省开平市忠源纪念中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省开平市忠源纪念中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、广东省开平市忠源纪念中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 客观题(满分75分)
    第一节 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    1 ________ in such a beautiful place makes me feel blessed t be alive.
    A. LivedB. LiveC. LivingD. Lives
    2. In the ant city, the queen’s jb is ________ eggs.
    A. layB. laidC. layingD. lays
    3. When ________ depends n the weather.
    A. the sprts meeting will be heldB. will hld the sprts meeting
    C. will the sprts meeting be heldD. was the sprts meeting held
    4. Yuan Lngping devted his life t _______ hybrid rice.
    A. develpingB. develpsC. develpedD. develp
    5. ________ peple cut dwn t many trees destryed the balance f nature.
    A. WhyB. WhetherC. WhenD. That
    6. Suddenly Jack remembered ________ the wman nce smewhere.
    A. have seenB. seeingC. sawD. t see
    7. Actually ________ ur kids really need is parents’ cmpany.
    A. thatB. whC. whetherD. what
    8. Where we shuld stre these vegetables ________ a prblem.
    A. areB. isC. wereD. am
    9. It is n use ________ ver spilt milk.
    A. criedB. cryingC. t cryD. cries
    10. ________ t the party was a great hnur t the family.
    A. Being invitedB. InvitedC. InvitingD. T invite
    第二节 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)
    My parents, siblings and I tk ur first camping trip t the Lake Hustn Wilderness Park recently.
    We had finished putting up the ____11____ when it suddenly started t rain. Luckily, we had ____12____ a high flat grund fr ur tent where water culd nt pur in. Mm gt sme snacks and drinks ready fr us while we played games and ____13____ abut ur daily life, which made wet-weather camping fun. Hw ____14____ it was camping under the sund f the rain! We were gathered arund in the center f ____15____ and it was a nice feeling. Even with the rain, I had never been s ____16____.
    The rain died dwn befre dark and the sky turned clear. Sn, Mm ____17____ a big meal ver the fire fr the family. I felt that a ht meal and gd ____18____ wuld warm us right up. While we ate tgether, Dad ____19____ at the stars and tld us abut his childhd. As we laughed and _____20_____ n ur days, the stars shne like diamnds at night.
    The fllwing day, we had a gd time _____21_____ the rcky paths arund ur campsite. _____22_____ hiking in the frest, we had a lvely late afternn bating. It was exciting t see the _____23_____ changing rays f the sunset behind the pine trees. That evening we packed up ur _____24_____ and headed hme.
    I am very grateful fr this camping trip, which has left us unfrgettable _____25_____.
    11. A. rfB. shelfC. tentD. fence
    12. A. selectedB. expandedC. emplyedD. checked
    13. A. feltB. chattedC. arguedD. cmplained
    14. A. strangeB. pwerfulC. beneficialD. unique
    15 A. cultureB. natureC. scietyD. space
    16. A. happyB. luckyC. curiusD. cnfident
    17. A. desiredB. rderedC. preparedD. delivered
    18. A. impressinB. adventureC. shwD. cnversatin
    19. A. yelledB. pintedC. laughedD. wndered
    20. A. set utB. went backC. caught upD. lked dwn
    21. A. explringB. cleaningC. attainingD. searching
    22. A. Due tB. Apart frmC. Instead fD. As fr
    23. A. amazinglyB. casuallyC. regularlyD. cmpletely
    24. A. gdsB. tlsC. belngingsD. harvests
    25. A. memriesB. traditinsC. discveriesD. incidents
    第三节 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分,满分50分)
    Yellwstne Natinal Park
    Yellwstne is pen year-rund t visitrs, thugh experiences differ depending n the seasn yu visit.
    March-May: Snw can cntinue t fall int March and many f the rads may remain clsed, with plughing usually beginning sme time in April. Hiking cnditins at this time are wet. Yu wn’t find many crwds, fr gd reasn.
    June-August: The busiest time f year in the park is July and August, as families arrive in their drves and temperatures rise up int the mid-20s (℃). Backcuntry trails are fully pen and this is the ideal time t g hiking.
    September-Octber: By September, the weather is pretty mild (highs f 19℃ in September). Bears can be sptted by radside as they try desperately t fatten up befre winter.
    Nvember-February: Temperatures can drp belw zer, but this als yields sme unique experiences. Elk and bisn are already migrating in impressive herds and this is a great time fr wlf sptting—their dark cats are much easier t see against a white backdrp f snw. Wlf-tracking trips are a must.
    Cst f travel
    Entrance fees fr Yellwstne are £16 fr individuals and an additinal £30 fr a car. Campsites vary in price, csting as little as £12.50 per night.
    During the peak summer mnths, prices rise and rms are bked up lng in advance. In winter just a handful f the park’s ldges remain pen.
    26. Which mnth is mst suitable fr hiking in Yellwstne Natinal Park?
    A. July.B. April.C. Octber.D. Nvember.
    27. Which is the unique experience when visiting the park frm Nvember t February?
    A. Sptting bears by radside.B. Seeing farmers begin plughing.
    C. Enjying elk and bisn migrating in herbs.D. Fxes-tracking trips.
    28. Hw much shuld a cuple driving a car pay fr entrance fees?
    A. £46.B. £44.5.C. £32.D. £62.
    29. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A research reprt.B. A travel brchure.
    C. A science newspaper.D. A gegraphy textbk.
    D Animals Cmmunicate?
    When we think f cmmunicatin, we usually think f using spken language. But in fact we cmmunicate far mre in ther ways. Our eyes and facial expressins usually tell the truth even when ur wrds d nt.
    Then there are gestures: raising the eyebrws, tapping the fingers, ndding and shaking the head. There is als bdy language f psture: Are yu sitting r standing with arms r legs crssed? Is that persn standing with hands held in frnt f the bdy r hidden behind?
    S d animals cmmunicate? As we have learnt, there is mre t cmmunicate than wrds.
    Take dgs fr example. They shw their teeth t warn, shake their tails t welcme, and stand firm with hair upright t fight. These signals are surely the equals f the human bdy language f facial expressins, gestures and psture.
    Clr can be an imprtant means f cmmunicatin fr animals. Many birds and fishes change clr, fr example, t attract partners during the mating(交配) seasn. And mating itself is cmmnly dne after a special dance which bth partners take part in.
    Here, again, there are striking similarities t yung men and wmen wh dress up t meet partners at parties, where the music is ften t lud fr wrd cmmunicatin. Cmmunicatin there takes place thrugh appearance and mvement.
    The mst carefully planned dances in the animal kingdm are thse that bees use t cmmunicate. With bdy mvements alne they can tell ther bees the directin and distance f a newly discvered fd.
    All these examples may suggest instinctive(本能的) rather than intelligent cmmunicatin. And, in many ways, bdy language says far mre than intelligent wrd cmmunicatin ever can.
    30. Ndding and shaking the head is a ________.
    A. pstureB. facial expressinC. gestureD. spken language
    31. Dgs’ shaking their tails means ________.
    A. warningB. laughingC. fightingD. welcming
    32. Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the text?
    A. Clr is nt a way f cmmunicatin fr animals.
    B. A special dance ften takes place befre mating.
    C Many birds and fishes change clr t hide themselves.
    D. Wrd cmmunicatin is better at parties where music is s lud.
    33. Bees use bdy mvements t ________.
    A. tell ther bees where t g and hw far it is
    B. cmmunicate where they have been
    C. attract partners t cmmunicate
    D. shw their victry
    I have a neighbur we call “Happy”. I have never seen her angry at anything and never heard her say a harsh wrd t anyne r abut anyne.
    Happy and her husband Ben, 70, have a huge garden. They spent many happy hurs tgether wrking n it. As we were spending mre and mre dllars n fd, we all wished we als had such a large garden. As the rest f us bught fd at the market, Happy culd be seen picking beans in her backyard.
    Last mnth, Happy and Ben invited mst f the neighburhd ver fr an “all day fd festival”. We were tld t bring glves and arrive very early in the mrning. We didn’t knw what was abut t take place.
    By 9:00 a.m., there were nine f us in the garden picking tmates, beans, kra, and squash. By 10:00 a.m., there was lts f laughter. We shared a lt f stries. By five ’clck, everyne was a little drunk frm the wine and beer. After dinner, we played games. As we were leaving, Happy and Ben handed each f us a shpping bag filled with the bunty (慷慨) f the day, already packaged and frzen. What a delightful gift!
    Well, the pint wasn’t s much abut the fd. The true gift was a day f friends enjying ne anther’s cmpany. Nne f it wuld have happened if it had nt been fr Happy and Ben’s garden. Nw they have a blg abut gardening in case we decided t plant a garden. And I am s prud f my tmat plants!
    34. Accrding t Paragraph 2, peple wished they als had a garden s that ________.
    A. they culd spend happy times tgether with their family in it
    B. they culd grw vegetables and sell at the market
    C. they culd invite their neighburs and hld parties in it
    D. they didn’t have t spend s much mney n fd
    35. Why did Happy and Ben invite the neighburs t their garden?
    A. T ask them t attend a birthday party.
    B. T help them get t knw each ther.
    C. T let them enjy what they grew in the garden.
    D. T ask them t share sme interesting stries.
    36. What did the writer mst prbably think f the time he spent in the garden?
    A. It was t shrt t enjy it.
    B. It was wnderful.
    C. It was nt as gd as he had thught.
    D. It was t terrible.
    37. Which wrd can best describe Happy and her husband?
    A. GenerusB. OutstandingC. HpefulD. Humrus
    What wuld life be like if yu were a rcker, a sccer player, a prfessr at Stanfrd University, and a Nbel Prize winner? Carlyn Bertzzi frm the US lives such a cl life!
    Bertzzi, 56, shares this year’s Nbel Prize in chemistry with Barry Sharpless (US) and Mrten Meldal (Denmark). She became this year’s nly wman winner in science and the eighth wman t receive the chemistry prize in histry.
    Bertzzi wn the prize fr studying the sugar cats f cells. She has fund a smart way t cnnect cells by cnnecting their sugar cats. The cells then have a green clr s that scientists can see clearly where they are and hw they mve. Accrding t the University f Califrnia, Berkeley, this finding “ffered a springbard(跳板) fr a wide range f applicatins”, such as develping better tests fr infectius diseases and new treatments fr cancer.
    Despite her great achievements, Bertzzi said she was nt very interested in chemistry until her secnd year at Harvard University. “The prfessrs intentinally made the class very difficult,” she tld Chemistry Wrld magazine. “My classmates cmplained a lt, but I like it.”
    Apart frm ding science studies Bertzzi has lived a clrful life. She was a keybarder in a rck band. “I even used t think abut majring in music,” she said. She als played sccer, and wn an athletic schlarship frm Harvard.
    As a female scientist, Bertzzi tries t prmte gender equality. In 2022, Bertzzi wn an award frm the American Assciatin fr the Advancement f Science fr her wrk t increase diversity in science.
    38. Why did Bertzzi win this year’s Nbel Prize?
    A. Because she invented a new treatment fr cancer.
    B. Because she fund a new type f cells with a green clr.
    C. Because she is the eighth female prfessr at Stanfrd University.
    D. Because she fund a way t link cells by cnnecting their sugar cats.
    39. Hw might Bertzzi describe her chemistry class in her secnd year at Harvard University?
    A. Interesting and nt t hard.B. Bring and simple.
    C. Difficult and bring.D. Useless and difficult.
    40. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. Hw Bertzzi wrked t win a Nbel Prize.
    B. Nbel Prize winner’s life experience.
    C. What female scientists are gd at.
    D. The develpment f wmen’s rights.
    Every day in ur lives, actins speak far luder than wrds. We talk with ur muths, but we cmmunicate with ur facial expressins, ur tne f vice and ur whle bdy. S understanding bdy language is ne f the mst useful skills yu can develp. ___41___
    •___42___ Thrughut the day, ntice details abut the way yu speak, gesture and mve. When standing, keep yur shulders straight, yur bdy pen and yur weight balanced n bth feet.
    •Wrk n yur handshake. ___43___ The handshake mst likely t shw cnfidence is firm and dry, with strength but nt t much pressure.
    •Use eye cntact. Eye cntact is very imprtant in frming an impressin f smene. Yu shuld have the ability t keep direct eye cntact if yu want t be taken seriusly. But sme peple feel uncmfrtable when it is t strng. ___44___
    •Be yurself. Nnverbal messages cme frm deep inside yu, frm yur wn sense f self­respect. If yu are cmfrtable with yurself, it shws. ___45___ They always give thers a deep impressin.
    A. Use hand gestures carefully.
    B. Pay attentin t yur bdy talk.
    C. Here are sme ways fr yu t attain these skills.
    D. A mirrr can be useful t examine facial expressins.
    E. In the business wrld, the handshake shws imprtant messages abut pwer.
    F. Peple wh knw wh they are have a relaxed way f talking and mving.
    G. T avid this prblem, change yur fcus s that yu lk at smewhere between the eyes and the chin.
    第二部分 主观题(满分45分)
    第一节 语法填空(共10小题,每题1.5分,满分15分)
    Yuan Lngping was ne f China’s mst famus scientists, ____46____ is knwn as the “father f hybrid rice”. He was brn in 1930 in Beijing. Because he wanted t tackle ____47____ prblem f lw yield, he ____48____(chse) t study agriculture at cllege. After graduatin, he wrked as a researcher and ____49____(cnvince) that it’s pssible t create hybrid rice. After hard wrk he succeeded in ____50____(develp) the first hybrid rice in 1974. Because f his invaluable cntributins, Yuan has received numerus ____51____(award) bth in China and abrad. Althugh his hybrids have made him quite ____52____(wealth), he cares little ___53___ celebrity and mney. Instead, he makes large dnatins ____54____(supprt) agricultural research. Nw Yuan still tries t fulfill his new dreams and everyne is waiting t see ____55____ he will dream up next.
    第二节 单词或词组拼写(共15个空格,每个空格1分,满分15分)
    56. Since reindeer were always n the mve, the Sami wuld pick up their tents and a_______(陪伴) them. (根据中英文提示填空)
    57. The shw gives lcal artists an pprtunity t d_________(陈列) their wrks. (根据中英文提示填空)
    58. After breakfast, I pack my bag and s_______ _______(出发) again. (根据中英文提示填空)
    59. We will b_______(禁止) smking in all ffices later this year. (根据中英文提示填空)
    60. Just like spken language, bdy language v________(变化) frm culture t culture. (根据中英文提示填空)
    61. Why dn’t yu a_______ _______(同意) my jining the hbby grup? (根据中英文提示填空)
    62. Yuan Lngping _________(克服) enrmus difficulties t develp the first hybrid rice that culd be used fr farming in 1974. (根据中英文提示填空)
    63. I_______ _______ _______(换句话说), nne f us can g t the mvie. (根据中英文提示填空)
    64. In recent years, mre and mre peple are returning t villages frm u_________(城市的) areas. (根据中英文提示填空)
    65. She seems indifferent, but d_______ _______(在内心深处) she’s very pleased. (根据中英文提示填空)
    第四节 应用文写作(共1题,满分15分)
    66. 请以“Welcme t _______”为题写一篇英文稿,介绍一个你喜欢或熟悉的公园。要点如下:
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    2023-2024学年广东省开平市忠源纪念中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年广东省开平市忠源纪念中学高一上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含广东省开平市忠源纪念中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、广东省开平市忠源纪念中学2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题答案版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共41页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2022-2023学年广东省江门市开平市忠源纪念中学高一下学期4月期中英语试题含答案: 这是一份2022-2023学年广东省江门市开平市忠源纪念中学高一下学期4月期中英语试题含答案,共7页。

    精品解析:广东省江门开平市忠源纪念中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(解析版): 这是一份精品解析:广东省江门开平市忠源纪念中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题(解析版),共22页。试卷主要包含了单项选择, 完形填空,阅读理解,语法填空,课文填空,单词或词组拼写,应用文写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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