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    这是一份九年级英语下学期开学考试(深圳卷)-2023-2024学年九年级英语上册单元重难点易错题精练(牛津深圳版),共14页。试卷主要包含了B.In 1890等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。
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    第一部分 选择题(50分)
    阅读下面短文, 从短文后所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题, 每小题1分)
    It was a cludy afternn. There was ging t be a heavy 1 . Even s, Bb didn’t want t g hme. He just had a terrible argument with his mm and ran ut f the 2 . Sitting dwn near a park where many children were playing with their parents, Bb felt a little 3 . After a while, a little girl with a ball in her hands came twards Bb and invited him t 4 with her. Bb had a gd time with the little girl and almst frgt his 5 .
    6 , nbdy came r tk the girl hme when it began t rain. The girl, hwever, seemed fine. She tld Bb that her parents were busy 7 snacks acrss the rad but they always kept an eye n her. This made Bb wnder whether his parents were als 8 him.
    In the end, he tk the little girl t her parents’ vending cart(售货摊)and then ran hme quickly. The mment Bb pened the 9 , his mm was clse t tears. She shuted, “Where have yu been? I 10 yu everywhere! See hw wet yur cat is! Dn’t ask fr my help even if yu get a cld tnight!” But Bb knew she wasn’t angry anymre.
    8.A.wrried abutB.excited abutC.strict withD.ashamed f
    10.A.called nB.lked frC.asked abutD.sent fr
    第一节 阅读下列短文, 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选山最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将相应字母编号涂黑。(共 15 小题, 每小题2分)
    Wangfujing Bkstre lies in ne f the busiest areas f the capital Beijing. It has welcmed an unchanging stream f custmers since the beginning f the Spring Festival in January, 2023. Reading areas have been filled with peple. Sme f them are willing t just sit n the grund t read since seats are always full.
    The bkstre’s data shw that it received mre than 100,000 custmers in January. It is a sharp increase cmpared with December 2022. Other bkstres in the city, and even arund the cuntry, have als seen huge amunts f readers return since the beginning f the year.
    During the Spring Festival, mre than 160 bkstres in Beijing sld ver 20 millin yuan wrth f bks. Bkstre chain brand Zhngshuge’s branch in Shenzhen’s Baan district als enjyed an increase in bth custmer flw (客流量) and bk sales in the first tw mnths f the year. Cmpared with the same perid in 2019, the number f custmers increased by 50 percent. “A spring f physical (实体的) bkstres in China is cming sn,” an experienced manager says.
    Many physical bkstre managers in Shanghai tld the Glbal Times that bk sales and the number f custmers in these past tw mnths have been much better than thse in the previus tw years.
    2023 is set t be a very prmising year fr physical bkstres, accrding t Ca Yu, the general manager f Shenzhen bkstre. He said that in recent weeks his bkstre has had a full schedule f ffline events, such as bk signings.
    11.When did the number f custmers increase in Wangfujing Bkstre accrding t Paragraph 1?
    A.In January 2022.B.In December 2022.
    C.In January 2023.D.In December 2021.
    12.What d we knw frm Paragraphs 1—2?
    A.N readers want t sit n the grund in Wangfujing Bkstre.
    B.Wangfujing Bkstre had ver 100,000 custmers in January.
    C.Other bkstres were nt pen t readers at the very beginning f this year.
    D.The number f readers in January was the same as it was in December 2022.
    13.What can we infer (推断) frm the sentence “a spring f physical bkstres in China is cming sn”?
    A.The winter has gne and the spring will cme sn.
    B.The temperature in physical bkstres will g up.
    C.The custmers seldm return t physical bkstres.
    D.The bk sales in physical bkstres will grw sn.
    14.What des the underlined wrd “prmising” in the last paragraph mean?
    A.Being the same as the year befre.
    B.Shwing signs f being successful.
    C.Aiming t becme helpful t readers.
    D.Becming necessary fr the managers.
    15.Where can we pssibly read this passage?
    A.In a newspaper.B.In a bk review.
    C.In a travel guide.D.In a physics magazine.
    Althugh it is small, Maca is a city that keeps attracting visitrs t return again and again. Why? We will help yu discver the city’s beauty.
    If yu cme t Maca, yu mustn’t miss an experience f the mrning tea. Peple enjy tea and dim sum (点心), r small plates f lcal snacks, in a slw manner. One f the earliest tea huses in Maca is an internet-famus site with its ld-fashined fans, windws, and Chinese waterclr wrks. It reminds yu abut 50-years-ld Hng Kng mvies easily.
    After a taste f lcal delicius fd, ur next stp is Kwan Dai Temple—a temple that carries special meaning in this city’s histry. Centuries ag, businessmen in Maca wuld gather in temples t exchange infrmatin n business chances, but as peple becme mre and mre, businessmen didn’t have enugh spaces. Then, mre than tw centuries ag, Kwan Dai temple was built with the effrt f several businessmen. Tday’s Kwan Dai Temple is where activities such as the lin dance and dragn march are held n traditinal hlidays.
    Our next place is Maca’s landmark. Mre than fur centuries ag, St. Paul’s Cllege, the first Western-style university was built in Maca. Then in 1835, a great fire destryed mst buildings f the cllege. The frnt f the cllege’s church and part f the stne steps in frnt f it is undamaged. The remains, nw knwn as the Ruins f St. Paul’s, has becme a symbl f Maca and a turist site nt t be missed by any visitr t the city.
    16.Hw d peple feel when having mrning tea?
    17.Why is ne f the earliest tea huses in Maca internet-famus?
    A.It nce appeared in a film.B.Its ld-fashined style.
    C.Its famus plates f snacks.D.It was built fifty years ag.
    18.Why wuld businessmen gather in Kwan Dai temple?
    A.T share business infrmatin.B.T meet friends frm ther places.
    C.T d lin dance and dragn parade.D.T exchange gds frm different places.
    19.What d we knw abut St. Paul’s Cllege?
    A.Only little was left after a fire.
    B.It’s the first university in Maca.
    C.It’s Maca’s ldest building f western style.
    D.It has always been a landmark f Maca fr 400 years.
    20.What is the best title f the passage?
    A.Back t ld days B.Beauty f MacaC.Eating in MacaD.Landmark f Maca
    Have yu seen yur parents having a headache and reach fr a bttle f aspirin (阿司匹林)? We use it when we’re hurting. And it all started with a man wh gave a taste f tree skin centuries ag.
    In 1758, Edward Stne tk a walk n a beautiful, sunny mrning in England. He stpped t rest under a willw (柳树) tree. Suddenly, he decided t try a bit f the tree skin. The bitter (苦的) taste reminded him f medicine and he started t think whether it culd be used as a medicine. Edward referred t medicine bks fr answers, but he failed. Still, he decided t test it n his family, friends and neighbrs with headache and it really helped them feel better.
    Edward Stne wasn’t the first ne t learn this medicine. Willws grw everywhere, s they’re cheap and easy t get. Peple arund the wrld have been using it fr thusands f years t reduce agny. But Edward was the first t wrk n it and recrd the risk f it.
    In 1888, the Bayer cmpany was lking fr new medicines t sell. Tw years later, the cmpany invited scientists t find ut which part f the willw skin culd be used fr medicine. Then, they studied hw t turn it int medicines that were easy t take. Finally, after 7 years f wrk, they succeeded. The Bayer cmpany named this new pain-killing medicine “aspirin”.
    Sn, the medicine became a success and made huge mney fr Bayer. The hard wrk f scientists makes a histry. Aspirin has becme ne f the mst-used pain-killing medicines and yu can buy it at a cheap price frm almst every medicine stre all ver the wrld. And it all started with Edward’s curisity.
    It is curisity that makes us learn and benefit frm nature. Stay hungry. Stay flish. Maybe yu are the next scientist that changes the wrld.
    21.What inspired Edward t use willw skin as a medicine?
    A.The bitter taste f willw.B.The sick peple arund him.
    C.The gd weather in England.D.The medicine bk abut plants.
    22.What des the underlined wrd “agny” in paragraph 3 mean?
    23.When did scientists invent aspirin?
    A.In 1888.B.In 1890.C.In 1895.D.In 1897.
    24.What can we learn abut aspirin frm paragraph 5?
    A.It is widely used.B.It was sld by scientists.
    C.It is expensively made.D.It was invented by Edward.
    25.What is the purpse f this passage?
    A.T advise scientists t taste plants.B.T encurage peple t stay curius.
    C.T praise peple fr prtecting trees.D.T thank scientists fr their achievements.
    第二节(每小题1分,共 5分 )
    If yu are feeling that life just cannt be any wrse fr yu, it can be challenging t think psitive thughts. 26 Here are a few examples fr yu t practice. Say them ut lud and with feeling!
    ★Begin and end each day with a “Thank yu fr this wnderful day!”
    ★When yu see the gas prices hiking, say “ 27 ”
    ★When yu are late fr wrk, say “I am s happy and grateful fr my jb as I knw that many dn’t have ne.”
    ★ 28 “I really d appreciate my eyes that see, my ears that hear, my muth that tastes, my legs that walk, my arms that lift, my hands that write, my mind that thinks, my knees that bend and my tngue that talks.” The pssibilities here are endless: be thankful fr what des wrk fr yu and feel gd abut it!
    ★Write dwn what yu’re grateful fr each day. In mments when yu’re feeling really dwn, read what yu wrte befre. 29 If yu keep ding this regularly, yu will find that yur list will get lnger and lnger.
    The key is t mve yurself int a psitive thught and keep it there lng enugh t make it a mment f peace. 30
    A.This will help uplift yur spirits.
    B.The mre yu practice, the happier yu’ll be.
    C.If yu are having health prblems, be grateful fr what des wrk.
    D.I am s glad that I am blessed t have a car in which t get arund.
    E.N matter what yu have experienced, just enjy yur life every day.
    F.But we can chse t think differently by beginning with the smallest f steps.
    第三节 (每小题1分,共 5分 )
    下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个电视节目。请根据Debbie, Simn, Lucy, Jerry, Grace的特点,选择最适合他们观看的节目。
    第二部分 非选择题(25分)
    三、语法填空(每小题1分,共 10分 )
    Scial media is a platfrm where peple frm all ver the wrld can cnnect and interact with each ther. It has becme ne f the 36 (big) platfrms ever in histry and has changed s many things in ur life. Students are als using scial media in a number f 37 (way).
    Scial media prvides a platfrm fr students 38 (learn) and cmmunicate. It makes students’ life mre cnvenient 39 clrful. Scial learning has been invlved in almst all the e-learning websites. Students can als take advantage f live vide that is a part 40 s many scial netwrking sites (社交网站) t take classes.
    Scial media als ffers students 41 tl t express themselves.
    Many students are scared f the thught f what 42 (happen) if they express themselves. And scial media 43 (help) them t share their thughts withut any fear, making it mre likely fr them t cme ut f the bx and explre their talents. When students 44 (active) take part in scial media, they may cme t a glbal level. Fr instance, they can even learn abut the different curses presented by universities frm all arund the wrld, which is beneficial fr 45 (they) t imprve their knwledge f freign cultures.
    46.为了发展学生兴趣爱好、丰富职业体验,你校成功举办了题为 “Experiencing Future Jb” 的职业体验游园活动。学校英文报就此活动展开征文比赛。请你根据以下内容投稿。
    1. 场景描写:① 多种职业 ②……
    2. 体验描述:① 你的选择 ②……
    3. 体验感悟:
    1. 词数80词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);
    2. 要点齐全,可适当发挥;
    3. 条理清晰,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范;
    4. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。
    参考词汇:career职业;game tester游戏测试师;astrnaut宇航员;fitness instructr健身教练
    Last week, the activity “Experiencing Future Jb” was held in ur schl.

    31 Debbie is a ballet dancer frm Britain. She is als interested in Chinese traditinal dance and the histry stries.
    32 Simn is a fan f music. He enjys singing and he wuld like t knw the stries behind the sngs.
    33 Lucy is fnd f cllectin. She has dreamed be a treasure hunter since she was yung thugh she is an engineer nw.
    34 Jerry is 22 years ld. He is busy with his daily jbs, s he wants t enjy a travelling shw t relax himself after wrk.
    35 Grace is crazy abut sprts, and nw she wants t knw mre abut the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.
    The TV prgram called Dancing Millennium, which is c-prduced by Bilibili and Henan TV, made itself knwn fr telling Chinese stries with dance. The prgram fcuses n telling Chinese stries with dance.
    Natinal Treasure, a ppular prgramme made by CCTV. In each shw, celebrity plays a rle in the theatrical piece f studi strytelling, explring the histry and value f the ld treasures.
    As the first reality shw in China, Super Brain is very ppular amng the yuth. In each shw, geniuses will shw their unbelievable talents. It is exciting t enjy the scientific knwledge in it.
    Shiguangynnyuehui starts the mde f utdr cncert. Singers gather tgether t perfrm their representative sngs, and share their time memries behind the classic sngs.
    As ne f the sprts prgrams celebrating the 2022 Beijing Olympic Games, The Winter Dream Prmise invites sme f the famus Chinese athletes t intrduce the landmark sprts architecture (建筑), and analyze the basic principles f sprt items.
    As the first yuth cultural public welfare travel shw f CCTV, Hell Life III (《你好生活第三季》) takes “rdinary life” t shw the clse relatinship between individuals and cuntry, yuth and the times, which has gained it the lve f many audiences, especially the yung audiences.
    1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.B
    snw雪;rain雨;fg雾;wind风。根据下文“nbdy came r tk the girl hme when it began t rain.”可知,下雨了,没有人来带她回家,说明此处说的是要下大雨了。故选B。
    stre商店;park公园;huse房子;htel酒店。根据上文“Bb didn’t want t g hme.”可知,Bb不想回家,说明他和妈妈吵架后跑出了房子。故选C。
    lnely孤单的;funny好玩的;nervus紧张的;crazy疯狂的。根据“Sitting dwn near a park where many children were playing with their parents”可知,公园里很多孩子都和父母一起玩耍,因此Bb此时应是感到孤单。故选A。
    walk走路;talk说话;stay停留;play玩。根据上文“a little girl with a ball in her hands came twards Bb”可知,这个小女孩拿着玩走向Bb,要邀请Bb和她一起玩。故选D。
    illness疾病;sadness伤心;wish愿望;dubt怀疑。根据上文“Bb had a gd time with the little girl”可知,Bb玩得很开心,因此也忘了之前的伤心。故选B。
    Angrily生气地;Interestingly有趣地;Surprisingly令人惊讶地;Frighteningly令人恐惧地。根据“nbdy came r tk the girl hme when it began t rain”可知,下雨了,没有人来接小女孩回家,这是一件令人惊讶的事。故选C。
    making制作;eating吃;taking拿;selling卖。根据下文“In the end, he tk the little girl t her parents’ vending cart(售货摊)and then ran hme quickly.”可知,Bb把小女孩带到她父母的售货摊后就飞奔回家了,说明她的父母在卖零食。故选D。
    wrried abut担心;excited abut对……感到兴奋;strict with对……严格;ashamed f对……感到羞愧。根据“but they always kept an eye n her”可知,Bb知道小女孩的父母一直在关注她,所以Bb也想知道自己的父母是否也在担心自己。故选A。
    eye眼睛;muth嘴巴;dr门;windw窗户。根据上文“In the end, he tk the little girl t her parents’ vending cart(售货摊)and then ran hme quickly.”可知,Bb把小女孩送回她父母的摊子后就回家了,因此此处应是打开家门。故选C。
    called n号召;lked fr寻找;asked abut询问;sent fr派人去取。根据上文可知Bb与妈妈赌气离家出走,因此妈妈应是到处找他。故选B。
    11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.A
    11.细节理解题。根据“It has welcmed an unchanging stream f custmers since the beginning f the Spring Festival in January, 2023”可知自2023年1月春节开始以来,它迎来了源源不断的客户。故选C。
    12.细节理解题。根据“The bkstre’s data shw that it received mre than 100,000 custmers in January”可知1月份接待了超过10万名顾客。故选B。
    13.推理判断题。根据“Cmpared with the same perid in 2019, the number f custmers increased by 50 percent”可知与2019年同期相比,实体店的客户数量增加了50%,所以实体书店的图书销量很快就会增长。故选D。
    14.词义猜测题。根据“bk sales and the number f custmers in these past tw mnths have been much better than thse in the previus tw years”可知过去两个月的图书销售和客户数量都比前两年好得多,所以2023年对实体书店来说将是充满希望的一年,故划线部分意为“显示出成功的迹象”。故选B。
    16.D 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.B
    16.细节理解题。根据“If yu cme t Maca, yu mustn’t miss an experience f the mrning tea. Peple enjy tea and dim sum (点心), r small plates f lcal snacks, in a slw manner”可知,很享受早茶,也就是说早餐让人们感到放松,故选D。
    17.细节理解题。根据“One f the earliest tea huses in Maca is an internet-famus site with its ld-fashined fans, windws, and Chinese waterclr wrks”可知,因为它的老式风格,故选B。
    18.细节理解题。根据“businessmen in Maca wuld gather in temples t exchange infrmatin n business chances”可知,是为了交换商业信息,故选A。
    19.细节理解题。根据“Then in 1835, a great fire destryed mst buildings f the cllege. The frnt f the cllege’s church and part f the stne steps in frnt f it is undamaged”可知,火灾后所剩无几,故选A。
    20.最佳标题题。根据“We will help yu discver the city’s beauty”可知,本文围绕“澳门的美”展开描述,故选B。
    21.A 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.B
    21.细节理解题。根据第二段的“The bitter (苦的) taste reminded him f medicine and he started t think whether it culd be used as a medicine. ”可知苦味道让他想起了药,他开始思考是否可以将其用作药物。因此是苦涩的味道。故选A。
    22.词句猜测题。根据第三段的“Peple arund the wrld have been using it fr thusands f years t reduce agny. ”可知数千年来,世界各地的人们一直在使用它来减轻……,结合柳树和阿司匹林的渊源可知表示“疼痛”。故选C。
    23.推理判断题。根据第四段的“In 1888, the Bayer cmpany was lking fr new medicines t sell. Tw years later, the cmpany invited scientists t find ut which part f the willw skin culd be used fr medicine. ”以及“ Finally, after 7 years f wrk, they succeeded. ”可知1888年,拜耳公司正在寻找新药出售。两年后,该公司邀请科学家找出柳树皮的哪个部分可用于医学。终于,经过7年的努力,他们成功了。1888年开始,9年后成功,到了1897年。故选D。
    24.细节理解题。根据第五段的“Aspirin has becme ne f the mst-used pain-killing medicines and yu can buy it at a cheap price frm almst every medicine stre all ver the wrld.”可知阿司匹林已成为最常用的止痛药之一,您几乎可以从世界各地的每家药店以便宜的价格购买它。因此是广泛使用的。故选A。
    26.F 27.D 28.C 29.A 30.E
    26.根据“If yu are feeling that life just cannt be any wrse fr yu, it can be challenging t think psitive thughts.”可知,如果你觉得生活对你来说很差,想积极的想法会很有挑战性,可推测空处应是在讨论该如何有积极的想法。选项F“但我们可以选择从最小的步骤开始以不同的方式思考”符合语境。故选F。
    27.根据“When yu see the gas prices hiking”可知,此处的情景是看到油价升高的时候应该如何做,才能保持积极的想法心态,可推测空处是与之相对的保持积极心态应该说的话。选项D“我很高兴我能幸运地拥有一辆车可以到处走走”符合语境。故选D。
    28.根据“be thankful fr what des wrk fr yu and feel gd abut it”可知,要感谢仍然在为你工作的部分,对它感觉良好,可推测本段主要是讲述对健康的部位要心存感激,空处应与此相关。选项C“如果你有健康问题,要感激那些还能起作用的”符合语境。故选C。
    29.根据“In mments when yu’re feeling really dwn, read what yu wrte befre.”可知,在你觉得情绪低落的时刻,阅读你之前写的东西,此处是在讲述让情绪变好的方法,可推测空处是与该方法相关。选项A“这将有助于提升你的精神状态”符合语境。故选A。
    30.根据“The key is t mve yurself int a psitive thught and keep it there lng enugh t make it a mment f peace.”可知,此处是总结保持积极心态的关键,要把自己置于积极的想法中,然后让这个想法保持足够长的时间以构成片刻的宁静,可推测空处应是强调保持积极心态。选项E“无论你经历过什么,就每天享受你的生活”符合语境。故选E。
    31.A 32.D 33.B 34.F 35.E
    31.根据“Debbie is a ballet dancer frm Britain. She is als interested in Chinese traditinal dance and the histry stries.”可知黛比是来自英国的芭蕾舞演员。她还对中国传统舞蹈和历史故事感兴趣。选项A“以用舞蹈讲述中国故事而闻名。该节目专注于用舞蹈讲述中国故事”符合。故选A。
    32.根据“Simn is a fan f music. He enjys singing and he wuld like t knw the stries behind the sngs.”可知西蒙是音乐迷。他喜欢唱歌,他想知道歌曲背后的故事。选项D“歌手齐聚一堂,演绎自己的代表歌曲,分享经典歌曲背后的时光回忆”符合。故选D。
    33.根据“ Lucy is fnd f cllectin. She has dreamed be a treasure hunter since she was yung thugh she is an engineer nw.”可知露西喜欢收藏。她从小就梦想成为一名寻宝者,尽管她现在是一名工程师。选项B“在每场演出中,名人在演播室讲故事的戏剧作品中扮演着角色,探索古老宝藏的历史和价值”符合。故选B。
    34.根据“He is busy with his daily jbs, s he wants t enjy a travelling shw t relax himself after wrk.”可知他忙于日常工作,所以他想在下班后欣赏一场旅行表演来放松自己。选项F“作为央视首档青少年文化公益旅游节目,《你好生活第三季》以‘平凡的生活’展现个人与国家、青年与时代的密切关系,赢得了众多观众尤其是年轻观众的喜爱”符合。故选F。
    35.根据“Grace is crazy abut sprts, and nw she wants t knw mre abut the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.”可知格蕾丝对体育很着迷,现在她想更多地了解2022年北京冬奥会。选项E“作为庆祝2022年北京奥运会的体育项目之一,‘冬日梦想承诺’邀请了一些中国著名运动员介绍标志性的体育建筑,并分析体育项目的基本原理”符合。故选E。
    36.biggest 37.ways 38.t learn 39.and 40.f 41.a 42.will happen 43.helps 44.actively 45.them
    36.句意:它成为了历史上最大的平台之一并改变了我们生活中的很多事物。ne f+最高级+名词复数“最……中的一个”,固定用法。故填biggest.
    37.句意:学生也在很多方面使用社交媒体。a number f “许多”,后加名词way的复数,故填ways。
    38.句意:社交媒体为学生提供了一个学习和交流的平台。根据“Scial media prvides a platfrm fr students”可知,社交媒体给学生提供了一个平台的目的是为了学习和交流,所以用动词不定式作目的黄鱼,故填t learn。
    40.句意:学生也可以利用视频网站中的直播来上课,那是如此多的社交网站中的一部分。 “a part f…” 固定搭配,意为“……中的一部分”,故填f。
    42.句意:很多孩子不知道表达自己的思想会发生什么,他们感到害怕。本句是if引导的条件状语从句,遵循“主将从现”原则,所以主句用一般将来时(will d),故填will happen。
    43.句意:社交媒体帮助他们勇敢地分享自己的想法。全文时态一般现在时,scial media第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用三单形式。故填helps。
    44.句意:学生积极参与社交平台时。take part in是动词短语,副词修饰动词短语take part in,所给词active变为副词actively。故填actively。
    Last week, the activity “Experiencing Future Jb” was held in ur schl. There were many jbs fr us t chse in the activity, such as teachers, dctrs, astrnauts, fitness instructrs and s n. We culd chse the jb we liked. I chse t be a teacher as my jb. Because I wanted t be a teacher like my mther. I taught ur students a lt f knwledge. I als talked with them abut their dreams and future lives. When I was with many students, I felt realized teaching is a great prfessin.
    ①a lt f大量的
    ②talk with交流
    ①There were many jbs fr us t chse in the activity, such as teachers, dctrs, astrnauts, fitness instructrs and s n.(there be句型)
    ②When I was with many students, I felt realized teaching is a great prfessin.(when引导的时间状语从句)

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