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    1.What are the lights made f?
    2.Hw did the man g t wrk tday?
    A.By bus.B.By car.C.By subway.
    3.When will the wman begin t ck tday?
    A.At 5:00 p. m.B.At 5:30 p. m.C.At 6:00 p. m.
    4.What’s the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Teacher and student.B.Pilt and passenger.C.Husband and wife.
    5.Where are the tw speakers?
    A.In a restaurant.B.In a bakery.C.At a party.
    6.What was the wman’s first jb?
    A.A secretary.B.A manager.C.A cleaner.
    7.Hw lng did the wman wrk at Venus Cmpany?
    A.Tw years.B.Three years.C.Fur years.
    8.Wh is Cathy?
    A.A gymnast.B.A gym assistant.C.A custmer f a gym.
    9.What is the man cmplaining abut?
    A.The business hurs f the gym.
    B.The prblems in the changing rm.
    C.The number f the custmers in the gym.
    10.What’s wrng with the clthes hangers?
    A.They are t ld.
    B.They are ften taken away by ther peple.
    C.They are nt strng enugh fr winter clthes.
    11.Why d Chinese peple like t call freigners “La Wai”?
    A.T shw respect fr the ld man.
    B.T express the idea f a clse relatinship.
    C.T stress smene is frm anther family.
    12.What makes the wman embarrassed as a guest f Chinese family?
    A.The Chinese may g s far as t ignre her dislikes.
    B.The Chinese fd is nt as tasty as her wn cuntry’s.
    C.The Chinese like sharing reading and d nt value privacy.
    13.What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A.Table manners.B.Human relatins.C.Cultural understanding.
    14.What dcs Martha think f the beach trip?
    15.Which place des the man suggest fr the schl trip?
    A.A museum.B.A Park.C.A gallery.
    16.Why des Martha suggest ging t the muntain?
    A.It is nearby.B.She has never been there.C.Children culd get enugh exercise.
    17.Wh is the speaker prbably talking t?
    A.Her teacher.B.Her recrder.C.Her friend.
    18.What is the benefit f keeping an audi diary?
    A.It prvides peple with new ideas.
    B.It helps peple rganize their gals.
    C.It allws peple t write better English.
    19.What des the speaker think f her friend?
    20.What time is it nw?
    A.Early in the mrning.B.Arund lunch time.C.Late in the evening.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fr even the mst city citizens, a quick escape int nature is always a welcme breath f fresh air. Try lking fr an urban garden nearby—they ften hide themselves just arund the crner. Click here t knw mre f the clest gardens in cities arund the wrld.
    Sky Garden
    As Lndn’s highest public garden, this scial space ffers splendid 360-degree views f the city. With a restaurant, bservatin decks and beautiful plant life, there is smething fr everyne in this city-center escape frm urban life.
    The BeltLine
    In a massive, 22-mile lp (环线) arund the city, the BeltLine cnnects many Atlanta neighbrhds with parks, trails, restaurants and art shws. Althugh it is still under cnstructin, the sectins that are pen t the public act as alternative space t enjy the utdrs.
    Jardins de Rubió i Lluch
    This walled, shady garden is in the curtyard f the histric Hspital de la Santa Creu. Decrated with lilac and mandarin trees — and string lights in the evenings — this small garden square is the perfect place t sip a cffee away frm Barcelna’s crwded atmsphere.
    Dumbartn Oaks
    The garden at this histric estate in Gergetwn was listed as ne f the 10 best gardens in the wrld by Natinal Gegraphic in 2014.It has bth a frmal, carefully manicured(修剪整齐的)garden as well as a naturalistic garden —allwing visitrs the ability t chse what they want t see.
    21.Where is the passage taken frm?
    A.A magazine.B.A website.C.A newspaper.D.A bk.
    22.Which garden best suits peple wh enjy verlking the city?
    A.Sky Garden.B.The BeltLine.
    C.Jardins de Rubió i Lluch.D.Dumbartn Oaks.
    23.What d the fur gardens have in cmmn?
    A.They are all mixtures f entertainment and art.
    B.They are all mixtures f urban and rural gardens.
    C.They are all gd places fr peple t get clse t nature.
    D.They are all quiet places fr peple t enjy a relaxed dinner.
    In 1969, I was five years ld in Lynchburg, Virginia, a skinny black kid f smewhat pr village. At that time, what my villagers were watching was “ne small step fr a man, ne giant leap fr mankind — Neil Armstrng and Buzz Aldrin were walking n the Mn.” I always jined them with great interest.
    My father was a farmer wh wrked frm dawn until dark, struggling t feed my family. But he always tk pains t d all the things t make mney fr his children t experience different adventures and encurage us t run after ur wn dreams. After Neil Armstrng’s mn landing, all the kids in the neighbrhd thught I wuld be an astrnaut ne day. But I didn’t see an astrnaut like me, because family backgrund did matter.
    I went n with this dream thrugh a high schl, and even a cllege. After graduatin, I went t wrk fr NASA.A friend f mine handed me an applicatin and believed that I wuld be a great astrnaut. Althugh I was lucky enugh t be chsen, I didn’t knw what it meant t be a real astrnaut. In 2007, I was in Space Shuttle “Atlantis,” careening ff the planet, traveling at 17,500 miles per hur, and eight and a half minutes later, the main engines cut ff, and we were flating in space.
    My jb n this missin was t install(安装) a labratry fr materials and human research, which the Eurpean team have been waiting fr 10 year. I grabbed ut the big mdule, using the rbtic arm and attaching it t the space statin. S, this mment happened. It was dne and I had a big sigh f relief.
    In the space statin, I culd cmmunicate with different peple frm all arund the wrld. We had these peple living and wrking tgether. Whether Russian r French, all these different peple cexisted in harmny as ne family. And s, when I lked up t space, I thught we all had t hld nt smething until we finally came t the fantastic space.
    24.Why did the authr think it impssible t be an astrnaut at first?
    A.He was a farmer.B.His family was pr.
    C.He was t yung.D.His father was t tired.
    25.What des the underlined phrase “careening ff’ prbably mean in paragraph 3?
    A.Thinking back t.B.Lking ut f.
    C.Taking pictures f.D.Flying away frm.
    26.What can the authr’s jb be described as accrding t paragraph 4?
    A.Demanding and challenging.B.Rewarding and bring.
    C.Satisfying and mtivating.D.Prmising and amazing.
    27.What message des the authr want t express?
    A.Everyne is likely t becme an astrnaut.
    B.Parents are the best examples f their children.
    C.Different peple can cexist in harmny as ne family.
    D.Everyne shuld hld nt his dream, whether rich r pr.
    A virtual reality headset has restred(修复) sight t peple wh are legally blind. While it didn’t cure the physical cause f their blindness, the device let peple with severe macular degeneratin(黄斑退化) g n with activities like reading and gardening — tasks they previusly fund impssible.
    Macular degeneratin is a cmmn, age-related cnditin. It affects many peple wrldwide. It leaves peple with a blind spt in the centre f their visin and causes legal blindness. The new system, called Iris Visin, uses VR headset t make the mst f peripheral visin (周边视觉). It recrds the persn’s surrundings and displays them in real time, and the user can widen the image as many times as they need fr their peripheral visin t becme clear. Ding s als helps t effectively reduce r remve their blind spt.
    In a trial,30 peple used the system fr tw weeks, filling ut questinnaires n their ability t cmplete daily activities befre and after the perid. “They can d things that fr years were nt even a cnsideratin,” says David Rhew at Samsung Electrnics America. Accrding t Rhew, the visin f participants was all but restred with the headset. “The baseline rate f visin in the individuals came in at 20/400, which is legally blind, and with the use f this technlgy it imprved t 20/30, which is pretty clse t 20/20 visin,” he says. Tm Petersn has serius macular degeneratin. When he first started using the device, “It was an emtinal experience. I sensed that I culd see again and tears started cming,” he says.
    The results were presented at the Assciatin fr Research in Visin and Ophthalmlgy(眼科学) annual meeting. The headset is nw being used in 80 phthalmlgy centres arund the US, and the next step is t adapt the sftware t wrk fr ther visin disrders. Sme have cmmented that it is heavy fr lng perids f use. “Many peple with macular degeneratin regularly use eight t ten different tls, such as telescpes and magnifying glasses, t help them with daily life, but Iris Visin can replace them all,” says Perski.
    28、 What may lead t legal blindness?
    A.T much reading.B.A blind spt.
    C.Increasing ages.D.Macular degeneratin.
    29.Why is Tm Petersn mentined in paragraph 3?
    A.T explain the prcess f the trial.
    B.T shw the prblems with the trial.
    C.T prve the effectiveness f Iris Visin.
    D.T prmte the new prduct f Iris Visin.
    30.What attitude des Perski hld twards Iris Visin?
    31.What’s the best title f the text?
    A.A VR headset —new ways t cure blindness
    B.A VR headset —gd news fr blind peple
    C.Macular degeneratin —a deadly eye disease
    D.Macular degeneratin — an imprtant bdy rgan
    Climate change is nt nly a human prblem; animals have t adapt t it as well. Sme “warm-blded” animals are shapeshifting(变形) and getting larger legs, ears, and beak s t better cntrl their bdy temperatures as the planet gets htter. Bird researcher Sara Ryding f Deakin University in Australia describes these changes in a review.
    “It’s high time we recgnized that animals als have t adapt t these changes, and this is ccurring ver a far shrter time than wuld have ccurred thrugh mst f evlutinary time,” says Ryding. “The climate change that we have created is putting a lt f pressure n them, and while sme species will adapt, thers will nt.”
    Ryding ntes that climate change is a cmplex phenmenn that’s been ccurring gradually, s it’s difficult t determine just ne cause f the shapeshifting. But these changes have been ccurring acrss wide gegraphical regins and amng a variety f species, s there is little in cmmn apart frm climate change.
    Strng shapeshifting has particularly been reprted in birds. Several species f Australian parrt have shwn, n average, a 4% t 10% increase in size since 1871, and this is psitively assciated with the summer temperature each year. Nrth American dark-eyed juncs, a type f small sngbird, had a link between increased size and shrt-term temperature extremes in cld envirnments. There have als been reprted changes in mammalian(哺乳动物) species. Researchers have reprted tail length increases in wd mice. “The increases in appendage(附肢) size we see s far are quite small —less than 10% — s the changes are unlikely t be immediately nticeable,” says Ryding. “Hwever, prminent(突起的) appendages such as ears are predicted t increase.”
    Next, Ryding intends t investigate shapeshifting in Australian birds by 3D scanning museum bird samples frm the past 100 years. Undubtedly, it will give her team a better understanding f which birds are changing appendage size due t climate change and why.
    32.What is the purpse f paragraph 1?
    A.T intrduce a bird researcher.B.T present a shapeshifting phenmenn.
    C.T explain the cause f climate change.D.T state the terrible influence f climate change.
    33.What can be inferred abut animals’ shapeshifting frm paragraphs 2 and 3?
    A.It is slwer than their evlutin.B.It’s impssible t determine its cause.
    C.It is a glbal phenmenn beynd species.D.Climate change is its ptential cause.
    34.What des paragraph 4 mainly talk abut?
    A.The examples f shapeshifting.B.The effects f shapeshifting.
    C.The explanatins f shapeshifting.D.The histry f shapeshifting.
    35.Which f the fllwing will Ryding’s next study fcus n?
    A.The speed f shapeshifting.B.The cause f climate change.
    C.The samples f Australian birds.D.The understanding f bird histry.
    With such a wide range f platfrms and devices available t the everyday reader, the physical bk, while nt yet extinct, may end up ging that way. Why? 36 .
    With a rapid increase in digital reading platfrms, reading is n lnger a cmmn prblem fr bkwrms. 37 They’re designed t simplify the prcess f reading n the g. Yu can select a bk, track yur prgress, and even submit reviews. With n need t carry arund physical bks, readers are much mre likely t pick up where they left ff whenever and wherever they may be.
    Readers can als carry arund their favurite bks within an e-reader. Cmmn examples include the Amazn Kindle, Onyx Bx, and PcketBk. These hand-held devices ffer fantastic prtability, readability and variety. 38 They are much smaller and lighter than physical bks, making them an ideal ptin fr thse always n the g.
    Scial media has had a great effect n ur reading habits. It gverns ur daily life. With physical bks n lnger a key frm f entertainment fr children, it has been replaced with digital alternatives. Scial media and vide games have replaced the ways in which we traditinally read and tell stries. 39 .
    As is knwn t us all, technlgy has changed the ways in which we read at hme as well as in the classrm. 40 Expsure t the digital ptential f reading is intrduced at an early age. Virtual learning platfrms have als explded in ppularity in recent years. Technlgy in the classrm is n lnger a luxury but a necessity t keep up with the mdern age.
    A.There are a number f apps ut there.
    B.Bks and lessns are delivered nline.
    C.We are still reading but just in a different way.
    D.Lts f peple find it difficult t fit reading int their daily rutine.
    E.Sme e-readers als allw users t access the Internet fr varius purpses.
    F.There’s nthing wrse than realizing yu have frgtten yur favurite bk.
    G.Here are sme ways technlgy has transfrmed ur reading habits in recent years.
    第三部分 语言运用(共四节,满分50分)
    It was a summer evening, my wife and I were n ur way t the grcery stre when I nticed a man sitting n the pavement. He sat mtinless there and the vacant(迷茫的) 41 in his eyes indicated he was incapable f nrmal mental functin. “He lks 42 ,” my wife remarked. “Let’s buy him a laf f bread.”
    When we 43 , we’d barely gne a hundred meters when we sptted him. Driven by hunger, he had crssed the rad and was 44 with a family f migrant laburers camping there. The family had gathered arund an pen 45 ver which a lady was rasting rtis(烤肉) fr dinner. The lady kept an eye n the 46 , making sure that his p late was nt 47 . She smiled as she watched him 48 the fd awkwardly. The ther members f the family chatted 49 as they ate, the rtis 50 faster than the cheerful lady culd make them. These were pr peple wh even had n 51 ver their heads, peple wh were weary frm a lng ht summer day, peple wh lived in the hpe f just 52 a few rupees(卢比) t make ends meet.
    We watched fr a while. Then, vercme with 53 , we placed the laf f bread near the man and rde away. That family was far frm 54 , but they shared what they had, nt smething they had n use fr, r smething they culd easily 55 , like a laf f bread.
    48.A.dip intB.bump intC.run intD.lk int
    Remember the cupping marks n the swimming superstar Michael Phelps at the Ri Olympics? The 56 (shck) red marks pened peple’s eyes t Traditinal Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the healing effects f cupping therapy.
    Cupping, als termed as “hrn methd” ancient China, 57 (becme) ppular in China fr thusands f years. It is ne f the physitherapy(物理疗法) 58 (methd) f Traditinal Chinese Medicine. When peple apply cupping therapy, special cups are heated, 59 helps t create a vacuum(真空) and applied n specific treatment sites.
    Cupping therapy has develped alngside TCM thery as part f its strng fundatin. TCM believes that the human bdy 60 (assciate) with the dynamic balance f ppsites in the frm f Yin and Yang. Pain results 61 an imbalance in this unity within the bdy. Cupping allws fr the decngestin(充血) f skin and tissues. Cupping therapy can 62 (effective) stimulate Channels and Cllaterals(经络), awaken vital energy and bld circulatin, 63 relieve muscle fatigue(疲劳), balancing Yin and Yang.
    Due t the cntinued 64 (develp) f TCM, mre and mre westerners have cme t recgnize and accept the healthy treatment cncept ffered by TCM. At the same time, TCM dctrs cntinue t prmte the treatment methds f TCM in every way pssible, including thrugh acupuncture, cupping, massages, Qigng, and Tai Chi, all in 65 attempt t prevent disease and imprve fitness.
    66.Lsing even 10 percent f its emplyees can hit a cmpany ______(incredible)hard if it’s nt well prepared.
    67.There is nthing mre ______(anny) than queuing when yu are in a hurry.
    68.Zheng He’s achievements are nw widely acknwledged, and he is remembered as ne f China’s mst ______(influence) explrers.
    69.A study shws that wmen wh eat plenty f fresh vegetables are far less likely t suffer ______(anxius) r depressin.
    70.The famus mvie star culd hardly walk dwn the street withut ______(bther).
    71.The gvernment is pressing fr an early ______(reslve) f the issue.
    72.This was a practical example f hw the Army trained peple ______(discipline).
    73.In years t cme, we hpe mre girl students interested in science and engineering ______(emerge).
    74.Believe it r nt, playing with water can keep children ______(amuse) fr quite a lng time.
    75.Natural disasters, the sudden and pwerful natural frces, can lead t the ______(destry) f heritage sites.
    76.如果你想加入我们俱乐部的话, 请在下周五前将个人申请提交给我们。(submit... t...)
    77.旅行和阅读都将让我们接触到多样的文化和生活方式。(expse ... t...)
    79.均衡的饮食和有规律的生活对我们的健康至关重要。(be f vital imprtance t)
    80.督促政府立刻采取措施解决食品安全问题很有必要。(urge sb t d)
    第四部分 写作(满分20分)
    One day in 1964, my mther came hme frm wrk and annunced that she had fund a pet fr the family. My sister asked what it was. My mther said it was a pdle dg named Pepe.
    I culdn’t believe my sister wanted a pdle dg— especially ne with such a strange name. But she had made up her mind.
    Pepe arrived the next night, his shrt tail bbbing(摆动) happily. I remained distant, thinking pdles shuld have stayed in France. My sister played with him until bedtime, and he begged fr mre attentin. I ignred him.
    He was a skilled digger, s ur backyard fence wuldn’t hld him. We tied him; he pulled ut f his cllar(颈圈). We drve stakes(木桩) int the grund; he dug them up. We put a harness n him, staked the grund and tied him t the laundry ple; he was still waiting fr me at the frnt dr at the end f the day, smiling happily.
    Every day, he asked me with his eyes t play with him r take him smewhere. At night, he wuld wait until I fell asleep, leave his bed by the wall heater and jump nt the end f my bed.
    One night, I was in a half dream state. Suddenly, my thrat and my eyes hurt, and sme animal was whining(哀鸣) in my ear. I pened my eyes and saw fg in my rm. I wndered wh left the windw pen. Pepe whined and nibbled(咬) n my bluse. Then I wke up and realized that it wasn’t fg in my rm— it was smke.
    I culdn’t breathe standing up, s I gt dwn n the flr and crawled(爬行) beneath the smke. Pepe fllwed my every mve, his curly-haired stmach struggling n the grund. If I hadn’t been s scared, I wuld have laughed.
    We finally arrived in the kitchen, where the smke was very thick. ____________________________________
    I turned ff the burner(炉子) and crawled t pen the back dr. ____________________________________

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