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    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 2 单元话题阅读理解练习
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 2 单元话题阅读理解练习01
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 2 单元话题阅读理解练习02
    【单元重难点精炼】人教版2019 高中英语 必修3 Unit 2 单元话题阅读理解练习03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues精品课后测评

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 2 Morals and Virtues精品课后测评,共16页。

    Just tw days later, they set up a website and had it running. This site allwed the elderly and ther at-risk peple t make requests fr grceries and medicines t be delivered t their hmes. The web page als included a call fr vlunteers, which received ver 2,000 sign-ups within the first five days. Sn after, cllege student Haly came n bard, helping Plica and Le t rganize the grwing netwrk f vlunteers frm all ver the city. As the situatin became wrse, Invisible Hands Deliver saw increasing supprt. Besides vlunteering t send grceries fr free, they als translated the Invisible Hands flyers(传单)int ver a dzen languages, making them able t reach ut t mre citizens.
    All vlunteers bey strict safety guidelines, including wearing latex(乳胶)glves and cleaning shpping bags befre the delivery. And vlunteers have been instructed t leave the bags f grceries utside drs. Despite keeping the physical distance, vlunteers make an effrt t cnnect with the ld peple, chatting with them frm the ther side f the dr.
    Fllwing its success in the city, the rganizatin has spread t ther areas. Their acts f kindness have als inspired similar netwrks t rise wrldwide. Invisible Hands Deliver has shwn that ne is never t yung t make a difference. In a time when Cvid-19 has frced peple apart, the yung use technlgy t bridge the gap, bringing peple tgether.
    1.What des the underlined phrase “came n bard” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    2.What can we learn frm Paragraph 3?
    A.Strict safety guidelines have been made by the ld.
    B.Vlunteers have been trained t deliver medicine fast.
    C.The ld peple like small talks better than deliveries.
    D.Varius measures are taken t ensure safe deliveries.
    3.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T encurage yung peple t make a difference.
    B.T pint ut the imprtance f vlunteering service.
    C.T intrduce the imprved services f an rganizatin.
    D.T call fr better use f new technlgy like scial media.
    4.Which f the fllwing wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Helpful Yuths, Pwerful Netwrk
    B.Invisible Hands, Tuching Hearts
    C.Kind Vlunteers, Fast Delivery
    D.New Technlgy, Bridging Gap
    (2023秋·广东汕头·高一汕头市潮阳实验学校校考期末)Fur Envirnmentalists Yu Shuld Knw
    Gerge Washingtn Carver
    Gerge Washingtn Carver is ne f the mst famus scientists f the 20th century, nt t mentin a famus painter. He was an educatr at the Tuskegee Institute and an inventr knwn fr making plastics, fuel, and mre ut f peanut. He created a list f 300 uses fr peanuts, and many mre fr sybeans and sweet ptates, in an effrt t increase financial gains fr Suthern farmers.
    Julia Hill
    After a serius aut accident in 1996, Julia Hill devted her life t envirnmental causes. Fr tw years, Hill lived in the branches f an ancient redwd tree which she named Luna in nrthern Califrnia t save it frm being cut dwn. She eventually vacated (搬离) the 200-ft-tall tree after striking a deal with the Pacific Lumber Cmpany. The tree was saved finally. Her tree-sit became an internatinal cause.
    Thedre Rsevelt
    Thugh he was a knwn big-game hunter, Thedre Rsevelt was ne f the mst active champins f wilderness preservatin in histry. As gvernr f New Yrk, he utlawed the use f feathers as clthing decratins in rder t prevent the killing f sme birds. While he was president (1901-1909), he set aside hundreds f millins f wilderness acres, which actively prtected sil and water.
    Chic Mendes
    Chic Mendes is best knwn fr his effrts t save the rainfrests f his hme Brazil frm being cut dwn. Mendes came frm a family f rubber harvesters wh supplemented (补贴) their incme by sustainably gathering nuts and ther rainfrest prducts. Alarmed at the damage f the Amazn, he helped t encurage internatinal supprt fr its prtectin. His activism drew the anger f pwerful ranching (牧业) and timber interests, and he was murdered by cattle ranchers at age 44.
    5.Wh made a great cntributin t agriculture?
    A.Gerge Washingtn Carver.B.Julia Hill.
    C.Thedre Rsevelt.D.Chic Mendes.
    6.Which achievement belngs t Julia Hill?
    A.Prtecting wilderness.
    B.Saving a 200-ft-tall tree.
    C.Creating many uses fr peanuts.
    D.Saving the rainfrests f Brazil.
    7.What d the fur peple have in cmmn?
    A.They saved sme trees frm being cut dwn.
    B.They prevented the killing f sme birds actively.
    C.They played a psitive rle in prtecting the envirnment.
    D.They made great cntributins t their peple and their cuntry .
    (2022秋·广东·高一校考期中)If yu are a cllege student lking fr a prgram r taking a gap year t decide what t d next in life, then yu shuld definitely cnsider vlunteering abrad. We have made the selectin prcess easier fr cllege students! Take a lk at these vlunteer prjects ne can chse.
    Wildlife Cnservatin Prjects
    They are meant fr cllege students wh are lking frward t spending time with animals. Hwever, befre starting the prjects, cllege students have t attend an nline meeting t see if they are suitable fr the jb, during which they need t answer sme questins. Vlunteers will get an pprtunity t be part f a team wrking t make the envirnment better fr sme animals, as well as prtecting them frm danger.
    Shrt -term Vlunteer Prgrams (2-week Specials)
    They are perfect fr thse wh are lking fr spring break prgrams r summer break prgrams. The “2-week Special Vlunteer Prgrams” are made fr cllege students wh have less time t cntribute but want t travel and vlunteer abrad. Mst f the prgrams are lcated in beautiful places and are extremely affrdable.
    Summer Vlunteer and Travel Prgrams (3- 4-week Specials)
    If yu think yu can make yur vacatin a little lnger, then g fr the Summer Vlunteer and Travel Prgrams. These prgrams are designed in an amazing manner. Vlunteers will g t the destinatins(目的 地), live like the lcals, d sme adventure sprts, learn a new language and s n.
    Cmmunity Develpment Prjects
    It is said that there are abut 1 billin peple wh are shrt f husing facilities (住房设施). It is fr this that Cmmunity Develpment Prjects hld strng imprtance in ur sciety. Vlunteers are needed t make sme real changes. Vlunteers will be wrking t build r repair huses, schl premises (校舍), and shelter hmes. They help t achieve the gal f making sciety better.
    8.What shuld cllege students d befre they jin the Wildlife Cnservatin Prjects?
    A.Take a language test.
    B.Have an nline interview.
    C.Learn sme animals’ habits.
    D.Prepare sme fds fr animals.
    9.Which f the fllwing may best suit a cllege student wh desn’t have much time r mney?
    A.Wildlife Cnservatin Prjects.
    B.Shrt-term Vlunteer Prgrams.
    C.Cmmunity Develpment Prjects.
    D.Summer Vlunteer and Travel Prgrams.
    10.What are vlunteers required t d in the Cmmunity Develpment Prjects?
    A.Take n sme building wrk.
    B.Help sme families d husewrk.
    C.Teach sme children t learn a new language.
    D.Buy sme basic necessities f life fr lcal peple.
    (2023秋·广东广州·高一广州市第二中学校考期末)Phineas T Barnum is the best-knwn circus business wner f the nineteenth century. He excelled as a shwman, and thrughut his career in the entertainment business, he prmted many different frms f attractins.
    Barnum’s first industry was as a newspaper wner. He als wrked as a writer and publisher. His enduring fame, hwever, is as a shwman. Barnum cnsidered this t be his main talent and he never changed this view f his character.
    T. Barnum’s entertainment interests cvered museums, traveling dance grups,and even the mid-century US tur by Jenny Lind, the Swedish singer. He was, by nature, a risk-taker, and usually gained success frm the mst unlikely enterprises.
    Barnum was willing t adpt any tactic that publicized his businesses. His American Museum in New Yrk included haxes and freaks(恶作剧和怪物), bth human and animal. This was nt unusual by the standards f the time, but even he felt the need t prve his haxes fair, as advertising tricks.
    Barnum’s unbunded self-cnfidence meant he never dubted his ability t make a success f any business. He pened America’s first aquarium(水族馆)and pened a theater in New Yrk that was the largest and mst mdern in the city. He aimed t change the public knwledge f theaters, and in this, he largely succeeded. He made theater-ging respectable.
    Determinatin and hard wrk featured majrly in the qualities that Barnum displayed, and he frequently spke abut the necessity f bth. He believed success nly came t thse wh wrked fr it and knew they had the self-determinatin necessary. He als stated the necessity f understanding the business that a persn was running. And he certainly knew the entertainment business.
    11.What did Barnum think was his mst successful career?
    A.A writer.B.A shwman.
    C.A publisher.D.A newspaper wner.
    12.What des the underlined wrd “tactic” in paragraph 4 mean?
    13.Why des the authr mentin Barnum’s success in pening the aquarium and theater?
    A.T explain what kind f business was successful.
    B.T tell us chances are imprtant fr any business.
    C.T indicate hw bad peple’s life was at that time.
    D.T shw Barnum’s firm beliefs in his wn capacity.
    14.Which f the fllwing can best describe Barnum and his business?
    (2023秋·河南信阳·高一潢川一中校考期末)Fraser Dherty was nly 14 when he started making jam(果酱).There had always been a special way f making jam in the Dherty family. One day his grandmther tld Fraser the secret and, with her help, he began t invent his wn unusual jam, all called SuperJam.
    The jam was gd because sn Fraser was making it and selling it t his friends and neighbrs after schl. Within fur years he prduced 1,000 tins f jam a week frm his parents’ hme in Edinburgh, Sctland. In 2007, when he was just 17, he wn an rder t prduce 120,000 tins f jam a week fr a big British supermarket(超市).That meant that he needed t start prducing jam in a factry, nt at hme.
    When Fraser was 18 he studied business at Strathclyde University in Glasgw. He hped that his business wuld grw and if it did, he culd sell jam t ther supermarkets. Things went really well. At the age f 24 he was already a millinaire(百万富翁). Tday he sells jam t ver 2,000 supermarkets arund the wrld, frm Australia t Russia!
    Traditinal jam cntains ften 80 percent sugar, but Mr. Dherty, whse cmpany is called SuperJam, has created a healthy chice. He uses nly fruit and fruit juice, nt sugar. He wanted t make jam as healthy as pssible, and take the place f the traditinally unhealthy jam with a “super jam”. “It was quite surprising t change a prduct that peple have made the same way fr hundreds f years, but I wanted t add a new way.” A fd researcher said, “Fraser has taken an ld prduct and he has made it yung, exciting and mdern.”
    15.When did Fraser begin t d business?
    A.At age 24.B.At age 18.C.At age 17.D.At age 14.
    16.What des the underlined part “it did” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.He left the university.B.His business went well.
    C.He invented mre jams.D.His cmpany was funded.
    17.What is the biggest difference between SuperJam and the traditinal jam?
    A.SuperJam sells better.
    B.Traditinal jam tastes wrse.
    C.Traditinal jam is all made f sugar.
    D.SuperJam is made f fruit and fruit juice.
    18.Which f the fllwing can best describe Fraser?
    (2023秋·河南郑州·高一校考期末)2022-2023 Teen Dcent Prgram
    Are yu a high schl student interested in envirnmental educatin? Are yu passinate (狂热的) abut nature and eager t learn mre abut hw t effectively share that passin with thers? D yu like making friends with thers, sharing knwledge, and prmting learning? Then Envirnmental Vlunteers (EV) has the pprtunity fr yu!
    We are lking fr a small grup f high schl students t serve and learn tgether fr a year.
    Vlunteer Wrk
    •EcCenter Dcent: greet visitrs and share knwledge f the lcal baylands as well as ther hands-n science educatin.
    •Cmmunity and Outreach: help run public prgrams at the EcCenter and in the cmmunity.
    •Fthills Trail Ambassadr: greet visitrs and share knwledge f the lcal fthills (山麓小丘) at Fthills Park.
    •Prjects: wrk with ur Educatin Manager t create quality educatinal materials (材料).
    Cmmitment (义务)
    •Attend training in May.
    •Chse t attend meetings thrughut the year fr additinal training.
    •Vlunteer at least twice a mnth with the chice f vlunteering mre in the summer.
    •Vlunteer fr at least ne full year, May 2022-May 2023.
    Hw t Apply
    •Cmplete the nline applicatin.
    •Email a letter f n mre than 600 wrds, explaining yur interest in envirnmental educatin and vlunteering with the EV, persnal strengths, and the extracurricular activities yu are invlved in t teenvlunteer@envirnmentalvlunteers.rg.
    Applicatins are due n March 30th,
    2022.Have mre questins? Cntact ur staff at teenvlunteer@envirnmentalvlunteers.rg.
    19.What is the vlunteer wrk cnnected with?
    A.Science research.
    B.Pr kids’ educatin.
    C.Cmmunity management.
    D.Envirnmental educatin.
    20.What shuld vlunteers d at the EcCenter?
    A.Help clean Fthills Park.
    B.Help with public prgrams.
    C.Take care f kids after schl.
    D.Search fr educatinal materials.
    21.What is ne requirement fr vlunteers?
    A.T vlunteer fr ne year r mre.
    B.T get training twice a mnth.
    C.T write a summary each mnth.
    D.T vlunteer a lt in the summer.
    (2023秋·安徽·高一统考期末)This year a grup called Teach Fr America (TFA) saw an increase in applicatins by 36 percent. The rganizatin recruits (招聘) cllege graduates t help fill a teacher shrtage in less develped areas f America. The rganizatin’s leaders say sme cllege graduates prefer t take the psitins in public service during the ecnmic (经济的) dwnturn but many feel a renewed spirit f public service.
    “Teaching is much harder than I expected. Changing the wrld is never easy,” says Lren Heinbach. She has made up her mind t becme a teacher t address the imbalance in educatin that exists between rich and pr cmmunities.
    Heinbach is ne f ver 6,000 TFA members, recent cllege graduates wh vlunteer t teach children in pr inner cities and rural public schls. She gives up pssible wrk in medicine r law which will pay much mre later n. Instead, she takes a teaching jb at the KIPP Academy.
    The schl is in a neighbrhd f Washingtn, DC.The students there traditinally perfrm (表现) in the lwest 25% f natinal standards. Vice Principal Kristy Ochs says the schl is wrking hard t imprve the quality f educatin, but it is difficult t find teachers willing t d the hard wrk.
    Ochs als gets her start in TFA.Tw-thirds f members stay in educatin after their tw-year service ends. She says these new teachers make every effrt t teach schl.
    Heinbach’s students say she has high standards and expectatins. One student says, “Yu have t really pay attentin. The questins may seem easy, but if yu make the wrng decisin n a questin, it’s like yu really messed up.” “She als likes us t take ntes. And I d thank her because she is getting us ready fr cllege,” anther student adds.
    22.What’s the purpse f TFA recruiting cllege students?
    A.T send mre teachers t pr areas.B.T create well-paid jbs.
    C.T grw its business.D.T earn high praise frm the gvernment.
    23.Why des Lren Heinbach chse t take a teaching jb?
    A.She will get an increase in pay sn.B.She failed t get int the public service.
    C.She tries t live up t her parents’ expectatin.D.She wants t change the imbalanced educatin.
    24.What can we knw abut the KIPP Academy?
    A.Its teachers are experienced.B.Its teachers dislike schling.
    C.Its students perfrm badly in study.D.Its students are frm rich families.
    25.Which wrd best describes Lren Heinbach as a teacher?
    (2022秋·河北石家庄·高一石家庄一中校考阶段练习)Being a teenager can be hard, fr yu have t face a lt f difficult prblems, but a new prgram called Nfusin is wrking hard t help teens with mental health needs. Nfusin gives teenagers classes where they study r discuss sme trubling subjects. Drugs and bullying (欺凌) are just a few f the tpics that are discussed during the class n Saturday.
    “I had a bad attitude,” said 17-year-ld Titeana Davis. Davis went thrugh the Nfusin Prgram last year. The teen, wh nce had truble with her attitude twards thers, says the prgram has changed her life, “They taught me that a bad attitude is nt ging t get yu anywhere. It desn’t matter if ther peple treat yu wrng; yu still treat them hw yu want t be treated and it helped me a lt” said Davis.
    Nfusin is a new prgram that meets teens’ mental health needs and prvides help fr their families. The prgram is designed t help teens aged 14-21 live thrugh a difficult perid. “They’re still grwing, still develping and still there are a lt f things they dn’t knw hw t address. S this is a gd prgram fr them t be a part f,” said Lakicha Jernigan, wh wrked fr the Nfusin Prgram.
    Teens like Davis are just a few wh have cme thrugh the prgram successfully. Nw, thanks t Nfusin, Davis says she’s lking frward t a bright future. “After I graduate frm cllege, I want t wrk at a primary schl and I want t be a secnd-grade teacher,” added Davis.
    Nfusin is a System f Care initiative (倡议) and is wrking with the Mississippi Transitinal Outreach Prject, a prject f the Mississippi Department f Mental Health. The System f Care prvides cmmunity-based services t help yuth with serius mental health needs and their families.
    26.What’s the purpse f Nfusin?
    A.T prvide teens with sme prgrams.
    B.T help teens fight fr a better career.
    C.T help teens receive a gd educatin.
    D.T meet the mental health needs f teens.
    27.What can we knw abut Titeana Davis befre Nfusin?
    A.She didn’t g t schl as ften as her parents expected her t.
    B.She ften had fights with her classmates and neighbrs.
    C.She didn’t take a right attitude twards peple arund her.
    D.She ften frgt things and misunderstd her parents.
    28.What des the underlined wrd “address” in Paragraph 3 mean?
    A.Lk fr.B.Deal with.
    C.Cut ut.D.Learn frm.
    29.What happened t Davis after ging thrugh Nfusin?
    A.She became a teacher.B.She wrked fr Nfusin.
    C.She went back t schl.D.She gt alng with thers.
    1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了25岁的波利卡发起了Invisible Hands Deliver 组织,与志愿者一起帮助老人义务购置生活用品并送到家,使老人们在疫情期间与他人得以保持安全距离。
    1.词义猜测题。根据第二段划线部分下文“helping Plica and Le t rganize the grwing netwrk f vlunteers frm all ver the city(帮助波利卡规划逐渐壮大的来自于整个城市的志愿者网络)”可知大学生Haly 是加入了波利卡的组织,故选C 项。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段“wearing latex(乳胶)glves and cleaning shpping bags(戴乳胶手套并使用干净的购物袋) ”;“leave the bags f grceries utside drs(把购置物品放在门外)”;“cnnect with the ld peple, chatting with them frm the ther side f the dr.(和老人联系,从门外和老人聊天)”可知,这个组织采取了各种措施确保安全地把东西送到老人手里,故选D 项。
    3.推理判断题。根据最后一段第三句“Invisible Hands Deliver has shwn that ne is never t yung t make a difference.( Invisible Hands Deliver 告诉人们,再年轻的人都能做出与众不同的事)”可推理出本文的写作目的是倡议年轻人付出行动,做与众不同的事,故选A 项。
    4.主旨大意题。本文第一段讲了25岁的青年波利卡发起了Invisible Hands Deliver 组织,帮助老年人送东西到家,以确保疫情期间安全。第二段和第三段详细讲了这个组织逐渐壮大的过程以及运作情况。第四段讲了他们的善行激励了全世界的人,各种类似组织应运而生。综上,可知本文主要讲了Invisible Hands Deliver 组织用他们的善行感动了全世界人,倡议青年人付出行动,做与众不同的事,故选B 项。
    5.A 6.B 7.C
    5.细节理解题。根据Gerge Washingtn Carver部分中“He created a list f 300 uses fr peanuts, and many mre fr sybeans and sweet ptates, in an effrt t increase financial gains fr Suthern farmers.(他列出了花生的300种用途,以及大豆和甘薯的更多用途,以增加南方农民的经济收益。)”可知,此处讲述的是对农民的好处,由此可知Gerge Washingtn Carver对农业做出了巨大贡献。故选A项。
    6.细节理解题。根据Julia Hill部分中“She eventually vacated (搬离) the 200-ft-tall tree after striking a deal with the Pacific Lumber Cmpany. The tree was saved finally.(在与太平洋木材公司达成协议后,她最终搬离了这棵200英尺高的树。这棵树终于得救了。)”可知,Julia Hill拯救了一棵200英尺高的树。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。根据文章标题“Fur Envirnmentalists Yu Shuld Knw(你应该知道的四位环保主义者)”可知本文只要介绍的是四位我们应该知道的环保主义者,顾名思义,环保主义者对环保应有一定的影响,并结合下文中对每一位环保主义者的在环保方面业绩的介绍可知,他们的共同特点是对环境保护起着积极的作用。故选C项。
    8.B 9.B 10.A
    8.细节理解题。根据Wildlife Cnservatin Prjects中的“Hwever, befre starting the prjects, cllege students have t attend an nline meeting t see if they are suitable fr the jb, during which they need t answer sme questins. (然而,在开始项目之前,大学生必须参加一个在线会议,看看他们是否适合这份工作,在此期间他们需要回答一些问题)”可知,如果要参与这些项目,大学生需要先参加一个在线面试。故选B。
    9.细节理解题。根据 Shrt -term Vlunteer Prgrams (2-week Specials)中的“The “2-week Special Vlunteer Prgrams” are made fr cllege students wh have less time t cntribute but want t travel and vlunteer abrad. Mst f the prgrams are lcated in beautiful places and are extremely affrdable. (“两周特别志愿者计划”是为那些没有时间做贡献但又想出国旅行和做志愿者的大学生而制定的。大多数项目都位于美丽的地方,而且价格非常实惠)”可知,这个项目时间只有2周,并且价格实惠,适合没有太多时间且经济不宽裕的大学生。故选B。
    10.细节理解题。根据Cmmunity Develpment Prjects中的“Vlunteers will be wrking t build r repair huses, schl premises (校舍), and shelter hmes. (志愿者将建造或修理房屋、校舍和收容所)”可知,志愿者会参与盖房子或修理房子,即承担一些建造工作。故选A。
    11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了19世纪最著名的马戏团老板Phineas T Barnum的优秀品质和成功事迹。
    11.细节理解题。根据第二段“Barnum’s first industry was as a newspaper wner. He als wrked as a writer and publisher. His enduring fame, hwever, is as a shwman. Barnum cnsidered this t be his main talent and he never changed this view f his character.( Barnum的第一份工作是报社老板。他还当过作家和出版商。然而,他持久的名声是作为一个表演家。Barnum认为这是他的主要才能,他从未改变过对自己性格的看法。)”可知,Barnum认为他最成功的事业是表演。故选B。
    12.词义猜测题。根据划线处下文“His American Museum in New Yrk included haxes and freaks(恶作剧和怪物), bth human and animal. This was nt unusual by the standards f the time, but even he felt the need t prve his haxes fair, as advertising tricks.(他在纽约的美国博物馆展出了包括人类和动物在内的恶作剧和怪物。按照当时的标准,这并不罕见,但就连他自己也觉得有必要证明他的恶作剧是公平的,就像广告技巧一样。) ”可推测Barnum愿意采取任何策略来宣传他的生意。故猜测“tactic”意为“策略”,故选C。
    13.推理判断题。根据第五段“Barnum’s unbunded self-cnfidence meant he never dubted his ability t make a success f any business. He pened America’s first aquarium(水族馆)and pened a theater in New Yrk that was the largest and mst mdern in the city. He aimed t change the public knwledge f theaters, and in this, he largely succeeded. He made theater-ging respectable. (Barnum无限的自信意味着他从不怀疑自己在任何生意上取得成功的能力。他开设了美国第一个水族馆,并在纽约开设了一家剧院,这是纽约最大、最现代化的剧院。他的目标是改变公众对剧院的认识,在这方面,他基本上成功了。他使看戏变得体面起来。)”可知Barnum成功地开设了水族馆和剧院以显示Barnum对自己能力的坚定信念。故选D。
    14.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其第一段“Phineas T Barnum is the best-knwn circus business wner f the nineteenth century. He excelled as a shwman, and thrughut his career in the entertainment business, he prmted many different frms f attractins. (Phineas T Barnum是19世纪最著名的马戏团老板。他擅长表演,在他的娱乐事业生涯中,他推广了许多不同形式的景点。)”可知文章介绍了19世纪最著名的马戏团老板Phineas T Barnum的优秀品质和成功事迹。因此可推断出Barnum和他的事业都非常优秀和杰出,故选A。
    15.D 16.B 17.D 18.C
    15.细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Fraser Dherty was nly 14 when he started making jam(果酱).(Fraser Dherty开始制作果酱时只有14岁。)”可知,他14岁的时候发明了这款果酱;再根据第二段“The jam was gd because sn Fraser was making it and selling it t his friends and neighbrs after schl. (这种果酱很好,Fraser很快就做了出来,放学后卖给他的朋友和邻居。)”可知,发明出这种果酱后他就开始出售给朋友和邻居。所以,他开始做生意的时候是14岁。故选D。
    16.词句猜测题。根据划线单词前一句“He hped that his business wuld grw (他希望他的生意能发展起来)”以及下一句“he culd sell jam t ther supermarkets. (他就可以把果酱卖给其他超市。)”可知,这里的“if it did”中的“it did”指的是上文提到的生意发展起来的意思。故选B。
    17.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Traditinal jam cntains ften 80 percent sugar, but Mr. Dherty, whse cmpany is called SuperJam, has created a healthy chice. (传统果酱通常含有80%的糖,但Dherty先生,他的公司名为SuperJam,创造了一种健康的选择。他只用水果和果汁,不加糖。)”可知,传统的果酱有80%的糖,而SuperJam的果酱中只有水果和果汁。故选D。
    18.推理判断题。根据第一段“One day his grandmther tld Fraser the secret and, with her help, he began t invent his wn unusual jam, all called SuperJam.(有一天,他的祖母告诉了Fraser这个秘密,在她的帮助下,Fraser开始发明自己不寻常的果酱,被称为SuperJam。)”以及最后一段“He wanted t make jam as healthy as pssible, and take the place f the traditinally unhealthy jam with a “super jam”. (他想让果酱尽可能健康,用一种“超级果酱”取代传统的不健康果酱。)”以及“A fd researcher said, “Fraser has taken an ld prduct and he has made it yung, exciting and mdern.”(一位食品研究人员说:“Fraser把一种古老的产品变得年轻、令人兴奋和现代。”)”可推断,Fraser是一个极具创造力的人。故选C。
    19.D 20.B 21.A
    19.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Are yu a high schl student interested in envirnmental educatin? Are yu passinate (狂热的) abut nature and eager t learn mre abut hw t effectively share that passin with thers? (你是一个对环境教育感兴趣的高中生吗?你对自然充满热情,渴望学习更多关于如何有效地与他人分享这种热情吗?)”可知,志愿者工作与环境教育有关系。故选D。
    20.细节理解题。根据“Vlunteer Wrk”部分中“Cmmunity and Outreach: help run public prgrams at the EcCenter and in the cmmunity.(社区和外展:帮助在EcCenter和社区运行公共项目。)”可知,在EcCenter中志愿者的工作室帮助社区运行公共项目。故选B。
    21.细节理解题。根据“Cmmitment (义务)”部分中“Vlunteer fr at least ne full year, May 2022-May 2023.(志愿至少一整年,2022年5月- 2023年5月。)”,可知,志愿者的时间至少一整年。故选A。
    22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A
    22.细节理解题。根据第一段中“The rganizatin recruits (招聘) cllege graduates t help fill a teacher shrtage in less develped areas f America.(该组织招募大学毕业生来帮助填补美国欠发达地区的教师短缺)”可知,TFA招聘大学毕业生是为了弥补美国贫困地区短缺的教师资源。故选A。
    23.细节理解题。根据第二段“She has made up her mind t becme a teacher t address the imbalance in educatin that exists between rich and pr cmmunities.(她决心成为一名教师,以解决贫富社区之间存在的教育不平衡问题)”可知,Lren Heinbach 选择教书是为了改变不均衡的教育现状。故选D。
    24.细节理解题。根据第四段“The students there traditinally perfrm (表现) in the lwest 25% f natinal standards.(那里的学生表现传统上只能达到国家标准中最低的25%)”可知,KIPP Academy的学生成绩较差。故选C。
    25.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Heinbach’s students say she has high standards and expectatins.(海因巴赫的学生说她有很高的标准和期望)”可推断,Lren Heinbach是一位非常严厉的老师。故选A。
    26.D 27.C 28.B 29.D
    26.推理判断题。根据第一段的“Being a teenager can be hard, fr yu have t face a lt f difficult prblems, but a new prgram called Nfusin is wrking hard t help teens with mental health needs.(作为一名青少年可能很艰难,因为你必须面对很多难题,但一个名为Nfusin的新项目正在努力帮助有心理健康需求的青少年。)”可知,Nfusin的目的是满足青少年的心理健康需求,故选D。
    27.推理判断题。根据第二段的““I had a bad attitude,” said 17-year-ld Titeana Davis. Davis went thrugh the Nfusin Prgram last year. The teen, wh nce had truble with her attitude twards thers, says the prgram has changed her life, “They taught me that a bad attitude is nt ging t get yu anywhere. It desn’t matter if ther peple treat yu wrng; yu still treat them hw yu want t be treated and it helped me a lt” said Davis.(17岁的Titeana Davis说:“我的态度很糟糕。”Davis去年参加了Nfusin项目。这位曾经对自己对待他人的态度有问题的少女说,这个项目改变了她的生活。“他们告诉我,坏的态度不会让你有任何成就。别人是否对你不好并不重要;你仍然以你想要的方式对待他们,这对我帮助很大。”Davis说。)”可知,Titeana Davis在Nfusin之前对待周围的人没有采取正确的态度。故选C。
    28.词句猜测题。根据第三段的“Nfusin is a new prgram that meets teens’ mental health needs and prvides help fr their families. The prgram is designed t help teens aged 14-21 live thrugh a difficult perid.(Nfusin是一个新项目,旨在满足青少年的心理健康需求,并为他们的家庭提供帮助。该项目旨在帮助14-21岁的青少年度过困难时期。)”和“They’re still grwing, still develping and still there are a lt f things they dn’t knw hw t(他们还在成长,还在发展,还有很多事情他们不知道怎么)”可知,青少年还在成长,面对困难,很多事情他们不知道怎么处理,划线词所在句子表示“他们还在成长,还在发展,还有很多事情他们不知道怎么处理”,因此划线词address的意思是“处理,解决”,和deal with意思相近,故选B。
    29.推理判断题。根据第二段的“The teen, wh nce had truble with her attitude twards thers(这个少女,曾经对别人的态度有问题)”和倒数第二段的“Teens like Davis are just a few wh have cme thrugh the prgram successfully. Nw, thanks t Nfusin, Davis says she’s lking frward t a bright future.(像Davis这样的青少年只是成功完成该项目的少数人。现在,多亏了Nfusin,Davis说她期待着一个光明的未来。)”可知,Davis参加Nfusin后和别人相处得很好,故选D。

    人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration优秀测试题: 这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002242_t7/?tag_id=28" target="_blank">Unit 4 Space Exploration优秀测试题</a>,共17页。

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