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    Wnderful trip arund the Mediterranean
    Days 1-2 Barcelna, Spain
    Discver the interesting buildings, Catalan culture and Gthic Quarter in Gaudi’s city f Barcelna.
    Day 3 Bard Regal Princess
    Day 4 Relaxing at sea
    Day 5 Gibraltar
    Yu’ve gt a full day t get t knw this British territry (领土), hme t many cultures. Chse t ride the cable car (缆车) fr great views f the Rck f Gibraltar r discver the beautiful lighthuse.
    Day 6 Relaxing at sea
    Day 7 Marseille, France
    Enjy a full day discvering all that Prvence has t ffer — flwer fields, fishing bats r Rman ruins (遗迹). City r cuntryside, yu decide.
    Day 8 Gena, Italy
    Get t knw this busy twn by walking thrugh the wnderful streets and piazzas (public squares, especially in an Italian twn).
    Day 9 Flrence / Pisa
    Chse t visit wnderful wineries (酒庄) in Tuscany r the famus Leaning Twer f Pisa n yur last day in Italy.
    Day 10 Disembark (下船) Regal Princess
    G t the airprt fr yur flight hme.
    Yur hliday includes
    • Direct flights
    • 2 nights 4 star Barcelna htel incl breakfast
    • 7 nights abard Regal Princess
    • Private guide
    10 day hliday frm
    Single rm £1,199
    Mini duble rm £1,949
    1.What can a visitr d n Day 5?
    A. See a lighthuse.B. G rck climbing.
    C. Enjy Catalan fd.D. Visit the English cuntryside.
    2.Hw lng can a visitr stay in Italy?
    A. One day. B. Tw days.C. Three days. D. Eight days.
    3.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A tur diary.B. A business reprt.
    C. A travel magazine.D. A gegraphy textbk.
    Frederick Phiri is the junk-art king f Zambia: at just 22,he started t earn an internatinal reputatin fr being able t make cmplex and elegant sculptures frm scrap metal(金属废料)fund in his cmmunity.
    Phiri's father died when he was starting primary schl. Then his mther abandned him and he had t stay with his grandfather. His grandfather paid fr his schling thrugh primary schl but when he entered secndary schl, he had t get varius jbs t pay fr his fees. Yet even in schl, he was always drawing and making things in class.
    After graduating, he did what he culd t supprt himself by making animal sculptures frm wires and sld them t turists. His wrk was s ppular that it caught the eye f Karen Beattie, directr f Prject Luangwa, a nnprfit dedicated t educatin and ecnmic develpment in central Africa.
    “I intrduced him t a lcal welder(焊工),”Beattie tld Newsweek.
    In 2017, Phiri wrked with welder Mses Mbewe during the rainy seasn, helping t make a cmplex set f drs fr Prject Luangwa. The piece sparked an idea in Beattie's mind: "I handed him a bunch f scrap metal and said, 'Make smething with this.' And he did. It was wnderful.”
    Tday, Phiri cntinues his art, using pieces f junk peple bring him-keys, brken bike chains, ld metal plugs and whatever scrap metal is lying arund. He then turns the junk int abstract animals-elephants, cranes, giraffes, chamelens-and sells them at Prject Luangwa headquarters. The cmmunity has recgnized his talents.
    "My dream is t earn enugh t study art at the Evelyn Hne Cllege in Lusaka and be able t make a living frm it,"Phiri said. "And then t make very large sculptures."
    4.What is Phiri knwn fr?
    A.Serving his cmmunity.B.Cllecting wrks f art.
    C.Being the king f Zambia.D.Turning trash int treasure.
    5.What can we learn abut Phiri frm paragraph 2?
    A.He had an unhappy childhd.B.He paid fr his primary schl.
    C.He had t supprt his grandfather.D.He missed schl t d part-time jbs.
    6.Hw des Phiri feel abut his future?
    7.What can be a suitable title fr the passage?
    A.A Rugh Rad t Success B.The Junk Art King f Zambia
    C.A Yung Man's Wildest Dream D.The Mdern Junk Wrks f Art
    Whm shuld yu marry? Where shuld yu live? Hw shuld yu spend yur time? Fr centuries, peple have relied n their gut instincts (直觉) t figure ut the answers t these life-changing questins. Nw, thugh, there is a better way. We are living thrugh a data explsin, as vast amunts f infrmatin abut all aspects f human behavir have becme mre and mre accessible. We can use this big data t help determine the best curse t chart.
    There has lng been verwhelming- and ften surprising- evidence that algrithms (算法) can be much better than peple at making difficult decisins. Researchers have cllected data n varius kinds f chices peple make, the infrmatin they base thse chices n, and hw things turn ut. They have fund, fr example, that a simple data-driven algrithm wuld have been better than judges at deciding whether a defendant shuld stay in jail (监狱) r be released; better than dctrs at deciding whether a patient shuld get a prcedure; and better than schl principals at deciding which teachers shuld be prmted.
    The pwer f data analysis has been prved in the sprts and business wrlds, t. As made famus by the bk and mvie Mneyball, baseball teams fund that algrithms were better than scuts (物色优秀运动员的人) at picking players, and better than managers at picking strategies. In finance, the hedge fund (避险基金) Renaissance Technlgies dramatically defeated cmpetitrs by seeking ut patterns in stck market data and using them t infrm its investment strategy. Tech firms in Silicn Valley have fund that data frm experiments prvides better insights int hw t design their websites than designers culd.
    These are the early days f the data revlutin in decisin-making. I am nt claiming that we can cmpletely utsurce (外包) ur lifestyle chices t algrithms, thugh we might get t that pint in the future. I am claiming instead that we can all dramatically imprve ur decisin-making by cnsulting evidence mined frm thusands r millins f peple wh faced dilemmas similar t urs. And we can d that nw.
    8.What makes peple better at finding answers t life-changing questins?
    A. Peple’s better gut instincts.B. Changed human behavir.
    C. The mdern infrmatin era.D. Varius curses accessible.
    9.Accrding t paragraph 2, algrithms might NOT defeat peple in ______.
    A. curt rulingsB. jb prmtins
    C. perative estimatinD. teaching practices
    10.What can we learn frm paragraph 3?
    A. The plt f the mvie Mneyball is related t successful data analysis.
    B. Scuts and managers are nt needed in successful baseball teams.
    C. The hedge fund Renaissance Technlgies had sme financial prblems.
    D. Tech firms in Silicn Valley mainly relied n data t design websites.
    11.Which f the fllwing will the authr mst prbably agree with?
    A. The mdern infrmatin era is mature enugh t take advantage f.
    B. Peple shuld utsurce all the lifestyle chices t algrithms.
    C. With big data peple can learn frm cuntless similar examples.
    D. Face-t-face cnsultatin will be the majr trend in the future.
    Gardeners wh use pesticides are cntributing t the decline f British sngbirds, a study suggests. Scientists have urged peple t stp “spraying their gardens with pisns” in rder t halt bird decline and adpt instead wildlife- friendly practices. The results f the University f Sussex study, which researchers call the first f its kind, were published in the jurnal Science f the Ttal Envirnment.
    The experiment, which surveyed 615 gardens in Britain, fund 25% fewer huse sparrws when glyphsate(草甘膦) was used regularly. This is an ingredient fund in cmmnly used herbicide(除草剂) brands such as Rundup r Gallup. Slug pellets(鼻涕虫杀虫剂) als seemed t have an impact n bird sightings; in gardens where Slug pellets were used, huse sparrw numbers were dwn by almst 40% .
    Prf. Dave Gulsn, f the schl f life sciences at the University f Sussex, said,“The UK has 22 millin gardens, which cllectively culd be a fantastic refuge fr wildlife, but nt if they are verly tidy and sprayed with pisns. We just dn't need pesticides in ur gardens. Many twns arund the wrld are nw pesticide free. We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in urban areas, fllwing the example f France.”The Ryal Hrticultural Sciety, the UK's leading gardening charity, said the use f pesticides and herbicides shuld be avided if pssible and they shuld nly be used, if ever, in small and targeted applicatins.
    The research als fund that thse wh adpted wildlife-friendly practices such as planting native shrubs and flwers, r digging a wildlife pnd, saw mre birds than thse wh did nt. Cannelle Tassin de Mntaigu, a PhD researcher within the schl f life sciences and an authr f the study, said, “It's encuraging t find that simple measures, such as planting native shrubs and trees and creating a pnd, tgether with aviding the use f pesticides, really make a measurable difference t the number f birds yu will see in yur garden.”
    12.What des the underlined wrd "halt" in paragraph 1 mst prbably mean?
    A. Stp.B. Attract. C. Nte.D. Witness.
    13.Why are the statistics mentined in paragraph 2?
    A. T reveal the severe influence f pesticides n birds.
    B. T cmpare the effects f tw kinds f pesticides.
    C. T cnvince readers f the imprtance f huse sparrws.
    D. T help gardeners chse the prper pesticides.
    14.What can be inferred frm Prf. Dave Gulsn's wrds?
    A. The ideal places fr wildlife in the UK are extremely tidy gardens.
    B. The gardens in the UK are s tidy that pesticides are nt needed.
    C. Pesticides shuld be prhibited frm use thrughut the UK.
    D. Sme cuntries like France have made urban areas pesticide free.
    15.What is the last paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Alternative methds t keep gardens tidy.
    B. Assistant ways t increase the number f birds.
    C. Gardeners' attitudes twards the experiment.
    D. Other researchers' interest in the experiment.
    16.There are things we all d, r dn't d, that lead us t waste far mre time than we realize in the mment. The biggest time regret, I think, is dwelling n(沉湎于) mistakes and shrtcmings.
    ①______In a study, researchers asked subjects t spend mney during an imaginary trip t the mall. Befre “shpping”, sme subjects were asked t recall a past financial mistake. They fund thse subjects were mre likely t incur(招致) debt. Dwelling made them feel like a failure and tld them there was n need t try, because they already sucked. S, they gt further int debt when already feeling like an verspender. Of curse, we dn't want t skip ver ur mistakes r ignre them either.②______
    I als missed t much fr fear f my wn shrtcmings. ③______ I wanted t travel after high schl, but I went t university clse t hme instead, because I was t shy t meet new peple and was afraid I culdn't make it in anther city. After university, I wanted t be a writer, but I decided t find a mre stable, accessible jb instead, because that's easier. ④______ I decided t find wrk I actually enjyed, travel mre and live smewhere else. I made a tn f mistakes alng the way, but the bigger mistake was nt trying sner.
    ⑤______ S, never beat yurself up ver yur mistakes and shrtcmings. The sner yu learn frm them, the sner yu can free up yur time and energy t live the life yu want.
    A. Eventually, I gt tired f this.
    B. Regret is anther big waste f time.
    C. I was ding it fr the wrng reasn that I was afraid t fail.
    D. Fr years, I stayed in a cmfrtable place, ding things I disliked.
    E. The gal is t learn smething frm them, and then release the failure.
    F. When yu finally relate it t yur wn past experiences, it prbably becmes easier.
    G. Dwelling n mistakes wastes time and, wrse still, makes us mre likely t repeat mistakes.
    The Munfrds were mving int a huse they bught. They wanted t see if all the furniture was in gd cnditin befre they used it. James Munfrd was 1 the built-in drawers in the clset last mnth, when he fund tw cases hlding 46 gld Liberty $5 cins and 18 Mrgan silver dllars that were made in the 1800s. They lked really ld, like they were really wrth a lt f 2 .
    James and his wife, Clarrisa, wh are bth retired thught the cins are 3 a family heirlm (传家宝), s they went ahead and made sure the wner 4 them back. James texted pictures f the 5 t the hme’s frmer wner and made plans t 6 them.
    “We really didn’t knw anything abut the 7 f the cins. We really didn’t 8 , t be hnest with yu. We knew they were nt urs,” said Clarrisa Munfrd, wh runs a restaurant business.
    The hme’s 9 wner, wh asked nt t be 10 , estimated (估算) that the cins were wrth abut $25,000. He said he’d put the cntainers in the back f his sck drawer a few mnths ag fr safe keeping and didn’t see it in his 11 t get packed up and mved ut f the huse. The rest f his cin cllectin was in his safe. He didn’t realize the cins were 12 until the Munfrds cntacted him. He added that he wuld never have knwn if they had 13 t sell the cins and keep the mney fr themselves.
    The Munfrds are still unpacking and their furniture just arrived last week, s they haven’t had a 14 t see if there are any ther 15 .
    17.A. tryingB. repairingC. remvingD. checking
    18.A. trubleB. mneyC. effrtD. time
    19.A. speciallyB. actuallyC. prbablyD. exactly
    20.A. gtB. putC. gaveD. held
    21.A. clsetsB. drawersC. casesD. cins
    22.A. returnB. cllectC. sellD. examine
    23.A. numberB. riginC. valueD. use
    24.A. believeB. careC. understandD. agree
    25.A. generusB. realC. kindD. frmer
    26.A. namedB. paidC. rewardedD. praised
    27.A. attemptB. hpeC. hurryD. demand
    28.A. missingB. ldC. dangerusD. secure
    29.A. struggledB. decidedC. helpedD. prmised
    30.A. placeB. meansC. chanceD. desire
    31.A. chicesB. prblemsC. suggestinsD. surprises
    32.It was raining lightly when I ①________ (arrive) in Yangshu just befre dawn. But I didn’t care. A few hurs ②________, I’d been at hme in Hng Kng, with ③________ (it) chking smg. Here, the air was clean and fresh, even with the rain.
    I’d skipped nearby Guilin, a dream place fr turists seeking the limestne muntain tps and dark waters f the Li River ④________ are pictured by artists in s many Chinese ⑤________ (painting). Instead, I’d head straight fr Yangshu. Fr thse wh fly t Guilin, it’s nly an hur away ⑥________ car and ffers all the scenery f the better-knwn city.
    Yangshu ⑦________ (be) really beautiful. A study f travelers ⑧________ (cnduct) by the website TripAdvisr names Yangshu as ne f the tp 10 destinatins in the wrld. And the twn is fast becming a ppular weekend destinatin fr peple in Asia. Abercrmbie & Kent, a travel cmpany in Hng Kng, says it ⑨________ (regular) arranges quick getaways(短途休假) here fr peple ⑩________ (live) in Shanghai and Hng Kng.
    When I was in seventh grade, my parents paid a tutr(家庭教师) frty dllars a week fr her cming t my huse and helping me with math. It ended up raising my marks frm fifty t fifty-five.
    I had t admit it was mainly my fault. Maybe I shuld have cncentrated my math frm the beginning. But studying math was a tugh thing. Sitting n a chair t wrk n cnfusing math prblems fr tw hurs was a slw and painful prcess. During the prcess, I wuld fidget(坐立不安) and have many trips t the refrigeratr in an attempt t get ff that chair fr at least five minutes.
    During math tests, my teachers wuld always stay by my desk. My teachers and friends wuld frequently ask the questin after tests,” Hw’s yur math this time?" S I became extremely afraid f math. While nrmal peple f my age were scared f sme insects and adventurus travels, I feared anything t d with numbers. The thught f a teacher picking n me in class made me feel scared. The red marks n the test paper were als terrifying.
    My fear f math gt wrse in ninth grade. Every reprt card I received frm my new math teacher Ms Rbbins had the cmment t encurage me, "I'm glad t d what I can t help yu.” But I culdn't tell her the real reasn why I didn't ask fr help-I didn’t want t be cnsidered stupid. Every questin I had was, in my pinin at the time, smething that the whle class had understd but I. S instead, I ended up nt caring abut anything related t math, withut wrking hard n math at all. And I cncluded everything wuld wrk ut in the end
    Eventually, my classmates and I tk the final test that wuld lead t ur graduatin frm middle schl and stepping int high schl. Days after the exam-- n a rainy summer mrning, Ms. Rbbins called me.
    Paragraph 1:
    With wrry and uncertainty, I entered her ffice.
    Paragraph 2:
    After I tk the curage t tell my parents the bad news, they were silent.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Day 5 Gibraltar 中“Yu've gt a full day t get t knw this British territry(领土),hme t many cultures. Chse t ride the cable car(缆车) fr great views f the Rck f Gibraltar r discver the beautiful lighthuse.”(你们有―整天的时间来了解这片英属领土,这里是多种文化的发源地。选择乘坐缆车欣赏直布罗陀岩石的美景或探索美丽的灯塔。)可知, 游客在第五天可以看到一座灯塔。故选A 项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Day 8 Gena, Italy 中“Get t knw this busy twn by walking thrugh the wnderful streets and piazzas (public squares, especially in an Italian twn).”(穿过美丽的街道和广场(公共广 场,尤其是在意大利小镇),了解这个繁忙的小镇。)以及Day 9 Flrence/Pisa 中“Chse t visit wnderful wineries(酒庄) in Tuscany r the famus Leaning Twer f Pisa n yur last day in Italy.”(在意大利的 最后一天,你可以选择去托斯卡纳参观美妙的酒庄,或者去参观著名的比萨斜塔。)可 知,游客可以在意大利停留两天时间。故选 B项。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章大意以及标题“Wnderful trip arund the Mediterranean”(美妙的地中海之旅)可知,文章主要介绍了几个地中海国家的旅游 胜地。由此可推知,这篇文章可能来自一本 旅游杂志。故选C项。
    解析:根据第二段“Then his mther abandned him and he had t stay with his grandfather...”,可推知,Phiri小时候并不幸福,遭到遗弃,所以答案为A。
    8.答案: C
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“We are living thrugh a data explsin, as vast amunts f infrmatin abut all aspects f human behavir have becme mre and mre accessible. We can use this big data t help determine the best curse t chart. (我们正生活在一个数据爆炸的时代,关于人类行为各个方面的大量信息变得越来越容易获取。我们可以利用这些大数据来帮助确定绘制地图的最佳路线。)”可知。作者主要的观点是在信息时代利用大数据去帮助自己决定选择哪条路径。故选C项。
    9.答案: D
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“They have fund, fr example, that a simple data-driven algrithm wuld have been better than judges at deciding whether a defendant shuld stay in jail (监狱) r be released; better than dctrs at deciding whether a patient shuld get a prcedure; and better than schl principals at deciding which teachers shuld be prmted. (例如,他们发现,一个简单的数据驱动算法在决定被告是应该留在监狱还是释放时,会比法官做得更好;在决定病人是否应该接受手术方面比医生做得更好;而且比学校校长更擅长决定哪些老师应该升职。)”可知,数据驱动的算法在这些方面表现更好:在法官决定被告人是该监禁还是释放方面;在医生决定病人是否该做手术方面;在学校校长决定哪些老师应该升职方面,在以上方面,算法都比人类做的好,由此可知,只有“教学实践”方面有可能不会打败人类。故选D项。
    10.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段“The pwer f data analysis has been prved in the sprts and business wrlds, t. As made famus by the bk and mvie Mneyball, baseball teams fund that algrithms were better than scuts (物色优秀运动员的人) at picking players, and better than managers at picking strategies. (数据分析的力量在体育和商业领域也得到了证明。正如书和电影《点球成金》(Mneyball)所述,棒球队发现算法在挑选球员方面比球探好,在挑选策略方面比经理好。)”可知,在电影《点球成金》中,算法在挑选球员和挑选策略方面比人类要好,由此可知,电影“点球成金”中的情节与成功的数据分析有关系。故选A项。
    11.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“I am claiming instead that we can all dramatically imprve ur decisin-making by cnsulting evidence mined frm thusands r millins f peple wh faced dilemmas similar t urs. And we can d that nw. (相反,我认为我们都可以通过咨询从成千上万与我们面临类似困境的人那里获得的证据来显著改善我们的决策。我们现在就能做到。)”可知,作者认为,在众多面临着类似的困境的人那里获取的数据,能极大地帮助人们的决策,所以作者应该赞成“我们可以运用大数据从类似的例子中学习”这一观点。故选C项。
    解析:.根据文章第一段中的“Gardeners wh use pesticides are cntributing t the decline f British sngbirds, a study suggests.”可知pesticides造成了英国鸣禽的减少,此外根据“Scientists have urged peple t stp 'spraying their gardens with pisns' in rder t halt bird decline and adpt instead wildlife-friendly practices.”可知,科学家呼吁人们停止使用这些杀虫剂来阻止鸣禽继续减少。
    解析:根据文章第三段中的“We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in urban areas. fllwing the example f France.”可知D项正确。根据“The UK has 22 millin gardens. which cllectively culd be a fantastic refuge fr wildlife, but nt if they are verly tidy and sprayed with pisns.”可知A项错误;B 选项在文章中看不出因果关系,所以错误;根据“We just dn't need pesticides in ur gardens. Many twns arund the wrld are nw pesticide free. We shuld simply ban the use f these pisns in urban areas, fllwing the example f France.”可知C项错误。
    解析:根据最后一段第一句“The research als fund that thse wh adpted wildlife-friendly practices such as planting native shrubs and flwers, r digging a wildlife pnd, saw mre birds than thse wh did nt.”以及全段内容可知。
    解析:①根据第一段的最后一句可知,全篇文章是关于dwelling n mistakes and shrtcmings,而设空处所在段则重点写dwelling n mistakes,下文通过研究证明了这一主题句。
    ②根据全段的主题句可知本段重点写dwelling n mistakes。前文已经分析了dwelling n mistakes的坏处以及原因,根据设空处前句"Of curse, we dn't want t skip ver ur mistakes r ignre them either. "可知设空处将提出应该怎么做。
    ③根据主题句"I als missed t much fr fear f my shrtcmings. "可知,本段重点写 dwelling n shrtcmings。且根据下文可知是提及之前的不正确的做法。
    ④根据下句"I decided t find wrk I actually enjyed, travel mre and live smewhere else. "可知设空处要讲的与前文的“害怕自身的缺点”完全不一样,作者调整了做法。
    ⑤本段是总结段,根据正文部分提到的研究结果和自身经历,作者奉劝他人不要"Regret n mistakes and shrtcmings"。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.trying努力;B.repairing修理;C.remving删除;D.checking检查。詹姆斯•芒福德(James Munfrd)上个月在检查壁橱中的内置抽屉时,发现两个箱子里装着46个19世纪制造的Liberty﹩5金币和18枚摩根银币。根据下文when he fund tw cases hlding 46 gld 可知是检查。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.truble麻烦;B.mney钱;C.effrt努力;D.time时间。他们看起来真的很老,好像他们真的很值钱。根据下文 the cins were wrth abut ﹩25,000可知是很值钱。故选B。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.clsets衣柜;B.drawers抽屉;C.cases案例;D.cins硬币。詹姆斯将硬币的照片发短信给房子的前主人,并计划归还这些硬币。根据上文wh are bth retired thught the cins 可知是硬币。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.believe相信;B.care在意;C.understand理解;D.agree同意。我们真的不知道这些硬币的价值。老实说,我们真的不在乎。根据下文We knew they were nt urs可知是不在意钱币的价值。故选B。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.generus慷慨的;B.real真实的;C.kind善良的;D.frmer之前的。这所房子的前主人不愿透露姓名,他估计这些硬币的价值约为﹩25,000。根据上文He said he'd put the cntainers in the back f his sck drawer a few mnths ag可知是之前的。故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.attempt尝试;B.hpe希望;C.hurry匆忙,快点;D.demand需求。他说,几个月前,为了安全起见,他把这些容器放在袜子抽屉的后面,在匆忙收拾行李搬出房子的时候,他没有看到。根据下文 mved ut f the huse可知是匆忙。故选C。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.place地点;B.means手段,方法;C.chance机会;D.desire欲望。蒙福德一家仍在收拾行李,他们的家具上周刚刚到,所以他们还没有机会看到是否还有其他惊喜。根据上文The Munfrds are still unpacking and their furniture just arrived last week可知是没有机会。故选C。
    解析:①本题考查时态。根据前后文时态可知本文主要时态为一般过去时,空格处为对过去所发生事情的一般陈述,而且 arrive 为非延续性动词,故应用一般过去时。故正确答案为 arrived。
    ②本题考查副词。结合上下文可知,“我”刚到阳朔的时候细雨蒙蒙,但是相较于几个小时前,当“我”还在香港的家里时,香港雾霾阵阵。空后 I'd been 提示时态为过去完成时,所以 A few hurs 和空格处时间表示时间为过去的过去,所以空格处填入 befre 或 earlier,表示“在几个小时之前”。本题不可填入 ag,因为 ag 只与一般过去时连用。故正确答案为 befre/earlier。
    ③本题考查形容词性物主代词。根据所给提示词 it 和空后名词短语,可知此处为 “with + 名词短语”的结构,修饰名词短语 chking smg 需用 it 的形容词性物主代词形式 its。故正确答案为 its。
    ④本题考查定语从句。空格后 “are pictured by artists in s many Chinese ...” 是定语从句用来修饰 the limestne muntain tps and dark waters f the Li River,定语从句中缺主语,且先行词指物,空格处填入定语从句引导词 that/which。故正确答案为 that/which。
    ⑤本题考查名词单复数。括号中提示词 painting 为可数名词,前面用 s many 修饰,应用其复数形式 paintings。故正确答案为 paintings。
    ⑥本题考查介词。“by + 交通工具”表示交通方式,by car 意为“乘车”,所以这里需要填入介词 by。故正确答案为 by。
    ⑦本题考查时态。“阳朔很美”是既定事实,用一般现在时,且 Yangshu 为单数,用 be 动词单数形式 is。故正确答案为 is。
    ⑧本题主要考查非谓语动词。根据句意,猫途鹰网(TripAdvisr)针对旅行者的一个调查将阳朔列为世界十大目的地之一。分析句子成分可知,句子主语为 study,谓语为 names,主谓结构完整,不缺谓语,所以不能用 be cnducted。此处是作 a study f travelers 的后置定语,所给提示词为 cnduct,意为“进行;实施”,与 study 构成动宾关系(调查被实施),所以用 cnduct 的过去分词形式 cnducted。故正确答案为 cnducted。
    ⑨本题考查副词。修饰动词 arranges 需用 regular 的副词形式,加 -ly。故正确答案为 regularly。
    ⑩本题考查非谓语动词。空格所在的宾语从句主谓结构完整,不需要谓语动词,所以空格处需填入 live 的非谓语形式,作后置定语修饰 peple。 peple 是动作 live 的发出者,故使用现在分词形式 living 表主动。虽然句意和语法上填 wh live 也可以,但 wh live 不符合语法填空的规则。故正确答案为 living。
    Dear Jenny,
    Knwing that yu are interested in my new schl life, I felt delighted t share it with yu. It's my hnr t be admitted t this schl. The first time I entered the campus, devted teachers, friendly classmates and the beautiful scenery fascinated me a lt. Clrful activities and recreatins, such as sprts meeting, speech cntests are always held t cultivate ur persnalities and strengthen ur friendship. What's mre, I can put my heart int study in harmnius cperatin with my classmates, which makes the schl life here unfrgettable.
    Hw abut yur schl life?
    Li Hua
    第1步:根据提示可知, 本篇为一封电子邮件;假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Jenny询问你进入高中后的学习和生活情况。请用英语给他回一封信,主要内容包括:1.学校印象;2.校园活动;3.学习情况。
    第2步:根据写作要求, 确定关键词(组), 如:be interested in(感兴趣);delighted(高兴的);be admitted t(录取);enter the campus(进入学校);fascinate(使着迷);a variety f(各种各样的)等。
    第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句, 注意主谓一致和时态问题。
    第4步:连句成文, 注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡, 书写一定要规范清晰, 保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。
    范文内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。作者在范文中使用了较多高级表达方式, 如Knwing that yu are interested in my new schl life, I felt delighted t share it with yu.运用了现在分词做原因状语The first time I entered the campus, devted and experienced teachers, friendly and active classmates and safe and caring envirnment fascinated me a lt.运用了时间状语从句。全文中没有中国式英语的句式, 显示了很高的驾驭英语的能力。另外, 文章思路清晰、层次分明, 上下句转换自然, 为文章增色添彩。
    Paragraph 1
    With wrry and uncertainty, I entered her ffice. After asking me t sit dwn, she tld me that I failed the math test. And she suggested that I shuld spend anther year in middle schl if I wanted t be admitted t a relatively gd high schl. I burst int tears when I heard the news. Seeing that, Ms. Rbbins came t cmfrt and encurage me, and said she'd like t ffer any help if necessary. After leaving her ffice, I was anxius, wndering hw t tell the bad news t my parents
    Paragraph 2
    After I tk the curage t tell my parents the bad news, they were silent. My bdy shk, waiting fr their blame. Hwever, they encuraged me t have anther try in ninth grade. It was then that I determined t take math seriusly. The fllwing day, I turned t Ms Rbbins fr help and tld her abut my determinatin. Ms. Rbbins was happy that I finally decided t wrk hard n math. Thanks t her patient guidance, I made great prgress and was nt afraid f math any mre. Finally, I made my way t a gd high schl and a university. Nw I’m a dctr and I' m prud f myself.
    ①进入:be admitted t/get int
    ②考上了:made my way t/be enrlled by
    ①感谢:thank t/shwing his appreciatin/shw his gratitude/be grateful
    ②流泪:burst int tears/cry
    [高分句型1] It was then that I determined t take math seriusly.这句话运用了强调句。
    [高分句型2] Seeing that, Ms. Rbbins came t cmfrt and encurage me, and said she'd like t ffer any help if necessary.这句话运用了现在分词作状语。

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