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    阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。
    Childhd is the glden perid f life when kids lve t stay in the wrld f cartns.We,humans,lve t see animals as characters in fictinal stries and cartn shws.Here is a list f sme f ur favurite cartn animals.
    1.Wh is the article mainly written fr? ______
    A. Children.B. Teachers.C. Writers.D. Players.
    2.What is special abut Dnald Duck? ______
    A. It makes yu think f China easily.
    B. A hliday is celebrated because f it.
    C. It is the ldest cartn animal f fur.
    D. It has been made int cmedy shrt films.
    3.Which cartn animal is strng and brave? ______
    A. Mickey Muse.B. Dnald Duck.C. Tm and Jerry.D. Kung Fu Panda.
    Carl was driving his taxi car crssing a shpping center when he nticed a wman getting ff anther taxi with a child in her arms,begging the driver nt t leave her there.Carl was curius and gt ff the taxi t find ut what happened.The by was having difficulty breathing,and his arms and legs were shaking uncntrllably. "He's having an attack!Please hurry up,Miss!We have t get him t the hspital.Quick,get in!"
    The hspital was several miles away,s he had t race against time t save the by.The wman tld Carl that she and her fur-year-ld sn,Tyler,were returning frm the park when it started raining.But her sn suddenly fell ill,s she asked the driver t take them t the hspital instead.But he refused,because she had n mney.Carl was determined t save Tyler,s he kept driving.
    Half an hur later,they arrived at the hspital.Tyler was rushed inside fr treatment immediately as his mther was waiting utside,crying and hping he wuld be fine.Carl was hungry and extremely tired but he stayed there until the dctrs gave an update abut the by that he was ut f danger an hur later.But he was tld that it culd have been dangerus if they hadn't made it here n immediately lked at Carl and jined her hands in tears,thanking him fr saving her sn's life.Later,he drpped them ff at hme,and when Mrs.Thmas came ut t pay him,he refused.
    "I have a plicy.Free f charge fr thse making trips t the hspital!" said Carl. "I'm just glad I was there n time.I just did what any gd human being wuld d.Have a gd night,Mrs.Thmas!And please give my regards t yur sn,Tyler!!"
    Carl disappeared frm Mrs.Thmas's sight.
    4.Hw did Carl meet the wman and his sn? ______
    A. He helped the wrried mther t cmfrt her sn.
    B. He was intrduced t them by anther taxi driver.
    C. He was asked t take them t the hspital by taxi.
    D. He ffered t take them t the hspital in his taxi.
    5.Where did Tyler and his mther g befre he fell ill? ______
    A. A park.B. A supermarket.C. A bank.D. A statin.
    6.What can we learn frm Paragraph 3? ______
    A. Tyler's mther was sure he was alright.
    B. Carl was staying there after eating smething.
    C. Carl drve the tw f them back hme fr free.
    D. Tyler's mther shk Carl's hands t thank him.
    7.Hw did Carl feel when he left Tyler and his mther? ______
    A. Anxius.B. Relieved.C. Regretful.D. Excited.
    "There's a bird in the huse!" is nt a phrase generally spken in a tranquil vice.Mre f-ten,it usually leads t a frightened cry.Here's what yu need t knw abut handling this situatin calmly and effectively.
    The first thing t d is relax.Yur nervus cries are nly ging t scare the pr thing,prbably making it much mre alarmed.Drive ut any pets r keep any additinal family members away that may add t the cnfusin.Turn ff any ceiling fans and put lids ver ht pts.
    Since the bird is ging t head fr light,it's imprtant t clse the curtains n all windws except ne——the ne yu will nw pen as widely as pssible t prvide a larger pening fr the bird.Clse the extra drs t prevent the bird frm heading elsewhere in the huse.If there's n dr,yu may have t d this by standing in the drway hlding up smething t clse it ff.
    Turn ff any lights t darken the rm and neighbring rms as much as pssible,which will allw the light f the pen windw r dr t guide the bird ut.The brighter the exit is,the better it becmes.The little guy shuld find its way ut and leave the rm within secnds.
    If a large amunt f time has passed and the bird remains inside,yu can hld up a piece f sheet r clth t try t direct the bird tward the windw r dr.Sme suggest thrwing a twel n the bird,but this shuld nly be dne as a last effrt.
    Yu can als calmly chase the bird arund the rm t tire it ut.Eventually,it will stp flying and rest n a place,at which pint yu might be able t put it gently int a bx using a twel.Cver the bx with the twel and carry it utdrs t release.Never strike a bird with a brm.
    If all else fails,ask a wildlife remval prfessinal fr help.
    8.What des the underlined wrd"tranquil"mean in the first paragraph? ______
    A. nervus.B. calm.C. excited.D. cheerful.
    9.Accrding t the passage,which f the fllwing is advisable? ______
    A. Thrwing smething n the bird.
    B. Asking yur brther t help yu.
    C. Clsing the curtains n all windws.
    D. Chasing the bird arund t tire it ut.
    10.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Different Attitudes t a Trapped Bird
    B. Hw t Get a Bird ut f Yur Huse
    C. Hw t Prtect the Birds in Yur Huse
    D. Different Ways t Catch a Bird in Yur Huse
    11.Where is the text mst prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A scientific jurnal.B. A histry textbk.
    C. A travel magazine.D. A design handbk.
    Having failed desn't necessarily mean yu're a failure.Alexander Fleming failed t keep his lab equipment clean during a tw-week vacatin,and as a result,he discvered penicillin(青霉素).This discvery is said t have saved up t 200 millin lives.
    Even the mst ptimistic persn can face anxiety,stress,and a feeling f persnal defeat.Yu are n exceptin.But sitting arund cmplaining will just make yu a lser.What yu d next is hw yu make sure that failure desn't g t waste.By treating each failure as an pprtunity t reflect and grw,yu can remve much f the fear that yu're ging t fail and lk ahead.
    I take pride in being a respnsible and capable persn in perfrming any task.Yet,despite my best effrts,I d fail.When I fail,I tend t blame myself fr my carelessness and wrry abut thers' cmments.Hwever,sme clleagues and friends have surprised me with their instant frgiveness.They knw frgiveness is ften the nly thing that makes sense.They are willing t let g f the incident and help me feel better.
    Supprt frm thers is welcme,but the best supprt we can get cmes frm urselves.We can learn frm ur experiences by bserving,analyzing,and therizing when things went wrng.
    My father taught me t start a new prject whenever I am facing trubled times.This culd be writing r reading,creating r learning,but it's always smething t carry n.T have a prject fr the future create s hpe.Hpe is the curage f life.It is invisible but it can give us the ability t lk t the future.Only if we keep ur sights n the hrizn,will we never fall n the small rcks.
    Failure hurts us in sme ways.It is a mistake t assume that failure is desirable.But a cmplete absence f failure wuld make ur lives very dull indeed.The best we can d is create successes frm ur failures.
    12.What des the example f Alexander Fleming tell us? ______
    A. What failure is.B. Failure is relative.
    C. Penicillin is effective.D. Fleming invented penicillin.
    13.What is the writer's suggestin fr smene wh have failed? ______
    A. Trying t be psitive.B. Explaining hw that happened.
    C. Learning frm the failure.D. Turning t thers fr help.
    14.Hw des the authr draw the cnclusin in 3—5 Paragraphs? ______
    A. By sharing his persnal experience.
    B. By ding sme scientific experiments.
    C. By getting advice frm his friends.
    D. By btaining knwledge frm bks.
    15.What is the attitude f the writer t failure? ______
    A. Negative.B. Uncertain.C. Objective.D. Dubtful.
    Yu are certain t enjy chatting t yur friends. (1) ______ .Make sure t ask yur friends sme mre persnal and interesting questins next time.
    What Are Yur Best Childhd Memries?
    Ask yur friends t find ut what stands ut as their mst impressive memry frm their childhd:watching the same cartns n Saturday mrnings,playing with the same types f tys,r winning a schl spelling cmpetitin?(2) ______
    Where Shuld We Hang Out Next?
    Cme t an agreement n what t d that will be fun fr everyne.Ask yur friends fr their activity ideas and give yur wn. (3) ______ Perhaps yu can suggest a day trip t a Disneyland park in a nearby city,r maybe sme f yur friends want t take a night camping trip.
    What Des Yur Future Hld?
    Ask yur friends abut their plans after high schl graduatin.Let them discuss whether they want t g t cllege,r g t wrk directly.(4) ______ Perhaps sme f yur friends wanted t becme dctrs after hearing a speech frm a famus medical wrker.Share yur wn dream jbs with them and give yur reasns.
    What's Yur Riskiest Experience?
    ( 5) ______ Ask yur friends abut their mst unfrgettable experiences.It will be interesting t discuss any extremely frightening but ften exciting stries.Perhaps ne f yur friends rde n the wrld's fastest rller caster(过山车) while anther friend may have bungee jumped ff a cliff(悬崖).Maybe smene even tk a ride in a ht air balln.
    A.Create a list f all the suggestins.
    B.Everybdy can talk abut the classes.
    C.Share yur wn mst enjyable nes with them.
    D.Discuss new music and mvies that yu find interesting.
    E.Unusual experiences can be the tpic fr exciting cnversatins.
    F.Hwever,after yu knw everything abut them,yur cnversatins may get bring.
    G.If they are in cllege,ask them what influences helped them decide n their jb chices.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    When I was a by f eight,my mm was very sick and very depressed and I made her a get-well-sn card.She lked at it and smiled(1) ______ ,"there are n rses..."
    Nt lng ag,we lived in a much bigger huse,with a big garden full f rses everywhere.When I was six,dad's business(2) ______ suddenly because f bad management.Even thugh he(3) ______ t rescue the cmpany,he had t(4) ______ tw-thirds f his emplyees.As a result,we had t sell the big huse(5) ______ , mving int a smaller huse,in frnt f which the earth was (6) ______ withut a single leaf f grass grwing there.
    "It will be great sn."Dad(7) ______ mum cheerfully, "I'll paint the huse,and yu'll plant yur rses!" But we culd bth see she was nt a bit(8) ______ .
    "Oh,lk,mm!"I(9) ______ .I pinted at the garden next dr with thusands f flwers."The neighbr has ROSES!Yu can grw them t!" But mm wasn't feeling well,and she didn't have the(10) ______ t start a new garden.
    I sat in my yard (11) ______ at the neighbr's garden.My neighbr saw me and(12) ______ ,"Why are yu lking at my rses?"
    "They're really beautiful !" I tried t be(13) ______ , "My mm used t have rses.But she has been seriusly ill,and she (14) ______ rses.""Gd by,yu can pick as many rses fr yur mther."
    I embraced granny fr her(15) ______ .My mther cnsidered it the mst beautiful ,magical thing anyne had ever dne fr her.
    21.A. pleasantlyB. quietlyC. shylyD. weakly
    22.A. expandedB. declinedC. prgressedD. develped
    23.A. agreedB. prmisedC. managedD. waited
    24.A. lay ffB. turn dwnC. hunt frD. depend n
    25.A. angrilyB. nervuslyC. unwillinglyD. fearfully
    26.A. dryB. muddyC. richD. magical
    27.A. praisedB. suggestedC. prtectedD. cmfrted
    28.A. disappintedB. excitedC. embarrassedD. tuched
    29.A. dubtedB. laughedC. screamedD. wndered
    30.A. energyB. cnfidenceC. curageD. experience
    31.A. shutingB. pintingC. shtingD. staring
    32.A. reactedB. questinedC. cmmentedD. cnsidered
    33.A. hnestB. pliteC. gentleD. patient
    34.A. expectsB. cllectsC. acceptsD. purchases
    35.A. devtinB. determinatinC. appreciatinD. genersity
    37.假定你是李华,最近你很不开心,因为你经常和父母之间发生争执。你想给英国的笔友Tm 写信,告诉他你成长的烦恼,并向他询求应对策略。
    (1)词数 80左右;
    Arthur was a gd by ding his best t grw int a gd man.Arthur's best friend was Kyle.If yu culdn't find Arthur,all yu had t d was lk fr Kyle.
    A few years ag,Arthur's father was a successful businessman.But things went very wrng when his dad's business failed.The tw bys met when Arthur had t leave his expensive private schl,which his family culd n lnger affrd,and g t a public schl.Arthur's mm wrked at the lcal bakery(面包烘房) and brught hme bxes f baked gds.Just like Arthur's,Kyle's family struggled.They lived n a farm where they culd nt wrk any lnger because Kyle's dad was t sick,and his grandmther was t ld.Kyle's mm wrked in the laundry(洗衣店) and still managed t grw vegetables fr the family.The tw families helped each ther.Arthur gave Kyle's family the extra delicius baked gds,and Kyle's mm gave him baskets f carrts,ptates,tmates,and fruit frm the farm.
    Things tk a turn fr the wrse when Kyle's 84-year-ld grandmther was seriusly ill and had t g t the hspital.Kyle and his family were understandably upset,but wrse f all were the hspital bills.Frtunately,she survived.
    One afternn,Arthur fund pr Kyle in tears."What's the matter,Kyle?"he asked.His friend wiped his tears."Nthing,nthing at all!"he said.Arthur had his dubts,but he didn't press Kyle."Well,then,"he said."I have gd news fr yu!My Aunt sent me $50,and my mm said I culd spend it n anything I wanted!"
    "WOW!Des that mean..."
    Arthur smiled."YES!" he shuted."That means I'm buying the rbt!""When are yu g-ing t buy it?""Maybe this weekend," Arthur said."Nw,hw abut yu tell me what's wrng?"
    "Grandma is turning eighty-five next week,and I wanted t get her a new album(相册) fr the ld family phts.She lves paging thrugh it,remembering and telling stries.I asked my dad,but he said it was t expensive."Arthur didn't say a wrd.He sat dwn next t his friend and...
    (1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
    That night,Arthur asked his mm t jin his secret plan.______
    The grandmther pened the present.______
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第一段Childhd is the glden perid f life when kids lve t stay in the wrld f cartns,We humans,lve t see animals as characters in fictinal stries and cartn shws. (童年是人生的黄金时期,孩子们喜欢呆在卡通的世界里,我们人类喜欢把动物当作虚构故事和卡通节目中的人物。)可知,童年是人生的黄金时期,孩子们喜欢呆在卡通的世界里,故文章的主要读者是孩子们。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段Dnald Duck部分June 9th is celebrated as the Natinal Dnald Duck Day every year as this was the day when Dnald made his screen first public appearance.(每年的6月9日被定为全国唐老鸭日,因为这是唐老鸭第一次在银幕上公开露面的日子。)可知,每年的6月9日被定为全国唐老鸭日,因为这是唐老鸭第一次在银幕上公开露面的日子,因此6月9日是当作一个节日而被庆祝。故选B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第五段Kung Fu Panda部分中He then teams up t destry the evil frces that threaten the Valley f Peace.P's genersity,strength,and will-pwer make him win the hearts f peple all ver the wrld.(然后功夫熊猫组队消灭威胁和平谷的邪恶势力。他的慷慨、力量和意志力使他赢得了全世界人民的心。)可知,功夫熊猫向罪恶宣战的勇敢和慷慨、力量和意志力体现了他的强大和勇敢。故选D。
    【解析】 【导语】本文是记叙文。讲述了出租车司机卡尔在一天疲惫的驾驶结束后看到一个抱着孩子的女人央求另一位出租车司机不要把他们放下。意识到孩子癫病病发作,卡尔主动送母子二人去医院,并且等待孩子脱离危险后送他们回家。女人表示感谢并支付车费,但卡尔拒绝了,认为自己只是做了任何一个好人都应该做的事情。
    (1)推理判断题。根据第一段"'He's having an attack!Please hurry up,Miss!We have t get him t the hspital.Quick,get in!' (他发作了!小姐,请快点!我们得送他去医院。快,上车!)"可知,Carl 主动提出用他的出租车送母子二人去医院。故选 D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第二段"The wman tld Carl that she and her fur-year-ld sn,Tyler,were returning frm the park when it started raining. (这位女士告诉卡尔,她和她四岁的儿子泰勒正在从公园回来的路上,突然下起了雨。)"可知,她和她四岁的儿子去了公园。 A.A park公园;B.A supermarket超市;C.A bank银行;D.A statin车站。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段"Later,he drpped them ff at hme,and when Mrs.Thmas came ut t pay him,he refused. (后来,他把它们放在家里,当托马斯太太出来付钱给他时,他拒绝了)"可知,Carl 把母子送回家,但没有收取他们的出租车费。故选 C。
    (4)推理判断题。倒数第二段"I'm just glad I was there n time.I just did what any gd human being wuld d. (我很高兴我准时到了,我只是做了一个好人都会做的事)"。可知,Carl对自己的出现感到宽慰。A.Anxius焦急的;B.Relieved如释重负的;C.Regretful遗憾的;D.Excited兴奋的。故选 B。
    【解析】(1)词义猜测题。根据第一段"There's a bird in the huse!" is nt a phrase generally spken in a tranquil vice.Mre f-ten,it usually leads t a frightened cry.Here's what yu need t knw abut handling this situatin calmly and effectively.("房子里有只鸟!"不是一个通常用平静的声音说的短语。更多的时候,它通常会导致惊恐的哭泣。下面是你需要知道的如何冷静有效地处理这种情况。)可知,遇到房间有鸟通常会发出惊吓的叫声,不会冷静,所以划线部分tranquil为"平静的"意思。A.nervus.紧张的;B.calm.平静的;C.excited.兴奋的;D.cheerful.快乐的。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第五段Yu can als calmly chase the bird arund the rm t tire it ut.(你也可以平静地在房间里追鸟,让它累坏)可知,作者建议追着那只鸟跑,把它累坏。故选D。
    (3)标题归纳题。根据第一段第三句Here's what yu need t knw abut handling this situatin calmly and effectively(要想冷静有效地处理这种情况,你需要知道以下几点。)起到承上启下的作用,是文章的主题句。以下几段是鸟飞进屋内后的可能及应对措施。即:文章的主题是,如何让鸟离你的房间。故选B。
    (4)文章出处题。根据第一段"There's a bird in the huse!" is nt a phrase generally spken in a tranquil vice.Mre f-ten,it usually leads t a frightened cry.Here's what yu need t knw abut handling this situatin calmly and effectively.("房子里有只鸟!"不是一个通常用平静的声音说的短语。更多的时候,它通常会导致惊恐的哭泣。下面是你需要知道的如何冷静有效地处理这种情况。)可知这篇文章在讲:如何让鸟飞离房间,是一篇科普文章,本文最可能出自科学杂志。A.A scientific jurnal.科学杂志;B.A histry textbk.历史教科书;C.A travel magazine.一本旅游杂志;D.A design handbk.设计手册。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段Having failed desn't necessarily mean yu're a failure.Alexander Fleming failed t keep his lab equipment clean during a tw-week vacatin,and as a result,he discvered penicillin(青霉素).This discvery is said t have saved up t 200 millin lives.(失败并不一定意味着你是一个失败者。亚历山大•弗莱明在两周的假期里没能保持实验室设备的清洁,结果他发现了青霉素,据说这一发现挽救了多达2亿人的生命。)可知亚历山大•弗莱明的例子告诉我们失败是相对的。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段But sitting arund cmplaining will just make yu a lser.What yu d next is hw yu make sure that failure desn't g t waste.By treating each failure as an pprtunity t reflect and grw,yu can remve much f the fear that yu're ging t fail and lk ahead.(但是坐在那里抱怨只会让你成为一个失败者。接下来你要做的就是确保失败不会被浪费掉。把每一次失败都当作一次反思和成长的机会,你就可以消除对失败的恐惧,向前看。)可知作者对失败的人的建议是从失败中学习。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。根据第三段I take pride in being a respnsible and capable persn in perfrming any task.Yet,despite my best effrts,I d fail.(我为自己在执行任何任务时都是一个负责任和有能力的人而感到自豪。然而,尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是失败了。)第四段Supprt frm thers is welcme,but the best supprt we can get cmes frm urselves.We can learn frm ur experiences by bserving,analyzing,and therizing when things went wrng.(来自他人的支持是受欢迎的,但我们能得到的最好的支持来自我们自己。当事情出错时,我们可以通过观察、分析和推理来从经验中学习。)以及第五段My father taught me t start a new prject whenever I am facing trubled times.This culd be writing r reading,creating r learning,but it's always smething t carry n.(我父亲教导我,每当我遇到困难的时候,就开始一个新的项目。这可能是写作或阅读,创造或学习,但它总是要坚持下去的。)可知3 - 5段作者是通过分享他的个人经历来得出结论的。故选A。
    (4)观点态度题。根据最后一段Failure hurts us in sme ways.It is a mistake t assume that failure is desirable.But a cmplete absence f failure wuld make ur lives very dull indeed.The best we can d is create successes frm ur failures.(失败在某些方面伤害了我们。认为失败是可取的是错误的。但是完全没有失败会使我们的生活非常枯燥。我们所能做的就是从失败中创造成功。)可知作者对失败的态度是客观的。故选C。
    【解析】(1)语境衔接题。根据上文Yu are certain t enjy chatting t yur friends.(你一定喜欢和朋友聊天的)及下文Make sure t ask yur friends sme mre persnal and interesting questins next time.(下次一定要问你的朋友一些更私人和有趣的问题。)可知,下文提供了一些有趣的问题。故F选项"然而,在你了解了他们的一切之后,你们的谈话可能会变得无聊。"符合语境,故选F。
    (2)联系上文题。根据上文Ask yur friends t find ut what stands ut as their mst impressive memry frm their childhd:watching the same cartns n Saturday mrnings,playing with the same types f tys,r winning a schl spelling cmpetitin?(让你的朋友找出他们童年记忆中最深刻的是什么:在周六早上看同样的动画片,玩同样的玩具,或者赢得学校的拼写比赛?)可知,先询问朋友的最美好记忆是什么,接着谈及自己的美好记忆。C项"和他们分享你最开心的事。"符合语境,故选C。
    (3)语境衔接题。根据上文Cme t an agreement n what t d that will be fun fr everyne.Ask yur friends fr their activity ideas and give yur wn(达成一致,做什么对每个人来说都很有趣。向你的朋友询问他们的活动想法,并给出你自己的想法)可知,关于去哪儿达成一致并和朋友交换活动的想法,以及下文Perhaps yu can suggest a day trip t a Disneyland park in a nearby city,r maybe sme f yur friends want t take a night camping trip.(也许你可以建议去附近城市的迪士尼乐园一日游,或者你的一些朋友想要进行一次夜间露营旅行。)可知,这里你可以提出两点建议。空格处是对这些建议的概括,A项"创建一个所有建议的列表。"符合语境,故选A。
    (4)语境衔接题。根据上文Ask yur friends abut their plans after high schl graduatin,Let them discuss whether they want t g t cllege,r g t wrk directly.(问问你的朋友他们高中毕业后的计划,让他们讨论他们是想上大学,还是直接去工作。)及下文Perhaps sme f yu friends wanted t becme dctrs after hearing a speech frm a famus medical wrker.Share yur wn dream jbs with them and give yur reasns.(也许你的一些朋友在听了一位著名医务工作者的演讲后想成为医生。与他们分享你的梦想工作,并给出你的理由。)这里回答了是什么决定了工作的选择,可知,前面建议提问什么影响他们选择工作。G项"如果他们在上大学,问问他们是什么影响了他们的工作选择。"符合语境,故选G。
    (5)联系下文题。根据下文Ask yur friends abut their mst unfrgettable experiences.It will be interesting t discuss any extremely frightening but ften exciting stries.Perhaps ne f yur friends rde n the wrld's fastest rller caster (过山车) while anther friend may have bungee jumped ff a cliff (悬崖).Maybe smene even tk a ride in a ht air balln.(问问你的朋友他们最难忘的经历。这将是有趣的讨论任何极其可怕,但往往令人兴奋的故事。也许你的一个朋友坐过世界上最快的过山车,而另一个朋友可能从悬崖上跳过蹦极。也许有人甚至乘坐了热气球。)可知,建议问问你的朋友他们最难忘的经历,因为这些不寻常的经历是令人兴奋的话题。E项"不寻常的经历可以成为令人兴奋的话题。"符合语境,故选E。
    【解析】(1)考查副词及语境理解。A.pleasantly愉快地;B.quietly安静地;C.shyly害羞地;D.weakly虚弱地。句意:她看了看,虚弱地笑了:"没有玫瑰……."。根据前文"my mm was very sick and very depressed"可知,作者的妈妈病的很严重,因此虚弱地笑了。故选D。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.expanded膨胀,扩张;B.declined拒绝,衰退;C.prgressed进步;D.develped发展。句意:在我六岁的时候,由于管理不善,爸爸的生意突然走下坡路。根据后文"because f bad management"可知,因为经营不善,爸爸的生意衰退,走下坡路。故选B。
    (3)考查动词及语境理解。A.agreed同意;B.prmised承诺;C.managed管理,设法做成;D.waited解决。句意:尽管他设法挽救了公司,但他不得不裁掉三分之二的员工。根据后文"he had t(4)tw-thirds f his emplyees."可知,作者的爸爸最终成功地挽救了自己的公司,可是还是要裁掉三分之二的员工。故选C。
    (4)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.lay ff裁员;B.turn dwn拒绝;C.hunt fr寻找;D.depend n依赖。句意:尽管他设法挽救了公司,但他不得不裁掉三分之二的员工。根据前文"t rescue the cmpany,"可知,作者的爸爸为了挽救公司,裁掉三分之二的员工。故选A。
    (5)考查副词及语境理解。A.angrily生气地;B.nervusly紧张地;C.unwillingly不愿意地;D.fearfully害怕地。句意:结果,我们不得不不情愿地卖掉了大房子,搬进了一所小房子,房子前面的土地是干燥的,没有一片草在上面生长。根据前文"sell the big huse"可知,因为爸爸经营不善,为了挽救公司,作者一家只能不情愿地卖掉大房子。故选C。
    (6)考查形容词及语境理解。A.dry干燥的;B.muddy泥泞的;C.rich富裕的;D.magical神奇的。句意:结果,我们不得不不情愿地卖掉了大房子,搬进了一所小房子,房子前面的土地是干燥的,没有一片草在上面生长。根据后文"withut a single leaf f grass grwing there"可知,小房子前面没有一片草在上面生长,故是干燥的。故选A。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.praised赞扬;B.suggested建议;C.prtected保护;D.cmfrted安慰。句意:爸爸高兴地安慰妈妈说:"我来粉刷房子,你来种玫瑰!"根据前文""It will be great sn."可知,作者的爸爸安慰着妈妈,一切都会好的。故选D。
    (8)考查形容词及语境理解。A.disappinted失望的;B.excited兴奋的;C.embarrassed尴尬的;D.tuched感动的。句意:但我们都能看出她一点也不兴奋。根据前文""It will be great sn."Dad(7)mum cheerfully,"I'll paint the huse,and yu'll plant yur rses!""以及"but"可知,此处前后句构成转折关系即尽管爸爸安慰妈妈,但是妈妈一点也不开心。故选B。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.dubted怀疑;B.laughed大笑;C.screamed尖叫;D.wndered好奇,想知道。句意:"哦,看,妈妈!"我尖叫起来。根据后文"""The neighbr has ROSES!Yu can grw them t!""可知,作者看到邻居家中的玫瑰,由此作者尖叫起来。故选C。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.energy精力,能量;B.cnfidence自信,信心;C.curage勇气;D.experience经验。句意:但是妈妈身体不舒服,她没有精力去开辟一个新的花园。根据前文"But mm wasn't feeling well"可知,作者的妈妈身体虚弱,根本没有精力去开辟一个新花园。故选A。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.shuting大喊;B.pinting指向;C.shting射击,拍摄;D.staring注视。句意:我坐在院子里盯着邻居的花园。根据后文""Why are yu lking at my rses?""可知,作者盯着邻居的花园,所以邻居才会询问作者为什么要看着自己玫瑰。故选D。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.reacted反应;B.questined盘问;C.cmmented评论;D.cnsidered考虑。句意:我的邻居看见了我,问道:"你为什么在看我的玫瑰花?"根据后文"Why are yu lking at my rses?"可知,邻居看到作者看着自己的玫瑰花,于是询问作者。故选B。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.hnest诚实的;B.plite礼貌的;C.gentle温柔的;D.patient耐心的。句意:我很是客气地说:"我妈妈以前也有玫瑰花。根据前文""They're really beautiful!""可知,作者对邻居的提问是很有礼貌地回答。故选B。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.expects预料,期待;B.cllects收集;C.accepts接受;D.purchases购买。句意:我妈妈以前有玫瑰。但她病得很重,她期待着玫瑰。根据第一段中"She lked at it and smiled(1),"there are n rses ...•"可知,作者的妈妈病的很严重,她很是期待着自己的玫瑰。故选A。
    (15)考查名词及语境理解。A.devtin奉献,忠诚;B.determinatin决心;C.appreciatin感激;D.genersity大方,慷慨。句意:因为奶奶的慷慨,我拥抱了她。根据前文"""Gd by,yu can pick as many rses fr yur mther.""可知,邻居奶奶允许作者采摘玫瑰,并赠送给他,体现了邻居奶奶的慷慨。故作者因为奶奶的慷慨而拥抱她。故选D。
    37.【答案】Dear Tm,
    These days,I feel upset.At schl I am gd at maths and English,while I find physics difficult t learn.But my parents think I shuld always d best in every subject.Whenever I cme back hme late,they will get very angry with me.【高分句型一】Yu knw I like playing basketball,but when weekends cme,they dn't allw me t d anything except studying.【高分句型二】(成长的烦恼)Nw I am n lnger interested in my study.Can yu give me sme advice n hw t get alng with my parents?(询求应对策略)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Whenever I cme back hme late,they will get very angry with me.
    高分句型二:Yu knw I like playing basketball,but when weekends cme,they dn't allw me t d anything except studying.
    38.【答案】That night,Arthur asked his mm t jin his secret plan.And she happily agreed.On Kyle's grandmther's birthday,Arthur and his mm kncked n Kyle's dr.Arthur was carrying a big present-wrapped bx and sme beautiful flwers,and his mm had a HUGE beautiful birthday cake!When Kyle and his family saw them,they culdn't believe their eyes! 【高分句型一】"Kyle," Arthur said. "Quick,ask yur grandma t blw ut the candles and pen the present bx!" When the grandmther walked ut f her rm with difficulty,she was amazed!(他们一起实施计划的过程)
    The grandmther pened the present.It was a beautiful pht album with the grandmther's name n the cver.Kyle knew then that Arthur had spent every cent f the mney his aunt had sent him n his grandmther's gift.The grandmther started crying. "Thank yu,Arthur and Kyle,hw did yu knw this is what I wanted mst?" Kyle started hugging his grandmther and thanked Arthur,saying, "yu did really want that rbt!" Kyle's granny was a wise wman.She guessed what happened.【高分句型二】(祖母打开了礼物之后的反应以及双方之间的互相帮助)
    高分句型一:When Kyle and his family saw them,they culdn't believe their eyes!
    高分句型二:She guessed what happened.
    在确定了思路和内容之后。最关键的就是结合提示语或者文中画线的关键词拟写草稿。拟写时,注意句子结构的多样性,语言的丰富性,并通过句与句之间连接词的正确使用,使上下文连贯。Mickey Muse
    Mickey Muse is knwn all ver the wrld in its bright red shrts and large yellw shes.This wrld-famus cartn f a muse has taken ur hearts away alng with his friends the Dnald Duck,Minnie Muse,and pet dg Plut since 1928.
    Dnald Duck
    The mst famus duck in the wrld,Dnald Duck is a white duck with a large yellw-range beak (鸟喙) that appears n screen dressed in a sailr's cap and shirt.First intrduced in 1934,he is knwn fr his ptimistic and enthusiastic attitude twards life.June 9th is celebrated as the Natinal Dnald Duck Day every year as this was the day when Dnald made his screen first public appearance.
    Tm and Jerry
    Tm and Jerry are mainly abut a bitter-sweet friendship between the title characters Tm,a cat,and Jerry,a muse.Their stries have been made int 161 cmedy shrt films by William Hanna and Jseph Barbera since 1940.The tw share several sweet adventures and have been attracting the audience with their tricks fr almst 80 years.
    Kung Fu Panda
    The wrld-famus and lvely fat P the Giant Panda is a kung fu enthusiast,wh accidentally gets selected as the Dragn Warrir.He is Master Shifu's favurite student at the Jade Palace.He then teams up t destry the evil frces that threaten the Valley f Peace.P's genersity,strength,and will-pwer make him win the hearts f peple all ver the wrld.

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