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    高一 英语 试卷
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What gift will the wman prbably give Lisa?
    A.A dll. B.A bk. C.A hat.
    2.Hw lng did the wman wait?
    A.20 minutes. B.30 minutes. C.40 minutes.
    3.What des the wman mean?
    A.Jim didn’t get first prize.
    B.Jim has changed a lt.
    C.Jim deserved the first prize.
    4.What day is it tday?
    A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday.
    5.Why was the man late?
    A.He set ff very late.
    B. His car brke dwn.
    C.There was bad traffic.
    6.Wh tk the picture?
    A.Dave. B.Tim. C.Mary.
    7.What des the wman think f her father?
    A.Funny. B.Serius. C.Quiet.
    8.What is the relatinship between Gerge and Jenny?
    A.Father and sn, B.Father and daughter. C.Husband and wife.
    9.What mst prbably caused the accident?
    A.The weather has been bad.
    B.Jenny was driving t fast.
    C. The truck driver was drunken driving.
    10.Why is the wman calling?
    A.T ask abut the time.
    B.T ask abut a cmputer.
    CT ask fr a wake-up call.
    11.What numbers shuld the wman press?
    A.600. B.0600. C.6000.
    12.What will be sent t the wman’s rm?
    A.Sme cups. B.Sme ht water. C.Sme green tea.
    13.Where did the man d?
    A.In a bank. B.In a stre. C.In a schl.
    14. What is the man’s business nw?
    A.Caring fr kids. B.Designing clthes. C.Selling tys.
    15.Why wn’t the wman wrk fr the man?
    A.She has just gt a new jb.
    B. She desn’t have much experience.
    C.She desn’t like dealing with peple.
    16.What will the man d this weekend?
    A.Wrk at his stre.
    B.G t Julia’s place.
    C.Talk t the wman’s sister.
    17.Where is the speaker frm?
    A.Tanzania. B.Sweden. C.Switzerland.
    18.What was the speaker’s first jb after she graduated?
    A.Wrking as a ftball cach.
    B.Wrking as a sprts shp manager.
    C.Teaching peple in a health club abut sprts equipment.
    19.Hw many sprts is the speaker gd at?
    A.Tw. B. Three. C.Fur.
    20.Which language can the speaker speak fluently?
    A.German. B.French. C. Italian.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Are yu lking fr sme mvies? Yu’ve landed n the right place. Let’s take a lk at the list I’ve cllected.
    A Beautiful Mind
    A Beautiful Mind is the stry f Jhn Nash, a mathematician wh went n t win the Nbel Prize fr his Game Thery. This mvie brings his whle jurney n screen—frm his beginning t his dwnhill ride.
    The first half is all abut his rise t fame while the secnd half shws hw he slwly falls int madness. After many years f fighting, he finally is victrius.
    The stry is abut an aut mechanic wh falls fr Albert Einstein’s niece. The nly prblem is that she is engaged (已订婚的) t smene else. Frtunately, Einstein likes him. The yung man pretends t be a physicist t run after her, but things dn’t g as he has planned.
    If A Beautiful Mind was a little t heavy fr yu, I.Q. wuld be the perfect fit. It’s a light drama that is funny and heartwarming fr the mst part.
    Gd Will Hunting
    Gd Will Hunting is a tuching tale f a trubled yung man called Will Hunting wh is gifted with a natural talent in mathematics.
    Hwever, he is struggling t find his identity. He can slve any math prblem, but nt the ne he seems t be struggling within his life. His life seems t be getting nly wrse until ne day he meets Sean, a therapist, wh helps him find directin in life.
    Creatin is a stry f a famus scientist, Charles Darwin, best knwn fr his Thery f Evlutin. This mvie attempts t bring his struggling days int fcus, the time when he was dealing with the lss f his daughter and was suffering frm hallucinatins (幻觉). At the same time, he was wrking n a bk called On the Origins f Species, which he finally cmpleted.
    All in all, Creatin is a great histrical drama.
    1. If yu are interested in a relaxing mvie, which ne can yu see?
    A. I.QB. CreatinC. A Beautiful MindD. Gd Will Hunting
    2. Wh are experts in mathematics?
    A. Will Hunting and Sean.B. Jhn Nash and Will Hunting.
    C. Charles Darwin and Sean.D. Jhn Nash and Charles Darwin.
    3. What’s the main purpse f the text?
    A. T intrduce mvies.B. T prmte science.
    C. T recmmend actrs.D. T cmpare mvies.
    【答案】1. A 2. B 3. A
    细节理解题。根据I.Q部分“If A Beautiful Mind was a little t heavy fr yu, I.Q. wuld be the perfect fit. It’s a light drama that is funny and heartwarming fr the mst part. (如果《美丽心灵》对你来说有点沉重,那么《智商》将是你的完美选择。这是一部轻松的戏剧,在很大程度上既有趣又温暖人心)”可知,I.Q是一部轻松的戏剧,适合让人放松。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据A Beautiful Mind部分“A Beautiful Mind is the stry f Jhn Nash, a mathematician wh went n t win the Nbel Prize fr his Game Thery. (《美丽心灵》讲述了约翰·纳什的故事,他是一位数学家,后来凭借博弈论获得了诺贝尔奖)”和Gd Will Hunting部分“Gd Will Hunting is a tuching tale f a trubled yung man called Will Hunting wh is gifted with a natural talent in mathematics. (《心灵捕手》是一个感人的故事,讲述了一个名叫Will Hunting的陷入困境的年轻人,他天生有数学天赋)”可知,Jhn Nash和Will Hunting是数学家。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Are yu lking fr sme mvies? Yu’ve landed n the right place. Let’s take a lk at the list I’ve cllected.( 你在找电影吗?你找对地方了。让我们看看我收集的清单)”可知,这篇文章主要是给读者介绍一些电影。故选A。
    Quietly sitting there reading, I fund myself suddenly listening t the train guard’s annuncements (通知). Usually, when the guard (列车长) makes an annuncement, few train travelers listen t it, because it’s ften quite bring. But this ne was different because I nticed that ther passengers seemed t be listening, t. Nt nly that, everyne was smiling!
    Why train travelers paid s much attentin t this message? I just remember part f the guard’s wrds, “Gd Mrning Ladies, Gentlemen and Children, this is the 7:35 a.m. frm Penrith t Central and yu’ll be happy t knw that we are right n time. And what a lvely mrning it is in Sydney tday. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and all’s right with the wrld. I trust yu have a great day wherever yu’re ging. Thanks fr catching my train this mrning and I hpe t see yu again sn.”
    Many peple started talking t each ther abut the guards excellent message and hw gd it had made everyne feel. I started thinking abut this and then I fund the yung guard and said “Are yu the guard n the 7:35 a.m. frm Penrith?” The guard seemed a bit stunned at first, replying, “Yes, yes.” “Well, I really appreciate (感谢) yur annuncement. Thank yu fr yur extremely gd message, which gave me and the ther passengers such a gd start t the day. Please keep ding it.” I said.
    There are tw messages fr me in what happened that day. Firstly, when peple are happy in their wrk, it shws in what they d and say. Secndly, the stry tells that it is meaningful t thank peple fr what they’ve dne, especially when they dn’t expect it. Can yu imagine the cnversatin that the guard wuld have when he gt hme?
    4. Why d few train travelers listen t the annuncement?
    A. They usually feel sleepy.B. They are reading bks.
    C. The guard’s vice is nt beautiful.D. The annuncement is ften unattractive.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “stunned” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A. Patient.B. Surprised.C. Frightened.D. Disappinted.
    6. What might the guard talk abut with his family when he gt hme?
    A. The daily life.B. The interesting wrk.
    C. The unexpected appreciatin.D. The beautiful weather.
    7. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. A Clever GuardB. A Bring Train Stry
    C. A Lvely Mrning in SydneyD. A Different Train Annuncement
    【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Usually, when the guard (列车长) makes an annuncement, few train travelers listen t it, because it’s ften quite bring.(通常,当列车员广播时,很少有旅客会听,因为它通常很无聊)”可知,几乎没乘客听火车上的通知是因为它不吸引人。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“I started thinking abut this, and then I fund the yung guard and said “Are yu the guard n the 7:35 a.m. frm Penrith?”(我开始思考这个问题,然后我找到了那个年轻的警卫,问他:“你是早上7点35分从彭里斯出发的那个警卫吗?”)”以及后文列车员的回答“Yes, yes.”可知,作者突然询问起了警卫的情况,警卫起初有点惊讶,所以才会有点口吃,因为人们一般对火车的通知消息不关注,所以划线词stunned表示“惊讶的”。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段““Well, I really appreciate (感谢) yur annuncement. Thank yu fr yur extremely gd message, which gave me and the ther passengers such a gd start t the day. Please keep ding it.” I said. (“嗯,我非常感谢你的通知。谢谢你非常好的留言,让我和其他乘客有了一个良好的开始。请继续这样做。”我说)”可知,年轻列车员在火车上收到了乘客的感谢,这是他没想到的,所以他回家后可能会和家人分享这次“出乎意料的感谢经历”。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“But this ne was different because I nticed that ther passengers seemed t be listening, t. Nt nly that, everyne was smiling!(但这次不一样,因为我注意到其他乘客似乎也在听我说话。不仅如此,每个人都在微笑!)”结合本文主要讲述了作者坐火车听到了一则不同寻常的火车通知。列车员快乐阳光的广播给乘客们带来了好心情。作者对列车员表示了感谢,故D选项“一则不同的火车通知”符合标题。故选D。
    High schl bilgy teacher Kelly Chavis knew smartphnes were a prblem in her class. But nt even the students realized hw much f a prblem the devices were until Chavis did an in-class experiment.
    Fr ne class perid, students used a whitebard t cunt every Snapchat, Instagram, text, call that appeared n their phnes. Chavis is amng a grwing number f teachers, parents and health experts wh believe that smartphnes are nw partly t blame fr increasing the levels f student anxiety. “One girl, just during the ne hur, gt clse t 150 Snapchat ntificatins. 150!” she said.
    Jean Twenge, a psychlgy prfessr at San Dieg State University in Califrnia, said it is nt a cincidence that yuth mental health issues have risen with the number f phnes. “This use f phnes has led t a lss f sleep and face-t-face interactins necessary fr their grwth,” she said.
    Researchers are still nt sure whether phnes cause student depressin r depressin causes phne use. But nearly 60 percent f parents said they wrry abut the influence f scial media n their child’s physical and mental health.
    Bth schls and parents are starting t take steps t deal with the prblem. Many public schls pay utside cmpanies t watch students’ scial media activity fr signs f anxiety. Other schls invite in yga teachers and cmfrt dgs t help calm students.
    8. What’s the purpse f Chavis’s experiment?
    A. T see hw many students have smartphnes.
    B. T find ut hw ppular her students are.
    C. T shw smartphnes influence teenagers greatly.
    D. T tell her students hw t use smartphnes wisely.
    9. Hw did Kelly Chavis feel abut the result?
    A. Shcked.B. Excited.C. Satisfied.D. Frightened.
    10. Which f the fllwing is true accrding t Jean Twenge?
    A. Students are nw under great stress.
    B. Students spend t much mney n smartphnes.
    C. Over-using phnes cause drps in students’ grades.
    D. Over-using phnes may harm students’ bdy and mind.
    11. What might be talked abut if the passage is cntinued?
    A. Hw ther schls deal with students’ phnes.
    B. Whether the ways t handle phnes are effective.
    C. Hw sme parents deal with their children’s phnes.
    D. Whether students are willing t give up using phnes.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C
    【分析】这是一篇议论文。作者通过Kelly Chavis的课堂实验展示了智能手机对学生的影响,并引一些专业人士的观点来支持个人的论证,继而说明了学校就学生使用手机问题采取的措施。
    细节理解题。根据第一段的But nt even the students realized hw much f a prblem the devices were until Chavis did an in-class experiment.和下文可知,直到查维斯在课堂上做了一个实验,学生们才意识到这些设备有多大的问题:焦虑、睡眠不足等问题,故查维斯的实验目的是想去展示手机对青少年的影响很大,故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的Chavis is amng a grwing number f teachers…are nw partly t blame fr increasing the levels f…“One girl, just during the ne hur, gt clse t 150 Snapchat ntificatins. 150!” she said.越来越多的老师、家长和健康专家认为,学生的焦虑程度越来越高,部分原因是智能手机造成的,查维斯就是其中之一。“一个女孩在一个小时内收到了近150条Snapchat通知。150条!”,可知Chavis对于实验的结果是非常震惊的,故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的it is nt a cincidence that yuth mental health issues have risen with the number f phnes.可知Jean Twenge认为过度使用手机可能会伤害学生的身心。故选D项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段的第一句Bth schls and parents are starting t take steps t deal with the prblem.可知最后一段讨论的是学校应采取的措施,那么接下来的段落可能会讨论的问题是一些父母如何处理他们孩子的手机。故选C项。
    The 187-ft-tall Twer f Pisa is famus all ver the wrld mainly because it leans (倾斜). Fr many years, peple believed that the twer’s designer intended it t lean. As it turns ut, thugh, the twer’s lean is an accident caused by pr planning. The Twer f Pisa was cnstructed (建造) n a riverbed f sand and clay (黏土) that was nt strng enugh t supprt a building s tall and heavy.
    Cnstructin f the twer began in 1173. Because Pisa experienced several wars, the twer wasn’t cmpleted until 1350. Only a few years after the cnstructin started, peple culd see that the first three flrs f the twer were already leaning. As the next three flrs were added, builders purpsefully built them with ne side higher than the ther t try t crrect the lean. This resulted in the twer leaning in the ppsite directin
    Frtunately fr the peple f Pisa, the lng delays (耽搁) during cnstructin gave the structure time t settle and the grund t becme cmpacted (结实的). This mad the fundatin (地基) strnger ver time, which is the main reasn why the twer never fell ver. Fr hundreds f years, the twer was indeed falling. It wuld lean ne mre inch abut every 20 years. In the end, in 1990, it was clsed t the public fr fear that a large grup f peple at the tp wuld weigh enugh t make it fall dwn.
    Frm 1990 t 2001, engineers frm arund the wrld helped balance the twer After several unsuccessful attempts at a slutin, engineers finally came up with a plan that wrked. They slwly remved grund under the high side f the twer. When they had finished, they had returned it t the psitin it held in abut 1838—the twer had been straightened by nearly 16 inches. Except a sudden great disaster, such as a earthquake, engineers believe the twer is safe fr anther 300 years nw.
    12. What des the authr try t explain abut the Twer f Pisa in Paragraph 1?
    A. Why it leans.B. Why it was built.
    C. Why it is famus.D. Why it stpped leaning.
    13. What can we learn abut the Twer f Pisa?
    A. It was cmpleted in 1173.B. It began t be built in 1350.
    C. It was seen leaning after 1173.D. It was repaired every 20 years.
    14. What kept the Twer f Pisa frm falling dwn accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. The special structure.B. The timely prtectin.
    C. The skill f the builders.D. The lng time f building.
    15. What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. When des the Twer f Pisa lean?
    B. Is the leaning Twer f Pisa falling?
    C. When was the leaning Twer f Pisa built?
    D. Hw did the leaning Twer f Pisa get its name?
    【答案】12. A 13. C 14. D 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“As it turns ut, thugh, the twer’s lean is an accident caused by pr planning. The Twer f Pisa was cnstructed (建造) n a riverbed f sand and clay (黏土) that was nt strng enugh t supprt a building s tall and heavy.”(然而,事实证明,这座塔的倾斜是由于规划不当造成的意外。比萨斜塔是建在沙土河床上的,河床不够坚固,支撑不了这么高这么重的建筑。)可推知,在第一段中,作者试图解释比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜——地基不够牢固,无法支撑那么高的建筑。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“Cnstructin f the twer began in 1173. Because Pisa experienced several wars, the twer wasn’t cmpleted until 1350. Only a few years after the cnstructin started, peple culd see that the first three flrs f the twer were already leaning.”(这座塔始建于1173年。由于比萨经历了几次战争,这座塔直到1350年才完工。在开始建设的几年后,人们可以看到塔的前三层已经倾斜了。)可知,比萨斜塔在1173年建造开始后的头几年里就被发现有倾斜的迹象。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“Frtunately fr the peple f Pisa, the lng delays (耽搁) during cnstructin gave the structure time t settle and the grund t becme cmpacted (结实的). This mad the fundatin (地基) strnger ver time, which is the main reasn why the twer never fell ver.”(对比萨人来说幸运的是,施工过程中的长时间延误使结构有时间稳定下来,地面也变得密实。随着时间的推移,这使得基础更加坚固,这就是塔从未倒塌的主要原因。)可知,比萨斜塔之所以在这种情况下屹然不倒是因为它的建造时间较长,使得地基夯实得较为坚固。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据文章大意以及第一段“The 187-ft-tall Twer f Pisa is famus all ver the wrld mainly because it leans (倾斜). Fr many years, peple believed that the twer’s designer intended it t lean. As it turns ut, thugh, the twer’s lean is an accident caused by pr planning. The Twer f Pisa was cnstructed (建造) n a riverbed f sand and clay (黏土) that was nt strng enugh t supprt a building s tall and heavy.”(187英尺高的比萨斜塔因其倾斜而闻名于世。多年来,人们认为这座塔的设计者有意让它倾斜。然而,事实证明,这座塔的倾斜是由于规划不当造成的意外。比萨斜塔是建在沙土河床上的,河床不够坚固,支撑不了这么高这么重的建筑。)综合分析文章可知,本文主要围绕着比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜以及人们怎么确保它不会倒下而进行说明的。故B项Is the leaning Twer f Pisa falling?“比萨斜塔要倒了吗?”作文章标题最合适。故选B项。
    Reading is an imprtant skill that is necessary fr success in many areas f life,including study, wrk, and persnal life. By helping kids frm gd reading habits, yu’re helping them mre likely t be successful in the future. Kids can start develping gd reading habits at hme even befre they learn t read.___16___
    Make reading a daily habit.___17___Make reading a habit by sharing a bk with yur child befre bedtime. Babies respnd t the cmfrting rhythm (节奏) f a vice reading alud.
    ___18___Yur reading space desn’t have t be big r have a lt f bkshelves. It can be a crner f the sfa r a chair in the rm where yur child sleeps. Picking a cmfrtable place that has enugh light and rm t keep a bk r tw can help yur child cnnect reading with cziness and cmfrt.
    Take trips t the library. As yur child grws up, the library is a great resurce fr explring new bks and authrs fr free. Many libraries als have stry hurs r ther literacy prgrams fr kids. Trips t the library give yur child a chance t develp gd reading habits.___19___
    Let yur child pick what t read. That trip t the library can be extra special when yu give yur child time t lk arund and explre.___20___, s just give yur kids the freedm t pick ut their bks.
    A. Create a reading space.
    B. Prvide cmfrt fr yur child’s reading.
    C. Here are sme simple tips t help raise a reader.
    D. The library prvides a sea f bks t yur child.
    E. Yu can start raising a reader frm the day yur child is brn.
    F. They als give them a chance t see ther kids ding the same.
    G. Kids are mre likely t read the bks that they chse by themselves.
    【答案】16. C 17. E 18. A 19. F 20. G
    根据上文“Reading is an imprtant skill that is necessary fr success in many areas f life, including study, wrk, and persnal life. By helping kids frm gd reading habits, yu’re helping them mre likely t be successful in the future. Kids can start develping gd reading habits at hme even befre they learn t read.(阅读是一项重要的技能,是在生活的许多领域取得成功所必需的,包括学习、工作和个人生活。通过帮助孩子养成良好的阅读习惯,你可以帮助他们更有可能在未来取得成功。孩子们甚至在学会阅读之前就可以在家里开始养成良好的阅读习惯)”提到了阅读的重要性,后文主要介绍了如何培养孩子从小喜欢阅读。故C选项“这里有一些简单的技巧可以有助于提高阅读能力”符合语境,故选C。
    根据本段小标题“Make reading a daily habit.(让阅读成为日常习惯)”可知,本段主要提出家长要让孩子的阅读成为每天的习惯这一建议,且根据空后“Make reading a habit by sharing a bk with yur child befre bedtime. Babies respnd t the cmfrting rhythm (节奏) f a vice reading alud.(形成睡前和孩子分享一本书的阅读规律。小孩对大声读书的舒适音律是有回应的)”可知,空后提出了培养孩子从小阅读的习惯,故E项“你可以从孩子出生就开始培养他成为一个阅读者。”符合语境,故选E。
    根据本段内容“Yur reading space desn’t have t be big r have a lt f bkshelves. It can be a crner f the sfa r a chair in the rm where yur child sleeps. Picking a cmfrtable place that has enugh light and rm t keep a bk r tw can help yur child cnnect reading with cziness and cmfrt.(你的阅读空间不必很大,也不必有很多书架。它可以是孩子睡觉的房间里沙发或椅子的一角。选择一个舒适的地方,有足够的光线和空间来放一两本书,可以帮助你的孩子将阅读与舒适和舒适联系起来)”可知,本段给出的建议是创造一个阅读空间,后文reading space可对应A选项a reading space。故A选项“创造一个阅读空间”符合语境,故选A。
    根据本段小标题“Take trips t the library.(进行一场图书馆之旅)”可知,本段主要提出家长应带孩子去读书馆阅读的建议,且根据空前“Trips t the library give yur child a chance t develp gd reading habits.(图书馆之旅可以给你孩子一个培养良好阅读习惯的机会)”可知,F项“它们也给了孩子一个看看别的孩子在做相同事情的机会。”承接上文,F项中的“they”指代前文的trips t the library,且F项中的“als give them a chance”与前文的“give yur child a chance”相呼应,故选F。
    根据本段小标题“Let yur child pick what t read.(让你的孩子选择阅读的东西)”可知,本段主要提出家长应让孩子自主选择阅读的东西这一建议,且根据空后“s just give yur kids the freedm t pick ut their bks(所以给你的孩子自由选择他们的书)”可知,G项“小孩更愿意读自己选择的东西。”为后文引申出给孩子选择自由,且G项符合本段的论点,故选G项。
    第四部分 语言运用(共三节,满分50分)
    A US bus driver is being praised fr the way she helped a passenger get sme needed help. On a winter evening, the bus driver Susan started talking with a passenger named Richard. He tld her that he had been___21___ fr a week, because there was a big fire in the place where he had been living and his huse was ___22___
    When he asked if he culd ___23___ alng fr the night t stay ut f the ___24___, she agreed. “At sme pint in ur lives, everybdy needs help.” Susan said, “I want t d what I culd t help Richard in sme way.” At ne pint during her shift (换班),she tk a ___25___at the University f Wiscnsin-Milwaukee and ffered t give Richard smething t eat. Richard was ___26___. “Nw I dn’t knw what t say but t say thank yu,” he said t Susan and prmised t ___27___ her back.
    She refused, saying, “I want t help yu.” But ne act f kindness wasn’t ___28___ fr Susan. During anther break, she turned t a friend fr help, wh helped t get Richard int temprary (临时的)___29___
    Susan and Richard became ___30___ during that six-hur bus ride. Nw he has her cellphne number, and they keep in ___31___.
    Helping thers cmes natural fr Susan, wh has received lts f praise fr ___32___service since she wrked in the MCTS tw years ag. She ___33___takes bread and jelly sandwiches n the bus t share with peple in ___34___.
    In fact, Susan did what we all need t d t___35___the hmeless: t lk ut fr each ther, t care fr each ther and t wrk tgether.
    A. carelessB. hmelessC. jblessD. selfless
    A. backed dwnB. calmed dwnC. turned dwnD. burned dwn
    A. driveB. walkC. rideD. wrk
    A. mnB. sunC. heatD. cld
    A. breakB. lkC. riskD. chance
    A. awkwardB. cncernedC. negativeD. mved
    A. takeB. payC. callD. turn
    A. slightB. slimC. rightD. enugh
    A. schlsB. platfrmsC. husingD. cars
    A. visitrsB. wrkmatesC. friendsD. hsts
    A. cntactB. mindC. checkD. line
    A. excellentB. interestingC. cnfidentD. peaceful
    A. extremelyB. usuallyC. finallyD. ptentially
    A. needB. publicC. additinD. memry
    A. researchB. challengeC. helpD. attack
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析,句意:他告诉她,他已经无家可归一个星期了,因为他住的地方发生了一场大火,他的房子被烧毁了。A. careless粗心的;B. hmeless无家可归的;C. jbless失业的;D. selfless无私的。根据下文“there was a big fire in the place where he had been living and his huse was __2___”可知,因为大火,所以那个人无家可归。故选B。
    考查动词短语辨析,句意:他告诉她,他已经无家可归一个星期了,因为他住的地方发生了一场大火,他的房子被烧毁了。A. backed dwn退缩,让步;B. calmed dwn平静下来;C. turned dwn拒绝;D. burned dwn烧毁。根据上文“there was a big fire”可知,起火了,他的房子被烧毁了。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析,句意:当他问他是否可以坐车过夜避寒时,她同意了。A. drive开车;B. walk走路;C. ride乘坐;D. wrk工作。根据上文“On a winter evening, the bus driver Susan started talking with a passenger named Richard”可知,因为无家可归,Richard想坐公交车过夜来避寒。且下文“during that six-hur bus ride.”也是提示。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:当他问他是否可以坐车过夜避寒时,她同意了。A. mn月亮;B. sun太阳;C. heat热量;D. cld寒冷。根据上文“On a winter evening,”可知,冬季的晚上应该是很冷的,所以Richard想坐车避寒。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:在轮班期间,她在University f Wiscnsin-Milwaukee休息了一下,主动提出给理查德吃点东西。A. break休息;B. lk表情;C. risk风险;D. chance机会。根据下文“ffered t give Richard smething t eat”可知,她在University f Wiscnsin-Milwaukee休息了一下,给Richard东西吃。且下文“During anther break”也是提示。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析,句意:理查德被感动了。A. awkward尴尬的;B. cncerned担忧的;C. negative否定的,消极的;D. mved感动的。根据上文“ffered t give Richard smething t eat”和下文“ “Nw I dn’t knw what t say but t say thank yu,” ”可知,Susan给东西给Richard吃,Richard应该觉得感动。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析,句意:“现在我不知道该说什么,只能说谢谢你。”他对苏珊说,并答应回报她。A. take拿走;B. pay支付;C. call打电话;D. turn转向。根据上文“ffered t give Richard smething t eat”可知,Susan给东西给Richard吃,Richard说日后会回报她,pay sb. back意为“回报某人”。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析,句意:但一个善举对苏珊来说还不够。A. slight轻微的;B. slim苗条的;C. right正确的;D. enugh足够的。根据下文“During anther break, she turned t a friend fr help”可知,苏珊还做了另一件好事,所以一个善举对苏珊来说还不够。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:另一次休息期间,她向一位朋友寻求帮助,这位朋友帮助理查德住进了临时住所。A. schls学校;B. platfrms平台;C. husing房屋,住宅;D. cars汽车。根据上文“He tld her that he had been__1__ fr a week”可知,Richard无家可归,所以此处是Susan的朋友帮助理查德住进了临时住所,空格处意为“房屋,住宅”。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:苏珊和理查德在那六个小时的公共汽车上成了朋友。A. visitrs游客;B. wrkmates同事;C. friends朋友;D. hsts主人。根据下文“Nw he has her cellphne number”可知,Richard有了苏珊的电话,所以他们是成为了朋友。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:现在他有了她的手机号码,他们一直保持联系。A. cntact联系;B. mind头脑,大脑;C. check检查;D. line线,线条。根据上文“Nw he has her cellphne number”可知,Richard有了苏珊的电话,所以他们保持联系。故选A。
    考查形容词词义辨析,句意:帮助他人对苏珊来说是自然而然的事,自从两年前在MCTS工作以来,她因出色的服务而受到了很多赞扬。A. excellent出色的;B. interesting有趣的;C. cnfident自信的;D. peaceful平静的。根据上文“wh has received lts f praise”可知,服务出色才能得到赞扬。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析,句意:她常常在公共汽车上带着面包和果冻三明治,与有需要的人分享。A. extremely极度,非常;B. usually通常;C. finally最后;D. ptentially可能地,潜在地。根据上文“__12__service”和下文“takes bread and jelly sandwiches n the bus t share with peple”可知,她服务很出色,所以经常会带面包和果冻三明治跟他人分享。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析,句意:她通常在公共汽车上带着面包和果冻三明治,与有需要的人分享。A. need需要;B. public群众;C. additin增加物;D. memry记忆。根据上文“takes bread and jelly sandwiches n the bus t share with peple”可知,她带面包和果冻三明治肯定是想和有需要的人分享,in need“有需要的”是固定搭配。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析,句意:事实上,苏珊做了我们每个人都需要做的事情来帮助无家可归者:互相照顾,互相关心,共同努力。A. research研究;B. challenge挑战;C. help帮助;D. attack攻击。根据下文“t lk ut fr each ther, t care fr each ther and t wrk tgether”可知,苏珊做了我们每个人都需要做的事情来帮助无家可归者。故选C。
    I am taught by many teachers in my schl. Every subject has a ____36____ (difference) teacher, but I like my math teacher ____37____ (well). Her name is Lakshmi but we usually call her Ma’am.
    Ma’am ____38____ (jin) us last term. She is very kind and her ____39____ (way) f teaching are s interesting and simple that we all can understand what is being taught and hw it culd be dne. Mst imprtantly, Ma’am teaches math with lts f patience. When we meet the prblems ____40____ are t difficult fr us, she will spend extra time ____41____ (teach) us until we fully understand them. And when we are at ____42____ lss, she will lend us a hand t give us a directin.
    She als helps us with activities at schl. When there are sme kinds f prgrams, she will be there ____43____ (help) us get ready fr the shw. Even when we g n picnics, she takes gd care ____44____ us.
    T me, Ma’am is nt nly a gd teacher, _____45_____ ur best friend. I lve Ma’am and I wish her a happy life.
    【答案】36. different
    37. best 38. jined
    39. ways 40. which##that
    41. teaching
    42. a 43. t help
    44. f 45. but
    考查时态。句意:Ma’am上学期加入了我们。根据时间状语last term可知,句子描述过去的情况,句子时态用一般过去时,动词使用过去式形式jined。故填jined。
    考查非谓语动词。当我们遇到对我们来说太难的问题时,她会花额外的时间教我们,直到我们完全理解它们。句意:spend time (in) ding sth.为固定短语,表示“花费时间做某事”,所以空处应用动名词形式作宾语。故填teaching。
    考查固定短语。句意:当我们迷茫的时候,她会伸出援助之手给我们指明方向。表示“迷茫”短语为be at a lss。故填a。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:当有某些节目的时候,她会在那里帮助我们为节目做好准备。分析句子结构,空处作非谓语动词,结合句意可知,她在那里是为了帮助我们做好准备,所以空处应用动词不定式形式作目的状语。故填t help。
    考查介词。句意:甚至当我们去野餐时,她也很照顾我们。take gd care f为固定短语,表示“好好照顾”,符合题意,所以空处应用介词f。故填f。
    考查固定句型。句意:对我来说,老师不仅是一位好老师,也是我们最好的朋友。表示“不仅……而且……”句型为nt nly…but (als)…。故填but。
    第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你校下周将举办主题为“Gd eating habits”的讲座。请给你的交换生朋友Amy用英语写一封邮件,邀请她一起去听讲座。
    Dear Amy,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Amy,
    In rder t help us have a healthier eating habit, a lecture titled “Gd eating habits” will be given by Steven, a well-knwn nutritinist. I’m writing t invite yu t attend the lecture.
    The lecture is scheduled t start at 4 pm in ur schl lecture hall next Friday. Steve will give us specific and practical advice n healthy diets, frm which we’ll abslutely benefit a lt. Seize the chance and yu’ll learn mre abut healthy diets, thus having a better eating habit. Lking frward t yur cming.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假设你是李华,你校下周将举办主题为“Gd eating habits”的讲座。请给你的交换生朋友Amy用英语写一封邮件,邀请她一起去听讲座。
    为了:in rder t→s as t
    做(演讲):give(a lecture)→deliver(a lecture)
    原句:Seize the chance and yu’ll learn mre abut healthy diets, thus having a better eating habit.
    拓展句:Seize the chance and yu’ll learn mre abut healthy diets, which will help yu have a better eating habit.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] In rder t help us have a healthier eating habit, a lecture titled “Gd eating habits” will be given by Steven, a well-knwn nutritinist. (运用了不定式作目的状语,过去分词作定语)
    [高分句型2] Steve will give us specific and practical advice n healthy diets, frm which we’ll abslutely benefit a lt. (运用了介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    A few years ag, the cmpany that I wrked fr sent my wife and me t live in New Yrk fr a year. I’ve always lved running, s I was really happy when I fund I lived next t Central Park. This meant that every mrning I culd g running befre I went t wrk.
    Because a lt f peple had tld me t be careful f rbbers (抢劫犯) in the park, s usually I didn’t take anything with me. Hw culd they rb me if I didn’t have anything? But ne mrning, my wife gave me 10 dllars and asked me t buy sme bread n the way. It was a beautiful mrning and the park was quiet with few peple walking r jgging arund. While I was running thrugh the park, anther jgger kncked int (撞到) me. He said srry t me and cntinued running. Fr a while, I didn’t think t much f it.
    Hwever, when I nticed the wide path where I was running, I thught it was a little strange. The warning f rbbers in the park hit me. “It culd have been a rbber!” I suddenly became anxius, s I checked my pcket and fund that the mney was missing. Withut thinking twice, I ran after that jgger. I finally caught up and held him by the arm. I shuted, “Give me the 10 dllars! Nw!” I am nt usually a ht-headed (性急的) persn, but I gt really angry this time. I culdn’t believe the rbbery was actually happening t me.
    Filled with anger, I shk my fist (拳头) at him. This seemed t frighten him. He quickly put his hand in his pcket and gave me 10 dllars. Then he ran away as fast as he culd. I bught the bread and went hme.
    As sn as I gt hme, I culdn’t wait t tell my wife the stry. “Yu wn’t believe what happened t me,” I said with pride. She immediately stpped me, “I knw, yu left the mney fr the bread n the kitchen table.”
    Lking at the mney n the table, I std there, shcked.
    But I didn’t give up finding him and fr several days, I waited at the same place in the park.
    Lking at the mney n the table, I std there, shcked. Fr the rest f the day, I felt extremely guilty, with the inncent jgger and his “helplessness” n my mind. “Hw culd I be s rude t him withut knwing the truth? Why was it that the jgger gave me the mney? I still remembered his frightened face when I scared him away like a mnster. I decided t find a chance t aplgize t him. The next mrning, I gt up and went t the park as usual, but nt fr jgging. I just hung arund where I had met that jgger, but in vain.
    But I didn’t give up finding him and fr several days, I waited at the same place in the park. But t my disappintment, he didn’t turn up. It was almst a week later befre I finally sptted him again. I, the “rbber”, gave the $10 bill back t him and said srry t him again and again. Frtunately, he frgave me fr what I had dne t him and said, “Oh, it desn’t matter.” Many years have passed, but I can still feel my cheeks burning with shame. Frm the experience I have learned that it is t early t judge a persn befre yu knw the truth.
    ①道歉:aplgize /make an aplgy t
    ②出现:turn up/appear
    ①害怕:frightened /scared/terrified
    ②失望:disappintment /frustratin
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I still remembered his frightened face when I scared him away like a mnster. (运用了when引导时间状语从句)

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