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    (考试时间:100分钟 试卷满分:120分)
    1.—Jack, culd yu d me a favur?
    —Sure. ________
    A.I beg yur pardn.B.It all depends.
    C.What is it?D.Anything available?
    2.Majr depressin requires medical treatment, but physical activity, especially thse dne utdrs, can help ________ symptms.
    3.Dale tk his mther’s advice, tried desperately and after several attempts ________ made it.
    4.Students are encuraged t speak and imprve their English with the ________ f teachers wh will always use English with them and give them help.
    5.When he finally raised the mney fr the vilin, he returned t buy it but learned that it ________ t a cllectr.
    A.was sldB.have been sldC.had been sldD.will have been sld
    6.While we seep, the brain replays the patterns f activity it experienced during waking hurs, ________ us t enter a virtual reality.
    A.t allwB.allwingC.having allwedD.allwed
    7.Yu can learn enugh first aid knwledge in a few minutes—________ it’s frm reading a bk, attending a curse r watching vides nline.
    8.—Its s hard t find a jb with a degree in literature.
    —Yeah, ________.
    A.yu can’t be seriusB.I knw what yu mean
    C.it’s nt a requirementD.I didn’t get it
    9.When I started my PhD and realized that I wuld need financial help, I ________ t the student advice ffice and tld them that I was a carer.
    A.wuld gB.had gneC.was gingD.went
    10.A very ppular thing t d n Bxing Day is t g shpping and ________ the sales.
    A.keep pace withB.take advantage f
    C.lk frward tD.thrw a light n
    11.Next time, read the small print in the dcument befre yu sign it. Yu _______ make the same mistake again.
    A.mustn’tB.needn’tC.dn’t have tD.wuldn’t
    12.William Hastie nce suggested that histry infrms us f past mistakes ______ we can learn withut repeating them.
    A.f whmB.abut whichC.frm whichD.by whm
    13.At the schl charity party, each student dnated ________ amunt he r she culd affrd.
    14.Faced with a declining ppulatin and wrkfrce, Japan has been increasingly ________ rbts fr help.
    A.turning tB.putting awayC.taking upD.hlding back
    15.With ec-turism ________, ec-htels are fast becming the darling f the travel industry.
    A.under cntrlB.n the rise
    C.beynd descriptinD.in the decline
    After I wn my first race at five, life was abut winning races. Tw kids, Ray J and Gil, 16 that.
    One day in ur first NASCAR (Natinal Assciatin f Stck Car Aut Racing) seasn, my teammate, Ray had t leave fr hme because his sn Ray J suddenly develped cancer. He said smething abut 17 t miss wrk fr even a day. “Frget it,” I interrupted. “Yur 18 cmes first.” The fllwing mnths were 19 fr Ray J, chemtherapy (化疗) and lng stays in the hspital. He was s 20 that he culd barely play. Hwever, the 21 by had been fighting against illness. I always faced challenges by ging 22 and pushing myself harder. But hw culd a stck-car driver like me make a difference t the kid? Fr the first time in my life the 23 didn’t seem s imprtant.
    Gil was a six-year-ld by with a rare bne disease. His bnes were s easy t break that a hug might 24 ne f them. That day he was sitting in a wheelchair, as small as a three-year-ld child, and his legs were gnarled and atrphied (扭曲萎缩). Hwever, he had a big 25 . Fr fear f breaking his bnes int pieces, I didn’t 26 his hand. 27 , I held up my hand. He tuched it and then pulled his hand back. He smiled mre brightly. I went dwn n my 28 and we talked. He was a huge NASCAR 29 . He culdn’t g utside and 30 , but watching the races and learning everything abut the drivers distracted him frm his 31 “I lve it when yu win, Jeff.”
    Win. That wrd again. Had I ever thught much abut what it 32 ? Winning is what I’m always aiming fr. That’s my jb, and it’s hw I 33 my family. But winning is mre than just crssing the 34 line first. The tw kids are the true 35 .
    30.A.hld nB.run arundC.give upD.break thrugh
    The University f Waikat will prvide yu with the fundatinal knwledge and experience yu need t achieve yur career and life gals. With ur fcus n academic excellence and innvatin, yu will becme part f a grup knwn fr making a big difference in the wrld arund them. Jin ur warm and welcming cmmunity f students frm all ver New Zealand and the glbe.
    The University f Waikat have tw unique campuses. Each campus has quality in their facilities and services student will have access t during their studies. Hamiltn campus enjys the vibrant (有活力的) student atmsphere, ffering a range f cafes, n-campus accmmdatin, and cutting-edge learning facilities. Tauranga campus in the heart f the CBD adds t the current range f qualificatins and cmbines beautiful beaches, a relaxed lifestyle, and wrld-class university study.
    Accessibility Services
    Our Accessibility Services are n-site t help impaired (有缺陷的) students such as, but nt limited t: sensry impairment, physical impairment, specific learning disability, mental health and temprary impairment. They ffer a range f services t students such as nte-taking supprt, assistive technlgy, alternative exam arrangements, sign-language interpreters, mbility parking permits, specialist equipment and mre.
    Emplyability Plus Award
    Jin the Emplyability Plus Award! It is a great way t engage and cnnect with dzens f lcal nn-prfit rganizatins, adds value t yur CV (个人简历), and is a fun student cmmunity t belng t.
     Enhance yur student experience!
     Bst yur emplyability status!
     Engage with like-minded peple!
    Yu will get recgnitin fr cmmunity vlunteering, supprting university events and attending wrkshps whilst yu are studying. Yu will gain wrk-ready skills that will assist yu in standing ut t prspective emplyers.
    Student Centre
    The Student Centre is lcated at the heart f ur Hamiltn Campus and will be yur chice fr study and enrlment help, bks, cmputers and printing and grup study rms. It is a great place t study, with lts f PwerPints t plug in yur cmputer and help n ffer. The Student Centre team will als print and set up yur Student ID card when yu first arrive n campus. Within the Student Centre, yu will find a range f services t help yu thrughut yur time at university, frm enrlment t graduatin.
    36.What d we knw abut the campus f the University f Waikat?
    A.Tauranga campus can ffer free accmmdatin t the students.
    B.Students n Hamiltn campus have access t advanced facilities.
    C.The lcatin f Tauranga campus cntributes t its ppularity.
    D.Bth campuses cmbine beautiful beaches and vibrant atmsphere.
    37.A student with mental health prblem in the university can________.
    A.receive necessary treatment they need
    B.wn assistive technlgy n the campus
    C.be allwed flexibly rganized exams
    D.serve as a sign-language interpreter
    38.Yu can benefit a lt by jining the Emplyability Plus Award except________.
    A.imprving yur student experience
    B.learning new skills befre yu wrk
    C.bettering yur qualificatin fr emplyment
    D.impressing yur future emplyers
    39.What can students d at the Student Centre?
    A.They can find enrlment infrmatin there.
    B.They are allwed t print PwerPints nline.
    C.They can get their student ID card repaired.
    D.They may get tgether in grup study rms.
    40.Which f the fllwing is the passage prbably taken frm?
    A.An educatin magazine.
    B.A travel bk.
    C.A university newspaper.
    D.A student guide.
    I had nt hugged a friend r a family member fr mre than tw years until recently when my sister-in-law flew in fr a brief visit. Fr everyne’s safety, we met utside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me frm the inside ut. It’s strange, but nly nw d I truly realize hw much I’ve missed embracing lved nes-- the warmth that remains lng after ur arms have lsened.
    Grwing up thrugh war in my hmetwn f Sarajev, Bsnia, every mment was full f danger. On ne peaceful mrning. I had begged my mm t let me g utside after spending weeks wilting (蔫) indrs. She finally agreed. I was utside fr nly 10 minutes when I was caught in an explsin. I ran t my neighbr’s huse fr safety and threw my arms arund her neck just as my legs cllapsed underneath me. She hugged me with bth arms and dragged me int her huse. I was still in her arms when the ambulance arrived.
    Thankfully. I made a full physical recvery, but the emtinal scars never left me. Years later there was anther explsin near my huse. I was safely inside, but my father had left t buy a laf f bread. He had nly just missed the blast. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable. I was caked in tears as I held him tight.
    That same night my parents managed t arrange my escape frm ur war-trn city. They desperately wanted at least sme f my childhd t be nrmal. I was 16 and came t America n my wn. A generus hst family tk me in and I began learning English and ging t schl. They had a large dg called Oscar. Over the next several mnths, I secretly struggled with feeling hmesick and wrried abut my family back hme. Despite managing quite well at schl, I culdn’t express my feelings. The nly way I shared hw I felt was by giving Oscar a big hug.
    It is yet anther sad aspect f ur pandemic lives that hugging a stranger is the last thing n ur minds. Fr many f us, even hugging a relative r a friend cmes with stress and anxiety ver risks and precautins (防范). Perhaps we have undervalued the impact f a simple hug. As I lk back n my past, I cunt myself truly lucky t have been held, shielded and encuraged at sme f the mst key mments f my life by the almst super pwer f a hug. I pray that in the nt-s-distant future we can safely hld ne anther again - a friend, relative, r even a stranger.
    41.Why did the authr mentin her sister-in-law’s visit at the beginning?
    A.It reminded the authr f her past hugs.
    B.It encuraged the authr t hug strangers.
    C.It made the authr think f her large family.
    D.It made the authr frget the pandemic temprarily.
    42.What happened t the authr when she lived in her hmetwn f Sarajev, Bsnia?
    A.Her leg cllapsed in an explsin.
    B.Her mther lved her t much t send her t America.
    C.She was warmed by her neighbr’s hug.
    D.She recvered quickly frm the wunds f the war.
    43.Hw did the authr feel when she hugged her father?
    44.What prblem did the authr find after she came t America?
    A.She was treated badly by her hst family.
    B.She culdn’t catch up with her classmates at schl.
    C.She culdn’t adapt t the new envirnment.
    D.She missed and wrried abut her family members.
    45.What is the authr’s purpse in writing this article?
    A.T express hw she feels abut war.
    B.T share hw imprtant hugs are t her.
    C.T intrduce the ups and dwns in her life.
    D.T cmplain abut the impact f the pandemic.
    If yu’re a runner wh secretly hates running, here’s sme gd news: settling int a leisurely jg rather than an all-ut run may actually be better fr yur health in the lng term.
    A team frm Denmark fllwed ver 5, 000 peple taking part in the Cpenhagen City Heart Study, and tracked whether they were nn-jggers, r jggers wh kept a slw, mderate (中等的), r fast pace. The participants’ health was tracked ver the next 12 years, and s was their mrtality (死亡率): 28 f the jggers and 128 f the nn-jggers died.
    The cnnectin was this: Jggers f mild and mderate intensity had a lwer risk f death than the fast jggers. In fact, the lwest mrtality risk was that f the mild intensity jggers. The fast-paced jggers had abut the same mrtality rate as sedentary (久坐的) peple. This suggests that there may be an upper limit t hard exercise, after which the benefits fall ff.
    “The U-shaped assciatin between jgging and mrtality suggests there may be an upper limit fr exercise amunt that is best fr health benefits,” said study authr Peter Schnhr. “Anything mre is nt just unnecessary; it may be harmful.” Frm the current study, jgging just three times per week, fr less than 2.5 hurs per week was assciated with the lwest verall mrtality risk.
    There have been a lt f mixed messages abut the “right” amunt f exercise and what intensity is best. The Wrld Health Organizatin has suggested that the current 150 minutes per week recmmendatins are strenuus fr mst peple t tackle, and that expectatins shuld be lwered, since, after all, anything is better than nthing. Everyne prbably has a level f activity that feels best t him r her. But at least the grwing cnsensus seems t be that mre — if yu’re pushing yurself very hard— is nt necessarily better. And it may even be wrse.
    46.What was the study designed t find ut?
    A.The relatin between exercise amunt and health.
    B.The difference between nn-jggers and jggers.
    C.The advantages f jgging ver running.
    D.The cmmn causes f death frm exercise.
    47.Wh will face the highest mrtality risk accrding t the study?
    A.Thse jgging just three times per week.B.Thse jgging 150 minutes per week.
    C.Thse fast-paced jggers.D.Thse slw-paced jggers.
    48.What might Peter Schnhr agree with?
    A.The early bird catches the wrm.B.Wealth is nthing withut health.
    C.T g beynd is as wrng as t fall shrt.D.Enugh exercise brings abut happiness.
    49.What des the underlined wrd “strenuus” in the last paragraph mean?
    50.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A.Why Jgging May Be Better Fr Yur Health Than Running?
    B.Can Jgging Increase Yur Weight?
    C.Hw Des Jgging Affect Yur Health?
    D.Hw Often Shuld Beginners Run?
    Every year, thusands f teenagers participate in prgrams at their lcal art museums. But d any f them remember their time at museum events later in life? A new reprt suggests that the answer is yes — and finds that arts-based museum prgrams are credited with changing the curse f alumni’s (毕业生的) lives, even years after the fact.
    The Whitney Museum f American Art, the Walker Art Center and the Museum f Cntemprary Art, Ls Angeles recently asked researchers t cnduct a study t find ut hw effective their lng-standing teen art prgrams really are. They invlved ver 300 frmer participants f fur prgrams fr teens that have been in existence since the 1990s. Alumni, whse current ages range frm 18 t 36, were invited t find ut hw they viewed their participatin years after the fact.
    Amng the alumni surveyed, 75 percent f them thught the teen art prgram experience had the mst favrable impact n their wn lives, beating the family, schl and their neighbrhds. Nearly 55 percent thught that it was ne f the mst imprtant experiences they had ever had, regardless f age. And tw-thirds said that they were ften in situatins where their experience in museums affected their actins r thughts.
    It turns ut that participating in art prgrams als helps keep teens keen abut culture even after they reach adulthd: Ninety-six percent f participants had visited an art museum within the last tw years, and 68 percent had visited an art museum five r mre times within the last tw years. Thirty-tw percent f alumni wrk in the arts as adults.
    Thugh the study is the first f its kind t explre the impact f teen-specific art prgrams in museums, it reflects ther research n the imprtant benefits f engaging with the arts. A decade f surveys by the Natinal Endwment fr the Arts fund that the childhd experience with the arts is significantly assciated with peple’s incme and educatinal achievements as adults. Other studies have linked arts educatin t everything frm lwer drput rates t imprvement in critical thinking skills.
    51.What is the main functin f paragraph 1?
    A.T make a cmparisn.B.T prpse a definitin.
    C.T prvide the backgrund.D.T present the subject.
    52.Why were the researchers asked t cnduct the study?
    A.T change the curse f alumni’s lives.
    B.T intrduce the art museums.
    C.T explre the impact f teen art prgrams.
    D.T invite peple t participate in the art prgrams.
    53.What d the figures in Paragraph 3 shw?
    A.Students are mre influenced by the family and schl.
    B.Teen art prgrams in museums are highly beneficial.
    C.Many teens fail t realize the great value f art prgrams.
    D.Mst experiences in museums are bring fr tday’s teens.
    54.What des Paragraph 4 tell us abut art prgrams?
    A.They are intended t attract mre adults.
    B.They are designed t supprt art museums.
    C.They create adults wh are culturally aware.
    D.They prvide many jb pprtunities fr adults.
    55.What d the studies mentined in the last paragraph have in cmmn?
    A.All prve the gd effects f art educatin.
    B.All suggest the need t imprve museum prgrams.
    C.All shw the grwing ppularity f art prgrams.
    D.All fcus n the link between art and educatin.
    While I tried hard t fight against my terrible cancer, my husband passed away due t a heart attack. I was s sad. My mther came t stay with me. I wndered what I'd d with my 86-year-ld mther.
    A week after she arrived, I asked, “Mm, why dn't yu crchet (用钩针编织) anymre?" She said she didn't knw what she culd make. I advised, "Hw abut flwers? We can share them with thers." Mm ndded. While she wrked, I ffered assistance. Befre lng, Mm crcheted many flwers and we sent them t friends and cancer patients. In the next few weeks, several thank-yu ntes arrived in ur maillbx.
    Later, Mm wanted t crchet the butterfly. She created ne and sent it t my friend Yvnne. She lved it and attached it t her hairclip. One day, she called, "Sme vlunteers were sent t Haiti t help with the disaster there. Culd yu send me anther butterfly? I wanted sme vlunteers t bring the butterfly t a girl in Haiti t ffer her warmth and hpe." Then we sent anther ne t Yvnne and she again attached it t a hairclip. The hairclip was later brught t a girl in Haiti. The girl, called Mary, had felt sad and hpeless after suffering frm the disaster. But when she received and wre the butterfly hairclip, her face brightened. And her bright eyes shwed mre hpe fr the future.
    I was excited t knw that Mm's creativity was encuraging peple like this girl. But sme peple wh didn't knw us well thught it was a waste f time crcheting these things. Surely, I culdn't see eye t eye with these peple n my mm's effrts f crcheting. Her prject was meaningful. It made my mther have a purpse in life. And helping her carry ut her prject, I felt I led a richer and mre hpeful life myself.
    56.What made the writer feel sad at first? (N mre than 10 wrds)

    57.Why did the writer and her mm receive sme thank-yu ntes? (N mre than 10 wrds)

    58.Hw did Mary feel when wearing the butterfly hairclip? (N mre than 5 wrds)

    59.What des the underlined part in the last paragraph prbably mean? (N mre than 5wrds)

    60.What d yu think f the authr and her mther? Please explain it in yur wn wrds. (N mre than 20 wrds)

    参考词汇:智能机器人 intelligent rbt
    Here I wuld like t intrduce a new type f intelligent husehld rbt t yu.
    By Li Jin
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——Jack,你能帮我个忙吗?——当然可以。什么事?A. I beg yur pardn.我恳求你的原谅;B. It all depends.看情况;C. What is it?什么事;D. Anything available?有可用的吗。根据“Sure”可知,答应帮忙后应是询问什么事,故选C。
    【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:重度抑郁症需要药物治疗,但体育活动,尤其是户外活动,可以帮助缓解症状。A. ease缓解;B. limit限制;C. strike罢工;D. prcess处理。根据上文“but physical activity, especially thse dne utdrs, can help”指户外活动可以缓解抑郁症的症状。故选A。
    【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:戴尔听从了母亲的建议,拼命地试了几次,终于成功了。A. finally最后;B. hpefully满怀希望地;C. nrmally正常地;D. reasnably合情合理地。分析句子结构可知,此处为副词作状语,结合句意可知,此处表示“最终”符合句意。故选A项。
    【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们鼓励学生在老师在场的时候说英语,提高英语水平,老师会经常和他们一起使用英语并给予他们帮助。A. absence缺席;B. strength体力;C. defence防御;D. presence在场,出席。根据句意,表示“在场”用介词短语with the presence f (sb.),意为“(有某人)在场”。故选D项。
    【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:当他最终筹集到买小提琴的钱时,他回去买了它,但是得知它已经被卖给了一个收藏家。分析句子可知,句中“that it ________ t a cllectr”为宾语从句,作动词learn的宾语,it指代前文提到的vilin,从句it与动词sell为动宾关系,且动作发生在learn之前,所以空处用过去完成时的被动语态,选项C符合题意,故选C。
    【详解】考查情景交际。句意:——要找到一个文学学位的工作真是太难了。——是啊,我明白你的意思。A. yu can’t be serius你不是认真的吧; B. I knw what yu mean我明白你的意思; C. it’s nt a requirement 这不是要求;D. I didn’t get it我不明白。根据句中语境及空前的回答可知,这里表示回答者对上文说话者的意思的肯定,选项B符合题意,故选B。
    【详解】考查时态。句意:当我开始攻读博士学位,意识到自己需要经济帮助时,我去了学生咨询办公室,告诉他们我是一名护工。分析句子可知,空处为主句的谓语,结合句中“and tld them”可知,空处动词的时态和and后的tld并列,所以空处用一般过去时。选项D符合题意,故选D。
    【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:节礼日最流行的一件事就是去购物,好好利用这次促销活动。A. keep pace with跟上……的步子; B. take advantage f利用; C. lk frward t期盼;盼望; D. thrw a light n阐明。结合句中前后内容可知,这里指充分利用促销活动,选项B符合题意,故选B。
    【详解】考查情态动词。句意:下次,在你签署文件之前,先看看上面的小字。你不允许再犯同样的错误了。A. mustn't禁止;B.needn't没必要;C.dn't have t不必;D.wuldn't不愿意。根据句意可知,此处表示禁止在犯同样的错误,故选A。
    【详解】考查介词+关系代词引导的定语从句。句意:威廉·海斯蒂曾提出,历史告诉我们过去的错误,我们可以从中吸取教训,而不必重蹈覆辙。分析句子可知,空处及之后的句子为定语从句,先行词为mistakes,句子表示“我们可以从错误中吸取教训,而不是重蹈覆辙”,所以空处用“frm which”,故选C。
    【详解】考查连接代词/副词。句意:在学校的慈善晚会上,每个学生都捐出了他或她所能负担得起的任何金额。A. whichever无论哪个;B. hwever无论如何;C. wherever无论哪里;D. whatever无论什么。根据句意“所能负担得起的任何金额”可知空处用whatever表示“所……的任何事物”,故选D项。
    【详解】考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:面对人口和劳动力的下降,日本越来越多地求助于机器人。A. turning t求助于; B. putting away整理,收拾; C. taking up从事;占据; D. hlding back阻止。根据句中“Faced with a declining ppulatin and wrkfrce”可知,人口和劳动力的下降,因此此处指日本转向机器人求助。故选A。
    【详解】考查短语词义辨析。句意:随着生态旅游的兴起,生态酒店正迅速成为旅游行业的宠儿。A. under cntrl处于控制中; B. n the rise在增加; C. beynd descriptin无法用言语表达; D. in the decline在下降。根据句中“ec-htels are fast becming the darling f the travel industry”可知,此处指生态旅游变得流行起来,选项B符合题意,故选B。
    16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.D 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.C
    16.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在我五岁赢得第一场比赛后,我的生活就是赢得比赛。两个孩子,Ray J和Gil,改变了这一点。A. recgnized认出;B. achieved获得;C. resigned辞职;D. changed改变。根据前文“life was abut winning races”和尾段“The tw kids are the true 20 ”可知,作者认为,两个孩子改变了他的这种观点。故选D项。
    17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他说他不想耽误一天的工作。A. hating不愿;B. expecting期待;C. failing失败;D. refusing拒绝。根据后文““Frget it,” I interrupted. “Yur 3 cmes first.” ”可知,我让Ray回家,说明Ray不想耽误工作。故选A项。
    18.考查名词词义辨析。句意:你的家庭是第一位的。A. fee费用;B. chice选择;C. family家庭;D. attitude态度。根据前文“Ray had t leave fr hme because his sn Ray J suddenly develped cancer.”可知,作者认为Ray应该回家照顾患了癌症家人,即家庭最重要。故选C项。
    19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:接下来的几个月对Ray J来说很困难,化疗和长时间住院。A. necessary必要的;B. difficult困难的;C. absurd荒谬的;D. unfrgettable难忘的。根据后文“chemtherapy (化疗) and lng stays in the hspital”可知,Ray J过得很困难。故选B项。
    20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他太虚弱了,几乎不能玩。A. hpeless无望的;B. desperate绝望的;C. careful仔细的;D. weak虚弱的。根据后文“that he culd barely play.”可知,Ray J虚弱的都不能玩。故选D项。
    21.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,这个意志坚强的男孩一直在与疾病作斗争。A. easy-ging随和的;B. strng-willed意志坚强的;C. hard-wrking努力工作的;D. absent-minded心不在焉的。根据后文“ had been fighting against illness”可知,Ray J是一个意志坚强的孩子。故选B项。
    22.考查副词词义辨析。句意:面对挑战,我总是开得更快,更努力。A. safer更安全;B. faster更快;C. wider更宽;D. harder更努力。根据后文“and pushing myself harder”和“ a stck-car driver like me ”可知,作为一个赛车司机,作者遇到挑战时会更努力、把车开的更快。故选B项。
    23.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是我人生中第一次觉得比赛不那么重要了。 A. prblem问题;B. pssessin职业;C. race比赛;D. adventure冒险。根据前文“After I wn my first race at five, life was abut winning races. ”和“But hw culd a stck-car driver like me make a difference t the kid?”可知,面对生病无助的孩子,作者认为比赛没那么重要。故选C项。
    24.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的骨头很容易折断,一个拥抱可能会伤到其中一根。A. damage伤害;B. cure治愈;C. change改变;D. influence影响。根据前文“ His bnes were s easy t break ”可知,甚至一个拥抱都有可能伤害到他的骨头。故选A项。
    25.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,他笑得很开心。A. sund声音;B. gal目标;C. face脸;D. smile笑容。根据前文“That day he was sitting in a wheelchair, as small as a three-year-ld child, and his legs were gnarled and atrphied (扭曲萎缩).”和“Hwever, he had a big”可知,即使Gil身体遭受极大痛苦,但是他很乐观,面带笑容。故选D项。
    26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怕把他的骨头弄碎,所以没有和他握手。A. examine检查;B. utstretch伸展;C. mve移动;D. shake握手。根据前文“Fr fear f breaking his bnes int pieces”可知,作者哲因为害怕伤害到Gil的骨头,没有握他的手。故选D项。
    27.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相反,我举起了手。A. Instead相反;B. Generally一般;C. Obviusly明显地;D. Furthermre而且。后文“ I held up my hand.”与前文“I didn’t 11 his hand.”是转折关系。故选A项。
    28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我屈膝,然后我们聊了起来。A. legs腿;B. feet脚;C. knees膝盖;D. ankles脚踝。根据上文“That day he was sitting in a wheelchair, as small as a three-year-ld child,”可知,作者屈膝和他说话。g dwn n ne’s knees是固定短语,意为“跪下,屈膝”。故选C项。
    29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他是纳斯卡的超级粉丝。A. fan粉丝;B. expert专家;C. cmpetitr比赛者; D. develper研发者。根据后文“watching the races and learning everything abut the drivers”可知,Gil是NASCAR(全国运动汽车竞赛协会)的粉丝。故选A项。
    30.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他不能出去到处跑,但看比赛,了解车手的一切,让他从痛苦中解脱出来。A. hld n抓住;B. run arund到处跑;C. give up放弃;D. break thrugh突破。根据前文“culdn’t g utside and”可知,Gil不能随意到处乱跑着玩。故选B项。
    31.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他不能出去到处跑,但看比赛,了解车手的一切,让他从痛苦中解脱出来。A. debt债;B. task任务;C. ptimism乐观;D. pain痛苦。根据前文“but watching the races and learning everything abut the drivers distracted him frm his 16 ”可知,虽然不能出去玩,但是看比赛和了解赛车手可以让他身体的痛苦中解脱出来。故选D项。
    32.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我曾经想过这意味着什么吗?A. meant意味着;B. brught带来;C. split分裂;D. needed需要。根据后文“Winning is what I’m always aiming fr. That’s my jb,”可知,作者很少反思过赢意味着什么。故选A项。
    33.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是我的工作,也是我养家糊口的方式。A. lve爱;B. manage管理;C. supprt支持,供养;D. encurage鼓励。根据前文“That’s my jb”可知,赛车是作者养家糊口的方式。supprt ne’s family意为“养家糊口”。故选C项。
    34.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但胜利不仅仅是第一个冲过终点线。这两个孩子才是真正的赢家。A. straight直线;B. finish终点;C. start开始;D. red红色。根据前文“winning”可知,赢意味着冲过 “终点线”finish line。故选B项。
    35.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但胜利不仅仅是第一个冲过终点线。这两个孩子才是真正的赢家。A. lsers失败者;B. cperatrs合作者;C. winners赢家;D. dctrs医生。根据前文“But winning is mre than just crssing the 19 line first.”以及上文中两个男孩的故事,作者认为,赢不只是冲过比赛中的终点线,赢应该从整个生命和生活意义的层面上来定义,而两个孩子的积极态度才是赢得了与困难作斗争的这场人生的比赛。故选C项。
    36.B 37.C 38.D 39.A 40.D
    36.细节理解题。根据Campus部分“Each campus has quality in their facilities and services student will have access t during their studies. Hamiltn campus enjys the vibrant (有活力的) student atmsphere, ffering a range f cafes, n-campus accmmdatin, and cutting-edge learning facilities. (每个校区都有优质的设施和服务,学生在学习期间可以使用这些设施和服务。汉密尔顿校园享受着充满活力的学生氛围,提供了一系列的咖啡馆,校园住宿,和尖端的学习设施。)”可知,汉密尔顿校区的学生可以使用尖端的学习设施。故选B。
    37.细节理解题。根据Accessibility Services部分“Our Accessibility Services are n-site t help impaired (有缺陷的) students such as, but nt limited t: sensry impairment, physical impairment, specific learning disability, mental health and temprary impairment. They ffer a range f services t students such as nte-taking supprt, assistive technlgy, alternative exam arrangements, sign-language interpreters, mbility parking permits, specialist equipment and mre. (我们的无障碍服务在现场为残障学生提供帮助,包括但不限于:感官障碍、身体障碍、特定学习障碍、心理健康和暂时性障碍。他们为学生提供一系列服务,如笔记支持、辅助技术、替代考试安排、手语翻译、移动停车许可证、专业设备等。)”可知,有心理健康障碍的学生可以被允许灵活安排考试时间。故选C。
    38.细节理解题。根据Emplyability Plus Award部分“Enhance yur student experience! Bst yur emplyability status! Engage with like-minded peple! (增强您的学生体验!提升您的就业能力!与志同道合的人交往!)”可知,在这里,学生们可以改善学生体验,在工作前学习新技能,提高就业资格,但是不会给未来的雇主留下深刻印象。故选D。
    39.细节理解题。根据Student Centre部分“Within the Student Centre, yu will find a range f services t help yu thrughut yur time at university, frm enrlment t graduatin. (在学生中心,从入学到毕业,您可以找到一系列服务来帮助您度过大学时光。)”可知,在学生中心,学生们可以获得入学信息。故选A。
    40.推理判断题。根据第一段“The University f Waikat will prvide yu with the fundatinal knwledge and experience yu need t achieve yur career and life gals. With ur fcus n academic excellence and innvatin, yu will becme part f a grup knwn fr making a big difference in the wrld arund them. Jin ur warm and welcming cmmunity f students frm all ver New Zealand and the glbe. (怀卡托大学将为您提供实现职业和生活目标所需的基础知识和经验。随着我们对学术卓越和创新的关注,您将成为一个以在他们周围的世界中做出巨大改变而闻名的团队的一员。加入我们来自新西兰和全球各地热情欢迎的学生社区。)”可知,这篇文章是写给学生的文章,介绍怀卡托大学,所以它应该是选自于学生指南。故选D。
    41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.B
    41.推理判断题。根据第一段“I had nt hugged a friend r a family member fr mre than tw years until recently when my sister-in-law flew in fr a brief visit. Fr everyne’s safety, we met utside. Despite the wintry weather, her hug warmed me frm the inside ut. It’s strange, but nly nw d I truly realize hw much I’ve missed embracing lved nes-- the warmth that remains lng after ur arms have lsened.(我已经有两年多没有拥抱过一个朋友或家人了,直到最近,我的嫂子飞过来做了一次短暂的拜访。为了大家的安全,我们在外面见过。尽管天气寒冷,她的拥抱还是让我由内而外感到温暖。这很奇怪,但直到现在我才真正意识到我有多么怀念拥抱所爱的人——在我们的手臂松开很久之后仍然保持的温暖。)”和下文讲到作者小时候拥抱别人的事可推知,作者一开始就提到嫂子的来访,这是因为这让作者想起了她以前的拥抱。故选A。
    42.细节理解题。根据第二段中“Grwing up thrugh war in my hmetwn f Sarajev, Bsnia, every mment was full f ran t my neighbr’s huse fr safety and threw my arms arund her neck just as my legs cllapsed underneath me. She hugged me with bth arms and dragged me int her huse. I was still in her arms when the ambulance arrived.(在我的家乡波斯尼亚的Sarajev,战争中长大,每时每刻都充满了危险……我跑到邻居家寻求安全,双臂环绕在她的脖子上,而我的双腿却倒在了地上。她用双臂拥抱了我,把我拖进了她家。救护车来的时候我还在她怀里。)”可知,当作者住在家乡波斯尼亚的Sarajev时,她被邻居的拥抱温暖了。故选C。
    43.推理判断题。根据第三段中“He had nly just missed the blast. When he came back inside, I gave him the biggest hug imaginable. I was caked in tears as I held him tight.(他刚好错过了爆炸。当他回来的时候,我给了他一个你能想象到的最大的拥抱。我紧紧地抱着他,泪流满面。)”可知,作者的爸爸错过了爆炸,安全回到家,由此可推知,作者拥抱爸爸的时候感到如释重负,故选B。
    44.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“I was 16 and came t America n my the next several mnths, I secretly struggled with feeling hmesick and wrried abut my family back hme. ( 那年我16岁,独自一人来到美国……在接下来的几个月里,我暗暗地为思乡和担心家人而苦苦挣扎。)”可知,在作者到达美国后,她很想念并担心她的家人。故选D。
    45.推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段中“Perhaps we have undervalued the impact f a simple hug. As I lk back n my past, I cunt myself truly lucky t have been held, shielded and encuraged at sme f the mst key mments f my life by the almst super pwer f a hug. I pray that in the nt-s-distant future we can safely hld ne anther again - a friend, relative, r even a stranger.(也许我们低估了一个简单拥抱的影响。当我回顾过去的时候,我觉得自己真的很幸运,在我生命中最关键的时刻被拥抱的力量所拥抱、保护和鼓励。我祈祷在不久的将来,我们能够再次安全地拥抱彼此——一个朋友,一个亲戚,甚至一个陌生人。)”可知,作者嫂子来拜访作者,见面时拥抱了作者,这让作者想起来过去对别人拥抱的重要经历,并告诉我们一个简单的拥抱会产生重要的影响。由此可推知,作者的写作目的是分享拥抱对她有多重要。故选B。
    46.A 47.C 48.C 49.A 50.A
    46.推理判断题。根据第二段“A team frm Denmark fllwed ver 5, 000 peple taking part in the Cpenhagen City Heart Study, and tracked whether they were nn-jggers, r jggers wh kept a slw, mderate (中等的), r fast pace. (来自丹麦的一个研究小组跟踪了5000多名参加哥本哈根城市心脏研究的人,并跟踪了他们是不慢跑的人,还是保持慢速、中速或快速的慢跑者。)”,第三段中“The cnnectin was this: Jggers f mild and mderate intensity had a lwer risk f death than the fast jggers. (这种联系是这样的:轻度和中度强度的慢跑者比快速慢跑者的死亡风险更低。)”可知,这项研究的研究对象是慢跑者和不慢跑者,旨在发现运动量与健康的关系,故选A项。
    47.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Jggers f mild and mderate intensity had a lwer risk f death than the fast jggers. (轻度和中度强度慢跑者的死亡风险低于快速慢跑者。)”可知,面临最高的死亡风险的是快节奏的慢跑者,故选C项。
    48.推理判断题。根据第四段中“‘The U-shaped assciatin between jgging and mrtality suggests there may be an upper limit fr exercise amunt that is best fr health benefits,’ said study authr Peter Schnhr. ‘Anything mre is nt just unnecessary; it may be harmful.’ Frm the current study, jgging just three times per week, fr less than 2.5 hurs per week was assciated with the lwest verall mrtality risk. (研究作者彼得·施诺尔说:‘慢跑和死亡率之间的u型关系表明,对健康有益的锻炼量可能有一个上限。更多的东西不仅是不必要的;这可能是有害的。’从目前的研究来看,每周慢跑三次,每周不到2.5小时,与最低的整体死亡风险相关。)”可知,根据慢跑和死亡率之间的u型关系,Peter Schnhr认为超量的运动和运动不足都不对,故选C项。
    49.词句猜测题。根据最后一段中“The Wrld Health Organizatin has suggested that the current 150 minutes per week recmmendatins are strenuus fr mst peple t tackle, and that expectatins shuld be lwered, since, after all, anything is better than nthing. (世界卫生组织表示,目前建议的每周150分钟的锻炼时间对大多数人来说,应付起来是strenuus,应该降低期望值,因为毕竟有总比没有好。)”,根据后句中的“应该降低期望值”可知,每周150分钟的锻炼时间对于大多数人来说不好实现,有点“紧张的;费力的”。A. Intense强烈的;B. Wide-ranging广泛的;C. Necessary必要的;C. Far-reaching影响深远的。划线词strenuus与Intense意思相近,故选A项。
    50.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“If yu’re a runner wh secretly hates running, here’s sme gd news: settling int a leisurely jg rather than an all-ut run may actually be better fr yur health in the lng term. (如果你是一个讨厌跑步的跑步者,这里有一些好消息:从长远来看,慢慢地慢跑比全力跑可能对你的健康更好。)”,文章介绍了一个关于慢跑者和不慢跑者,以及慢跑时的运动量大小不同的试验,研究表明,适量的慢跑才是对身体最好的。故A项“Why Jgging May Be Better Fr Yur Health Than Running? (为什么慢跑比跑步更有益于健康?)”适合作文章的标题。故选A项。
    51.D 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.A
    51.推理判断题。根据第一段“Every year, thusands f teenagers participate in prgrams at their lcal art museums. (每年都有成千上万的青少年参加当地艺术博物馆的项目。)”以及“A new reprt suggests that the answer is yes—and finds that arts-based museum prgrams are credited with changing the curse f alumni’s (毕业生的) lives, even years after the fact. (一份新的报告表明答案是肯定的,并发现以艺术为基础的博物馆项目被认为改变了校友的生活进程,甚至在参观事实发生多年之后。)”可知,本段的主要作用是陈述主题:青少年艺术博物馆项目的良好效果。故选D项。
    52.细节理解题。根据第二段中“The Whitney Museum f American Art, the Walker Art Center and the Museum f Cntemprary Art, Ls Angeles recently asked researchers t cnduct a study t find ut hw effective their lng-standing teen art prgrams really are. (惠特尼美国艺术博物馆、沃克艺术中心和洛杉矶当代艺术博物馆最近请研究人员进行了一项研究,以了解他们长期以来的青少年艺术项目到底有多有效。)”可知,为探究青少年艺术项目的影响,研究人员进行了这项研究。故选C项。
    53.推理判断题。根据第三段“Amng the alumni surveyed, 75 percent f them thught the teen art prgram experience had the mst favrable impact n their wn lives, beating the family, schl and their neighbrhds. Nearly 55 percent thught that it was ne f the mst imprtant experiences they had ever had, regardless f age. And tw-thirds said that they were ften in situatins where their experience in museums affected their actins r thughts. (在接受调查的校友中,75%的人认为青少年艺术项目的经历对他们自己的生活产生了最有利的影响,超过了家庭、学校和社区。近55%的人认为这是他们一生中最重要的经历之一,无论年龄大小。三分之二的人说,他们在博物馆的经历经常影响他们的行为或思想。)”可知,其中的数字说明了博物馆的青少年艺术项目非常有益。故选B项。
    54.推理判断题。根据第四段“It turns ut that participating in art prgrams als helps keep teens keen abut culture even after they reach adulthd: Ninety-six percent f participants had visited an art museum within the last tw years, and 68 percent had visited an art museum five r mre times within the last tw years. Thirty-tw percent f alumni wrk in the arts as adults.(事实证明,参加艺术项目也有助于青少年在成年后对文化保持热情:96%的参与者在过去两年内参观过艺术博物馆,68%的人在过去两年内参观过艺术博物馆五次或以上。32%的校友成年后从事艺术工作。)”可知,本段告诉我们,通过艺术课程,他们培养了有文化意识的成年人。故选C项。
    55.细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Thugh the study is the first f its kind t explre the impact f teen-specific art prgrams in museums, it reflects ther research n the imprtant benefits f engaging with the arts. A decade f surveys by the Natinal Endwment fr the Arts fund that the childhd experience with the arts is significantly assciated with peple’s incme and educatinal achievements as adults. Other studies have linked arts educatin t everything frm lwer drput rates t imprvement in critical thinking skills. (尽管这项研究是第一次探索博物馆中针对青少年的艺术项目的影响,但它反映了其他关于参与艺术的重要好处的研究。美国国家艺术基金会十年的调查发现,儿童时期的艺术经历与人们成年后的收入和教育成就密切相关。其他研究将艺术教育与从降低辍学率到提高批判性思维能力等方方面面联系起来)”可知,本段提到的研究都证明了艺术教育的良好效果。故选A项。
    56.Her husband passed away due t a heart attack. 57.Because they sent crcheted flwers t friends and cancer patients. 58.Happy and hpeful. 59.I culdn't agree with them. 60.They were kind and lving. Because they crcheted sme things and gave sme peple t encurage them.
    56.考查细节理解。根据第一段的“While I tried hard t fight against my terrible cancer, my husband passed away due t a heart attack. I was s sad.(当我努力对抗我可怕的癌症时,我的丈夫因为心脏病发作而去世了。我非常伤心)”可知,起初作者感到伤心是因为她的丈夫因为心脏病去世了。故答案是Her husband passed away due t a heart attack.
    57.考查细节理解。根据第二段的“Mm crcheted many flwers and we sent them t friends and cancer patients. In the next few weeks, several thank-yu ntes arrived in ur maillbx.(妈妈编织了许多花,我们把它们送给了朋友和癌症患者。在接下来的几周里,我们的邮箱里收到了几封感谢信)”可知,作者和妈妈收到一些感谢信是因为他们送花给朋友和癌症患者。故答案是Because they sent crcheted flwers t friends and cancer patients.
    58.考查推理判断。根据第三段的“But when she received and wre the butterfly hairclip , her face brightened. And her bright eyes shwed mre hpe fr the future.(但当她收到并戴上蝴蝶发夹时,她的脸就亮了起来。她那明亮的眼睛表现出对未来更多的希望)”可推断,戴上蝴蝶发夹,玛丽感到高兴,对未来充满希望。故答案是Happy and hpeful.
    59.考查词句猜测。根据上文“I was excited t knw that Mm's creativity was encuraging peple like this girl. But sme peple wh didn't knw us well thught it was a waste f time crcheting these things.(我很高兴的知道妈妈的创造力鼓励了像这个女孩这样的人。但有些不太了解我们的人认为,用钩针处理这些东西是浪费时间)”可知,作者认为母亲做的事情令人高兴,一些人却认为这是浪费时间,因此推断关于母亲在编织上付出的努力,作者与这些人观点不一致,因此推断划线句句意是:我与这些人观点不一致。故答案是I culdn't agree with them.
    60.考查推理判断。通读全文可知,作者和母亲编织了一些东西,送给许多人,给他们鼓励,让一些人重新获得生活的信心,因此推断作者和母亲是善良的,充满爱心的,故答案为They were kind and lving. Because they crcheted sme things and gave sme peple t encurage them.
    61.Here I wuld like t intrduce a new type f intelligent husehld rbt t yu.
    In recent years, an intelligent rbt, pwered by slar energy which is envirnmentally-friendly, has been designed t prvide everyday assistance in ur life by scientists in ur cuntry.
    S many pwerful functins des this intelligent rbt have that it can help us in varius ways. Firstly, it can d all the husewrk, such as cking, washing and cleaning windws. As a result, peple can be freed frm heavy labur. What’s mre, if used apprpriately, the rbt is capable f taking gd care f the elderly and the sick, lightening the burden f their family members’ care fr them. Of curse, yu’ll als take advantage f this rbt by nt nly cmmunicating with it but surfing the Internet thrugh it t cllect amunts f infrmatin. Nt t mentin it can even entertain yu if it accepts vice cmmands, playing sngs, t mentin just ne example.
    There’s n dubt that the creatin f this intelligent rbt shws the rapid develpment f science and technlgy f ur cuntry. I’m firmly cnvinced it will be a big helper in a family, which can make life mre cnvenient, and I’m lking frward t the life with this rbt.
    By Li Jin
    方法:way →apprach
    此外:What’s mre →Mrever
    利用:take advantage f →make use f
    期望:lk frward t →expect
    原句:Firstly, it can d all the husewrk, such as cking, washing and cleaning windws. As a result, peple can be freed frm heavy labur.
    拓展句:Firstly, it can d all the husewrk, such as cking, washing and cleaning windws, as a result f which peple can be freed frm heavy labur.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] In recent years, an intelligent rbt, pwered by slar energy which is envirnmentally-friendly, has been designed t prvide everyday assistance in ur life by scientists in ur cuntry. (运用了which引导的定语从句)
    [高分句型2] There’s n dubt that the creatin f this intelligent rbt shws the rapid develpment f science and technlgy f ur cuntry. (运用了that引导的同位语从句)

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