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    这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省无锡市高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷含答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了11,5分,满分7,5分,满分37, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    无锡市2023年秋学期高三期中教学质量调研测试英 语
    答案一律写在答题卡上。考试结束时,上交答题卡第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    Hw des the man enjy the view?
    Thrugh a telescpe.B. Thrugh a camera.C. Thrugh a mbile phne.
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    On the playgrund.B. In a stre.C. In a gym.
    What will the speakers prbably d next?
    Eat at a restaurant.
    Shp at a grcery stre.
    Have dinner with Jack’s mther.
    When will the meeting be held?
    On Wednesday.B. On Thursday.C. On Friday.
    What are the speakers mst prbably talking abut?
    A bed.B. A chair.C. A blanket.
    Which part f the bdy is the wman fcusing n recvering nw?
    Her shulder.B. Her fingers.C. Her arm.
    Wh prbably helps the wman carry her grceries?
    Her brther.B. The man.C. Her c-wrkers.
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A magic schl.B. A cstume party.C. The mvie Harry Ptter.
    What is the wman like?
    Cnfident.B. Funny.C. Helpful.
    What difficulty des the wman meet?
    Hw t publish her bk.
    When t publish her bk.
    Where t publish her bk.
    What des the man suggest the wman d abut her bk?
    Call a publisher.B. Advertise it herself.C. Ask the teacher fr advice.
    Hw many pages des the wman’s bk have?
    Abut 200.B. Abut 350.C. Abut 700.
    What will the wman give the man t read?
    A digital cpy.B. A printed cpy.C. A handwritten cpy.
    When might the birthday party be held?
    On Thursday.B. On Friday.C. On Saturday.
    What des Judy have t d n the day f the party?
    G t wrk.
    Take the car fr a check.
    Drive her brther smewhere.
    What gift will Dave give t Brad fr his birthday?
    A. A hat.B. A gift card.C. A CD.
    What will the speakers d at Brad’s birthday party?
    D sme sprts.B. See a mvie.C. Watch a perfrmance.
    What is the clever thing abut the mall?
    Its lcatin.B. Its atmsphere.C. Its shpkeepers.
    What des Maria Larssn think f the mall?
    Cmmn.B. Creative.C. Mdern.
    Why is the mall special?
    Because it’s fashinable.
    Because it’s easily accessible.
    Because it’s envirnmentally friendly.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    The traditinal Chinese slar calendar divides the year int 24 slar terms. Start f Autumn, the 13th slar term,
    reflects the end f summer and the beginning f autumn. The fruitful seasn is appraching. The fllwing are several things yu shuld knw abut it.
    “Autumn Tiger”
    Althugh Start f Autumn indicates the beginning f autumn, ht weather wn’t cme t an end. The perid f ht days after Start f Autumn, is called “Autumn Tiger”. Because f decreasing rainfall, it is even mre sweltering (闷热的) during this perid than during Majr Heat.
    Eating lngans
    The Start f Autumn perid is harvest time fr Taiwan lngan. Peple believe that eating lngan will help their children becme senir fficials.
    Eating red beans
    Starting frm the Tang Dynasty and the Sng Dynasty, peple in Yiwu, Zhejiang prvince, have eaten red beans n Start f Autumn day. They take 7 t 14 little beans, swallwing them with well water. When taking the beans, ne must face west, it is said, s as nt t get dysentery during the autumn.
    Eating gurds (葫芦)
    During the Qing Dynasty, peple wuld put gurds utside fr a day befre the Start f Autumn, and eat them n Start f Autumn day t drive ff the summer heat. Tday peple in Tianjin still keep this custm, believing that eating melns such as twel gurd, white gurd and bitter gurd can prevent diarrhea (腹泻) in autumn.
    What causes “Autumn Tiger” accrding t the passage?
    The reducing rainfall.B. The ending f summer.
    C. The appraching autumn.D. The beginning f the slar term.
    What is the cmmn belief fr peple t eat red beans and gurds?
    T avid heat.B. T keep the custm.
    C. T prevent diseases.D. T help children becme senir fficials.
    In which clumn f a magazine might the passage be taken frm?
    A. Sprts.B. Culture.C. Entertainment.D. Plitics.
    Each mrning at 6 ’clck, even n weekends, Kamaljeet Singh, 57, is up and ut f the huse He starts by spending three hurs helping distribute fd t nearly tw dzen drp-ff lcatins acrss Delhi, India, and then checks n the many facilities run by the vlunteer rganizatin he leads with his brther, Premjit. The rganizatin, Veerji Ka Dera, was funded in 1989 by their father, Trilkchan Singh.
    Trilkchan and his helpers began supprting ne f India’s mst underserved grups: the migrant wrkers wh came t Delhi frm rural areas. It started with a free breakfast, and eventually the grup was als prviding basic first aid fr minr, ften jb-related, injuries. During this time, Trilkchan wuld begin his days as early as 4 ’clck in the mrning, then g t his paid jb 5 hurs later, and end each day by vlunteering in the evenings.
    After his death, Kamaljeet and Premjit, inspired by their father’s lifetime f service, tk ver the rganizatin. “We are cntinuing his legacy f helping the prest f the pr,” says Premjit, 61, “Our aim is that n ne ges hungry and uncared fr in Delhi.”
    Veerji Ka Dera nw feeds abut 2,500 daily wage wrkers and hmeless peple a day, in additin t prviding
    basic medical care fr as many as 500 peple. The grup perates a main building in west Delhi, several rented farms
    — grwing crps such as wheat, mustard, millet and rice — an ld-age hme and clinics. It even perates an animal shelter husing a few hundred rescued cws and buffal.
    It’s all made pssible by the rughly 250 families wh vlunteer their time t ck, drive, nurse, farm and clean. Kamaljeet and his wife, Raminder, juggle their vlunteer wrk with managing their security-camera installatin (设备) cmpany, and they get help frm their sn and daughter-in-law, t. His ther adult children, wh nw live abrad, have vlunteered in the past, as have Premjit’s kids.
    Despite the size and scpe f the rganizatin, the brthers claim it causes them n stress. Kamaljeet says spending time with his brther and the vlunteers — especially yung peple — is “the best”.
    What can we learn abut Kamaljeet frm paragraph 1?
    He sets up Veerji Ka Dera.B. He is fnd f getting up early.
    C. He rutinely helps thse in need.D. He can have a rest n weekends.
    What is the authr’s purpse in mentining Trilkchan?
    T cmment n his wrk.B. T cmpare his wrk with his sns’.
    C. T shw his influence n his sns.D. T describe his tugh living cnditins.
    What des the underlined wrd “juggle” mean in paragraph 5?
    A. Cmbine.B. Share.C. Cnnect.D. Balance.
    What is the text mainly abut?
    A caring family.B. A wrthy rganizatin.
    C. A mysterius tale.D. A meaningful experience.
    Insmnia (失眠) feels like a curse fr thse left tssing and turning as they try t fall asleep. Such prblems can be nt nly upsetting, but als harmful t the brain, as revealed in last issue’s article n sleep.
    Scientists frm the US University f Washingtn have been using bracelets (手镯) t mnitr the sleep patters f 507 university students ver a perid f three years. The bracelets allwed scientists nt nly t mnitr the sleep patterns f their subjects but als t examine their expsure t light during the day.
    The data revealed that the students enjyed abut the same quantity f sleep regardless f seasns. But n weeknights in the winter they went t bed 35 minutes later, and als rse again 27 minutes later, cmpared with weeknights in the summer.
    The discvery surprised the scientists. The city f Seattle, where the university is lcated, gets 16 hurs f daylight in the summer and nly 8 in the winter. They expected that lng light summer evenings wuld keep the students up lnger — but the ppsite prved t be the case.
    Accrding t the scientists, the explanatin may be that the lw quantity f daylight in winter disturbs the students’ internal clck, shifting it by sme 40 minutes. They simply spent t little time utdrs during winter mnths.
    The scientists als suggest that the type f light matters very much. “Light during the day, particularly in the mrning, affects yur internal clck, s yu get tired earlier in the evening, while light late in the day r early in the evening delays yur tiredness,” explains Hraci, Prfessr f Bilgy at the University f Washingtn and ne f the
    scientists behind the publicatin.
    Accrding t him, the results are an imprtant reminder t all f us, nt just American university students, t think abut light levels and ur expsure. “Many f us live in cities with lts f artificial light, and at the same time ur lifestyle keeps us indrs during the day,” Hraci ntes. “The study demnstrates that we have t step utside — even briefly, and particularly in the mrning — t be subjected t natural light.”
    What des paragraph 1 intend t tell us?
    The signs f insmnia.B. The causes f insmnia.
    C. The experiences f insmnia.D. The prblems f insmnia.
    What surprised the scientists?
    Lng hurs f daylight in Seattle’s summer.
    The same quantity f sleep whatever the seasn.
    The changeable sleep patterns f the participants.
    The shrter sleeping time in winter weeknights.
    What is the functin f paragraph 6?
    T state anther prblem.B. T present dubt.
    C. T prvide anther explanatinD. T give evidence.
    What des Hraci advise us t d frm the last paragraph?
    Have enugh sleep.B. Get ut early t enjy natural light.
    C. Deal with light pllutin.D. Stay indr t avid light expsure.
    Are yu gd at interpreting ther peple’s emtins? Then there’s a gd chance that yu’re als gd at understanding what animals try t say.
    A new Danish-Swiss study published in the pen jurnal Ryal Sciety Open Science indicates that empathetic (能共情的) peple are als gd at decding (解读) animal sunds. Other factrs als imprve yur chance f cmmunicating with animals — yu are mre likely t be animal-empathetic if yu als wrk with animals, and the ability seems t peak in thse aged 20-29 years ld, accrding t the scientists.
    “Our results shw that, based n animal sunds, peple are able t tell whether an animal is agitated (焦虑不安的) r nt and whether the animal expresses psitive r negative emtins,” says behaviural bilgist Eldie Briefer frm the University f Cpenhagen’s Faculty f Science. “This is true in cnnectin with a number f different mammals. We can als see that ur ability t interpret the sunds depends n factrs such as age, first-hand knwledge f animals, and nt least hw empathetic we are twards ther peple.”
    The study was based n answers frm 1024 peple acrss 48 cuntries. They were intrduced t sunds frm six mammals: gats, cattle, dmesticated hrses, Asian wild hrses, pigs, and wild bars. The sunds frm the six animals were played t the study’s respndents tgether with sunds f human nnsense (胡言乱语) prduced by actrs. Afterwards, the participants had t guess whether the sunds expressed a high r lw level f agitatin, and if the emtins were psitive r negative. Fllwing the test, the participants were asked t take an empathy test that measured their empathy twards human beings. “It is a cnvincing test which measures empathy twards ther peple,” Eldie Briefer explains. “And we saw a clear cnnectin with the ability t interpret animal sunds.”
    Hw des the authr intrduce the tpic f the passage?
    By stating pinins.B. By quting a saying.
    C. By giving an example.D. By asking a questin.
    Wh might be best at understanding animal emtins based n the study?
    A 15-year-ld hard-wrking student.B. A 25-year-ld caring animal raiser.
    C. A29-year-ld experienced hunter.D. A 30-year-ld friendly teacher.
    What des Eldie Briefer think f the test invlved?
    A. Dubtful.B. Reliable.C. Ineffective.D. Disappinting.
    What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    Human empathy extends t animalsB. Emtin interpretatin helps animals
    C. Sund interpretatin depends n agesD. Emtin expressin prtects animals
    The wrld cntinues t struggle with extreme heatwaves, which are becming even mre regular thanks t climate change. 36 Researchers have fund that by wearing apprpriate clthes, it is pssible t save cnsiderable energy, bth saving mney and cutting greenhuse gas emissins. S what shuld yu wear?
    When it cmes t clur, mst peple wear white in summer, because white reflects the sun’s rays, rather than absrb the light. 37 When that heat frm ur bdies hits the white clthing, it is reflected back at us. A study f why Beduins, wh live in desert regins in the Arabian peninsula, Middle East and Nrth Africa wear black rbes (袍服) in the desert, fund that heat expsure was the same whether they wre black r white rbes.
    Hw is that pssible? Black clured fabrics absrb heat cming frm the bdy, which plays a rle in cling
    yur bdy dwn. 38 The clthes heat up the space between the fabric and the skin, prmting an upward air current-like a chimney-and prviding cling relief. 39
    In terms f material, it’s better t have fabrics that allw water vapur (蒸气) t pass thrugh Cttn absrbs misture but it desn’t dry quickly, s if yu’re sweating a lt yur clthes will stay wet. 40 Linen is widely wrn as it has excellent breath ability due t its large fibres, but like cttn it is slw t dry. Merin wl has been a ppular chice fr utdr enthusiasts as it’s breathable.
    Therefre, it turns ut that picking an utfit t stay cl is mre cmplex than simply thrwing n a white T-shirt. But the right fabric and apprpriate fit wrk.
    It means cttn des nt d s great with this.
    Cttn is cnsidered as the mst cmfrtable material.
    The clthing we wear is a vital cmpnent in hw we stay cl.
    S the fit f the clthing is actually mre imprtant than the clur.
    S if yu are cnsidering what t wear, then stick with white T-shirt.
    Hwever, heat desn’t just cme frm the sun — it cmes frm ur bdies t.
    The Beduin’s secret is wearing lse-fitting black clthing, especially if it’s windy.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    KATHY XU, a high schl teacher, had always wanted t see a shark in the wild. The 41 finally came in 2011, when she went n a snrkelling (浮潜) trip t the Ningal Reef. Instead f being 42 f the whale shark, she was inspired by its 43 and grace.
    Xu later learned abut the shark trade in the village f Tanjung Luar. Curius, Xu 44 the village. She spke with several fishermen. Shark fishing is 45 and invlves hard physical wrk, but it’s ne f few ways t 46 their families.
    Once the fishermen heard Xu liked snrkelling. they urged her t visit the cral reefs (珊瑚礁) nearby. The reefs were 47 , alive with life and clur. Xu was cnfident that snrkelling bat trip was the 48 — a way the fishermen culd make a living withut risking catching sharks.
    In late 2012, Xu 49 her full-time teaching jb t fcus n building The Drsal Effect, an ecturism business she hped wuld 50 the declining shark ppulatin.
    In late 2013, The Drsal Effect 51 its first bat trip. Snrkellers paid $120 fr a ne-day trip t 52 places the lcal fishermen knw abut but culd nt be fund n a Ggle search. It 53 a much mre reliable incme fr the fishermen.
    Nw, Xu is prud f the small 54 happening in the village, frm the fishermen wh nw have a new way t earn an incme t the schl children wh learn abut sharks n 55 . “I lve the beautiful sharks and decided t change the negative pinin peple have f them,” Xu says.
    A fdie paradise blessed with fresh lcal prduce, Wuzhen ffers a wide variety f traditinal Chinese dishes allwing turists t sink their 56 (tth) int the muth-watering experiences.
    The ancient water twn is a ppular turist destinatin 57 nearly seven millin visitrs walking thrugh
    41. A. idea
    B. pprtunity
    C. experience
    D. hpe
    42. A. fnd
    B. ashamed
    C. scared
    D. careful
    43. A. beauty
    B. flexibility
    C. respnsibility
    D. variety
    44. A. hid in
    B. fled t
    C. ran in
    D. headed t
    45. A. risky
    B. funny
    C. fancy
    D. wrthy
    46. A. prtect
    B. amuse
    C. supprt
    D. serve
    47. A. disappinting
    B. cnfusing
    C. amazing
    D. bring
    48. A. guidance
    B. result
    C. prblem
    D. slutin
    49. A. quit
    B. enjyed
    C. cntinued
    D. fund
    50. A. cntrl
    B. ensure
    C. keep
    D. save
    51. A. realized
    B. launched
    C. delayed
    D. evaluated
    52. A. defend
    B. empty
    C. design
    D. explre
    53. A. prvides
    B. prepares
    C. lwers
    D. limits
    54. A. events
    B. disasters
    C. jys
    D. changes
    55. A. business
    B. tur
    C. campus
    D. duty
    its streets and bridges each year. Mst peple explre the picturesque landscape f the time-hnred twn 58 (enjy) the traditinal flk custms, ancient residential huses, wrkshps and stres. But they shuld never miss the
    59 (taste) dishes in Wuzhen.
    Rice is cnsidered t be essential t Wuzhen’s lcal snacks, Dingsheng cake tpping the list. It is usually stuffed with red bean paste and sweetly scented smanthus (桂花) making it chewy in texture and 60 (delicate) sweet, but nt greasy (油腻的). The lcal dessert is 61 symbl f victry as its name includes a pun n the Chinese wrd fr “invincibility” (无敌). Legend (传说) says riginally it 62 (make) t encurage sldiers in the war r students wh set ut t take the imperial examinatin (科举考试). 63 (prepare) several steamers full f sugary, sft but chewy Dingsheng cakes was a way t wish them success.
    64 makes Wuzhen stand ut is the cmbinatin f culture and lcal cuisine. Different kinds f restaurants can be fund at almst every cmer n streets. Whether taking bat trips n the canal 65 just explring the narrw streets f the twn, the travel experience in Wuzhen is guaranteed t be as impressive as its histry.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    My favrite schl athlete
    Emily was a shy girl wh ften preferred the cmfrt f her wn cmpany. She fund it challenging t express herself and lacked cnfidence in her abilities. Hwever, her best friend Ada always believed in her and encuraged her t step ut f her cmfrt zne.
    One day, as Emily sat in her art class, her teacher, Mrs. Andersn, annunced an upcming art cmpetitin. The cmpetitin shwcased the talents f students frm varius schls in the city. The rm buzzed with excitement. Her mind flashed back t her bedrm where impressive artwrk was displayed n the walls, each piece seemingly mre attractive than the last. Emily’s heart skipped a beat at the thught f participating, but her shyness held her back. Self-dubt crept in, whispering that her wrk wuldn’t measure up t the talent surrunding her. Emily wndered if she had made a mistake by even cnsidering entering.
    Ada, nticing Emily’s excitement and fear, whispered, “Emily, yu shuld ttally enter the cmpetitin! Yur art is fantastic, and this culd be a great pprtunity fr yu t shwcase yur talent.”
    Emily hesitated fr a mment, cntemplating (思忖) Ada’s wrds. A gentle breeze (微风) wafted thrugh the pen windws, carrying the distant sunds f laughter and chatter frm utside. Emily clsed her eyes, trying t calm her racing thughts. She reminded herself f the cuntless hurs she had spent hning (磨炼) her craft, the late nights and early mrnings dedicated t perfecting her technique. She had pured her heart and sul int her art, and this cmpetitin was a chance t shwcase her passin t a wider audience.
    With a deep breath, she finally gathered the curage t apprach Mrs. Andersn after class. “Mrs. Andersn, I’m interested in participating in the art design cmpetitin,” Emily said, her vice slightly trembling. Mrs. Andersn smiled warmly, recgnizing Emily’s ptential. “That’s wnderful, Emily! I think it’s abut time yu shuld share yur incredible talent with the wrld. I’ll prvide yu with all the guidance and supprt yu need.”
    Over the fllwing weeks, Emily dedicated herself t creating her masterpiece.
    On the day f the cmpetitin. Emily nervusly displayed her artwrk alngside the ther cmpetitrs.
    无锡市 2023 年秋学期高三期中教学质量调研测试
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1~5 ABCCA6~10 BABCA11~15 CBACB16~20 CAABC
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)
    21~23 ACB24~27 CCDA28~31 DDCB32~35 DBBA
    第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 36~40 CFGDA
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
    第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)
    41~45 BCADA46~50 CCDAD51~55 BDADB
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 应用文写作(满分 15 分)
    My favrite schl athlete
    Zhang Wei is my favrite athlete, wh is nt nly an excellent student but a talented athlete.
    During ur annual sprts meeting, Zhang Wei made remarkable achievements. He wn the first place in the 100-meter race and the lng jump, breaking the schl recrd.
    What I admire mst abut him is his persistence and dedicatin.Despite his heavy academic burden,he never neglects his training. His spirit f never giving up and striving fr the best has greatly inspired me. (80wrds)
    第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)
    Over the fllwing weeks, Emily dedicated herself t creating her masterpiece . Eyes fcused n painting, she spent cuntless hurs sketching, painting,and perfecting her piece, puring her heart and sul int it. When she met prblems, Mrs. Andersn ffered valuable and cnstructive advice while Ada cntinuusly encuraged her t push thrugh her dubts. With the cmpetitin appraching,Emily's 'anxiety grew, but she remained determined t vercme her self-dubts and fears. Her artwrk, a breathtaking landscape painting, captured the essence f nature's beauty and well represented the change f her feelings. (79 wrds)
    On the day f the cmpetitin, Emily nervusly displayed her artwrk alngside the ther cmpetitrs.Emily's heart raced as the judges evaluated each piece.Finally, the mment f truth arrived. “The winner f the cmpetitin is... Emily!” the judge annunced. Emily's eyes widened in disbelief. She had wn the champinship! Her heart was filled with jy and a newfund sense f cnfidence. The applause frm the audience eched in her ears as she accepted her award with gratitude fr Mrs. Andersn's and Ada's unwavering supprt and encuragement. (71 wrds)56.teeth
    58.t enjy
    60. delicately
    62.was made

    江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语试卷(有听力): 这是一份江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语试卷(有听力),文件包含江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语试卷docx、江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语答案docx、江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期终教学质量调研测试英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共15页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2023-2024学年江苏省无锡市高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年江苏省无锡市高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷含答案,文件包含江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷原卷版docx、江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷: 这是一份江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷,文件包含精品解析江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷原卷版docx、精品解析江苏省无锡市2023-2024学年高三上学期期中教学质量调研测试英语试卷解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。






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