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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分60分)
    Bike Rental & Guided Turs
    Welcme t Amsterdam, welcme t MacBike. Yu see much mre frm the seat f a bike! Cycling is the mst ecnmical, sustainable and fun way t explre the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and cuntless lights. Yu can als bike alng lvely landscapes utside f Amsterdam.
    Why MacBike
    MacBike has been arund fr almst 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental cmpany in Amsterdam. With ver 2,500 bikes stred in ur five rental shps al strategic lcatins, we make sure there is always a bike available fr yu. We ffer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with ft brake(刹车), bikes with handbrake and gears(排挡), bikes with child seats, and children’s bikes.
    Guided City Turs
    The 2.5-hur tur cvers the Gyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much mre. The tur departs frm Dam Square every hur n the hur, starting at 1:00 pm every day. Yu can buy yur ticket in a MacBike shp r bk nline.
    21.What is an advantage f MacBike?
    A. It gives children a discunt.B. It f ffers many types f bikes.
    C. It rganizes free cycle turs.D. It has ver 2,500 rental shps.
    22. Hw much d yu pay fr renting a bike with hand brake and three gears fr tw days?
    A. €15.75.B. €19.50.C. €22.75.D. €29.50.
    23. Where des the guided city tur start?
    A. The Gyer, Windmill.B. The Skinny Bridge.
    C. Heineken Brewery.D. Dam Square.
    When I was a by grwing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk t ur drstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wre a white cap and drve a white truck. As a 5-year-ld by, I culdn’t take my eyes ff the cin changer fixed t his belt. He nticed this ne day during a delivery and gave me a quarter ut f his cin changer.
    Of curse, he delivered mre than milk. There was cheese, eggs and s n. If we needed t change ur rder, my mther wuld pen a nte—“Please add a bttle f buttermilk next delivery”—and place it in the bx alng with the empty bttles. And then, the buttermilk wuld magically appear.
    All f this was abut mre than cnvenience. There existed a clse relatinship between families and their milkmen. Mr. Basille even had a key t ur huse, fr thse times when it was s cld utside that we put the bx indrs, s that the milk wuldn’t freeze. And I remember Mr. Basille frm time t time taking a break at ur kitchen table, having a cup f tea and telling stries abut his delivery.
    There is sadly n hme milk delivery tday. Big cmpanies allwed the prductin f cheaper milk, thus making it difficult fr milkmen t cmpete. Besides, milk is fr sale everywhere, and it may just nt have been practical t have a delivery service.
    Recently, an ld milk bx in the cuntryside I saw brught back my childhd memries, I tk it hme and planted it n the back prch(门廊). Every s ften my sn’s friends will ask what it is. S I start telling stries f my byhd, and f the milkman wh brught us friendship alng with his milk.
    24. Mr. Basille gave the by a quarter ut f his cin changer t ___________.
    A. shw his magical pwerB. pay fr the delivery
    C. satisfy his curisityD. please his mther
    25. What can be inferred frm the fact that the milkman had the key t the by’s huse?
    A. He wanted t have tea there.B. He was a respectable persn.
    C. He was treated as a family member.D. He was fully trusted by the family.
    26. Why des hme milk delivery n lnger exist?
    A. Nbdy wants t be a milkman nw.B. It has been driven ut f the market.
    C. Its service is getting pr.D. It is nt allwed by law.
    27. Why did the authr bring back hme an ld milk bx?
    A. He missed the gd ld days.B. He wanted t tell interesting stries.
    C. He needed it fr his milk bttles.D. He planted flwers in it.
    Next mnth, I’m travelling t a remte area f Central Africa and my aim is t knw enugh Lingala-ne f the lcal languages-t have a cnversatin. I wasn’t sure hw I was ging t manage this-until I discvered a way t learn all the vcabulary I’m ging t need. Thanks t Memrise, the applicatin I’m using. Il feels just like a game.
    “Peple ften stp learning things because they feel they’re nt making prgress r because it all feels like t much hard wrk,” says Ed Cke, ne f the peple wh created Memrise. “We’re trying t create a frm f learning experience that is fun and is smething yu’d want t d instead f watching TV.”
    Memrise gives yu a few new wrds t learn and these are “seed” which yu plant in yur “greenhuse”. When yu learn the wrds, yu “water yur plants”. When the applicatin believes that yu’ve really memrised a wrd, it mves the wrd t yur “garden”. And if yu frget t lg n, the applicatin sends yu e-mails, reminding yu t “water yur plants”.
    The applicatin uses tw principles abut learning. The first is that peple memrise a new thing better when they link it t a picture in their mind. Memrise translates wrds int yur wn language, but it als encurages yu t use “mems”. Fr example, I memrised “mtele”, the Lingala wrd fr “engine”, using a mem I created-I imagined an ld engine in a mtel(汽车旅馆)rm.
    The secnd principle is that we need t stp after studying wrds and then repeat them again later, leaving time between study sessins. Memrise helps yu with this, because it’s the kind f applicatin yn nly use fr five r ten minutes a day.
    I’ve learnt hundreds f Lingala wrds with Memrise. I knw this wn’t make me a fluent speaker, but I hpe I’ll be able t d mre than just smile when I meet peple in Cng. Nw, I need t g and water my vcabulary!
    28. What des Ed Cke make an effrt t d with Memrise?
    A. Create memrable experiences.B. Make prgress with hard wrk.
    C. Learn wrds rather than watch TV.D. Cmbine study with entertainment.
    29. What are yu ding when yu “water yur plants”?
    A. Lgging n t the applicatin.B. Being a Memrise user.
    C. Learning the vcabulary.D. Mving wrds t yur garden.
    30. Hw des Memrise wrk?
    A. By linking different mems tgether.B. By putting knwledge int practice.
    C. By ffering peple translatin services.D. By applying an assciative memry apprach.
    31. What is the authr’s attitude twards Memrise?
    A. Dubtful.B. Psitive.C. Uninterested.D. Negative.
    Peple tend t cnnect t their cultural r ethnic grup thrugh similar fd patterns. Immigrants ften use fd as a means f maintaining their cultural identity. Peple frm different cultural backgrunds eat different fds. The ingredients, methds f preparatin, preservatin techniques, and types f fd eaten at different mealtimes vary amng cultures. The areas in which families live and where their ancestrs riginated influence fd likes and dislikes. These fd preferences result in patterns f fd chices within a cultural r reginal grup.
    Natins r cuntries are frequently assciated with certain fds. Fr example, many peple assciate Italy with pizza and pasta(意大利面食).Yet Italians eat many ther fds,and types f pasta dishes vary thrughut Italy. Methds f preparatin and types f fd in a natin vary by regin. Sme families in the United States prefer t eat “meat and ptates”, but “meat and ptates” are nt eaten n a regular basis, nr even preferred, by many in the United States and wuld nt be labeled a natinal cuisine.
    Reginal fd habits d exist, but they als change ver time. As peple immigrate, fd practices and preferences are imprted and exprted. Families mve t ther lcatins, bringing their fd preferences with them. They may use their ld recipes with new ingredients, r experiment with new recipes. In additin, fd itself is imprted frm ther cuntries. Abut 80 percent f Sama’s fd requirements are imprted frm the United States, New Zealand, r Australia. Because peple and fd arc mbile, attempts t characterize a cuntry r peple by what they eat are ften inaccurate.
    Even the rle f cnversatin during mealtime varies frm place t place. Many families believe that mealtime is a gd time t catch up n the lives f family and friends. Amng ther families, cnversatin during a meal is acceptable, but the tpics f cnversatin are limited. In sme Sutheast Asian cuntries, it is cnsidered plite t limit cnversatin during a meal.
    Fd traditins vary widely thrughut the wrld. Hwever, in mst parts f the wrld, fd is assciated with hspitality(好客)and expressin f friendship. Therefre, sensitivity t fd rules and custms is imprtant in building and strengthening crss-cultural relatinships.
    32. What can be learned abut Italians’ eating habits?
    A. They differ frm regin t regin.B. They center n meat and ptates.
    C. They mainly cnsist f pizza and pasta.D. They are similar t American eating habits.
    33. What is the authr trying t reveal with the example f Sama?
    A. Peple are frming new fd preferences.
    B. Peple can’t be simply defined by their fd.
    C. Peple dn’t have the same fd requirements.
    D. Peple are develping a liking fr internatinal fd.
    34.What des the underlined part “catch up n” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Learn abut.B. Make up fr.C. Cntinue with.D. Make a difference t.
    35. What advice is given in the last paragraph?
    A. Expressin f friendship shuld be apprpriate.
    B. Awareness f fd cultures shuld be develped.
    C. Crss-cultural relatinships shuld be built cntinually.
    D. Fd traditins shuld be passed n frm generatin t generatin.
    Lking fr a way t cnnect with nature but yu’re nt sure hw t when yu live in the city? Here are a few ways t live in harmny with nature and reduce yur pressure.
    G n a wildlife walk.
    There’s lts f urban wildlife fr yu t discver, s yu can reach ut t yur city park departments t get sme valuable infrmatin. 36 A wildlife walk is ne f the easiest ways t cnnect with nature because it helps yu t realize that yu’re surrunded by nature.
    Nthing will make yu feel as clsely cnnected with the earth as walking withut shes n grass fr a cuple f minutes. This very direct cnnectin with nature will make yu realize that yu’re part f the huge wrld, helping yu t relax and feel calmer.
    Attract nature yurself.
    One f the best ways t cnnect with nature is t make it cme t yu. 38 Yu can als fill sme tubs(盆)with flwers t attract butterflies. Create a friendly place fr nature and yu’re sure t attract all kinds f beings passing clse t yur hme.
    Create a small garden.
    Plants and flwers are part f nature as well and even the tiniest amunt f space can be turned int a beautiful garden. If yu’ve gt a balcny(阳台), fill it with pts full f flwers. 39 Imagine hw satisfying it wuld be t share them with yur friends and family.
    Use these tips fr cnnecting with nature and living a mre cmfrtable lifestyle in a big city. 40
    A. Have a walk in a park.
    B. Take ff yur shes and walk bareft(赤脚的).
    C. Yu can grw yur wn vegetables n it as well.
    D. Yu can put a bird feeder n yur balcny r by yur windw.
    E. Meantime, this is the best methd f imprving yur health and well-being.
    F. They ften ffer guided walks t help yu enjy the natural beauty in yur cities.
    G. It’s a different way f experiencing nature helping yu enjy it frm a different angle.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分40分)
    At an airprt I verheard a father and daughter in their last mments tgether. The airline had annunced her plane’s 41 and he said t his daughter, “I lve yu. I wish yu enugh.”
    She said, “Daddy, ur life tgether has been mre than enugh. Yur 42 is all I needed. I wish yu enugh, t, Daddy.” They kissed gd-bye and she left.
    I culd see he wanted and needed t cry. I tried nt t 43 his privacy, but he welcmed me in by asking. “Did yu ever say gd-bye t smene knwing it wuld be 44 ?” “Yes.” I replied.
    Saying that brught back memries I had f expressing my lve and 45 fr all my Dad had dne fr me. Recgnizing that his days were 46 . I kept telling him face t face hw much he meant t me 47 I knew what this man was experiencing.
    “Why is this a frever gd-bye?” I asked.
    “I am ld and she lives t far away. Aad the 48 is, her next trip back will be fr my funeral(葬礼).” he said.
    “When yu were saying gd-bye I heard yu say, ‘I wish yu enugh’. What des that mean?”
    He began t smile. “That’s a wish that has been 49 frm ther generatins. My parents used t say it t everyne.” He paused and lked up as if trying t remember it 50 . He smiled even mre.
    “When we said ‘I wish yu enugh’, we wanted yu t have a life filled with enugh gd things t 51 yu,” he cntinued and shared the fllwing as if he were reciting it frm 52 .
    “I wish yu enugh sun t keep yur attitude bright. I wish yu enugh pain s that the smallest 53 in life appears much bigger. I wish yu enugh gain t satisfy yur desire. I wish yu enugh lss t appreciate all that yu 54 .”
    He then began t 55 and walked away.
    41. A. leavingB. arrivalC. delayD. cancel
    42. A. grceryB. wealthC. rewardD. lve
    43. A. disturbB. evaluateC. shelterD. pursue
    44. A. tempraryB. separateC. blankD. frever
    45. A. sympathyB. appreciatinC. apprvalD. greatness
    46. A. preciseB. numerusC. limitedD. wasted
    47. A. NaturallyB. GraduallyC. UnexpectedlyD. Hpefully
    48. A. dreamB. secretC. chanceD. reality
    49. A. carried utB. handed dwnC. wrn dwnD. srted ut
    50. A. in detailB. in actinC. n purpseD. with regret
    51. A. accessB. hstC. labelD. supprt
    52. A. histryB. textC. memryD. childhd
    53. A. sadnessB. misfrtuneC. jyD. mistake
    54. A. abandnB. pssessC. wnderD. expect
    55. A. smileB. weepC. freezeD. shut
    May 21st this year marks the first Internatinal Tea Day, which 56 (name) by the United Natins n Nvember 27th, 2019. 57 (celebrate) the festival, a number f events tk place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing n Thursday.
    The chairman f the China Culture Prmtin Sciety 58 (address) the pening ceremny. “As a main prmter f the Internatinal Tea Day. the birthplace f tea 59 the largest tea-prducing cuntry, China has a 60 (respnsible) t wrk with ther cuntries t prmte the healthy develpment f the tea industry. It can help t build a cmmunity with 61 shared future fr mankind,” he said.
    The “First Internatinal Tea Day Tea Rad Cperative Initiative” issued at the ceremny calls 62 peple wrking in the tea industry t cme tgether t prmte internatinal cperatin and 63 (culture) exchanges. A fur-year tea prmtin-Tea Rad Cperative Plan-was als issued in accrdance with the initiative.
    T strengthen the cnnectin with yung peple, the event included a number f public prmtinal activities n scial media, 64 (invite)twenty-nine tea prfessinals frm arund the wrld t have thirty-six hurs f uninterrupted live bradcasts.
    The Chinese Ancient Tea Museum was 65 (fficial) unveiled(揭幕)at the ceremny pening its first exhibitin: The Avenue f Truth-A Special Exhibitin f Pu’er Tea.
    66. I can understand yur ________________ (anxius), but please try nt t wrry.
    67. Hearing the news, he was ________________ (visible) shcked.
    68. A dirty stream, fr example, ften became clear after flwing thrugh plants and alng rcks ________________ tiny creature lived.
    69. ________________ is s breathtaking abut the experience is the ut-f-this-wrld scenes.
    70. The reasn fr their failure yu knw is ________________ they are lazy.
    71. A regular breakfast ________________ (由…组成) sybeans, an egg, a bwl f prridge, crn, a sweet ptat, meat and tw kinds f fruit.
    72. After ________________ (参加) varius scial activities is the best way t vercme culture shck.
    73. Please cme t the frnt ________________ (轮流) t cllect yur bks.
    74. With the manager gne, they are discussing wh shuld be put ________________ (主管) the sales team.
    75. All scientists ________________ (赞成) the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due t the burning f fssil fuels.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
    假定你是李华,你校英文报Health and Fd栏目正在开展有关健康饮食的活动,向全体同学征稿,请你以“Be a Wise Eater”为题,用英语写一篇短文,向该栏目投稿。内容包括:
    1. 健康饮食的重要性;
    2. 健康饮食的建议:
    3. 发出倡议。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Lee tk a deep breath and let it ut slwly. When his lungs felt cmfrtable, he dived beneath the water. Lking up, he culd see the bright sun shinning n the water’s surface. “Sn,” Lee thught, “I shall be able t hld my breath as lng as David. Then I, t, shall be able t dive fr pearls.”
    With lungs burning, he quickly surfaced and gasped(喘气)fr breath. Lee was small fr his twelve years, and he hated being treated as a child. David, his ld brther, had been lked upn as a man lng befre he was Lee’s age.
    Nw, every day as the sun warmed the bay, David and the ther yung men went ut t dive fr ysters(牡蛎). With luck, there wuld be pearls in many f them. Many times Lee begged t g alng, but David always refused.
    S every day Lee wuld g t the shallw water t practice. With each day’s effrt, his diving imprved and he felt much at hme in the water. “Tmrrw I shall challenge David.” Lee decided. The next mrning, Lee rse early, hurrying t catch up with David, wh was already n the beach. “David, wait!” called Lee.
    The grup f men arund David grew quiet. Lee cntinued, “David, I say that I can hld my breath under the water as lng as yu can. If I win, I ask nly that yu treat me as a man and let me dive by yur side.”
    The men f the village gasped(倒抽气)and began t laugh. David lked amused, “And what if when yu lse?”
    “I will nt lse!” He tk a breath, “But if I shuld, I prmise nt t ask t g with yu fr a full year! The men f the village are here t judge.”
    Hearing this, David lked surprised.
    1. 续写词数应为80左右;
    2. 续写部分开头已为你写好;
    Hand Brake, Three Gears
    Ft Brake, N Gears I hur
    1 hurs
    3 hurs
    1 day (24 hurs)
    Each additinal day
    subscribe t get invlved in in turn insist n cnsist f in charge f
    Be a Wise Eater
    But with all f his friends lking n, David had n chice but t agree.

    广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题(无答案): 这是一份广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题(无答案),共8页。试卷主要包含了02),75等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    71,广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题(): 这是一份71,广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高二上学期开学英语试题(),共8页。试卷主要包含了02),75等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    59,广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题: 这是一份59,广东省惠州市惠东县2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次质量检测英语试题,共7页。试卷主要包含了 C 22, D 25, A 29, A 33,E 37, C 51等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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