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    Museums in Baltimre
    The Walters Art Museum
    The Walters Art Museum cntains 36,000 bjects frm arund the wrld. Walking thrugh the museum’s histric buildings, visitrs encunter a stunning panrama f thusands f years f art, frm rmantic 17th-century images f French gardens t fascinating Ethipian icns, ancient Rman sarcphagi (石棺), and peaceful images f the Buddha.
    Tickets: $9.5. Free fr children aged 7 and under.
    Baltimre Museum f Industry
    The Baltimre Museum f Industry. celebrates the innvatrs, entrepreneurs and wrkers wh prmted this prt city int the industrial age. Frm garment making t airplane manufacturing, visitrs t the museum will discver hw their pineering spirit built the regin’s manufacturing might. Lcated in an 1860s yster cannery n a five-acre waterfrnt campus, the BMI ffers dynamic exhibitins and hands-n activities fr guests f all ages.
    Tickets: $15. Half price fr children.
    Baltimre Museum f Art
    The Baltimre Museum f Art is hme t an internatinally renwned cllectin f 19th-century, mdern, and cntemprary art. It has 90,000 wrks f art—including the largest hlding f wrks by Henri Matisse in the wrld. The BMA is nw thrughut the multi-year prject s that visitrs can enjy its ut-standing selectin f Eurpean and American painting and sculpture frm the 17th thrugh 20th centuries.
    Tickets: $10. Ten percent ff if bked n the fficial website.
    American Visinary Art Museum
    The American Visinary Art Museum is the natin’s museum fr self-taught, creative skills. Three histric buildings huse wnders created by farmers, husewives, mechanics, the disabled, as well as the ccasinal neursurgen. Frm carved rts t embridered rags, tatts t tthpicks, “the visinary” transfrms dreams, lss, hpes, and ideals int pwerful wrks f art.
    Tickets: $9.5. Free fr children aged 6 and under and museum members.
    1.Which museum best suits peple interested in cntemprary French paintings?
    A. The Walters Art Museum.B. Baltimre Museum f Industry.
    C. Baltimre Museum f Art.D. American Visinary Art Museum.
    2.What d we knw abut Baltimre Museum f Industry?
    A. It’s a place fr memrial celebratins fr the city.
    B. It was built in a factry where fd was canned.
    C. It ffers free exhibitins fr guests f all ages.
    D. It is nw underging a multi-year prject.
    3.Hw much shuld they pay if a 7-year-ld by ges t American Visinary Art Museum with his parents?
    A. $19.B. $23.5.C. $27.D. $28.5.
    T fight against the ballning waistlines amng peple, several U.S. cities have instituted taxes n drinks with added sugar aiming t reduce cnsumptin, but new research suggests these plicies currently have ne fundamental flaw.
    The study fund sugary drink taxes nly reduce purchasing if price tags (标签)at stres mentin cnsumers are paying that tax when they buy the drink.
    The research included a field study at tw cnvenience stres in San Francisc, which currently has a tax n sugary drinks f I cent per unce. Researchers varied the price tags placed n the sugary drinks ver the eight-week study: ne tag that simply said the price fr the 12-unce drink($1.52)and ne that had the price and the message "Includes SF Sugary Drink Tax". All nn-sugary drinks, which weren't subject t the tax, simply had the price f the drink($1.40).
    The researchers cmpared sales f the drinks during the study perid t the tw weeks befre the study began when the sugary drink tax was in effect but there were n price tags n any drinks. Results shwed sales f sugary drinks weren't lwer during the tw weeks, cmpared t sales befre the tax, indicating the tax itself didn't reduce purchases f sugary drinks.
    The researchers then lked at the effects f the tw different price tags. Results shwed the share f sugary drinks purchased when the tags simply shwed the price wasn't significantly different frm the tw-week perid befre the study, but did decline slightly when the tags mentined the price included the added tax.
    In a separate nline study, the researchers asked participants t estimate what the tax wuld be n a can f their favrite drink that cst $ average estimate was 40 cents-much higher than the 12 cents actually demanded in San Francisc. When tld the tax was nly 12 cents, they reprted they'd still purchase the drink.
    The findings suggest price tags shuld mentin the tax but nt the amunt, fr cnsumers tend t verestimate hw much the tax is. "If cities want these plicies t be effective, they need t regulate hw sugary drinks are labeled at stres and they currently dn't d that," said Dnnelly, lead authr f the study.
    4.What des the underlined wrd "flaw" mean in the first paragraph?
    5.What kind f price tags may discurage custmers frm buying sugary drinks?
    A.Price tags bearing sugar cntent.B.Price tags with the exact tax n them.
    C.Price tags saying added tax included.D.Price tags just shwing the ttal price.
    6.Which f the fllwing may be Dnnelly's suggestin?
    A.Stres label sugary drinks at will.B.Cancel sugary drink taxes at nce.
    C.Publicize the impacts f sugary drinks.D.Cities urge stres t use prper price tags.
    7.What might be the best title fr the text?
    A.A New Way t Prevent Fatness
    B.Eating Habits and Fd Cnsumptin
    C.Sugary Drink Taxes Aren't Wrking Well
    D.Nn-sugary Drinkers Benefit frm New Plicies
    Humans are emtinal beings, shwing feelings in ur behavir and facial expressins. But whether these mean the same thing in different cultures has been htly debated. Nw a new study has fund that in different scial cntexts, such as weddings, funerals and sprts, peple indeed shw universal facial expressins.
    Fr the new study, Alan Cwen’s team used a machine learning mdel, Deep Neural Netwrk (DNN), t systematically analyze facial expressins in thusands f different cntexts. These cntexts cme frm mre than six millin vides upladed t YuTube by peple in 144 cuntries.
    Facial expressins were rated by English speakers in India by selecting applicable emtins frm a list f 31 labels, resulting in a ttal f 16 distinct facial expressins. Meanwhile, cntexts were classified in a separate experiment. The results shwed that peple frm different cultures share abut 70% f the facial expressins used in respnse t different scial and emtinal situatins.
    “This supprts Darwin’s thery that expressing emtins in ur faces is universal amng humans,” the study c-lead authr Dacher Keltner said. “The physical display f ur emtins may define wh we are as a species, enhancing ur cmmunicatin and cperatin skills and ensuring ur survival.”
    Hwever, Lisa Barrett, frm the Nrtheastern University Cllege f Science ntes that the English speakers in India were given the emtinal wrd ratings rather than labeling the expressins themselves. They used emtin labels such as “anger” “fear” and “sadness” instead f descriptive terms, thereby inferring the emtins behind the expressins.
    She further cmments that the raters (评定者) saw the faces in cntexts which can’t necessarily be separated frm the emtins themselves, and that the key pint is that the raters are frm just ne cuntry. “The ultimate value f Cwen and his clleagues’ study might lie nt in the answers it prvides,” she cncludes, “but in the pprtunity fr further discvery that it pens up.”
    8.What can we learn frm the text?
    A. The study is ppsite t Darwin’s thery.
    B. Peple in different cultures shw similar facial expressins.
    C. The team cnducted the study by dwnlading facial expressins.
    D. Facial expressins and cntexts were classified in the same experiment.
    9.Hw did Alan Cwen’s team cnduct the study?
    A. By using a learning machine.B. By uplading vides t YuTube.
    C. By analyzing facial expressins.D. By using emtin labels.
    10.What can we infer frm Dacher Keltner’s wrds?
    A. Scial success is dependent n facial expressins.
    B. Facial expressins have cnstantly changed ver time.
    C. Scial skills reflect the ability f ne’s expressin management.
    D. Facial expressins play a vital rle in humans’ develpment.
    11.What is Lisa Barrett’s attitude twards the study?
    A. Objective.B. Ambiguus.C. Critical.D. Cntradictry.
    Yu may never knw why the email will arrive and reasns ffered fr yur rejectin might be the real nes—r nt. Bsses have always spied n their emplyees, then judged them. Nw the rise f the nline self means the emplyer’s eye can travel still farther.
    Even befre the pandemic, research fund that 28% f large cmpanies had turned dwn applicants after carrying ut such checks. And it is becming mre ppular: Reed Screening, a large agency, was asked t run ver a third mre scial-media checks in December this year than a year earlier. This mnth the gvernment gave the practice apprval when the Department fr Educatin said schls and clleges “shuld cnsider carrying ut an nline search as part f their due diligence (尽职调查)”.
    The way screening wrks is simple: Any “prblematic” behaviurs will be marked with a red flag. There are laws gverning such nline screening. David Erds, head f the Centre fr Intellectual Prperty and Infrmatin Law, says that cmpanies are suppsed t warn candidates befre screening their scial media and tell them that they have the right t hld back permissin. Sme cmpanies fllw these rules, but thers may nt. As fr the right t refuse, it is hardly practicable. “Wh n earth is… ging t be that persn wh says, ‘Hang n a minute. I’m nt happy abut that?’” asks Mr Erds. “That itself is likely t be a red flag.”
    All agree that the spread f nline screening is alarming, as it is s unfrgiving. Peple may be unable ever t be free f their nline past, says Mr Erds. As indeed sme ftballers, recently punished fr cmments made almst a decade ag when they were but teenagers, have fund t their cst.
    Thse within the industry think laws shuld be tightened, with punishment fr illegal act. In the meantime, being very careful is advisable. In talks t university students, Mr Erds warns them what cmpanies will d t their scial media when they apply fr jbs. “They are universally terrified,” he says. And rightly.
    12.What can we knw abut nline screening frm Paragraph 2?
    A. It is turned dwn by large cmpanies.
    B. It bsts the develpment f educatin.
    C. It is becming increasingly acceptable.
    D. It highlights the wisdm f emplyers.
    13.What d applicants tend t d with nline screening?
    A. They reject the red flags.B. They have t submit t it.
    C. They will charge the cmpany.D. They pstpne carrying it ut.
    14.What is Mr Erds’ pinin n psting cmments nline?
    A. Cmpanies are tlerant f it.B. Its influence is hard t erase.
    C. It shuld be under strict laws.D. University students are free t d it.
    15.What culd be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Big Emplyer Is Watching Yu
    B. Fix Yur Eyes n Online Screening
    C. Scial-media Checks Are Arund the Crner
    D. Checks Online Are t Blame fr Unemplyment
    16.Technlgy has changed ur lives and reshapes the way we live. Sme f us lve it and sme f us are frustrated (懊恼的) with it. This is clear as mst f us are guilty f being addicted t the Internet and scial media. ①_______Technlgy has created a whle new wrld and brught endless pprtunities.
    The inventin f airplanes, ships and spacecraft always allws peple t visit ther cuntries and even ther planets. As lng as we fllw the laws f immigratin, we can g t any cuntry we like. ②_______
    In additin, technlgy is als used by a large number f teachers t imprve their teaching. It can make the lessns mre interactive and interesting fr students. E-learning is pssible with the use f the Internet cnnectin and cmputers. Peple wishing t study fr a degree can d s at their cmfrtable hmes. ③_______Teachers can pst ntes and vides n the Internet and students can study and learn whenever they are ready.
    ④_______Yu dn’t have t walk arund with a large sum f cash any mre because yu can make purchases and payments electrnically. Online banking is secure and cnvenient fr nline shpping. Yu dn’t have t wrry that yur cash might be stlen by smene.
    Hwever, we have t say that technlgy can be a duble-edged swrd. Nwadays, instead f paying attentin t the cnversatin we are having face t face, we just take the phne. We are distracted by smartphnes and technlgy in general. But we can’t blame technlgy. We shuld nt blame urselves, either. ⑤_______Indeed, technlgy is addictive, but ur fcus shuldn’t be n phnes r cmputers, but n peple and face-t-face cnversatins.
    A. This gives students flexibility.
    B. What we need t d is t find sme balance.
    C. This makes it easy fr students t make prgress.
    D. Nevertheless, we have seen sme benefits f technlgy.
    E. When it cmes t shpping, technlgy is als f great help.
    F. Besides, we have suffered a lt frm mdern cmmunicatin.
    G. And f curse, travelling can make peple’s lives mre clrful.
    Castill wrte a letter t her father fr his 50th birthday. Her father, wh suffers frm Dwn’s syndrme (唐氏综合征), had at ne pint been a(n) 1 in her life. But in her letter, she wanted the wrld t knw hw much she 2 and lves her father.
    Castill said it tk years befre she had the curage t 3 the truth abut her situatin and her father. She gt bullied at schl because the ther kids saw her father as “ 4 ”. She didn’t understand at the time why the kids were bullying her. 5 , she thught f herself as a “cward daughter”.
    “Yu 6 lve, understanding, patience and acceptance as any individual with Dwn’s syndrme shuld,” she wrte.
    Besides having Dwn’s syndrme, her father has a wide 7 f health cmplicatin (并发症). Therefre, her father has been in and ut f the hspital getting all srts f 8 . Castill wrte that her father is the “mst 9 persn” because f what he went thrugh, yet he rarely cmplained. But there were times when he culdn’t 10 the pain and brke dwn in tears, which hurt her greatly and made her cry, But her dad kept persisting (坚持), which gave her 11 .
    “Dad, n wrds can sum up hw 12 I am fr being a(n) 13 daughter. If there is ne thing I regret, it is 14 yu frm my life because I was afraid f getting bullied. But I lve yu mre than yu culd ever 15 and I am always inspired by yu,” she wrte.
    17.A. prideB. encuragementC. embarrassmentD. puzzlement
    18.A. praisesB. believesC. admiresD. assists
    19.A. reasn utB. face up tC. seek afterD. clear up
    20.A. typicalB. differentC. rudeD. trublesme
    21.A. StillB. MreverC. InsteadD. Meanwhile
    22.A. reserveB. deserveC. preserveD. demand
    23.A. areaB. divisinC. rangeD. circle
    24.A. examinatinsB. peratinsC. treatmentsD. medicines
    25.A. curageusB. selflessC. prmisingD. pessimistic
    26.A. bearB. relieveC. killD. remve
    27.A. faithB. ambitinC. strengthD. example
    28.A. awesmeB. srryC. casualD. shameful
    29.A. luckyB. lvelyC. absentD. intelligent
    30.A. keepingB. hidingC. savingD. drawing
    31.A. guessB. recverC. knwD. seize
    32.Buried deep in the ruins f the Shang Dynasty, specifically in Anyang City f Henan Prvince, bnes f the rhin were fund.
    A cllectin f archaelgical evidence has cnfirmed the ①_________ (exist) f rhins in ancient China. The animal ②_________ (distribute) acrss China’s Central Plains, ③_________Chinese civilizatin riginated.
    Nevertheless, the rhin was n lnger wandering in the regin after the Han Dynasty. One explanatin is that it was the clder climate f Nrtheast Asia that saw the creature ④_________ (appear) frm the pages f histry. Hwever, Zhu Yu, the writer f Histry f Chinese Armr (盔甲), ffered up ⑤_________explanatin: the crafting f armr.
    Armr was ⑥_________ (riginal) made f bamb but the material pssessed limited ⑦_________ (defend) capabilities. Leather armr later became ppular during the pre-Qin perid. Zhu’s bk ⑧_________ (read) that the rhin’s thick skin was a primary material fr the creatin f warrirs’ armr. Many ancient accunts recrded the killing f rhins and ⑨_________ (turn) their skin int prtective cvering. “The huge demand ⑩_________ rhin skins might have caused the animal’s disappearance r at least its migratin frm the Central Plains t the suthwestern regins,” Zhu tld Beijing Review.
    1. 自我介绍;
    2. 压力大的原因;
    3. 希望得到老师的帮助。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Tm,
    I am Li Hua, a Senir 3 student. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    I culd feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands. I was unable t cntain my curisity any lnger. I pened it. It was a brand new laptp (笔记本电脑). I had scred straight As fr my O-level examinatin and this was my reward. I had always envied my friends wh were exchanging news abut chat rms, instant messaging and e-mailing, all f which I knew nthing abut. Nw I was ging t find ut.
    It started ut simply enugh. I was searching fr sme infrmatin nline when I came acrss a scial netwrking site. Sn I became addicted t chatting with my newfund friend n the Internet. I began t spend mre and mre time n YuTube and became enslaved by Facebk and Twitter. I had never imagined that the day wuld cme when I wuld be stuck by the glwing screen befre me. Whenever I didn’t surf these scial netwrking sites, I wuld be ging thrugh cnversatin abut bring things r fashin websites.
    As time passed, I realized that I was addicted t the Internet. During weekends, when I had mre time n my hands, I culd easily spend a few hurs n my laptp. It came t a pint where I chse t lck myself in my rm, refusing t cme ut and take part in family discussins. I preferred t stay cnnected t the peple I befriended n the Internet althugh I had never met them. Sn I was spending the early hurs f the mrning surfing the Internet. Sleep was replaced by naps (打盹) and my grades at schl als drpped quickly.
    It was abut this time that my parents started vicing their disapprval. It became bvius t them that I was spending t much time n the Internet. I was asked t decrease my usage f the laptp. Yet, hwever hard I tried, I was unable t pull myself away, unable t end my chat sessins, and unable t cncentrate n my lessns. I was desperate fr just anther click, just anther lk at my e-mail r message bard.
    Paragraph 1:
    Then ne day, my father tk away my laptp. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    I prmised my parents that I wuld turn ver a new leaf. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    1.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据Baltimre Museum f Art中第一段末句可知,法国属于欧洲,所以巴尔的摩艺术博物馆最适合对法国当代绘画感兴趣的人。故选C。
    2.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据Baltimre Museum f Industry中的“Lcated in an 1860s yster cannery n a five-acre waterfrnt campus, the BMI ffers dynamic exhibitins and hands-n activities fr guests f all ages.”可知,巴尔的摩工业博物馆是在一家生产罐头食品的工厂里建造的。故选B。
    3.答案: D
    解析:数字计算题。根据American Visinary Art Museum中的“Tickets: $9.5. Free fr children aged 6 and under and museum members.”可知,如果一个7岁的男孩和他的父母一起去美国幻想艺术博物馆,他们应该付9.5×3=28.5美元。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据划线词上文中的but new research suggests these plicies currently have ne fundamental.(但新的研究表明,这些政策目前有一个基本原则。) 以及第二段The study fund sugary drink nly reduce purchasing if price tags at stres mentin cnsumers are paying that tax when they buy the drink. (研究发现,只有当商店的价签上提到消费者在购买含糖饮料时支付了这一税,含糖饮料才会减少购买。)可知,研究发现,只有当商店的价签提到消费者在购买饮料时支付要该税时,含糖饮料才会减少购买,说明新的研究表明这些政策目前有一个弱点。故划线词意思是"弱点"。A.Weakness弱点;B.Slutin.解决方案;C.Imbalance.不平衡;D.Evidence.证据。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的The study fund sugary drink nly reduce purchasing if price tags at stres mentin cnsumers are paying that tax when they buy the drink(研究发现,只有当商店的价签提到消费者在购买饮料时要支付该税时,含糖饮料才会减少购买。)可知,包含增值税的价格标签可能会阻止消费者购买含糖饮料。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中"If cities want these plicies t be effective, they need t regulate hw sugary drinks are labeled at stres and they currently dn't d that," said Dnnelly, lead authr f the study.(该研究的主要作者Dnnelly说:"如果城市希望这些政策有效,他们需要规范含糖饮料在商店的标签,而目前他们还没有这样做。")可知,D选项"城市敦促商店使用合适的价格标签"是Dnnelly的建议。故选D。
    解析:标题确定题。根据第一段中的T fight against the ballning waistlines amng peple, several U.S. cities have instituted taxes n drinks with added sugar aiming t reduce cnsumptin, but new research suggests these plicies currently have ne fundamental flaw.(为了对抗人们不断膨胀的腰围,美国的几个城市已经开始对添加糖的饮料征税,旨在减少消费,但新的研究表明,这些政策目前有一个根本缺陷。)结合文章主要说明了这一政策的缺陷是什么以及研究是如何开展的。由此可知,C选项"含糖饮料税效果不佳"最符合文章标题。故选C。
    8.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第一段最后一句可知,不同文化背景的人会有相似的面部表情。故选B。
    9.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。 根据文章第二段关键句“Fr the new study, Alan Cwen’s team used… t systematically analyze facial expressins in thusands f different cntexts.”可知,Alan Cwen团队通过分析面部表情进行这项研究。故选C。
    10.答案: D
    11.答案: A
    12.答案: C
    13.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“As fr the right t refuse, it is hardly practicable… ‘That itself is likely t be a red flag.’”可推知,求职者面对在线筛查最后只能屈服。故选B。
    14.答案: B
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“Peple may be unable ever t be free f their nline past … have fund t their cst.”可知,已经有足球运动员为十年前的网络言论付出了代价,由此可推断,网络言论带来的影响力很难消除。故选B。
    15.答案: A
    ①空处上一句提到了 我们中的大部分人为沉溺于网络和社交媒体而感到后悔,也就是技术的缺点;空处下一句提到了技术创造了一个全新的世界,并且也带来了无尽的机会,也就是技术的优点。所以空处应承上启下,既与上文构成转折关系,又引出下文,谈到技术带来的好处。故选D。
    ②通读本段可知,技术为人们的 旅行提供了便利,所以空处也应与旅行有关。故G项“当然,旅行能使人们的生活更加多彩。”承接上文,说明了旅行对人们生活的影响。故选G。
    ③根据空前的“Peple wishing t study fr a degree can d s at their cmfrtable hmes.”和空后的“Teachers can pst… are ready.”可知,学生可以实现在家里学习,教师也可以在网上发布教学资料,学生们可以随时学习。由此可知,技术使学生们的学习具有灵活性。故选A。
    17.答案: C
    解析:根据上文提到的父亲患唐氏综合征一事及下文中But表示转折可知,对于Castill 来说,父亲一度使她难堪。此处embarrassment为可数名词,意为“使人难堪的人”。故选C。
    18.答案: C
    19.答案: B
    解析:根据语境可知,此处表达的应是,她花了几年的时间才有勇气面对自己的处境和父亲的真实情况。reasn ut推断出;face up t(大胆)面对;seek after追求;clear up消除,解决。故选B。
    20.答案: B
    21.答案: A
    解析:根据空处前面的“She didn’t understand at the time why the kids were bullying her.”可知,此处表达的是,尽管如此,她仍然认为自己是一个“懦弱的女儿”。still(虽然……)还是。故选A。
    22.答案: B
    23.答案: C
    解析:根据上下文及常识可知,此处表达的是,除了患有唐氏综合征以外,她的父亲还患有各种各样的并发症。a wide range f为固定搭配,意为“各种各样的,一系列的”。故选C。
    24.答案: C
    解析:根据上文信息及常识可知,她的父亲 患有各种各样的并发症,所以一直在住院和院外接受各种治疗(treatment)。故选C。
    25.答案: A
    解析:根据本句末提到的“yet he rarely cmplained”可知,此处强调的是在Castill的眼里,父亲是最勇敢的人。故选A。
    26.答案: A
    解析:根据本句中的“brke dwn in tears”可知,此处表达的是,有时父亲也会难以忍受疼痛而流下眼泪。bear忍受。故选A。
    27.答案: C
    28.答案: B
    解析:根据上文内容可知,此处 表达的是,Castill在她的父亲需要她的时候没有陪伴在父亲的身边,她为此感到非常愧疚(srry)。故选B。
    29.答案: C
    30.答案: B
    解析:根据上文 内容可知,Castill因为父亲患有唐氏综合征而被同学们欺负,所以可以推断出,她在小的时候一直躲着父亲,而现在她为自己之前的行为感到懊悔。hide躲,藏。故选B。
    解析:考查动词词义分析。句意:但我比你想象的更爱你,你总是激励着我。A. guess猜测:B. recver恢复C. knw知道:D. seize抓住。根据I lve yu mre than yu culd可知,此处表示事实上卡斯蒂略比父亲想象中的更爱他。故选C。
    32.答案:①existence②was distributed③where④disappear⑤anther⑥riginally⑦defensive/defens(c)e⑧reads⑨turning⑩fr
    ②考查时态、语态和主谓一致。描述过去的事情,且表示单数意义的主语animal与动词distribute之间存在被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was distributed。
    ③考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,先行词为China’s Central Plains,在从句中充当地点状语,应用关系副词where。故填where。
    ④考查非谓语动词。此处考查see sb d sth,意为“看见某人做某事的全过程”,应使用动词原形,结合句意,此处指犀牛消失了,应用动词disappear。故填disappear。
    ⑦考查形容词或名词。表示“防御能力”既可以用形容词也可以用名词作定语修饰capabilities。故填defensive/ defens(c)e。
    ⑧考查时态和主谓一致。动词read 在此处意为“写道”,表示书上写着什么内容,应用一般现在时,主语为单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填reads。
    ⑩考查介词。a/the demand fr意为“对……的需求”,介词fr表对象。故填fr。
    Dear Tm,
    I am Li Hua, a Senir 3 student. With the cllege entrance examinatin appraching, I feel great psychlgical pressure. S I’m writing t yu, asking fr help n hw t relieve the pressure and get excellent results in the cllege entrance examinatin.
    I’m encuntering sme prblems which truble me a lt, First, I have t spend s much time n my hmewrk that I hardly have time t d sprts. Mrever, the high expectatins frm the teachers and my parents make me extremely stressful because I dn’t want t let them dwn. What trubles me mst is that it’s difficult fr me t fall asleep every night.
    Faced with the abve prblems, I’m anxius t get yur help. Culd yu please ffer me sme advice n hw t slve these prblems?
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    接近/到来:apprach→arrive/get clse
    遇到:encunter → face/cnfrnt
    建议:advice→ suggestin
    原句:With the cllege entrance examinatin appraching, I feel great psychlgical pressure.
    拓展句:As the cllege entrance examinatin is appraching, I feel great psychlgical pressure.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】S I’m writing t yu, asking fr help n hw t relieve the pressure and get excellent results in the cllege entrance examinatin.(运用了现在分词作状语以及特殊疑问词+不定式的结构)
    【高分句型2】What trubles me mst is that it’s difficult fr me t fall asleep every night.(运用了what引导的主语从句以及that引导的表语从句)
    Then ne day, my father tk away my laptp. I begged and even quarreled with him. I fught fr a lng time, but whatever I did, it was n use. Dad had made up his mind-he wuldn’t allw me t use it. Over time, I realized that Dad and Mum had always wanted the best fr me. It was then that I decided t take the big step—t cnquer my Internet addictin. Quitting was harder than I expected. But with great determinatin, I knew that I wuld be able t d it.
    I prmised my parents that I wuld turn ver a new leaf. S I made a detailed plan fr my everyday life. I managed t change my daily rutine. After I gt up, the first thing I did was running fr half an hur, which culd help me frget abut ging nline. After schl, I wuld play basketball with my classmates, which made me healthier and strnger. All this helped me cnquer my addictin. Nw my life has returned t nrmal and my grades have gne up again.
    ①.请求:beg/request/ask fr
    ②.下决心:make up ne’s mind/decide/determine
    ③.成功改变:manage t change/succeed in changing
    ①.生气:quarrel with/have wrds with
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. I fught fr a lng time, but whatever I did, it was n use.(运用了whatever引导状语从句)
    [高分句型2]. It was then that I decided t take the big step—t cnquer my Internet addictin. (运用了强调句型)
    [高分句型3]. After I gt up, the first thing I did was running fr half an hur, which culd help me frget abut ging nline.(运用了after引导状语从句,省略关系词的定语从句,which引导的非限制性定语从句)

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    2023-2024学年河北省武汉市部分学校高一上学期期中调研考试英语试卷含答案: 这是一份2023-2024学年河北省武汉市部分学校高一上学期期中调研考试英语试卷含答案,共14页。试卷主要包含了 5分,满分7, 15, C等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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