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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At the flwer shw.B. At the flwer market.C. In the garden.
    2. What is the man ging t d?
    A. Buy an umbrella.B. Have sme fd.C. Take a shwer.
    3. Wh is prbably Mr. White?
    A. A tur guide.B. A bus driver.C. A restaurant wner.
    4. What des the wman think f the ballet?
    A. Satisfactry.B. Just s-s.C. Disappinting.
    5. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Raising mney.B. Lking fr a jb.C. Rebuilding a huse.
    6. Hw lng has the man been unemplyed?
    A. Tw mnths.B. Half a year.C. Tw years.
    7. Why des the man apply fr the jb?
    A. He thinks it’s very prmising.
    B. He desires t tur arund the wrld.
    C. He wants t imprve his cmmunicatin skills.
    8. What is the mst prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Cusins.B. Classmates.C. Friends.
    9. What is the by likely t d next?
    A. Enjy sme fd.
    B. Talk t the girl’s mther.
    C. Share his summer camp experience.
    10. What present is symblic f culture accrding t the wman?
    A. Wden carvings.B. Organic skincare sets.C. Custm-made jewelry.
    11. Which present chice has direct relevance t the envirnment?
    A. The secnd ne.B. The third ne.C. The last ne.
    12. Which f the fllwing might Jeremy get frm the man?
    A. Handicrafts.
    B. A persnalized present.
    C. An experience-based present.
    13. What is the man’s attitude twards the wman’s recmmendatins?
    A. Favrable.B. Unfavrable.C. Ambiguus.
    14. What is the man?
    A. A hst.B. An entrepreneur.C. A human resurces directr.
    15. What was the wman like befre she started her business?
    A. She was a knwn cder.
    B. She had a very ambitius gal.
    C. She had n interest in technlgy.
    16. What was the hardest part f the wman’s jurney?
    A. Standing ut in the market.
    B. Getting the right staff members.
    C. Cnvincing investrs t trust her.
    17. Which suggestin des the man strngly apprve f?
    A. Learning t embrace failure.
    B. Maintaining a supprtive netwrk.
    C. Making success scially meaningful.
    18. Why des the Schl Student Unin rganize the game?
    A. T pick ut talented athletes.
    B. T prmte students’ physical health.
    C. T help students take a break frm study.
    19. When can students sign up fr the game?
    A. At 7:00 a.m. n Mnday.B. At 10:00 a.m. n Thursday.C. At 9:00 a.m. n Saturday.
    20. What des the speaker remind students t d in the end?
    A. Learn sme basketball skills.
    B. Frm a team with their friends.
    C. Bear the values f sprts in mind.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    What t see in Serbia first? Here is a list f the mst interesting sights in this cuntry.
    Belgrade Frtress (Belgrade)
    At the very heart f the Serbian capital city, where the river Sava meets the Danube, twers a mnumental frtress frm which mdern Belgrade riginally emerged. Set up in the 1st century, the frt was built and rebuilt mre than 40 times ver the centuries. The frt’s bldy histry nly makes the frtress mre fascinating.
    Nikla Tesla Museum (Belgrade)
    Nikla Tesla Museum was pened in Belgrade, the capital, in 1952. It is entirely dedicated t the life and inventins f the famus engineer, a genius f the 20th century — Nikla Tesla. The museum presents many mdels f devices invented by Tesla and films abut the great scientist.
    Drwengrad (Uzice)
    This traditinal village was built by the enigmatic filmmaker Emir Kusturica in 2004, fr his film Life is a Miracle. “I lst my city during the war. That is why I wished t build my wn village,” Kusturica says. Peple can take a retr train t get there. Drvengrad is at its busiest during the annual Küstendrf Internatinal Film and Music Festival.
    Fruska Gra Natinal Park (Nvi Sad)
    Fruska Gra has acquired the status f a natinal park because f the huge number f rare trees and shrubs. If yu wuld like t spend a cuple f days relaxing and enjying the nature f the Balkans, cme here. Peple cme t the park with tents fr family vacatins, rasting kebabs and taking pictures in nature.
    21. What d Belgrade Frtress and Nikla Tesla Museum have in cmmn?
    A. They have an equally lng histry.B. They are lcated in the capital.
    C. They are in hnr f smene.D. They are in defense f Serbia.
    22. What can visitrs d at Drwengrad?
    A. Purchase suvenirs.B. Enjy a film.
    C. Hld festivals.D. Take a train.
    23. Where might visitrs g if they are tired f the city life?
    A. Belgrade Frtress.B. Nikla Tesla Museum.
    C. Drwengrad.D. Fruska Gra Natinal Park.
    The law f supply and demand determines that an verabundance f anything will lead t a decrease in price. This rule applies nt nly t gds and services, but als t lifestyle and fashin trends.
    In the 19th century, the primitive paintings f Picass and Matisse shk up the psitive image f the French burgeisie (中产阶级). In the 1970s, talented musicians with tailred cstumes and egs were vershadwed by a band f punk rckers wh sang abut the harsh realities f rdinary life in pr urban areas.
    I predict that this will als happen with beauty standards. The idealized versin f life prtrayed in fashin magazines will reach a turning pint, as peple becme tired f unattainable perfectin.
    During my time in Washingtn D.C. in the 1990s, I had the pprtunity t interact with numerus plitical celebrities. While chatting with frmer presidents r bumping int TV pundits (名嘴) in elevatrs, I als assisted frmer Secretary f Defense Rbert McNamara, wh was my bss’s bss. What struck me was hw rdinary these peple appeared in real life despite their public characters. Like everyne else, they grappled with insecurities and md swings, even thugh they were cnstantly under the sptlight.
    Yes, it was great t drp names n the phne t my friends. My father, f curse, culdn’t understand why I wuld ever want t leave. “Because yu’re nt me and I’m nt impressed,” I tld him. We d nt need t lead a luxurius life r make grundbreaking achievements t be cntent. Happiness can be fund in living ut the rdinary mments f an authentic life.
    Mst f us end up being rdinary peple withut ding anything that changes the wrld, but that des nt mean ur lives are meaningless. In fact, it is precisely this realizatin that leads t sustainable happiness because, when all is said and dne, n ne’s lifestyle is essentially better than any ther’s.
    24. Which f the fllwing phrase can best replace the underline phrase in paragraph 4?
    A. struggled withB. put up withC. came up withD. fught with
    25. What’s the authr’s father’s attitude twards his decisin t leave Washingtn D.C.?
    A. supprtiveB. indifferentC. ppsedD. unimpressed
    26. What des the authr’s bservatin abut plitical celebrities suggest?
    A. They are just like rdinary peple.
    B. They lack the ability t lead a nrmal life.
    C. They are nt as successful as they claim t be.
    D. They are nt as intelligent as they appear n TV.
    27. What des the authr want t imply in the last paragraph?
    A. Peple shuld strive fr a better lifestyle.
    B. N ne’s lifestyle is inherently superir t thers’.
    C. Peple shuld be cntent with their wn lifestyles.
    D. Peple shuld critically evaluate ther peple’s lifestyles.
    In Japan, the new year began with disaster as a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Nt Peninsula (能登半岛) n the cuntry’s western edge n Mnday. Mre than 2,000 active fault lines (断层线) lie beneath Japan, making it ne f the mst earthquake-prne cuntries in the wrld.
    Many scientists have lng cnsidered earthquake frecasting t be impssible. But given recent imprvements in artificial intelligence, sme researchers have been studying whether that culd change.
    Last fall, researchers at the University f Texas at Austin increased such hpes fr earthquake predictin with a seven-mnth trial in China. In all, the algrithm (演算法) successfully frecast 14 earthquakes, each within abut 200 miles f its actual epicenter (震中). Meanwhile, it missed ne quake and predicted eight that never happened. The trial was part f an internatinal cmpetitin, ne f a few such events held in recent years t advance earthquake predictin technlgies.
    Sergey Fmel, a gescientist at UT Austin and a member f the research team, says in a statement. “We’re nt yet clse t making predictins fr anywhere in the wrld, but what we achieved tells us that what we thught was an impssible prblem is slvable in principle.”
    Additinally, machine learning culd help detect hidden patterns in data r cllect mre data t better infrm earthquake frecasting, Hutchisn writes fr MIT Technlgy Review. Fr example, sme researchers are shwing hw A. I. might use recrdings frm a specific seismic site t anticipate an earthquake’s magnitude. One team has built and trained neural netwrks t predict where aftershcks may ccur after an initial strike. And thers are using machine learning t identify and extract seismic waves—the vibratins that spread thrugh the earth during tectnic activity (构造活动)—frm ther nises in the grund.
    28. What’s the functin f the first paragraph?
    A. T explain a cncept.B. T intrduce a new tpic.
    C. T supply a summary.D. T prvide an example.
    29. What made sme researchers ptimistic abut the earthquake frecasting?
    A. The recent prgress in theries.
    B. The use f traditinal methds.
    C. The increasing number f earthquakes.
    D. The advancements in artificial intelligence.
    30. What d we knw frm the third paragraph?
    A. The trial was cnducted by Chinese.
    B. The algrithm was ttally successful.
    C. A. I. shws prmise in earthquake predictin.
    D. The A. I. cmpetitin nly fcused n earthquakes.
    31. What is the best title fr the passage?
    A. Japan’s Vulnerability t Earthquakes
    B. Helper in Predicting Earthquakes—A.I.
    C. The Impssibility f Earthquake Predictin
    D. Internatinal Effrts t Predict Earthquakes
    When I pulled ut a cpy f The Lst Wrds, my seven-year-ld sn stared in amazement. When I pened it up, it spread acrss bth f ur laps. He read the inner title page alud—“The Lst Wrds: A Spell Bk”—and then lked up dubtfully. “It’s a spell bk? Like a magic spell bk?”
    Indeed, that’s exactly what Rbert Macfarlane and Jackie Mrris set ut t d when they made this bk. They were respnding t a decisin by the Oxfrd Junir Dictinary t remve arund 40 cmmn wrds related t nature frm its 2007 editin. They were replaced by wrds like blg, bradband, cut-and-paste and vicemail. The tw creatrs saw this as a tragic lss fr children.
    Macfarlane wrte fr The Guardian abut a 2009 study frm Cambridge University that fund children were better at identifying Pkémn characters than cmmn British plant and wildlife species. They had arund 80% accuracy fr Pkémn, but less than 50%fr real-life species. The paper cncluded children have the tremendus ability t learn abut creatures, bth natural and man-made, but are currently mre inspired by made-up creatures than by “living nes”. S we need “t re-establish children’s links with nature”.
    The Lst Wrds aims t d that. The bk features 20 wrds, each with three-page spreads. First cmes a wrd search, where a child can decde (破译) the letters and the name f the species, painted in gld. Next, there’s a pem based n each wrd, accmpanied by a full-page painting. These are called “spells” rather than pems because they’re designed t be spken ut lud t bring back these wrds and creatures int the minds f children.
    Eventually, there’s a full duble-page waterclr illustratin f the plant r animal in its native habitat. The bk was published in 2017 and I’m srry it’s taken me these years t discver it. But its message remains relevant. If there are yung children in yur life, this is a bk well wrth checking ut f the library r adding t yur cllectin.
    32. What made Macfarlane and Mrris create the bk?
    A. Their interest in nature.
    B. The magic f the natural wrld.
    C. The lss f many natural species.
    D. Their cncern abut the practice f a dictinary.
    33. What is the main idea f the third paragraph?
    A. Kids knw real species.B. Kids have a learning talent.
    C. Kids need t cnnect with nature.D. Kids prefer Pkémn t real species.
    34. Why are the pems in “The Lst Wrds” referred t as “spells”?
    A. They cntain magical elements.
    B. They are meant t be recited alud.
    C. They help children learn new wrds.
    D. They are accmpanied by illustratins.
    35. What is the text?
    A. A news reprt.B. A shrt stry.C. A bk review.D. A research article.
    Hw t Stp Being Angry?
    When yu are angry, yu make ill-cnsidered decisins that yu will prbably regret. What can be dne t cntrl anger and prevent it frm ruining ur lives? Here are sme ways yu can try.
    Yu need t change yur attitude. Accept smetimes things d g wrng and that peple are nt always lvely. 36 Als, yu need t accept nt everyne has the same standards as yu, nr will they behave in the same way yu wuld in a given situatin.
    37 There are ccasins when anger can be directed in such a way as t achieve great things. Martin Luther King and Gandhi was angry abut what they saw as injustice. 38
    It is beneficial t stp trying t manage yur anger. Anger management used t be prmted as a way f dealing with anger, but all that happens is that the anger is suppressed. 39 Once yu knw why yu get mad, then it is pssible t deal with the cause.
    Dn’t take the easy way when yu get angry. We all want t thrw smething, hit smething (r even smene) , r scream when angry. A reactin like that is the easy way. By learning cntrl, yu can becme a much calmer, less vlatile (情绪不稳定) persn. Yu must recgnize anger is smething yu can cntrl. 40 Make changes t yur lifestyle and attitudes, and yu will find that yu will turn angry much less ften, if at all.
    A. Dn’t dismiss anger as a bad emtin.
    B. Yu need t learn nt t respnd at all.
    C. This applies t wrk, day-t-day life, and relatinships.
    D. A much better way f facing up t anger is t identify the rt cause.
    E. Realizing that n ne is perfect is a gd start t aviding getting angry.
    F. They bth used that anger t mtivate themselves t fight fr their rights.
    G. That cntrl will cme nce yu identify what is at the rt f yur anger.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    “I dn’t want t see that cat in ur yard again,” my husband said as he shed the beautiful cat back int the neighbr’s yard. “I dn’t appreciate her cat 41 in ur yard,” he insisted. Sighing, I sent ff a quick 42 t ur sweet neighbr, Cheryl, infrming her f my husband’s 43 f cats. “I’ll d my best,” she replied sme time later, “but it’s kind f hard 44 where she ges when I let her utside.”
    The fllwing mrning, Jhn std at the windw in ur bedrm. “Yu aren’t ging t 45 this,” he said in a lw vice. “Cme lk!” “Oh, my Gd!” I cried 46 . Right in the center f ur yard were tw 47 grundhgs (土拨鼠). Jhn raised the 48 , and the tw raced int the wds 49 . That evening, I happened t glance ut the windw, nly t see a big fat grundhg chewing n the flwers we’d planted. “Smething’s gt t be dne!” Jhn shuted. He surfed the Internet and lked up what 50 the grundhg culd cause and hw they culd be 51 . “The grundhgs d nt like cats. That’s 52 … in fact, they hate the 53 f siled kitty litter. Um… why dn’t yu text Cheryl and let her knw the cat ban has been 54 ?” I culdn’t help smiling t myself.
    That evening, we sptted the sweet yellw cat in ur yard searching mice. The grundhgs were nwhere t be 55 . “It’s a beautiful evening, isn’t it?” My husband smiled as we sat n the sfa.
    41. A. huntingB. appearingC. dashingD. rlling
    42. A. nteB. letterC. mailD. text
    43. A. affectinB. dislikeC. fancyD. chice
    44. A. cntrllingB. tellingC. rderingD. persuading
    45. A. frgetB. missC. believeD. catch
    46. A. in angerB. in messC. in surpriseD. in cautin
    47. A. enrmusB. cuteC. fierceD. elegant
    48. A. curtainB. glassC. windwD. flag
    49. A. leisurelyB. quietlyC. prudlyD. directly
    50. A. damageB. wrryC. diseaseD. fault
    51. A. died ffB. taken ffC. laid ffD. driven ff
    52. A. cnfusingB. interestingC. encuragingD. disgusting
    53. A. feelB. tasteC. smellD. sund
    54. A. plishedB. remvedC. easedD. reslved
    55. A. caughtB. seenC. heldD. tuched
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Layue is regarded as a preparatry phase fr the upcming Spring Festival. It is the 56 (twelve) mnth f the traditinal Chinese calendar.
    57 (fall) n January 18 this year, Laba Festival was traditinally 58 ccasin t hnr their ancestrs, and pray t deities, heaven, and earth fr a gd harvest and gd luck. The last lunar mnth is called “la” in Chinese, and “eight’’ is prnunced “ba” in Chinese, This is 59 the name f the festival cmes frm. The custm 60 this day is t eat Laba prridge, cked with a mix f eight ingredients, as eight is a 61 (frtune) number in Chinese culture. 62 (it) recipe varies acrss China depending n reginal availability. Nwadays, 63 (bil) with sugar fr at least fur hurs, Laba Prridge is regarded as a nutritius fd. Distributin f Laba prridge at Ynghe Lamasery (雍和宫) in Beijing is ne f the mst famus activities. Tday, waiting 64 (eager) in queues at the temples, peple 65 (expect) t nt just share a bwl f prridge, but be a part f the traditin and share the jys and expectatins f the cming year.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1. 交流的目的;
    2. 告知相关事宜;
    3. 征求意见。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    As an independent, self-reliant persn wh always handled everything by myself, I didn’t expect parenting t be hard. Oh, sure, it’s difficult fr ther peple. I heard parents cmplaining all the time — kids are challenging; nthing is ever clean; there’s nt enugh time in the day t d everything. But that was “ther peple” and I knew I culd handle it. Hw cmplicated culd it be?
    I’d always dreamed f adpting a child, and finally my dream came true ne summer afternn. Even thugh we had requested nly ne child, the wrker asked, “Culd yu take anther baby and his eleven-year-ld brther?” Of curse, we culd. We had rm t have all three bys tgether.
    The first week after they mved in, I spent my days rushing frm task t task, cleaning and making sure they had all they needed. I cnstantly rganized ur living rm, which was suddenly full f tys, and picked up the path f destructin left in the bys’ wake. Cking and cleaning after meals and snacks seemed t take half f my day. I hardly ever sat; smething always needed t be dne.
    “I think we need a break,” my husband tld me ne evening as I was falling asleep n the cuch as usual.
    “N,” I refused. The idea f sending them t a stranger sickened me. Hwever, with each passing day, I was grwing mre and mre exhausted. Besides meeting the physical needs f the bys, there were medical and emtinal needs. Bth the little nes cnstantly clung (黏住) t me. It was never quiet in ur huse; I felt verwhelmed.
    One night, my husband said firmly that he needed a break. Whether I “needed” ne r nt, we were ging t take ne. With tears rlling dwn my cheeks, I ndded, knwing it was true, althugh I didn’t want t admit my weakness.
    I called my parents. __________________________________________________________________________
    Asking fr help is smething I must keep re-learning as time ges n, but it’s getting easier. _________________
    柳州高中、南宁三中2024届一轮复习诊断性联考英语 参考答案
    听力:1-5 BBAAC 6-10 BABAA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BCCBC
    阅读: 21-23 BBD 24-27 ACAC 28-31 BDCB 32-35 DCBC 36-40 EAFDG
    完形填空:41-45 BDBAC 46-50 CACDA 51-55 DBCBB
    语填:56. twelfth 57. Falling 58. an 59. where 60. n
    61. frtunate 62. Its 63. biled 64. eagerly 65. are expecting
    1. 交流目的:促进对于传统艺术形式的了解/促进不同文化的交流/增强审美能力;
    2. 告知事宜:活动内容+活动形式+时间;
    3. 询问安排是否合理+欢迎对方共同参与提出建议期待对方回复。
    Dear Tm,
    I’m Li Hua. Exceedingly thrilled abut ur upcming virtual lessn entitled “Traditinal Arts”, I’m writing t prpse sme ideas and cnfirm relevant details n behalf f my class.
    The lessn will serve as a platfrm, where students can realize traditinal arts are nt nly the essential elements f a culture, but als the pride f a cuntry. S, fr ur part, several typical flk arts will be intrduced, including Paper cutting, Chinese clay art and s n. T achieve the best effect, interactive frms, such as live shws and presentatins, will be adpted. As fr the time, we’d like t have the lessn scheduled between March 4 and March 7, lasting 4 hurs.
    Des ur prpsal wrk well n yur side? Any suggestins r questins, feel free t cntact me.
    Li Hua
    I called my parents. Hearing what happened, they agreed t cme immediately. When seeing my parents with tys, bth little bys let g f my hands and reach t tuch them. Within a few mments, ur kids were thrilled t play with their grandparents. Watching them play with smiles n their faces, I felt a sudden wave f relief wash ver me. My husband I and spent the evening relaxing and spending time tgether. I slept late the next mrning and spent the day enjying the sunshine as I wrked in my garden.
    Asking fr help is smething I must keep re-learning as time ges n, but it’s getting easier. Nw we regularly ask ur parents t take care f the kids s we can take date nights r even quick trips as a cuple. I’ve learned t embrace rest. I dn’t need t wrk every secnd f the day; things dn’t have t be perfect. My huse is nt always as clean as I wuld like, and smetimes we eat frzen pizza fr dinner. But embracing self-care and asking fr help allw each day t be filled with lve and laughter instead f anxiety and frustratin.

    12,2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题: 这是一份12,2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题,共10页。

    2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题(含答案): 这是一份2024届广西柳州高中、南宁三中高三一轮复习诊断性联考英语试题(含答案),共10页。

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