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    这是一份2023-2024学年吉林省吉林市高一上册12月期中英语试题(附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了95 and ﹩12等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Grcery shpping in persn r nline:Which is better?
    Karen de knws hw t cllect cupns(优惠券) and price match.She runs her wn savings website t teach thers t shp and save as she des.
    Yet when a nearby grcery stre started ffering nline shpping abut mnth ag,de (1) ______ at the chance t try it.She didn't even care there was a delivery fee and the stre did nt (2) ______ paper cupns r price matching fr nline rders.Why wuld a pwer shpper be willing t give up sme f her favrite savings (3) ______ t shp nline?
    "Fr shppers(4) ______ t cllect cupns and price match,shpping in-stre will bring bigger savings,"de explained."But many peple are never ging t d that and,fr them nline shpping is anther way t save,because yu can keep an eye n yur running ttal as yu shp t stick t yur budget."
    S de tk the plunge and managed t (5) ______ her first rder."I went t the stre afterwards t test ut what the price (6) ______ wuld have been,she said,"and I fund everything rdered was the same price at the stre."
    S if this is the case,then it's all abut whether yu can make back the delivery fee.Stres charge between ﹩7.95 and ﹩12.95 t deliver yur grceries,depending n the size f yur (7) ______ .
    Yu ffset (抵消) little f that mney right away because yu d nt have t pay fr gas,but the biggest benefit is the time saved by (8) ______ the trip.Shpping nline saves time in anther way.Even n yur very first nline shpping trip,if yu enter yur lyalty card number,all the prducts yu've bught befre at the stre shuld pp up as a(n)(9) ______ shpping list.Just click the nes yu'd like t buy again and yu're dne.N (10) ______ wandering in the stre.
    Hadi Partvi, funder f Cde. rg believes every student shuld learn the basics f cmputer science just like they d math, physics, r bilgy, regardless f what they want t d in the future. The expert says knwledge abut the subject is imprtant t understand hw the wrld arund us wrks and cmpares it t learning abut phtsynthesis(光合作用), even thugh nt every student is ging t be a btanist. T rk students' interest, he created the "Hur f Cde", which intrduces the wrld f cmputing t anyne, frm ages 14 t 104, in a fun, interactive manner. Observed annually during Cmputer Science Week, the event nw draws tens f millins f kids frm ver 180 cuntries.
    The "Hur f Cde", which can be scheduled anytime during Cmputer Science Week, begins with an intrductry vide n cmputer science. Participants can then select frm hundreds f fun assignments that are srted by bth grade level and cding experience. Thugh each prject is designed t last just sixty minutes, beginners can deal with as many challenges as they desire.
    T help intrduce cmputer science in classrms n a mre regular basis, Cde. rg has als develped a catalg f nline curses that can be incrprated(纳入) in a schl's regular curriculum. Since the nnprfit began ffering the curses in 2013, ver 704,000 teachers have signed up t teach intrductry cmputer science t ver 22 millin students wrldwide.
    Thanks t the effrts f the pineer, abut 40 percent f US schls nw ffer cmputer science as a subject. The numbers are even higher—an impressive 70 percent—if after-schl fferings such as rbtics clubs are included. Even mre encuraging, eight years ag, just 19,390 students tk an Advanced Placement Cmputer Science exam. By the spring f 2017, the number had jumped 415 percent t 99,868.
    2.Why did Hardi Partvi create the "Hur f Cde"?
    A. T intrduce cmputing t mre children.
    B. T add a prgramme t Cmputer Science Week.
    C. T help peple learn cmputer science in a fun way.
    D. T train cmputer scientists fr his future prgram.
    3.The "Hur f Cde" is s called mst prbably because ​​​​​​​.
    A. it can be scheduled anytime.
    B. its prjects last sixty minutes each.
    C. it will surely attract mre students t attend.
    D. its tasks can be srted by cding experience.
    4.What d we knw abut Cde. rg's nline curses?
    A. They help the develper make lts f mney.
    B. They have existed fr ver 10 years up t nw.
    C. Over 704,000 teachers have been learning them.
    D. Schls can use them regularly in their classrms.
    5.What d the numbers shw in the last paragraph?
    A. The influence f rbtics clubs.
    B. The effect f Hadi Partvi's effrts.
    C. The develpment f many US schls.
    D. The effrts that Hadi Partvi has made.
    Fr 60-year-ld Ga Ruyi, the prudest achievement in his life is nt measured in hnrs r riches but in the wings f ver 1, 000 swans he has rescued. Ga, frmer directr f the wildlife rescue statin in Sanmenxia, Henan prvince, has guarded swans and the ecsystems they live in fr almst fur decades. His effrts have earned him the name "Swan Dad".
    Ga Ruyi grew up near the Yellw River, China's secnd-lngest river. He had little cnnectin t swans until the winter f 1988 when ne day the peacefulness f the riverside was brken by gunshts. Rushing t the scene, he fund that smene had pened fire n the swans. The heart-wrenching cries f fur wunded swans left a deep-rted mark n him. Since then, Ga has becme a guardian f swans and a witness t the swan prtectin effrts alng the Yellw River.
    The endeavr (努力) is nt withut its challenges.
    Ga started wrking at a wildlife rescue statin in the Yellw River wetland in Sanmenxia in 1994. Despite their effrts, illegal activities cntinued. One such tragedy happened in 1998. Several wild ducks and swans were pisned. Ga immediately called the plice and prvided treatment fr the feathery victims. "Swans have memries," he said, "Since the incident, nbdy saw swans in the area fr many years."
    Still, Ga's passin fr swan prtectin has never waned. He and many ther "swan dads" and "swan mms" ften visited nearby villages t educate residents abut wildlife cnservatin, and encuraged them t bring sick r injured wild animals t the rescue statin.
    Anther challenge fr the birds came frm the envirnment. Swan ppulatins in Sanmenxia were limited in the 1990s due t severe pllutin caused by mining and industrial develpment, said Ga. In the past decades, hwever, China started extensive effrts t battle pllutin in the Yellw River basin, and gradually, swan ppulatins in the Sanmenxia sectin began t increase. Tens f thusands f swans are flying back hme, marking the start f "swan seasn", as the lcals affectinately call it.
    6.Which f the fllwing can best describe Ga Ruyi?
    A. Peace-lving.B. Gd-tempered.C. Hard-wrking.D. Kind-hearted.
    7.What did Ga Ruyi d t meet the challenges?
    A. He started a wildlife rescue statin.
    B. He educated peple t raise awareness.
    C. He cured sick r injured wild swans.
    D. He wrked with gvernment t fight pllutin.
    8.What des the underlined wrd "waned" mst prbably mean?
    A. Recvered.B. Expanded.C. Benefited.D. Declined.
    9.What is the best title fr this text?
    A. Yellw River Birds Saved by "Swan Dad"
    B. Illegal Activities Dne t Swans Cntinue
    C. Yellw River Pllutin Prblems Slved by Gvernment
    D. "Swan Seasn" Is Witnessed in Sanmenxia Sectin f Yellw River
    Club Sprts prvide bth a cmpetitive and scial sprting experience t any Purdue student. There are clubs fr all skill levels, frm beginner t seasned expert. Explre RecWell clubs belw. (Just Click.)
    The Purdue Sftball Club
    The Purdue Sftball Club is a student-run rganizatin recgnized by the Natinal Club Sftball Assciatin. As a club team, we prvide Purdue students with the pprtunity t cntinue playing sftball at a cmpetitive cllegiate level. As NCSA members, we participate in the Great American-West cnference cnsisting f the University f Ntre Dame, University f Michigan, Eastern Michigan, and Lyla-Chicag.
    President Cntact: Danielle Olsen
    The Purdue Gymnastics Club
    The Purdue Gymnastics Club is a grup f nrmal everyday students wh, like yurself, want t stay active while at schl. We practice during evening hurs fur times a week during the fall and spring semesters. We wn and perate equipment fr 4 wmen's and 6 men's events.
    President: Maya McDnald
    The Purdue Triathln Club
    The Purdue Triathln Club's missin is t get tgether athletes wh desire t train multi-sprt in a scial envirnment and prmte interest and participatin in triathlns(铁人三项), duathlns(铁人两项), running, swimming and cycling events n the Purdue University campus that prvide pprtunities fr members t participate in triathlns and related athletic activities. We encurage and supprt members while training tgether. We travel t races in the spring and summer tgether and hst tw races during the schl year. We end ur year at the Cllegiate Natinals in April.
    President: Patrick Cavanaugh
    The Purdue Men's ClubVlleyball
    The Purdue Men's Club' Vlleyball allws Purdue undergraduate and graduate students t play vlleyball at a cmpetitive,intercllegiate level. Tryuts are held at the beginning f each semester and teams are divided based n skill level. Players cme frm all ver the cuntry, nt just limited t the Midwest. The first and secnd teams travel t turnaments acrss the Midwest and t the NCVF Natinal turnament each spring. The club is an NCVF and MIVA recgnized prgram and cnsistently finishes in the tp cmpetitive divisins f the regin and natin.
    President Cntact: Jsiah Rckey
    10.Where can yu see these infrmatin?
    A. Students Textbks.B. Campus Netwrk.
    C. News Website.D. Schl Magazines.
    11.What makes the The Purdue Gymnastics Club special?
    A. It is a student-run rganizatin.
    B. It is pen every ther day thrughut the semester.
    C. It perates equipment fr 10 events.
    D. It allws athlete t train in multiple sprts.
    12.Which club is highly cmpetitive n a natinal level?
    A. The Purdue Triathln Club.
    B. The Purdue Gymnastic Club.
    C. The Purdue University Sftball club.
    D. The Purdue Men's Club Vlleyball.
    Frm AI-made jkes t Harry Ptter fashin vides, AI can be used t make funny stuff. But can it be as funny as a human? And if it can, des it present a danger t cmedy writers in the future? That's smething perfrmers have been lking at in this year's Edinburgh Festival Fringe, running frm Aug. 4 t Aug. 28.
    Anyne can put n a shw at the Fringe, and this year even rbts were getting in n the act. One f Fringe's big shws used a small rbt t cme up with jkes frm audiences' suggestins, which were then perfrmed by humans. The results culd be very funny, but smetimes they weren't funny at all. That was part f the pint, explained Pitr Mirwski, the shw's c-maker. "We d nt use humans t 'shw ff' AI; instead, we use AI 't shw' its limitatins, t shwcase human creativity n the stage," said Mirwski, accrding t The Guardian.
    Cmedian Pierre Nvellie said that it will take a lng time fr AI t get gd at creating cmedy. "Cmedy is the last thing that AI is ging t get near," Pierre tld Sky News. "Even nrmal human cmedians struggle t 'tune' their jkes 'fr' the right crwd at the right time, every time. But that's what's interesting abut stand-up (独角喜剧) and fun."
    But Peter Bazely, a perfrmer at the Fringe, said he's using Al t make jkes fr him because he's ut f ideas. One f Bazely's shws had him playing a supprting rle t "an entirely cmputer-generated cmedian" called AI Jesus.
    The Fringe review website, Chrtle, talked abut tday's AI cncerns: "In a wrld where artists are wrried that AI culd end up ding their jbs fr them, Bazely is said t be praying this ne will d exactly that."
    The reasns fr cmpanies wanting t use AI are certainly understandable, but the dangers they present t many peple's jbs are becming mre and mre real, and that's nt very funny. In May, leaders in the AI industry signed a dcument warning that AI culd present an extinctin-level danger and "shuld be a glbal pririty alngside pandemics and nuclear war".
    13.What des the underlined "That" in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Perfrming jkes made by rbts.
    B. Rbts' jkes are very ppular.
    C. Rbts' jkes smetimes are nt fun.
    D. Using humans t shw ff AI.
    14.What d Nvellie's wrds imply?
    A. AI limits the creativity f humans.
    B. It is nt easy fr AI t replace cmedians.
    C. AI respnds well t audiences' suggestins.
    D. The audience f cmedy is hard t appeal t.
    15.Why des Peter Bazely welcme AI?
    A. He has gt difficulty in making cmedies.
    B. He desn't want t play supprting rles any mre.
    C. He believes AI Jesus wn't replace human cmedians.
    D. He thinks jkes made by AI can make his shws ppular.
    16.What's the authr's purpse f writing this article?
    A. T prmte the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
    B. T display the jys and srrws f cmedians.
    C. T warn the public f the existing danger f AI
    D. T raise public cncern fr the pssible threat f AI.
    Fan Shenghua, is ne f the inheritrs(继承人) f West Lake Lngjing tea rasting technique(炒茶技艺). He has been making Lngjing tea fr mre than frty years. Lngjing tea leaves are famus fr their clr, taste and shape.
    "Yu have t tuch the leaves with yur hands t feel hw much water is being remved(去除)," Fan said. "If t much is remved, the leaves will break int pieces; if nt enugh is remved, the tea will taste bitter(苦的)."
    This traditinal technique dates back t the Ming and Qing dynasties. It nt nly makes the tea taste gd, but has als becme an imprtant part f Chinese tea culture.
    These days, hwever, mre peple are using machines t d the jb. "It's easier, but the quality is nt as gd," Fan said. "Machine-made tea flats lnger in water and tastes bitter."
    When President Xi Jinping visited Hangzhu, he watched Fan rast tea. Fan changed the strength and mvement f his hands as he rasted leaves. Xi later said, "The things made by tw palms(手掌) cannt be replaced by mdern technlgy."
    Fan is nw teaching sme yung men. His sn, a 27-year-ld cllege graduate, is ne f them. "It's a traditin. We need t pass it dwn," he said.
    17.Accrding t Paragraph 2, what will happen t tea leaves if they have t much water?
    A. They will g bad quickly.B. They will break int pieces.
    C. They will lse their fresh taste.D. They will have a bitter taste.
    18.What des the underlined part "this traditinal technique" refer t?
    A. Picking tea leaves.
    B. Rasting tea leaves by hand.
    C. Drinking tea in a traditinal way.
    D. Grwing tea plants n the muntains.
    19.What des Fan think f making tea by machine?
    A. It is easier than by hand.
    B. It has a lng histry in China.
    C. It makes tea taste better and better.
    D. It becmes an imprtant part f tea culture.
    20.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. Fanˈs sn studies tea culture in cllege.
    B. Fan will pen his wn tea huses in China.
    C. Fanˈs sn is learning the tea rasting technique.
    D. Fan is making this technique ppular wrldwide.
    21.What des the passage mainly want t tell us?
    A. Hw t tell gd tea apart frm bad tea.
    B. Lngjing tea leaves are the best in the wrld.
    C. Hw tea is packed and sent t many different cuntries.
    D. Smetimes nly by hand can we make the best f the things.
    The smell f sweat, the nise f crashing weights and the muscular peple in tank tps make the gym's strength class r weight rm seem frbidding, whether yu're a seasned lifter r a cmplete beginner.
    (22) Mst benefits f strength training g beynd appearances. It subjects ur bnes t mre pressure than ur daily rutines and increases muscle mass and bne density. Nw that yu knw resistance training is imprtant, here's hw t get started.
    Set a gal that is attainable and imprves yur daily life. (23) That might mean pressing weight verhead t ensure yu can put yur luggage in the airplane's verhead bin r ding weighted squats(深蹲) fr hiking preparatin.
    The ideal way is t wrk ne-n-ne with an experienced certified trainer. (24) Lk fr ne wh nt nly guides yu thrugh wrkuts but als understands yur unique jurney and helps yu reach yur full ptential.
    Private training with friends r jining in small grup classes is als a cst-effective way t get individual attentin. While yu might tend t psitin yurself in the back crner f the rm, I suggest heading t the frnt where a cach can mnitr yur frm and ffer feedback.
    (25) If yu favr strength-training apps, pt fr ne with vide demnstratins. If nne f these are appealing, start at hme with basic-level bdyweight exercises like squats. (26) Grab a galln water jug, hug it t yur chest and dive int a squat. This nt nly adds resistance but challenges yur cre muscles t sustain stability.
    The Sierra Nevada range is incmparable in scale and magnificence. There's n better way t see it than t appreciate every spectacular view with yur wn hard (27) . My husband, Will, ur kids (Herbie, 5 and Artley, 11)and I planned t (28) the nrthern half f the Jhn Muir trail in tw weeks, which (29) alng the backbne f the High Sierra, past lakes, and thrugh dusty pine frests.
    We set (30) befre we started: this wuld be tugh, but wrth it. T get ur kids mre (31) , we let them have the map and decide when t stp and rest. In this way, they felt empwered. This (32) als resulted in Herbie nearly standing n a 4-ft snake n ur first day, thugh. (33) , it was early mrning and the snake was half asleep.
    Fr tw weeks, the bys enjyed the (34) . They built dams and bridges acrss streams, climbed and swam. Smetimes, they refused t carry their packs and (35) abut feet hurting. But these mments were far utweighed by extrardinary bursts f (36) and enthusiasm—particularly when we'd been slgging (艰难前行) uphill fr hurs and a muntain tp finally came int view, ur kids even decided we needed t (37) .
    By the time we finished, we had (38) cuntless msquites, suffered ft pain and had terrible sleep. But we were right t be (39) abut ur kids' abilities. Thrugh the (40) , they will, I hpe, understand what they are truly capable f, hw perseverance leads t bigger (41) later n, and what it feels like t be encuraged and supprted s that they can achieve smething great.
    27.A. drivingB. ridingC. runningD. walking
    28.A. assessB. cverC. surveyD. measure
    29.A. fliesB. returnsC. snakesD. disappears
    30.A. chicesB. chancesC. situatinsD. expectatins
    31.A. invlvedB. encuragedC. relievedD. cnvinced
    32.A. cnclusinB. strategyC. attitudeD. belief
    33.A. LuckilyB. StrangelyC. CasuallyD. Cheerfully
    34.A. cmpetitinB. taskC. jurneyD. cperatin
    35.A. btheredB. inquiredC. cmplainedD. frgt
    36.A. energyB. laughterC. trustD. interest
    37.A. draw ffB. take verC. help utD. push n
    38.A. caughtB. brneC. bservedD. smked
    39.A. cnfidentB. anxiusC. seriusD. disappinted
    40.A. trainingB. accidentC. adventureD. experiment
    41.A. challengesB. rewards
    C. hnrsD. respnsibilities
    42. Meng Ha was a freshman in high schl. Befre the new term started, he (1) (picture) the schl life many times in his mind. On the first day, he wke up early and hurried t the new schl in his (2) (eager). There were few peple in the campus. Meng Ha (3) (lk) at the nticebard when a white-haired man apprached and talked t him. And later he was surprised (4) (find) the ld man was his English teacher.
    In the first English class, the teacher asked them t intrduce (5) (they) t the class. The teacher intrduced himself first, (6) Meng Ha was t nervus t ntice this. He just thught abut (7) he culd say t leave a gd impressin n his new classmates and teacher. When (8) (intrduce) his name, Meng Ha fund everyne started laughing because he had the same name as his teacher. Mr Meng tld them it wasn't easy t speak in public and encuraged them t keep calm in the face f (9) (challenge) and be prepared fr them. Meng Ha felt mre cnfident abut his future.
    "Well begun, half dne." Meng Ha thught that was (10) gd beginning t his new schl life.
    1. 【小题1】F
    2. C3. B4. D5. B6. D7. B
    8. D9. A10. B11. C12. D13. C14. B
    15. A16. D17. D18. B19. A20. C21. D
    22. B23. F24. A25. C26. D
    27. D28. B
    29. C30. D31. A32. B33. A34. C35. C
    36. A37. D38. B39. A40. C41. B
    42. 【小题1】
    had pictured
    was lking
    t find
    43. Dear Past Li Hua,
    What will ur huses be like in 2120? There is n dubt that great changes will take place in the future.
    ①First, the building materials will have been imprved s that the temperature inside the huse can be adjusted accrding t the weather. ②Secnd, n the rf there will be a garden which can allw peple t keep the huse cl and grw vegetables. Last but nt least, all the appliances in the huse will be cntrlled by cmputer.
    In a wrd, the huse f the future shuld be ec-friendly and a cmfrtable place t live in.
    Future Li HuaA.allw B.bthering C.gap D.inaccessible E.inefficient F.jumped G.persnalized H.place I.purchase J.skipping K.strategies
    A. It's like having a fitness assciate.
    B. It's wrth pushing past that fear thugh.
    C. Take my wrd fr it, n ne else is lking at yu.
    D. As yu gain mre cnfidence and strength, raise the bar.
    E. Yu'll begin t see an impact far beynd yur jeans fitting better.
    F. Think abut which aspect f yur life culd be nticeably imprved.
    G. Take vides f yurself perfrming thse mvements and watch them between sets.

    吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),共23页。

    吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(Word版附答案),共23页。

    吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(Word版附答案): 这是一份吉林省吉林市2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次模拟考试英语试题(Word版附答案),共17页。






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