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    这是一份贵州省黔南州2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题,共9页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前将姓名、准考证号、座位号准确填写在答题卡指定的位置上。
    3. 选择题须使用2B铅笔将答题卡相应题号对应选项涂黑,若需改动,须擦净另涂;非选择题在答题卡上对应位置用黑色墨水笔或黑色签字笔书写。在试卷、草稿纸上答题无效。
    第一部分 听力(共四节,20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
    第一节 听对话,选择相应的图片。(读一遍)
    1. A. B. C.
    2. A. B. C.
    3. A. B. C.
    4. A. B. C.
    5. A. B. C.
    第二节 听句子,选择最佳应答。(读一遍)
    6. A. Twice a week.B. By taxi.C. Fr 25 minutes.
    7. A. Yu’re welcme.B. Enjy yurselves.C. Srry t hear that.
    8. A. N prblem.B. Yu’re right.C. I dn’t like it.
    9. A. It’s bring.B. It’s in the hspital.C. Srry, I missed the bus.
    10. A. By rcket.B. Fr six mnths.C. Abut 150 kilmeters.
    第三节 听对话,根据对话内容及问题,选择最佳选项。(读两遍)
    11. David went t schl ______ this mrning.
    A. by busB. by subwayC. n ft
    12. The bus will leave ______.
    A. at 9:40B. at 9:30C. at 9:20
    13. The man ______.
    A. calls a taxi fr the wmanB. calls the dctr at hspitalC. drives the wman t the hspital
    14. Anna prefers the ______ skirt.
    A. redB. blueC. white
    15. The speakers are prbably ______.
    A. in the htelB. in the hspitalC. in the museum
    第四节 听短文,完成表格中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。(读三遍)
    第二部分 完形填空(共两节,满分10分)
    One day, sme sailrs set ut t sea in their sailing ship. One f 21 brught his pet mnkey alng n the lng jurney.
    When they were far ut at sea, a terrible strm verturned their ship. Everyne fell int the sea, and the mnkey was sure that he wuld drwn. 22 , a dlphin appeared and picked him up.
    They sn reached an 23 and the mnkey came dwn frm the dlphin’s back. The dlphin asked the mnkey, “D yu knw this place?”
    The mnkey replied, “Yes, I d. In fact, the king f the island is my best friend. D yu knw that I am actually a prince?”
    Knwing that n ne lived 24 the island, the dlphin said, “Well, well, s yu are a prince! Nw yu can be a king!” The mnkey asked, “Hw can I be a king?”
    25 the dlphin started swimming away, he answered, “That is easy. As yu are the nly creature n this island, yu will naturally be the king!”
    Frm this stry, we can learn that thse wh lie and bast (吹嘘) may end up in truble.
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
    Xia Yuyu was brn n April 22, 1998 in Bijie City, Guizhu Prvince. Nw she is studying in Tsinghua University. Zhu Mingquan, Xia Yuyu’s P. E. teacher f primary schl, was the persn t 26 that Xia Yuyu was talented in sprts. Then he invited her t jin in the Track and Field Training team (田径队). During the training, Xia Yuyu was never 27 n matter what the weather was like. At first, her parents and uncle didn’t want her t train s much, because they thught that wuld 28 the way f her schlwrk. But Xia Yuyu never gave up and managed t cmmunicate with her uncle and parents. Luckily, she passed every sprts test and was allwed t enter the affiliated (附属的) Middle Schl f Tsinghua University. In this August, Xia Yuyu wn the gld medal in the wmen’s 10,000 meters in the 31st FISU Wrld University Games 29 was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Prvince.
    “Stars dn’t ask passers-by, and time pays ff thse wh have a heart. Yur effrt will be realized.” Xia Yuyu tld the reprter. Difficulties are unavidable in the prcess f achieving ur dreams. 30 , we shuld learn valuable lessns frm the experiences s that we can imprve urselves.
    26. A. discverB. dubtC. agree
    27. A. upsetB. absentC. careless
    28. A. get utB. get inC. get away
    29. A. whmB. whC. which
    30. A. HweverB. ThughC. Als
    第三部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分40分)
    阅读下面两个语篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    In recent years, thanks t mdern technlgies, peple’s lives are becming mre and mre cnvenient. 5G, AI and VR are the best examples. Hwever, what are they? What can they d? D yu knw?
    31. Frm the material, what are the characters f 5G?
    A. Higher speeds and lwer csts.B. Lwer speeds and higher csts.C. Higher speeds and higher csts.
    32. What can’t AI be used t d?
    A. Answer questins.B. Cmplete requested tasks.C. Ck fr peple.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “artificial” mean in Chinese?
    A. 有艺术气息的B. 精彩的C. 虚拟的
    34. Accrding t the passage, ne thing in cmmn between AI and VR is that ______.
    A. they are used in educatin and medical areas
    B. they have human-like intelligence
    C. they can d everything fr peple
    35. In which part f a magazine can we prbably read the text?
    A. Nature.B. Science.C. Art.
    Starting frm primary schl and cntinuing thrugh high schl, reciting masterpieces (著作) f Tang Dynasty pets such as Li Bai and Du Fu has always been an integral part f Chinese children’s educatin.
    This year, the film Chang An, directed by Xie Junwei and Zu Jing, has started a trend f Tang petry. The film is set in the Tang Dynasty, an especially prsperus perid f Chinese histry frm 618 t 907, and tells stries f famus pets, including Li Bai, Du Fu and Ga Shi in China. Seeing a child sftly reciting the pems while writing the characters in the mvie can be a familiar experience fr Chinese audiences. Let’s enjy ne f these famus pems.
    Hard Is the Rad f the Wrld
    Pure wine in glden cup csts ten thusand cins, gd!
    Chice dish in a jade plate is wrth as much, nice fd!
    Pushing aside my cup and chpsticks, I can’t eat;
    Drawing my swrd and lking rund, I hear my heart beat.
    I can’t crss Yellw River: ice has stpped its flw;
    I can’t climb Munt Taihang: the sky is blind with snw.
    I pise a fishing ple with ease n the green stream.
    Or set sail fr the sun and like the sage in a dream.
    Hard is the way. Hard is the way.
    Dn’t g astray! Whither tday?
    A time will cme t ride the wind and cl eave the waves;
    I’ll set my clud-like sail t crss the sea which raves.
    The writer f this pem is highly hnred with the title “The Petic Genius (诗仙)”. This pem expresses the writer’s anger t the life; at the same time, it shws his psitive attitude t making the dream cme true, t.
    36. Accrding t the first paragraph, hw des the writer start the text?
    A. By listing numbers.B. By giving an example.C. By explaining the wrds.
    37. Which f the fllwing is TRUE after reading Paragraph 2?
    A. The film shws us the fantastic perid f the Tang Dynasty in Chinese histry.
    B. The film describes every famus pet in the Tang Dynasty.
    C. All the children like reciting Tang pems.
    38. What’s the meaning f the underlined sentences in Chinese?
    A. 大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。
    B. 长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。
    C. 山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。
    39. Wh is the writer f the pem Hard Is the Rad f the Wrld in the passage?
    A. B. C.
    40. The writer writes the passage mainly t ______.
    A. shw us hw wnderful the mvie is
    B. intrduce the pem Hard Is the Rad f the Wrld
    C. tell us Tang Dynasty pems play an imprtant rle in China
    N ne was brn t be gd at languages. Hwever, there are peple wh learn languages well. Here is sme f what gd language learners d. It may help yu learn mre easily.
    Dn’t be afraid t take risks.
    A Dutch friend f mine speaks English, Spanish, German, and f curse, Dutch. I asked her what she thught was the mst imprtant in learning a language. She answered immediately, “Curage.” 41 They knw that with every mistake, they get a small victry tward imprving their language.
    When learning smething new, d yu like talking abut it r thinking abut it? Or d yu get new infrmatin in pictures r wrds? These are just sme questins that help yu discver hw yu can learn best.
    Be actively invlved in (参与) learning.
    43 They knw practice is very imprtant and are willing t take risks and appear flish if necessary. They dn’t expect t learn English nly by sitting in the classrm but lk fr creative ways t try ut what they have learned.
    Learning a language means learning the culture where it is spken as well. Gd language learners learn the custms f the imprtant values f the culture. 45 They learn hw t act in sciety. Fr example, they learn that “Hw are yu?” is just a greeting in English, nt a real questin.
    Red, yellw, range... in autumn, green leaves turn int many different clrs. Hw des it happen?
    Inside a leaf, there are little clred “bags”. The green bags are chlrphyll (叶绿素). The yellw nes are xanthphyll (叶黄素). The range nes are cartene (胡萝卜素). In summer, chlrphyll is busy. It makes fd fr the trees. It gets sunshine t turn water and carbn dixide int sugar. There is mre chlrphyll than ther things in the leaves. S the leaves are green. In autumn, days are shrter and leaves get less sunshine. S leaves need less chlrphyll. The ther clrs, such as yellw and range, cme ut. In all, the leaves dn’t really “turn” yellw r red. They just lse their green.
    Hw d we see clrs?
    We see clrs because f light. Sunlight has seven clrs inside. Fr example, yu are wearing a red T-shirt. The light hits yur T-shirt. Then the T-shirt sends back the red light and takes in the ther clrs f light. The red light then ges int yur eyes. A black shirt is black because it takes in all the light. And a white shirt is white because it sends back all the light.
    Hw d plants and animals use clrs?
    Call fr friends: Bees visit flwers and take away pllen t make hney. And in this way, there will be mre new flwers. They use their clrs t call bees fr help.
    Talk t each ther: Sme animals have strng clrs. They lk dangerus t thers. Chamelens (变色龙) can change clrs t shw hw they feel.
    Hide away: Sme animals may lk like things arund them. Then they can g near their “fd” and ther animals can’t see them.
    46. After reading Paragraph 2, we knw there are ____________ little clred “bags” inside a leaf.
    47. In autumn, leaves are yellw r range because they ____________.
    48. It mainly talks abut that we can see clrs because f ____________ in Paragraph 4.
    49. Many plants and animals use clrs in different ways, such as calling fr friends, talking t each ther and ____________.
    50. D yu think clrs are useful fr animals and plants? Give an example. ____________
    第四部分 语言运用(共两节,满分15分)
    51. 沿着川藏318 线旅行是一次多么令人兴奋的经历啊!
    ______ ______ exciting experience it is t travel alng 318 Sichuan-Tibet line!
    52. 最著名的民间音乐之一《二泉映月》是由阿炳写成的。
    One f the mst famus flk music Erquan Yingyue ______ ______ by Abing.
    53. “熟能生巧”的意思是你练习得越多,你犯的错误就越少。
    “Practice makes perfect” means the ______ practice yu d, the ______ mistakes yu will make.
    54. 为了更好地推动“一带一路”的发展,每个成员国都应该为之作出努力。
    In rder t prmte the develpment f the Belt and Rad Initiative, every member cuntry is ______ ______ make an effrt t d that.
    55. 《红星照耀中国》非常受欢迎,我们班所有的学生都读完了。
    Red Star Over China is ______ ppular that everyne in ur class has finished ______ it.
    Hw much d yu knw abut tea and cffee?
    China is the hme f tea. It is said that tea was invented by a Chinese ruler named Shen Nng 56.______ (accidental) abut 5,000 years ag. Lu Yu, the saint f tea, wrte the 57.______ (ne) bk abut tea. Nwadays, many prvinces have their special 58.______ (type) f tea, like the West Lake Lngjing tea in Zhejiang Prvince and Pu’er tea in Yunnan Prvince. Since the end f last year, a new trend called “stve-biled tea (围炉煮茶)” has appeared amng yung peple in China. It’s 59.______ ppular way fr yung peple t relax. It als shws that “stve-biled tea” is changing yung peple’s 60.______ (understand) f drinking tea. Maybe mre and mre yung peple will fall in lve 61.______ tea culture in the future.
    Cffee 62.______ (be) arund fr ver 11 centuries. Accrding t a legend (传说), cffee was said t be discvered 63.______ an Ethipian (埃塞俄比亚人) Kaldi arund 800 A. D. When he nticed his gats had mre energy 64.______ eating the cherry-red that cntained the cffee bean. He tried the beans and sn felt 65.______ (he) energetic. Cffee drinking became ppular in Yemen in the 15th century. By the 19th century peple all arund the wrld were drinking cffee. And this year, China Mutai and Luckin Cffee have gt a hit with a new baijiu-flavred latte.
    第五部分 写作(满分15分)
    提示问题:1. What was yur prblem?
    2. What was yur stry f asking fr help?
    3. What have yu learned frm it?
    参考词汇:prblem, encurage, explain, imprve, cnfidence
    Asking fr help plays an imprtant rle in ur life. ___________________________________________________
    九年级英语 参考答案
    第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
    1—5 BABCC6—10 ABACB11—15 BACBC
    16. beginning17. 略18. Help19. 略20. Watch
    第二部分 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    21—25 DABFC26—30 ABBCA
    第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)
    31—35 ACCAB36—40 BABAC41—45 ECDAB
    46. 3/three47. lse their green48. Light49. hiding away50. 略
    第四部分 语言运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)略
    第五部分 写作(满分15分)略
    Sme Things Abut Eating with Westerners
    At the 16 f a meal
    The persn wh brings the fd usually says “Enjy yur meal”. Frks and 17 are used fr mst Western fd.
    During the meal
    ★Yu may be invited t serve yurself by smene wh says “ 18 yurself”. Yu can take it and say “Thank yu”.
    ★It is plite t say that yu enjy every dish.
    ★It is 19 if yu leave as sn as yu finish eating.
    The rule
    20 the ther peple. D as they d.
    A. SuddenlyB. islandC. AsD. themE. simplyF. n
    •Refers t the fifth generatin mbile f cmmunicatin netwrk.
    •Enables higher speeds and lwer csts.
    •Prvides the wrld’s clearest bradcast fr peple.
    Experts predict that 5G will be used fr almst half f the cuntry’s mbile cnnectins with 460 millin users by 2025.
    •Refers t technlgy that enables machine learning and smetimes even develps human-like intelligence in it.
    •Is used t answer questins, give infrmatin and cmplete requested tasks and s n.
    Mst cars have a GPS system that uses AI and it is als applied in educatin games and medical areas widely.
    •Is an artificial wrld made by a cmputer.
    •Can make games mre real.
    •Facing fears in VR can help peple vercme thse fears in real life.
    •Helps t make teachers’ teaching mre lively and easier fr students t understand. It als has been used t decrease pain and anxiety in medical field.
    A. Be gd cultural learners.
    B. Act as lcals d when in different cultures.
    C. Find a learning methd that suits them.
    D. Gd language learners create mre chances t use the language.
    E. Gd language learners face the fear f making mistakes.
    F. Help language learners learn much better in language learning.

    贵州省黔南州2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案): 这是一份贵州省黔南州2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    贵州省黔南州2023—2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份贵州省黔南州2023—2024学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题,共9页。

    贵州省贵阳市2023-2024学年九年级上学期11月期中英语试题: 这是一份贵州省贵阳市2023-2024学年九年级上学期11月期中英语试题,共8页。







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