所属成套资源:六年级下册英语 知识点精讲 教科版(广州)
六年级下册英语Module 4 Good manners 综合知识点精讲 教科版(广州)
这是一份六年级下册英语Module 4 Good manners 综合知识点精讲 教科版(广州),共3页。
知识梳理 知识卡片词汇分类名词:manners礼貌seat座位line队dish盘子;碟子word词;话语sign指示牌 bottom底部动词:push推 laugh大笑 light点燃(过去式是lit) lead指引;引路(过去式是led) brought带;携带(bring的过去式) throw扔;掉(过去式是threw)形容词:impolite没有礼貌的full满的 magic魔术的 upset失望;难过dark黑暗的其他:as当……的时候none没有人 inside在里面 except除了 brightly明亮地 ever永远;曾经习惯搭配/短语1. stand up站起来2. give…to... 把……让给……3. sit down坐下4. push in插队 5. in line排队 6 share with others和他人分享7. laugh at嘲笑8. cry out大声呼喊 9. carry on (with)... 继续 10. light up点亮 11. on the bus在公共汽车上12. long ago很久以前 13. at the supermarket在超市 14. in need需要(的时候) 15. except for除……以外16. the bottom of the tree在树的底部 17. in the middle of... 在……的中间惯用语1. That’s easy. 那很简单。2. How impolite! 多么没礼貌啊!3. Be patient! 要有耐心!4. That’s right. 那是对的。5. Help yourself to... 随便吃点……愿你多知 中西方礼仪差异由于文化背景不同,所以中西方礼仪也有很多差异。 一、交际语言的差异日常打招呼,中国人大多会说“吃了吗?”,“去哪儿啊?”等等,这体现了人与人之间的一种亲切感。在西方,人们日常打招呼一般只会说一声“Hello!”,或按时间来分,说声“Good morning!”、“Good afternoon!”或“Good evening!”就可以了。而英国人见面会说:“It’s a fine day, isn’t it?”。二、餐饮礼仪的差异中国菜注重菜肴色、香、味、形、意俱全,甚至超过了对营养的注重。相比较而言,西方的饮食更重视究营养的搭配和吸收。三、服饰礼仪的差异西方男士在正式社交场合通常穿保守式样的西装,内穿白衬衫,打领带,脚穿黑皮鞋。西方女士在正式场合要穿礼服套装。在西方国家,尤其是在美国,平时人们喜欢穿休闲装,如T恤加牛仔服。 当今中国人穿着打扮日趋西化,传统的中山装和旗袍等已退出历史舞台。正式场合男女着装已与西方并无二异。在平时的市井生活中,我们还会看到不少人穿着背心(vest)、短裤(shorts)、拖鞋(sandals)等。悦读阅读[来源:Zxxk.Com] My Four FriendsI have four friends. They are from different countries. People from different countries greet each other in different ways. Chris is from America. In America, people will greet each other with a handshake. Chinese people often shake hands when they meet, too.[来源:Z.xx.k.Com] Joana is from Russia. In Russia, people often greet each other with a kiss. Daisy is from Japan. People will bow. The younger you are, the lower you bow.[来源:Z§xx§k.Com]Mona is from Thailand. People will clasp(紧扣) their hands.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。( )1. My _______ friends come from different countries. A. five B. six C. four( )2. American people will greet each other with a _______. A. hug B. handshake C. kiss( )3. People will greet each other with a kiss in ________. A. Russia B. Australia C. England( )4. In Japan, the younger you are, the _________ you bow.[来源:Zxxk.Com] A. older B. lower C. bigger( )5. People will their __________ hands in Thailand. A. clasp B. shake C. clapKey: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A