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    第一部分 选择题(50分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)
    I sat dwn in my seat waiting fr the plane t take ff. A line f 1 came ver and filled the empty seats.
    After a while, we were tld that sack lunches (袋装午餐) were available fr $5. As I reached fr my wallet t buy ne, I verheard a sldier ask anther 2 he planned t buy lunch. “N, that seems like a lt f mney fr just a sack lunch. ”
    I lked arund. 3 f the sldiers were buying lunch. I walked t the back f the plane and handed the flight attendant (服务人员) a $50 bill. “Take a lunch t all thse sldiers. ”
    After I finished eating. I went t the restrm. A man stpped me. “I saw what yu did. I want t be 4 f it. Here, take this.” He handed me $25.
    Sn after I 5 t my seat, the Flight Captain came t me and said, “I want t shake yur hand. I was a military pilt (军队飞行员). Once, smene bught me a lunch. It was an act f 6 I never frgt. ” I was embarrassed when applause was heard frm all f the passengers.
    Later I walked t the frnt f the plane s I culd stretch my legs. A man wh was seated abut six rws in frnt f me 7 his hand, wanting t shake mine. He left anther $25 in my hand.
    When we landed in Chicag, I picked up my belngings. 8 waiting t get ff, a man passed by and put smething in my pcket. Anther $25! I walked ver t the sldiers and 9 them $75.
    These sldiers were giving their all fr ur 10 . I culd nly give them a cuple f meals. Its seemed s little.
    7.A.reached utB.reached tC.keptD.kept ut
    第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题2分)
    Each f us has dreams and gals fr ur future. What makes us study and make prgress each day is clsely cnnected with ur persnal dream and gal.
    But why d yu have dreams and gals, yu still end up with nthing? What separates successful peple frm the dreamers is their persistent (锲而不舍的) actin. When yu learn yur lessns in schl, yu must wrk hard and nt give up. Yu will ften find sme f yur lessns very hard. Try and keep trying, and yu’ll be sure t successfully deal with any difficulty yu meet with. If we have a hard lessn tday, let us try ur best t learn it well and then we shall be prepared fr a harder ne tmrrw.
    This is the famus frmula (公式) fr success:
    Dream > Believe > Achieve
    Mst peple have what they want (Dream) and think they can realize their dreams (Believe). And then they d nthing. They just imagine their dreams can cme true. When they get tired waiting and lse a lt, they get bred. They say angrily hw terrible their life is.
    I persnally believe that if yu really want t achieve yur dreams and gals in life, yu have t add ne thing t yur success frmula:
    Dream > Believe > Act > Achieve
    Fr me, act is the mst imprtant thing fr success and that’s t Take Persistent Actin (Act). If yu say, “I can’t d it” and give up, yu can never d anything valuable. Hwever, “I’ll try” creates wnders. Let’s remember that there will be bstacles in ur life. We must face them bravely and slve them. Success is nt smething that falls dwn frm the sky. Mst successful peple made their dreams cme true because f their persistent actin.
    Please remember: Actin is the bridge that cnnects ur dreams and gals t reality.
    11.What shuld yu d when yu find yur lessns very hard?
    A.Ask peple fr help.B.Try and keep trying.
    C.Get ready t create wnders.D.Prepare fr a harder ne.
    12.Which des the writer add t the famus frmula?
    13.What des the underlined wrd “bstacles” mean?
    14.Why des the writer use the frmula “Dream > Believe > Act > Achieve”?
    A.T supprt his idea.B.T ask readers t explain it.
    C.T shw what his gals are.D.T cmpare it with a bridge.
    15.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Ding Smething ValuableB.Studying Hard and Making Prgress
    C.Realizing Dreams with Persistent ActinD.Separating Successful Peple frm Dreams
    Shenzhen rescued and captured nearly 10,000 dgs last year. 1,119 f them have been adpted(收养)by peple after receiving treatment at the city’s dg rescue centres, accrding t a reprt.
    Shenzhen has a ttal f fur dg rescue centres, ne f which is the Lnggang Dg Rescue Centre in Hnghualing Eclgical Park. As the newest ne, the centre was put int use in July 2020. It cvers nearly 800 square metres and can accmmdate(容纳)mre than 4,000 dgs a year.
    Accrding t the directr f the centre, Liu Xingguang, the centre is divided int eight areas — the ffice, receptin, islatin(隔离), living, adptin, strehuse, activity and science ppularizatin areas.
    The centre aims t accmmdate, treat, help with the adptin f, and infrm the public abut the hmeless r captured dgs in Lnggang. If the dg wner is fund within seven days, the centre will tell him r her t get back the pet, r the centre will adpt it.
    The first place the dgs set ft in is the receptin area, where wrkers at the centre will take phts f them and recrd them n the list. The dgs with diseases will be islated and ther dgs will remain in the rm t wait fr the next step. After careful watching, the dgs are mved t the living area. Every dg enjys a single rm there. The wrkers will feed them and play with them in the activity area.
    Peple can g t the WeChat mini-prgram — Dg Raising Service f Shenzhen — t get infrmatin n the dgs at each dg rescue centre in the city. Dg lvers can chse their favurite dgs and then make a request fr their adptin nline.
    16.What d we knw abut the Lnggang Dg Rescue Centre frm the passage?
    A.It helped 1,119 dgs last year.
    B.It has been pen fr three years.
    C.It can hld ver 4,000 dgs every year.
    D.It is the largest amng the fur centres.
    17.What is Paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A.The purpse f the centre.B.The ways f adpting a dg.
    C.The achievements f the centre.D.The situatin f dg adptin in Shenzhen.
    18.Where will the dgs be mved frm the receptin area if they have diseases?
    A.T the living area.B.T the activity area.
    C.T the strehuse area.D.T the islatin area.
    19.Which wrd can best describe “Dg Raising Service f Shenzhen”?
    20.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T intrduce a dg rescue centre.
    B.T encurage peple t adpt dgs.
    C.T ask peple t take gd care f their pets.
    D.T shw hw peple in Shenzhen adpt pets.
    Xuwen, a small twn in the suth f Guangdng, is called the “hmetwn f pineapples (菠萝)” in China. One in three pineapples sld in the cuntry cmes frm this place. There, farmers prduced nearly 700,000 tnnes f pineapples in 2021. But what makes Xuwen s successful?
    In 2019, the Guangdng gvernment intrduced a marketing system fr pineapples grwn in Xuwen and set up a special wrking grup t make it happen. They called it “12221”, including the fllwing five parts: “ne” database f agricultural prducts (农产品); “tw” teams, namely buyers and prducers; “tw” marketing areas, sales areas and prductin areas; “tw” activities, helping buyers int the prductin area and agricultural prducts int the market; and “ne” gal—rural vitalizatin (乡村振兴).
    The prject sent the fruit t bigger markets by finding buyers and upping the business sense f grwers as well as using big data t guide prductin and sales methds, accrding t Huang Jiatuan, wh’s respnsible fr agricultural develpment in Xuwen. “It changed peple’s pinins and helped farmers have a better understanding f marketing,” said Liu Yicun, wh used t wrk at the Xuwen gvernment.
    Pineapples have als attracted peple frm arund the cuntry t visit Xuwen, helping the develpment f the lcal turism industry. “Much like film lcatins became a calling card fr different cities. The lcal fd plays an imprtant part when yung turists chse where t g.” said Feng Ra, directr f Mafengw. It’s cmmn fr yung travelers, especially thse brn in the 1990s and 2000s t g n jurneys s they can taste new flavrs.
    21.Hw is Xuwen intrduced in Paragraph 1?
    A.By listing numbers.B.By asking questins.
    C.By presenting examples.D.By interviewing peple.
    22.Why are Xuwen pineapples s successful?
    A.It’s the hmetwn f pineapples.
    B.Chinese peple lve Xuwen pineapples.
    C.A marketing system has been intrduced in Xuwen.
    D.Xuwen farmers prduce a larger number f pineapples.
    23.What’s the purpse f the “12221” prject in Xuwen?
    A.T develp its rural ecnmy.
    B.T change peple’s way f life there.
    C.T build a database f agricultural prducts.
    D.T find buyers and prducers fr pineapples there.
    24.What’s the main idea f the last paragraph?
    A.Peple are cming t Xuwen t eat pineapples.
    B.Yung travelers have new experience in Xuwen.
    C.Pineapples have helped Xuwen’s turism industry.
    D.Xuwen has built many film lcatins t attract peple.
    25.In which part f a newspaper can we prbably read the passage?
    第二节(每小题1分,共 5分 )
    The iPd Generatin
    Tday it is cmmn t see peple wh walk abut with clred wires hanging frm their ears wherever they g. They mve abut in their persnal bubbles, smetimes unaware f what’s happening arund them. 26 . Outside life is shut ut. S are yu ne f “them”?
    Fr me, walking arund in my wn persnal bubble is perfect. 27 . What’s even better, wearing card phnes seems t give a signal t peple which say. “I'm nt available fr chatting at the mment!”
    Suppse yu’re at wrk and abut t make an incredible breakthrugh(极大的突破), but a wrkmate suddenly turns up. At this mment the slightest disturbance(干扰)wuld break yur cncentratin. 28 . Once again, thse wires hanging frm yur ears wuld be sure t give that “G away!” signal.
    29 . It’s prbably part f the grwing up stage when they just want t ignre(忽视)their whle family. While their mthers give them lectures abut why they shuld d their hmewrk, they can just turn up the vlume n their MP3 player, smile, and say “Yes, mum.” Prblem slved.
    Pretty sn, nt nly will we have pretty clred wires hanging frm ur ears, but als ur brains will be directly plugged int(接通)sme new high-tech instruments. We’ll be in a virtual(虚拟的)wrld, cmmunicating with everyne else, r chsing nt t, as we like. 30 . And they are changing ur scial habits alng the way.
    In the end, there is a thin line between using technlgy as a tl fr making life better and being a slave t it! It’s s strange﹣suddenly. I dn't feel like wearing my cardphnes anymre.
    A.Our instruments are changing quickly
    B.I dn’t have t deal with the nise frm the envirnment
    C.In the hme situatin, teenagers lve these wires
    D.I als have wires hanging frm my cars
    E.Listening t music thrugh earphnes is the perfect way t ignre such interruptins
    F.They walk arund in their wn spaces, with their persnal “digital nise reductin systems”
    第三节 (每小题1分,共 5分 )
    下面的材料 A-F 分别是六所英语学校的信息。请根据五位同学的情况介绍,帮助他们选择适合的学校,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
    A.Ensmre Schl is pen thrughut the year and ffers curses at all levels. It rganizes weekend activities and a sprts prgramme during the summer. Students stay with lcal families and have all their meals with them except weekday lunches which are prvided by the schl.
    B.Queen’s Schl is a beautiful ld huse n the edge f the city. There are special business classes t prepare students fr wrking in an English-speaking wrk envirnment. Students get tgether in the evenings fr activities. All levels are welcme.
    C.Miltn Schl is a mdern schl. Each day students cmbine language lessns with sprt and cultural visits t nearby places f interest. The schl is in the cuntryside but has its wn transprt. All students share study bedrms.
    D.Garden Schl is fr children under 7. The lessns are interesting and it ffers a variety f summer curses in sme fantastic places each year. It prvides high quality early childhd educatin.
    E. Internatinal Schl ffers all students single study-bedrms within the schl. Special attentin is paid t each student’s prgress and extra individual(单独的) lessns are included in a student’s prgramme. All levels are accepted.
    F.Grve Schl is a mdern language schl ffering curses fr peple with special interests in histry, music, theatre and literature(文学). Small classes plus a full scial prgramme during the week are prvided. Students stay with selected families and are expected t take part in family life at weekends.
    31.Pabl is 14. He desn’t want t stay with a family and he wuld like t d as much sprt as pssible.
    32.Julius is studying drama(戏剧) and wuld like a curse which will develp this interest and allw him t spend time with English peple at weekends.
    33.Rsa wuld like t stay with a family s she can practice speaking English. At the same time, she wants t take part in rganized activities at weekends.
    34.Ahmed wuld like a schl where he can have private lessns withut paying anything extra.
    35.Kari desn’t mind which schl she ges t s lng as it prepares her fr practical use f English in a future jb situatin.
    第二部分 非选择题(25分)
    三、语法填空(每小题1分,共 10分 )
    After a big earthquake hit Luding, Sichuan n September 5, rescuers frm acrss Sichuan went t the area 36 (help) peple there.
    During the activity, the pht f a yung rescuer 37 a 2-mnth-ld baby in his arms tuched many peple. When Zhang Zili and sme ther rescuers 38 (find) the baby and her grandmther trapped(被困) at their hme in a village n September 6, they sent the baby and his grandma t 39 (safe) quickly. The baby’s father, a firefighter, tk part in the rescue activity after 40 earthquake happened. His mther and grandfather were s 41 (serius) hurt that they were in hspital.
    Zhang Zili, a 20-year-ld by, is frm Maxian. It is near Wenchuan where a big earthquake killed mre than 69,000 peple in 2008.
    14 years ag, Zhang experienced the terrible earthquake 42 (he). It brke dwn his family’s huse. He and his family lived in a tent 43 was set up in a schl playgrund. “I remembered the tent was very dark, and I was frightened,” Zhang said. “Then an uncle f the Peple’s Liberatin Army came t me. He taught me t sing 44 (sng) and played with me. He kept 45 (say), ‘Dn’t be afraid. We are here nw.’”
    The wrds left a deep impressin n the by.
    This year, Zhang became a firefighter and he has taken part in several rescue activities.
    1. 一些学生过度使用眼睛的现状;
    2. 介绍一些如何保护眼睛的方法;
    3. 号召大家一起保护眼睛。
    eyesight 视力
    1. 短文须包含所有提示信息,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    2. 条理清楚,语言流畅,语句通顺,标点正确;
    3. 80词左右。
    As we all knw, eyes are imprtant t us.
    1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.C
    students学生;businessmen商人;sldiers士兵;children孩子们。根据下文“I verheard a sldier ask anther...”可知,此处应该是指士兵。故选C。
    that 无意义;if是否,如果;when什么时候;where哪里。根据“N, that seems like a lt f mney fr just a sack lunch.”可知,此处问他买不买午餐。故选B。
    Nne没有一个;Each每一个;Neither两者都不;Sme一些。根据“I walked t the back f the plane and handed the flight attendant a $50 bill. ‘Take a lunch t all thse sldiers.’ ”可知,士兵们没有去买午餐。故选A。
    prud自豪的;part部分;careful小心的;supprt支持。根据“He handed me $25.”可知,他想和作者一起给士兵们买午餐。故选B。
    reprted报告;returned返回;prved证明;led导致。根据“my seat”可知,作者是回到自己的座位上。故选B。
    liveliness活泼;richness富裕;rudeness无礼;kindness善举。根据上文“Once, smene bught me a lunch.”可知,这是一种善举。故选D。
    reached ut伸出;reached t达到;kept坚持;kept ut阻止进入。根据“wanting t shake mine”可知,是伸出手来想和作者握手。故选A。
    Besides除……之外;Over结束;While当……时候;After在……之后。根据“... waiting tget ff, a man passed by and put smething inmy pcket.”可知,此处用while引导时间状语从句。故选C。
    brught带来;cst花费;paid支付;handed传递。根据“them $75”并结合语境可知,是把这些钱递给了士兵。故选D。
    dream梦想;mney金钱;cuntry国家;family家庭。根据“Thesesldiers were giving their all fr ur...”可知,他们把自己的一切都奉献给了国家。故选C。
    11.B 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.C
    11.细节理解题。根据“Yu will ften find sme f yur lessns very hard. Try and keep trying, and yu’ll be sure t successfully deal with any difficulty yu meet with.”可知,发现一些功课很难时要继续努力,故选B。
    12.细节理解题。比较“Dream > Believe > Achieve”和“Dream > Believe > Act > Achieve”可知,作者添加了“Act”,故选A。
    13.词义猜测题。分析“Let’s remember that there will be bstacles in ur life. We must face them bravely and slve them.”可知,在我们的生活中会有障碍,我们要勇敢面对,解决问题。此处bstacles的意思是“问题,障碍”,故选D。
    14.推理判断题。分析倒数第二段内容可知,作者用“Dream > Believe > Act > Achieve”公式是为了证明自己的观点,故选A。
    16.C 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.A
    16.细节理解题。根据“can accmmdate mre than 4,000 dgs a year.”可知,一年可以容纳4000多只狗。故选C。
    17.主旨大意题。根据“The centre aims t accmmdate, treat, help with the adptin f, and infrm the public abut the hmeless r captured dgs in Lnggang.”可知,本段主要讲的是小狗救助中心的目标。故选A。
    18.细节理解题。根据“The dgs with diseases will be islated”可知,生病的狗将会被隔离。故选D。
    19.推理判断题。根据“Peple can g t the WeChat miniprgram — Dg Raising Service f Shenzhen — t get infrmatin n the dgs at each dg rescue centre in the city.”可知,人们可以去微信小程序获得关于狗的信息,可以选择他们最喜欢的狗,然后在网上提出收养请求,由此可知它是方便的。故选B。
    21.A 22.C 23.A 24.C 25.B
    21.推理判断题。根据文中“One in three pineapples sld in the cuntry cmes frm this place. There, farmers prduced nearly 700,000 tnnes f pineapples in 2021.”可知是以列数字的形式告诉我们为什么徐闻是“菠萝之乡”,故选A。
    22.细节理解题。根据文中“In 2019, the Guangdng gvernment intrduced a marketing system fr pineapples grwn in Xuwen and set up a special wrking grup t make it happen.”可知广东政府引入了营销系统并成立特别工作组实现了徐闻发展的成功,故选C。
    23.细节理解题。根据文中“‘ne’ gal—rural vitalizatin (乡村振兴).”可知目的是为了发展乡村经济,故选A。
    24.段落大意题。根据文中“Pineapples have als attracted peple frm arund the cuntry t visit Xuwen, helping the develpment f the lcal turism industry.”和下文举例说明可知,最后一段主要在讲:菠萝帮助发展了徐闻的旅游业,故选C。
    25.推理判断题。根据文中“pineapples”和“agricultural prducts”可知本文是关于农业方面的发展成果,会出现在新闻的农业板块内,故选B。
    26.F 27.B 28.E 29.C 30.A
    26.根据“They mve abut in their persnal bubbles, smetimes unaware f what’s happening arund them.”可知,他们在自己的个人空间中移动,有时不知道周围发生了什么,后面应进一步说明他们不知道周围发生了什么的原因。F选项“他们通过使用个人的‘数字降噪系统’,让自己沉浸在自己的空间里”符合语境。故选F。
    27.根据“walking arund in my wn persnal bubble is perfect.”可知,沉浸在自己的空间里是很棒的,后面应解释棒的原因。选项B“我不必应对环境中的噪音”符合语境。故选B。
    28.根据“At this mment the slightest disturbance(干扰)wuld break yur cncentratin.”可知,一点点的干扰都会破坏你的注意力,后面应说明怎么避免干扰。选项E“通过耳机听音乐是忽视这种干扰的最佳方式”符合语境。故选E。
    30.根据“And they are changing ur scial habits alng the way.”可知,现代技术设备正在改变我们的社交习惯,空处所填内容应该与现代技术设备相关内容。选项A“现代技术设备正在快速变化”符合语境。故选A。
    31.C 32.F 33.A 34.E 35.B
    31.根据“Pabl is 14. He desn’t want t stay with a family and he wuld like t d as much sprt as pssible.”可知,他不想和家人待在一起,他想做尽可能多的运动,C选项“弥尔顿学派是一所现代学派。每天,学生们将语言课程与体育和文化参观结合在一起,参观附近的名胜古迹。这所学校在乡下,但有自己的交通工具。所有学生共用自习卧室。”符合,故选C。
    32.根据“Julius is studying drama(戏剧) and wuld like a curse which will develp this interest and allw him t spend time with English peple at weekends.”可知,他正在学习戏剧,希望有一门课程能培养他的兴趣,让他在周末有时间和英国人在一起,F选项“格罗夫学校是一所现代语言学校,为对历史、音乐、戏剧和文学有特殊兴趣的人提供课程。每周提供小班课程和完整的社会课程。学生住在选定的家庭,并在周末参加家庭生活。”符合,故选F。
    33.根据“Rsa wuld like t stay with a family s she can practice speaking English. At the same time, she wants t take part in rganized activities at weekends”可知,罗莎想和一个家庭住在一起,这样她就可以练习说英语。同时,她想在周末参加有组织的活动,A选项“Ensmre学校全年开放,提供所有级别的课程。它在夏季组织周末活动和体育节目。学生住在当地家庭,除了工作日的午餐由学校提供外,其他所有的食物都和他们一起吃。”符合,故选A。
    34.根据“Ahmed wuld like a schl where he can have private lessns withut paying anything extra”可知,他想要一所不用额外支付任何费用就能上私人课程的学校,E选项“国际学校为所有学生提供学校内的单间学习卧室。特别注意每个学生的进步和额外的个别课程包括在一个学生的计划。所有等级都可以接受。”符合,故选E。
    35.根据“Kari desn’t mind which schl she ges t s lng as it prepares her fr practical use f English in a future jb situatin”可知,Kari不介意她上的是哪所学校,只要这所学校能让她在未来的工作中为实际使用英语做好准备,B选项“皇家商业学院是坐落在城市边缘的一座美丽的老房子。这里有专门的商务课程,为学生在英语环境中工作做好准备。学生们晚上聚在一起进行活动。欢迎所有级别。”符合,故选B。
    36.t help 37.hlding 38.fund 39.safety 40.the 41.seriusly 42.himself 43.which/that 44.sngs 45.saying
    36.句意:来自四川的营救者深入到该区去帮助那儿的人们。根据“rescuers frm acrss Sichuan went t the there”可知此处用不定式表目的。故填t help。
    37.句意:在此次活动中,一个年轻的营救者怀抱着两个月的婴儿的照片感动了许多人。根据“the pht f a yung 2-mnth-ld baby”可知是抱着2个月大的婴儿,hld“抱着”,此处用现在分词作定语,故填hlding。
    42.句意:14年以前,张他自己体验了可怕的地震。根据“Zhang experienced the terrible earthquake...”可知句子结构完整,应用反身代词表强调。故填himself。
    44.句意:他教会我唱歌并且和我一起玩。sing sngs“唱歌”,此处用复数形式。故填sngs。
    45.句意:他一直说:“不要害怕,我们都在这里”。keep ding sth“一直做某事”。故填saying。
    As we all knw, eyes are imprtant t us. But many students are experiencing declining eyesight and wearing glasses frm a yung age. T slve this issue, we must take actin t prtect ur eyes.
    Firstly, we shuld give ur eyes a break while using digital devices, and ensure prper lighting and safe distance frm the screen. Secndly, we shuld als maintain a suitable reading distance and spend time utdrs. Additinally, a healthy diet rich in vitamins A and C is imprtant fr eyesight.
    Tgether, we can prtect ur eyes and enjy clear visin fr a better future. Thank yu!
    ① 题材:本文为一篇应用文,为发言稿;
    ② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
    ③ 提示:要点提示已给出,注意不要遗漏要点,适当增加细节,突出写作重点。
    ① take actin采取行动
    ② digital devices数码设备
    ③ rich in vitamins富含维生素
    ① T slve this issue, we must take actin t prtect ur eyes.(动词不定式作目的状语)
    ② Firstly, we shuld give ur eyes a break while using digital devices, and ensure prper lighting and safe distance frm the screen.(while引导的时间状语从句)

    九年级英语上学期期末考试02(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语下册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版): 这是一份九年级英语上学期期末考试02(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语下册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版),共17页。

    九年级英语上学期期末考试04(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版): 这是一份九年级英语上学期期末考试04(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版),共14页。

    九年级英语上学期期末考试04(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版): 这是一份九年级英语上学期期末考试04(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版),共14页。

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