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    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)
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    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)01
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)02
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)03
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)04
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)05
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)06
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)07
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)08
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)01
    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)02
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    人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)

    这是一份人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案),文件包含人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit8《HaveyoureadTreasureIsland》SectionA1a-2d课件ppt、人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit8《HaveyoureadTreasureIsland》SectionA1a-2d语言点精讲精练含答案doc、Unit81bmp3、Unit82amp3、Unit82bmp3、Unit82dmp3、Unit8SectionA1a-2d淡出录音小说读音mp3、Unit8SectionA1a-2d单词录音mp3等8份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?Period 1 SectionA 1a-2d 人教新目标版英语八年级下册Presentation1.掌握下列词汇:treasure, island,full of, classic, page, hurry, hurry up, due; Treasure Island, Alice in Wonderland, Little Women, Oliver Twist, Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer掌握句型:①Have you read Little Women yet? Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.②Has Tina read Treasure Island? Yes, she has./No, she hasn’t.③I’ve already finished reading it. ④I haven’t finished reading it yet. ⑤The book report is due in two weeks. 2. 在1b听力练习中,能够通过完成表格内容,正确说出听力材料中学生的读书情况,以及对所读书籍的感受;在2a,2d听力练习中,通过圈出学生名字,判断句子正误,能够判断作品的阅读者,并能了解作品的内容信息。3.通过听后1c2c对话练习,能尝试模仿范例,运用现在完成时谈论读书情况,书的内容等;通过模仿2d真实语境的对话,能加深对现在完成时的理解。4.了解经典英美文学作品,激发兴趣,鼓励多多阅读经典文学作品,提高个人的文学素养和人文素养。PresentationListen and repeat.treasure n. 珠宝,财富island n. 岛full of 满是……的;(有)大量的;(有) 丰富的classic n. 名著;经典作品page n. 页,面,张hurry v. 匆忙,赶快hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事)due adj.预期;预定PresentationListen and repeat.1. Treasure Island《金银岛》2. Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》3. Little Women《小妇人》4. Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》5. Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》6. Tom Sawyer《汤姆・索亚历险记》Can you guess and match the books with the pictures? 1. Treasure Island《金银岛》2. Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》3. Little Women《小妇人》4. Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》5. Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》6. Tom Sawyer《汤姆・索亚历险记》Look and check.1aHave you heard of these books? Check (√) the ones you know.听说过___ Alice in Wonderland ___ Little Women___ Treasure Island ___ Oliver Twist___ Robinson Crusoe ___ Tom SawyerHave you read these books yet?读过你(已经)读过这些书了吗?[red]  PresentationLook and say.Treasure Island It’s about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.《金银岛》是英国史蒂文森所有作品中流传最广的代表作,其故事情节起源于作者所画的一幅地图。《金银岛》曾被译成各国文字在世界上广泛流传,并多次被搬上银幕。小说描写了敢作敢为、机智活泼的少年吉姆·霍金斯发现寻宝图的过程以及他如何智斗海盗,历经千辛万苦,终于找到宝藏,胜利而归的惊险故事。--Have you read Treasure Island yet?√--Yes, I have.I have already read it.=I’ve already read it.I’ve = I have×--No, I haven’t.I have not\haven't read it yet.A:What do you think of it?B: It’s fantastic\exciting.PresentationLook and say.Little Women The novel follows the lives of four sisters -Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March-detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood.《小妇人》是美国女作家路易莎,梅.奥尔科特最著名、最优秀的作品。小说以美国南北战争为背景,描写了马奇一家是如何共同面对困难,携手渡过难关的。小说中的四姐妹被“家”紧紧系在一起,然而她们又有着各自不同的生活轨迹,小说中的四姐妹坚毅、勇敢、自强不息。--Have you read Little Women yet?√--Yes, I have.I’ve already read it.×--No, I haven’t.I haven’t read it yet.A:What do you think of it?B: It’s wonderful\educational ….PresentationLook and say.Robinson Crusoe Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked (遭遇海难) on a deserted island. Robinson Crusoe lived off the land for 28 years. During that time, he saved another man Friday.小说讲述的是一个英国的水手鲁滨逊因船沉了而流落到了无人的荒岛,度过了28年,在进退无路的情况下,他开始想办法自救一一做木筏、造房子、种粮食、养牲畜竭力投入到与大自然的抗争中去。还勇敢地救了一个土著人“星期五”,鲁滨逊最终离开了荒岛…他的乐观和勇气是可嘉的,为了生存做出了常人难以想像的事情。--Have you read Robinson Crusoe yet?√--Yes, I have.I’ve already read it.×--No, I haven’t.I haven’t read it yet.A:What do you think of it?B: It’s interesting\educational ….PresentationLook and say.A: Have you read... yet?B: Yes, I have. \No, I haven’t.A: What do you think of it?B: It‘s interesting …\wonderful \fantastic\exciting\educational\…Oliver Twist《雾都孤儿》Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》Tom Sawyer《汤姆・索亚历险记》PresentationListen and complete.1bListen and complete the chart.Treasure IslandRobinsonCrusoeLittleWomenNickJudyNoYesIt’s really exciting.SandyNoAlanYesIt’s wonderful.KateYesIt’s fantastic.HarryNo你认为...怎么样?Listening tip 1: Write down the first letter of the word to save time. e.g. L W--Little WomenA: Has…read… yet?B: Yes, she/he has. She/He has already read it. She/He thinks it is…. No, she/he hasn’t. She/he hasn’t read it. PresentationListen and repeat.Conversation 1Nick:Hey, Judy, how was English class?Judy:Hey, Nick. It was a good class today. I enjoyed it.Nick:What’s your class reading right now?Judy:We’re reading a book called Treasure Island.Nick:How is it? I haven’t read it yet.Judy:It’s really exciting.Conversation 3Kate:Have you read Little Women yet, Harry?Harry:No, I haven’t. Have you, Kate?Kate:Yes. I’ve already read it.Harry:What’s it like?Kate:It’s fantastic.Harry:Can I borrow it from you?Kate:Sure.Conversation 2Alan: Sandy, have you finished the reader yet?Sandy:No, I haven’t finished the reader.Alan: Robinson Crusoe. Ms. Butler told us to finish it this week, remember?Sandy:Oh, no! I haven’t read it yet. Alan: Well, I just finished reading it last night.Sandy:How is it? Is it boring?Alan: No, I love it. It’s wonderful.How is it? It‘s really interesting.它怎么样? 它真的很有趣。tell sb. (not)to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做yet 还, 仍然 (否定/疑问句)finish doing sth. 完成做某事What's it like? It's fantastic.它怎么样? 它好极了。What do you think of sth?和句型______________________________都可以用来询问某物怎么样。How is it?What’s it like?borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物PresentationLook and say.Conversation 3Kate:Have you read Little Women yet, Harry?Harry:No, I haven’t. Have you, Kate?Kate:Yes. I’ve already read it.Harry:What’s it like?Kate:It’s fantastic.Harry:Can I borrow it from you?Kate:Sure.Conversation 2 Alan:Sandy, have you finished the reader yet? Sandy:What reader, Alan? Alan:Robinson Crusoe. Ms. Butler told us to  finish it this week, remember? Sandy:Oh, no! I’ve not read it yet. Alan:Well, I just finished reading it last night. Sandy: How is it? Is it boring? Alan:No, I love  it. It’s wonderful.Have you read Little Women yet?__________________________Yes. I have already read it.___________________________No. I haven't. I have not read it yet.____________________________现在完成时 (Present Perfect Tense1)1)含义:表示过去发生的动作,对现在造成的影响(标志词如:________和________……)__________用于肯定句,常放于______实义动词之前,助动词之后。_____用于否定和疑问句中,常放在_______。是的,我已经读过了。不,还没读。我还没有读过。alreadyyetalready句中yet句末你读过《小妇人》了吗?2).结构:sb.+助动词______+动词(过去分词)have当主语为第三人称单数时+_______+过去分词hasPresentationAsk and answer.1cPractice the conversation. Then talk about the other books in 1a.A: Have you read Little Women yet?B: No, I haven’t. Have you?A: Yes, I’ve already read it.B: What's it like/How is it? What do you think of it?A: It's fantastic.\…fantastic wonderful, exciting, interesting, boring, terrible, etcPresentationHave you read this book? It’s about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasure.Mark and Tina are talking about books. Who has read the books?满是…,大量的, 丰富的Treasure Island《金银岛》Look and say.PresentationListen and choose.2aThe general idea of the conversation is about ______.A. Robinson Crusoe ﹠ Tom SawyerB. Oliver Twist ﹠ Treasure IslandC. some famous booksListen for the general idea. 听取大意Listen again and circle the books you hear.1. Treasure Island 2. Alice in Wonderland3. Little Women 4. Oliver Twist5. Robinson Crusoe 6. Tom SawyerPresentationListen and circle.2aListen for the general idea. 听取大意Listen. Who has read these books? Circle the names.1. Treasure Island Mark / Tina 2. Oliver Twist Mark / Tina 3. Robinson Crusoe Mark / Tina 4. Tom Sawyer Mark / Tina For example: *Tina has read Treasure Island, but Mark hasn’t read it yet.*Both Tina and Mark have read Oliver Twist and Robinson Crusoe.PresentationListen and judge.Listen for the general idea. 听取大意2bListen again and write T for true and F for false.1. Oliver Twist is about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.2. Robinson Crusoe is a classic.3. Tina thinks that Treasure Island is a fantastic book.4. Tom Sawyer is about a boy who lives in the United Kingdom.F出海TTF一座岛充满n. 可数 珍品,珍宝(尤指艺术品或文物)Treasure Islandn. 不可数 金银财宝,财富n. 经典作品,名著The United Kingdom=the UK英国States美国宾语从句定语从句,修饰boy(先行词)定语从句,修饰boy(先行词)PresentationListen and fill.Tina:Hi, Mark.Mark:Hey there, Tina. What's up?Tina:I'm reading this _________ book.Mark:What is it?Tina:Treasure Island. Have you _____ it yet?Mark:No, I haven't. What's it about?Tina:It's about this boy who goes out to sea and finds an island ________ treasures. What are you reading right now?Mark:I've just finished Oliver Twist and Robinson Crusoe.Tina:Oh, yeah. I've already read both of them. They're _______. We had to study Robinson Crusoe last term.Mark:So what are you studying this term?Tina:Tom Sawyer. It's a story about a boy who lives in the United States. Many ________ things happen to him.Mark:Sounds __________. I'll have to read it.fantasticreadfull ofclassicsexcitinginterestingListen and repeat.①②③④怎么了?它是关于什么的?be full of “充满…”...happen to sb. ...发生到某人身上现在完成时PresentationAsk and answer.2cUse the information in 2a and 2b to talk about the books.A: Has Tina read Treasure Island?B: Yes, she has. She thinks it’s fantastic.A: What’s it about?B: It’s about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.PresentationAsk and answer.A: Has Tina read Tom Sawyer yet ?B: Yes, she has. A: What’s it about?B: It’s about a boy who lives in the United Stated. Many exciting things happen to him.Example:PresentationListen and circle.2dSteveAmyListen and circle the books you hear .1. Treasure Island2. Alice in Wonderland3. Little Women4. Oliver Twist5. Robinson Crusoe6. Tom SawyerRead and answer.1. Which book has Steve read? _______________________________2. Has Steve finished reading the book? _______________________________3. What is Little Women about? _______________________________4. Which book has Amy read? _______________________________5. Has Amy finished reading Treasure Island? _________________________________6. When do they have to hand in the book reports? _______________________________Read 2d and answer the following questions.Amy: Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?Steve: Yes, Little Women. I’ve already finished reading it!Amy: Wow, you’re fast! What’s it about?Steve: It’s about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so I couldn’t put it down. Which book did you choose? Amy: I chose Treasure Island, but I haven’t finished reading it yet. I’m only on page 25.Steve: Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about?Amy: Yes, I have. It looks interesting.Steve: You should hurry up. The book report is due in two weeks.Amy: Yes, I know. I’ll read quickly.Little Women.Yes, he has finished reading it.It’s about four sisters growing up. Treasure Island.No, she hasn’t.\Not yet.In two weeks. PresentationListen to the tape and repeat loudly.Listen and repeat.Amy: Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English class?Steve: Yes, Little Women. I’ve already finished reading it!Amy: Wow, you’re fast! What’s it about?Steve: It’s about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so I couldn’t put it down. Which book did you choose? Amy: I chose Treasure Island, but I haven’t finished reading it yet. I’m only on page 25.Steve: Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about?Amy: Yes, I have. It looks interesting.Steve: You should hurry up. The book report is due in two weeks.Amy: Yes, I know. I’ll read quickly.finish doing sth. 完成某事我已经打扫完我的房间了。I have finished cleaning my room.grow up 意为“长大;成熟;成长”它是关于四姐妹成长的故事。它真的很好,所以我对它爱不释手。put down 此处意为“放下”,为“动词+副词”型短语,宾语若为人称代词,应放在put和down之间。这本书棒极了,我是爱不释手啊。It’s a great book. I can’t put it down.in two weeks 意思是___________,“in +一段时间”表示“在…(时间)后”,用在一般将来时句子中。一周之后他将回来。He will be back in a week.=It’s about the growing up of four sisters.两周以后PresentationLook and say.April 23 rd A good book is a good friend.好书如挚友 SentencesA good book is a good friend.The book is the shop crossingthe sea of time.Reading is the wealthy of our life.Reading is the wealthy of our life.Reading makes people perfect.Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.读万卷书行万里路。 EmotionPresentationYou should hurry up.你应该尽快些。hurry 作_______, 可表示“赶快;匆忙”。其中hurry up在口语中常用来表示催促。动词快点,否则你会迟到的。Hurry up, or you’ll be late.补充:2) hurry off 意为“匆忙离去”。3) hurry off to do sth. 匆忙去做某事。他匆匆出门了。He hurried to go out.hurry 作_______, 可表示“仓促;匆匆忙忙”。常用be in a hurry to do sth.表示“着急做某事”。名词他急于回到工作岗位。He was in a hurry to get back to work.2. The book report is due in two weeks.你应该尽快些。due 作_______, 意思是“预定;预期;预计”。后面引出预期的时间、地点等,还常构成短语be due (to do sth.)或be due (for sth.)形容词我们的火车预计8:30到站。Rose is due to start school in January.罗丝一月份就要开始上学了。Our train is due at the station at 8:30.你的身体检查预定在下个月。You are due for a medical examination next month.Presentation1.我已经看完了<小妇人>这本书。I ______ _______ ________the book Little women.2.这本书是如此的棒以至于我爱不释手。The book is ______ great ______ I can't _____it _______.3.这本书是关于一个男孩去海边发现一个充满珍宝的岛的故事。This book is about a boy ____goes out to sea and finds _____ island _____ _____treasures.4.我要写一本有关我的成长的书。I’d like to write a book about my ______ _______.5.你应当快点,这本书两周后到期。You should ______ _______, the book is ____ ____ two week.have finished readingso that put downwhoanfull ofgrowing uphurry updue inI. Translate the sentences into English. PresentationAmy and Steve are talking about their book report for English class. Steve ____ already ________ reading Little Women. It’s about four sisters ___________and Steve thinks it’s so good that he can’t __________. Amy chose Treasure Island, but she _______ finished _______ it yet. However, Amy _______the back of the book . Amy really should ________, because the book report will be __ two weeks. II. Fill in the blanks according to the conversation.hasfinishedgrowing upput it downhasn’treadinghurry uphas readinPresentationHave to do(必做)Choose to do(选做)1.认真阅读课本P110-111语法部分有关现在完成时的内容,复习用现在完成时表述最近发生的事。2.跟读1b, 2a听力和2d对话,并尝试复述对话内容。3.预习3a,熟读司汇,通读课文,标出有疑问的部分。Choose one classic to read after class. Then try to write a book report about it.课程结束
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        人教新目标版英语八年级下册Unit 8 《Have you read Treasure Island》Section A 1a-2d 课件+音视频+语言点精讲精练(含答案)
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