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    这是一份江西省宜春市宜丰县2023-2024学年高三上册1月期末英语模拟试题(附答案),共17页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. What is Paul ging t d this summer?
    A.G t the beach. B.Attend summer schl. C.Earn sme mney.
    2. Why des the wman cme t the man?
    A.T send an aplgy. B.T make a cmplaint. C.T seek sme advice.
    3. What des the man plan t d?
    A.Get a degree. B.Find a jb. C.Leave the cmpany
    4. What des the wman mean?
    A.She wuld like t cme alng.B.The weather is quite pleasant.
    C.She knws the harbr well.
    5.Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A.E130. B.E152. C.E196.
    第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
    6. What des Simna think f the rankings?
    A.Highly reliable. B.A little unfair. C.Very exciting
    7.Which city has an efficient transprt system?
    A.San Francisc B.Lndn. C.Tky.
    听第7 段材料,回答第8至10 题。
    8. What are the speakers abut t d?
    A.Have a meeting. B.Take a cffee. C.Write a reprt
    9. Hw des Phif feel nw?
    A.Frightened. B.Disappinted C.Anxius
    10.What shuld Emily value?
    A.Effective cmmunicatin. B.Time cnsciusness. C.Teamwrk.
    听第8 段材料,回答第11 至13 题。
    11.When is the send-ff party?
    A.On Mnday evening. B.On Friday evening. C.On Saturday evening.
    12.Where will the party be held?
    A.At Susan's place B.At Peter's place. C.At the man's place.
    13.Why des the man decide t be absent frm wrk?
    A.T g traveling B.T cntinue his study. C.T enjy city life.
    听第9 段材料,回答第14 至17 题。
    14.What des the man d?
    A.A hst. B.A dctr. C.A guest.
    15.What is Alice's uncmmn ability?
    A.Linking emtins and wrds.B.Cnnecting clrs with wrds.
    C.Expressing emtins with clrs.
    16.What d we knw abut Alice and her brther?
    A.They can't recgnize clrs crrectly.B.They are brn with the same cnditin.
    C.They feel the same abut the same clr.
    17.Hw des Alice sund in the end?
    A.Depressed. B.Optimistic. C.Cnfused.
    听第10 段材料,回答第18 至 2 0 题。
    18.Why des the speaker recmmend the side streets?
    A.There are internatinal restaurants.B.There are ldest buildings in the area.
    C.There are cheap arts and crafts fr sale.
    19.What is the requirement fr the clthes this year?
    A.The clthes must be inspired by music and technlgy.
    B.The clthes must be made frm lcally prduced materials.
    C.The clthes must be mdeled by the designers themselves.
    20.What shuld yu d if yu want t park fr free?
    A.Park by the radside. B.Stay fr less than an hur. C.Buy smething in the shps.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    English is changing faster than ever due t technlgy and the grwing ppularity f scial media. D yu lng t keep up with the times?If s,here are sme ld-fashined wrds yu shuld remve frm yur vcabulary list.
    As an alteratin f the term“snippersnapper”,the wrd first appeared in the 17th century, expressing ur ancestrs'annyance at ill-mannered children.In its mre cntemprary versin,the wrd relates t a yung persn wh is t cnfident and des nt shw enugh respect t lder peple.
    Are yu brn in the 1980s?If s,yu may still be using the term"tape"when speaking shws.Tdayg music r TV shws.Tday,thugh digital media has made data strage n magnetic tape a thing f the past,this ld linguistic habit still exists.
    What we knw as“jeans”tday were nce called “dungarees”t refer t trusers made f denim. The term cmes frm a kind f cheap and rugh clth imprted frm Dngari manufacturers began imprting the clth frm Gena in Italy,this kind f trusers gt a new name, “jeans”.S dn't be surprised if yu catch yur grandpa saying“dungarees".
    In the earlier age f air travel,female crew members serving airline passengers were wasn't until mre men entered the field and the develpment f wmen's rights mvement in the 1960s and 1970s that the wrd fell ut f use.“Stewardess”was replaced by a Mre gender-neutral term,"flight attendant".
    21.Wh can be described as a whippersnapper nwadays?
    A.A narrw-minded kid. B.An ill-mannered elder.
    C.A bad-tempered wman. D.A self-centered yung man.
    22.Which f the fllwing wrds has becme utdated due t the develpment f technlgy?
    A.Whippersnapper. B.Tape C.Dungarees D.Stewardess.
    23.Which clumn des this passage belng t?
    A.Language B.Technlgy C.Finance D.Fashin.
    The year 2023 marks the 102th anniversary f Nether's ring thery,a branch f theretical mathematics that is still fascinating and challenging numerus mathematicians tday.
    Nether was brn in 1882 in Germany,whse father was a math prfessr,but it must have seemed unlikely t a yung Nether that she wuld fllw in his ftsteps because wmen were banned frm academia and few tk classes at universities.After Nether graduated frm a high schl fr girls, Erlangen University started t let wmen enrll.She signed up and earned her dctrate in mathematics, which shuld have been the end f her mathematical jurney.Teaching at a university fr wmen was still ut f the questin.But Nether stuck with mathematics anyway,staying in Erlangen and unfficially guiding dctral students withut pay.
    In 1915,she applied fr a psitin at the University f Gttingen.Bill Nichll,the dean at the university,als a mathematician,was in favr f hiring Nether,althugh his argument was far frm feminist (女权主义) .“The female brain is unsuitable fr mathematical prductin,”he wrte,“but Nether std ut as ne f the rare exceptins.”
    Unfrtunately fr Nether,the Ministry f Educatin wuld nt give the university permissin t have a wman as their teacher.Nether stayed in Gttingen and taught curses listed under the name f a male faculty teacher.During thse years,she kept ding research and made imprtant cntributins t theretical physics and Einstein's thery f relativity.The university finally granted her lecturer status. Tw years later,Nether published revlutinary discveries in ring thery,which is the study f mathematical bjects called rings.Netherian rings shw up all the time in mdern mathematics. Mathematicians still use Nether's map tday,nt just in ring thery,but in ther area such as number thery and algebraic gemetry.
    24.What d we learn abut Nether frm paragraph 2?
    A.She taught at university as a teacher. B.She earned a degree in mathematics.
    C.She was taught by her father at hme D.She quit her mathematical jurney early.
    25.What can we infer frm Bill Nichll's wrds ?
    A.He was struggling fr feminist. B.Females'brains differed frm males'.
    C.Nether was a giant in mathematics. D.Wmen mathematicians were superb.
    26.What d we knw abut Nether's ring thery?
    A.It is still used by mathematicians tday.
    B.It pens up a new field in mdern physics.
    C.It is based n Einstein's thery f relativity.
    D.It lays the fundatin fr mdern mathematics.
    27.Which f the fllwing can best describe Nether?
    A.Gifted and generus. B.Sensitive and determined.
    C.Cmmitted and creative. D.Hardwrking and hnest.
    When yu ask peple t judge thers by their speech, a trend emerges: Listeners dislike disfluency. Slw talkers prducing lads f ums and pauses(停顿)are generally perceived as less charming. But science tells us there may be even mre t disfluency.
    Disfluencies d nt ccur in arbitrary psitins in sentences. Ums typically ccur right befre mre difficult r lw-frequency wrds. Imagine yu’re having dinner with a friend at a restaurant,and there’re three items n the table: a knife, a glass, and a wine decanter(醒酒器). Yur friend turns t yu and says, “Culd yu hand me ” What wuld yu assume they want? Since it’s unlikely that they will hesitate befre such cmmn wrds as knife, and glass, chances are yu’ll pick up the decanter and ask, “Yu mean this?”
    This is exactly what we demnstrated thrugh cntrlled eye-tracking studies in ur lab. Apparently, listeners hear the um and predict that an uncmmn wrd is mst likely t fllw.Such predictins, thugh, reflect mre than just simple assciatin between disfluencies and difficult wrds; listeners are actively cnsidering frm the speaker’s pint f view. Fr example, when hearing a nn-native speaker say the same sentence but with a thick freign accent, listeners dn’t shw a preference fr lking at lw-frequency bjects. This is prbably because listeners assume nn-native speakers may have as much truble cming up with the English wrd fr a cmmn bject, like a knife, as fr unusual nes and can’t guess their intentin.
    In anther experiment, listeners were presented with an atypical speaker wh prduced disfluencies befre simple wrds and never befre difficult wrds. Initially, participants displayed the natural predictive strategy: lking at uncmmn bjects. Hwever, as mre time went by, and they gained experience with this atypical distributin f disfluencies, listeners started t demnstrate the cntrary predictive behavir: They tended t lk at simple bjects when hearing the speaker say um.
    These findings represent further evidence that the human brain is a predictin machine: We cntinuusly try t predict what will happen next, even thugh nt all disfluencies are created equal.
    28. What des the underlined wrd “arbitrary”mean in paragraph 2?
    A. Randm.B. Strategic.C. Obvius.D. Cnsistent
    29. What des the authr say abut the nn-native speakers?
    A. They can be understd easily.B. They actively put themselves in thers’ shes
    C. Their vcabularies are limited.D. Their disfluencies are a little less predictive.
    30. What des the experiment in paragraph 4 shw?
    A. Simple things are difficult in sme cases.B. Listeners can adjust predictins accrdingly.
    C. Distributin f disfluencies is changeable.D. Disfluencies in cmmunicatin can be avided.
    31. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Pauses Cexist with Predictin.B. Brains Are Pwerful Predictin Machines.
    C. Active Listeners Simplify Talks.D. Disfluency Says Mre Than Yu Think.
    We are living in a wrld where technlgy is never a neutral tl fr achieving human ends. Technlgical innvatins reshape peple as they use these innvatins t cntrl their envirnment. Artificial intelligence,fr example,is altering humanity.
    While the term AI aruses anxieties abut killer rbts r catastrphic levels f unemplyment, there are ther deeper implicatins.As AI increasingly shapes the human experience,hw des this change what it means t be human?Central t the prblem is a persn's capacity t make chices, particularly judgments that have mral implicatins.Aristtle argued that the capacity fr making practical judgments depends n regularly making them—n habit and practice.We see the emergence f machines as substitute judges in a variety f everyday cntexts as a ptential threat t peple learning hw t effectively exercise judgment themselves.
    In the wrkplace,managers rutinely make decisins abut wh t hire r fire and which lan t apprve.These are areas where algrithm ( 算 法 )is replacing human judgment,and s peple wh might have had the chance t develp practical judgment in these areas n lnger will.
    Recmmendatin engines,which are increasingly ppular in peple's cnsumptin f culture,may serve t restrict chice and minimize luck.By presenting cnsumers with algrithmically selected chices f what t watch,read,stream and visit next,cmpanies are replacing human taste with machine taste.In ne sense,this is helpful.After all,machines can survey a wider range f chices than any individual is likely t have the time r energy t d n their wn.
    Algrithms culd sn--if they dn't already--have a better idea abut which shw yu'd like t watch next and which jb candidate yu shuld hire than yu d.One day,humans may even find a way fr machines t make these decisins withut sme f the prejudices that humans typically display.
    But unpredictability is part f hw peple understand themselves and part f what peple like abut themselves.Frm this aspect,humanity is in the prcess f lsing smething significant.As they becme mre and mre predictable,the creatures living in the AI wrld will becme less and less like us.
    32.Why des the authr cite Aristtle's wrds in paragraph 2?
    A.T present a fact. B.T explain a rule
    C.T clarify a cncept. D.T illustrate a viewpint.
    33.What may result frm increasing applicatin f recmmendatin engines in ur cnsumptin f culture?
    A.Cnsumers will actually enjy better luck.
    B.Cnsumers will have much limited chice.
    C.Humans will develp tastes similar t machines'.
    D.Humans will find it easier t decide what t enjy.
    34.Why des the authr say the creatures living in AI wrld will becme increasingly unlike us?
    A.They will nt be able t understand themselves as we can d tday.
    B.They will lse what their ancestrs were prud f abut themselves.
    C.They will lse the mst significant human element f being intelligent.
    D.They will n lnger pssess the human characteristic f being unpredictable.
    35.What can be the best title fr the passage?
    A.AI is reshaping humanity. B.AI is affecting mral judgments.
    C.AI is becming mre predictable. D.AI is causing massive unemplyment.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选 项。
    Play is s much mre than just a way t kill the time. Behind every game and puzzle lies a pwerful frce shaping a child’s develpment. 36 Dive in, and yu’ll discver the science behind it.
    When children engage in play, they d mre than just have fun. They’re actively cnstructing their brains. . Neural pathways (神经通络), thse cmplex netwrks respnsible fr thught, learning, and emtin, are slidified during these leisure activities. Much like cnstructing a hme requires mre than just bricks, it’s abut laying a strng fundatin. Fr the maturing brain, play is that vital fundatin. 37 These cnnectins dn’t just serve immediate childlike wnder; they lay the grundwrk fr future cgnitive and emtinal adaptability.
    Beynd cgnitive and emtinal develpment, leisure activities are crucial in securing a child’s physical health and crdinatin (协调性). Whether it’s running r jumping rpe, these actins develp a child’s fine mtr skills. Such physical engagements push children t be mre aware f their bdy mvements and surrundings. 38 Thrugh play, kids develp a symbitic (共生的) relatinship between mind and bdy.
    In the dynamic ecsystem f a child’s grwth, leisure activities weave in threads f academic enhancement withut the traditinal pressures f frmal educatin. 39 Beynd the fun, kids are absrbing lessns in lgic, pattern recgnitin, and critical thinking. Similarly, engaging in bard games r interactive strytelling sessins intrduces them t fundamental math, language, and strategy cncepts in a relaxed atmsphere. This stress-free cmbinatin f play and learning allws kids t develp academically withut realizing they’re n an educatinal jurney.
    Play is mre than just a leisure activity fr kids. It’s an essential tl that helps better brain develpment, physical health and s much mre. 40
    A. But why, exactly, is play s vital fr kids?
    B. And hw, precisely, d yu dive in games and puzzles?
    C. The diversity f play equips the brain with neural cnnectins.
    D. Take, fr instance, the seemingly simple act f assembling a puzzle.
    E. Therefre, kids wh play mre will deal with the difficulties better in the future.
    F. The cnstant feedback creates a rich envirnment fr enhancing physical capabilities.
    G. By understanding it, yu can prvide yur child with the best fundatin fr a bright future.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Career hunt hits pavement
    When it cmes t jb hunting,few cnsider hlding a cardbard sign n the pavement a 41 ptin. Hwever,Yan Xinyi,a 21-year-ld cmmerce graduate f University f Trnt,traveled the path less taken and received her 42 .
    After 43 herself n the street as an eager candidates fr a jb in the advertising and marketing industry,she 44 a psitin as a research analysts at Reprise Media,a glbal nline marketing agency,reprted The Trnt Star.
    Yan had been searching fr a jb since she graduated early last year.“I have psted hundreds f jb applicatins but wasn't getting any 45 ,”she tld The Star.
    By December she 46 t make her big play."I want t make it happen,"She tld The Star, “even if I have t d smething a little ….47 . ”
    She held the cardbard and 48 resumes n the street.Whever 49 ne wuld get a bag f candy canes as a Christmas gifts. 50 HR frm Reprise Media reached ut t her nline and
    51 an interview.
    Jseph McCnnellgue,Reprise Media's managing directr, 52 Yan being energetic during the interview.He was cnvinced Yan was the real deal when she 53 a PwerPint presentatin abut her street-sign jb search.
    “We were very impressed with her 54 and innvativeness,” McCnnellgue tld The Star.“She tk things int her wn hands,tk a very different 55 t finding a jb.Smetimes think utside the bx and yu find the slutin.”
    B.randm C.plain D.wrthwhile
    B.reward C.slutin D.answer
    B.persuading C.refreshing D.practising
    B.intrduced C.landed D.changed
    B.requests C.frms D.challenges
    B.hesitated C.cntinued D.decided
    B.uncnventinal C.unchangeableD.unacceptable
    ut B.put up C.made up D.gave ut
    B.cpied C.laid D.created
    B.Unfrtunately C.Apparently D.Eventually
    B.arranged C.spnsred D.declined
    B.mtivated C.recalled D.cmpared
    fr B.wrked ut C.went thrugh D.turned t
    B.initiative C.pliteness D.knwledge
    B.attitude C.reactin D.preference
    Frequently 56 (feed)by turists and drivers,a wlf in Hh Xil,Qinghai prvince,has recently gained ppularity and rked discussins nline due t its dwny and rund shape.
    The wlf,which 57 (be)nce bny in the wilderness,has nw becme quite fat and even learned t wag its tail and expse its stmach 58 an attempt t ask fr fd frm the 59 (pass)vehicles.Sme netizens tease the wlf,saying that it n lnger wants t put effrts int hunting, 60 thers express their cncerns that this actin may disturb the natural rder.Qi Xinzhang frm Xining Wildlife Park,stated that randm feeding shuld nt be encuraged.He mentined,“I want t believe in the kindness f the feeders,but kindness needs 61 (sense) supprt.”He further explained that death itself is a natural part f life and a 62 (necessary)fr ther predatrs' survival.
    Dai Qiang,a researcher at the Chengdu Institute f Bilgy,said that feeding wild animals might bring risks t the feeders 63 (them).Wild animals,especially injured nes,may carry sme bacteria.Wlves are predatrs after all, 64 seemingly gentle appearance can't guarantee they wn't display aggressin.Therefre,it's imprtant 65 (maintain)a safe distance.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假如你是学生会主席李华,请你围绕“保护环境,低碳生活”为主题,写一封英语倡议书,旨 在号召大家积极采取行动,践行低碳生活。
    内容包括:1.保护环境的重要性;2. 如何低碳生活;3. 发出倡议。

    阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段 ,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Day Mther Cried
    Cming hme frm schl that dark winter's day s lng ag, I was filled with anticipatin. I had a new issue f my favrite sprts magazine under my arm. Dad was at wrk, my sister was away , and Mther wuldn't be hme frm her new jb fr an hur.
    I was shcked int stillness by what I saw . Mther pulled int a tight ball with her face in her hands . She was crying. I had never seen her cry .
    I apprached cautiusly and tuched her shulder." Mther?" I said." What's happened ?"
    She tk a lng breath and managed a weak smile." It's nthing , really. I'm ging t lse this new jb. I can't type fast enugh."
    "But yu've nly been there three fr days ," I said ." Yu ' ll catch n ." I was repeating a line she had spken t me a hundred times when I was having truble learning r ding smething imprtant t me. She sbbed in silence .
    I felt helpless and ut f place . At the age f 16 I still assumed Mther culd d anything. T prvide enugh incme fr my cllege tw years later, Mther was crazy fr ways t save mney.
    A few mnths ag , Mther arrived hme with an ld typewriter. It skipped between certain letters ." That's all we can affrd ," Mther said ." It's gd enugh t learn n ." And frm that day n , immediately after dinner , Mther wuld disappear int her sewing rm t practice. The slw tap, tap, tap went n sme nights until midnight. On Mnday, she gt a jb as a typewriter at a radi statin. I was nt the least bit surprised but she was excited. But n Tuesday Mther lked drawn. I didn't care hnestly.
    My shck and embarrassment at finding Mther in tears n Wednesday shwed hw little I understd the pressures n her . Sitting beside her n the cuch, I began very slwly t understand.
    " I guess we all have t fail smetimes ," Mther said quietly. I culd sense her pain . I reached ut and put my arms arund her .
    A week later Mther tk a jb selling dry gds at half the salary the radi statin had ffered ." It's a jb I can d ," she said simply .
    But the evening practice rutine n the ld green typewriter cntinued .
    The ld green typewriter sits in my ffice nw , unrepaired .
    听力部分:1-5CBAAC 6-10 BCACB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 BBCAC
    阅读理解:21-23 DBA 24-27 BCAC 28-31 ADBD 32-35 DBDA
    七选五:36-40 ACFDG
    完形填空:41-45 DBACA 46-50 DBDAD 51-55 BCCBA
    语法填空:56.fed 57.was 58.in 59.passing 60.but/while
    61.sensible 62.necessity 63.themselves 64.whse 65.t maintain
    Dear fellw students,
    With the develpment f mdern industry,the envirnment is becming increasingly wrse.It's high time that we shuld take measures,r we wuld have nwhere t live.We students can prtect ur envirnment by
    living a lw-carbn life.
    Firstly,d turn ff lights and ther switches when nt using them t save electricity.What's mre,if we g ut,we shuld walk,ride r take public transprt instead f driving.Finally,reusing paper and bttles in ur daily
    life is als highly recmmended.
    Let's make jint effrts t create a green and harmnius envirnment.I strngly believe that a better wrld
    wes t the cmmitment and dedicatin f everyne.
    But the evening practice rutine n the ld green typewriter cntinued . Every time I passed her dr at night and heard her tapping away , I knew there was smething mre ging n in there than a wman learning t type . When. I left fr cllege tw years later , Mther had an ffice jb with better pay and mre respnsibility . I have t believe that in sme strange way she learned as much frm her mment f defeat as I did , because after graduatin , when I became a newper reprter , she had already been a jurnalist with ur hmetwn paper .
    The ld green typewriter sits in my ffice nw , unrepaired . It is a suvenir .When I ' m having truble with a stry and think abut giving up r when I start t feel srry fr myself , I rll a piece f paper int that ld machine and type , wrd by painful wrd , just the way mther did . What I remember then is nt her failure , but her curage , the curage t g ahead . It ' s the best suvenir anyne ever gave me .(158 wrds )
    (Text 1)
    W:What are yur plans fr the summer vacatin,Paul?
    M:Oh,I'd lve t g and lie n a beach smewhere,but I need t save sme mney fr schl.I think I'll stay
    hme and get a jb.
    (Text 2)
    W:Culd yu d smething abut yur dg?It barks at night and keeps me awake.
    M:I didn't realize.It wn't happen again.
    (Text 3)
    W:Hw d yu like yur jb?
    M:It's great.I'm ging t study part-time fr a Master's in Business Management.It'll take a cuple f years but
    I definitely plan n staying with the cmpany.
    (Text 4)
    M:Wuld yu like t jin us fr a ride arund the harbr?
    W:What a pleasant way t spend a ht day!
    (Text 5)
    M:Suppse I wanted t hire a car —hw much wuld it cst?
    W:f22 per day,f130 per week.
    M:Fair enugh.Reserve me ne frm the Ist t the 10th,please.
    (Text 6)
    M:Simna,d yu agree with the rankings f thse cities?
    W:Nt all f them.Fr example San Francisc shuld have a higher rating.It's bigger and mre beautiful than a lt f the thers.Yu knw,there's the sea,the bay,Glden Gate Bridge …
    M:What abut Tky and Lndn?
    W:Well,in my pinin Lndn's nt as expensive as Tky but Tky is mre rganized.Its transprt is almst perfect,but maybe transprt isn't the mst imprtant thing.
    (Text 7)
    W:Hi,Phil,gd t see yu.D we have time fr a cffee befre we g int the meeting?
    M:Actually,we're late already —8we really need t g in straightaway.D yu have the reprt and ther papers with yu?
    W:Yes,I have all that.Yu lk a little trubled,thugh.Is everything OK?
    M:Emily,it's just that perhaps yu had a different atitude t time-keeping in yur previus cmpany.Being n time is very imprtant here,particularly fr peple like Jeff Kravitz,wh we're abut t see,and I'm very anxius t start this meeting n the right nte.
    W:Oh,srry,Phil.Hnestly,I didn't realize.Yu're right.It wasn't such a big deal in my last cmpany.Fll definitely try t be n time in future.And dn't wrry —I'm very well prepared fr this meeting.It's ging t
    be gd.
    (Text 8)
    M:I'm glad it's Friday.Bye Susan,I'll see yu n Mnday.
    W:Mnday?I'll see yu at yur send-ff party tmrrw night.
    M:Send-ff party?I thught I was ging t Peter's huse fr dinner …S they're having a send-ff party fr me, are they?
    W:Oh dear.I think I've revealed a secret.But nbdy tld me t keep it secret.
    M:Dn't wrry.I wn't tell anyne abut it.It'll be fun!
    W:Oh gd …I hear that yu're taking a year ff frm wrk.What're yu planning t d?
    M:Well,I want t see as much f the wrld as pssible but I want t get away frm the ppulated areas and the busy cmpetitin f city life.
    (Text 9)
    M:My guest tday is Alice Barker,wh has a very unusual ability.Alice,thank yu fr cming int the studi. What kind f unusual ability are we talking abut here?
    W:Well,when I read a wrd r even think f a particular wrd,such as Tuesday,I see a clr cnnected with it.
    It's nt that I imagine a clr—I really see it in frnt f my eyes.
    M:Hw interesting!Is it a srt f medical cnditin?
    W:Yes.It's generally passed n frm parents t their children,which is the case with me.
    M:And d yu have brthers r sisters with the same ability?
    W:Yes,my brther is the same as me.When we were yunger,we used t have arguments abut things like what clr the wrd Friday was.It turns ut that everyne with this cnditin sees different clrs fr different
    M:It sunds as thugh it culd make life quite tiring.
    W:I suppse it des.Hwever,I knw if I'm starting t feel depressed because things begin t lk grey.That's pretty useful actually,as it means I can d smething t cheer myself up befre I feel t bad!
    (Text 10)
    W:Welcme t this pdcast abut the Sheepmarket,which is ne f the ldest parts f the city.As its name suggests,there was riginally a market here where farmers brught their sheep,but nw it's ne f the city's fastest-grwing cmmunities.The narrw ld side streets are great places fr finding riginal pictures and decratins which wn't break the bank.There are als lts f sidewalk cafes where yu can watch turists frm all ver the wrld g by.The Sheepmarket is a center fr fashin.The Yung Fashin cmpetitin is pen t lcal yung peple.This year they've been asked t design clthes based n ideas frm the music and technlgy that's part f their everyday life,using bth natural and man-made materials.The winning entries will be mdeled at an evening party.Parking at the Sheepmarket is easy.There are plenty f pay and display car parking ces n the radside if yu just want t stay fr an hur r tw,but if yu want t spend the day there it's better t park in the undergrund car parks.It's nt expensive and if yu can present a receipt frm ne f the lcal stres,yu'll nt be charged at all.

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