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    这是一份2022-2023学年山东省临沂第十九中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含山东省临沂第十九中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、山东省临沂第十九中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(满分30分)
    1. What is the wman ding?
    A. Listening t the news. B. Enjying a TV series. C. Watching a game.
    2. What are the speakers ging t have?
    A. Italian fd. B. Japanese fd. C. Chinese fd.
    3. When d the speakers usually g t bed?
    A. At 9:00. B. At 9:30. C. At 10:00.
    4. Hw will the man g t Shenzhen frm Hng Kng?
    A. By air. B. By subway. C. By train.
    5. What des the wman mean?
    A. The man is mistaking her fr smene else.
    B. Smene has tld her the news.
    C. She feels prud f herself.
    6. What des the by want the girl t d?
    A. Help him with math. B. Play tennis with him. C. G dancing with him.
    7. At what time is the dance class tday?
    A. 4:15 pm. B. 4:45 pm. C. 5:15 pm.
    8. What did the wman prbably lk like in the past?
    A. She was verweight. B. She had blnde hair. C. She wre glasses.
    9 What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is a dctr. B. She has tw children. C. She gt married last year.
    10. Wh is the man?
    A. A musician. B. A turist. C. A reprter.
    11. Why wn’t the cncerts be held at the Gvernment Stadium?
    A. It csts mre. B. It is t small. C. It is an pen-air stadium.
    12. What’s the wman ding?
    A. Ding a research. B. Asking fr advice. C. Having an interview.
    13. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Clleagues. C. Schlmates.
    14. Hw des the wman feel abut the change?
    A. Cnfused. B. Disappinted. C. Satisfied.
    15. What des the man suggest the wman d?
    A. Attend cncerts. B. G t art galleries. C. Visit science museums.
    16. What kind f music des the man like mst?
    A. Jazz. B. Classical. C. Cuntry.
    17. Hw lng culd the film last at mst?
    A. 12 minutes. B. 11 minutes. C. 8 minutes.
    18. What kind f films are required this year?
    A. Cmedy. B. Hrrr. C. Drama.
    19. What is the tpic f the films this year?
    A. The family. B. The weather. C. Changes in a day.
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. Steps f making a film. B. Best films ver the years. C. A film-making cmpetitin.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Yung Writers Awards
    Abut the Cntest
    Benningtn Cllege has a unique literary traditin. We’ve had twelve Pulitzer Prize winners, three US pet laureates, fur MacArthur Geniuses, and tw f Time magazine’s 100 mst influential peple. In celebratin f this, Benningtn launched the Yung Writers Awards t prmte excellence in writing at the high schl level. Students are invited t enter with the fllwing wrk:
    •Petry: A grup f three pems
    •Fictin: A shrt stry (1,500 wrds r fewer) r ne-act play
    •Nnfictin: A persnal r academic essay (1,500 wrds r fewer)
    A first-, secnd-, and third-place winner is selected in each categry. We welcme participatin f bth US and internatinal students.
    Awards & Rules
    First-place winners in each categry are awarded a prize f $1,000; secnd-place winners receive $500; third-place winners receive $250.
    •N charge fr entrance. Fees fr accidents caused by participants are required.
    •All entries must be riginal wrk reviewed, apprved and guided by a teacher. We will use yur teacher as a cntact fr the cmpetitin shuld we have any questins. Fr hmeschled students, please cntact ne t assist in yur writing even if yu have experience in such cmpetitins.
    Yung Writers Awards finalists and winners are als qualified fr undergraduate schlarships at Benningtn. Yung Writers Awards finalists wh apply and gain admissin t Benningtn will receive a $10,000 schlarship every year fr fur years, fr a ttal f $40,000. Yung Writers Awards winners reaching the standard will receive $15,000 every year, fr a ttal f $60,000.
    1 What can be learned abut the Yung Writers Awards?
    A. It rewards three winners at last.
    B. It’s a traditin f Benningtn Cllege.
    C. It accepts participants wrldwide.
    D. It ffers schlarships t undergraduates.
    2. What are the participants asked t d?
    A. Hand in a persnal essay.B. Have related writing experience.
    C. Pay an entry fee n time.D. Find a teacher t help with the entry.
    3. Hw much will the secnd-place winner t be admitted int Benningtn gain in ttal?
    A. $10,500.B. $15,500.
    C. $40,500.D. $60,500.
    【答案】1. C 2. D 3. D
    细节理解题。根据Abut the Cntest部分最后一句“We welcme participatin f bth US and internatinal students.(我们欢迎美国学生和国际学生的参与。)”可知,该比赛欢迎所有美国和国际学生。由此可推知,Yung Writers Awards接受世界各地的参赛者。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据Awards & Rules部分的“All entries must be riginal wrk reviewed, apprved and guided by a teacher.(所有参赛作品必须是由老师审阅、批准和指导的原创作品。)”和“please cntact ne t assist in yur writing even if yu have experience in such cmpetitins(即使你有参加这类比赛的经验,也请联系一个协助你写作的人)”可知,参赛者需要找到一位老师指导自己的参赛作品。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据Awards & Rules部分的“secnd-place winners receive $500(第二名将获得500美元)”和“Yung Writers Awards winners reaching the standard will receive $15,000 every year, fr a ttal f $60,000(达到标准的青年作家奖获奖者每年将获得1.5万美元,总共6万美元)”可知,二等奖获得者会得到500美元的奖励,在申请并被本宁顿学院录取后会获得60000美元的奖学金,故一共会获得60500美元。故选D项。
    A crwd cheered Kunle Adeyanju as he turned ff his mtrbike engine after cmpleting a tiring 41-day trip. The 44-year-ld left Lndn n April 19 and arrived in Nigeria’s cmmercial center Lags n Sunday after travelling mre than 8, 000 miles acrss 13 cuntries. He started the impressive jurney t raise funds fr Rtary Internatinal t deal with pli(小儿麻痹症)in his native Nigeria.
    Accmpanied by a dzen bikers fr the last stretch f the jurney frm the Republic f Benin , Adeyanju was welcmed by supprters in Ikeja, in central Lags. Adeyanju, called “Lin Heart” by fans wn ppularity amng the public by psting daily pictures with cmments abut his jurney n scial media. At every stp alng the way, he was greeted by enthusiastic supprters.
    He did face sme challenges, like the ne in Mali where ne f his wheels brke. “I was standing in the middle f the night, alne in a bush, nt knwing what t d,withut speaking the language,”he said, explaining he had t walk t the nearest village.“Frtunately, the lcals helped me. ”Nt all f the challenges he faced were slved smthly.“Mauritania, a cuntry in nrthwest Africa, was ‘terrible’, ” he said, after he gt rbbed f hundreds f eurs. “The wrst experience,” he added.
    The frmer Shell emplyee self-funded his trip with $ 20, 400 in savings,hping t raise up t $ 48millin fr Rtary Internatinal. “I have been suffering frm a lack f sleep lately because I slept nly three t fur hurs per night. But I feel prud because I finished this challenge,” Adeyanju said just after he arrived, wiping the sweat ff his face. Adeyanju added that he is nw planning t have a pssible cycling trip t Ghana r a bike ride t Israel t help raise mre funds. And he has anther dream: t climb Munt Qmlangma.
    4. Why did Adeyanju g n the 41-day trip?
    A. T challenge himself.B. T help fight pli.
    C. T cnnect with mre peple.D. T advertise Rtary Internatinal.
    5. Hw did Adeyanju becme ppular during the jurney?
    A By using the title “Lin Heart”.B. By cmmenting n ther bikers’ jurneys.
    C. By sharing his experiences nline.D. By shwing his deep lve fr his hmetwn.
    6. What made Adeyanju’s experience in Mauritania unpleasant?
    A. His getting lst in the bush.B. His failing t understand the lcals.
    C. His meeting with crime.D. His mtrbike’s breaking dwn.
    7. Which wrds can best describe Adeyanju?
    A. Caring and determined.B. Generus and sensitive.
    C. Reliable and enthusiastic.D. Adventurus and cnfident.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. A
    【导语】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了为了给国际扶轮社筹集在他的家乡尼日利亚治疗小儿麻痹症的资金,Kunle Adeyanju成功完成了伦敦到拉各斯的摩托车骑行。
    细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话“He started the impressive jurney t raise funds fr Rtary Internatinal t deal with pli(小儿麻痹症)in his native Nigeria.(他开始了令人印象深刻的旅程,为国际扶轮社筹集资金,以应对他的祖国尼日利亚的小儿麻痹症)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju进行为期41天的旅行是为了帮助人们对抗小儿麻痹症。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段第二句话“Adeyanju, called “Lin Heart” by fans wn ppularity amng the public by psting daily pictures with cmments abut his jurney n scial media.(被粉丝们称为“狮子心”的Adeyanju通过在社交媒体上发布关于他的旅程的每日图片和评论,赢得了公众的喜爱)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju通过每天都在社交媒体上发布旅行照片和评论赢得了公众的喜爱。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句话“Mauritania, a cuntry in nrthwest Africa, was ‘terrible’, ” he said, after he gt rbbed f hundreds f eurs. “The wrst experience,” he added.(毛里塔尼亚是非洲西北部的一个国家,“太可怕了”,他在被抢劫数百欧元后说道。“这是最糟糕的经历,”他补充道)”可知,Kunle Adeyanju在毛里塔尼亚遇到了抢劫。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,Kunle Adeyanju进行为期41天的旅行是为了帮助他的家乡尼日利亚人们对抗小儿麻痹症,说明他是一个有爱心的人。根据倒数第二段第一句话“He did face sme challenges, like the ne in Mali where ne f his wheels brke. (他确实面临着一些挑战,比如在马里的那次,他的一个轮子坏了)”可知,虽然在骑行中遇到了一些困难,但他没有放弃。由此可推知,他是一个有爱心并且意志坚定的人。故选A。
    Nrmally giving fd t wild animals is nt allwed, but the situatin in Flrida with ver 1,000 manatees (海牛) dying frm hunger leads fficials t cnsider a plan t feed them. “We’ve never dne such a thing with any wildlife, but the situatin has becme such an emergency that it has t be cnsidered,” said Patrick Rse, the Executive Directr f Save the Manatee Club. “This is a necessary but temprary measure. But I believe the impact is lasting.”
    The emerging plan wuld invlve feeding manatees at a Flrida Pwer & Light plant in Cape Canaveral where manatees stay in cld winter mnths because f the warm water discharge there. It wuld be an experiment invlving greens delivered in a cntrlled manner such as by a cnveyr belt. “Peple will nt be authrized t simply start thrwing fd. It’s illegal, and remains s.”
    Manatees have lng struggled t survive with humans, whse activities bring many harmful effects. Hundreds f the slw-mving animals are struck by bats every year. The accidents have led t n-wake manatee znes thrughut Flrida with vilatins (违反) punishable by significant fines. Hwever, they are just respnsible fr a small part f the lss f manatees. The hunger threat has led t a recrd f 1,017 manatee deaths as f Nv. 19, 2021.
    This has been caused mainly by runff frm farms, urban areas and waste that prmtes algal blms (藻华). Climate change wrsening algal blms is als a factr. And it’s nt just manatees. Peple’s health can als be affected by the blms alng with the health f a range f sea creatures. Besides, there’s an ecnmic lss fr bat captains and sightseeing tur rganizers.
    “Actually, saving manatees is part f saving the ecsystem. If we take care, manatees will grw well. If we dn’t, they wn’t,” Rse said. “We’re in the mst critical psitin.” Manatees were listed as endangered when the gvernment started t prtect them in 1967. Increased prtectins helped manatee numbers increase frm arund 1,000 t 8,000 by 2017 enugh t have their psitin t be dwngraded frm “endangered” t “threatened”.
    8. What can be learned abut the plan t feed manatees?
    A. It is a lng-term strategy.
    B. It is carried ut acrss Flrida.
    C. It is the first f its kind.
    D. It is aimed at saving the ecsystem.
    9. What des the underlined wrd “they” refer t in paragraph 3?
    A. Human activities.B. Bat accidents.
    C. N-wake manatee znes.D. Significant fines.
    10. Why des the authr mentin the figures in the last paragraph?
    A. T prve manatees’ value in the ecsystem.
    B. T explain challenges faced by manatees.
    C. T encurage peple t feed manatees actively.
    D. T shw the necessity f humans’ prtectins.
    11. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. Wide-ranging effects f manatees’ deaths.
    B. A special feeding plan fr Flrida manatees.
    C. Grwing fd shrtage faced by manatees.
    D. Eclgical crises caused by human activities.
    【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“We’ve never dne such a thing with any wildlife, but the situatin has becme such an emergency that it has t be cnsidered(我们从未对任何野生动物做过这样的事情,但情况已经变得如此紧急,必须予以考虑)”可知,喂养海牛计划是同类计划中的第一个。故选C。
    词句猜测题。前文“Hundreds f the slw-mving animals are struck by bats every year. The accidents have led t n-wake manatee znes thrughut Flrida with vilatins (违反) punishable by significant fines.(每年有数百只行动迟缓的动物被船撞到。这些事故导致了整个佛罗里达州的无尾流海牛区,违反规定将被处以巨额罚款。) ”提到每年数百只海牛被船只撞上,最后一句“The hunger threat has led t a recrd f 1,017 manatee deaths as f Nv. 19, 2021.(截至2021年11月19日,饥饿威胁已导致创纪录的1017头海牛死亡。)”表明到2021年11月19日,已有1017只海牛被饿死,故画线词所在句表示船只事故只为海牛的死亡负一小部分责任。故they指“船只事故”。故选B。
    推理判断题。最后一段的“ Manatees were listed as endangered when the gvernment started t prtect them in 1967. Increased prtectins helped manatee numbers increase frm arund 1,000 t 8,000 by 2017 enugh t have their psitin t be dwngraded frm “endangered” t “threatened”.(1967年政府开始保护海牛时,海牛被列为濒危动物。到2017年,增加的保护措施帮助海牛数量从大约1000头增加到8000头,足以使它们的地位从“濒危”降级为“受威胁”)”提到政府从1967年开始保护海牛,至2017年,增加的保护措施使海牛的数量从1000只左右增长到8000只,再结合Rse的话“We’re in the mst critical psitin.(我们处于最关键的位置。)”可推断,作者提到这些数据是为了支持Rse的话,表明人类采取保护措施的必要性。故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段的“Nrmally giving fd t wild animals is nt allwed, but the situatin in Flrida with ver 1,000 manatees (海牛) dying frm hunger leads fficials t cnsider a plan t feed them. (通常情况下,给野生动物喂食是不被允许的,但在佛罗里达州,超过1000头海牛死于饥饿的情况促使官员们考虑给它们喂食的计划。)”以及下文内容可知,文章主要介绍为了救助佛罗里达州挨饿的海牛,佛罗里达州推出了一项史无前例的海牛喂养计划,B项“一项针对佛罗里达州海牛的特殊喂养计划”概括了文章的主要内容。故选B。
    As climate change becmes severe summer after summer, millins f peple are finding themselves cvered in wildfire smke, including thse in Nrth America just this past mnth. It is bad fr ur health. It is als really disturbing, but we dn’t talk abut that as much.
    We ften use the terms “atmsphere” r climate” t refer t the md f a situatin. We use metaphrs (比喻) t describe affective states, such as “feeling under the weather” r “n clud nine”. Such language suggests that we understand that human emtins are intimately related t the atmspheric phenmena. Yet rarely d we pay attentin t the ways we feel climate change.
    But wildfire smke shws hw affective climate change can be. Fr example, wildfire smke is ften referred t using emtinal phrases such as “air f dread”. Thrugh living with the smke and the panic it generates, we can think mre carefully abut the ways we experience climate change, and crucially, why and hw we need t respnd t it.
    We ften think f climate change impacts as far away, separate frm ur bdies, because science typically uses glbal representatins and statistical infrmatin. But wildfire smke spreads and pllutes ur bdies, and indeed, crsses many ther bundaries; it drifts frm rural areas int big cities; and it crsses state and natinal brders with ease. Of curse, sme brders are mre permeable (渗透的), and sme bdies mre sensitive t the smke.
    Thrugh its ability t pass thrugh and becme part f ur very being, wildfire smke is clser in nature t the air pllutin we nrmally think f as ne f the causes f climate change. Wildfire smke is bth an impact and a cause f climate change. It explains the nature f climate change impacts and the self-reinfrcing (自我强化) feedback circles that can, and may, lead t the planet warming itself independent f human actins.
    12. What can we learn abut peple’s reactin t climate change?
    A. They are curius abut it.
    B. They take it very seriusly.
    C. They feel pwerless abut it.
    D. They pay little attentin t it.
    13. What des the underlined wrd “intimately” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Clsely.B. Naturally.
    C. Certainly.D. Unexpectedly.
    14. What des the authr think f wildfire smke?
    A. It allws peple t sense climate change.
    B. It des great harm t peple’s health.
    C. It influences peple’s md.
    D. It attracts scientists’ deep cncerns wrldwide.
    15. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Why Smke frm Wildfires Harms Us
    B. Hw We Can Observe Climate Change
    C. What Smke frm Wildfires Can Teach Us
    D. What We Can D t Avid Smke frm Wildfires
    【答案】12. D 13. A 14. A 15. C
    【详解】1. 推理判断题。根据第一段的“It is bad fr ur health. It is als really disturbing, but we dn’t talk abut that as much.(它对我们的健康有害。这也很令人不安,但我们很少谈论这个)”和第二段最后一句“Yet rarely d we pay attentin t the ways we feel climate change.(然而,我们很少会关注我们对气候变化的感受)”可知,虽然气候变化会造成野火,且其产生的烟雾会对人们的健康造成损害,但人们很少谈论它,也很少关注对于气候变化的感受。故选D。
    2. 词句猜测题。根据第二段的“We ften use the terms ‘atmsphere’ r ‘climate’ t refer t the md f a situatin. We use metaphrs (比喻) t describe affective states, such as ‘feeling under the weather’ r ‘n clud nine’.(我们经常使用术语“气氛”或“气候”来指一种情况的气氛。我们用隐喻来描述情感状态,诸如“感觉不舒服”或“飘飘然”)”可知,人们经常使用“空气”或“气候”之类的词汇来指代某种情况下的情绪;经常用比喻来描述情感状态,如feeling under the weather (感觉不舒服)和n clud nine (在九霄云上;狂喜)。再结合划线词所在句“Such language suggests that we understand that human emtins are intimately related t the atmspheric phenmena. (这种语言表明,我们可以理解,人类的情感与大气现象intimately相关)”可知,这些语言表明我们人类的情绪与大气现象有着非常密切的关系。由此可知,划线词intimately与clsely“密切的”意思相近。故选A。
    3. 推理判断题。根据第四段的“We ften think f climate change impacts as far away, separate frm ur bdies, because science typically uses glbal representatins and statistical infrmatin. But wildfire smke spreads and pllutes ur bdies, and indeed, crsses many ther bundaries(我们经常认为气候变化的影响是遥远的,与我们的身体无关,因为科学通常使用全球描述和统计信息。但是野火的烟雾会扩散并污染我们的身体,事实上,还跨越了许多其他边界)”可推知,作者认为野火烟雾让人们确切地感受到了气候变化带来的影响。故选A。
    4. 主旨大意题。根据第一段内容“As climate change becmes severe summer after summer, millins f peple are finding themselves cvered in wildfire smke, including thse in Nrth America just this past mnth. It is bad fr ur health. It is als really disturbing, but we dn’t talk abut that as much.(随着气候变化在一个又一个夏天变得越来越严重,数百万人发现自己被野火烟雾覆盖,包括上个月在北美的那些人。它对我们的健康有害。这也很令人不安,但我们很少谈论这个)”以及下文可知,文章主要介绍了气候变化导致野火不断,其产生的烟雾加强了人们对气候变化的认识。由此可知,C项“野火产生的烟雾能教会我们什么”最适合作为文章的标题。故选C。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Yu may hear the phrase — dress fr success. ___16___. But des it matter what yu wear fr a wrkut? Listed belw are fur reasns why yu shuld wear gd quality wrkut clthing.
    The Right Athletic Clthing Increases Cnfidence
    The clthing yu wear is ging t make a difference if yu believe it’s ging t help yu perfrm better. Studies have shwn the psitive impact f wearing the right clthes fr yur wrkplace and this extends t sprts and fitness t. ___17___. That is t say, if yu like what yu are wearing at the gym, there is a greater chance yu will want t exercise.
    Maybe yu need a shirt that takes away misture (水分) frm the bdy s yur mrning jgs are mre cmfrtable and yu can stay ut lnger. Hwever, a pair f running shes wuld nt be apprpriate n the sccer field. Shes made fr running lack the flexibility and stability required fr ther sprts, thus affecting yur perfrmance.
    The Right Wrkut Equipment Adds Prtectin & Prevents Injuries
    Yu may want a cap t cver yur head and prtect yur face. Yu might want t use glves in the gym t prtect yur hands while using imprperly fitted equipment is a majr cause f sprts-related injuries. ___19___.
    Well-Fitted Athletic Clthing Imprves Freedm f Mvement
    ___20___. A tight shirt can restrict yur mvement. Even if yu are able t swing r make ther mvements yu will be affected if yu are aware f the tightness arund yur bdy.
    A. It will cnsequently turn pleasing wrkut int hspital visits
    B. Gd sprts shes prtect yur feet
    C. Freedm f mvement is imprtant in intense sprts
    D. The Gd Clthing Can Aid Pssibility in Exercise
    E. The Crrect Sprts Clthing Imprves Perfrmance
    F. If yu knw yu lk great — chances are yu will act it ut
    G. In ther wrds, the clthing yu chse influences yur perfrmance n the sprts field
    【答案】16. G 17. F 18. E 19. A 20. C
    根据上文“Yu may hear the phrase — dress fr success.(你可能听过这句话——为成功而着装。)”和下文“But des it matter what yu wear fr a wrkut?(但是在锻炼时穿什么重要吗?)”可知,运动时着装可能会影响锻炼。G项“In ther wrds, the clthing yu chse influences yur perfrmance n the sprts field(换句话说,你选择的服装会影响你在体育场上的表现)”承上启下,符合语境。故选G。
    根据上文“Studies have shwn the psitive impact f wearing the right clthes fr yur wrkplace and this extends t sprts and fitness t.(研究表明,在工作场所穿着合适的衣服会产生积极的影响,这也延伸到运动和健身。)”和下文“That is t say, if yu like what yu are wearing at the gym, there is a greater chance yu will want t exercise.(也就是说,如果你喜欢你在健身房时的穿着,你就更可能想去锻炼。)”可知,合适的衣服可能让你锻炼表现更好。F项“If yu knw yu lk great — chances are yu will act it ut(如果你知道自己看起来很棒——你很有可能会表现出来)”与下文衔接紧密,符合语境。故选F。
    此处是本段的小标题。通读本段内容“Maybe yu need a shirt that takes away misture (水分) frm the bdy s yur mrning jgs are mre cmfrtable and yu can stay ut lnger. Hwever, a pair f running shes wuld nt be apprpriate n the sccer field. Shes made fr running lack the flexibility and stability required fr ther sprts, thus affecting yur perfrmance.(也许你需要一件能带走身体水分的衬衫,这样你的晨跑会更舒服,你也可以在外面呆更长时间。然而,一双跑鞋在足球场上是不合适的。跑步鞋缺乏其他运动所需要的灵活性和稳定性,因此影响了你的表现。)”可知,本段介绍了合适的运动服装可以使运动时间增加而不合适的鞋子会影响运动表现。E项“The Crrect Sprts Clthing Imprves Perfrmance(正确的运动服装(会)改善(你的运动)表现)”统领本段,符合语境。故选E。
    根据上文“Yu might want t use glves in the gym t prtect yur hands while using imprperly fitted equipment is a majr cause f sprts-related injuries. (你可能想要在健身房使用手套来保护你的手,因为使用不合适的设备是运动相关伤害的主要原因。)”可知,要预防运动受伤很重要。A项“It will cnsequently turn pleasing wrkut int hspital visits(结果把令人愉快的运动变成去医院就诊)”承接上文,符合语境。故选A。
    根据本段小标题“Well-Fitted Athletic Clthing Imprves Freedm f Mvement(合身的运动服装可以提高运动的自由度)”可知,合身的运动服装在运动时可以提高运动自由度。C项“Freedm f mvement is imprtant in intense sprts(在激烈的运动中穿着运动自由的服装是重要的)”与该段主题相符,且能概括下文内容,符合语境。故选C。
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    My mther turned ninety. I knew I needed t find a senir ___21___ center. Nt fr her — fr me. If I were at her age, I wuld want t stay in shape t ___22___ life, getting a lt f pleasure. Yes, walking in lcal parks was my ___23___, but I wasn’t s active as befre.
    I called a nearby center, “D yu have aerbics (有氧运动) classes ___24___ fr senirs?” “Sure. Cme and check us ut! We start at 10 am,” the receptinist (接待员) replied and ___25___. The next mrning, I went there. One part f me was ___26___ that the class was t easy, nt ding me any gd. The ther part feared it was t hard fr me t ___27___.
    When I came int the rm, a wman ___28___ me, “Oh, yu’re new. Welcme.” Then the music started. The hur-lng wrkut wke up the muscles I didn’t ften ___29___ in daily walks, suiting me fine. I became a member there. My classmates ranged in age frm fifty t ninety. Mst gave the exercises their wn ____30____, ding as much r little as they culd. ____31____ n ne kept scre. Sn I learned physical well-being wasn’t the nly ____32____ there. During breaks, peple chatted happily. Whenever sme peple were ____33____ we asked arund. Were they busy? Were they in hspital? Mrever, we signed cards fr thse wh were ill.
    I ____34____ t be in gd shape nw as I’ve hped. Still, I’m grateful fr things mre valuable frm the class — clse friendships and new scial ____35____.
    21. A. leisureB. fitnessC. cmmunityD. learning
    22. A. changeB. rememberC. waitD. enjy
    23. A. rutineB. aimC. challengeD. plan
    24. A. attachedB. familiarC. apprpriateD. vital
    25. A. cmfrtedB. invitedC. prmisedD. welcmed
    26. A. sureB. disappintedC. anxiusD. hpeful
    27. A. make up frB. lk dwn nC. get dwn tD. keep up with
    28. A. greetedB. recgnizedC. helpedD. intrduced
    29. A. relaxB. stretchC. strengthenD. use
    30. A. imprvementB. agreementC. interpretatinD. cnclusin
    31. A. FrtunatelyB. CnsequentlyC. NaturallyD. Surprisingly
    32. A. prblemB. cntributinC. standardD. fcus
    33. A. lnelyB. absentC. unhappyD. tired
    34. A. failB. manageC. attemptD. cntinue
    35. A. backgrundsB. cnnectinsC. skillsD. duties
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. C 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道我需要找一个老年人健身中心。A. leisure闲暇;B. fitness健康;C. cmmunity社区;D. learning学习。根据下文提到的“I wuld want t stay in shape”“walking”“aerbics (有氧运动) classes”等信息可推断出,此处表示作者需要找一家老年人健身中心。fitness center“健身中心”。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我在她这个年龄,我会想保持身材享受生活,获得很多乐趣。A. change改变;B. remember记住;C. wait等待;D. enjy享受。根据下文的“getting a lt f pleasure”可知,此处表示作者希望自己到了母亲那个年龄还能保持健康好好享受生活。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在当地公园散步是我的日常惯例,但我没有以前那么活跃了。A. rutine惯例;B. aim目标;C. challenge挑战,钦佩;D. plan计划。由第三段的“in daily walks”可知,作者每天都散步。所以可以推断出,此处表示在公园散步是作者的日常惯例。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你有适合老年人的健美操课吗?A. attached附着的;B. familiar熟悉的;C. apprpriate合适的;D. vital至关重要的。根据上文的“Nt fr her — fr me”和下文的“suiting me fine”可知,此处表示作者打电话询问有没有适合老年人的有氧课程。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“当然。过来看看吧!我们上午10点开始,”接待员回答并邀请道。A. cmfrted安慰;B. invited邀请;C. prmised承诺;D. welcmed欢迎。上文提到“Cme and check us ut!”,即接待员让作者过去了解一下他们的情况,下文“The next mrning, I went there”提到作者第二天去了那家健身中心。由语境可以推断出,此处表示接待员发出邀请。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我有一点担心课程太容易,对我没有任何用处。A. sure注确定;B. disappinted失望的;C. anxius担忧的;D. hpeful有希望的。由下文的“The ther part feared it was t hard”可知,另一方面,作者担心课程太难。由语境可推知,空处所在部分应与后面一句形成对比,表示一方面作者担心课程太简单,对自己没用。故选C。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:另一部分担心我很难跟上。A. make up fr弥补;B. lk dwn n轻视;C. get dwn t开始;D. keep up with跟上。根据上文“The ther part feared it was t hard”可知,作者担心课程太难自己跟不上。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走进房间时,一位女士向我打招呼:“哦,你是新来的。欢迎。”A. greeted打招呼;B. recgnized意识到;C. helped帮助;D. intrduced介绍。根据下文的“Oh, yu’re new. Welcme”可知,一个女士给作者打招呼。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个小时的锻炼唤醒了我在日常散步中不常使用的肌肉,这很适合我。A. relax放松;B. stretch伸展;C. strengthen加强;D. use使用。根据上文提到的“The hur-lng wrkut wke up the muscles”可知,此处表示作者在日常的散步中没有经常用到的肌肉。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:大多数人对这些练习都有自己的理解,尽可能多做或少做。A. imprvement提高;B. agreement同意;C. interpretatin理解;D. cnclusin结论。根据上文的“My classmates ranged in age frm fifty t ninety”和下文的“ding as much r little as they culd”可知,作者有氧健身课上的同学的年龄在50岁到90岁不等,对于课上的训练活动他们尽力做到自己能做的程度。由此可以推断出,此处表示这些人对训练活动都有着自己的理解。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:幸运的是没有人计分。A. Frtunately幸运地;B. Cnsequently因此;C. Naturally自然而然;D. Surprisingly令人惊讶地。结合上文“ding as much r little as they culd”可知,此处表示幸亏没有人计分。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:很快我学到身体健康并不是那里的人唯一关注的事。A. prblem困难;B. cntributin贡献;C. standard标准;D. fcus焦点。根据下文的“During breaks, peple chatted happily. Whenever sme peple were ___13___ we asked arund. Were they busy? Were they in hspital? Mrever, we signed cards fr thse wh were ill.”可知,有氧健身课上的人在休息时间会愉快地聊天,并彼此关心。由此可知,此处表示身体健康并不是那里的人唯一关注的事。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:每当有人缺勤的时候,我们就四处打听。A. lnely孤独的;B. absent缺勤的;C. unhappy不高兴的;D. tired疲劳的。根据下文提到的“we asked arund. Were they busy? Were they in hspital?”可知,这些询问应是在有人缺勤不在时发生的。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我现在没能像我希望的那样保持好身材。A. fail失败;B. manage管理;C. attempt尝试;D. cntinue继续。根据下文提到的“Still, I’m grateful fr things mre valuable frm the class — clse friendships and new scial ___15___”可知,空处所在部分应与下文构成转折,表示她没能像期待的那样有好的身材。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意: 尽管如此,我还是很感激课堂上更宝贵的东西——亲密的友谊和新的社会关系。A. backgrunds背景;B. cnnectins关系;C. skills技能;D. duties职责。根据第三段的“During breaks, peple chatted happily. Whenever sme peple were ___13___ we asked arund. Were they busy? Were they in hspital? Mrever, we signed cards fr thse wh were ill”可知,作者收获了更重要的东西:亲密的友谊和新的社会关系。故选B。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The Great Wall, ___36___ (run) fr mre than 20,000 kilmeters, is a histrical landmark with wrldwide fame, but climbing it is hard. Everyne may have sme knwledge f it mre r less, while nly a handful may have the skill t ___37___ (physical) participate in its restratin (修复).
    Hwever, a WeChat miniprgram, Great Wall E-tur, is allwing every enthusiast t be a her in a virtual wrld, in ___38___ ne nt just visits the Great Wall, but als prtects it. The prgram ___39___ (attract) cnsiderable attentin in recent weeks and gt a large fan base. Arund 50,000 high definitin pictures f the Xipanjiaku site f the Great Wall are used t ffer users a ___40___ (remark) experience.
    Liu Yuzhu, head f the China Fundatin fr Cultural Heritage Cnservatin, says an agreement with Tencent ___41___ (reach) t make peple mre aware f the histrical landmark years ag. “We made dcumentaries and published animated bks in the past. These are ppular, but the Great Wall is ___42___ cmplex structure and deserves mre attentin. S we tried smething new,” Liu says. “A series f prgrams like ___43___ (we) have been launched in China, with a cmbinatin ___44___ public educatin and restratin f relics thrugh digitizatin.” Thugh there are bttlenecks (障碍) that need t be remved, the future is bright. “There’s n ____45____ (shrt) f new ideas speaking f prtecting relics,” Liu adds.
    【答案】36. running
    37. physically
    38 which 39. has attracted
    40. remarkable
    41. was reached
    42. a 43. urs
    44. f 45. shrtage
    考查非谓语动词。句意:长城绵延2万多公里,是举世闻名的历史地标,但攀登长城却很难。分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词is,因此空处作非谓语,run与The Great Wall之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,应用现在分词形式。run“伸展,延伸”。故填running。
    考查副词。句意:每个人都或多或少对长城有一些了解,然而只有少数人拥有可以身体力行参与长城修复的技能。空处修饰动词短语participate in,应用physical的副词形式。故填physically。
    考查定语从句。句意:然而,微信小程序“云游长城”让每个爱好者在虚拟世界中成为英雄。在这个虚拟世界里,人们不仅可以参观长城,而且还能保护它。空处与前面的介词in连用,引导非限制性定语从句,修饰表示地点的a virtual wrld,此处in which相当于where。故填which。
    考查动词的时态。句意:该项目在最近几周引起了广泛关注,并有了庞大的粉丝基础。根据时间状语in recent weeks可知,此处应用现在完成时态。故填has attracted。
    考查时态和语态。句意:中国文物保护基金会理事长刘玉珠表示,他们多年前与腾讯达成了一项协议以让人们更加了解这一历史地标。分析句子结构可知,an agreement与reach之间是被动关系,应用被动语态;再根据时间状语years ag可知,此处描述发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时态。故填was reached。
    考查冠词。句意:我们过去制作过纪录片并出版了动画书籍。这些都很受欢迎,但长城是一个复杂的结构,需要更多关注。结合句意可知,此处表示泛指,cmplex 发音以辅音音素开头,所以用不定冠词a。故填a。
    考查介词。一系列跟我们的项目类似的项目已经在中国推出,它们通过数字化的方式把公众教育与遗迹修复结合起来。a cmbinatin f ...“……的结合”为固定搭配。故填f。
    考查词性转换。句意:说到保护遗迹,从来不缺少新的想法。根据空前的There’s n和空后的f可知,空处应用shrt的名词形式。shrtage“不足,缺少,短缺”。故填shrtage。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 你的选择;2. 选择的原因;3. 个人经历。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The Key t Success
    【答案】The Key t Success
    Which factr leads t success, talent, struggle r enthusiasm? In my viewpint, struggle leads t success. As the ld saying ges, n pain, n gain. We will get nthing if we nly daydream instead f struggling. Thse wh are lazy will never succeed. Last year, I was chsen t participate in the sprts meeting. I’m nt gd at sprt, s I felt anxius. I didn’t want t live up t thers’ expectatins. Thrugh struggling with exercise, I gt the third place in race walking. We shuld keep struggling. Only in this way can we succeed!
    参加:participate in→take part in
    擅长:be gd at→d well in
    原句:I’m nt gd at sprt, s I felt anxius.
    拓展句:Because I’m nt gd at sprt, I felt anxius.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】We will get nthing if we nly daydream instead f struggling.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)
    【高分句型2】Thse wh are lazy will never succeed. (运用了wh引导的限制性定语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Nupur walked alng the rad with a sad lk n her face. Tmrrw was her friend Neeta’s birthday but she did nt have anything nice t wear t the party. Her father’s small factry had clsed dwn and there was hardly any mney left at hme t buy a new dress.
    Nupur decided t wear an ld dress that had been her favurite fr many years but was a little t shrt fr her nw. “I will ask the tailr t lengthen it,” Nupur said t herself. The tailr hwever refused t d s. “I dn’t take such wrk right nw since the rders have started puring in and my hands are full.”
    Nupur left hlding the bag with the dress in it and thught, “What am I t d?” Suddenly she saw a lady get ut f the car and walk twards the bank. The lady pened her handbag t take ut sme papers but her wallet fell t the grund. Unaware f it, the lady went int the bank. Nupur ran and picked up the wallet. There were s many peple in the bank that she decided t wait n the steps.
    After a lng time the lady came ut. Nupur handed her the wallet that she had drpped. The lady culd nt believe it. The little girl had been waiting fr her fr s lng, just t give back the wallet. The lady lked at the cntents and everything was just the way she had left it. She lked at the girl’s ld and dirty clthes. “What is yur name and where are yu ging? Can I drp yu hme?” The lady asked. Nupur tld the lady that she was ging hme. She als said that she had been t the tailr t get a dress tailred t wear fr her friend’s birthday party but the tailr had refused t d s and that her father was jbless.
    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The lady lked at the dress with visible dirty spts.
    In the evening, Nupur went t the lady’s hme t get her ld dress back.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    The lady lked at the dress with visible dirty spts. She was nce the wner f a stre that made clthes fr children. “Maybe I culd d that. Wuld yu like t let me try?” the lady smiled and said. Nupur ndded, pleasantly surprised. Then she paused and said, “Have yu thught f a present t give t yur friend?” “Why, yes!” Nupur answered enthusiastically. “My uncle gave me a new bx f clred pencils. I’ll give that t my friend.” “Great! Cme ver in the evening and cllect yur dress.” The lady tld Nupur her address and left.
    Paragraph 2:
    In the evening, Nupur went t the lady’s hme t get her ld dress back. She was speechless t see it lked s impressive. The lady used lace t lengthen the dress. The cllar and sleeves had been added decratins t as well. The lady als made a bag as a birthday gift fr Nupur’s friend. Nupur was verjyed but then became nervus, since she thught she nly had little pcket mney. “Hw much shuld I pay fr them, madam?” “Oh, dear,” the lady laughed, “they’re a tiny gift I think such an hnest girl ttally deserves.
    拿走、领取:cllect / get back / take away
    离开:leave / g away
    惊讶的、惊喜的:surprised / astnished
    无语的、说不出话的:speechless / wrdless
    紧张的:nervus / tense / strained
    【点睛】【高分句型1】She was nce the wner f a stre that made clthes fr children.(运用了that引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Nupur was verjyed but then became nervus, since she thught she nly had little pcket mney.(运用了since引导的原因状语从句)

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